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Lecture Guide: Consciousness, Sleep Patterns & Sleep Theories

I. Defining Consciousness:
a. Definition: awareness of _________________________________
b. Spontaneous states of consciousness: _________________________________
c. Physiologically induced states of consciousness: __________________________________________
d. Psychologically induced states of consciousness: __________________________________________
e. Hallucinations: false sensory experiences; occur without a _________________________
II. Sleep Patterns
a. Biological Rhythms of Sleep
i. Circadian rhythm: the biological clock; bodily rhythms
1. 24 hour cycle
2. Temperature changes: as morning approaches, body temperature
________, fluctuates during the day, then __________ in the evening
3. Circadian rhythm and age:
a. Teens and young adults are __________________
b. Older adults are __________________
c. At age 20, we begin the shift from ___________________________________
b. Sleep: temporary natural loss of consciousness
i. 90 minute cycles: four stages
1. Waking ____________________
2. Waking ____________________
3. ________________________
4. ________________________
ii. Can be measures with an _________
c. REM Sleep versus NonREM Sleep:
i. REM Sleep (rapid eye movement): recurring sleep stage; __________________ are
1. Also known as paradoxical sleep, because _________________________________,
while other body systems are active
ii. NREM (non-REM) Sleep: all sleep stages except REM
d. Measuring Sleeps Activity
i. Eye Movements
ii. Muscle Tension
iii. EEG Patterns
iv. Alpha Waves: slow brain waves of a __________________________ (right before
falling asleep)
v. Delta Waves: slow brain waves associated with ____________________
e. Parts of sleep
i. NonREM Sleep
ii. NREM-1
1. Myoclonic jerk: brief, ________________________ of a muscle or group of
2. Hypnagogic sensations: includes sensation of _____________________
iii. NREM-2
1. Sleep Spindles: bursts of rapid, rhythmic ____________________
iv. NREM-3: delta waves (deep sleep)
f. What effects our sleep patterns?
i. Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN): pair of cell clusters in the ____________________
that controls the circadian rhythm
ii. Melatonin: SCN causes the _________________________________________________________
(a sleep-inducing hormone) production, which modifies sleepiness
iii. SCN responds to ______________

III. Sleep Theories

a. Sleep protects: we dont need to be awake at night, and sleeping when it is dark
b. Sleeps helps recuperation: restores and repairs ______________________, while pruning
unused connections
c. Memory storage: memory consolidation; sleep strengthens _____________________
d. Sleep and creative thinking: boosts __________________________
e. Sleep supports growth: pituitary releases ________________________ as we sleep
(necessary for growth and muscle development)

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