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History 102 Mid-term Exam Study Guide

Terms (Eight will appear on the exam: you will answer five.)
Fourteenth Amendment IWW USS Maine
Fifteenth Amendment AFL
Sixteenth Amendment Homestead Act Free Silver
Platt Amendment Interstate Commerce Act 369th U.S. Infantry
Booker T. Washington Jane Addams Emilio Aguinaldo
Frederick Douglass Palmer Raids Red Summer
Treaty of Versailles Plessy v. Ferguson
Enforcement Acts Espionage and Sedition Acts Marcus Garvey
Ida B. Wells League of Nations Social Darwinism
Eighteenth Amendment Nineteenth Amendment
Grandfather Clause Atlanta Compromise
Ku Klux Klan CPI Andrew Johnson
Tenure of Office Act Rough Riders Bootlegger
Andrew Carnegie Panic of 1907 Wabash v. Illinois

Essay Questions (Three of the following questions will appear on the exam: answer one.)
1. Explain the course of Reconstruction from 1865 to 1877. Detail the conflicts over the
goals and methods for Reconstruction, and the policies actually enacted. How and why
did Reconstruction end?
2. Compare and contrast the Progressive and Populist movements. What goals did they
have in common? How did their goals differ? Describe the constituencies of both
movements. Were the Progressives more successful? Why or why not?
3. Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson are known as the Progressive Presidents
despite important differences. Why do historians consider them both progresssives?
More importantly, why did they consider themselves progressives? Compare and contrast
their public personas, policy goals, and achievements in office.
4. How did Woodrow Wilsons confidence in progressive democracy influence American
involvement in World War I? Consider U.S. entry into the war, the conduct of the war
itself and his approach to the peace settlement. What were some of the unintended side
effects of these policies?

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