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Mrityunjaya Mantra

Tryambhakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan
Mrityor Mokshiya Maamritat
(Rg Veda 7th Mandala, 59th Chapter)
Wherever Aum is used in Vedas, it is used to indicate the
Universe. According to Mandukya Upanishad (my
interpretation of it), Aum is equivalent to the model of
universe, as it is known today.

Tryambakam -
Tryambakam indicates the three forces that come out of

Nasadiya suktam says at the night of universe, when
everything has been consumed into vyom, amba forms
and shines blissfully. The process by which amba splits,
fuses and originates the natural forces is explained in
Nasadiya Suktam. It says the aim of this is to continuously
evolve into species of higher intelligence. Page 15
The place from which the natural forces originate (the
place of fusion between constituents of Amba) is often
referred to as dyuloka in Vedas and Upanishads. Thus
dyuloka is said to be held or supported by Amba.

According to Aitreya Upanishad from Amba which came

first, the natural forces that originate are marichi, maram
and Apa. Hence Marichi, Maram and Apa are said to be
residing in dyuloka, originating from the fusion of
constituents of Amba. Nasadiya Suktam also says what
constitutes this fusion is not known.
Marichi is a term used in connection with a particle as well
as a field. It is used to denote a field of light, in particular
that of a mirage. It is also used to denote a shining speck
of a particle. Aitreya Upanishad says Marichi forms the

Hence Marichi means field or Quanta of a field that forms

the space. Space is visualized here as a field (or
combination of fields ..?) that originate from Amba. A
Quanta is a manifestation of the field at a particular point,
which occurs when the field manifests itself on matter.

Probably this quanta gives rise to mass of the particle. As I

dig deep into Aitreya Upanishad, there could be some
answers there. Currently this is an assumption.

This Marichi is often referred to as the first world that

came in Vedas and Upanishads. Page 16
Maram means subjected to change or transformation. In
other words, something that is of mortal form. Anything
where change or transformation is perceivable explicitly, it
is called mara or of mortal form. All objects of mara form
die or change perceivably.

All gross substances that are built up of particles of matter

are of mara form. Hence mara could be interpreted as
matter that has a form and is subjected to change and

Aitreya Upanishad says Earth was made of Mara, which

means that it is of mortal form and it will die someday. All
such stars, rocks and planets which came second are
often referred to as the second world.

After all of them came the third world that is Apa. Aitreya
Upanishad says Apa is the one that rose out of the
discharge of the virile Semen of Amba.

Probably it is some kind of primitive biological being that

evolved life subsequently. This world of biological living
beings is described as the third world. If my interpretation
is true and holds good in the scrutiny of scholars, it is
fascinating and perplexing to think that such biological
being is possible even in such environments and
temperatures. Page 17
Also Nasadiya Suktam talks about such a virile semen
(the sperm of the semen or we can call egg of the semen)
situated in a peaking mountain structure of the Amba.

The three forces of Amba

Simplistically put, the first world of Marichi is the world of
physics. The second world of Maram is the world of
Chemistry. The third world of Apa is the world of biology.

Thus Triambakam indicates the three forces that originate

from Amba.

The Fourth one: Guiding force of Purusha

Aitreya Upanishad also describes the fourth one, Purusha,
as the guardian or the guiding force of marichi, maram and
Apa. According to Aitreya, such a Purusha does not
interact with any of these and stands apart from any of
these, but guides/protects them in their evolution. It is said
to have been released from the agitations of Amba and is
present everywhere.

Purusha could be the dark-matter that is formed along with

mara (evolution of matter which I mapped to chemistry),
marichi (quanta of energy that forms various sub-atomic
forces which I map to physics) and Apah (evolution of life
which I map to biology) and guides their evolution further.

Yaj on its own offers, sacrificially
Amahe grants, gives Page 18
Yajamahe means sacrificially grants, sacrificially offers
Sugandhim Pushivardhanam
Sugandhim - Ever spreading Pure
Pushti nourishes
vardhanam grows

Ever spreading pure Growth and nourishment

urVarukam-iva Like Cucumber plant

Bandhanan binding, dependent

Mrtyor death
Moksya to liberate
Mamritat (from) mortality

The Three forces of amba sacrificially offer ever spreading
pure growth and nourishment to the Universe like a
cucumber plant (that spreads in all directions), dependent
on death to liberate from mortality (to provide immortality).

The key thing is 'Death' is a way to achieve immortality.
Death returns the seeds of life back to Universe. Death
gives rise to newer and advanced froms of life and is the
basis of evolution. This law of immortality applies all things
that are mortal. Thus through death, immortality is
achieved for living beings. Page 19
The Universe grows like a cucumber plant nourished by
the three forces of Amba, which are forces of physics,
chemistry and biology. Like a Cucumber fruit that carries
the seed of Cucumber, life (which is a manifestation of
Apa) is carried by Prthvi (Earth) and its beings. Indeed the
'concept' of life is applicable to all matter and beings which
are mortal. Hence every matter including Earth, every
being including the most primitive undergo death to remain
immortal and evolving.

When a cucumber dies (or when it is eaten/consumed), its

seeds get spread in all directions and gives rise to more
lives. Prithvi or Earth (which has life or Apa in it) could be
viewed as a fruit of Cucumber and when it dies, the seeds
of it are carried over to other planets and probably life
spreads and thrives there. When a being dies, it facilitates
the evolution of its progeny by not competing for the same
resources, while at the same time handing over its lessons
of evolution to the progeny.

Death returns the seeds of life back to Earth, which gives

rise to newer, advanced and more adapting forms of life.

Thus Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra teaches us to see death as

a way to be immortal, rather than cringe in fear about
death. Death is not about mortality, but becoming immortal
through evolution is the basic concept of this mantra. Page 20

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