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1. The Texas church shooter, Devin Kelley, you must have seen, assaulted his wife
and daughter in 2012, spent a year in prison and received a bad conduct discharge
from the Air Force.

2. Since 1997, any person convicted of domestic violence is prevented from legally
acquiring any weapon in the US - hereinafter referred to as the "Lautenberg

3. In general, dishonorable discharge are also impediments to buying a gun in the

US. But there is a difference between dishonorable discharges and discharges for
bad conduct, the former being more serious than the latter.

4. Despite this, Kelley was able to go through the background check that everyone
must pass before buying their weapons. He should not, since one or both of the
above conditions would disqualify him. Apparently, he lied on the form. Criminals,
as you know, have no problem lying.

5. Someone clearly screwed up. There was nothing in the National Crimes System
database or the Texas crime system that would prevent him from buying the gun. This
is the problem in relying on government for gun control: governments are usually
lousy in everything they do.

6. Texas is a state that requires authorization to carry a concealed weapon or

handgun. The shooter, curiously, applied for one and had his request denied. But of
course, he did anyway - besides the rifle, at least two pistols. Criminals, as you
know, are not good at respecting laws (by definition).

7. Some newspapers are trying to paint Devin Kelley as a former bible teacher and a
religious extremist. That's FAKE NEWS !!! Many reports point out that Devin was a
well-known atheist activist on social networks who hated religion and said that
"people who believe in God are stupid."

8. Devin Kelley should have been hospitalized long ago if the West had not given up
discussing their "asylum policies" for mentally ill patients. Every time a madman
shoots someone, the left-wing/liberals shifts attention to the gun control debate,
instead of focusing on the mental illness debate! It is important to say, for same
crazy reason, in the newsmedia, the fault is ALWAYS on the object (the gun, the
truck, the knife...) and never on the agent (the killer!).

9. In the end, whoever stopped the threat was a good guy with a gun. Not the
police, not Batman.

10. Stephen Willeford, a 55-year-old Christian plumber, married 30 years ago, who
lived next door to the Church, was awakened from a nap by gunfire. What did he do?
He picked up his rifle (YES !!! This is Texas !!!!), went down without shoes, hid
behind a car and shot the maniac, which became seriously injured (rifles always
hurt badly). That made Devin Kelley stop killing everyone and fled.

11. The story getting even more incredible. Willeford stopped a pickup truck,
Johnnie Langendorff, and said, "I need help! This guy was firing on the people in
the church!" The two then began a chase to the gunman at 150km/h, who, very
injured, finally lost control of the car, hit and (apparently) committed suicide.

12. Criminals lying and circumventing laws to have access to guns, failing
government controls, loose freaks, and good armed Samaritans saving lives: the
right-wing/conservative narrative has never been so evidently correct.
Conclusions: Government is always at fault, and the people keep giving them more
and more responsibility. Willeford and Langendorff are heroes and there is no way
to estimate how many lives they have saved. This is Texas. This is America. These
are the facts.

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