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r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

r lalith sahasranmam stthram Dedicated with love to

The Fragrant Divine Lotus Feet of my beloved SatGuru - Bhagavan Sri Skanda
(hymns of praise of the 1000 names of goddess r lalith) &
All His Beloved Children of Light

Pj pictorials by
M.B. Publishers, Chennai

Sanskrit English meanings by

Sri P.R. Ramachander
Pandit Sri S.P. Tata

English Transliteration, Proof-reading, & Preparation by

Sri Skandas Warrior of Light

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m


Introduction 3

Guide to pronunciation 5

r Lalith Sahasranma Stthram - English 6

(1000 names of Goddess r Lalith)

r Lalith Sahasranma Stthram - Tamil 50

(1000 names of Goddess r Lalith)

Sahasranma 58
(citation of the 1000 names)

r Lalith Sahasranma Stthram - 92

Phala Sruthi
(Effect of reciting dvs 1000 names)

References 102

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

She was extremely beautiful, having: dark thick long hair with the scent of Champaka,
r lalith sahasranmam stthram Asoka and Punnaga flowers; a musk thilaka on her forehead; eyelids, which appeared
(introduction) as if it is the gate of the house of God of love; eyes, which were like fish playing in
the beauteous lake of her face; a nose with studs, which shined more than the stars;
By Sri P.R. Ramachander ears with sun and moon as studs; cheeks, which were like mirror of Padmaraga;
beautiful rows of white teeth, chewing thamboola with camphor; a voice sweeter than
The r lalith sahasranma sttra (hymn which praises) occurs in Brahmnda purna (Old epic of the sound emanating from Veena of Sarswathi; a beautiful smile that Lord Shiva
the universe) in a chapter which entails a record of the discussion between Hayagreeva and himself could not take his eyes off; neck adorned with mangalya soothra and
Agasthya Munivar. Hayagreeva is an incarnation of Vishnu with the horse head and is believed to necklaces with beautiful shining dollars; breasts, which were capable of buying the
be the storehouse of knowledge. Agasthya is one of the great sages of yore who is one of the stars invaluable love of Kameswara; a row of faint beautiful hair raising from her belly; a
of the constellation - great bear. At Agasthya's request, Hayagreeva taught him the most holy 1000 stomach with three pretty folds; a body wearing red silk tied with a string with red
names of Lalitha. bells; thighs, which steal the heart of Kameshwara; knees, which looked like crowns
made of precious gems; voluptuous legs; upper part of the feet resembling the back of
Parama shiva is one of the trinity of Hindu pantheons who is in charge of destruction. He married tortoise; feet, which resembled the lamps made of gems which could dispel worries
Sakthi , the daughter of Daksha. Daksha and Paramashiva were not getting on well and from the mind of devotees, and skin with golden red colour. She was given in
consequently Daksha did not invite Paramashiva for one of the great fire sacrifices that he marriage to Lord Kameshwara and made to stay in Sree Nagara at the top of Maha
conducted. However, Sakthi went to attend the function in spite of Paramashivas protest. When Meru Mountain.
Daksha insulted her husband (Siva) Sakthi jumped in to the fire and ended her life. Consequently,
at the behest of Paramashiva, Daksha was killed and later given life with a goats head. However Sree nagara had 25 streets circling it. They are made of iron, steel, copper, lead, alloy
this incident upset Paramashiva and he entered into deep meditation. Sathi took another birth as made of five metals, silver, gold, the white Pushpa raga stone, the red Padmaraga
the daughter of the mountain (Parvathy) Himalayas and started doing penance on Shiva for getting stone, Onyx, diamond, Vaidoorya, Indra neela (topaz), pearl, Marakatha, coral, nine
him as her husband. During this time, the devas faced a very great enemy in Sura Padma who had gems and mixture of gems and precious stones. In the eighth street was the forest of
a boon that he could be killed only by a son of Shiva and Parvathy. So to wake Shiva from his Kadambas. This is presided by Syamala. In the fifteenth street live the Ashta Digh
deep meditation the devas deputed Manmatha, the God of Love to shoot his flower arrows at palakas. In the sixteenth, lives Varahi alias Dandini who is her commander in chief.
Paramashiva. Paramashiva woke up and opened his third eye and burnt the God of love into ashes. Here Syamala also has a house. In the seventeenth street live the different Yoginis. In
The Devas and Rathi Devi (the wife of Manmatha) requested Paramashiva to give life to the eighteenth street lives Maha Vishnu. In the nineteenth street lives Esana, in the
Manmatha. Heeding for their request, Paramashiva stared at the ashes of Manmatha. From the twentieth Thara Devi, twenty first Varuni , the twenty second Kurukulla who presides
ashes came Bhandasura - who made all the world as impotent and ruled from the city called over the fort of pride, twenty third Marthanda Bhairawa, twenty fourth the moon and
Shonitha pura. Bhandasura started troubling the devas.The devas then sought the advice of Sage twenty fifth Manmatha presiding over the forest of love. In the center of Srinagara is
Narada who advised them to conduct a fire sacrifice. From the fire rose Sri Lalitha Tripura the Maha Padma Vana (The great lotus forest) and within it the Chintamani Griha
Sundari. (The house of holy thought). In its north east is the Chid agni kunda and on both sides
of its eastern gate are the houses of Manthrini and Dhandini. On its four gates stand
the Chaduramnaya gods for watch and ward. And within it is the Sri chakra. In the

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

center of Sri Chakra on the throne of Pancha brahmas on the Bindu Peeta (dot plank) called
sarvanandamaya (universal happiness) sits Maha Tripura Sundari.

In the Sri Chakra are the following decorations viz., the square called Trilokya mohanam (most
beautiful in the three worlds), the sixteen petalled lotus called Sarvasa paripoorakamb(fulfiller of
all desires), the eight petalled lotus called Sarvasamksopanamb(the all cleanser), the sixteen corner
figure called Sarva sowbagyamb(all luck), the external ten cornered figure called Sarvartha
sadhakam (giver of all assets), the internal ten cornered figure called Sarva raksha karam (All
protector), the eight cornered figure called Sarva roka haram (cure of all diseases), triangle called
Sarva siddhi pradam (giver of all powers) and the dot called Sarvananda mayam(all pleasures).

The devas prayed to her to kill Bhandasura. When she started for the war with Bandasura, she was
accompanied by the powers called anima, mahima etc, Brahmi, Kaumari, Vaishnavi, Varahi,
Mahendri, Chamundi, Maha Lakshmi, Nitya Devathas and Avarna Devathas who occupy the Sri
Chakra. While Sampatkari devi was the captain of the elephant regiment, Aswarooda devi was the
captain of the cavalry. The army was commanded by Dhandini riding on the Charriot called Giri
Chakra assisted by Manthrini riding on the chariot called Geya Chakra. Jwala malini protected the
army by creating a fire ring around it. ParaShakthi rode in the center on the chariot of Sri Chakra.
Nithya Devi destroyed a large chunk of Bandasuras armies, Bala Devi killed the son of
Bandasura, and Manthrini and Dhandini killed his brothers called Vishanga and Vishukra.

When the Asuras created blockade for the marching army, Sri Lalitha Tripura sundari created
Ganesha with the help of Kameshwara to remove the blockade. Then Bandasura created the asuras
called Hiranyaksha, Hiranya Kasipu and Ravana. The Devi created the ten avatars of Vishnu and
destroyed them. She killed all his army using Pasupathastra and killed him with Kameshwarasthra.
The gods then praised her. She then recreated Manmatha for the good of the world. This story is
contained in the first 84 names of the first 34 slokas of Lalitha Sahasra nama and all together
contains one thousand names. This is also called the Rahasya Nama Sahasra (the thousand secret
names). Reading it, meditating on the meaning of the names, would lead to the fulfillment of all
the wishes of the devotees.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

Guide to pronunciation j like j in job

From Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. jh like dgeh in hedgehog
(Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. j like ng y in sing your
Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.) k like k in kite
kh like ck h in black hat
This guide is based on American pronunciation of words, and is therefore not a perfect l like l in love
representation of Sanskrit sounds. m like m in mother
like n in pinch
Sanskrit Vowels p like p in soap
a like a in nap ph like ph in up hill
like a in father r rolled like a Spanish or Italian r
like ay in may s like s in sun
i like i in pin sometimes like s in sun, sometimes like sya sound
like ee in sweet t like rt in heart
like o in rose th like t h in fat hat
u like u in put v like v in love, sometimes like w in world
like oo in food y like y in yes
ha pronounce as a faint echoing of the previous vowel; e.g. ah: would
be pronounced aha; ih: would be pronounced ihi; uh: would be *t, th, d, dh, and n should be pronounced with the tongue placed against the
pronounced uhu; etc. protruding slightly beyond the upper teeth.
ai like ai in aisle
au like ow in cow

Sanskrit Consonants
b like b in bird
bh like b h in job hunt
ch like pinch
d like d in dove
dh like d h in good heart
g like good
gh like g h in log hut
h like h in hot

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

[m asya r divya lalith sahasranma sttra ml mah mantrasya vahin-ydi vg-dvat

r lalith sahasranmam stthram rushaya-ha anushtup chandaha r lalit paramshvar dvat rmad vg-bhava ktti-
bjam madhya-ktti shakti-hi shakti-ktti-klakam r lalith-mah-tripurasundar
prasda sid-thid-dvr chin-tita phal-vp-tyrth jap viniygah(a)]
|| gansh invocation ||
m suklm baradharam vishnum ai varnam chaturbhujam prasanna [Keep your right hand on the head and chant]
vadanam dhyyt sarva vighnpantay m asya r divya lalith sahasranma sttra
ml mah mantrasya vahin-ydi vg-dvat
O Lord dressed in splendid white, pervading the universe, shining radiantly like rays of the full (rushaya-yen) rushaya-ha namaha shirasi
moon, having four mighty arms and a charming, happy face, we meditate on you that all obstacles
may be quelled. [Touch you right hand on the nose and chant]
anushtup chandas namaha mukh
mamptta samasta duritakshayadvr r paramvara paramvar
prtyartham dau vighnvara dhynam karishy [Keep your right hand on the centre chest and chant]
r lalith-mah-tripurasundar dvatyai namaha
|| gansh dhynam || hruday
m gannm tv ganapatigm havmah kavim kavnm upamara
vastamam jystharjam brahmanm brahmanaspata nah rnvan [Keep your right hand on the right chest]
tibih: sda sdanam am bjam

May we worship Sri Ganea, the protector of noble people - The best Poet, the most honorable,
the greatest ruler and the treasure of all knowledge - O Ganea, please listen to us and take your [Keep your right hand on the left chest]
seat in our heart. klm saktih(i)
[ganea invocation; rig vda 2.23.1]

[Keep your right hand on the centre chest]

m r mah gandhipathay namaha r gurubhyo namah harih: m
sauh(u) klakam
|| nysam / prna pratishth mantrh || [Keep both the hands in anjali mudr]
(The following when chanted, invokes life in the deity (i.e. prna) who is present in the devotee) r lalith-mah-tripurasundar prasda
siddhyardh jap viniygah(a)

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

|| kara nysam ||
(Establishment of Divinity in the Hands)

[Move your index finger from the down part of the thumb] [Join and move all the fingers together, from bottom to top as shownby keeping
am angushth-bhym namaha right hand over left hand then, secondly, by keeping all the fingers together move it
In the thumb, I bow. from left palm over the right palm thirdly, by keeping back side of the right hand
over the left hand, move the fingers from bottom to top fourthly, keep backside of
the left hand on the right hand fingers by moving them bottom to top.]
[Move your thumb from the down part of the index finger]
klm tarjan-bhym namaha
In the forefinger, I am One with God.

[Move your thumb from the down part of the middle finger] sauh(u) karatala-kara prushth-bhym namaha
sauh(u) madhya-m-bhym namaha I bow to the Consciousnss of Infinite Goodness with the weapon of virtue.
In the middle finger, purify.

[Move your thumb from the down part of the ring finger]
am anmik-bhym namaha
In the ring finger, cut the ego.

[Move your thumb from the down part of the little finger]
klm kansh-thik-bhym namaha
In the little finger, ultimate purity.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

|| anga nysam ||
(Establishment of Divinity in the Body)

[Touch your heart] [Place right hand index & middle finger swirl clockwise around your
am hruda-yya namaha head once and then slap on left palm and clap 3x]
In the heart, I bow. sauh(u) astrya phat(u)
I bow to the Consiousness of Infinite goodness with the weapon of virtue.

[Touch top of head]

klm iras svh
On the top of the head, I am One with God. [Chant the following while you snap your fingers around the head
clockwise at each of the following: 12-3-6-9 OClock positions,
respectively, and as you chant iti digbandaha lock your right
[Touch back of head] and left pointer fingers together like two hooks and then release
sauh(u) ikhyai vashat(u) them]
On the back of the head, purify. m bhh(u) bhuvah(a) suvah(a) m iti
[Cross both arms]
am kavachya hum
Crossing both arms, cut the ego.

[Touch the three eyes at once with three middle fingers]

klm ntra-tra-yya vaushat(u)
In the three eyes, ultimate purity.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

|| dhynam ||
English meaning courtesy of Sri P.R. Ramachander

sindr-runa vigrahm trinayanm mnikya-mauli-sphurat arunm karun taran-gitkshm

tr-nyaka shkha-rm smita-mukhm pna-vakshruhm dhruta pashn kusha-pushpa bna-chpm
pni-bhym aliprna-ratna-sha-sakam raktt-palam-bibhratm animdi bhirvrutm maykhaih(i)
saumym ratna-ghatastha rakta-charanm dhyyt-parm-ambikm aham-mityva vibhvay bhavnm

Meditate on that Ambika, I visualize my goddess Bhavani,

Who has a body of the colour of saffron, Who has a colour of the rising sun.
Who has the three graceful eyes, Who has eyes which are waves of mercy,
Who has a jeweled crown , Who has bow made of sweet cane,
Adorned by the moon, Arrows made of soft flowers,
Who always has a captivating smile, And pasanugusa in her hands,
Who has high and firm breasts, And who is surrounded,
Who has wine filled cup made of precious stones, By her devotees with powers great,
And reddish flowers in her hands, As personification of the concept of aham
Who forever is the ocean of peace,
And who keeps her red holy feet.
On a jeweled platform.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

dhyyt padm-sanas-thm vikasita vadanam padma-patrya-tkshm sakn-kuma vilpanm alika-chumbi-kastrikm

hmbhm pta-vastrm kara-kali-tala-sad hma-padmm varngm samanda-hasi-tkshanm sashara-chp pshn-kushm
sarv-lankra yuktm sata-tama-bhayadm bhakta namrm bhavnm ashsha jana-mhinm aruna mlya bhshm-barm
r vidym shnta-mrtim sakala-sura-nutm sarva-sampat-pradtrm jap kusuma-bhsurm japa vidhau smard ambikm
Meditate I do: Meditate on her,
On her who sits on a lotus; On her who has a smiling face; On her who has long eyes like the Who applies saffron on her body,
lotus leaf; Who applies musk attracted by bees on her,
Who has a beautiful smile,
On her who glitters like gold; On her who wears red cloths; On her who has a golden lotus in her Who has with her bows, arrows and Pasangusa,
hand; Who attracts all the souls,
Who wears red garland,
On her who grants all desires; On her who is dressed with perfection; On her who gives Who wears ornaments great,
protection; On her who has soft heart to her devotees, And who is of the colour of the red hibiscus,

On her who is Sri vidya; On her who is forever peaceful; On her who is worshipped by gods; And
on her who gives all wealth.

|| mla mantram ||
m aim hrm rm r mtre namah rm
m aim hrm rm r lalithmbikyai nama rm

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

|| stthram ||
English meaning courtesy of Pandit Sri S.P. Tata

r mt r mah-rgn rmat simh-sanshvar man-rpkshu-kdand panchatan-mtra syak

r mt r mah-rgn rmat simh-sanshvar nijrun-prabh-pra majjad-bramnda mandal 3
r mt r mah-rgn rmat simh-sanshvar
chidagni-kunda-sambht dva-krya samud-yat 1 Manorupekshu kodanda: Who wields in her upper left hand a Sugarcane bow that
stands for mind.
Shrimata: Salutations to the Divine Mother, who is the Mother of all. Panchatanmatra sayaka: Who holds five arrows representing the five Tanmatras
Shri-mahararagni: Great Empress of the whole Universe. (Subtle elements).
Shrimat-simhasaneshvari: Great Sovereign, enthroned on the lions back. Nijaruna prabhapura majjadbrahmanda mandala: In the rosy splendour of whose
Chidagni kundasambhuta: Who came out of the fire of Pure Consciousness. form the whole universe is bathed.
Devakarya samudyata: Who promotes the cause of Divine forces.
champak-ska-pun-nga saugan dhika-lasat-kach
udyad-bnu-sahas-rbh chatur-bhu saman-vit kuruvinda-mani-shrn kanat-ktra mandit 4
rga-svarpa-pshdy krdh-krn kush-jval 2
Champakashoka punnaga saugandhika lasat kacha: Whose shining locks of hair
Udyadbhanu sahasrabha: Who is radiant as a thousand suns rising together. impart their fragrance to flowers like Chamka, Ashoka and Punnaga adorning them.
Chaturbahu samanvita: Four-armed Divinity. Kurvinda manishreni kanatkotira mandita: Whose crown is shining with rows of
Ragasvarupa pashadhya: Who holds in her lower left hand a noose representing the power of Kuruvinda gems.
Krodha karankushojjvala: Who holding the flashing Ankusa (goad) of anger in Her lower right
hand for restraining the forces of evil.

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For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

ashtam-chandra-vib-bhrja dalikas-thala shbhit kadamba-manjar-klupta - karna-pra - man-har

mukha-chandra-kalan-kbha mruga-nbhi visshak 5 t-tanka-yugal-bhta - tapan-dupa - mandal 8

Ashtami chandra vibhraja dalikasthala shobhita: Whose forehead shines, arching like the crescent Kadamba manjari klupta karnapura manohara: Who is radiant and charming with a
moon of the eighth lunar digit (Ashtami) bunch of Kadamba flowers over her ears.
Mukhachandra kalankabha mruganabhi visheshaka: The Kasturi Tilaka adorns her moonlike * Tatanka yugalibhuta tapanodupa mandala: Who has the orbs of the Sun and Moon
face, like the spot in the moon. as Her pair of ear pendants.

vadana-smara-mngalya gruha-trana chil-lik padma-rga-shil-darsha pari-bhvi kapla-bhuh(u)

vaktra-lakshm-par-vha chalan-mn-bha lchan 6 nava-vidruma-bimba-r nyakkri radana-chad 9
Vadanasmara mangalya gruhatorana chillika: Whose face, the auspicious home of Karma Padmaraga shiladarsha paribhavi kapolabhuh: Whose cheeks are far fairer than
(Cupid), has eyebrows that resemble archways leading to that abode of beauty. mirrors of ruby (Padmaraga)
Vaktra lakshmi parivaha chalan minabha lochana: Whose eyes move like fish in the streams of Navavidruma bimbashri nyakkari radanachhada: Whose lips outshine the redness of
beauty flowing from Her face. fresh coral and bimba fruit.

nava-champaka-pushpbha ns-danda virjit suddha-vidyn-kur-kra dvija-pankti dvayj-jval

tr-knti-tiras-kri ns-bharana bhsur 7 karpra-vtik mda-sam-karshi digantar 10

Navachampaka pushpabha nasadanda virajita: Whose shapely nose is like a freshly blown Shuddha vidyankurakara dvijapankti dvayojjvala: Whose beauty is enhanced by her
Champaka bud. rows of teeth that resemble the sprouting of pure Knowledge (Suddha Vidya or Sri
Tarakanti tiraskari nasabharana bhasura: With a nasal ornament set with a jewel that excels the Vidya).
brilliance of the planet Venus. Karpura vatikamoda samakarshi digantara: The fragrance of the campho limbedded
betel roll in whose mouth is spreading in all directions.

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For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

nija-sallpa-mdhurya vinir-bhart-sita kacchap lakshyar-malat-dhra tsa-mun-nya madhyam

manda-smita-prabhpra majjat-kmesha mnas 11 stana-bhra-dalan-madhya patta-bandha vali-tray 15

* Nijasallapa madhurya vinirbhartsita kachhapi: Whose speech is more melodious than the Veena Lakshyaroma latadharata samunneya madhyama: Who has a waist so slender that it
of Sarasvati known as Kachhapi. can only be inferred as a base for the creeper of fine hair springing from her navel
Mandasmita prabhapura majjatkamesha manasa: The radiance of whose smile inundates the mind upwards.
of Kamesvara, Her consort. Stanabhara dalanmadhya pattabandha valitraya: Whose waist, breaking under the
weight of the breasts, gets three lines like a supporting belt.
an-kalita-sdrushya chibuka-r virjit
kmsha-bada-mngalya stra-shbhita kandhar 12 arun-runa-kausumbha vastra-bhsvat kat-tat
ratna-kinkini-k-ramya ra-shan-dma bhshit 16
Anakalita sadrushya chubukashri virajita: Her chin is peerless in beauty.
* Kamesha baddhamangalya sutra shobhita kandhara: Whose neck is adorned with the Arunaruna kausumbha vastrabhasvath katitati: Who wears a garment of deep red
Mangalasutra fastened thereon by Her consort Kamesvara. round Her hip.
* Ratnakinkini karamya rashana dama bhushita: Who is adorned with a girdle having
many mini bells set with precious stones.
kana-kngada-kyra kamanya bhujnvit
ratna-graivya-chintka lla-mukt phalnvit 13 kmshag-nyta-saubhgya mrda-vru dvayn-vit
mnikya-muku-tkra jnu-dvaya virjit 17
Kankangada keyura kamaniya bhujanvita: Whose beautiful arms are decked with armlets and
bracelets of gold.
Ratnagraiveya chintaka lolamukta phalanvita: Who wears a gem set necklace having a big pearl Kamesha gyata saubhagya mardavoru dvayanvita: The beauty and smoothness of
as a pendant. whose thighs is known only to her consort, the Conqueror of love (Kamesha)
Manikya makutakara janudvaya virajita: Whose two knees are like crowns shaped
from the precious stone Manikya.
kmshvara prma-ratna mani-prati-pana-stan
n-bhy-la-vla-rmli lat-phala kuchadvay 14

Kamesvara premaratna manipratipana stani: Whose breasts form the price she pays to Her
Consort (Mahesvara) in return for the gem of love He bestows on Her.
Nabhayalavala romali lataphala kuchadvayi: Whose breasts look like fruits on the creeper of the
hair line spreading upwards from the navel.

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indra-gpa-parik-shipta smara-t-nbha janghik sarv-run-nava-dyngi sarv-bharana bhshit

gda-gulph-krma-prushta jayish-nu prapa-dnvit 18 iva-kmsh-varn-kasth iv-svdhna vallabh 21

Indragopa parikshipta smaratunabha janghika: Whose calf muscles resemble the quiver of the * Sarvaruna: Who is rose hued all over.
god of love with bright glowworm like decorations. Anavadyangi: Who is faultless in every limb.
Gudhagulpha: Whose ankled are well filled and therefore without protrusion. Sarvabharana bhushita: Who is adorned with divine ornaments.
Kurmaprushta jayishnu prapadanvita: The arch of whose feet rival the shapeliness and beauty of * Shiva kameshvarankastha: Who is seated on the lap of Shiva, the conqueror of
the back of a tortoise. desire (Kamesvara).
Shiva: The Consort of Shiva, whose Power She is.
nakha-deedhi-ti-san-channa namaj-jana tamgun Svadhina vallabha: Who dominates over Her Consort Siva in the creative part of the
cyclic motion of time.
pada-dvaya-prabh-jla par-kruta sarruh 19

Nakhadidhiti sanchhanna namajjana tamoguna: The illumining splendor of whose tow nails dispel sumru-madhya-srun-gasth rman-nagara nyik
the darkness of ignorance in the votaries prostrating at Her feet. chin-tmani-gruhn-tasth pancha-bram sanasthit 22
* Padadvaya prabhajala parakruta saroruha: Whose feet defeat the lotus in beauty.
Sumeru Madhya shrugastha: Who dwells on the mid most peak of Mount Meru.
sinjna-mani-manjra mandita-r padmbuj * Shrimannagara nayika: Who is the Bindu, the central circle of bliss in the Shri-
marl-manda-gaman mah-l-vanya sh-vathih(i) 20 chakra.
Chintamani gruhantastha: Whose abode is Manidvipa the Island of Wish-yielding
* Sinjana manimanjira manditashri padambuja: Whose lotus feet are adorned with tinkling * Panchabrahma sanasathita: Who rests on a seat formed of the five Divinities
anklets set with jewels. (Brahmans), Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Isana and Sadasiva.
* Marali mandagamana: Whose gait is slow and gentle like that of a swan.
* Mahalavanya shevadhih: Who is a treasure house of Divine beauty.

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mah-padm-tav-samsth kadamba-vana vsin chakra-rja-rath-rda sarv-yudha parish-krut

sudh-sgara-madhyasth kmksh kma-dyin 23 gya-chakra-rath-rda mantrin pari-svit 26

* Mahapadmatavi samstha: Who dwells in a lotus forest, the thousandpetalled lotus of the Chakraraja ratharudha sarvayudha parishkruta: Seated in Her chariot Chakra raja
Sahashra. equipped with armaments of every kind.
Kadamba vanavasini: Who resides amidst a grove of Kadamba trees (which fringe the Manidvipa) Geyachakra ratharudha mantrini parisevita: Who is attended by Her minister
Sudhasagara madhyastha: Who dwells in the center of the sea of Nectar (which is the light of the (Syamala) seated in Her chariot named Geya chakra.
Blissful Moon of the pericap of the Sahashrara)
Kamakshi: The look of whose eyes is full of graceful kiri-chakra-rath-rda danda-nth puraskrut
* Kamadayini: Who grants all the prayers of votaries.
jvl-mlini-kk-shipta vani-prkra madhyag 27
dvarshi-gana-sanghta stya-m-ntma vaibhav Kirichakra ratharudha dandanatha purashkruta: Who is preceded by Dandanatha,
bhand-sura-vadhd-yukta sakti-sn samanvit 24 the commander of Her armiesin his chariot Kiri-chakra.
Jvala malinikakshipta vahni prakara madhyaga: Who has taken position in the center
Devarshi ganasanghata stuyamanatma vaibhava: Whose majesty is the subject of praise of hosts of the rampart of fire constructed by Jvalamalinika.
of sages and divine beings.
Bhadasura vadhodyukta shaktisena samanvita: Whose command an army of Saktis are intent on bhanda-saenya-vadhd-yukta sakthi-vikrama harshit
destroying Bhadasura (the Asura being Ignorance, Lalitambika, the Atman, and the Saktis, the
potencies of the Atman.) nity-par-kram-tpa nirk-shana samut-suk 28

Bhadasainya vadhodyukta shaktivikrama harshita: Who rejoices at the valour of Her

sampat-kar-sam-rda sindhura vraja-svit Saktis bent on destroying the army of Bhanda.
asv-rd dhishti-t-sva kti-kti-bhirvrut 25 Nitya parakramatopa niriskhana samutsuka: Who is delighted on seeing the
aggressiveness of Her Nitya deities in their attack on the army of Bhanda.
Sampatkari samarudha sindhura vrajasevita: Who is accompanied by a regiment of elephants,
headed by Sampatkari.
Ashvarudha dhishtihitashva kotikoti bhiravruta: Who is surrounded by a cavalry of several crores
of horses under the command of Ashvarudha.

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bhanda-putra-vadhd-yukta bl-vikrama nandit karn-guli-nakht-panna nryana dash-krutih(i)

mantrin-yamb-virachita vishanga-vadha tshit 29 mah-pshu-pat-strgni nir-dagdh sura-sai-nik 32

Bhandaputra vadhodyukta balavikrama nandita: Who is overjoyed to see Her daughter Bala who * Karanguli nakhotpanna rarayana dashakrutih: Who out of Her finger nails
is intent on slaying the son of Bhanda. recreated all the ten Incarnations of Vishnu to destroy the Asuras slain by Him in His
Mantrinyamba virachita vishanga vadhatoshita: Who feels satisfaction at the destruction of incarnations and now recreated magically by Bhanda out of a missile of his.
Vishanga by Her chief minister Syamala. Mahapashu patastragni nirdaghasura sainika: Who burned to death the armies of
demons with the fire of the great missile pashupata.
vishukra-prna-harana vrh-vrya nandit
kmshvara-mukh-lka kalpita-r ganshvar 30 kmshvar-stranir-dagda saband-sura shn-yak
bram-pndra-mahn-drdi dva-samstuta vaibhav 33
Vishukra pranaharana varahi viryanandita: Who appreciates the prowess displayed by Varahi in
the destruction of Vishukra. Kamesvarastra nirdagha sabhadasura shunyaka: Who with the flames of the missile
* Kameshvara mukhaloka kalpita shriganeshvara: Who by a mere glance at her Consort Kamesvara caused the destruction of bandha and also of his Capita Sunyaka.
Mahesvara generates Sri Ganesha (the elephant headed diety). Brahmopendra mahendradi devasamstuta vaibhava: Whose manifold powers
(displayed in the fight with Bhanda) are praised by Brahma, Vishnu and Indra.
mah-gansha-nirbhin-na vighna-yantra pra-harshit
bhand-surndra-nirmukta shastra-prat-yastra varshin 31 hara-ntrgni-san-dagda kma-sanjva nau-sadhih(i)
r-mad-vgbhava-ktaika svarpa-mukha pankaj 34
Mahaganesha nirbhinna vighnayantra praharshita: Who rejoices when that Ganesha destroys the
magical devices placed by Bhandasura as obstacles to Her victory. Haranetragni sandagdha kama sanjiva naushadhih: The life giving herb, that revived
Bhandasurendra nirmukta shastra pratyastra varshini: Who counters by Her own missiles the rain the god of love (kama deva) who had been burnt to death by the fire of Shivas eyes.
of missiles directed against Her by Bhadnasura. Shrimadvagbhava kutaika svarupa mukhapankaja: Whose lotus face represents the
Vagbhava Kuta of the pancha dashakshari mantra which is subtle form of the

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kant-dha-kati-par-yanta madhya-kta svarpin ml-dh-raika-nilay brama-granthi vibhdin

sakti-ktaika-t-panna katya-dh-bhga dhrin 35 mani-prnta-rudit vishnu-granthi vibhdin 38

Kanthadhah katiparyanta madhyakuta svarupini: Whose middle region from the neck to the waist Muladharaika nilaya: Whose chief residence is the Muladhara.
is represented by the central part (Kamaraja Kuta) of the same Mantra. Brahmagrandhi vibhedini: Who in Her ascent from the Muladhara breaks through the
Shaktikutaika tapanna katyadho bhagadharini: Whose form below waist is identical with the last Brahma-grandhi (the Barrier of Brahma to the subtle dimension).
part (Sakti Kuta) of Pancha dashakshari Mantra. Manipurantarudita: Who then emerges in the Manipura chakra.
Vishnugranthi vibhedini: Who then breaks through the Vishnu granthi (the barrier
mla-man-trtmik-mla kta-traya kalbar to still subtler dimensions).
kulm-rutaika-rasik kula-sankta plin 36
g-ny-chakrn-tar-lasth rudra-grandhi vibhdin
Mulamantratmika: Who is the original Mantra (Mula-mantra, here Pancha dashakshari) itself. sahasr-rmbuj-rd sudh-srbhi varshin 39
Mula-kuta-traya-kalebara: Whose body is identiacal with Pancha Dashakshari Mantra with all
its Kutas or combination of letters. Agya chakrantaralstha: Who next abides in the center of the Agya chakra.
Kulamrutaika rasika: Who (as the Kundalini) revels in the nectar flowing from the Sahasrara Rudragrandthi vibhedini: Who finally breaks through the Rudra granthi (the barrier
through the whole of the Kula path (i.e.the Susumna). to the subtlest dimension).
Kulasanketa palini: Who guards the esoteric doctrine of the Kaulas. Sahasraram bujarudha: Who then ascends to the Thousand petalled Lotus known as
the Sahasrara.
kuln-gan-kuln-tasth kaulin-kula ygin Sudhasarabhi varshini: Who sends streams of Nectar (spiritual bliss) from the
Transcendant moon in the Sahasrara.
akul-sama-yn-tasth sama-ychra tatpar 37

Kulangana: Who is the Female Element (Kundalini) in the Kula Path. tatil-lat-samaruchi shat-chakr pari-samsthit
Kulantastha: Who is the innermost Reality of the Kula Path. mah-sakti-kundalin bisa-tantu tan-yas 40
Kaulini: Who is called Kaulini, the core of the Kaula form of worship.
Kulayogini: Who is the Deity of the Kaulas. Tadillata samaruchih: Who shines like a steady flash of lightning.
Akula: Who is also Akula (Siva) in the thousand-petalled lotus above the Kula Path. Shatchakropari samsthita: Who then establishes herself above the six Chakras.
Samayantastha: Who is likewise the center of the Samaya doctrine (in which the worship is done Mahasaktih: Whose immense joy consists in Asakti (union with Shiva)
internally through meditation and which holds Siva-Sakti as of equal importance in all respects). Kundalini: Who resides in the Muladhara as the Kundalini (the coiled power).
Samayanchara tatpara: Whom the Samaya tradition of worship is dear. Bisatantu taniyasi: Who is as fine and firm as the fibre of a lutus stalk.

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bhavn-bh-van-gamy bhav-ranya kut-rik hankar-rkar-sdhv saras-chandra nibh-nan

bhadra-priy bhadra-mrtir bhakta-saubhgya-dyin 41 h-tdar-shnti-mat nir-dhr niran-jan 43

Bhavani: Who is Bhavani, the consort of Bhava (Shiva). Shankari: Who is Shankari the Consort of Shiva, who is inseparable from Her.
Bhavanagamya: Who is realized through devoted meditation. Shrikari: Who is the spouse of Vishnu, who brings prosperity to devotees.
Bhavaranya kutharika: Who is verily like an axe for clearing the jungle of Samsara Sadhvi: Who is a paragon of virtue.
(transmigratory existence) in which the Jiva is caught. Sharachandra nibhanana: Whose face shines like the autumnal moon.
Bhadrapriya: Who is fond of everything auspicious. Shatodari: Who has a very slender waist.
Bhadramurtih: Who is the embodiment of auspiciousness. Shantimati: Who is full of peace.
* Bhakta saubhagya dayini: Who grants all-round advancement to devotees, both in the spiritual Niradhara: Who has no support other than Herself. But supports everything else.
and the material fields. Niranjana: Who is free from the stain of ignorance.

bakthi-priy-bakthi-gamy bakthi-vasy bhay-pah nirlp-nirmal-nity nir-kr nir-kul

shmbhav-srad-rdhy sharvn sharma-dyin 42 nirgun-nish-kal-shnt nish-km niru-pap-lav 44
* Bhaktipriya: Who is fond of true devotion. Nirlepa: Who is free from all affectations of external contacts.
* Bhaktigamya: Who is attained through true devotion. Nirmala: Who is free from all impurities.
* Bhaktivashya: Who can be won over through true devotion. Nitya: Who is eternal.
Bhayapaha: Who dispels all fear. * Nirakara: Who is not limited to and by any form.
Shambhavi: Who is known as Shambhavi, the Consort of Shiva. Nirakula: Who is never agitated.
Sharadaradhya: Who is adored by Sharada (the Consort of Brahma). Nirguna: Who is beyond the three Gunas of Prakrti Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.
Sharvani: Who is the consort of Sharva or Shiva. Nishkala: Who is the Partless Unitary Whole.
* Sharmadayini: Who is the bestower of happiness. Shanta: Who is ever serene.
* Nishkama: Who is free from desires.
Nirupaplava: Who is free from afflictions.

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nitya-mukt-nir-vikr nish-prapan-ch nir-shray nish-chint-nira-hankr nirmh mha-nshin

nitya-shudh-nitya-budh nira-vady niran-tar 45 nirmam-mama-t-hantri nishpp ppa-nshin 47

Nityamukta: Who is eternally free. Nishchinta: Who is free from all doubts and anxieties.
Nirvikara: Who is not subject to change. Nirahankara: Who is without any egoism.
Nishprapancha: Who is beyond the sphere of multiplicity. Nirmoha: Who is free from false view of things.
* Nirashraya: Who is not dependent on anything or anyone. Mohanashini: Who dispels all illusions.
Nityashuddha: Who is eternally pure. Nirmama: Who is devoid of self-interest in any matter, as She includes everyting in
Nityabuddha: Who is the ever awake Consciousness. Herself.
Niravadya: Who is flawless. Mamatahantri: Who destroys the sense of self centredness in devotees.
Nirantara: Who is without any division, being eternal by nature. Nishpapa: Who is sinless.
* Papanashini: Who destroys sins together with the root of all sinful tendencies.
nish-kran-nishka-lank niru-pdhir nirshvar
nrg-rga-mathan nirmad mada-nshin 46 nish-krdh-krdha-shaman nirlbh lbha-nshin
nisam-shay-samsa-yaghn nirbhav bhava-nshin 48
Nishkarana: Who has no cause for Hersef, as she is the first cause.
Nishkalanka: Who is without any stain. * Nishkrodha: Who is without anger.
Nirupadhi: Who has no limitations. * Krodhashamani: Who destroys the tendency to get angry.
* Nirishvara: Who has no over lord. Nirlobha: Who is free from greed.
Niraga: Who is without passions. * Lobhanashini: Who destroys greed in Her devotees.
* Ragamathani: Who destroys all passion in the minds of devotees. Nisamshaya: Who has no doubts.
Nirmada: Who is without pride. Samshayaghni: Who effaces all doubts.
Madanashini: Who destroys all pride. Nirbhava: Who is not involved in the cycle of births and deaths.
* Bhavanashini: Who frees devotees from involvement in the cycle of births and

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nirvikalp-nir-bdh nirbhd bhda-nshin dushta-dr-dur-chra shaman-dsha varjit

nir-nsh-mrut-yu-mathan nishkriy nish-pari-grah 49 sarvag-ny-sndra-karun samn-dhika varjit 51

Nirvikalpa: Who is without any modifications, as she is pure consciousness. * Dushtadura: Who is far away for the wicked.
Nirabadha: Who can never be sublated. Durachara shamani: Who puts an end to evil ways.
Nirbheda: Who is beyond all differences. Dosha varjita: Who is free from all evil.
Bhedanashini: Who destroys the sense of differences. Sarvagya: Who is omniscient.
Nirnasha: Who is deathless. Sandrakaruna: Who is deeply compassionate.
Mrutymathani: Who destroys the fear of death. * Samanadhika varjita: Who has none equal or superior.
Nishkriya: Who is without involvement in action.
* Nishparigraha: Who needs no gift, as everything in the universe is hers. sarva-sakthi-may-sarva mangal-sad gati-prad
sarvsvar-sarva-may sarva-mantra svarpin 52
nistul-nla-chikur nira-py nirat-yay
dur-labh-durgam-durg dukha-hantr sukhap-prad 50 Sarvashaktimayi: Whom the powers associated with all deities belong.
Sarvamangala: Who is all auspicious.
Nistula: Who is peerless. Sadgati prada: Who leads one along the path of salvation.
Nilachikura: Whose locks of hair are shining black colour. Sarveshvari: Who is the Mistress of the whole universe.
Nirapaya: Who is imperishable. * Sarvamayi: Who is the all.
Niratyaya: Who is indestructible. * Sarvamantra svarupini: Who is the essence of all Mantras.
Durlabha: Who is difficult to attain.
Durgama: Who is hard to approach.
Durga: Who is difficult of access.
Duhkhahantri: Who puts an end to sorrow.
Sukhaprada: Who bestows all happiness.

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sarva-yan-trtmik-sarva tantra-rp mann-man mah-bhg-mahy-ishvary mah-vry mah-bal

mhshvar-mah-dv mah-lakshmr mruda-priy 53 mah-bhuddir-mah-siddhir mah-ygsva rsvar 55

Sarva yantratmika: Who is the soul of all Yantras Mystic diagrams. Mahabhoga: Who is the great enjoyer.
Sarva trantrarupa: Who is the embodiment of all Tantras (scriptures dealing with worship). Mahaisvarya: Who possesses supreme lordliness.
Manonmani: Who is Manonmani, the transcendent consciouness. Mahavirya: Who is supreme in valour.
Maheshvari: Who is the Consort of Mahesvara, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe. Mahabala: Who is supreme in strength.
Mahadevi: Who is the Supreme Goddess. Mahabuddhih: Who is supreme in wisdom.
Mahalaskhmi: Who is Mahalakshmi. Mahasiddihih: Who is endowed with the highest of attainments (siddhi).
Mrudapriya: Who is the beloved of Mruda (Shiva). * Mahayogesh vareshvari: Who is the object of worship for all Yogeshvaras (spiritual
mah-rp-mah-pjy mah-ptaka nshin
mah-my-mah-sattv mah-sakthir mah-ratih(i) 54 mah-tantr-mah-mantr mah-yantr mah-san
mah-yga-kram-rdhy mah-bhairava pjt 56
Maharupa: Whose form is magnificent and all embracing.
Mahapujya: Who is the most worshipful. Mahatantra: Who is Herself the greatest Tantra.
* Mahapataka nashini: Who can destroy the effects of even the most heinous sins. Mahamantra: Who is the greatest Mantra (Shri Vidya).
Mahamaya: Who is Mahamaya (Supreme Power) Mahayantra: Who is the greatest Yantra (Shriyantra or Shri chakra).
Mahasattva: Who is the Supreme Reality (Sattva). Mahasana: Who is seated on the great seat (the thirty six Tattvas).
Mahashaktih: Who is the Boundless Energy. Mahayaga kramaradhya: Who is adored by Mahayaga (Supreme Sacrifice)
Maharatih: Who is boundless delight. Mahabhairava pujita: Who is worshipped by Mahabhairava (Shiva).

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mahsvara-mah-kalpa mah-tndava skshin char-chara-jagan-nth chakra-rja niktan

mah-kmsha mahish mah-tripura-sundar 57 prvath-padma-nayan padma-rga sama-prabh 60

Maheshvara mahakalpa mahatandava sakshini: Who is the witness of Supreme Lords Charachara jagannatha: Who is the queen ruling over all beings sentient and
(Maheshvaras) awesome destructive cosmic dance at the end of the creative cycle. insentient.
Mahakamesha mahishi: Who is the consort of the great Lord of desire (Maha kamesha). Chakraraja niketana: Who has Her abode in Chakra raja or Shri chakra.
Mahatripura sundari: Who is Triupura-sundari (the Divine Beauty known by that name). Parvati: Who is Parvati, the daughter of the Himalayas.
Padmanayana: Whose eyes are like a lotus petal.
chatu-shasht-yupach-rdhy chatu-sashti kal-may Padmaraga samaprabha: Who shines like a ruby.
mah-chatu-sashti-kti ygin gana-svit 58
pancha-prt-san-sn pancha-brama svarpin
* Chatushshashtih yupachardhya: Who is worshipped with sixty four ingredients (Upacharas). chin-may-para-mnand vig-nyna-ghana rpin 61
Chatushshashti kalamayi: Who embodies the sixty four forms of fine arts.
* Maha chatushshashti koti yogini ganasevita: Who is attended on by a host of sixty four crores Panchapretasa nasina: Who sits on a seat formed of the five dead deities (same as the
of Yoginis. Brahmas mentioned below).
Panchabrahma svarupini: Whose form is composed of five Brahmas (Brahma,
manu-vidy-chandra-vidy chandra-mandala madhyag Vishnu, Rudra, Ishvara and Sadashiva).
Chinmayi: Who is Pure Consciousness.
chru-rp-charu-hs chru-chandra kal-dhar 59 Paramananda: Who is Supreme Bliss.
Vigyana ghanarupini: Who is wisdom crystallized.
Manuvidya: Who is the subject of Manuvidya (Srividya having twelve traditional authorities
headed by Manu).
Chandravidya: Who is the subject of Chandravidya (the same Srividya as practiced by Chandra,
one of the twelve authorities).
Chandramandala madhyaga: Who is stationed in the centre of the moon (the pericap of the
Charurupa: Whose form is exquisite.
Charuhasa: Whose smile is charming.
* Charuchandra kaladhara: Who has the comely crescent moon in Her crown.

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dhyna-dhytru-dhyya-rp dharm-dharma vivarjit sam-hrin-rudra-rp tir-dhna kar-svar

vishva-rp-jgarin sva-pant tai-jas-tmik 62 sad-siv-nugra-had pancha-krutya paryan 64

Dhyana dhyatru dhyeyarupa: Who is meditation, the person meditating and the object meditated Samharini: Whose function is to destroy the universe.
upon. Rudrarupa: Who takes the form of Rudra for this purpose.
Dharmadharma vivarjita: Who transcends both good and evil. Tirodhanakari: Whose function is concealing this, i.e. reducing this universe to its
Vishvarupa: Who has the whole world perceived in the waking state as Her form, and who is primeval conditions.
therefore technically called Vishva. Ishvari: Who is Ishvari who accomplishes this.
Jagarini: Who is the waking state. Sadashiva: Who is Sadashiva.
Svapanti: Who is the Dream State. Anugrahada: Who by Her greacious blessing starts the universe again on the path of
Taijasatmika: Who is the soul of Taijasa, the totality of Jivas experiencing the Dream State. evolution from the involved state.
Panchakrutya parayana: Who is engaged in the five functions mentioned above.
supt-prg-nytmik-tury sarv-vasth vivarjit
srushti-kartr-brama-rp gptri-gvinda rpin 63 bhnu-mandala-madhyasth bhairav bhaga-mlin
padmsan-bhagavat padma-nbha sahdar 65
Supta: Who is the state of Deep Sleep.
Pragyatmika: Who is the soul of the totality of Jivas experiencing Deep Sleep Bhanumandala madhyastha: Who is meditated upon as stationed in the centre of the
Turya: Who is the Turya, which transcends all states. solar orbd.
Sarvavastha vivarjita: Who is devoid of all state Bhariavi: Who is Bhariavi, the terror generating Deity.
Srushtikartri: Who is the cause of creation. Bhagamalini: Who is Bhaga-malini excellences (lordliness, righteousness, glory,
* Brahmarupa: Who has taken the form of Brahma for creation. beauty, omniscience and detachment).
* Goptri: Whose function is protection. Padmasana: Who is Brahma, with seat in the cosmic lotus.
* Govindarupini: Who has taken the form of Govinda (Vishnu) for this purpose. Bhagavati: Who is the Bhagavati or the supreme goddess.
Padmanabha sahodari: Who is the sister of Padmanabha or Mahavishnu.

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m - harih: - m

un-msha-nimi-sht-panna vipan-na bhuva-nval(hi) purushrtha-prad-prn bhgin bhuva-nshvar

sahasra-shrsa-vadan sahas-rksh sahasra-pt 66 ambik-ndi-nidhan hari-bramndra svit 69

Unmesha niminishotpanna vipanna bhuvanavali: The opening of whose eyes results in creation * Purushartha prada: Who bestows the fourfold values of human life Dharma
and closing in destruction. (morality), Artha (wealth), Kama (pleasure) and Moksa (liberation).
Shahasrashirsha vadana: Who has thousands of heads and faces. Poorna: Who is Poorna (the all-encompassing whole).
Sahasrakshi: Who has thousands of eyes. Bhogini: Who is ever full of bliss
Sahasrapath: Who has thousands of feet. Bhuvaneshvari: Who is Bhuvaneshvari the sovereign of the universe.
Ambika: Who is Ambika, the Mother of the Universe, possessing the powers known as
brama-kta-janan varn-shrama vithyin Ichha (will), Janana (cognition) and Kriya (action).
Anandi-nidhana: Who exists without a beginning or an end.
nijg-ny-rpa-nigam puny-punya phala-prad 67 Haribrahmendra sevita: Who is adored even by Deities like Hari, Brahma and Indra.

Abrahmakita janani: The generator of all from Brahma down to a worm.

Varnashrama vidhayini: Who ordained the social divisions and stations in life. nryan-nda-rp nma-rpa vivarjit
Nijagyarupa nigama: Whose commands the Vedas are. hrn-kr-hrmat-hrudy hy-pdya varjit 70
* Punyapunya phalaprada: Who is the dispenser of the fruits of righteous as also of evil actions.
Narayani: Who is Narayani counterpart of Narayana (Vishnu).
shrut-smanta-sindr kruta-pdbja dhlik Nadarupa: Who is in the form of Nada (cosmic sound).
Namarupa vivarjita: Who as Para-Brahman is without name and form.
sakal-gama-sandha shukti-samputa mauk-tik 68 Hrinkari: Who is seed-syllable (Bijakshara) Hrim, which represents Bhuvaneshvari
who creates, sustains and dissolves the universe.
Shruti simanta sinduri krutapadabja dhulika: The dust of whose feet are borne on their head by Hrimati: Who is endowed with modesty.
the Shruti Devatas (Vedas personified as goddesses), who prostrate before Her and thereby colour Hrudya: Who dwells in the heart and thereby gives highest satisfaction.
Her feet with the vermilion marks on their foreheads. Heyopadeya varjita: Who has nothing to reject nor to seek.
Sakalagama sandoha shukti samputa mauktika: Who is the priceless pearl contained in the shell
casket of all the Agamas (ritualistic scriptures).

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rja-rjr-chita-rgyn ramy rjva-lchan kmy-kma-kal-rp kadamba kusuma-priy

ranjan-raman-rasy ranat-kin-kini mkhal 71 kalyn-jagat-kand karun-rasa sgar 73

Rajarajarchita: Who is Kubera, the lord of wealth, described as the kings of kings. Or worshipped Kamya: Who is to be longed for as the highest.
by Kubera, the king of kings. Kama kalarupa: Who is Kama-kala, the manifestation of Kameshvara and
Ragyi: Who is the queen (shakti) of the Supreme Being. Kameshvari together.
* Ramya: Who is lovely. Kadamba kusuma priya: Who is fond of Kadamba flowers.
Rajiva lochana: Whose eyes are lutus-like. Kalyani: Who is Kalyani or the Blessed One.
Ranjani: Who gives delight. Jagatikanda: Who is the Root of the Universe.
Ramani: She who is charming. * Karunarasa sagara: Who is the sea of compassion.
Rasysa: Who is the essence of all things we enjoy.
Ranatkinkini mekhala: Who wears a girdle of tinkling bells. kal-vat-kal-lp knt kdam-barpriy
varad-vma-nayan vrun-mada vi-val 74
ram-rkndu-vadan rati-rp rati-priy
raksh-kar-rksha-saghn rm ramana-lampat 72 Kalavati: Who is the embodiment of all arts.
Kalalapa: Whose speech itself constitutes what is called fine art.
Rama: Who is Rama (Lakshmi). Kanta: Who is beauty coveted by all.
Rakenduvadana: Whose face is like the full moon. Kadambari priya: Who is fond of offerings of Kadambari (mead).
Ratirupa: Whose form is like that of Rati, the Wife of Kamadeva (God of Love). Varada: Who bestows boons
Ratipriya: Who is dear to Rati. Vamanayana: Whose eyes are full of grace.
Rakshakari: Who is saviour of Jivas from Samsara. Varuni mada vihvala: Who is intoxicated with Varuni (the wine of spiritual bliss).
Rakshasaghni: Who is the slayer of Rakshasa, the forces of evil.
Rama: Who is all that is feminine.
Ramana lampata: Who craves to sport with Her Consort.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
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vishv-dhik-vda-vdy vindhy-chala nivsin vijay-vimal-vandy van-dru jana-vatsal

vidhtr-vda-janan vishnu-my vilsin 75 vg-vdin-vma-ksh vani-mandala vsin 77
Vishvadhika: Who transcends the whole universe. Vijaya: Who is the victorious.
Vedavedya: Who can be known through the Vedas (Sacred scriptures). Vimala: Who is Vimala or the Pure.
Vindyachala nivasini: Whose abode is in the Vidhya Mountain. Vandya: Who is the adorable.
Vidhatri: Who created the universe and sustains it. * Vandaru jana vatsala: Who loves devotees like a mother.
Vedajanani: Who is the source of the world. Vagvadini: Who is vag-vadini or the power that prompts holy men to speak words of
Vishnumaya: Who is Vishnu-maya-the power that limits the all-pervading Vishnu and manifests wisdom.
all that was unmanifest. Vamakeshi: Who is Vamakeshi or ne with lovely locks of hair.
Vilasini: Who is the playful (Lalita) - Her play being the creation, sutentation and dissolution of Vahnimandala vasini: Who lives in a circle of fire.
the universe.
bhaktimat-kalpa-latik pashu-psha vimchin
kshtra-svarp-kshtrsh kshtra-kshtrag-nya plin samhrut-ssha-pshand sadchra pravar-tik 78
kshaya-vrudhi-vinir-mukt kshtra-pla samarchit 76
Bhakti matkalpalatika: Who is verily a Kalpa Taru, the wish-yielding tree of Heaven
Kshetrasvarupa: Who is the body of all beings. that grants all the prayers of devotees.
Kshetreshi: Who is also the ruler of all bodies. * Pashupasha vimochini: Who releases the ignorant from their bond of ignorance.
Kshetrakshetragya palini: Who protects both the soul and the body. Samhritashesha pashanda: The destroyer of heretics those who are averse to spiritual
Kshayavruddhi vinirmukta: Who is without growth and without decay. values.
Kshetrapala samarchita: Who is worshipped by the Kshetrapala the keeper of the body (the Jiva). * Sadachara pravartika: Who inspires men to right conduct.

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tpa-traygni-san-tapta samh-ldana chandrik par-pratyak-chit-rp pasyant para-dvat

tarun-tpa-srdhy tanu-madhy tam-pah 79 madhyam-vaikhar-rp bhakta-mnasa hamsik 81

Tapatrayagni santapta samahladana chandrika: Who is like moonlight that gives joy to those who Para: Who is the Para or the Transcendent Word (above the other lower stages of
are burnt by the triple fires of misery those generated by physical, mental and supernatural speech known as Pashyanti, Madhyama and Vaikhari).
causes. Pratyak chitirupa: Who is in the form of consciousness turned inwards (when the
Taruni: Who is ever young. Reality is unmanifest in dissolution).
Tapasaradhya: Who is adored by ascetics. Pashyanti: Who is Pashyanti or speech in the inaudible stage.
Tanumadhya: Who is Tanu-madhya the Deity who is slender in the waist. Paradevata: Who is Paradevata the object of supreme devotion.
Tamopaha: Who is the dispeller of ignorance in aspirants. Madhyama: Who is Madhyama, or speech in the middle stage of its external
chitistat-pada-laksh-yrth chid-karasa rupin Vaikharirupa: Who is Vakhari the uttered audible speech.
Bhakta manasa hamsika: Who is the swan sporting in the Manasa lake of Her
svt-mnan-dalav-bhta bram-dy-nanda san-tati-h(i) 80 devotees minds.

Chiti: Who is Citi, the independent power that sustains every thing.
Statpada lakshyartha: Who is denoted by the word Tat (That). kmshvara-prna-nd krutag-ny kma-pjit
Chideka rasarupini: Who is of the nature of Pure Consciosuness. srungra-rasa-samprn jay-jlan dharas-thit 82
Svatmananda lavibhuta brahmadyananda santatih: A fraction of whose bliss forms the bliss
manifest in Brahma and others. Kameshvara prananadi: Who is the very life of Her Consort Kameshvara.
Krutagya: Who knows all that men do.
Kamapujita: Who is adored by Manmatha the god of love (or who dwells in the
Muladhara Chakra).
Shrungara rasa sampoorna: Who is the essence of Love (or who lives where love in
fullness is found).
Jaya: Who is designated as the victorious one.
Jalandhara sthita: Who is Vishnumukhi at the holy shrine of Jalandhara (or who
dwells in Visuddhi chakra).

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
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d-yna-ptha-nilay bindu-mandala vsin prabh-vat-prabh-rp prasiddh paramshvar

rah-yga-kram-rdhy rahas-tarpana tarpit 83 mla-prakrutir-avyakt vyakt-vyakta svarpin 86

Odyana pithanilaya: Who is present at holy seat or Odyana (or who dwells in the Agya Chakra). Prabhavati: Who is endowed with the power of effulgence (Prabhavati).
Bindumandala vasini: Who dwells in the Brahmarandhra of the individual. Prabharupa: Who is the Effulgence of Power itself.
Rahoyaga kramaradhya: Who is to be worshipped by secret rites. Prasiddha: Who is the celebrated.
Rahastarpana tarpita: Who is gratified by secret libations. Parameshvari: Who is the sovereign Supreme.
Mulaprakruti: Who is the first cause.
sadyah-prasdin-vishva skshin skshi-varjit Ravyakta: Who is the unmanifest state of the universe.
Vyakta vyakta svarupini: Who is the manifest and the unmanifest states.
shadanga-dvat-yukt shd-gunya pari-prit 84

* Sadyahprasadini: Who bestows Her grace immediately on being so worshipped. vypin-vivi-dh-kr vidy-vidy svarpin
* Vishva sakshini: Who is the witness of everything. mah-kmsha-nayana kumud-lda kaumud 87
Sakshivarjita: Who has Herself no witness.
Shadanga devatayukta: Who is accompanied by the deities of the six Angas (parts heart, head, Vyapini: Who is all pervading.
hair, eyes, armour and weapons). Vividhakara: Who has many forms.
Shadgunya paripurita: Who is endowed with the dix good qualities in perfection. Vidyavidya svarupini: Who is both Knowledge and Ignorance.
Mahakamesha nayana kumudhalda kaumudi: Who gladdens the eyes of Her Lord
nitya-klinn-niru-pam nirvna sukha-dyin Kameshvara as the moon gladdens the water lilies.
nity-sh-dashik-rp r-kan-thrdha shar-rin 85
bhakta-hrda-tambhda bhnu-mad-bnu san-tatih(i)
Nityaklinna: Who is ever compassionate. siva-dt-siv-rdhy siva-mrtih shivankar 88
Nirupama: Who is peerless
Nirvana shikhadayini: Who confers the bliss of Nirvana. Bhaktaharda tamobheda bhanumadh bhanusantatih: Who dispels the darkness of
Nityashoda shikarupa: Who is in the form of the sixteen Nityas (Tripurasundari with Her ignorance in the minds of devotees as the suns rays dispel the darkness of the world.
companions). Shivaduti: For whom Shiva became the herald.
Shrikanthardha sharirini: Who has a body constituting the half of Siva. * Shivaradhya: Who is worshipped by Shiva.
* Shivamurtih: Whose form is Shiva.
Shivankari: Who dispenses happiness.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
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sivapriy-sivapar sish-tsh-t sishta-pjit tatvsan-tatvamay pancha-kshn tara-sthit

apramy-svapraksh manvchm agchar 89 nis-sma-mahim-nitya yau-van mada-shlin 91

* Shivapriya: Who is the beloved of Shiva. Tatvasana: Whose seat is constituted of the Cosmic Elements (the thirty six Tattvas).
* Shivapara: Who is solely devoted to Shiva. Tatvamayi (Tasmai): Who is denoted by the mystic syllable Tat (That).
Shishteshta: Who is dear to the righteous. Tubhyam: Who is addressed as Tvam (Thou) in prayers and hymns.
Shishtapujita: Who is adored by the righteous. Ayyai: Who is referred to as Ayi (dear one).
Aprameya: Who is the Infinite that is immeasurable. Pancha koshantara sthita: Who is the Jiva within the five Kosas (Psychological
Svaprakasha: Who is self illumined. sheaths of the Jivas personality).
Manovachama gochara: Who is beyond the range of mind and speech. Nissima mahima: Whose glory is boundless.
Nitya yauvana: Who is ever youthful.
chich-chaktis-chtan-rp jada-sakthir jad-tmik Madashalini: Who is ever inebriated with Bliss.
gyathr-vy-hruti(h)-sandhy dvija-brunda ni-svit 90
mada-ghr-nita-raktk-sh mada-ptala ganda-bhh(u)
Chischaktish: Who is the Power of Consciousness. chandana-drava-dig-dhng chmpya kusuma-priy 92
Chetanarupa: Who is pure consciousness itself.
Jadashaktir: Who is manifesting as the mechanical forces. Madaghurnita raktakshi: Whose red-tinged eyes are turned inward owing to the
Jadatmika: Who is the innermost essence of all mechanical forces. exuberance of bliss.
Gayatri: Who is the Gayatri Mantra. Madapatala gandabhuh: Whose cheeks are rosy with rapture.
Vyahrutih: Who is the seven Vyahrutis (ivocations) of Gayatri Mantra. Chandanadrava dhighangi: Whose person is fragrant with the scent of sandal paste.
Sandhya: Who is the Deity for whose adoration the Sandhya (twilight worship) is done. Champeya kusumapriya: Who is fond of the fragrant Champa flowers.
Dvijabrunda nishevita: Who is adored by holymen at the Sandhya worship. Kushala komalakara kurukulla kuleshvari.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
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kusal-kmal-kr kuru-kull kulsvar tjvat-trinayan llksh kma-rpin

kula-kund-lay-kaula mrga-tat-para svit 93 mlin-hamsin-mt malay chala-vsin 95

Komalakara: Whose form is graceful. Tejovati: Who is effulgent.

Kurukulla: Who is the Deity Kurukulla. Trinayana: Who is endowed with three eyes.
Kuleshvari: Who is the ruler of the Kula (Susumna). Lolakshi kamarupini: Who is love in women.
Kulakundalaya: Who is the Deity in the Kulakunda (the Muladhara). Malini: Who wears a garland representing the fifty-one syllables of the Matruka.
Kaula marga tatpara sevita: Who is worshipped by those who are devoted to the Kaula tradition. Hamsini: Who is the Hamsa mantra (Soham Hamsah reverberating with every
kumra-ganan-thmb tushti-pushtir matir-dhrutih(i) Mata: Who is the creatrix.
Malayachala vasini: Who dwells on the Malaya mountain.
shntih-svasti-mat-kntir nandin vigna-nshin 94

* Kumaragana nathamba: Who is the mother of Kumara (Lord Murugan) and Gananatha (Lord sumukh-nalin-subhr shbhan sura-nyik
Ganesha). kla-kanth-knti-mat ksh-bhin skshma-rpin 96
Tushtih: Who is contentment, (Tushti) and is also worshipped as the deity Tushti.
Pushti:Who is fullness (Pushti) and is also the deity Pushti. Sumukhi: Who has a lovely face.
Matir: Who is wisdom (mati) and is also worshipped as the deity Mati. Nalini: Who is called Nalini, because her eyes, limbs etc. have the loveliness of Nalini
Dhrutih: Who is fortitude (Dhruti) and is also worshipped as the deity Dhruti. or lotus.
Shantih: Who is serenity. Subhruh: Who has attractive eyebrows.
Svastimati: Who is benediction. Shobhana: Who is all radiance with beauty.
Kantir: Who is luminosity. Surayayika: Who is the leader of the gods.
Nandini: Who bestows delight. Kalakanthi: Who is the consort of Kala Kantha (Shiva).
* Vighna nashini: Who puts an end to all obstacles. Kantimati: Who is resplendent.
Kshobhini: Who generates the creative upheaval that causes the evolution of Prakruti
at the beginning of a cycle and fructifies the Karma efficiencies of Jivas.
Sukshma rupini: Whose form is subtle.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
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vajrsvar-vmdev vay-vasth vivar-jit an-hatbja-nilay sym-bh vadana-dvay

siddsvar-siddha-vidy siddha-mt yasas-vin 97 damstrj-jval-ksham-mldi dhar-rudhira samsthit 100

Vajreshvari: Who is vajreshvari, the Deity of a holy place known by that name. Anaha tabjanilaya: Who is in the form of the Yogini called Rakini abiding in the
Vamadevi: Who is the consort of Vamadeva (Shiva). Anahata Chakra.
Vayovastha vivarjita: Who is devoid of old age and all other changes. Shyamabha: Who is of shining dark complexion.
Siddheshvari: Who is the supreme goddess of Siddhas or spiritual adepts. Vadanadvaya: Who as Rakini has two faces.
* Siddhavidya: Whose Mantra (Srividya) is always fruitful. Damshtrojvala: Who has shining face.
* Siddhamata: Who is the Mother ever ready to help aspirants. Kshamaladi dhara: Who wears a rosary etc.
Yashasvini: Who is most renowned. Rudhira samsthita: Who presides over blood in living beings.

visuddhi-chakra-nilay rakta-varn tri-lchan kla-r-trydi-shakt-yaugha vrt-snig-dhau dana-priy

khatvn-gdi-pra-haran vada-naika saman-vit 98 mah-vrndra-varad rkin-yamb svarpin 101

Vishuddhi chakranilaya: Who resides in the Vishuddhi Chakra. Kalaratradi shaktyaugha vruta: Who is attended by Kalaratri and eleven other
Raktavarna: Who is of a rosy complexion like the Patali flower. Shaktis.
* Trilochana: Who has three eyes. * Snigdhau danapriya: Who loves offerings of rice mixed with ghee.
Khatvangadi praharana: Who is armed with a club and other weapons. Mahavirendra varada: Who grants boons to great heroes.
Vadanaika samnvita: Who is with a single face. Rakinyamba svarupini: Who is the Mother as Rakini.

pya-sna-priy-tvak-sth pasulka- bhayankar manip-rbja-nilay vada-natraya samyut

amrutdi-mah-sakthi samvrut dkin-svar 99 vaj-rdik-yudhpt d-mar-ydi bhir-vrut 102

* Payasannapriya: Who likes offerings of Payasa (milk food). Manipurabja nilaya: Who resides in the Manipura centre and is known as Lakini
Tvakstha: Who presides over the skin that gives the sensation of touch. Vadana trayasamyuta: Who has three faces.
Pashuloka bhayankari: Who is frightful to the ignorant (Pashu). Vajradi kayudhopeta: Who has the thunderbolt and other weapons.
Amrutadi mahashakti samvruta: Who is surrounded by sixteen Saktis beginning with Amruta. Damaryadi bhiravruta: Who is surrounded by ten Sankits beginning with Damari.
Dakinishvari: Who is the Divine Ruler Dakini.

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rakta-varn-mmsa-nisht gudnap-prta - mnas ml-dhrm-buj-rdh pancha-vaktrsthi samsthit

samasta-bhakta-sukhad lkin-yamb svarpin 103 ankushdi-pra-haran vara-ddi ni-shvit 106

Raktavarna: Who has a ruddy hue. Muladharabujarudha: Who assumes Her place in the Muladhara Chakra, described
Mamsanishtha: Who presides over flesh in living creatures. as a lotus of four petals.
* Gudanna pritamanasa: Who has a liking for rice cooked with jaggery. Panchavaktra: Who exhibits five faces.
* Samasta bhaktasukhada: Who bestows happiness on all devotees Sthisamsthita: Who presides over bones in living creatures.
Lakinyamba svarupini: Who is the Mother with the form of Lakini. Ankushadi praharana: Who is armed with a goad and other weapons.
Varadadi nishevita: Who is attended on by Varada and three other Saktis.
svdhish-tnm-buja-gat chatur-vaktra manhar
sl-dy-yudha-sampann pta-varn tigar-vit 104 mudgau-dan-sakta-chitt skin-yamb svarpin
g-ny-chakrbja-nilay shukla-varn shad-nan 107
Svadhisthanam bujagata: Who abides in the Svadhisthana Chakra under the name of Kakini.
Chaturvaktra manohara: Who is fascinating with Her four faces. Mudgauda nasaktachitta: Who loves offerings of boiled pulse and rice.
Shuldayayudha sampanna: Who is armed with a trident and other weapons in Her four hands. Sakinyamba svarupini: The Mother who appears in the form of Sakini.
Pitavarna: Who is yellow in hue (e.e. golden in colour). Agya charkabja nilaya: The Mother who resides in the agya chakra (which is
Tigarvita: Who is very dignified. described as a lotus with two petals).
Shuklavarna: Who is white in complexion.
mdh-nisht-madhu-prt bandhin-ydi saman-vit Shadanana: Who has six faces.
dadhyan-nsakta-hruday kkin rpa-dhrin 105
majj-samsth-hamsa-vat mukhya-sakthi samanvit
Medonishtha: Who presides over fatty substances in living beings. haridr-naika-rasik hkin-rpa dhrin 108
* Madhuprita: Who loves to have offerings of honey.
Bandinyadi samanvita: Who is surrounded by Bandhini and other five Saktis. Majja samstha: Who presides over marrow of living beings.
* Dadhyannasakta hrudaya: Who loves to have offerings of curd. Hamsavati mukhyashakti: Who is attended by Hanshavati and other Shaktis.
Kakini rupadharini: The Mother who appears in the form of Kakini. Samanvita: Who is attended on by Hamsavati and other Saktis.
Haridrannaika rasika: Who loves offerings of saffron flavoured rice.
Hakini rupadharini: Who assumes the form ofHakini.

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sahasra-dala-padmasth sarva-varnpa shbhit punya-krtih-punya-labhy punya-shravana krtan

sarv-yudha-dhar-shukla samsthit sarvat-mukh 109 pulo-majr-chit-bandha mchan bandhu-rlak 111
Sahasradala padmastha: Who dwells in the Shahasrara which is described as a thousand petalled Punyakirttih: Who is famed for holiness.
lotus. Punyalabhya: Who can be attained only through holiness.
Sarvavarnopa shobhita: Who shines with all colours. Punyashravana kirtana: To hear of whom and to praise whom make for holiness.
Sarvyudha dhara: Who is armed with all weapons. Pulomajarchita: Who is adored by Pulomaja, the consort of Indra
Shukla samsthita: Who presides over the vital fluid in all creatures. Bandha mochani: Who liberates the Jiva from the bondage of Samsara.
Sarvatomukhi: Who has faces all round and see in all directions. Barbaralaka:. Who is wavy haired.

sarvau-dana-prta-chitt ykin-yamb svarpin vimarsha-rpin-vidy viya-ddi-jagat prash(u)

svh-svadh-matir-mdh shruti-smrutir anut-tam 110 sarva-vydhi-pra-shaman sarva-mrutyu nivrin 112
Sarvaudana pritachitta: Who loves to have offerings of all kinds of food. Vimarsharupini: Who is of the nature of Vimarsha, the mirror of objectivity which
Yakinyamba svarupini: The Mother who appears in the form of Yakini. makes Shiva self aware as Prakasha (the pure Luminosity), the subject.
Svaha: Who is the deity of Svaha, the sacred exclamation with which oblations aremade in Vidya: Who is Vidya, the knowledge that gives spiritual enlightenment.
sacrificial fire for gods. Viyadadi jagatprasuh: Who is the origin of the whole consom beginning with the
Svadha: The Deity Svadha, the sacred exclamation uttred while making oblations to the Pitrs element of Akasha (space).
(manes). Sarvamrutyu nivarini: Who wards off all forms of death.
Amatir: Who is Amiti (Buddhi or knowledge).
Medha: Who has become intelligence.
Shrutih: Who has become memory. gra-gany-chintya-rp kalikal-masha nshin
Anuttama: Who has none superior. kty-yan-kla-hantr kama-lksha nishvit 113

Agraganya: Who is to be recknoned as the First in every-thing.

Chintyarupa: Who transcends all thought.
* Kalikalmasha nashini: Who destroys the sins of the degenerate age of Kali.
Katyayani: Who is Katyayani, the sumutotal of the effulgence of all the Deities.
Kalahantri: Who puts an end to Time, the destroyer of all.
* Kamalaksha nishevita: Who is worshipped even by the lotus eyed Vishnu.

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tmbla-pr-itamukh d-dim kusuma-prabh par-saktih-par-nishth prag-nyna ghana-rpin

mrugksh-mhin-mukhy mrudn mithra-rpin 114 mdhv-p-n-las-matt mtruk varna-rpin 116

Tambula puritamukhi: Whose mouth is full of chewing betel. Parashaktih: Who is Para sakti, the Supreme Power.
Dadimi kusumaprabha: Who shines like a pomegranate flower. Paranishtha: Who is the Supreme End and establishment in Faith.
Mrugakshi: Whose eyes are like those of a doe. Pragyana ghanarupini: Who is Pure consciousness condensed.
Mohini: Who is bewitching beauty. Madhvi panalasa: Who is introverted and inactive like one intoxicated with wine.
Mukhya: Who is known as Mukhya prana, the first born of creation. (known as Hiranyagarbha Matta: Who is the ego consciousness of Shiva.
or the four faced Brahma). Maturka varna rupini: To whom all the alphabets are related as Her form.
Mrudani: Who is the Consort of Mruda, the Divine dispenser of Happiness (i.e. Shiva in His
sattvika aspect). mah-kailsa-nilay mrunlam-rudu dr-lat
* Mitrarupini: Who is effulgent like the Sun.
mahan-ny-daymurtr mah-smrjya shlin 117
nitya-trupt-bhakta-nidhir niyantr nikhi-lshvar Mahakailasa nilaya: Whose abode is the Maha kailasha ( the Bindu in the
my-tyrdi-vsan-labhy mah-pralaya skshin 115 Sahasrara).
Mrunala mrudu dorlata: Whose arms are smooth and slender like a pair of lotus
Nityatrupta: Who is eternally contentd and happy. stalks.
Bhaktanidhih: Who is a treasure to Her devotees. Mahaniya: Who is adorable.
Niyantri: Who is the guide and controller of all. Dayamurtih: Who is compassion itself.
Nikhileshvari: Who is Ruler of the worlds. Mahasamrajya shalini: To whom belongs the vast empire of the whole universe.
* Maitryadi vasana labhya: Who is attained through loving kindness and other such dispositions.
Mahapralaya sakshini: Who witnesses the dissolution of the whole cosmos.

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tma-vidy-mah-vidy r-vidy kma-svit darn-dlita-dr-ghksh dara-hsj jvalan-mukh

r-shda-skshar-vidy tree-kt kma-ktik 118 guru-mrtir-guna-nidhir gmt guha-janma-bhh(u) 121

Atmavidya: Who is Atma vidya, the doctrine of the Self. Darandolita dirghakshi: Who has shapely, wide and elongated eyes tremulous with
Mahavidya: Who is Maha vidya, the great doctrine (also a deity). mercy.
Shrividya: Who is Srhi vidya (the fifteen lettered Mantra of the Devi). Darahaso jvalanmukhi: Whose face is lit with a gentle smile.
Kamasevita: Who is meditated upon by Kamadeva, the god of love. * Gurumurtir: Who assumes the form of the Guru.
* Shrishoda shakshari vidya: Who is the Shodashakshari vidya, the sixteen lettered Mantra of Gunanidhir: Who is a treasure house of virtues.
the Devi. Gomata: Who is the source of speech.
Trikuta: Who forms the three Kutas or groups of letters of Shri vidya. * Guhajanmabhuh: Who is the mother of Guha (Lord Karttikeya).
Kamakotika: Of whom Kameshvara (Parama Shiva) is a mode.
dvsh-danda-n-tisth daha-r-ksha rpin
katksha-kinkar-bhta kamal kti-svit pratipan-mukhya-rknta tithi-mandala pjit 122
siras-thit-chandra-nibh bhlas-thndra dhanuh-prabh 119
Deveshi: Who is the ruler of all divinities.
* Katakshakinkari bhuta kamalakoti sevita: Who can at a mere glance make crores of Lakshmis Dandanitishtha: Who sits on the throne of justice.
(goddesses of wealth and beauty) wait upon Her. Daharakasha rupini: Who is the subtle Self in the heart of man.
Shirahsthita: Who dwells in the Shasrara in the head. Pratipan mukhyarakanta tithimandala pujita: Who is to be worshipped on the full
Chandranibha: Who shines as the Moon in the pericap of the Sahasrara lotus. moon day, which is the last day (Tithi) of the lunar fortnight beginnng with Pratipada.
Bhalasthendra: Who dwells as the Bindu in the syllable Harim meditated in the forehead.
Dhanuhprabha: Who shines in the colours of the rainbow. kalt-mik-kal-nth kvy-lpa vindin
hruda-yasdh-ravi-prakhy trik-nntara dpik sach-mara-ram-vn savya-dakshina svit 123
dksh-yan-daitya-hantr daksha-yagna vinshin 120
Kalatmika: Who is Herself all the phases (kalas) of the moon.
Kalanatha: Who is the mistress of all the kalas.
Hrudayastha: Who abides in the heart of the devotees for meditation. Kavyalapa vinodini: Who delights in the language of poetry.
Raviprakhya: Who blazes in the heart like the Sun. * Sachamara ramavani savyadakshina sevita: Who is served by Lakshmi and
Trikonantara dipika: Who resides in the centre of the Muladhara known as the Trikona. Sarasvati standing on Her left and right sides holding Chowri fans.
Dakshayani: Who manifested as the daughter of Daksha.
Daityahantri: Who destroys demons who embody the forces of evil.
Daksha-yagya vinashini: Who destroyed the sacrifice of Daksha.

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disakthir-am-ytma param-pvan krutih(i) tryak-shar-divyagan-dhdy sindra-tila knchit

anka-kti-bramnda janan-divya vigrah 124 um-sailndra-tanay gaur-ga-dharava svit 126

Adishakti: Who is the Adishakti or Primordial Power, which creates every thing and pervades * Tryakshari: Who is the Mantra of three parts (Panchadashi Mantra of Shrividya).
every thing. Divya gandhadhya: Who is full of divine fragrance.
Ameya: Whose greatness is immeasurable. * Sindura tilakanchita: Who is adorned with the vermilion mark on the forehead.
Atma: Who is the Self in all. Uma: Who is Uma-Brahma-vidya personified.
Parama: Who is also the Supreme Self. Shailendra tanaya: Who is the daughter of the King of Mountains, the Himalayas.
Pavanakrutih: Whose form is holy and sanctifying. Gauri: Who is Gauri, the fair complexioned one.
Anekakoti brahmanda janani: Who has given birth to several crores of world systems. * Gandharva sevita: Who is attended upon by Gandharvas, the celestial minstrels.
Divya vigraha: Who has Divine form.
visva-garbh-svarna-garbh varad-vga dhshvar
klnkr-kval-guhy kaivalya pada-dyin dhyna-gamy-pari-chdy nyna-d nyna-vigrah 127
tripur-trijagad-vandy trimrtis trida-sshvar 125
* Vishvagarbha: Who has the universe in her womb.
Klinkari: Who is represented by the holy syllable Klim, known as the Kamaraja Bija. Svarnagarbha: Who has everything wholesome and charming hidden within her.
Kevala: Who is the absolute devoid of all attributes. Varada: Who defeats the ignoble demons.
Guhya: Who is worshipped in secrecy by some adepts. * Vagadhishvari: Who presides over speech.
Kaivalya padadayini: Who confers Kaivalya, the state of Absolute Bliss. Dhyana gamya: Who can be approached through meditation.
Tripura: Who is Tripura or the One with three aspects. Parichhedya: Who is the Infinite without any limitation.
Trijagadvandya: Who is adored by all in the three worlds. Gyanada: Who is the giver of Supreme Knowledge.
Trimurti: Who has the three forms of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshvara. Gyana vigraha: Who is Herself the embodiment of Supreme Knowledge.
Tridashesvari: Who is Mistress governing the Divinites (Tridasas).

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sarva-vdnta-sam-vdy saty-nanda svarpin ashta-mrtir-aj-jaitr lka-ytr vidhyin

lp-mudrr-chit-ll klupta-bramnda mandal 128 k-kin-bhma-rp nir-dvait-dvaita varjit 131

Sarva Vedanta samvedya: Whom all the Vendantas (Upanishads) declare. Ashtamurti: Who has an eightfold form.
Satyananda svarupini: Who is Supreme Knowledge and Supreme Bliss. Rajajaitri: Who helps to overcome Aja (Ignorance).
Lopamudrarchita: Who is worshipped through the Mantra named after Lopamudra. Lokayatra vidhayini: Who directs the cosmic process.
Lila klupta brahmanda mandala: For whom the creation of many a universe is a mere sport. Ekakini: Who is the Alone
Bhumarupa: Who is Infinite by nature.
adrushy-drushya-rahit vig-nytr vdya-varjit Nirdvaita: Who has no opposite
Dvaita varjita: Who is without any duality.
ygin-ygad-ygy yg-nand yugan-dhar 129

Adrushya: Who is not an object of ordinary vision. a-ad-vasudh-vruddh bramt-maikya svarpin

Drushyarahita: Who is beyond objectivity. bruhat-brman-brm bram-nand bali-priy 132
Vigyatri: Who is the ultimate subject.
Vedyavarjita: Who, being omniscient, has nothing more to know. * Annada: Who supplies food to all.
Yogini: Who is Yogini. Vasuda: Who is the generous giver of everything valuable.
Yogada: Who can bestow Yoga to votaries. Vrudha: Who is the Primeval One.
Yogya: Who is the object of Yoga. Brahmatmaikya svarupini: Who is the symbol of the oneness of Brahman and the
Yogananda: Who is the bliss realized through Yoga. Atman.
Yugandhara: Who bears the Yoke of Yoga consisting in regulating the evolution during vast Bruhati: Who is the Immense.
periods of time (Yugas). Brahmani: Who is the wisdom of the Eternal.
Brahmi: Who belongs to the Eternal.
icch-sakthi-nyna-sakthi kriy-sakthi svarpin Brahmananda: Who is the bliss of Brahman.
* Balipriya: Who loves the offerings of devotees.
sarv-dhr-supra-tisht sada-sadrpa dhrin 130

Ichhashakti gyanashakti kriyashakti svarupini: Who is the Power of Will (Ichha shakti), Power
of Knowledge (Gyana shakti) and Power of Action (Kriya shakti).
Sarvadhara: On whom everything rests.
Supratishtha: Who is the firm foundation of all existence.
Sadasad rupadharini: Who takes the forms of both Being and Non being.

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bhs-rp-bruhat-sn bhv-bhva vivarjit dkshit-daitya-shaman sarvalka vashankar

sukh-rdhy-subha-kar shbhan sulabh-gatih(i) 133 sarvrtha-dtr-svitr sachid-nanda rpin 136

Bhasharupa: Who is in the form of language. Dikshita: Who is under a holy vow.
Bruhatsena: Who leads a mighty army. Daityashamani: Who quells evil forces.
Bhavabhava vivarjita: Who is beyong being and nonbeing. Sarvaloka vashankari: Who keeps all the worlds under Her sway.
* Sukharadhya: Whose worship is easy to perform. * Sarvartha datri: Who grants all our wants.
Shubhakari: Who is blissful in blessing. Savitri: Who is the Creative Power.
Shobhana sulabhagatih: Whose path is lustrous and easy to traverse. Sachhidanada rupini: Whose form is Existence Knowledge Bliss absolute.

rja-rjshvar-rjya dyin-rjya vallabh dsa-kl-pari-chinn sarva-g-sarva mhin

rjat-krup-rja-pta niv-shita nij-shrit 134 sarasvat-shstra-may guhmb-guhya rpin 137

Raja rajeshvari: Who is Rajarajeshvari (The Ruler of rulers). Deshakala parichhinna: Who is not limited by space and time.
Rajya dayini: Who bestows dominion. Sarvaga: Who is present in all as the inner controller.
Rajya vallabha: Who loves dominion. sarva mohini: Who casts Her spell on all.
Rajatkrupa: Who is gloriously compassionate. Sarasvati: Who is Sarasvati, Goddess of discriminative wisdom and spiritual
* Rajapitha niveshita nijashrita: Who raises Her devotees to royal status. illumination.
Shastramayi: Who is the science of the spirit.
rjya-lakshmh-ksha-nth chatu-ranga balsvar * Guhamba: Who is the Mother residing in the cave of intelligence (Also the mother
of Guha or Subrahmanya).
sm-rjya-dyin-satya sandh-sgara mkhal 135 Guhyarupini: Whose form is subtle.

Rajyalakshmih: Who is the goddess of sovereignty.

Koshanatha: Who presides over treasure or the five sheaths (Koshas) of the human personality.
Chaturanga baleshvari: Who commands armies well equipped in all the four arms.
Samrajya dayini: Who bestows imperial dominion.
Satya sandha: Who is wedded to Truth.
Sagara mekhala: Whose girdle is the sea.

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sarv-pdhi-vinir-mukt sad-siva pati-vrat chitkal-nanda-kalik prma-rp priyan-kar

samprad-yshvar-sdhv guru-mandala rpin 138 nma-pryana-prt nandi-vidy natshvar 141

Sarvopadhi vinirmukta: Who is free from all limitations. Chitkala: Who is a spark of Divine Consciousness (Chitkala).
Sadashiva pativrata: Who is the devoted Consort of Sadashiva. Anandakalika: Who is the bud of Divine Bliss.
Sampradayeshvari: Who is the guardian of sacred traditions. Premarupa: Who is pure Love itself.
Sadhvi: Who is rightly understood as the Power that dispels ignorance. Priyankari: Who grants what is dear to us.
Yai: Who is denoted by the syllable I. Namaparayana prita: Who is pleased with a litany of Her names.
Gurumandala rupini: Who embodies in Herself the teaching of successive lines of teachers. Nandividya: Who is the Deity of the Mantra of Nandikeshvara.
Nateshvari: Who is the counterpart of Chidambara Nateshvara.
kul-trn-bhag-rdhy my-madhu mat-mah
ganmb-guhya-kr-dhy kma-lng gurupriy 139 mithy-jagada-dhishtn mukti-d mukti-rpin
l-sya-priy-laya-kar lajj-ram-bhdi vandit 142
Kulottirna: Who transcends the sphere of the senses, including the mind.
Bhagaradhya: Who is worshipped in the orbit of the Sun. Mithya jagada dhishthana: Who is the ground of the Changing universe.
Maya: Who is the Power called Maya. Muktida: Who is the giver of salvation.
Madhumati: Who is called madhumati, the ultimate step to be taken by the highest Yoginis. Mukti rupini: Who is Herself salvation.
Mahi: Who is Mahi, the common ground of all. Lasyapriya: Who likes the rhythmic dance of women, called Lasya.
Ganamba: Who is the Mother of all the hosts of Shiva and Ganesha. Layakari: Who generates harmony in dance and music.
Guhyakaradhya: Who is worshppped by the demi gods called the Guhyakas. Lajja: Who is modesty itself.
Komalangi: Whose form is delicate and pleasing. Rambhadi vandita: Who is adored by Rambha and other celestial damsels.
* Gurupriya: Who is the Consort of Shiva, the great Guru.
bava-dva-sudh-vrusthih pp-ranya dav-nal
sva-tantr-sarva-tantrsh dakshin-murt rpin daur-bgya-tl-v-t-l jardh-vnta ravi-prabh 143
sana-kdi-sam-rdhy sivag-nyna pradyin 140
Bhava dava sudha vrushtih: Who is the rain of nectar that puts out the wild fire of
Svatantra: Who is the only Independent Being. Samsara.
Sarvatantreshi: Who is the presiding deity of all the Tantras. Paparanya davanala: Who is also the wild fire that burns down the jungles of sins.
* Dakshinamurti rupini: Who has taken the form of Dakshinamurti. Daurbhagya tula vatula: Who is the wind that drives away the flakes of misfortune.
Sanakadi samaradhya: Who is worthy of being worshipped by Sanaka and other great ascetics. Jaradhvanta raviprabha: Who removes by her effulgence the gloom of infirmities
Shivagyana pradayini: Who imparts the knowledge of the Supreme Being (Shiva). attendant on old age.

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bhg-yb-dhi-chandrik-bhakta chitta-kki ghan-ghan kshar-kshartmik-sarva lksh vishva-dhrin

rgapar-vatadam-bhlir mrutyu-dru kuth-rik 144 trivarga-dtr-subag tryam-bak trigun-tmik 146

Bhagyabdhi chandrika: Who is the full moon that sets up the tides of good fortune. Ksharaksharatmika: Who is both the changeful and the changeless.
Bhakta chitta keki ghana ghana: Who is heavily water laden cloud that makes the hearts of Sarva lokeshi: Who is the Ruler of all the worlds.
devotees dance like peacocks. Vishvadharini: Who supports the whole universe.
Rogaparvata dambholir: Who is the thunderbolt that shatters the mountain of diseases. Trivarga datri: Who bestows the traid of human values (aspiration to do meritorious
Mrutyudaru kutharika: Who is the axe that cuts down the tree of death. acts, the capacity for it, and the means for it).
Subhaga: Who is the goddess affluence.
mahshvar-mah-kl mah-grs mahsan Tryambaka: Who is the three eyed Goddess.
Trigunatmika: Her in whom the three dispositions of Nature are in harmony.
aparn-chandik-chanda mund-sura nishdin 145

Maheshvari: Who is the Supreme Sovereign. svarg-pavar-gad-suddh jap-pushpa nibh-krutih(i)

Mahakali: Who is Mahakali the Divine Mother who consumes everything as Time. jvat-dyuti-dhar yag-na-rp priya-vrat 147
Mahagrasa: Who is the great Devourer.
Mahashana: Whose repast consists of this mighty universe. Svargapavargada: Who bestows the enjoyments of Paradise and the eternal bliss of
Aparna: Who is Aparna the one who did not take even a leaf while performing austerities. Moksha.
Chandika: Who is the Chandika, the awe inspiring one. Shuddha: Who is ever pure.
Chanda mundasura nishudini: Who is the destroyer of the demons Chanda and Munda, and came Japapushpa nibhakrutih: Whose colour is of the nature of japa flowers (China rose).
to be known as Chamunda for this reason. Ojovati: Who is full of energy.
Dyutidhara: Who is full of splendour.
Yagyarupa: Who is Vishnu, the embodiment of sacrifice.
Priyavrata: Who is fond of holy vows.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
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dur-rdhy-dur-dharsh ptal kusuma-priy mr-tnda-bhairav-rdhy mantri-neen-yasta rjya-dhh(u)

mahat-mru-nilay mandra kusuma-priy 148 tripursh-jayat-sn nistrai-guny par-par 150

* Duraradhya: Who is hard to worship by those having no control over the senses. Martanda bhairavaradhya: Who is adored by Martanda bhairava (a form of Shiva).
Duradharsha: Who is hard to resist. Mantrini nyasta rajyadhuh: Who has invested her minister (Shyamalamba) with all
Patali kusuma priya: Who is fond of Patali flower (the pale red trumpet flowers). Her regal authority.
Mahati: Who is greater than all. Tripureshi: Who is the deity Tripura.
Merunilaya: Who resides on Meru. Jayatsena: Who has victorious armies at Her command.
Mandara kusuma priya: Who loves the Mandara flowers (coral tree flowers of heaven). Nistraigunya: Who is devoid of the three dispositions of Nature.
Parapara: Who is both the Absolute and the Relative.
vr-rdhy-vird-rpa viraj visvat-mukh
pratyag-rp-par-ksh prna-d-prna rpin 149 satyag-nyn-nanda-rp sma-rasya par-yan
kapardin-kal-ml kmadhuk kma-rpin 151
Viraradhya: Who is worshipped by the Viras (the heroic).
Viradh rupa: Who is the Virat, the Cosmic Whole. Satyagyananandarupa: Who is Truth, Knowledge and Bliss.
Viraja: Who is without any stain. Samarasya parayana: Who is the harmony of all Diversities.
Vishvatomukhi: Who faces all directions. Kapardini: Who is the Consort of Kapardin (Shiva).
Pratyagrupa: Who is the Self within. Kalamala: Who wears all arts and crafts as a garland.
Parakasha: Who is the Transcendental Ether. Kamadhukh: Who is a kamadukh (the wish-yielding celestial Cow) to Her devotees.
Pranada: Who gives life. Kamarupini: Who can assume any form.
Pranarupini: Who is Herself Life (Prana or Brahma).

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
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kal-nidhi-kvya-kal rasag-ny rasa-svadhih(i) mrt-mrt-nitya-trupt muni-mnasa hamsik

pusht-pur-tan-pjy pushkar pushka-rkshan 152 satya-vrat-satya-rp sarvn-tar ymin-sat 154

Kalanidhih: Who is the treasury of all arts. Murta: Who has forms.
Kavyakala: Who is the art of poetry. Amurta: Who is formless also.
Rasagya: Who knows all Rasas (tastes, values, joys etc.). Anityatrupta: Who is satisfied even with our perishable offerings.
Rasashevadhih: Who is Herself the treasure of all Rasa Munimanasa hamsika: The swan who swims in the Manasa lake of the minds of
Pushta: Who is full of vigour. saints.
Puratana: Who is the most Ancient Being. Satyavrata: Who is vowed to truth.
Pujya: Who is worthy of devoted worship. Satyarupa: Who is herself truth.
Pushkara: Who is like a lotus in bloom. Sarvantaryamini: Who is the Inner Ruler of all beings.
Pushkarekshana: Who has eyes charming like petals of lotus. Sati: Who is the Eternal Being as also the Consort of Parama Shiva.

paran-jytih-paran-dhma para-mnuh part-par bramn-brama-janan bahu-rp budhr-chit

psa-hast-psa-hantr para-mantra vibhdin 153 prasa-vitr-prachan-dg-ny pratisht-pra-kat kruth(i) 155

Paramjyotih: Who is the Supreme Light that illumines all luminaries. Brahmani: Who is the Shakti of Brahma the Creator.
Paramdhama: Who is the Supreme Abode that homes all things that exists. Brahmane: Who is Herself Brahma.
Paramanuh: Who is also the subtlest particle. Janani: Who is the Mother of the Universe.
Paratpara: Who is the Supermost superior even to Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva who are adored as Bahurupa: Who has taken the form of the many.
supreme deities. Budharchita: Who is worshipped by the wise.
Pashahasta: Who holds in Her hands the nosse that binds all to Samsara. Prasavitri: Who gives birth to the universe.
Pashahantri: Who cuts the bond of Samsara. Prachanda: Who is awe-inspiring.
* Paramantra vibhedini: Who breaks the spells of ones enemies. Agya: Who is divine commandments.
Pratishtha: Who is the foundation of all things.
Prakatakrutih: Who is manifest in all as the I-sense.

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prneshvar-prna-dtr panch-shat pta-rpin chandas-sr-shstra-sr mantra-sr taldar

vishrun-khal-vivik-tasth vramt viyat-prash(u) 156 udra-krtir-ud-dhma vaibhav varna-rpin 158

Praneshvari: Who is the ruler of Prana (life force). Chandahsara: Who is the essence of all Vedas.
Pranadatri: Who gives life. Shastrasara: Who is the essence of all Shastras (Scriptures).
Panchashat pitharupini: Who forms the fifty basic sounds of our speech, or who has fifty centres Mantrasara: Who is the source of all Mantras.
of worship. Talodari: Who, though slender of waist, contains within Herself all the Talas,
Vishrunkhala: Who is ever unfettered. (worlds) like Atala, Vitala and others.
Viviktastha: Who dwells in the hearts of the wise or in sacred secluded spots. Udarakirti: Whose fame extends everywhere.
Viramata: Who is the Mother worshipped by the heroes (Viras). Ruddama vaibhava: Who is boundless in Her might and glory.
Viyatprasuh: Who is the source of Viyat, the substance from which evolution takes place. Varna rupini: Whose form is denoted by the letters of our language.

mukund-mukti-nilay mla-vigra harpin janma-mrutyu-jar-tapta jana-vishrnti dyin

bhvag-ny-bhavar-gagn bhava-chakra pra-vartin 157 sarv-panisha-dud-gusht shntya-tta kalt-mik 159

Mukunda: Who gives salvation to Jivas. Janmamrutyu jaratapta jana vishranti dayini: Who gives peace and repose to those
Muktinilaya: Who is the Abode of those who attain salvation. afflicted with birth, old age and death.
Mulavigraha rupini: Who is the Root from which all other Shaktis like Bala have their origin. Sarvopanisha dudghushta: Whom all the Upanishads proclaim.
Bhavagya: Who knows all thoughts and sentiments. Shantyatita kalatmika: Who transcends even the state of peace.
Bhavarogaghni: Who can cure the disease of recurring transmigratory existence.
Bhavachakra pravartini: Who has also set in motion the wheel of recurring transmigratory

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gambhr-gagan-ntasth garvit-gna llup tray-trivarga-nilay tristh-tripura mlin

kalpan-rahit-ksth knt-kntr-dha vigrah 160 nir-may-nir-lamb svt-m-rm sudh-srutih(i) 163

Gambhira: Who is inscrutable. Trayi: Who is the three-fold Veda.

Gaganatastha: Who pervades all space. Trivarga nilaya: Who is implicit in the threefold aim of life (Dharma, Artha and
Garvita: Who is the Pride of Shiva (`I as Prakasha), which is the source of the Creative process. Kama).
Ganalolupa: Who is fond of music. Tristha: Who is present in the three periods of existence like past, present and future.
Kalpana rahita: Who is untouched by the creative process, which proceeds from Her will. Tripuramalini: Who is the Deity of the threefold circles in the Shri-chakra.
Kashta: Who is the Supreme Goal. Niramaya: Who is free from the ills of life.
Kanta: Who affaces all sin. Niralamba: Who depends on none.
Kantardha vigraha: Who is half the person of Her Consort, Parama-Shiva. Svatmarama: Who is merged in the joy of Her own Self.
Sudhasrutih: Who is the source of Sudha (spiritual nectar).
kryak-rana-nirmukt kma-kli taran-git
kanat-kanaka-t-tank leel-vigraha dhrin 161 samsra-panka-nir-magna samud-dharana pandit
yagna-priy-yagna-kartr yaja-mna svarpin 164
Karya karana nirmukta: Who is not subject to the laws of cause and effect.
Kamakeli tarangita: Who overflows with joy in the company of Her Lord, Kameshvara. * Samsara panka nirmagna samuddharana pandita: Who is skilled in rescuing men
Kanatkanaka tatanka: Who wears ear-ornaments of burnished gold. who are sunk in the mire of Samsara.
Lilavigraha dharini: Who takes various forms of Her cosmic play. * Yagyapriya: Who delights in acts of sacrifice.
Yagyakartri: Who directs all sacrificial acts.
ajk-shaya-vinir-mukt mug-dhk-shipra prasdin Yajamana svarupini: Who takes the form of the institutor of sacrifice.
antar-mukha-sam-rdhy bahir-mukha sudur-labh 162
dharm-dhr-dhan-dhyaksh dhana-dhnya vivar-dhin
Ajaya: For whom there is no birth. vipra-priy-vipra-rp vishva-bramana krin 165
Kshaya vinirmukta: Whom there is no decay also.
Mugdha: Who is attractive by her artless beauty and innocence. * Dharmadhara: Who is the support of Dharma.
* Kshipra prasadini: Who is easily pleased. Dhanadhyaksha: Who controls all riches.
* Antarmukha samaradhya: Whose worship is easy for those whose, mental gaze is turned inward. Dhanadhanya vivardhini: Who increases riches and harvests.
* Bahirmukha sudurlabha: Whose worship difficult for those whose mental gaze goes outwards. Viprapriya: Who loves the learned.
Viprarupa: Who is Herself the learned.
Vishva bhramana karini: Who causes, the universe to revolve in cyclic motion.

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vishva-grs-vidru-mbh vaishnav vishnu-rpin tattv-dhik-tattva-may tattva-martha svarpin

aynir-yni-nilay ktas-th-kula rpin 166 sma-gna-priy-saumy sad-siva kutumbin 168

Vishvagrasa: Who devours the universe at the end of the cycle. Tatvadhika: Who transcends all cosmic categories.
Vidrumabha: Who is like coral in complexion. Tatvamayi: Who comprehends all cosmic categories.
Vaishnavi: Who is Vaishnavi, the power of Vishnu. Tatvamartha svarupini: Who is one with the non-dual Being denoted by the words Tat
Vishnurupini: Who is Herself in the form of Vishnu. and Tvam in the great Vedic sentence Tat-tvamasi.
Ayoni: Who has no source other than Herself. Samagana priya: Who loves the chanting of Samaveda.
Yoni nilaya: Who houses the power that generates everything. Saumya: Who is the object of worship in Soma sacrifice.
Kutastha: Who is the changeless. Sadashiva kutumbini: Who is the Consort of sadashiva.
Kularupini: Who is the Deity of the Kaula sect.
savy-pasavya-mr-gasth sarv-pad-vini vrin
vra-gsht-priy-vr naish-karmy nda-rpin svasth-svabva-madhur dhr-dhra samarchit 169
vig-nyna-kalan-kaly vidag-dh-bainda vsan 167
Savya pasavya margastha: Who is reached by both the paths Savya (samaya) and
Viragoshti priya: Who is fond of the assembly of the devotees of the heroic mode of worship. Apasavya (kaula).
Vira: Who is Herself the Hero. Sarvapad vinivarini: Who wards off all dangers.
Naishkarmya: Who transcends work (Karma). * Svastha: Who is sweet by nature.
Nadarupini: Who is the primal mystic sound. * Svabhavamadhura: Who is sweet by nature.
Vigyana kalana: Who is realization of the Absolute. Dhira: Who is endowed with wisdom.
Kalya: Who is one to be reckoned with. Dhira samarchita: Who is worshipped by the wise with care and completeness.
Vidagdha: Who is the wisdom displayed in all skills.
* Bainda vasana: Who is seated in the Bindu, the central dot in the Shri-chakra. chaitan-yrghya-sam-rdhy chaitanya kusuma-priy
saddit-sad-tusht tarun-ditya p-tal 170
Chaitanyarghya samaradhya: Who is best worshipped with the offereings of the spirit
as Arghya.
* Chaitanya kusumapriya: Who loves the flower offerings of the spirit.
Sadodita: Who is ever shining.
Sadatushta: Who is ever pleased.
Tarunaditya patala: Who is rosy like the morning sun.

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dakshin-dakshin-rdhy dara-smra mukhm-buj vy-maksh-vim-nasth vajrin-vma kshvar

kaulin-kvaln-arghya kaivalya-pada dyin 171 pancha-yagnap-priy-pancha prta-man-chdhi shyin 174

Dakshina dakshinaradhya: Who is worshipped according to both the Dakshinacara and its Vyomakeshi: Who has the skies above as Her locks of hair on the head.
opposite, by the learned and the unlearned. Vimanastha: Who is seated high in Her celestial car.
Darasmera mukhambuja: Whose smiling face gladdens all. Vajrini: Who is Indrani.
Kaulini kevala: Who is the ultimate object of Kaula worship. Vamakeshvari: Who is the deity of the leftward path of the Kaulas.
Anarghya kaivalyapada dayini: Who confers the priceless state of ultimate bliss and freedom. Pancha yagya priya: Who loves the five sacrifices of the rightward Savya path.
Pancha ptreta manchadhi shayini: Who is seated on a seat supported by the Five
sttra-priy-stuti-mat sruti-samstuta vaibhav Dead, (Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Ishvara and Sadashiva).
manas-vin-mna-vat mahsh mangal-krutih(i) 172
pancham-pancha-bhtsh pancha-sankhypa chrin
* Stotrapriya: Who loves hymns of praise. ssh-vat-sshva-taishvary sharmad shambhu-mhin 175
Stutimati: Who is worthy of hymns of praise.
Shruti samstuta vaibhava: Whose glory is praised by the Vedas. Panchami: Who is the Consort of the Fifth of these (Sadashiva).
Manasvini: Who is self-possessed. Panchabhuteshi: Who rules over the five primordial elements.
Manavati: Who is high-minded. Pancha sankhyopacharini: Who is worshipped with the fivefold offerings.
Maheshi: Who is the great queen. Shashvati: Who is eternal.
Mangalakrutih: With a benign form. Shashvat-aishvarya: Whose dominion is eternal.
Sharmada: Who gives eternal happiness.
vishva-mt-jagad-dhtr vish-lksh virgin Shambhu mohini: Who is the charmer of Shambhu, Her Consort.
pragal-bh-para-mdr par-md manmay 173

* Vishvamata: Who is the Mother of the Universe.

Jagaddhatri: Who is the protectress of the universe.
Vishalakshi: Who has large eyes or who is worshipped as Vishala at Kasi.
Viragini: Who is utterly passionless.
Pragalbha: Who is surprisingly daring
* Paramodara: Who is supremely generous.
Manomayi: Who is all spirit.

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dhar-dhara-sut-dhany dharmin dharma-vardhin suvsin-yarchana-prt shbhan shuddha-mnas

lk-tt-gun-tt sarv-tt shamt-mik 176 bindu-tarpana-san-tusht pr-vaj tripur-mbik 178

Dhara: Who is earth on which all beings rest. * Suvasinyarchana prita: Who is pleased with respect shown to married women.
Dharasuta: Who is the daughter of Himavan, the king of mountains. Shobhana: Whose splendour beams forth in all directions.
Dhanya: Who is supremely blessed. Shuddha manasa: Who is ever pure in mind.
* Dharmini: Who is righteous. Bindutarpana santushta: Who is pleased with libations offered to the Bindu (the
* Dharma vardhini: Who promotes righteousness in devotees. central dot in the Shri chakra).
Lokatita: Who transcends all the worlds. Purvaja: Who is the first born.
Gunatita: Who transcends the three Gunas of Prakruti known as Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Tripurambika: Who is the Mother-Goddess Tripurambika (who represents the stresses
Sarvatita: Who transcends everything. in the creative process known Nada, Bindu, and Kala).
Shamatmika: Who is the soul of peace.
dasha-mudr-sam-rdhy tripur-rva shankar
bandhka-kusuma-prakhy bl-ll vindin nyna-mudr-nyna-gamy nynag nya-svarpin 179
sumangal-sukha-kar suv-shdy suvsin 177
* Dasha mudra samaradhya: Who is worshipped through the ten Mudras or signs and
Bandhuka kusumaprakhya: Who has the tender grace of Bandhuka blossoms. poses of the hands and fingers in worship.
Bala: Who is eternally young. Tripurashri vashankari: Who controls Tripurashri (a powerful Deity) presiding over
Lila vinodini: Who sports in the creation of the universe. the fifth avarana called sarvarthasadhaka chakra.
* Sumangali: Who is most auspicious in Herself. Gyanamudra: Who is gyana-mudra also known as Cin-mudra the finger-pose of
Sukhakari: Who bestows happiness. knowledge.
Suveshadhya: Who is gracefully attired. Gyanagamya: Who is attained through knowledge.
Suvasini: Who is ever with Her consort. Gyanagyeya svarupini: Who is both knowledge and the object of knowledge.

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yni-mudr-trikhan-dsh trigunmb trik-nag r-iv-iva-aktyai-kya rpin lali-tmbik

ana-ghd-bhuta-ch-ritr vnchi-trtha pradyin 180 r-iv-iva-aktyai-kya rpin lali-tmbik
r-iv-iva-aktyai-kya rpin lali-tmbik
Yonimudra: Who is the finger-pose of creation as well (Yoni-mudra).
Trikhandeshi: Who is the presiding deity of the Trikhanda, the three regions of Brahmarandhra, * Shrishiva: Who is the blessed Shiva (who is identical with Shiva).
Manipura and Muladhara. * Shivashaktyaikya rupini: Who is the unity of Shiva and Shakti.
Triguna: Who is endowed with the three modes of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Lalitambika: Who is called Lalitambika (the goddess who is Lalita, the playful)
Amba: Who is Amba, the mother of all. because Her Cosmic functions are just like a sport to Her, and Ambika because she is
Trikonaga: Who dwells in the triangle of Shri-chakra. the Mother of all.
Anagha: Who is sinless.
Adhbhuta charitra: Whose ways are marvellous.
* Vanchitartha pradayini: Who grants worshippers whatever they want. vam-r-lalit-dvy nm-nm shasrakam jaguh(u) 183

ab-ys-tisha-yag-nt sada-dhv-tta rpin iti r brahmnda purn uttara-khand

avyja-karun-mrtir ag-nyna-dhvnta dpik 181 r hayagrva agastya samvd
r lalith sahasranma sttra kathanam sampranam
Abhyasati shayagyata: Who is known only through the strenuous practice of spiritual disciplines.
Shadadhvatita rupini: Who transcends the six modes of devotion (Varna, Pada, Mantra, Kala, Thus ends the telling of Lalitha Sahasra Namam
Tattva and Bhuvana). Which is in Brahmanda Purana in the Uthara Kanda,
* Avyaja karunamurti: Who is unconditional grace. In the discussion between Sage Hayagreeva and Sage Agasthya.
* Ragyana dhvanta dipika: Who dispels the darkness of ignorance.
rm hrm aim m
bla-gpa-vidit sarvn-ullan-gya s-shan
r-chakra-rja-nilay rmat tripura-sundar 182

* Amabalgopa vidita: Who can be understood by all, even by a child or a cowherd.

Sarvanulanghya shasana: Whose laws none dares to transgress.
* Shrichakra rajanilaya: Who dwells in the sovereign Shri-chakra.
Shrimath tripura sundari: Who is the divine Tripura-sundari.

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m - yadak-shara pada-bhrashtam - mtr-heenam tu yadbhavt |

tat-sarvam kshamya tm-dva - subrahmanya namstut ||

visarga-bindu-mtrni - pada-pdksha rni-cha |

nyoo-nni ch-tirik-tni - ksham-asva shikhi vhana ||

anyath sharanam-nsti - tvamva sharanam mama |

tasmt-krunya bhvna - raksha-raksha shad-nana ||

I may have erred whilst construction of, writing of, pronouncing of - sentences, words,
consonants, improper grammar, verb, vowels of the prayers.

I may have also forgotten to put the punctuation marks due to my ignorane in understanding the
heavenly idiom.

Oh Lord Subrahmanya, may my flaws be overlooked for they are out of my ignorance.

I seek your pardon for all the commissions and omissions for they are involuntary.

Kindly bless me for the sincere endeavour.

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sahasra nma
(citation of the 1000 names)
By Sri P.R. Ramachander

1. Srimatha - Mother who gives immeasurable wealth who removes all sorrows and gives 11. Pancha than mathra sayaka - She who has five bows of touch , smell,
only happiness.-indicates also her role of creation hearing, taste and sight

2. Sri maharajni - She who is the empress who takes care of the universe- indicates her role 12. Nijaruna prabha poora majjath brahmanda mandala - She who makes all
of protection the universe immerse in her red colour which is like the sun in the dawn

3. Sri math simasaneshwari - She who sits on the throne of lions-indicates her role of 13. Champakasoka - punnaga-sowgandhika - lasath kacha - She who wears in
destruction her hair flowers like Champaka, Punnaga and Sowgandhika

4. Chidagni Kunda Sambootha - She who rose from the fire of knowledge and is the 14. Kuru vinda mani sreni-kanath kotira manditha - She whose crown glitters
ultimate truth with rows of inlaid precious stones (Padmaraga stones)

5. Deva karya samudhyatha - She who is interested in helping devas 15. Ashtami chandra vibhraja dhalika sthala shobhitha - She who has a
beautiful forehead like the half moon (visible on eighth day from new moon)
6. Udyath bhanu sahasrabha - She who glitters like thousand rising suns
16. Muka chandra kalankabha mriganabhi viseshaka - She who has the
7. Chadur bahu samanvidha - She who has four arms thilaka(dot) of Musk in her forehead which is like the black shadow in the
8. Ragha Swaroopa pasadya - She who has love for all in the form of rope(pasa)-She has
this in one of her left hands 17. Vadana smara mangalya griha thorana chillaka - She who has beautiful
eyelids which look like the ornaments to her face which is like cupids home
9. Krodhakarankusojwala - She who glitters and has anger in the form of Anghusa in
one of her right hands. 18. Vakthra lakshmi parivaha-chalan meenabha lochana - She who has
beautiful eyes which look like fish in the pond of her face
10. Mano Rupeshu Kodanda - She who has the bow of sweet cane which is her mind-in one
of her left hands

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19. Nava champaka pushpabha-nasa dhanda virajitha - She who has nose like freshly 30. Kamesha baddha mangalya sutra shobitha kandhara - She who shines with
opened flowers of Champaka the sacred thread in her neck tied by Lord Kameshwara

20. Thara kanthi thiraskari nasabharana bhasura - She who has a nose ring which shines 31. Kankangadha Keyura Kamaniya Bujanvidha - She who wears golden
more than the star Armlets

21. Kadambha manjari kluptha karna poora manohara - She who has beautiful ears like 32. Rathna graiveya chinthaka lola muktha phalanvitha - She who wears
the kadamba flowers necklace with moving pearls and dollar inlaid with gems

22. Thadanga yugali bhootha thapanodupa mandala - She who wears the sun and the moon 33. Kameswara prema rathna mani prathi pana sthani - She who gave her
as her ear studs breasts which are like the pot made of Rathna(precious stones) and has
obtained the love of Kameshwara
23. Padma raga sila darsha paribhavika polabhu - She who has cheeks which shine more
than the mirror made of Padmaraga 34. Nabhyala vala Romali latha phala kucha dwayi - She who has two breasts
that are like fruits borne on the creeper of tiny hairs raising from her belly.
24. Nava vidhruma bimbha sri nyakkari rathna chhadha - She whose lips are like beautiful
new corals 35. Lakshya roma latha dharatha samunneya madhyama - She who is
suspected to have a waist because of the creeper like hairs raising from there
25. Shuddha vidyangurakara dwija pangthi dwayojjala - She who has teeth which look like
germinated true knowledge(Shodasakshari vidya) 36. Sthana bhara dalan Madhya patta bhandha valithraya - She who has three
stripes in her belly which looks like having been created to protect her tiny
26. Karpoora Veedi Kamodha Samakarsha digandara - She who chews betel leaf with the waist from her heavy breasts
spices which give perfume in all directions
37. Arunaruna kausumba vasthra bhaswat kati thati - She who shines in her
27. Nija Sallabha Madhurya Vinirbhardista Kacchabhi - She who has voice sweeter than light reddish silk cloth worn over her tiny waist
the notes produced by Sarawathi Devis Veena(This is called Kachabhi)
38. Rathna kinkinika ramya rasana dhama bhooshitha - She who wears a
28. Mandasmitha prabha poora majjat Kamesha manasa - She who has lovely smile which golden thread below her waist decorated with bells made of precious stones
is like the river in which the mind of cupid plays
39. Kamesha gnatha sowbhagya mardworu dwayanvitha - She who has pretty
29. Anakalidha Sadrushya Chibuka sri virajitha - She who has a beautiful chin which has and tender thighs known only to her consort, Kameshwara
nothing else to compare

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40. Manikhya mukuta kara janu dwaya virajitha - She who has knee joints like the crown 53. Shiva - She who is the personification of Shiva
made of manikya below her thighs
54. Swadheena Vallabha - She whose husband obeys her
41. Indra kopa parikshiptha smarathunabha jangika - She who has forelegs like the cupids
case of arrows followed by the bee called Indra kopa 55. Summeru Madhya sringastha - She who lives in the central peak of Mount
42. Kooda Gulpha - She who has round ankles
56. Sriman nagara nayika - She who is the chief of Srinagara(a town)
43. Koorma prashta jayishnu prapadanvidha - She who has upper feet like the back of the
tortoise 57. Chinthamani grihanthastha - She who lives in the all wish full filling house

44. Nakadhi dhithi samchanna namajjana thamoguna - She who removes the darkness in 58. Pancha brahmasana sthitha - She who sits on the five brahmas viz.,
the mind of her devotees by the sparkle of nails Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Esana and Sadashiva

45. Pada dwaya Prabha jala parakrutha saroruha - She who has two feet which are much 59. Maha padma davi samstha - She who lives in the forest of lotus flowers
more beautiful than lotus flowers
60. Kadambha vana vasini - She who lives in the forest of Kadmbha (Madurai
46. Sinchana mani manjira manditha sri pamambuja - She who has feet wearing musical city is also called Kadambha vana)
anklets filled with gem stones
61. Sudha sagara madhyastha - She who lives in the middle of the sea of nectar
47. Marali Mandha Gamana - She who has the slow gait like the swan
62. Kamakshi - She who fulfills desires by her sight
48. Maha Lavanya Sewadhi - She who has the store house of supreme beauty
63. Kamadhayini - She who gives what is desired
49. Sarvaruna - She who has light reddish colour of the dawn in all her aspects
64. Devarshi Gana-sangatha-stuyamanathma-vaibhava - She who has all the
50. Anavadhyangi - She who has most beautiful limbs which do not lack any aspect of beauty qualities fit to be worshipped by sages and devas

51. Srvabharana Bhooshita - She who wears all the ornaments 65. Bhandasura vadodyuktha shakthi sena samavitha - She who is surrounded
by army set ready to kill Bandasura
52. Shivakameswarangastha - She who sits on the lap of Kameswara(shiva)

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66. Sampathkari samarooda sindhoora vrija sevitha - She who is surrounded by 76. Vishuka prana harana varahi veeerya nandhitha - She who appreciates the
Sampathkari (that which gives wealth) elephant brigade valour of Varahi in killing Vishuka (another brother of Banda-he is
personification of ignorance)
67. Aswaroodadishidaswa kodi kodi biravrutha - She who is surrounded by crores of
cavalry of horses 77. Kameshwara mukaloka kalpitha sri Ganeshwara - She who created God
Ganesh by the mere look of the face of her Lord , Kameshwara
68. Chakra raja ratha rooda sarvayudha parishkridha - She who is fully armed and rides in
the Srichakra chariot with nine stories 78. Mahaganesha nirbhinna vignayanthra praharshitha - She who became
happy at seeing Lord Ganesha destroy the Vigna Yanthra (contraption meant
69. Geya chakra ratha rooda manthrini pari sevitha - She who rides in the chariot with to delay ) created by Vishuka
seven stories and is served by manthrini who is the goddess of music
79. Banda surendra nirmuktha sashtra prathyasthra varshani - She who
70. Giri chakra ratharooda dhanda natha puraskrutha - She who rides in the chariot with rained arrows and replied with arrows against Bandasura
five stories and is served by goddess Varahi otherwise called Dhanda natha
80. Karanguli nakhothpanna narayana dasakrithi - She who created the ten
71. Jwalimalika ksiptha vanhi prakara madhyaka - She who is in the middle of the fort of avatharas of Narayana from the tip of her nails (when Bandasura send the
fire built by the Goddess Jwalamalini Sarvasura asthra (arrow), she destroyed it by creating the ten avatharas of
72. Bhanda sainya vadodyuktha shakthi vikrama harshitha - She who was pleased by the
various Shakthis(literally strength but a goddess) who helped in killing the army of 81. Maha pasupathasthragni nirdagdhasura sainika - She who destroyed the
Bhandasura army of asuras by the Maha pasupatha arrow.

73. Nithya parakamatopa nireekshana samutsuka - She who is interested and happy in 82. Kameshwarasthra nirdhagdha sabandasura sunyaka - She who destroyed
observing the valour of Nithya devathas (literally goddess of every day) Bandasura and his city called sunyaka by the Kameshwara arrow.

74. Banda puthra vadodyuktha bala vikrama nandhita - She who was pleased by the valour 83. Brhmopendra mahendradhi deva samsthutha vaibhava - She who is
of Bala devi(her daughter) in destroying the sons of Banda prayed by Lord Brahma , Vishnu, indra and other devas

75. Manthrinyamba virachitha vishangavatha Doshitha - She who became happy at seeing 84. Hara nethragni sandhagdha kama sanjeevanoushadhi - She who brought
Goddess Manthrini kill Vishanga(this ogre (brother of Banda) represents our desires for back to life the God of love Manmatha who was burnt to ashes by the fire
physical things) from the eyes of Shiva

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85. Sri vagbhave koodaiga swaroopa mukha pankaja - She whose lotus face is Vagnhava 96. Akula - She who is beyond kula or She who is beyond any knowledge
97. Samayanthastha - She who is within the mental worship of Shiva and
86. Kantatha kadi paryantha Madhya koodaiga swaroopini - She whose portion from neck Shakthi
to hips is Madya koota
98. Samayachara that para - She who likes Samayachara i.e. worship stepwise
87. Sakthi koodaiga thapanna Kadyatho bhaga dharini - She whose portion below hips is from mooladhara Chakra
the Shakthi koota
99. Moladharaika nilaya - She who exists in Mooladhara In Mooladhara which
88. Moola manthrathmikha - She who is the meaning of Moola manthra (root manthra) or is in the form of four petalled lotus the kundalini sleeps.
She who is the cause
100. Brhama Grandhi Vibhedini - She who breaks the tie in Brahma grandhi i.e
89. Moola kooda thraya kalebhara - She whose body is the three parts of the basic manthra she who helps us to cross the ties due to our birth.
i.e. pancha dasakshari manthra
101. Mani poorantharudhitha - She who exists in Mani pooraka chakra full
90. Kulamruthaika rasika - She who enjoys the ecstatic state of oneness of one who sees, dressed in her fineries
sight and what is seen or She who gets pleasure in drinking the nectar flowing from the
thousand petalled lotus below the brain. 102. Vishnu grandhi vibedhini - She who breaks the ties of Vishnu grandhi i.e
she who helps us cross the ties due to our position.
91. Kula sanketha palini - She who protects the powerful truths from falling into unsuitable
people 103. Agna chakarantharalastha - She who lives in between two eye lids in the
form of she who orders
92. Kulangana - She who is a lady belonging to cultured family or She who is like Srividya
known only to one whom it belongs 104. Rudra grandhi vibhedini - She who breaks the ties of Rudra grandhi i.e she
who helps us cross the ties due to our violent thoughts and nature
93. Kulanthastha - She who is fit to be worshipped any where
105. Sahararambhujarooda - She who has climbed sahasrara the thousand
94. Kaulini - She who is the unification of the principles of Shiva and Shakthi petalled lotus which is the point of ultimate awakening

95. Kula yogini - She who is related to the family or She who is related to the ultimate 106. Sudha sarabhi varshini - She who makes nectar flow in all our nerves from
knowledge sahasrara i.e. she who gives the very pleasant experience of the ultimate

107. Thadillatha samaruchya - She who shines like the streak of lightning

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108. Shad chakropari samshitha - She who is on the top of six wheels starting from 123. Saradharadya - She who is to be worshipped during Navarathri celebrated
mooladhara during autumn

109. Maha ssakthya - She who likes worship by her devotees 124. Sarvani - She who is the consort of Lord Shiva in the form of Sarvar

110. Kundalini - She who is in the form of Kundalini ( a form which is a snake hissing and 125. Sarmadhayini - She who gives pleasures
exists in mooladhara)
126. Sankari - She who is the consort of Sankara
111. Bisa thanthu thaniyasi - She who is as thin as the thread from lotus
127. Sreekari - She who gives all forms of wealth and happiness
112. Bhavani - She who gives life to the routine life of human beings or She who is the consort
of Lord Shiva 128. Sadhwi - She who is eternally devoted to her husband

113. Bhavana gamya - She who can be attained by thinking 129. Sarat chandra nibhanana - She who has the face like moon in the autumn

114. Bhavarany kudariga - She who is like the axe used to cut the miserable life of the world 130. Satho dhari - She who has a thin belly

115. Bhadra priya - She who is interested in doing good to her devotees 131. Santhimathi - She who is peace personified

116. Bhadra moorthy - She who is personification of all that is good 132. Niradhara - She who does not need any support to herself

117. Bhaktha sowbhagya dhayini - She who gives all good and luck to her devotees 133. Niranjana - She who is devoid of any blemishes or scars

118. Bhakthi priya - She who likes devotion to her 134. Nirlepa - She who does not have any attachment

119. Bhakthi gamya - She who can be reached by devotion 135. Nirmala - She who is personification of clarity or She who is devoid of any
120. Bhakthi vasya - She who can be controlled by devotion
136. Nithya - She who is permanently stable
121. Bhayapaha - She who removes fear
137. Nirakara - She who does not have any shape
122. Sambhavya - She who is married to Shambhu

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138. Nirakula - She who cannot be attained by confused people 154. Nirupadhi - She who does not have basis

139. Nirguna - She who is beyond any characteristics 155. Nireeswara - She who does not have any one controlling her

140. Nishkala - She who is not divided 156. Neeraga - She who does not have any desires

141. Santha - She who is peace 157. Ragha madhani - She who removes desires from us

142. Nishkama - She who does not have any desires 158. Nirmadha - She who does not have any firm beliefs

143. Niruppallava - She who is never destroyed 159. Madhanasini - She who destroys beliefs

144. Nithya muktha - She who is forever free of the ties of the world 160. Nischintha - She who is not worried

145. Nirvikara - She never undergoes alteration 161. Nirahankara - She who does not have an ego

146. Nishprapancha - She who is beyond this world 162. Nirmoha - She who does not have any passion

147. Nirasraya - She who does not need support 163. Mohanasini - She who destroys passion

148. Nithya shuddha - She who is forever clean 164. Nirmama - She who does not have selfish feelings

149. Nithya bhuddha - She who is for ever knowledge 165. Mamatha hanthri - She who destroys selfishness

150. Niravadhya - She who can never be accused 166. Nishpapa - She who does not have any sin

151. Niranthara - She who is forever continuous 167. Papa nashini - She who destroys sin

152. Nishkarana - She who does not have cause 168. Nishkrodha - She who is devoid of anger

153. Nishkalanka - She who does not have blemishes 169. Krodha samani - She who destroys anger

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170. Nir Lobha - She who is not miserly 186. Nirapaya - She who is never destroyed

171. Lobha nasini - She who removes miserliness 187. Nirathyaya - She who does not cross limits of rules she herself created

172. Nissamsaya - She who does not have any doubts 188. Dhurlabha - She who is difficult to obtain

173. Samsayagni - She who clears doubts 189. Dhurgama - She who can not be neared easily

174. Nirbhava - She who does not have another birth 190. Dhurga - She who is Dhurga who is a nine year old girl

175. Bhava nasini - She who helps us not have another birth 191. Dhuka hanthri - She who removes sorrows

176. Nirvikalpa - She who does not do anything she does not desire 192. Sukha prada - She who gives pleasures and happiness

177. Nirabhadha - She who is not affected by anything 193. Dushta doora - She who keeps far away from evil men

178. Nirbhedha - She who does not have any difference 194. Durachara samani - She who destroys evil practices

179. Bhedha nasini - She who promotes oneness 195. Dosha varjitha - She who does not have anything bad

180. Nirnasa - She who does not die 196. Sarvangna - She who knows everything

181. Mrityu madhani - She who removes fear of death 197. Saandra karuna - She who is full of mercy

182. Nishkriya - She who does not have any work 198. Samanadhika varjitha - She who is incomparable

183. Nishparigraha - She who does not accept help from others 199. Sarva shakthi mayi - She who has personification of all strengths

184. Nisthula - She who does not have anything to be compared to 200. Sarva mangala - She who is personification of all that is good

185. Neela chikura - She who has dark black hair 201. Sad gathi prada - She who gives us good path

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202. Sarveshwari - She who is goddess of all 218. Maha rathi - She who gives great happiness

203. Sarva mayi - She who is everywhere 219. Maha bhoga - She who enjoys great pleasures

204. Sarva manthra swaroopini - She who is personification of all manthras 220. Mahaiswarya - She who has great wealth

205. Sarva yanthrathmika - She who is represented by all yantras(Talisman) 221. Maha veerya - She who has great valour

206. Sarva thanthra roopa - She who is also goddess of all Thanthras which is a method of 222. Maha bala - She who is very strong
223. Maha bhudhi - She who is very intelligent
207. Manonmani - She who is the result of mental thoughts of thoughts and actions
224. Maha sidhi - She who has great super natural powers
208. Maaheswari - She who is the consort of Maheswara (Lord of everything)
225. Maha yogeswareswari - She who is goddess of great yogis
209. Mahaa devi - She who is the consort of Mahe Deva(God of all gods)
226. Mahathanthra - She who has the greatest Thantra sasthras
210. Maha lakshmi - She who takes the form of Mahalaksmi, the goddess of wealth
227. Mahamanthra - She who has the greatest manthras
211. Mrida priya - She who is dear to Mrida (a name of Lord Shiva)
228. Mahayanthra - She who has the greatest yanthras
212. Maha roopa - She who is very big
229. Mahasana - She who has the greatest seat
213. Maha poojya - She who is fit to be worshipped by great people
230. Maha yaga kramaradhya - She who should be worshipped by performing
214. Maha pathaka nasini - She who destroys the major misdemeanors great sacrifices( Bhavana yaga and Chidagni Kunda yaga)

215. Maha maya - She who is the great illusion 231. Maha bhairava poojitha - She who is being worshipped by the great
216. Maha sathva - She who is greatly knowledgeable
232. Maheswara Mahakalpa Maha thandava sakshini - She who witnesses the
217. Maha sakthi - She who is very strong great dance to be performed by the great lord at the end of the worlds

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233. Maha kamesha mahishi - She who is the prime consort of the great Kameshwara 249. Pancha prethasana seena - She who sits on the seat of five dead bodies (
these are Brahma , Vishnu, Rudra, Eesa and Sadasiva without their
234. Maha tripura sundari - She who is the beauty of the three great cities Shakthi(consort))

235. Chatustatyupacharadya - She who should be worshipped with sixty four offerings 250. Pancha brahma swaroopini - She who is personification of five brahmas (
they are the gods mentioned in the last name with their Shakthi)
236. Chathu sashti kala mayi - She who has sixty four sections
251. Chinmayi - She who is the personification action in every thing
237. Maha Chathusashti kodi yogini gana sevitha - She who is being worshipped by the sixty
four crore yoginis in the nine different charkas 252. Paramananda - She who is supremely happy

238. Manu Vidya - She who is personification of Sri Vidya as expounded by Manu 253. Vignana Gana Roopini - She who is the personification of knowledge based
on science
239. Chandra Vidya - She who is personification of Sri Vidya as expounded by Moon
254. Dhyana Dhyathru dhyeya roopa - She who is personification of meditation,
240. Chandra mandala Madhyaga - She who is in the center of the universe around the moon the being who meditates and what is being meditated upon

241. Charu Roopa - She who is very beautiful 255. Dharmadhrama vivarjitha - She who is beyond Dharma (justice) and
242. Charu Hasa - She who has a beautiful smile
256. Viswa roopa - She who has the form of the universe
243. Charu Chandra Kaladhara - She who wears the beautiful crescent
257. Jagarini - She who is always awake
244. Charachara Jagannatha - She who is the Lord of all moving and immobile things
258. Swapanthi - She who is always in the state of dream
245. Chakra Raja Nikethana - She who lives in the middle of Sree Chakra
259. Thaijasathmika - She who is the form of Thaijasa which is microbial
246. Parvathi - She who is the daughter of the mountain concept

247. Padma nayana - She who has eyes like the lotus 260. Suptha - She who is in deep sleep

248. Padma raga samaprabha - She who shines as much as the Padma Raga jewel 261. Prangnathmika - She who is awake

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262. Thurya - She who is in trance 278. Padmasana - She who sits on a lotus

263. Sarvavastha vivarjitha - She who is above all states 279. Bhagavathi - She who is with all wealth and knowledge

264. Srishti karthri - She who creates 280. Padmanabha sahodari - She who is the sister of Vishnu

265. Brahma roopa - She who is the personification of ultimate 281. Unmesha nimishotpanna vipanna bhuvanavali - She who creates and
destroys the universe by opening and closing of her eye lids
266. Gopthri - She who saves
282. Sahasra seersha vadana - She who has thousands of faces and heads
267. Govinda roopini - She who is of the form of Govinda
283. Saharakshi - She who has thousands of eyes
268. Samharini - She who destroys
284. Sahasra path - She who has thousands of feet
269. Rudhra roopa - She who is of the form of Rudhra
285. Aabrahma keeda janani - She has created all beings from worm to Lord
270. Thirodhana kari - She who hides herself from us Brahma

271. Eeswari - She who is of the form of easwara 286. Varnashrama vidhayini - She who created the four fold division of society

272. Sadashivaa - She who is of the form of Sadashiva 287. Nijangna roopa nigama - She who gave orders which are based on Vedas

273. Anugrahada - She who blesses 288. Punyapunya phala pradha - She who gives compensation for sins and good
274. Pancha krithya parayana - She who is engaged in the five duties of creation, existence,
dissolving, disappearing, and blessing 289. Sruthi seemantha kula sindhoori kritha padabjha dhooliga - She whose
dust from her lotus feet is the sindhoora fills up in the parting of the hair of
275. Bhanu mandala madhyastha - She who is in the middle of the suns universe the Vedic mother

276. Bhairavi - She who is the consort of Bhairava 290. Sakalagama sandoha shukthi samputa maukthika - She who is like the
pearl in the pearl holding shell of Vedas
277. Bhaga malini - She who is the goddess bhaga malini

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291. Purashartha pradha - She who gives us the purusharthas of Charity, assets, joy and 307. Ramya - She who makes others happy
308. Rajeeva lochana - She who is lotus eyed
292. Poorna - She who is complete
309. Ranjani - She who by her red colour makes Shiva also red
293. Bhogini - She who enjoys pleasures
310. Ramani - She who plays with her devotees
294. Bhuvaneshwari - She who is the Goddess presiding over the universe
311. Rasya - She who feeds the juice of everything
295. Ambika - She who is the mother of the world
312. Ranath kinkini mekhala - She who wears the golden waist band with
296. Anadhi nidhana - She who does not have either end or beginning tinkling bells

297. Hari brahmendra sevitha - She who is served by Gods like Vishnu,Indra and Brahma 313. Ramaa - She who is like Lakshmi

298. Naarayani - She who is like Narayana 314. Raakendu vadana - She who has a face like the full moon

299. Naada roopa - She who is the shape of music (sound) 315. Rathi roopa - She who attracts others with her features like Rathi (wife of
God of love-Manmatha)
300. Nama roopa vivarjitha - She who does not have either name or shape
316. Rathi priya - She who likes Rathi
301. Hrim kari - She who makes the holy sound Hrim
317. Rakshaa kari - She who protects
302. Harimathi - She who is shy
318. Rakshasagni - She who kills Rakshasas-ogres opposed to the heaven
303. Hrudya - She who is in the heart (devotees)
319. Raamaa - She who is feminine
304. Heyopadeya varjitha - She who does not have aspects which can be accepted or rejected
320. Ramana lampata - She who is interested in making love to her lord
305. Raja rajarchitha - She who is being worshipped by king of kings
321. Kaamya - She who is of the form of love
306. Rakhini - She who is the queen of Kameshwara

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322. Kamakala roopa - She who is the personification of the art of love 337. Vidhatri - She who carries the world

323. Kadambha kusuma priya - She who likes the flowers of Kadamba 338. Veda janani - She who created the Vedas

324. Kalyani - She who does good 339. Vishnu maya - She who lives as the Vishnu maya

325. Jagathi kandha - She who is like a root to the world 340. Vilasini - She who enjoys love making

326. Karuna rasa sagara - She who is the sea of the juice of mercy 341. Kshetra swaroopa - She who is personification of the Kshetra or body

327. Kalavathi - She who is an artist or she who has crescents 342. Kshetresi - She who is goddess of bodies

328. Kalaalapa - She whose talk is artful 343. Kshethra kshethragna palini - She who looks after bodies and their lord

329. Kaantha - She who glitters 344. Kshaya vridhi nirmuktha - She who neither decreases or increases

330. Kadambari priya - She who likes the wine called Kadambari or She who likes long 345. Kshetra pala samarchitha - She who is worshipped by those who look after
stories bodies

331. Varadha - She who gives boons 346. Vijaya - She who is always victorious

332. Vama nayana - who has beautiful eyes 347. Vimala - She who is clean of ignorance and illusion

333. Vaaruni madha vihwala - She who gets drunk with the wine called varuni(The wine of 348. Vandhya - She who is being worshipped by every body
349. Vandharu jana vatsala - She who has affection towards all those who
334. Viswadhika - She who is above all universe worship her

335. Veda vedya - She who can be understood by Vedas 350. Vaag vadhini - She who uses words with great effect in arguments

336. Vindhyachala nivasini - She who lives on Vindhya mountains 351. Vama kesi - She who has beautiful hair

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352. Vahni mandala vaasini - She who lives in the universe of fire which is Mooladhara 367. Prathyak chidi roopa - She who makes us look for wisdom inside

353. Bhakthi mat kalpa lathika - She who is the wish giving creeper Kalpaga 368. Pasyanthi - She who sees everything within herself

354. Pasu pasa vimochani - She who removes shackles from the living 369. Para devatha - She who gives power to all gods

355. Samhrutha sesha pashanda - She who destroys those people who have left their faith 370. Madhyama - She who is in the middle of everything

356. Sadachara pravarthika - She who makes things happen through good conduct 371. Vaikhari roopa - She who is of the form with words

357. Thapatryagni santhaptha samahladahna chandrika - She who is like the pleasure 372. Bhaktha manasa hamsikha- She who is like a swan in the lake called mind
giving moon to those who suffer from the three types of pain
373. Kameshwara prana nadi - She who is the life source of Kameswara
358. Tharuni - She who is ever young
374. Kruthagna - She who watches all actions of every one or She who knows all
359. Thapasa aradhya - She who is being worshipped by sages
375. Kama poojitha - She who is being worshipped by the god of love in the kama
360. Thanu Madhya - She who has a narrow middle (hip) giri peeta of Mooladhara chakra-Kama

361. Thamopaha - She who destroys darkness 376. Srungara rasa sampoorna - She who is lovely

362. Chithi - She who is personification of wisdom 377. Jayaa - She who is personification of victory

363. Thatpada lakshyartha - She who is the indicative meaning of the word thath which is 378. Jalandhara sthitha - She who is on Jalandhara peetha or She who is purest
the first word of vedic saying that thou art of the pure

364. Chidekara swaroopini - She who is wisdom through out 379. Odyana peeda nilaya - She who is on Odyana peetha or She who lives in
365. Swathmananda lavi bhootha brahmadyanantha santhathi - She who in her ocean of
wisdom makes Wisdom about Brahmam look like a wave 380. Bindu mandala vaasini - She who lives in the dot in the center of Srichakra

366. Paraa - She who is the outside meaning of every thing

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381. Raho yoga kramaradhya - She who can be worshipped by secret sacrificial rites 396. Parameshwari - She who is the ultimate goddess

382. Rahas tarpana tarpitha - She who is pleased of chants knowing its meaning 397. Moola prakrithi - She who is the root cause

383. Sadya prasadini - She who is pleased immediately 398. Avyaktha - She who is not clearly seen

384. Viswa sakshini - She who is the witness for the universe 399. Vyktha Avyaktha swaroopini - She who is visible and not visible

385. Sakshi varjitha - She who does not have witness for herself 400. Vyapini - She who is spread everywhere

386. Shadanga devatha yuktha - She who has her six parts as gods viz., heart, head, hair. 401. Vividhakara - She who has several different forms
Battle dress, eyes and arrows
402. Vidhya avidhya swaroopini - She who is the form of knowledge as well as
387. Shadgunya paripooritha - She who is full of six characteristics viz., wealth, duty, fame, ignorance
knowledge, assets and renunciation
403. Maha kamesha nayana kumudahladha kaumudhi - She who is like the full
388. Nithya klinna - She in whose heart there is always mercy moon which opens the lotus like eyes of Lord Kameshwara

389. Nirupama - She who does not have anything to be compared to 404. Bhaktha hardha thamo bedha bhanu mat bhanu santhathi - She who is
like the suns rays which remove the darkness from the heart of devotees
390. Nirvanasukha dayini - She who gives redemption
405. Shivadhoothi - She who sent Shiva as her representative
391. Nithya shodasika roopa - She who is of the form sixteen goddesses
406. Shivaradhya - She who is worshipped by Lord Shiva
392. Sri kandartha sareerini - She who occupies half the body of Lord Shiva
407. Shiva moorthi - She who is of the form of Lord Shiva
393. Prabhavathi - She who is lustrous of supernatural powers
408. Shivangari - She who makes good to happen
394. Prabha roopa - She who is personification of the light provided by super natural powers
409. Shiva priya - She who is dear to Lord Shiva
395. Prasiddha - She who is famous
410. Shivapara - She who does not have any other interest except Lord Shiva

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411. Shishteshta - She who likes people with good habits 427. Ayee - She who is the mother

412. Shishta poojitha - She who is being worshipped by good people 428. Pancha kosandara sthitha - She who is in between the five holy parts

413. Aprameya - She who cannot be measured 429. Nissema mahima - She who has limitless fame

414. Swaprakasha - She who has her own luster 430. Nithya youawana - She who is ever young

415. Mano vachama gochara - She who is beyond the mind and the word 431. Madha shalini - She who shines by her exuberance

416. Chitsakthi - She who is the strength of holy knowledge 432. Madha goornitha rakthakshi - She who has rotating red eyes due to her
417. Chethana roopa - She who is the personification of the power behind action
433. Madha patala khandaboo - She who has red cheeks due to excessive action
418. Jada shakthi - She who is the strength of the immobile
434. Chandana drava dhigdhangi - She who applies sandal paste all over her
419. Jadathmikha - She who is the world of immobile body

420. Gayathri - She who is Gayathri 435. Champeya kusuma priya - She who likes the flowers of Champaka tree

421. Vyahruthi - She who is the grammar originating from letters 436. Kusala - She who is intelligent

422. Sandhya- She who is the union of souls and the God 437. Komalakara - She who has soft beautiful form

423. Dwija brinda nishewitha - She who is being worshipped by all beings 438. Kuru kulla - She who is of the form of Kuru kulla devi who lives in Vimarsa

424. Tatwasana - She who sits on principles 439. Kuleshwari - She who is the goddess for the clan

425. Tat - She who is that 440. Kula kundalaya - She who lives in kula kunda or She who is the power
called Kundalani
426. Twam - She who is you

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441. Kaula marga that para sevitha - She who is being worshipped by people who follow 457. Matha - She who is the mother
Kaula matha
458. Malayachala vasini - She who lives in the Malaya mountain
442. Kumara gana nadambha - She who is mother to Ganesha and Subrahmanya
459. Sumukhi - She who has a pleasing disposition
443. Thushti - She who is personification of happiness
460. Nalini - She who is tender
444. Pushti - She who is personification of health
461. Subru - She who has beautiful eyelids
445. Mathi - She who is personification of wisdom
462. Shobhana - She who brings good things
446. Dhrithi - She who is personification of courage
463. Nayika - She who is the leader of devas
447. Santhi - She who is peaceful
464. Kala kanti - She who is the consort of he who killed the god of death
448. Swasthimathi - She who always keeps well
465. Kanthi mathi - She who has ethereal luster
449. Kanthi - She who is personification of light
466. Kshobhini - She who creates high emotions or She who gets agitated
450. Nandhini - She who is personification of Nadhini daughter of Kama denu
467. Sukshma roopini - She who has a micro stature
451. Vigna nasini - She who removes obstacles
468. Vajreshwari - She who is Vajreswari (lord of diamonds) who occupies
452. Tejowathi - She who shines jalandhara peetha

453. Trinayana - She who has three eyes 469. Vamadevi - She who is the consort of Vama deva

454. Lolakshi-Kamaroopini - She who has wandering passionate eyes 470. Vayovastha vivarjitha - She who does not change with age

455. Malini - She who wears a garland 471. Sidheswari - She who is the goddess of Siddhas (saints with super natural
456. Hamsini - She who is surrounded by swans

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472. Sidha vidya - She who is personification of pancha dasa manthra which is called siddha 487. Vadanadwaya - She who has two faces
488. Dhamshtrojwala - She who shines with long protruding teeth
473. Sidha matha - She who is the mother of Siddhas
489. Aksha maladhi dhara - She who wears meditation chains
474. Yasawini - She who is famous
490. Rudhira samsthida - She who is in blood
475. Vishudhichakra Nilaya - She who is in sixteen petalled lotus
491. Kala rathryadhi Shakthi youga vrudha - She who is surrounded by Shakthis
476. Aarakthavarni - She who is slightly red like Kalarathri. Kanditha, Gayathri, .etc

477. Trilochana - She who has three eyes 492. Sniggdowdhana priya - She who likes Ghee mixed rice

478. Khadwangadhi prakarana - She who has arms like the sword 493. Maha veerendra varadha - She who gives boons to great heroes or She who
gives boons to great sages
479. Vadanaika samavidha - She who has one face
494. Rakinyambha swaroopini - She who has names like rakini
480. Payasanna priya - She who likes sweet rice (Payasam)
495. Mani poorabja nilaya - She who lives in ten petalled lotus
481. Twakstha - She who lives in the sensibility of the skin
496. Vadana thraya samyudha - She who has three faces
482. Pasu loka Bhayamkari - She who creates fear for animal like men
497. Vajradhikayudhopetha - She who has weapons like Vajrayudha
483. Amruthathi maha sakthi samvrutha- She who is surrounded by Maha shakthis like
Amrutha,Karshini, Indrani, Eesani, uma,Urdwa kesi 498. Damaryadhibhi ravrutha - She who is surrounded by Goddess like Damari

484. Dakineeswari - She who is goddess of the south(denoting death) 499. Raktha varna - She who is of the colour of blood

485. Anahathabja nilaya - She who lives in the twelve petalled lotus 500. Mamsa nishta - She who is in flesh

486. Syamabha - She who is greenish black 501. Gudanna preetha manasa - She who likes rice mixed with jaggery

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502. Samastha bhaktha sukhadha - She who gives pleasure to all her devotees 518. Varadadhi nishevitha - She who is surrounded by Vardha and other shakthis

503. Lakinyambha swaroopini - She who is famous in the name of Lakini 519. Mudgou danasaktha chittha - She who likes rice mixed with green gram
504. Swadhishtanambujagatha - She who lives in the six petalled lotus
520. Sakinyambha swaroopini - She who has the name Sakini
505. Chathur vakthra manohara - She who has four beautiful faces
521. Agna chakrabja nilaya - She who sits on the lotus called Agna chakra or the
506. Sulayudha sampanna - She who has weapons like Spear wheel of order

507. Peetha varna - She who is of golden colour 522. Shukla varna - She who is white coloured

508. Adhi garvitha - She who is very proud 523. Shadanana - She who has six faces

509. Medho nishta - She who is in the fatty layer 524. Majja samstha - She who is in the fat surrounding the body

510. Madhu preetha - She who likes honey 525. Hamsavathi mukhya shakthi samanvitha - She who is surrounded by
shakthis called Hamsavathi
511. Bhandinyadhi samanvidha- She who is surrounded by Shakthis called Bandhini
526. Hardrannaika rasika - She who likes rice mixed with turmeric powder
512. Dhadyanna saktha hridhaya - She who likes curd rice
527. Hakini roopa dharini - She who has the name Hakini
513. Kakini roopa dharini - She who resembles Kakini
528. Sahasra dhala padhmastha - She who sits on thousand petalled lotus
514. Mooladrambujarooda - She who sits on the mooladhara kamala or the lotus which is the
basic support 529. Sarva varnopi shobitha - She who shines in all colours

515. Pancha vakthra - She who has five faces 530. Sarvayudha dhara - She who is armed with all weapons

516. Sthithi samsthitha- She who is in the bones 531. Shukla samsthitha - She who is in shukla or semen

517. Ankusathi praharana - She who holds Ankusha and other weapons 532. Sarvathomukhi - She who has faces everywhere

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533. Sarvou dhana preetha chittha - She who likes all types of rice 549. Vidhya - She who is learning

534. Yakinyambha swaroopini - She who is named as yakini 550. Viyadhadhi jagat prasu - She who created the earth and the sky

535. Swaha - She who is personification of Swaha (the manthra chanted during fire sacrifice) 551. Sarva vyadhi prasamani - She who cures all diseases

536. Swadha - She who is of the form of Swadha 552. Sarva mrutyu nivarini - She who avoids all types of death

537. Amathi - She who is ignorance 553. Agra ganya - She who is at the top

538. Medha - She who is knowledge 554. Achintya roopa - She who is beyond thought

539. Sruthi - She who is Vedas 555. Kali kalmasha nasini - She who removes the ills of the dark age

540. Smrithi - She who is the guide to Vedas 556. Kathyayini - She who is Kathyayini in Odyana peetha or She who is the
daughter of sage Kathyayana
541. Anuthama - She who is above all
557. Kala hanthri - She who kills god of death
542. Punya keerthi - She who is famous for good deeds
558. Kamalaksha nishevitha - She who is being worshipped by the lotus eyed
543. Punya labhya - She who can be attained by good deeds Vishnu

544. Punya sravana keerthana - She who gives good for those who listen and those who sing 559. Thamboola pooritha mukhi - She whose mouth is filled with betel leaves ,
about her betel nut and lime

545. Pulomajarchidha - She who is worshipped by wife of Indra 560. Dhadimi kusuma prabha - She whose colour is like the pomegranate bud

546. Bandha mochini - She who releases us from bondage 561. Mrgakshi - She who has eyes like deer

547. Barbharalaka - She who has forelocks which resembles waves 562. Mohini - She who bewitches

548. Vimarsa roopini - She who is hidden from view 563. Mukhya - She who is the chief

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564. Mridani - She who gives pleasure 580. Mahaneeya - She who is fit to be venerated

565. Mithra roopini - She who is of the form of Sun 581. Dhaya moorthi - She who is personification of mercy

566. Nithya Truptha - She who is satisfied always 582. Maha samrajya shalini - She who is the chef of all the worlds

567. Bhaktha Nidhi - She who is the treasure house of devotees 583. Atma vidhya - She who is the science of soul

568. Niyanthri - She who controls 584. Maha Vidhya - She who is the great knowledge

569. Nikhileswari - She who is goddess for every thing 585. Srividhya - She who is the knowledge of Goddess

570. Maitryadhi vasana Labhya - She who can be attained by habits like Maithree 586. Kama sevitha - She who is worshipped by Kama, the God of love
587. Sri Shodasakshari vidhya - She who is the sixteen lettered knowledge
571. Maha pralaya sakshini - She who is the witness to the great deluge
588. Trikoota - She who is divided in to three parts
572. Para Shakthi - She who is the end strength
589. Kama Kotika - She who sits on Kama Koti peetha
573. Para Nishta - She who is at the end of concentration
590. Kataksha kimkari bhootha kamala koti sevitha - She who is attended by
574. Prgnana Gana roopini - She who is personification of all superior knowledge crores of Lakshmis who yearn for her simple glance

575. Madhvi pana lasaa - She who is not interested in anything else due to drinking of toddy 591. Shira sthitha - She who is in the head

576. Matha - She who appears to be fainted 592. Chandra nibha - She who is like the full moon

577. Mathruka varna roopini - She who is the model of colour and shape 593. Bhalastha - She who is in the forehead

578. Maha Kailasa nilaya - She who sits on Maha Kailasa 594. Indra Dhanu Prabha - She who is like the rain bow

579. Mrinala mrudhu dhorllatha - She who has arms as tender as lotus stalk 595. Hridayastha - She who is in the heart

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596. Ravi pragya - She who has luster like Sun God 612. Kala nadha - She who is the chief of arts

597. Tri konanthara deepika - She who is like a light in a triangle 613. Kavya labha vimodhini - She who enjoys being described in epics

598. Dakshayani - She who is the daughter of Daksha 614. Sachamara rama vani savya dhakshina sevitha - She who is being fanned
by Lakshmi the goddess of wealth and Saraswathi the goddess of knowledge
599. Dhithya hanthri - She who kills asuras
615. Adishakthi - She who is the primeval force
600. Daksha yagna vinasini - She who destroyed the sacrifice of Rudra
616. Ameya - She who cannot be measured
601. Dharandholitha deergakshi - She who has long eyes which have slight movement
617. Atma - She who is the soul
602. Dharahasojwalanmukhi - She who has face that glitters with her smile
618. Parama - She who is better than all others
603. Guru moorthi - She who is the teacher
619. Pavana krithi - She who is personification of purity
604. Guna nidhi - She who is the treasure house of good qualities
620. Aneka koti Bramanda janani - She who is the mother of several billions of
605. Gomatha - She who is the mother cow universes

606. Guhajanma bhoo - She who is the birth place of Lord Subrahmanya 621. Divya Vigraha - She who is beautifully made

607. Deveshi - She who is the goddess of Gods 622. Klim karee - She who is the shape of Klim

608. Dhanda neethistha - She who judges and punishes 623. Kevalaa - She who is she herself

609. Dhaharakasa roopini - She who is of the form of wide sky 624. Guhya - She who is secret

610. Prathi panmukhya rakantha thidhi mandala poojitha - She who is being worshipped on 625. Kaivalya Padha dhayini - She who gives redemption as well as position
all the fifteen days from full moon to new moon
626. Tripura - She who lives everything in three aspects
611. Kalathmika - She who is the soul of arts
627. Trijagat vandhya - She who is worshipped by all in three worlds

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628. Trimurthi - She who is the trinity 645. Sarva vedhantha samvedya - She who can be known by all Upanishads

629. Tri daseswari - She who is the goddess for all gods 646. Satyananda swaroopini - She who is personification of truth and happiness

630. Tryakshya - She who is of the form of three letters 647. Lopa mudrarchitha - She who is worshipped by Lopa Mudhra the wife of
631. Divya Gandhadya - She who has godly smell
648. Leela kluptha brahmanda mandala - She who creates the different
632. Sindhura thila kanchidha - She who wears the sindhoora dot in her forehead universes by simple play

633. Uma - She who is in om 649. Adurshya - She who cannot be seen

634. Sailendra Thanaya - She who is the daughter of the king of mountains 650. Drusya rahitha - She who does not see things differently

635. Gowri - She who is white coloured 651. Vignathree - She who knows all sciences

636. Gandharwa Sevitha - She who is worshipped by gandharwas 652. Vedhya varjitha - She who does not have any need to know anything

637. Viswa Grabha - She who carries the universe in her belly 653. Yogini - She who is personification of Yoga

638. Swarna Garbha - She who is personification of gold 654. Yogadha - She who gives knowledge and experience of yoga

639. Avaradha - She who punishes bad people 655. Yogya - She who can be reached by yoga

640. Vagadeeswaree - She who is the goddess of words 656. Yogananda - She who gets pleasure out of yoga

641. Dhyanagamya - She who can be attained by meditation 657. Yugandhara - She who wears the yuga (Division of eons of time)

642. Aparichedya - She who cannot be predicted to be in a certain place 658. Iccha shakthi-Gnana shakthi-Kriya shakthi swaroopini - She who has
desire as her head, Knowledge as her body and work as her feet
643. Gnadha - She who gives out knowledge
659. Sarvaadhara - She who is the basis of everything
644. Gnana Vigraha - She who is personification of knowledge

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660. Suprathishta - She who is the best place of stay 677. Bali priya - She who likes the strong

661. Sada sadroopa dharini - She who always has truth in her 678. Bhasha roopa - She who is personification of language

662. Ashta moorthy - She who has eight forms 679. Brihat sena - She who has big army

663. Aja jethree - She who has won over ignorance 680. Bhavabhava vivarjitha - She who does not have birth or death

664. Loka yathra vidahyini - She who makes the world rotate(travel) 681. Sukharadhya - She who can be worshipped with pleasure

665. Ekakini - She who is only herself and alone 682. Shubhakaree - She who does good

666. Bhooma roopa - She who is what we see , hear and understand 683. Shobhana sulabha gathi - She who is easy to attain and does only good

667. Nirdwaitha - She who makes everything as one 684. Raja rajeswari - She who is goddess to king of kings like Devaraja, Yaksha
raja, , Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra
668. Dwaitha varjitha - She who is away from more than one
685. Rajya Dhayini - She who gives kingdoms like Vaikunta, kailasa etc
669. Annadha - She who gives food
686. Rajya vallabha - She who likes such kingdoms
670. Vasudha - She who gives wealth
687. Rajat krupa - She whose mercy shines everywhere
671. Vriddha - She who is old
688. Raja peetha nivesitha nijasritha - She who makes people approaching her
672. Brhmatmykya swaroopini - She who merges herself in brahma-the ultimate truth as kings

673. Brihathi - She who is big 689. Rajya lakshmi - She who is the wealth of kingdoms

674. Brahmani - She who is the wife of easwara 690. Kosa natha - She who protects the treasury

675. Brahmi - She who has one aspect of Brhma 691. Chathuranga baleswai - She who is the leader of the four fold army (Mind,
brain, thought and ego)
676. Brahmananda - She who is the ultimate happiness

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692. Samrajya Dhayini - She who makes you emperor 709. Sada shiva pathi vritha - She who is devoted wife for all times to Lord Shiva

693. Sathya Sandha - She who is truthful 710. Sampradhayeshwari - She who is goddess to rituals or She who is goddess
to teacher-student hierarchy
694. Sagara Mekhala - She who is the earth surrounded by the sea
711. Sadhu - She who is innocent
695. Deekshitha - She who gives the right to do fire sacrifice
712. Ee - She who is the letter e
696. Dhaitya Shamani - She who controls anti gods
713. Guru mandala roopini - She who is the universe round teachers
697. Sarva loka vasam kari - She who keeps all the world within her control
714. Kulotheerna - She who is beyond the group of senses
698. Sarvartha Dhatri - She who gives all wealth
715. Bhagaradhya - She who is to be worshipped in the universe round the sun
699. Savithri - She who is shines like the sun
716. Maya - She who is illusion
700. Sachidananda roopini - She who is personification of the ultimate truth
717. Madhumathi - She who is the trance stage (seventh ) in yoga
701. Desa kala parischinna - She who is not divided by region or time
718. Mahee - She who is personification of earth
702. Sarvaga - She who is full of everywhere
719. Ganamba - She who is mother to Ganesha and bhootha ganas
703. Sarva mohini - She who attracts every thing
720. Guhyakaradhya - She who should be worshipped in secret places
704. Saraswathi - She who is the goddess of knowledge
721. Komalangi - She who has beautiful limbs
705. Sasthra mayi - She who is the meaning of sciences
722. Guru Priya - She who likes teachers
706. Guhamba - She who is mother of Lord Subrahmanya (Guha)
723. Swathanthra - She who is independent
707. Guhya roopini - She whose form is hidden from all
724. Sarwa thanthresi - She who is goddess to all thanthras (tricks to attain God)
708. Sarvo padhi vinirmuktha - She who does not have any doctrines

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725. Dakshina moorthi roopini - She who is the personification of God facing South (The 741. Rambha adhi vandhitha - She who is worshipped by the celestial dancers
teacher form of Shiva)
742. Bhava dhava sudha vrishti - She who douses the forest fire of the sad life of
726. Sanakadhi samaradhya - She who is being worshipped by Sanaka sages mortals with a rain of nectar.

727. Siva gnana pradhayini - She who gives the knowledge of God 743. Paparanya dhavanala - She who is the forest fire that destroys the forest of
728. Chid kala - She who is the micro power deep within 744. Daurbhagya thoolavathoola - She who is the cyclone that blows away the
cotton of bad luck.
729. Ananda Kalika - She who is the happiness in beings
745. Jaradwanthara viprabha - She who is the suns rays that swallows the
730. Prema roopa - She who is the form of love darkness of old age

731. Priyamkaree - She who does what is liked 746. Bhagyabdhi chandrika - She who is the full moon to the sea of luck

732. Nama parayana preetha - She who likes repetition of her various names 747. Bhaktha Chitta Keki Ganagana - She who is the black cloud to the peacock
which is he devotees mind
733. Nandhi vidhya - She who is the knowledge taught by Nandi deva (The bull god on whom
shiva rides) 748. Roga parvatha Dhambola - She who is the Vajra weapon which breaks the
sickness which is like the mountain
734. Nateshwaree - She who is the goddess of dance
749. Mrutyu Dharu Kudarika - She who is like the axe which fells the tree of
735. Mithya Jagat athishtana - She who is luck to this world of illusion death

736. Mukthida - She who gives redemption 750. Maheswaree - She who is the greatest goddess

737. Mukthi roopini - She who is redemption 751. Maha kali - She who is the great Kalee

738. Lasya priya - She who likes feminine dance 752. Maha grasa - She who is like a great drinking bowl

739. Laya karee - She who is the bridge between dance and music 753. Mahasana - She who is the great eater

740. Lajja - She who is shy 754. Aparna - She who did meditation without even eating a leaf

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755. Chandika - She who is supremely angry 771. Dhuraradhya - She who is rarely available for worship

756. Chanda mundasura nishoodhini - She who killed the asuras called Chanda and Munda 772. Dhuradharsha - She who cannot be won

757. Ksharaksharathmika - She who can never be destroyed and also destroyed 773. Patali kusuma priya - She who likes the buds of Patali tree

758. Sarva lokesi - She who is goddess to all the worlds 774. Mahathi - She who is big

759. Viswa Dharini - She who carries all the universe 775. Meru nilaya - She who lives in Meru mountain

760. Thrivarga Dhathri - She who gives dharma, Assets and pleasure 776. Mandhara kusuma priya - She who likes the buds of Mandhara tree

761. Subhaga - She who is pleasing to look at 777. Veeraradhya - She who is worshipped by heroes

762. Thryambhaga - She who has three eyes 778. Virad Roopa - She who a universal look

763. Trigunathmika - She who is personification of three gunas viz .,Thamo (Kali), Rajo 779. Viraja - She who does not have any blemish
(Dhurga) and Sathva (Parvathy)
780. Viswathomukhi - She who sees through every ones eyes
764. Swargapavargadha - She who gives heaven and the way to it
781. Prathyg roopa - She who can be seen by looking inside
765. Shuddha - She who is clean
782. Parakasa - She who is the great sky
766. Japapushpa nibhakrithi - She who has the colour of hibiscus
783. Pranadha - She who gives the soul
767. Ojovathi - She who is full of vigour
784. Prana roopini - She who is the soul
768. Dhyuthidhara - She who has light
785. Marthanda Bhairavaradhya - She who is being worshipped by Marthanda
769. Yagna roopa - She who is of the form of sacrifice Bhairava

770. Priyavrudha - She who likes penances 786. Manthrini nyashtha rajyadhoo - She who gave the power to rule to her form
of Manthrini

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787. Tripuresi - She who is the head of three cities 804. Pushkara - She who gives exuberance

788. Jayatsena - She who has an army which wins 805. Pushkarekshana - She who has lotus like eyes

789. Nistrai gunya - She who is above the three qualities 806. Paramjyothi - She who is the ultimate light

790. Parapara - She who is outside and inside 807. Param dhama - She who is the ultimate resting place

791. Satya gnananda roopa - She who is personification of truth, knowledge and happiness 808. Paramanu - She who is the ultimate atom

792. Samarasya parayana - She who stands in peace 809. Parath para - She who is better than the best

793. Kapardhini - She who is the wife of Kapardhi (Siva with hair) 810. Pasa Hastha - She who has rope in her hand

794. Kalamala - She who wears arts as garlands 811. Pasa Hanthri - She who cuts off attachment

795. Kamadhukh - She who fulfills desires 812. Para manthra Vibhedini - She who destroys the effect of spells cast

796. Kama roopini - She who can take any form 813. Moortha - She who has a form

797. Kala nidhi - She who is the treasure of arts 814. Amoortha - She who does not have a form

798. Kavya kala - She who is the art of writing 815. Anithya thriptha - She who gets happy with prayers using temporary things

799. Rasagna - She who appreciates arts 816. Muni manasa hamsika - She who is the swan in the mind ( lake like) of
800. Rasa sevadhi - She who is the treasure of arts
817. Satya vritha - She who has resolved to speak only truth
801. Pushta - She who is healthy
818. Sathya roopa - She who is the real form
802. Purathana - She who is ancient
819. Sarvantharyamini - She who is within everything
803. Poojya - She who is fit to be worshipped

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820. Sathee - She who is Sathee the daughter of Daksha 836. Veera matha - She who is the mother of heroes

821. Brahmani - She who is the strength behind creator 837. Viyat prasoo - She who has created the sky

822. Brahmaa - She who is the creator 838. Mukundaa - She who gives redemption

823. Janani - She who is the mother 839. Mukthi nilaya - She who is the seat of redemption

824. Bahu roopa - She who has several forms 840. Moola vigraha roopini - She who is the basic statue

825. Budharchitha - She who is being worshipped by the enlightened 841. Bavagna - She who understands wishes and thoughts

826. Prasavithri - She who has given birth to everything 842. Bhava rokagni - She who cures the sin of birth

827. Prachanda - She who is very angry 843. Bhava Chakra Pravarthani - She makes the wheel of birth rotate

828. Aagna - She who is the order 844. Chanda sara - She who is the meaning of Vedas

829. Prathishta - She who has been installed 845. Sasthra sara - She who is the meaning of Puranas(epics)

830. Prakata Krithi - She who is clearly visible 846. Manthra sara - She who is the meaning of Manthras ( chants)

831. Praneshwari - She who is goddess to the soul 847. Thalodharee - She who has a small belly

832. Prana Dhatri - She who gives the soul 848. Udara keerthi - She who has wide and tall fame

833. Panchast peeta roopini - She who is in fifty Shakthi peethas like Kama ropa, Varanasi. 849. Uddhhama vaibhava - She who has immeasurable fame
Ujjain etc
850. Varna roopini - She who is personification of alphabets
834. Vishungala - She who is not chained
851. Janma mrutyu jara thaptha jana vishranthi dhayini - She who is the
835. Vivikthastha - She who is in lonely places panacea of ills of birth, death and aging

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852. Sarvopanisha dhudh gushta - She who is being loudly announced as the greatest by 868. Gubdha - She who is beautiful
869. Ksipra prasadhini - She who is pleased quickly
853. Shantyathheetha kalathmika - She who is a greater art than peace
870. Anthar mukha samaradhya - She who is worshipped by internal thoughts
854. Gambheera - She whose depth cannot be measured
871. Bahir mukha sudurlabha - She who can be attained by external prayers
855. Gagananthastha - She who is situated in the sky
872. Thrayee - She who is of the form of three Vedas viz Rik, yajur and sama
856. Garvitha - She who is proud
873. Trivarga nilaya - She who is in three aspects of self, assets and pleasure
857. Gana lolupa - She who likes songs
874. Thristha - She who is in three
858. Kalpana rahitha - She who does not imagine
875. Tripura malini - She who is in tripura the sixth section of Srichakra
859. Kashta - She who is in the ultimate boundary
876. Niramaya - She who is without diseases
860. Akantha - She who removes sins
877. Niralamba - She who does not need another birth
861. Kanthatha vigraha - She who is half of her husband (kantha)
878. Swatma rama - She who enjoys within herself
862. Karya karana nirmuktha - She who is beyond the action and the cause
879. Sudha sruthi - She who is the rain of nectar
863. Kama keli tharangitha - She who is the waves of the sea of the play of the God
880. Samsara panga nirmagna samuddharana panditha - She who is capable of
864. Kanath kanaka thadanga - She who wears the glittering golden ear studs saving people who drown in the mud of day today life

865. Leela vigraha dharini - She who assumes several forms as play 881. Yagna priya - She who likes fire sacrifice

866. Ajha - She who does not have birth 882. Yagna karthree - She who carries out fire sacrifice

867. Kshaya nirmuktha - She who does not have death 883. Yajamana swaroopini - She who is the doer of fire sacrifice

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884. Dharma dhara - She who is the basis of Dharma-the rightful action 901. Nadha roopini - She who is the form of sound

885. Dhanadyaksha - She who presides over wealth 902. Vignana kalana - She who makes science

886. Dhanadhanya vivardhani - She who makes wealth and grain to grow 903. Kalya - She who is expert in arts

887. Vipra priya - She who likes those who learn Vedas 904. Vidhagdha - She who is an expert

888. Vipra roopa - She who is the learner of Vedas 905. Baindavasana - She who sits in the dot of the thousand petalled lotus

889. Viswa brhamana karini - She who makes the universe to rotate 906. Tathwadhika - She who is above all metaphysics

890. Viswa grasa - She who eats the universe in one handful 907. Tatwa mayee - She who is Metaphysics

891. Vidhrumabha - She who has the luster of coral 908. Tatwa Martha swaroopini - She who is personification of this and that

892. Vaishnavi - She who is the power of Vishnu 909. Sama gana priya - She who likes singing of sama

893. Vishnu roopini - She who is Vishnu 910. Soumya - She who is peaceful or She who is as pretty as the moon

894. Ayoni - She who does not have a cause or She who is not born 911. Sada shiva kutumbini - She who is consort of Sada shiva

895. Yoni nilaya - She who is the cause and source of everything 912. Savyapa savya margastha - She who is birth, death and living or She who
likes the priestly and tantric methods
896. Kootastha - She who is stable
913. Sarva apadvi nivarini - She who removes all dangers
897. Kula roopini - She who is personification of culture
914. Swastha - She who has everything within her or She who is peaceful
898. Veera goshti priya - She who likes company of heroes
915. Swabhava madura - She who is by nature sweet
899. Veera - She who has valour
916. Dheera - She who is courageous
900. Naish karmya - She who does not have attachment to action

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917. Dheera samarchida - She who is being worshipped by the courageous 934. Viswa Matha - The mother of the universe

918. Chaithnyarkya samaradhya - She who is worshipped by the ablation of water 935. Jagat Dhathri - She who supports the world

919. Chaitanya kusuma priya - She who likes the never fading flowers 936. Visalakshi - She who is broad eyed

920. Saddothitha - She who never sets 937. Viragini - She who has renounced

921. Sadha thushta - She who is always happy 938. Pragalbha - She who is courageous

922. Tharunadithya patala - She who like the young son is red mixed with white 939. Paramodhara - She who is great giver

923. Dakshina Daksinaradhya - She who is worshipped by the learned and ignorant 940. Paramodha - She who has great happiness

924. Dharasmera mukhambuja - She who has a smiling face like the lotus in full bloom 941. Manomayi - She who is one with mind

925. Kaulini kevala - She who is mixture of the koula and kevala methods 942. Vyoma kesi - She who is the wife of Shiva who has sky as his hair

926. Anargya kaivalya pada dhayini - She who gives the immeasurable heavenly stature 943. Vimanastha - She who is at the top

927. Stotra priya - She who likes chants 944. Vajrini - She who has indras wife as a part

928. Sthuthi mathi - She who gives boons for those who sing her chants 945. Vamakeshwaree - She who is goddess of the people who follow the left path

929. Sthuthi samsthutha vaibhava - She who is worshipped by the Vedas 946. Pancha yagna priya - She who likes the five sacrifices

930. Manaswaini - She who has a stable mind 947. Pancha pretha manchadhi sayini - She who sleeps on the cot made of five
931. Manavathi - She who has big heart
948. Panchami - She who is the consort of Sadshiva the fifth of the pancha
932. Mahesi - She who is the greatest goddess brahmas

933. Mangala kruthi - She who does only good

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949. Pancha bhoothesi - She who is the chief of Pancha bhoothas viz earth, sky, fire, air. And 964. Bhandhooka kusuma prakhya - She who has the glitter of bhandhooka
water flowers

950. Pancha sankhyopacharini - She who is to be worshipped by five methods of 965. Bala - She who is a young maiden
Gandha(sandal wood), Pushpa(flower), Dhoopa(incense), dheepa(light),
Naivedya(offering) 966. Leela Vinodhini - She who loves to play

951. Saswathi - She who is permanent 967. Sumangali - She who gives all good things

952. Saswathaiswarya - She who gives perennial wealth 968. Sukha kari - She who gives pleasure

953. Sarmadha - She who gives pleasure 969. Suveshadya - She who is well made up

954. Sambhu mohini - She who bewitches Lord Shiva 970. Suvasini - She who is sweet scented(married woman)

955. Dhara - She who carries (beings like earth) 971. Suvasinyarchana preetha - She who likes the worship of married woman

956. Dharasutha - She who is the daughter of the mountain 972. Aashobhana - She who has full glitter

957. Dhanya - She who has all sort of wealth 973. Shuddha manasa - She who has a clean mind

958. Dharmini - She who likes dharma 974. Bindhu tharpana santhushta - She who is happy with the offering in the dot
of Ananda maya chakra
959. Dharma vardhini - She who makes dharma grow
975. Poorvaja - She who preceded every one
960. Loka theetha - She who is beyond the world
976. Tripurambika - She who is the goddess of three cities
961. Guna theetha - She who is beyond properties
977. Dasa mudhra samaradhya - She who is worshipped by ten mudras(postures
962. Sarvatheetha - She who is beyond everything of the hand)

963. Samathmika - She who is peace 978. Thrpura sree vasankari - She who keeps the goddess Tripura sree

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979. Gnana mudhra - She who shows the symbol of knowledge 996. Sri chakra raja nilaya - She who lives in Srichakra

980. Gnana gamya - She who can be attained by knowledge 997. Sri math thripura sundari - The beautiful goddess of wealth who is consort
of the Lord of Tripura
981. Gnana gneya swaroopini - She who is what is thought and the thought
998. Sri shivaa - She who is the eternal peace
982. Yoni mudhra - She who shows the symbol of pleasure
999. Shiva shakthaikya roopini - She who is unification of Shiva and Shakthi
983. Trikhandesi - She who is the lord of three zones of fire, moon and sun
1000. Lalithambika - The easily approachable mother
984. Triguna - She who is three characters

985. Amba - She who is the mother

986. Trikonaga - She who has attained at all vertices of a triangle

987. Anaga - She who is not neared by sin

988. Adbutha charithra - She who has a wonderful history

989. Vanchithartha pradayini - She who gives what is desired

990. Abhyasathisaya gnatha - She who can be realized by constant practice

991. Shaddwatheetha roopini - She who supersedes the six methods of prayers

992. Avyaja karuna moorhy - She who shows mercy without reason

993. Agnana dwantha deepika - She who is the lamp that drives away ignorance

994. Abala gopa vidhitha - She who is worshipped by all right from children and cowherds

995. Sarvan ullangya sasana - She whose orders can never be disobeyed

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r lalith sahasranma stthra phala sruthi(hi)

(effect of reciting dvs 1000 names)
English meaning courtesy of Sri P.R. Ramachander

[Unlike Vishnu Sahasranamam, where phala sruthi is the part of the stotra, in the case of Laitha
Sahasranama, phala sruthi is the next chapter and separate from it. So it is not recited along with
the thousand names of Lalitha. It is as per the desire of a devotee that I am translating this great
work, which occurs in Markandeya Purana. It was taught by Sage Markandeya to Sage

atha r lalith-sahasranma-stthra phala-sruthi(hi) sarva-jwar-rthi-shamanam drg-yushya-pradyakam 3

putra-pradama-putrnm purushrtha-pradyakam
it-y-vam-nma-shasram kathitam-thy ghatd-bhava,
rahas-ynm-rahas-yam-cha lalith-preethi-dyakam 1 * It is a cure for all types of fever, and gives rise to long life,
nna-sadrusam-sttram na bootham na - bavish-yathi, It will bless you with son (that too first son) and gives three types of wealth.

These 1000 names which were told, Oh Agasthya, idham vishsht r -dvyh stthram prti-vidhyakam 4
Are secret of the secrets and are very dear to Lalitha. japn-nityam-prayat-nna lalith-psti tat-para(ha)
This type of prayer has never existed in the past or will never exist in future.
This special prayer of goddess which pleases Lalitha Devi very much ,
sarva-rga-prasha-manam sarva-sampat - pravar-dhanam 2 * Should be chanted daily after worshipping of Lalitha.
sarvpa-mrutyu-shamanam kla-mrutyu-nivranam,
prtaha-sntv-vidhnna sandhy-karma sampya cha 5
* This cures all diseases and gives rise to all types of wealth, pooj gruham tat gatv chakra-rjam samara-chayt(u)
* It cures all accidental deaths and is an antidote to untimely death.
* Take bath in the morning, finish the oblations of the dawn,
* Go to the prayer room and first worship the Sr Chakra.

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vidym-japt sahasram v trishatam shatha-mva v 6 tat punyam kti gunitham bavt-punya-manut-tamam 12

ra-hasya nma shasram-idham pascht-pathn-naraha rahasya-nma-shasr nm-n(a)py-kasya-krtant
* Chant the Sri Vidya mantra either 100 times or 400 times, One crore times the good effect of doing all these matchless blessings,
* And then these secret thousand names should be read. Would be got even by chanting one name out of the one thousand secret names.

janma-madhy-sakruchpi ya ytat-pathat sudh(h) 7 rahasya-nma-shasr nmai-kamapi ya patht 13

tasya-punya-phalam vakshy shrunu tvam kumba-sambava thasya ppni nashyanti mahn-tyapi na samshayah(a)
* Oh, Sage born out of the pot, please hear the results, * Even if one name among the thousand secret names is read,
Of reading these in the middle of life by devotees: * All the sins committed by him would be destroyed without doubt.

gangdi-sarva-tr-thshu yah snyt-kti-janmasu 8 nitya-karma-ana-nushtnn nishidha-karan-dapi 14

kti linga-pratishtm cha yah kuryda-vimukta-y yat ppam jyat pumsm tat sarvam nashyati-druvam
kuru-kshtr thu y dadyt-kti-vram ravi-grah 9
ktim suvarna bhrnm shrtr-yshu dvijan-masu Even the sin caused by very bad act of not doing the daily sacred routines,
ya ktim hayam-dhnm hard-gnga-rdhas 10 * Would go away and all the sins would be destroyed speedily.
chart-koopa-kteery nirjal maru-bootal
bahu-ntra kimuk-tna srunu tvam kumba-sambhava 15
durbhiksh ya pratidinam kti brmana bhjanam 11
traika nmno y saktih(i) p-tak-nm nivartan
sradhay-paray kuryt-sahasra-parivatsarn
tannivartya-magham-kartum nlam-lksh-chaturdasha 16
The devotee would get the effect of taking bath in sacred rivers like Ganga,
Or One crore times and also the same effect as consecrating one crore lingas. * Oh sage Agasthya, please hear from me how most people would get free,
Or One crore times giving in Kurukshetra on Sundays giving, * By chanting according to their capability for getting rid of sins,
One crore gold ornaments to the twice born who has learned Vedas, * For these, without any doubt would remove sins committed in the fourteen lokas,
Or doing one crore Aswa medha yagas in the shores of the Ganges
Or digging one crore wells with water in the deserts,
Or feeding one crore Brahmins daily during the famine,
Or doing with great attention training/teaching one thousand children.

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m - harih: - m

yas-tyaktv nma-shasram ppa-hni-mabheepsati powrna-msym chandra bimb dytv r lalithm-bikm 21

sa hi shta-nivruth-yartham hima shailam nishvath 17 pan-chpa-chrai sampoojya padn nma sahasrakam
sarv rgh pranas-yanti drg-yush-yancha vindati 22
Those who are desirous of getting rid of their sins, (drgmyushcha)
If they hate to chant the thousand names,
It is like going to Himalayas to get rid of cold. ayam-yush-kar nma prayga kalpa-ch-ditaha
On the full moon day facing the full moon and meditating on Lalitha,
bhakth ya krtayn-nithyam idam nma-sahasrakam Offer the five oblations and by reading the thousand names,
tasmai r lalith dv prt bshtam prayachati 18 All diseases will vanish, long life would be given,
And accompany this with the yushkara prayoga*
* Devotees who daily sing these thousand names, * rite to get long life
* Would be blessed by Lalitha Devi by fulfilling their wishes.
jvar-rtam-shirasi sprushtv pathn-nma-sahasrakam 23
akrtayn-nidam stthram katham bakt bavish-yati tat kshant-prashamam yti shirs-stod jvar(a)pi cha
How can he who does not sing them be a devotee? He who has fever, if he touches his head and chants the thousand names,
At that moment the fever would descend away from the head and vanish.
nityam sankrta-nsaktah krtayt-punya-vsar 19
sankrnthu vishuv chaiva svajanma-tritay-yan sarva vythi-nivrut-yartham sprushtv bhasma-japdidam 24
tad bhasma-dhran-dva nash-yanti vyda-yaha-kshant
* People who cannot sing it daily should chant it on special occasions,
* Viz first of every month, first of the new year and the three birthdays (Self, wife and son) * For getting rid of diseases touch holy ash and chant the thousand names,
* And by wearing that ash all diseases would immediately be cured.
navamym v chathur-dasyam sitym shukra-vsar 20
krtayn-nma-shasram powrna-msym vis-shataha jalam sam-mantra kumbastham nma-shasrath mun 25
abi-shin-chd-graha-grastn grah nash-yanthi tat kshant
* On Navami or on Chathurdasi or Fridays of the waxing moon,
* And on the full moon day singing this is very special. * Storing the water in a pot, and chanting the thousand names, oh sage,
* And anointing oneself with that water would remove all problems created by planets
(Graha Doshas , Sade Sathi , Shani Dosha , Kala Sarpa dosha etc.)

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r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

sudh sgara madhyasthm dytv r lalithmbikm 26 rahasya-nma-shasram ya krtayathi nityasaha 32

ya pathn-nma-shasram visham tasya vinashyati tan mukh-lka-mthrna muhy lka-trayam mun
Meditating on Goddess Lakshmi and goddess Lalithambika, As soon as they see the face of one who chants,
If the thousand names are read, effect of poison will vanish. The thousand secret names daily, the saints salute him.

vanthynm puthra-lbya nma-shasra-mantritam 27 yastvidham nma-shasram sakruth pathati bakthi-mn 33

navantham pradad-ythu puthralb bavd-druvam thasya ya sasthra-vas-thshm nihantha sha-ra-bhswara-ha
dvyh pshna sambaddhm krushtm-ankushna cha 28
dhytv-beeshtm sriyam rtrow-japn-nma-sahasrakam * The enemies of the devotee who reads these thousand names.
* Would be killed by arrows by Sharabheswara (Your dis-tractors/enemies will not
yti svasameepam s yadyap-yantah puram gat 29 succeed against you.)
For blessing with a son, for the lady who does not conceive,
Chant the thousand names and offer butter to the God, y vbhichram kurut nma-shasra-ptak 34
By this she will be blessed with a son soon. nivartya tat kriym hanytam vai pratyangirs-svayam

rj-karshana kmasch drjvasatha din mukaha * He who does black magic against one who reads the thousand names,
* Would be killed by Prathyangira devi herself for protecting the devotee
trirtram ya pathdtat r-dv dhyna-tat-paraha 30 (Prathyangira devi Most fierce and powerful avatar of Devi)
sa rj pravash-yna turangam v matan gajam
ruhy-yti nikatam dsavat-prani pathya cha 31 y kroora drushty vkshant nma shasra pdakam 35
tasmai rjyam cha ksham cha dadt-yva vasham gataha tn andhn-kurut kshipram swayam mrtnda bhairavah(a)
* For attracting the king (people with authority/Rulers), face the palace of the king and read the * He who sees with cruelty the one who reads these thousand names,
thousand names meditating on the Goddess, * Would be made blind,immediately by Marthanda Bhairava himself (Those who plan
* And then the king would be under your control, would ride a horse or elephant, ill deeds against the one who chants this will be distracted or blinded by other
* Come to your side, would salute and serve you, thoughts that he will not be able to execute his plans.)
* And offer you his country or a state of his country (Your words/requests will not be turned down
by any one even by people of influence or those who are in powerful positions in society.)

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m - harih: - m

dhanam y harath chrair nma shasra jpinah(a) 36 yast-vka-vram pathati paksha-mtra-matan-dritah(a) 41

yatra kutra sthitam vpi kshtra pl nihanthi tam muh-yanti kma-vashag mrugk-shyas-tasya vee-kshant
ya pathn nma sharam janma madhy sakrun-narah(a) 42
* He who steals the wealth of one who reads these thousand names, tad-drushti-gchars sarv muchyant sarva kil-bishai-hi
* Wherever he hides would be killed by The Kshethra pala.
The one who reads these thousand names in the middle of his life,
vidysu kurut vdam y vidwn nma jpin 37 Would be able to see everything and all his sins would be pardoned.
tasya-vk-stam-banam sadyah(a) karti nakulshwarh()
y vthi nma-shasram tasmai dyam dwijan-man, 43
* He who argues with the learned man, who reads the thousand names, annam vasthram dhanam dhnyam nny-bhyasthu kad chana
* Would be made dumb immediately by Nakuleshwari (Nobody can win argument against the
devotee who chants Lalitha Sahasranamam) * He who makes the thousand names as his, would be made the twice born,
* Get food, cloths, wealth, cereals and all that he wishes.
y rj kurut vairam nma shasra jpin 38
chaturanga balam tasya dandin samhart swayam r manthra rjam y vthi r chakram ya samarchathi, 44
ya krthayathi nmni tham sath pthram vidhur budh h,
The army of the king who attacks the one who reads thousand names,
As an enemy would be immediately destroyed by Dandinee herself. He who learns the king of r Manthras and offers it to Sri Chakram,
And sings these thousand names, would be considered as holy by the learned.
ya pathn nma shasram shanmsam bakthi samyutah(a) 39
lakshmsh-chn-chalya-rahit sad tish-thati tad gruh thasmai dhyam prayath-nna r dvi prthi-mich-chat, 45
na-krtha-yati nmni manthra rjam na vthi yaha
* He who reads these thousand names daily for six months with devotion.
* Will have the fickle minded Goddess of wealth, live in his house permanently. * To him the goddess would give with love, whatever he wants,
* Who sings these names and learns the king of Manthras.
msa-mkam prati-dhinam tri vram ya padn narah(a) 40
brath tasya jih-vgr rang nrutyati nitya-sah(a) pasu thulya sa-vij-nya thasmai datham nirar-thakam, 46
par-kshya-vidhy vidushas-tbhy dadhy dwi-chak-shana-ha
* He who reads it daily for one month or at least three weeks,
* Will have Saraswathi the goddess of intelligence dancing on the tip of his toungue. * There is no point in giving this Mantra to animal like people,
* And it should be given to those who are learned and wise.

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r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

r manthra rja sadrus yath manthr na vidhyat, 47 y-bhir-nma sahas-thrais-tu r chakram y(a)rchayt sakrut, 51
dvath lalith thuly yath nsti ghatd-bhava padmair v thulas pushpai-hi kalhrai v kadambakai-hi
champakair jth-kusumai mallik kara vrakai-hi 52
There are no chants which are equal to Sri Mantra Raja, ut-palai bilva pathrr v kunda ksara ptalai-hi
And there is no goddess equivalent to Lalitha, Oh Agasthya.
nyai sugandhi kusumai ktha-ki mdhav mukhai-hi, 53
rahasya nma shasra thuly nsthi tath stuti-hi, 48 tasya punya phalam vakthum na sak-nthi mahsvara-ha
lik-hit-v pustak yasthu nma shasra muth-thamam Even Lord Shiva would not be able to tell adequately,
samar-chayt sad bakthy tasya tush-yati sundar, 49 The effect of worshipping the Sri Chakra using the thousand names,
bahunthra kimuk-thna srunu tvam kumbha-sambhava With lotus, leaves of Thulasi, Kalharraa, kadambha flowers,
Jasmine, Champak, Kara veera, Uthpala leaves of Bilwa.
* There is no prayer as great as the secret thousand names, Jasmine buds and Kesara flowers,
* And he who writes it in a book, these thousand names, And other scented flowers like lots, Kethaki Madavee Mukha,
* And submits to her, would make the pretty one happy,
* And please hear much more about it, Oh sage Agasthya. s vthi lalith dv sva-chakra-archanajam phalam, 54
ny kadham vijnyur brahmdy svalpa mdhasa-ha
nnna sadrusham sttram sarva tan-thrshu vidyath, 50
tasmd upsak nithyam krthydi-da mdart, Only Goddess Lalitha can tell some thing about the result of worshipping her chakra,
And possibly Lord Brahma may be able to narrate it to certain extent.
There is no such prayer any where in literature of Thanthra,
And so those who practice Thanthra sing it with devotion daily. prathi msam powrnamsy m-bhir nma sahasrakai, 55
rthr yas chakra rjasth marchayt para dvathm,
sa yva lalith roopa stha droop lalith svayam, 56
na thay vidyath bhdh bdha kruth ppakruth bhavt
In every month during the full moon day, if she is worshipped,
By the thousand names, in the night on the Sri Chakra,
He would himself have the form of The goddess Lalitha,
And he cannot be seen as another one, for it is a sin to see him as anything else.

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r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

mah navamym y baktha r dv chakra madhyagm, 57 ya sahasram brhmann m bhir nma sahasrakai, 61
archay nma shasrai sthasya mukthi kar sthith samar-chaya-bh-jaydh bhakthy pyas poopa shadra-sai-hi
tas-mai prnti lalith sva-sm-rjyam prayach-chathi 62
* That devotee who worships her on mahanavami day, na tasya durlabham vastu trishu-lkshu vidyath
* On the Sri Chakra using these thousand names,
* Would certainly attain salvation. Dedicating these thousand names to thousand Brahmins,
Feeding them with sweet Payasam, Vada made out of black gram,
yastu nma sahasrna shukra vr samarchayth, 58 And a meal which is blessed with all six tastes,
chakra rj mah dvm tasya punya phalam srunu Would make one dear to Goddess Lalitha,
And she would bless you with her kingdom,
* If these thousand names are dedicated on Friday, And there would be nothing in the three worlds,
* To the Sri Chakra of the Goddess, please hear the benefits: That would be difficult to get to this man.

sarvn kmn avp-yha sarva soubhgya sam-yuta-ha, 59 nish-kma krtayd-yastu nma shasra-mutha-mam, 63
puthra pouthrdhi samyukth buktv bhgn yathp-sitn brahmag-nyna mavp-nti yna muchyta bandant
* All your desires would be fulfilled, * He who chants these thousand names,
* You would lead a life with all blessings, * Without any desires or attachments,
* You would be surrounded by sons and grand sons, * Would get the knowledge of Brhamam,
* And enjoy all the pleasures of life. * And would be released from the bonds of life.

nth r lalith dvy syujyam ati durlabham, 60 dhanrthi dhana-mpnti yashrthi chpnuyd yasha-ha 64
prr-tha-nyam sivd-yaischa prp-nt-yva na samshaya-ha, vidhyrthi chp-nuyd vidym nma shasra krthant
* At the end you would get salvation under Lalitha, which is difficult to obtain, * One who wants money would get money,
* And get all benefits of praying Gods like Shiva without any doubt. * One who wants fame would get fame,
* And one who wants knowledge would get knowledge,
* By singing these thousand names.

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m - harih: - m

nnna sadhru-sam stthram bhga mksha pradam mun, 65 shiva nma sahasrach-cha dvy nmaika-muthamam, 69
ktha-nyam-idham thasmd bhga mkshrthi bhir narai-hi, dv nma sahasrni ktishas-santhi kumbhaja
* There is no prayer similar to this one, * Better than the thousand names of Shiva are the names of the Devi,
* Which would give pleasures and salvation, Oh sage, * And Oh Agasthya, the thousand names of Devi are one crore times better.
* For men by singing these thousand names,
* Would get both pleasures as well as salvation. tshu mukhyam dasa vidham nma shasra muchyath, 70
gang bhavn gyathr kl lakshm-sarasvat
chathur-shrama nish-taish-cha krthanyam-idham sad, 66 rja-rjaeshvar bl shymal lalith dasha 71
svadharma-samanush-tna vaikalya paripoortay rahasya-nma shasram idam sashtham dasha-svapi
* In all the four stages of life (4 Stages Baalyam , Youvanam , Grahasthashramam ,
Vanaprastham , Sanyasam), * There are ten important names out of these thousand names,
* Singing these thousand names, * And all these are praise worthy (The names are: Ganga, Gayathri, Syamala,
* And also following ones own Dharma, Lakshmi, Kali, Bala, Lalitha, Rajarajeswari, Saraswathi and Bhavani.)
* Would help reach his goal without any problem.
tasmt sankthayn-nityam kali dsha nivruthay, 72
kalow ppaika bahul dharm-nush-tna varjit, 67 mukhyam r mtru nmthi na j-nan-thi vimhit-ha
nma-sankrthanam muktv nrunm nnyat paryanam
Singing them daily would cure the ill effects of Kali age,
* In the age of Kali, when all Dharmas are forsaken, And the name Matha is important and should not be forgotten.
* Men would get salvation by singing these names and no other.
vishnu nma par k-chith siva nma par par, 73
lowkkth vachann mukhyam vishnu nmnu krthanam, 68 na kas-chid pi lkshu lalith nma thathpara-ha
vishnu nma saharch-cha siva nmaika-muthamam
Better than the names of Vishnu are the names of Shiva,
* In the family life it is important to sing the names of Vishnu, But in all the worlds there is nothing better than names of Lalitha.
* But better than singing names of Vishnu is singing names of Shiva.

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r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

ynnya dvath nma krthitham janama ktishu, 74 rahasya nma shasram tyak-tv ya siddhi k-muka-ha, 79
thasyaiva bhavathi sradh r dv nma krthan sa bhjanam vin noonam kshun-ni-vruttima-bheepsati
Even if the names of other Gods are sung in crores of births, Forsaking the thousand names and trying to get occult powers,
It is equal only to singing of the thousand names with devotion. Is like satiating hunger after forsaking all meals.

charam janmani yath r vidhyau-p-sak bhavth, 75 y bhakth lalith dvy san-nithyam krthay-dhi-dham, 80
nma shasra ptascha tath charama janmani nnya-dh pryath dv kalpa kt shathai rapi
* If you become at your last birth an Upasaka of Sri Vidhya, That devotee who sings these names of Lalitha Devi,
* By reading the thousand names, this birth would become your last. Need not sing any other for she will be pleased,
Only by singing of this even for hundreds of eons.
yathaiva viral lk r vidy-chra vdhi-na-ha, 76
tathaiva viral guhya nma shasra ptak-h tasmd rahasya nmni r mtu prayata patht, 81
ithi thy kathitam sttram rahasyam kumbha sambhava
* In this world it is rare to find Upasakas of Sri Vidhya,
* And it is also rare to find those who read the secret thousand names. * These thousand names are to be read for making the mother happy,
* But this prayer which I told is a secret, Oh sage Agasthya.
manthra rja japash-chaiva chakra rjrchanam tath, 77
rahasya nma pthash-cha nl-pa-yasya thapasa phalam n vidy-vdhin brooyn n bakthya kadchana, 82
yathaiva gpy r vidy tath gpya-midam mun
Chanting the king of chants followed by worship of Sri Chakra,
And reading the thousand names gets the same result as doing Austerity (Thapas) * The learned in Vedas, if they do not recite these names at least once,
* The Sri Vidhya would be kept secret from them, Oh sage.
apad-dan-nma shasram prna-ydhy mahswarm, 78
sa chak-shu-sh vin roopam pasydhva vimoo-da-dhi-hi pasu thul-yshu na bryj janshu sttra-mutha-mam, 83
y dadti vimoodthm r vidy rahitya cha
* Without reading these thousand names and trying to please the Goddess,
* Is like a fool trying to see a form without the eyes. * People who do not tell this prayer are like animals,
* If they give Sri Vidhya to the foolish without this prayer.

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r lalith sahasranmam stthram

m - harih: - m

tasmai kupyanthi yginy snartham sumahn smrutaha 84 ithi r brahmnda puran uthara kand,
rahasya nma shasram tasmt sangpay-didam r hayagreeva-agastya samvd r lalith sahasra nma sttra -
phala sruthr-nma truteeyo dhy-yaha sampta-ha
* The Yogis would be very angry with them,
* For this would lead them to problems, Thus ends the telling of effect of reciting Lalitha Sahasra Namam
* And that is why these secret thousand names, Called The portion after,
* Are kept as great secret from every one. Which is in Brahmanda Purana in the Uthara Kanda,
In the discussion between Sage Hayagreeva and Sage Agasthya.
sv-tantrna may nktam tavpi kalashod bhava, 85
lalith pr-ran naiva mayk-tham sttra-muth-thamam
* Of Sage Agasthya, I would not have told them to you independently.
* But for the advice given to me by Goddess Lalitha to tell you these.

krtha-nyam idham bakthy kumbha yn niran-tharam,

thna tusht mah dv tav-bhsh-tam pradsyathi 86
* Please recite these with devotion, Oh sage Agasthya,
* And the goddess will be pleased and fulfill your wishes.

Sootha Uvacha:
[Sootha said:]

it-yuk-tv r haya-grv dhyt-v r lalithmbikm,

nanda magna hrudaya sadya pula-kit bhavat(u) 87
After telling thus, sage Hayagreeva meditated on Goddess Lalitha,
Was drowned in happiness and became enraptured.

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r lalith sahasranmam stthram references:


Balu, Meekakshi. Shree Lalitaa Sahasranaama Stotram & Lalitaa Pancharatnam & Lalitaa Navaratna Maalai.
Chennai: M.B. Publishers, 2007.
Sri Caitnynnd. Sri Vidya - Sri Cakra Pj Vidhih.
New York: Sri Vidya Temple Society, 1996.

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For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rudram

m - harih: - m

r rudram Dedicated with love to

The Fragrant Divine Lotus Feet of my beloved SatGuru - Bhagavan Sri Skanda
(Vedic hymn of adoration to God Siva in the form of Rudra) &
All His Beloved Children of Light

Pictorials by
M.B. Publishers, Chennai

Sanskrit English meanings by

Sri P.R. Ramachander

English Transliteration, Proof-reading, & Preparation by

Sri Skandas Warrior of Light

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Introduction 3

Guide to pronunciation 8

r Rudram - Nysam 9

r Rudram - Namakam 12

r Rudram - Chamakam 27

References 39

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

r rudram
By Sri P.R. Ramachander

Among the oldest books ever composed are the Vedas - the sacred books of Hindus. The word Sri Rudram occurs in Krishna Yajur Veda in the Samhitha of Taithireeya in the fourth
Hindu is the modern term coined by those from foreign land, to denote the followers of Vedas, and seventh chapters. This mellifluous prayer to Rudra has two parts - the Namakam
who preferred to term themselves as those following Sanathana Dharma [literally the birth-less (verses ending with Nama) and the Chamakam (verses ending with Cha May).
and death-less perennial dharmic (just) thought process].
There are several meanings to the word Rudra:
Vedas are believed to be birthless and the term originates from the word "vid" meaning
knowledge. Initially, the Vedas were not written down and the composers simply taught them to Ritam (dam) Samsaara dukham draava yat iti Rudrah.
their disciples along with pronunciation. This was necessary because the language in which it was He destroys the sorrows of the world i.e. (Rudra).
composed relied upon compound words, which, if pronounced or split differently gave rise to
different meanings. The great Sage Veda Vyasa is supposed to have edited this storehouse of Rodati Sarvamantakala
inherited knowledge, which was composed by many rishis in various poetic styles and in prose. The one who makes one to suffer.
He divided it in to four books viz., Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. Each
Veda is further sub divided in to Samhithas and Brahmanas. The appendices to Brahmanas are Ritou Naadaante dravati - draavayateeti Rudrah.
Aranyakas and the appendices to Aranyakas are Upanishads. Each of these has several sookthas The end note of the musical sound i.e. (Rudra).
(loosely translated verses but many of them were written in prose). The Yajur Veda was rewritten
once more and there are two Yajur Vedas: Krishna Yajur Veda and Shukla Yajur Veda. Samhitaas Ritya Vedarupaya, dharmadinava-loka yati praayateeti vaa Rudrah.
are mainly poems written about various Gods. Brahmanas are mainly information about fire In the form of Veda Dharma is promoted i.e. (Rudra).
sacrifices with stories interspersed. There are about one hundred thousand verses in the four
Vedas. Ritya Vaagrupaya, vaakyam, prapayateeti Rudrah.
In the form of Speech, brings out the importance of the meaning of words i.e. (Rudra).
Though most of the Vedic Gods can be identified with Gods mentioned in the Puranas, the
importance ascribed to them differed very much in Vedas and Puranas. For example, the first Ritya Pranavarupaya svatmanam prayateeti Rudrah.
Veda viz. Rig Veda mentions Vishnu in five places and Rudra just in one place. The gods whom In the name of pranava (OM) He makes one to realize him.
Veda considered as very important are Indra, Varuna, Agni, Mithra and Maruth who became
minor gods later in the Puranas. Rudroroutiti satye rorupamaano dravati pravashati martyaaniti Rudrah.
In the form truth he enters humans.

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m - harih: - m

Ritam Sabdam Vedaatmaanam Brahmane dadati Kalpaadaaviti Rudrah. The child wanted a name. Since he was crying (rudha), he was called Rudra. The
Rudra presented Vedas to Brahma at the Commencement of Kalpa. Rudras also means the child cried another seven times asking for names and another seven Rudras were
persons created by Rudra as Sadrusha. formed.

Ritim Raati is responsible for the sound. He is praana Svarupa. Granter of praana (life). The first prayer in the Vedas addressed to Rudra occurs in the Rig Veda and it is
Rudram is Teja [light] and Ruth who binds and attracts. composed by sage Kanva and reads as follows:

Taam bhakte draavayati. Kadrudraaya prachetasey meelhustamaaya tavyasey. Vocheyma shantam

He is even capable of driving away that Shakti (energy)." [Source:] Hridey.
We sing this praise from our hearts of the great Rudra - who is a pourer for the sake
There are also several stories about the birth of Rudra. Some of them are given below: of peace.

1. Brahma created first four rishis called Sanandha, Sanaka, Sanathana and Sanat Kumara [Please note that Ru means sound or to vibrate, Ruda is to pour or to cry and Rudra is
with a view to initiate the activities of creation. But all the four preferred to be ascetics to shed, to flow, to inflict.]
and never bothered to reproduce. Then Brahma got so angry that the anger was sufficient
to burn all the three worlds. This anger escaped from his eyebrows and took the form of Sri Rudram called also as Satha Rudreeyam or Rudra Prasnam occurs in Krishna
Rudra. Rudra's form was half woman and half man. Brahma commanded him to divide Yajur Veda in the Taithireeya Samhitha. It has two parts as mentioned before viz.,
and disappear. Rudra divided himself into Rudra the male part as well as Rudrani the Namakam and Chamakam each with eleven sections. While Namakam is a prayer to
female part. This male part further got divided in to eleven parts. They were Ajan, Rudra to forget about his avenging fierce, fearful and horrendous form and turn
Ekaath, Ahirbudhyan, Twashta, Rudra, Hara, Sambhu, Tryambaka, Aparajitha, Easana himself into a peaceful form and do good to us. Chamakam on the other hand lists out
and Tribhuvana. (Another source mentions them as Manyu, Manu, Mahinasa, Mahaan, the blessings to be got from a prayer to Rudra and prays Him to regulate and bless our
Shiva, Ruthudwaja, Bhava, Kaama, Vaamadeva, and Drutha Vrutha and yet another life for a moment forgetting his anger. This also has eleven parts.
source mentions them as Mrigavyadga, Sarpa, Nirvrithi, Ajaikapada, Ahirbudhya,
Pinakin, Dahana, Kapalin, Sthanu, Bhaga and Tryambaka.) The female aspect was called Foremost among the mantras contained in Rudram is the Panchakshari Mantra:
Rudrani and she also divided herself into eleven parts and became consort to the eleven Om Namah Sivaya - possibly the manthra most often chanted by Saivites.

2. From Brahma's anger was born the Rudra, from his lap Narada, from his right Thumb
Daksha, from his mind the Sanaka and from his left thumb one daughter called Veeraani.

3. When Brahma was deep in prayer requesting for a son similar to him, a baby deep blue in
colour came on to his lap. That son started crying and Brahma told him not to cry - "Maa

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m - harih: - m

The great Mrityunjaya Mantra: Structure of Rudram

tryambakam yajmah sugandhim pushti vardhanam (namakam and chamakam)
ur-v-ruka-miva bandha-nn mrutyr mukshya mmrutt &
Almighty three-eyed God (Siva) - whom we worship - who has a sweet fragrance - granter of
The material and spiritual benefits from chanting
health and wealth - remover of disease, obstacles in life, and attachments - liberate us from death
and grant us immortality.
As mentioned earlier Sri Rudram is divided in to eleven sections called anuvkas.

In the 1st anuvka consisting of eleven sukthaas, Rudra is requested by the devotee to
The musical chant most often used for Deeparadhana for Shiva also occurs in Rudram: turn his fierce exterior and not use his weapons on his devotees. He is also requested
namast-astu-bhagavan-visvsva-r-ya mah-dv-ya() to annihilate the sins committed by his devotees. This anuvka is chanted for all round
tryam-bak-ya() tri-purnta-k-ya() tri-k(g)nik-l-ya() development of the community as well as the well-being of the chanter. It is also
k-l(g)ni-rudr-ya nla-kan-t-ya() mrut-yunjay-ya() supposed to provide a protective shield against diseases, devils, monsters and so on.
sarvsva-r-ya() sad-siv-ya() sri-man-mah-dv-ya namaha In the 2nd anuvka consisting of two sukthaas, the Rudra is part of nature in all its
glory as plants and medicinal herbs. He is requested to untie the bonds of the day-to-
Salutations to you God, Who is the lord of the universe, Who is the greatest among Gods, Who has day life. This is chanted for destruction of enemies, possession of wealth, getting of
three eyes, Who destroyed three cities, Who is the master of the three fires, Who is the Rudra who kingdom and so on.
burns the world, Who has a blue neck, Who won over the God of death, Who is Lord of every
thing, Who is ever peaceful, And who is the greatest God with goodness, Salutations again. The 3rd anuvka consisting of two sukthaas describe Rudra as a thief. He might have
been presumed to be the stealer of ignorance from us. This anuvka is chanted to cure

In the 4th anuvka, consisting of two sukthaas, Rudra is the common man with his
deficiencies, angularities and described as the creator and worker of all kinds. This
anuvka is supposed to cure diseases like tuberculosis, leprosy, etc.

In the 5th anuvka, consisting of two sukthaas, Rudra's several aspects of personality
especially as God responsible for creation, preservation and destruction is described.
This is chanted to get rid of ignorance and Maya, for victory against enemies, for
begetting of a son, for avoidance of problems during pregnancy and for expansion of

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m - harih: - m
In the 6 anuvka, consisting of two sukthaas, Rudra is identified with changes of his personality CHAMAKAM
over eons of time and the roles he has played in different ages. He is described as the source of the The reading or chanting of Rudra is said to be complete only when chamakam also is
different worlds, Shrutis (Vedas) and its essence in Vedanta. This is chanted for the same aim chanted. There are also 11 anuvkas in the chamakam. After praying and identifying
stated in the fifth anuvka. Rudra with everything in the Namakam, the Chamakam is recited, in which the
devotee identifies himself with Lord Shiva and asks him to give him everything!
In the 7th anuvka, consisting of two sukthaas, his all pervading presence in nature in all its fury
and majesty is described. This anuvka is chanted for the increase of intelligence, wealth, health This excellent prayer is intended for the bulk of the people and every thing to be
and longevity. cherished in the world is included including the ascension to the state of a Jnani to
attain Moksha i.e. eternal happiness.
In the 8th anuvka, Rudra is described as He who illumines other Gods and confers powers on
them. It is told that when you do not have time to chant the Rudra fully at least this eighth anuvka Chamakam assures granting of all you ask for in a full-throated manner unabashed.
should be chanted. The Panchakshari mantra viz. "Namah Shivaaya" occurs for the first time in The creator makes no distinction between the things of the world and the other world.
Vedas in this anuvka. This anuvka is chanted for the destruction of enemies and re-possession of Both belong to him and desire born out of Virtue is really manifestation of divinity
one's assets. and Dharma.

In the 9th anuvka, which consists of two sukthaas, the unfancied and hard to live places where Chamakam furnishes completely the ideal of human happiness and defines in the
Rudra lives is listed out. In essence it means he is all pervasive. This anuvka is chanted for highest degree the desires and do not delimit to be asked or to be granted.
obtaining wealth, good wife, good job, and the blessings of a son who will be devoted to Lord
Shiva. In the 1st anuvka prayer (of the chamakam), request is made to keep fit in the
human being his vitalities; internal and sensory organs; the mind hale and healthy; a
In the 10th anuvka, Rudra is again requested not to show his furious fear giving form and appear long and peaceful and happy old age.
before the devotee in a peaceful calm form. The manthras, unlike the ones till ninth anuvka, do
not end in Nama after every description. This anuvka is chanted for possession of wealth, cure of The 2nd anuvka prayer (of the chamakam), request is made for prominence and
diseases, removal of fear, getting rid of the enmity of powerful people, absence of fear from all leadership, common sense, intellectual acumen, capability to face trying
living beings, having the vision of Bhairava (Shiva in his most fearful aspect), absence from circumstances, spiritual elevation, worldly splendour and enjoyments.
dangers and fears, blessings and the absolution of sins.
The 3rd anuvka prayer (of the chamakam), request is made for innate urge for God
In the 11 anuvka, consisting of eleven sukthaas, Rudra's army called Ganaas is praised and and meditative flights and spiritual ecstasy, service to Divinity and humanity and a
they, wherever they exist, are beseeched to protect the devotees of Rudra. This anuvka is chanted condition where the world wants him and he wants the world for upliftment.
for acquiring knowledge of past, present and future.
The 4th anuvka prayer (of the chamakam), request is made for assures of courtesy,
The 11 anuvka is followed by six stotras of Rudra and then by the Chamakam. fitness of the body and the best food for the body, cosy and comfort.

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m - harih: - m
The 5 anuvka prayer (of the chamakam), request is made for the Navaratnas, the precious There are five methods of chanting the Rudra viz.,
stones and all the animals to sub-serve his interest and the qualified materials best in their form for
his rituals. 1. Ordinary method (aka 1 Rudram) = where first Namakam (all 11 anuvkas)
are read followed by the Chamakam..
The 6th anuvka prayer (of the chamakam), emphasizes the importance of Indra as a co-sharer in
the offerings to the other Gods. Thus, makes him big to get the major obtainers of Havis among all 2. Rudra ekadasini where after chanting the Rudram, the first anuvka of
Gods and his special honour and supremacy. Chamakam is chanted, again after chanting Rudram the second anuvka of
Chamakam is chanted and so on till the eleventh chanting of Rudram
The 7th & 8th anuvka prayer (of the chamakam), lists the various instruments necessary for some followed by eleventh anuvka of Chamakam.
and sacrifices in the Homa Kunda, the site of offerings to the fire God with Svahakara.
3. Eleven such Rudra ekadasinis makes one Laghu Rudram
The 9th anuvka prayer (of the chamakam), is the prime prayer that consists of all the contents of
four Vedas. 4. Eleven such Laghu Rudrams makes one Maha Rudram

The 10th anuvka prayer (of the chamakam), invokes all the biological species to co-operate in his 5. Eleven such Maha Rudrams make one Athi Rudram.
daily wealth and also for the sacrificial fire. It also involves higher spiritual elevations, and makes
it as Jnana Yajna.

The 11th anuvka prayer (of the chamakam), brings out the long list of benedictions asked for in
the odd divine number and even human numbering.

Chamakam roots are firmly implanted in the worldly desires ultimately leading to the divine
fulfillment. It is prayed that the Divine is immortal, infinite and is the cause of earth and heaven,
space and time, reborn after the end of every thing and is the presiding deity.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rudram

m - harih: - m

Guide to pronunciation j like j in job

From Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. jh like dgeh in hedgehog
(Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. j like ng y in sing your
Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004-) k like k in kite
kh like ck h in black hat
This guide is based on American pronunciation of words, and is therefore not a perfect l like l in love
representation of Sanskrit sounds. m like m in mother
like n in pinch
Sanskrit Vowels p like p in soap
a like a in nap ph like ph in up hill
like a in father r rolled like a Spanish or Italian r
like ay in may s like s in sun
i like i in pin sometimes like s in sun, sometimes like sya sound
like ee in sweet t like rt in heart
like o in rose th like t h in fat hat
u like u in put v like v in love, sometimes like w in world
like oo in food y like y in yes
ha pronounce as a faint echoing of the previous vowel; e.g. ah: would
be pronounced aha; ih: would be pronounced ihi; uh: would be *t, th, d, dh, and n should be pronounced with the tongue placed against the
pronounced uhu; etc. protruding slightly beyond the upper teeth.
ai like ai in aisle
au like ow in cow

Sanskrit Consonants
b like b in bird
bh like b h in job hunt
ch like pinch
d like d in dove
dh like d h in good heart
g like good
gh like g h in log hut
h like h in hot

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

r rudram || kara nysam ||

|| nysam || (Establishment of Divinity in the Hands)
[Keep your right hand on the head and chant] [Move your index finger from the down part of the thumb]
m asya-rrudrdy yaprana mah-mantrasya m agni-htrt-man angushth-bhym namaha
aghra rshih: In the thumb, I bow.

[Touch you right hand on the nose and chant]

anushtup chandah(a) [Move your thumb from the down part of the index finger]
dara-prna-m-st-man tarjan-bhym namaha
[Keep your right hand on the centre chest and chant] In the forefinger, I am One with God.
parama-purushasey-sha-rudro-dvat [Move your thumb from the down part of the middle finger]
chtur-m-syt-man madhya-m-bhym namaha
[Keep your right hand on the right chest] In the middle finger, purify.
namah-siv-yti bjam

[Move your thumb from the down part of the ring finger]
[Keep your right hand on the left chest]
nirda-pau-ban-dht-man anmik-bhym namaha
iva-tar-yti saktih(i) In the ring finger, cut the ego.

[Keep your right hand on the centre chest] [Move your thumb from the down part of the little finger]
mah-dv-yti kla-kam jytish-tm-tman kansh-thik-bhym namaha
In the little finger, ultimate purity.
[Keep both the hands in anjali mudr]
r smba-sad-ivaprasda siddhyardh jap

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

[Join and move all the fingers together, from bottom to top as shownby keeping right hand over [Cross both arms]
left hand then, secondly, by keeping all the fingers together move it from left palm over the nirda-pau-ban-dht-man kavachya hum
right palm thirdly, by keeping back side of the right hand over the left hand, move the fingers Crossing both arms, cut the ego.
from bottom to top fourthly, keep backside of the left hand on the right hand fingers by moving
them bottom to top.]
[Touch the three eyes at once with three middle fingers]
jytish-tm-tman ntra-tra-yya vaushat(u)
In the three eyes, ultimate purity.

sarva-krat-vt-man karatala-kara prushth-bhym namaha [Place right hand index & middle finger swirl clockwise around your
I bow to the Consciousnss of Infinite Goodness with the weapon of virtue. head once and then slap on left palm and clap 3x]
sarva-krat-vt-man astrya phat(u)
I bow to the Consiousness of Infinite goodness with the weapon of virtue.
|| anga nysam ||
(Establishment of Divinity in the Body)
[Chant the following while you snap your fingers around the head
[Touch your heart] clockwise at each of the following: 12-3-6-9 OClock positions,
respectively, and as you chant iti digbandaha lock your right and
m agni-htrt-man hruda-yya namaha left pointer fingers together like two hooks and then release them]
In the heart, I bow.
m bhh(u) bhuvah(a) suvah(a) m iti
[Touch top of head]
dara-pr-nam-st-man iras svh
On the top of the head, I am One with God.

[Touch back of head]

chtur-m-syt-man ikhyai vashat(u)
On the back of the head, purify.

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

|| dhynam || || rudra nthi pthah(a) ||

p-tla-nabas-talnta-buvana | bramnda-mvi-sphurat(u), sam-chammayas-cham,
jytis-sptika-linga-mauli-vilasa | prnndu-vn-tm-taih(i) || priyam-chamnu-k-mas-cham,
as-tk-pluta-mka-ma-maniam | rudrnu-vkn-japan(u), kmas-chamsau-mana-sas-cham,
dhyy-deep-sia-siddhay | dhruva-padam | vipr-bishin-ch-chivam || bhadram-chamsryas-cham,
bramndavyp-tadh | basi-tahi-maru-ch-bsa-mnbhujan-gai-h(i) bhagas-chamdravi-nam-cham,
kant-kl-kapard | kalita-ai-kal-chandako | danda-hast-h(a) || yant-chamdhar-t-cham,
tryak-shrudrksha-ml | sula-tita | vibusha-mbav-mrti-bd-h(a) ksh-mas-chamdrutis-cham,
rudr-r-rudra-skta | praka-titavi-ba-v-na | praya-chantu-saukhyam || viswam-chammahas-cham,
|| gansh dhynam || sram-chamlayas-chama,
m gannm tv ganapatigm havmah kavim kavnm upamara tam-chammrutam-cham,
vastamam jystharjam brahmanm brahmanaspata nah rnvan ayaksh-mam-chamn-mayas-cham,
tibih: sda sdanam jv-tus-chamdr-gyu-tvam-cham,
May we worship Sri Ganea, the protector of noble people - The best Poet, the most honorable, sugam-chamsaya-nam-cham,
the greatest ruler and the treasure of all knowledge - O Ganea, please listen to us and take your s-sh-chamsudhi-nam-cham 3
seat in our heart.
[ganea invocation; rig vda 2-23-1] m nthi - nthi - nthi(hi)

m r mah gandhipathay namaha r gurubhyo namah harih: m

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

|| namaka prasnah(a) ||

|| 1st (pratama) anuvkam ||

mnambhagavatrudr-y |
mnamastrudra-man-yavauto-taisha-v-namah(a) || y-mishungiri-santa-hastbi-barsh-yas-tav, |
namastastu-dhan-vanbhu-bym(m)uta-t-namah(a) ||| sivn-giritra-tm-kurumhi-g(u)m-spurushan-jagat(u) ||

Om Salutations to the God who is Rudra. Oh Rudra who feeds us sweetness sitting on the mount, And who gives us solace
Salutations to your Ire, Rudra and also salutations to your arrow. sitting on the mount, Please make the arrow in your hand, Which you have brought to
Salutations to your bow and also to your both arms. punish the sinners, Peaceful and do not give trouble to people and the world.

y-t-ishu()siva-tamsivam-babvat-dhanu(hu), | sivna-vacha-stvgir-s-chvad-masi, |
siv-sarav-yyta-vata-ynorudra-mruday || yath-nasarva-mij | jaga-dayak-shma-g(u)m-sumanasat(u) ||

Bless us with happiness our Lord, With that arrow of thine, which is holy, We praise and sing about you so that we attain you, Oh, God who lives on the top of
With that bow of thine, which is begetter of good, With that quiver of thine, which is sweet. the mountains, Be pleased to protect our relations and cows, Grant them all, a disease
free life, And make them live with love towards each other.
y-t-rudrasiv-tanragho-rppa-kshin, |
tay-nas-tanuvshan-tama-ygir-shantbi-cha-kash-hi || adhya-vo chadathi-vaktprathamodaivyobisha-k(u), |
ah-guscha-sarvnjamba-yantsarv-schaytu-dhnyah(a) ||
Oh Rudra, who showers happiness on us from the Mount, With your aspect which is peaceful,
Which is giver of good always, And that, which is bereft of sin, And which is the road to salvation, He who is first among everything, He who is Godliness in Gods, He who is the doctor
And which takes us to taller heights, Reveal to us the principle of the soul. curing the sins, He who praises good deeds of devotees, Forgetting the ills done by
them, May he kill all animals and asuras that trouble us, And bless us all.

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

asau-yas-tmroaruna-uta-ba-bru()suman-galah(a), | ava-tatyadhanus-tvag(u)msahas-rkshasat-shudh, |
y-ch-m-gum-rudr | abi-todik-shu()-sri-t() | sahasra-sho-va(eye) ni-seerya-sal-ynmmukh-shivo-nasumanbhav ||
shgumhda-ee-mah ||
Oh God with thousand eyes, Oh God with hundreds of bows, Please break the sharp
He is red in colour, He is more red in colour, He is golden, He gives rise to good things, ends of arrows thine, Please slacken the string of your bow, And become God who
He is the Rudra, who is the sun, And so we bow before the thousands of Rudras, Who are spread does us good, And God who has a calm mind.
in all directions, And request them to cool themselves down.
vij-yam-dhanukapar-dino-visal-yobna-vg(u)muth, |
asauyova-sar-patinl(g)-grvovilo-hitah(a), | ansan-nasy-shavabu-rasyanishangathi-hi ||
uthai-nam-gopadru-shannadru-shannudahr-yah(a), ||
uthai-nam-vishvbhtni-sadrushtomruda-ytinah(a) ||| Oh God with the mane of hair, Let your bow loosen its string, Let your quiver become
empty, Let your arrows loose the power to hurt, Let your sword be always in your
He who has the blue neck, Is the one who rises as the copper colured sun. Even lowly cowherds scabbard.
see this Rudra who comes as sun, Even the maids who carry water from rivers see him thus, And
even all the animals of the world see him thus. Let this Rudra who is seen in the form of sun, Grant ythtir-mee-dushtama-hastbab-vatdhanu(hu), |
us all happiness. tay-smnvisva-tastva-ma-yaksh-mayparib-buj ||

namo-astu-nl(g)grvyasahas-rk-shyameedhu-sh, | He who is greatest among those who fulfill wishes of devotees, With those weapons
athoy-asya-sat-vnoham-th-byokaran-namah(a) || that you have and the bow in your hand. Which do not cause infirmity to any one,
Please do save us from all troubles always.
Let my salutation go, To the God who has a blue neck, To the God who has thousands of eyes,
To the God who grants us all boons, And also my salutations, To his devotees who are his namastastv-yudhyn | ta-t-ya-dhsh-nav, |
servants. ub-bymuta-t-namobhu-bymtava-dhanvan ||

pramun-chadhan-vanas-tvamubayorrt-niyor-jym, | My salutations to thine strong weapons which are about to strike, My salutations to
ys-chathasta-isha-vapar-tbhagavo-vap || your both hands and bow.

Please untie the string connecting the ends of your bow, Oh God Please put away arrows in your
hand in thine quiver.

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

pari-t-dhan-vanohti-rasmnvri-naktuvis-vatah(a), | ba-blusyaviv-ydhi-nnn-nm pathaynamonamo

atho-yaishu-dhista-vrasmannidh-hitam || Salutations and salutations,. To him who rides on the bull, To him who is like disease
to his enemies, And to him who is the lord of all food.
Let your arrows pass away from us, oh Lord,
And let your quiver be kept for our enemies, hari-ks-yopav-thinpush-tnm pathaynamonamo
Who are like our sins. Salutations and salutations, To him who has black hair, To him who wears the sacred
thread, And to him who is the lord of all those who are healthy.
|| 2nd (dvity) anuvkam || bavas-yaht-yaijagatm pathay namonamo
namast-astu-bhagavan-visvsva-rya mah-dv-ya() Salutations and salutations,. To him cuts the tree of mortal life, And to him who is the
tryamba-kya() tri-purnta-kya() tri-k(g)nik-l-ya() lord of the universe.
k-l(g)ni-rudr-ya nla-kan-tya() mrut-yunjay-ya()
sarvsvar-ya() sad-siv-ya() sri-man-mah-dv-ya namaha rudr-ytat-vinksh-trnm pathaynamonama
Salutations and salutations, To him who is Rudra, To him who holds a tied bow,
Salutations to you God, Who is the lord of the universe, Who is the greatest among Gods, Who has And to him who is the Lord of fields.
three eyes, Who destroyed three cities, Who is the master of the three fires, Who is the Rudra who
burns the world, Who has a blue neck, Who won over the God of death, Who is Lord of every s-t-yhan-ty-yava-nnm pathaynamonamo
thing, Who is ever peaceful, And who is the greatest God with goodness, Salutations again. Salutations and salutations, To him who is the driver of the chariot of life, To him who
can never be harmed, And to him who is the lord of the forest.
namohiranya-bhavsnn-ydi-sm chapathaynamonamo
Salutations and salutations, To the God with golden hands, To the God who is the chief of armies, rohit-yastha-patayvruk-shnm pathaynamonamo
To the God who is the chief of four directions. Salutations and salutations, To him who is red coloured, To him who is protector of
every thing, And to him who is the lord of all trees.
vruk-sh-byohari-ks-byapas-nm pathaynamonama
Salutations and salutations, To him who shines as trees, To him who has green leaves as hair, mantrinvni-jyakak-shnm pathaynamonamo
And to him who is the lord of all beings. Salutations and salutations, To him who is the minister, To him who is the merchant,
And to him who is the lord of bushes and thickets.
sas-pinja-ryatvish-matpath-nm pathaynamonamo*
Salutations and salutations, To him who is reddish yellow like leaf buds, To him who shines in
luster, And to him who leads us in different directions.

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For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rudram

m - harih: - m

bhuvan-tayvri-vaskruth-yausadh-nm pathaynamonama nich-ravpari-char-yrany-nm

Salutations and salutations, To him who is the creator of the world, To him who is kind to his pathaynamonama
devotees, And to him who is the lord of all plants. Salutations and salutations, To him who goes inside to steal, To him who goes outside
to steal, And to him who is the leader of thieves who steal in the forest.
uch-chairgo-shykran-dayatpa-t-nm pathaynamonama
Salutations and salutations, To him who shouts loudly, To him who makes one cry, And to him sru-kvi-byoji-gh-g(u)m-sadbyomush-natm
who is the leader of foot soldiers. pathaynamo-namo
Salutations and salutations, To him who defends themselves with arms. To him who
kruts-nav-tyadh-vatsava-nm pathaynamaha troubles others, And to him who is the leader of peasants who steal from their master.
Salutations and salutations, To him who is surrounded by army, To him who rushes to save his
devotees, And to him who is the lord of good people.
|| 3rd (trutty) anuvkam || Salutations and salutations, To him who holds the sword, To him who prowls in the
namasaha-mnyanivy-dhina-vydin-nm night to steal, And to him who is the leader of those who murder and steal.
Salutations and salutations, To him who stifles his enemies, To him who beats his enemies, ush-nee-shingiri-char-ya()kulan-chnm
And to him who is the leader of those who beat their enemies. pathaynamo-nama
Salutations and salutations, To him who wears the turban, To him who lives in the
kaku-byanishan-ginst-n-nm pathaynamo-namo forests, And to him who is the leader of those who steal in houses and fields.
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the best, To him who holds the sword, And to him who
is the leader of the thieves. ishumad-byodhan-vvi byas-chavonamo-nama
Salutations and salutations, To him who holds the arrows. And to him who holds the
nishan-ginaishu-dhimattas-kar-nm pathaynamo-namo bows.
Salutations and salutations, To him who holds bows ready to shoot, To him who has the quiver,
And to him who is the leader of the dacoits. -tan-vn-byapra-tita-dhn byas-chavonamo-nama
Salutations and salutations, To him who ties the string to the bow, And to him who
vanchatpari-vanchatst-y-nm pathaynamo-namo places the arrow on the string.
Salutations and salutations, To him who cheats, To him who is the greatest cheat, And to him who
is leader of those who steal by cheating.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rudram

m - harih: - m

-yach-chad-byovisru-jad byas-chavonamo-namo || 4th (tury) anuvkam ||

Salutations and salutations, To him who draws the string, And to him who sends the arrows. nama-vy-dhinee-byovivi-dyant byas-chavonamo-nama
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the evil spirits that surround and torment,
syad-byovid-dhyad byas-chavonamo-nama And to him who is the evil spirits that attack and kill.
Salutations and salutations, To him who shoots arrows at an aim, And to him who breaks the aim
by the arrows. uga-nbastrug(u)m-hat byas-chavonamo-namo
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the good spirits that help, And to him who
-s-n-byasay-n byas-chavonamonama is the evil spirits that are fierce.
Salutations and salutations, To him who sits, And to him who lies down.
gt-s-byogt-sa-pati byas-chavonamo-namo
svapad-byoj-grad byas-chavonamo-namas Salutations and salutations, To him who is attached, And to him who is the chief of
Salutations and salutations, To him who sleeps, And to him who is awake. those who are attached.

tish-thad-byodh-vad byas-chavonamo-nama vrt-byovrta-pati byas-chavonamo-namo

Salutations and salutations, To him who stands still, And to him who runs. Salutations and salutations, To him who is the assembly of different types of people,
And to him who is the chief of such assemblies.
sab-byasab-pati byas-chavonamo-namo
Salutations and salutations, To him who is one among the audience, And to him who presides over gan-byoganapathi byas-chavonamo-namo
the audience. Salutations and salutations, To him who is the member of a clan, And to him who is
the chief of a clan.
asv-byosvapati byas-chavonamah(a)
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the horse, And to him who is the rider of the horse. virp-byovisva-rp byas-chavonamo-namo
Salutations and salutations, To him who looks ugly, And to him who looks just as
every one in the world.

mahad-byahakshul-lak byas-chavonamo-namo
Salutations and salutations, To him who is a great soul, And to him who is a weak

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rudram

m - harih: - m

rathi-byorath byas-chavonamo-namo sva-byasva-pati byas-chavonamah(a)

Salutations and salutations, To him who rides a chariot, And to him who does not have a chariot. Salutations and salutations, To him who is a dog, And to him who protects the dogs.

rath-byoratha-pati byas-chavonamonama || 5th (pancham) anuvkam ||

Salutations and salutations, To him who is a chariot, And to him who is the leader of the chariot. namoba-vyacharudr-yacha-nama
Salutations to him who creates and to him who dispels sorrows.
sen-byasen-ni byas-chavonamo-namaha
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the soldier, And to him who is the leader of the armies. sar-vyachapasupathaycha-namo
Salutations to him who destroys sin and to him who is the lord of all beings.
kshat-tru-byasangra-heetru byas-chavonamo-namas
Salutations and salutations, To him who drives chariots well, And to him who can hold the chariot nla-gr-vyachasiti-kantyacha-nama
from moving. Salutations to him who has a blue neck and who has white ash applied over his neck.

tak-sha-byoratha-kr byas-chavonamonama kapar-dhinchavyup-taksyacha-nama

Salutations and salutations, To him who is a carpenter, And to him who makes chariots. Salutations to him who has a crown of hair and to him who has a shaved head.

kul-l-byakarm-r byas-chavonamonama sahas-rk-shyachasata-dhanvancha-namo

Salutations and salutations, To him who is the potter, And to him who is the black smith. Salutations to him who has thousands of eyes and to him who has hundreds of bows.

pun-jish-t-byoni-shd byas-chavonamo-nama gir-syachasipi-vishtyacha-namo

Salutations and salutations, To him who is the hunter of birds who uses nets, And to him who is Salutations to him who is the lord of the mountain and to him who is light personified.
the fisherman.

ishu-krud-byodhanva-krad byas-chavonamo-namo Salutations to him who gives torrential rains and to him who caries arrows.
Salutations and salutations, To him who makes arrows, And to him who makes bows.

mruga-yu-byasvani byas-chavonamonama Salutations to him who is small and to him who is dwarf.
Salutations and salutations, To him who hunts animals, And to him who drags dogs using a rope.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rudram

m - harih: - m

bruhatchavarshee-yascha-namo || 6th (sasthma) anuvkam ||

Salutations to him who is large who is storehouse of good qualities. namo jysh-tyachakanish-thyacha-nama
Salutations to him who is elder and to him who is younger.
Salutations to him who is aged and to him whose fame is large. pr-vajyachpara-jyacha-namo
Salutations to him who is born before and to him who is born after.
Salutations to him who existed before creation and to him who is first among Gods. madhya-myachpagal-byacha-namo
Salutations to him to him who is middle aged and to him who is too young.
Salutations to him who is omnipresent and to him who moves fast. jagan-yyachabudh-niyyacha-nama
Salutations to him who is born from the middle and to him is born out of roots.
Salutations to him who is in fast streams and to him who is in great waters. so-by-yachaprati-saryyacha-namo
Salutations to him who is born in earth and to him who is born in other worlds.
Salutations to him who is in fast tides and to him who is in still water. ym-yyachaksh-myyacha-nama
Salutations to him to him who punishes in hell and to him who grants favours in
srotas-yyachadvp-yyach heaven.
Salutations to him who is in rivulets and to him who is in islands.
Salutations to him who is in the fields and who is in gardens.

Salutations to him who is praised in the Vedas and to him who is praised at the end of

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rudram

m - harih: - m

van-yyachakak-shyyacha-nama || 7th (sapta) anuvkam ||

Salutations to him who exists as tree in forest and to him who exists as plants in bushes. namodundu-byyachhanan-yyacha-namo
Salutations to him who is of the sound of a big drum and to him who is
sravyachaprati-sravyacha-nama of the form of the drumstick.
Salutations to him who is of the form of sound and to him who is in the form of echo.
su-shnyachsurathyacha-nama Salutations to him who never runs away from war and to him who
Salutations to him who is the fast moving troops and to him who is the fast moving cavalry. examines the spy information about the enemy.

s-ryachvabin-datcha-namo dtyachaprahityacha-namo
Salutations to him who is in the form of heroes and to him who is in the form of knights. Salutations to him who is the messenger and who is the servant

var-minchavar-thincha-namo nishanginch-shudhi-matcha-namas
Salutations to him who is armoured and to him who rides a chariot. Salutations to him who has the sword and to him who has the quiver.

bil-minchaka-vachincha-nama tksh-nshavchyu-dhincha-namas
Salutations to him who wears the helmet and to him who is protected by the charms. Salutations to him who has sharp arrows and to him who has other weapons

srutyachasruta-snyach svyu-dhyachasudhan-vancha-nama
Salutations to him who is famous and to him who has a famed army. Salutations to him who has best weapons and to him who has good bow.

Salutations to him who walks in footpaths and to him who travels in wide roads.

Salutations to him who is in canal water to him who is in streams.

Salutations to him who is in water of a pool and to him who is in the water of a lake

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rudram

m - harih: - m

nd-yyachava(eye)-santyacha-nama || 8th (ashta) anuvkam ||

Salutations to him who is in the water of river and to him who is in the water of the pond. namasomyacharu-dryacha-namas
Salutations to him who is the consort of Uma and to him who removes sorrow.
Salutations to him who is in the water of well and to him who is in the water of spring tm-ryachru-nyacha-nama
Salutations to him who is of the copper colour of the dawn and to him who is of the
varsh-yyachvarsh-yyacha-namo colour of sun after sunrise.
Salutations to him who is in rain water and who is also in places it does not rain.
mgh-yyachavid-yut-yyacha-nama Salutations to him who adds pleasure to us and to him who protects all beings
Salutations to him who is in the clouds and who is also in lightning
eedhri-yyachtap-yyacha-namo Salutations to him who is angry and to him who is fearful
Salutations to him who is in the form of clear sky of autumn and to him who is in the form of rain
and sun agrva-dhyachad-rva-dhyacha-namo
Salutations to him who leads and kills his enemies and to him who talks from a
vt-yyacharsh-miyyacha-namo distance
Salutations to him who is in the form of rainy storm and to him who is in the form of dry hoarse
wind. hantrchahan-yascha-namo
Salutations to him who kills his enemies and to him who destroys everything towards
v-stav-yyachav-stu-pyach the end
Salutations to him who is in materials of the house and to him who is the vaasthu purusha
guarding the house. vksh-byohari-ksh-byo-namas
Salutations to him who is the tree with green hairs of karma
m hara hara hara hara m
Salutations to him who is the star in the form of Om

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rudram

m - harih: - m

sham-bavchamayo-bavcha-nama sikat-yyachapra-vh-yyach
Salutations to him who appears as pleasure of this world and to him who appears as pleasure of Salutations to him who is in the sand by the side of the river and who is in the running
salvation. water of the river

sanka-ryachama-yas-karyacha-nama || 9th (nava) anuvkam ||

Salutations to him who gives the pleasure of this world and to him who gives the pleasure of the namairin-yyachapra-path-yyacha-nama
other worlds. Salutations to him who is of the form of one who lives in arid land and to him who
walks the paths
Salutations to him who is in the form of good things and to him who makes others who attain him kig(u)m-silyachak-sheya-nyacha-nama
good. Salutations to him who is of the form of one who lives in dry land and to him who is of
the form of one who lives in good places
Salutations to him who is the holy water and to him who is worshipped near the streams kapar-dhinchapu-lastaycha-namo
Salutations to him who has matted hair and to him who stands in front to protect his
pr-yyachvr-yyacha-nama devotees.
Salutations to him who is being praised by great souls after salvation and to him who grants all
that one wants in this world. gosh-tyyachagruh-yyacha-nama
Salutations to him who is of the form of one who lives in stable and to him who lives
pra-tara-nyachotara-nyacha-nama in homes
Salutations to him who helps us cross the river of sins and to him who lifts us to salvation.
-tr-yyach-ld-yyacha-nama Salutations to him who sits on the cot and to him who lives in ornamental houses
Salutations to him who makes soul enter this world and to him who encourages soul to enjoy the
fruit of actions. kt-yyachagah-varsh-tyacha-namo
Salutations to him who lives in thorny bushes and who lives in caves
Salutations to him who is in the grass by the riverside and who is in the foam of the river. hradai-yyachani-vsh-pyyacha-nama
Salutations to him who is in deep still waters and to him who is in snow drops

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rudram

m - harih: - m

pg(u)m-sav-yyachara-jasyyacha-nama nir-hat-byo-nama
Salutations to him who is in speck of dust and who is in the dust from mud Salutations to your form, which lives in hearts of, devas and destroys sins

sush-kyyachaharit-yyacha-namo m-vatk-byah(a)
Salutations to him who is dried piece of wood and who is in wet stem Salutations to your form, which lives in hearts of, devas and travels everywhere

lop-yyacholap-yyacha-nama || 10th (dasa) anuvkam ||

Salutations to him who is in firm floor and who is on turf drp-antha-saspat dari-dran-nee-lalo-hit |
shm-puru-sh-nm shm-pas-nm,
r-vyyachasr-myyacha-nama m-bher-mro-moshm-kin-chan-mama-t(u) ||
Salutations to him who is on flat land and to him who is on tides in the river
Oh God who punishes the sinners in hell, Oh God, who gives food to devotees, Oh
par-nyyachaparna-sad-yyacha-namo God, who is the form of light, Oh God who has a black neck and red body, Please do
Salutations to him who is in green leaves and who is in dried leaves not give fear to these beings, Please do not give death to these beings, And please do
not make any of these beings sick.
Salutations to him who is armed and to him who kills his enemies y-t-rudra-siv-tan siv-visv-ha-bsha-j |
siv-rudrasya-bsha-jtay-no-mruda-jvas ||
Salutations to him who troubles a little and to him who troubles most Oh, Rudra, God of the world, That medicine which cures the pain of birth and rebirth,
That medicine which mixes with you and makes all happy, Is your holy form that is
one with thine consort Shakthi, And please bless us all with that form, To make us live
va-kiri-kbyodv-ng(u)m-hrudaybyo-namo as we ought to live.
Salutations to him who showers riches on his devotees and to him who exists in hearts of devas.

Salutations to your deathless form in the hearts of devas

Salutations to your form, which lives in hearts of, devas and grants all the wishes

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rudram

m - harih: - m

im-g(u)m-rudrya-tavas-kapar-dinkshayad-veerya-praba-rmah- mnas-tok-tanay-mnayush-mno-goshu-mno
matim | asv-shur-risha-h(a) |
yath-na-sama-sad-dvipad-chatush-pad-visvam-pushtam-gr-m-asmin- vrn-mno-rudra-bhmito-vadhr-havish-mantonamas-vidh-
nan-turam || mat ||

Oh Rudra, God of the world, Who wears dried tuft of hair, Who is the sage who meditates, And Oh Rudra, God of the world, Never cause sorrow to our children and sons, Never
who kills his enemies, Make mine wavering thought fixed on thee, So that good will befall on us diminish our span of life, Never cause sorrow to our cows, Never cause sorrow to our
people and our cows, And all beings would grow healthy without fail, And are never ever get horses, And do not destroy in anger our efficient servants, And we would come with
diseased. holy offerings and salute you.

md-no-rudro-tano-mayas-krudh kshayad-veerya-namas-vidh-mat | -rt-t-gogh-na-utap-rushag-nkshayad-vrya-sum-namas-m-

yach-cham-chayo-scha-manu-rya-j-pit-tadas-yma-tava-rudra-prantau || t-astu |
raksh-chano-adhicha-dva-brh | yadh-chanah-sharma-
Oh, Rudra God of the world, Make us all happy, Add to our chances of salvation, And diminish yach-chad | vibar-h-h(a) ||
the strength of sinners, And we will pray you with our salute. And again pray to thee, To give us
the pleasure in this world, And salvation in the other world, Got by the father of the world Oh Rudra, God of the world, Let your fearful aspect be away, From killing of beings,
Prajapathi* , by your grace. From killing of people, And our efficient servants. And let your graceful aspect, Be
with us. Oh God, please protect us, Please talk to us with compassion, And please
mno-mahnta-muta-mno-ar-bakammna-uk-shanta-muta-mna-ukshi- give us the pleasure of this and other worlds, That you posses.
tam |
risha-h(a) ||

Oh Rudra, God of the world, Never give trouble to our elders. Never give trouble to our children,
Never give trouble to our lads, Never give trouble to our children in the womb, Never give trouble
to our fathers, Never give trouble to our mothers, And never give to trouble our body, which is
dear to us.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rudram

m - harih: - m

stuhisrutam-garta-sadamy-yuvnam-m-gana- viki-ridavilo-hitanamastastubhagavah(a) |
bheema-mupa-hat-numugram | ystsahasra-g(u)mhtayonyamas-man-niva-pantu-t-h() ||
mdjari-trrudrastav-noan-yantasman-niva-pantusn-h(a) ||
Oh Rudra who throws riches at us, And oh Rudra who is red coloured, Let our
Oh mind always think, Of that Rudra who stays in the lotus of our heart, Of that Rudra who is salutations be with you. Let your thousands of weapons, Destroy our enemies who are
young, Of that Rudra who is powerful in killing of enemies, Of that Rudra who is as fearful as a different from us.
lion, And of that Rudra who is full of fame. And Oh Rudra, who is being praised, Give immortal
pleasures to this mortal body, And let your chief soldiers, Kill our enemies. Who are different from sahas-rnisahas-radhbhuvo-stavah-taya-h(a) |
us. ts-ms-nobhagavapar-chnmukhkrudhi ||
pari-norudrasyahtir-v-naktupari-tv-shasyadurma-tira-g-yo-h(o) | Oh Rudra in your hands are weapons, In thousands and of thousand types. Oh God
avas-thirmagavad-byas-tanu-svam-dvasto-kyatana-yyamday || who is all powerful, Make their sharp ends not attack us.

Let the weapon of Rudra move away from us, And the fearful thought of Rudra, Which shines in || 11th (eka dasa) anuvkam ||
anger, And which is capable of destroying sinners, Also move away from us.
Oh Rudra who grants all wishes of devotees, Please make thine fearful anger, Which is stable in sahas-rnisahas-rasoyrudradhibh(m)-mym |
destroying thine enemies, Little soft at us, who praise, And salute thee by fire sacrifices, And t-shg(u)msahasrayo-janvadhan-vnitan-masi ||
please give pleasure to our sons and their sons.
We request thee oh Rudra, To order your soldiers who are in thousands, To keep their
thousands of weapons, Which are of thousand kinds, Thousand miles away from us.
m-dhush-tamasiva-tamasivo-na-suman-bhav |
bibra-dga-hi || In this vast sea of ether, Whichever Rudras soldiers do exist,
Oh Rudra who is the greatest among those who grant wishes, Oh Rudra who has a pleasant mien,
Please become one who does good to us, And become one with a good mind. Please keep thine nlag-reevsiti-kantsarv-atha-h(a)k-shamcharh(a)
weapons on the trees, And come to us wearing the hide of tiger. Please bring along thine bow And those soldiers, who do exist, Whose half side of neck is blue, And the other half is
pinaaka, As an ornament. white. And live under the earth in Paathaala*.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rudram

m - harih: - m

nlag-rvsiti-kantdiva-g(u)m-rudrupa-srith(a) namorudr-byoypthi-vymyn-tarkshydiviysh-
And those soldiers, who do exist, Whose half side of neck is blue, And the other half is white. And man-namvtovarsha-misha-vast-byo-dasa(p)prch
who have attained heavens. dasadakshindasa(p)prateechdasodchdasor-dvst-
yvksh-shusas-pin-jarnlag-rvvilo-hith(a) yas-chano-dvshtitamvojambdadh-mi
And those soldiers, who do exist, Who are on trees with colour of new grass, With neck which is
blue, And whose body is especially red.
My salutations to all those soldiers of Rudra, Who are on earth, Who are in the sky,
Who are in the worlds above, And to those whom air and food, Become weapons for
ybhtnmadhi-pata-yovisi-ksakapar-dhinah(a) killing beings. I salute them with ten fingers, I salute them facing the east, I salute
And those soldiers ,who do exist, Who are captains of the soldiers, With some of them wearing the them facing south, I salute them facing west, I salute them facing north, I salute them
tuft, And some with no hairs, facing above, My salutations to all of them, Let them grant happiness to me. I would
deliver those of my enemies, And those who consider me as my enemy, In to their
yan-nshuvivi(d)-dyan tip-trshupibatojann(u) wide-open mouth.
And those soldiers ,who do exist, Who trouble those people, Who take food and drink from vessels
|| mrityunjaya mah mantra ||
y-pathmpathirakshayaeye-la-bdyavyudhah(a) tryambakam yajmah sugandhim pushti vardhanam
And those soldiers, who do exist, Who protect people who walk in the path, And also protect those ur-v-ruka-miva bandha-nn mrutyr mukshya mmrutt
people taking all other paths, And who take the form of those who save by giving food, And who
fight with enemies Almighty three-eyed God (Siva) - whom we worship - who has a sweet fragrance -
granter of health and wealth - remover of disease, obstacles in life, and attachments -
ytr-thni-pra-charan-tisk-vantho-nishan-gina-h(a) liberate us from death and grant us immortality.
And those soldiers ,who do exist, Who carry sharp weapons, And also those who carry swords,
And also those who travel protecting sacred waters. yorudroagnauyoap-suyaosha-dshuyorudrovisv-
yat-van-tascha-bh-yg(u)msaschadisorudrvitas-thir |
tsh-g(u)msahasrayo-janvadhan-vnitan-masi || Let our salutations be offered to that Rudra, Who is in fire, Who is in water, Who is in
plants and trees, And who is in everything in the world.
We request all these your soldiers, And also all those others wherever they are, Spread in different
directions, To keep their bows, Thousands miles away, After removing the string.

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

tamushtuhiyasvi-shussudhan-vyovishvas-yak-shayatibsha-jasy | m nthi - nthi - nthi(hi)

yaksh-v mahsau manasyarudramnamo Let there be peace, Let there be peace, Let there be peace
bhirdva-masuramduvasy ||
ithi, sri krishna yajr vdiya, thai-thrya, sam-hith-yam,
Pray and salute him, Who has the best arrows, Who has the best bow, Who is the home of chathur kand, pancha-ma, pra-pa-taka.
medicines, That cure all the worlds diseases, And who destroys asuras. We salute that Rudra, For Thus ends the fifth chapter of the fourth canto of Taithireeya collection of Krishna
making our minds pure. Yajur Veda.

ayammhastobhagavnayammbhagavat-tarah(a) |
ayammvisva-b-shajoyag(u)msivbir-marshana-h(a) ||

This my hand is my God, This is higher than God to me, This is the medicine for all sickness to me.
For this touches Shiva and worships him.

ytsahasra-mayutampsmrutyomart-yyahantav |
tnyag-nasyam-yaysarvn-nava-yaj-mah ||
mrutyavsvhmrut-yavsvh |||

Oh God who destroys the world. I pray thee to keep away from me, The thousands of ropes that
you have, Which is used by you to kill all beings, Due to the power of my prayers. This offering of
fire is offered to death, This offering of fire is offered to death.

mnambhagavatrudryavishnavmrut-yurmphi |
pr-n-nmgranthirasirudromvishn-takah(a) ||
tnnnnpyyasv ||| sad-sivom

Om, my salutations to God, Who is everywhere, And to the Rudra Let not death come near me.
You Rudra who lives in the junction of the soul and senses, I pray to you who destroy everything,
to be within me, And due to that be satisfied, With the food that I take as offering.

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

|| chamaka prasnah(a) ||
m-agn-vishnu-sajo-shas-m | var-dhan-tu-vm-gira-h(a) Oh Lord who is fire and who is Vishnu, Both of you be pleased, To show love towards
dyum-nair-vjbi-rga-tham me, Let these words which praise you, Grow for ever and you both, Should bless me
v-jas-champrasa-vas-cham, with food and all wealth. Food is with me, The mind to give food is with me,
praya-this-champras-tis-cham, Cleanliness is with me, Enthusiasm is with me, Capacity to protect is with me,
Capacity to earn food is with me, Strength to chant manthras with out fault is with me,
dh-tis-chamkra-thus-cham, Fame is with me, Strength to recite properly is with me, Enlightenment inside is with
swa-ras-chamslo-kas-cham, me, Heaven is with me, The spirit of the soul is with me, Aapana is with me, Vyaana
sr-vas-chamsru-tis-cham, is with me, The soul is with me, Thought is with me, Things known by thought are
jyotish-chamsuvas-cham, with me, Words are with me, Mind is with me, Eyes are with me, Ears are with me,
prnas-champnas-cham, Strength of organs for gaining knowledge are with me, Strength of sensory organs are
with me, Strength of soul is with me, Strength to defeat enemies is with me, Span of
vy-nas-chamsus-cham, life is with me, The old age is with me, The soul inside is with me, Good body is with
chit-tam-chama--dhee-tham-cham, me, Pleasure is with me, The Armour to protect the body is with me, Strong stable
vk-chammanas-cham, organs are with me, Bones are with me, Joints are with me, And all other parts of the
chak-shus-chamsro-thram-cham, body are with me, Because I worship Rudra.
par-gm-shi-chamshar-rni-cham 1

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

jyaish-tyam-chama-thi-patyam-cham, Fame is with me, Capacity to head is with me, Internal anger is with me, External
man-yus-chambhmas-cham, anger is with me, Fathomless mid is with me, Pure cold water is with me, Capacity to
win is with me, Capacity to be honoured is with me, Immovable assets are with me,
amas-chamem-bas-cham, Sons and grand sons are with me, Deathless progeny is with me, Pleasure of wealth is
jm-chammahi-m-cham, with me, Growth of knowledge is with me, Truth is with me, Attention to detail is with
vari-m-champrathi-m-cham, me, Assets are with me, Wealth is with me, Capacity to attract is with me, Luster of
varsh-m-chamdr-guy-cham, the body is with me, Sports is with me, Happiness coming out of that is with me,
vrud-dham-chamvrud-dhis-cham Whatever has been made is with me, Whatever is being made is with me, Praise of
gods is with me, Good deeds are with me, Saved money is with me, Whatever money I
satyam-chamsrad-dh-cham, will earn is with me, Earned assets are with me, Assets, which I am going to earn, are
jaga-chamdhanam-cham, with me, Places, which I can easily reach, are with me, Good paths are with me, Good
vasas-chamtvi-shis-cham, results of sacrifices done are with me, Good results, which I am going to earn, are
krd-chammodhas-cham, with me, Assets earned by proper ways are with me, Good capacity to carry our
jtham-chamjanish-ya-mnam-cham, things is with me, Capacity to foresee is with me, And stability to manage is with me,
And all these are with me, Because I worship Rudra.
mathis-chamsuma-this-cham 2

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

sam-chammayas-cham, Pleasures of this world are with me, Pleasures of other world are with me, Liking is
priyam-chamnu-k-mas-cham, with me, The desire due to that is with me, The result of the desire is with me,
Relatives sweet to the mind are with me, Security is with me, Great fame is with me,
kmas-chamsau-mana-sas-cham, Good habitats are with me, All good luck is with me, All wealth is with me, Teacher
bhadram-chamsryas-cham, showing the way is with me, One who carries me like father is with me, Protection of
vas-yas-chamya-sas-cham, assets is with me, Courage is with me, Good to all are with me, Reward is with me,
bhagas-chamdravi-nam-cham, Knowledge of Vedas and science is with me, Capacity to teach is with me, Capacity to
yant-chamdhar-t-cham, order is with me, Capacity to get work done is with me, Wealth of cattle is with me,
Destruction of blocks in my path are with me, Fire sacrifices and other good deeds
ksh-mas-chamdrutis-cham, are with me, The good result of such action is with me, Freedom from tuberculosis is
viswam-chammahas-cham, with me, Freedom from small fevers are with me, The medicine for life without
sam-vich-chamny-tram-cham, sickness is with me, Long life is with me, The state of all people being my friends is
ss-champra-ss-cham, with me, Absence of fear is with me, Good conduct is with me, Good sleep is with me,
sram-chamlayas-chama, Good mornings are with me, Good days are with me, And all these are with me,
Because I worship Rudra.
s-sh-chamsudhi-nam-cham 3

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

rk-chamsn-t-cham, Food is with me, Good words are with me, Milk is with me, The essence of milk is with
payas-chamrasas-cham, me, Ghee is with me, Honey is with me, Taking food together with relatives is with me,
Drinking together is with me, Agriculture is with me, Rain is with me, Land which
githam-chammadhu-cham, gives victory is with me, Production out of plants and trees are with me, Gold is with
sag-dhis-chamsapee-this-cham, me, Gems are with me, Greatness that wealth brings is with me, Health is with me,
kru-shis-chamvrush-tis-cham, Wealthy harvest is with me, Fame that the harvest brings is with me, Many good
jai-tram-chama-aud-bd-yam-cham, things that harvests brings are with me, Further and further growth is with me,
rayis-chamryas-cham, Completeness is with me, State above perfection is with me, Deathless state is with
me, Maize is with me, Rice food is with me, Wheat is with me, Black gram is with me,
push-tam-champush-tis-cham, Oil seeds are with me, Green gram is with me, Other grams are with me, All types of
vibhu-champrabhu-cham, wheat are with me, Masoor dhal is with me, Lentils are with me, Sorghum is with me,
bahu-chambhyas-cham, Millets are with me, Red rice is with me, And all these are with me, Because I worship
pr-nam-champr-nataram-cham, Rudra.
sy-m-ks-chamnv-rs-cham 4

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

ash-m-chammrut-tik-cham, Stones are with me, Mud is with me, Hills are with me, Mountains are with me, Sand
gira-yas-champarva-ts-cham, is with me, All that grows from soil is with me, Gold is with me, Steel is with me,
Lead is with me, Zinc is with me, Black iron is with me, Other metals like copper are
sika-ts-chamvanas-pata-yas-cham, with me, Fire is with me, Water is with me, Climbing plants are with me, Medicinal
hiran-yam-chamyas-cham, herbs are with me, All, which is cultivated, is with me, All produce, which is not
see-sam-chamthra-push-cham, cultivated, is with me, All that is in villages is with me, All that is in the forest is with
sy-mam-chamloham-cham, me, All animals are with me, All material required for fire sacrifice are with me,
agnis-chama-pas-cham, All assets inherited by me are with me, All assets of children and friends are with me,
All my assets are with me, All movable property is with me, All immovable property is
veeru-dhas-chama-osha-dhayas-cham, with me, All religious duties are with me, Strength to do duty is with me, Good results
krushta-pach-yam-chamkrushta-pach-yam-cham, of duty are with me, Pleasures that can be attained are with me, Methods to attain
grm-ys-champasava-ran-ys-cha, such pleasures are with me, Attainments are with me, And all these are with me,
Because I worship Rudra.

ithis-chamgathis-cham 5

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

agnis-chama-indras-cham, Fire and Indra, Moon and Indra, Sun and Indra, Saraswathi and Indra, Pooshaa and
somas-chama-indras-cham, Indra, Teacher of Gods and Indra, Mithra and Indra, Varuna and Indra, Twashtaa
and Indra, Dhathaa and Indra, Vishnu and Indra, Aswini devas and Indra, Marut
saviths-chama-indras-cham, devas and Indra, Viswe devas and Indra, Earth and Indra, Atmosphere and Indra,
sarasvathi-chama-indras-cham, Heaven and Indra, Four Directions and Indra, The direction over head and Indra,
p-sh-chama-indras-cham, And Prajaa pathi and Indra. Would bless me.
praj-pathis-chama-indras-cham 6

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

(a)gm-sus-chamras-mis-cham, [Translators note: Please note that the following are vessels used in the fire sacrifice
(a)dh-byas-chameadhi-pathis-chama, and since I am not familiar with what they are, I am unable to translate them and
have given them as such]
aindra-vya-vas-chamma(eye)-thr-varunas-chama, The vessels for Soma Yaga are with me, The rays of sun are with me, The vessels of
s-vinas-champrathi-pras-thnas-cham, Adhaabhya are with me, The vessels of curd are with me, The vessels to give planet
shukras-chammanth-chama, Venus with the juice of Soma are with me, The vessels of Andaryaama are with me,
gra-yanas-cham, The vessels to give planet Indra with the juice of Soma are with me, The vessels to
vaishva-dvas-chamdruvas-cham, give Maithra Varuna with the juice of Soma are with me, The month of aaswina is
with me, The prathi prasthaana is with me, Shukraa is with me,
vaishv-naras-chama-thu-grahs-chamathi-grh-ys-chama, Mandhee is with me, Aagrayana is with me, Vaiswa deva is with me, The vessels to
ain-drg-nas-chamvaishwa-dvas-cham, give star Dhruva with the juice of Soma are with me, The vessels to give seasons with
marut-vat-ys-chammhn-dras-chama, the juice of Soma are with me, Adhigraahya is with me, Aindraagna is with me,
dhit-yas-chams-vith-tras-cham, Vaiswa deva is with me, Mrud vadheeya is with me, Maahendra is with me, Saveethra
s-ras-vathas-champaush-nas-cham, is with me, The vessels to give saraswathi with the juice of Soma are with me,
Poushna is with me, Paathni vadha is with me And Haari yojana is with me, And all
pth-n-vathas-chamhriyo-janas-cham 7 these are with me, As I worship Rudra.

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

idh-mas-chambar-his-cham, [Translators note: Please note that the following are other materials required for the
vdhis-chamdhis-nys-cham, fire sacrifice and since I am not familiar with what they are, I am unable to translate
them and have given them as such]
Tender branch pieces of banyan (Samith) are with me, Durbha grass is with me, The
sacrifice platform is with me, The place to sit for those who do the sacrifice is with
ptha-bhch-chama--dhava-nyas-chama, me, The ladles for doing the fire sacrifice is with me, The vessels for drinking Soma
gn-dhram-chamhavir-dhnam-cham, juice is with me, The stones for crushing the Soma creeper is with me, The wooden
gru-hs-chamsadas-cham, pieces are with me, The holes dug in the earth is with me, The plank used to extract
puro-d-shs-champacha-ts-cham, juice out of soma creeper is with me, The drona pot is with me, The vaayavyas are
with me, The holy pots are with me, The aadavaneeya vessels are with me, The stage
ava-bru-thas-chamsvag-kras-cham 8
of Aagnidran is with me, The platform for keeping materials to be put in fire is with
me, The place for woman to sit is with me, The general place for those who want to
attend is with me, The cooked rice meant for fire sacrifice is with me, The platforms
for animal sacrifice is with me, The bathing done at the end of the sacrifice is with me,
And the burning of Samiths in the fire is with me, And all these materials meant for
fire sacrifice come to me, As I am a devotee of Rudra.

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

agnis-chamghar-mas-cham, Let fire be made over to me, Let what has to be done before the fire sacrifice be made
arkas-chamsryas-cham, over to me, Let Arka sacrifice be made over to me, Let sun sacrifice be made over to
me, Let the soul sacrifice be made over to me, Let horse sacrifice be made over to me,
prnas-chamshwa-mdhas-cham, Let the God of earth be made over to me, Let the Adhithi God be made over to me, Let
pruthi-v-chamdhi-tis-cham, the Thidhi God be made over to me, Let Gods of heaven be made over to me, Let the
dhi-tis-chamdyaus-cham, sakvaree meter be made over to me, Let the limbs of supreme purusha be made over
shak-var-ran-gula-yodi-sas-cham, to me, Let the different directions be made over to me, Let Rig-veda be made over to
yag-nena-kal-pan-t-mruk-cham, me, Let Saama Veda be made over to me, Let Yajur Veda be made over to me, Let the
sanctity required to do the fire sacrifice be made over to me, Let the starving rites
sma-chamstho-mas-cham, which would remove sins be made over to me, Let the proper time for fire sacrifice be
yajus-chamdk-sh-cham, made over to me, Let the rite of drinking milk from one udder of the cow be made over
tapas-chama-ruthus-cham, to me, Let good crop made by ceaseless rain in night and day be made over to me, Let
vra-tham-cham(a)hor-trayr- vrush-ty, the singing of Samaa be made to me, As I am the devotee of Rudra.
bru-hadra-tantar-chamyag-nna-kalp-tm 9

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

garbhs-chamvat-ss-cham, Let cows with calves in the womb be made over to me, Let calves be made over to me,
travis-chamtrav-cham, Let one and half year old bulls be made over to me, Let one and half year old cows
made over to me, Let two-year-old bulls be made over to me, Let two-year-old cows
ditya-vt-chamdit-yau-h-cham, be made over to me, Let two and half year old bulls be made over to me, Let two and
panch-vis-champanch-v-cham, half year old cows be made over to me, Let three-year-old bulls be made over to me,
trivat-sas-chamtrivat-s-cham, Let three-year-old cows be made over to me, Let three and half old bulls be made over
turya-vt-chamtur-yau-h-cham, to me, Let three and half year old cows be made over to me, Let four-year-old bulls be
pash-tha-vt-champash-thau-h-chama, made over to me, Let four-year-old cows be made over to me, Let breeding bulls be
made over to me, Let barren cows be made over to me, Let bullocks be made over to
uk-sh-chamvas-chama, me, Let cows which have young calves be made over to me, By the fire sacrifice that I
risha-bas-chamv-hach-cham, perform. Let the fire sacrifice give me long life, Let fire sacrifice give me inhaled air,
(a)nad-vn-chamdh-nus-chama, Let fire sacrifice give me exhaled air, Let fire sacrifice give me able eyes, Let fire
sacrifice give me able ears, Let fire sacrifice give me able mind, Let fire sacrifice give
-yur-yag-nna-kal-patm, me able words, Let fire sacrifice give me an able soul, Let fire sacrifice give me
ability to perform more fire sacrifices.
yno-yag-nna kal-patm,
yagno-yag-nna-kal-patm 10

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

k-chamtis-ras-cham, One is with me.* Three is with me, Five is with me, Seven is with me, Nine is with me,
pan-cha-cha-msapta-cham, Eleven is with me, Thirteen is with me, Fifteen is with me, Seventeen is with me,
Nineteen is with me, Twenty-one is with me, Twenty-three is with me, Twenty-five is
nava-chama-k-dasa-cham, with me, Twenty-seven is with me, Twenty-nine is with me, Thirty-one is with me,
trayo-dasa-champancha-dasa-cham, Thirty-three is with me, Four is with me, Eight is with me, Twelve is with me, Sixteen
saptha-dasa-chamnava-dasa-chama, is with me, Twenty is with me, Twenty-four is with me, Twenty-eight is with me,
eka-vigum-satis-chamtrayo-vigum-satis-cham, Thirty-two is with me. Thirty-six is with me, Forty is with me, Forty-four is with me,
pancha-vigum-satis-chamsapta-vigum-satis-cham, Forty-eight is with me, Food is with me, Production of food is with me, Growth of
food is with me, Fire sacrifice is with me, And I request The Sun, the reason of all this
nava-vigum-satis-chama-ka-trigum-sach-cham, and The sky at the top and The gods presiding over the sky and The gods presiding
trayas-trigum-sach-chamchata-sras-cham, over deluge and The deluge and The gods presiding over the world and The world
ashtau-cham, and The god presiding over every thing, To be merciful on me.
asht-vigum-sathis-cham, Notes:
dw-trigum-sach-cham, All odd numbers denote the other world(devas) and all even numbers the assets of this
shat-trigum-sach-cham, world. Another interpretation is 1-nature, 3-three qualities, 5-air, water , earth, fire
chat-v-rigum-sach-cham, and ether 7- five sensory organs, mind and intellect 9-the body with nine holes, 11-
ten souls and the sushmna, 13-devas, 15- the nadis of the body, 17- all the limbs of the
chathus-chath-v-rigum-sach-cham, body, 19-the medicinal herbs, 21- the importanat vulneralble parts of the body, 23-
asht-chatv-rigum-sach-cham, devas controlling serious diseases, 25- the number of apasaras in heaven, 27-the
vjas-cha-prasa-vas-cha, gandharwas, 29- the vidhyut devas, 31-the worlds, 33-the devas 4-purusharths, 8-
api-jas-cha-kratus-cha, veds and upa veds, 12- six angs and six shastrs, 16- the knowledge to be got from
suvas-chamr-dh-cha, god, 20- maha bhuttas,24- the letters of gayatri, 28- ushnik meter, 32-anushtup mete,
36-bruhathee, 40-pankthee, 44-trushtup, 49-jagathi.
bhuvanas-ch-dhi-patis-cha 11

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r rudram

m - harih: - m

m-id-dva-hr(hu), | manu-yagna-nr(hi), | bruhas-pathir-ukthma-thn, | m - yadak-shara pada-bhrashtam - mtr-heenam tu yadbhavt |

sagum-sishad-vishw-dv(ha), | skta-vcha-pthi-vi, | tat-sarvam kshamya tm-dva - subrahmanya namstut ||
mthar-mm-higum-sr, | madhu-manishy-madhu-janish-y, |
madhu-vak-shymi-madhu-vadish-ymi, | visarga-bindu-mtrni - pada-pdksha rni-cha |
madhur-matheem-dv-byo, | vchamud-ysagum, | nyoo-nni ch-tirik-tni - ksham-asva shikhi vhana ||
su-sr-shn-ym, | manush-y-byas-tham-m-dv, | avan-tu, |
shob-yay-pitaro-numa-dantu anyath sharanam-nsti - tvamva sharanam mama |
tasmt-krunya bhvna - raksha-raksha shad-nana ||
Kaama dhenu summons the devaas, Manu conducts the sacrifice, Brihaspathi chants the joy
giving manthraas, Viswe devaas tell the methods, Oh mother goddess of earth, I may have erred whilst construction of, writing of, pronouncing of - sentences, words,
Do not give trouble to me. I would think by my mind only sweet things, I would do only sweet consonants, improper grammar, verb, vowels of the prayers.
things, I would take only sweet things for worship of devas, I would talk of only sweet things, I
would only give sweetest things with devaas, And men who want to hear good things, Let the devas I may have also forgotten to put the punctuation marks due to my ignorane in
protect me who does this way, And let my ancestor gods protect me. understanding the heavenly idiom.

Oh Lord Subrahmanya, may my flaws be overlooked for they are out of my ignorance.
m nthi - nthi - nthi(hi)
Let there be peace, let there be peace, let there be peace. I seek your pardon for all the commissions and omissions for they are involuntary.

Kindly bless me for the sincere endeavour.

ithi, sri krishna yajr vdiya, thai-thrya, sam-hith-yam,
chathur kand, sapta-ma, pra-pa-taka.
Thus ends the seventh section of the fourth chapter,
From the Thaithreeya collection of Krishna Yajur Veda.

Page 38 of 39

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rudram

m - harih: - m

r rudram references:

Sri Caitnynnd. Sri Vidya - Sri Cakra Pj Vidhih.
New York: Sri Vidya Temple Society, 1996-
Sri Caitnynnd. Agni Mukham Homam Manual.2nd ed.
New York: Sri Vidya Temple Society, 2009-

Page 39 of 39

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
purusha sktam

m - harih: - m

purusha sktam Dedicated with love to

The Fragrant Divine Lotus Feet of my beloved SatGuru - Bhagavan Sri Skanda
(Vedic hymn of adoration to the Cosmic Universal Being) &
All His Beloved Children of Light

Sanskrit English meanings by

Sri P.R. Ramachander

Tamil unicoding, English Transliteration, Proof-reading, & Preparation by

Sri Skandas Warrior of Light

Page 1 of 13

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
purusha sktam

m - harih: - m


Guide to pronunciation 3

Purusha Sktam - Tamil 4

Purusha Sktam - English 7

References 13

Page 2 of 13

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
purusha sktam

m - harih: - m

Guide to pronunciation jh like dgeh in hedgehog

From Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. j like ng y in sing your
(Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. k like k in kite
Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.) kh like ck h in black hat
l like l in love
This guide is based on American pronunciation of words, and is therefore not a perfect m like m in mother
representation of Sanskrit sounds. like n in pinch
p like p in soap
Sanskrit Vowels ph like ph in up hill
a like a in nap r rolled like a Spanish or Italian r
like a in father s like s in sun
like ay in may sometimes like s in sun, sometimes like sya sound
i like i in pin t like rt in heart
like ee in sweet th like t h in fat hat
like o in rose v like v in love, sometimes like w in world
u like u in put y like y in yes
like oo in food
ha pronounce as a faint echoing of the previous vowel; e.g. ah: would *t, th, d, dh, and n should be pronounced with the tongue placed against the
be pronounced aha; ih: would be pronounced ihi; uh: would be protruding slightly beyond the upper teeth.
pronounced uhu; etc.
ai like ai in aisle should be extended; e.g. would be extended in sound and pronounced ae-
au like ow in cow

Sanskrit Consonants
b like b in bird
bh like b h in job hunt
ch like pinch
d like d in dove
dh like d h in good heart
g like good
gh like g h in log hut
h like h in hot
j like j in job

Page 3 of 13

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
purusha sktam

m - harih: - m

- | | - | - | : |

- : | - : | | - - - | - : || 1-5

- | -- |

: : : - | --: || 1-6

- : | -:() - | -: | :() :() : |

- | -- || 1-1 - : | -- || 1-7

- | - - | - | -: |

--: | --- || 1-2 | - || 1-8

- | - : | - -: | - |

| - - - || 1-3 - - | ||

- - : | -- : |
- | -- || 1-4 : | :() |
- | || 1-10

Page 4 of 13

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
purusha sktam

m - harih: - m

| - -: | -- : | - |
- | : || 1-11 :() | :()
: | -- | : || 1-18
| || 1-12
:() :() '' | -:()
- - | :() : | -|
-: | || 1-13 - - | - --
|| 2-1
: | :() |
- - | || 1-14 - | - :()
| - | :()
| :() | -- || 2-2
:() | || 1-15
- : | - |
- | - - | :() | - - : ||
: | -- || 1-16 2-3

- | :() ---: | - | : |
- | :() || 1-17 : | || 2-4

Page 5 of 13

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
purusha sktam

m - harih: - m

: | - |
- | || 2-5

| - |
| || 2-6

| | || 2-7
: : :

- | | - |
- : | - : | | -

Page 6 of 13

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
purusha sktam

m - harih: - m

purusha sktam
(Vedic hymn of adoration to the Cosmic Universal Being)

English meaning courtesy of Sri P.R. Ramachander

r gurubhyo namah(a) - harih(i) m

|| nthi pthah(a) || || 1st anuvka ||

thach-cham-yr vru-nmah | gthum yag-nya sahasra-shr-sh purushah(a) | sahas-rkshas sahasra-pt(u)
gthum yagna-pathay | dai-v-ee svasti-rastu-nah(a) sa-bhmim-vishvat vrutv | atya-tish-thad dasn-gulam 1-1
svastir-mnu-sh-bhya-h(a) | r-dvam-ji-gtu-b-sha-jam
The Purusha has thousand heads,
sham-n-astu-dvi-pad | sham-chatush-pad He has thousand eyes,
m nthi - nthi - nthi(hi) He has thousand feet,
He is spread all over the universe,
Request we from you with all enthusiasm, And is beyond the count with ten fingers.
For the good deeds that are medicine,
For the sadness of the past and future, purusha-v-dagam sarvam | yad-bhtam yaccha-bhavyam
Request we for the growth of fire sacrifices,
Request that only good should occur, uthm-ruta-tvas-y sh-nah() | yathan-nn tir-hathi 1-2
To the one who presides over such sacrifices,
Request we for the mercy of gods to man, This Purusha is all the past,
Request we for good to the community of men, All the future and the present,
Request we that the herbs and plants, He is the lord of deathlessness,
Should grow taller towards the skies. And he rises from hiding,
Request we for good for all two legged beings, From this universe of food.
Request we for good to all four legged beings,
Request we for peace, peace and peace.

Page 7 of 13

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
purusha sktam

m - harih: - m

th-v-nasya mahim | ath-jy-y-gash-cha p-ru-shah(a) yat-puru-shna havi-sh | dv-yagna-mathan-vath

pth-sya vishv btni | tri-p-das-ym ritam-divi 1-3 vasan-th asy-seeth-jyam | grsh-ma-i-mas shara-thavi-hi 1-6

This Purusha is much greater, The spring was the ghee,

Than all his greatness in what all we see, The summer was the holy wooden sticks,
And all that we see in this universe is but his quarter, And the winter the sacrificial offering,
And the rest three quarters which is beyond destruction, Used or the sacrifice conducted by Devas through thought,
Is safely in the worlds beyond. In which they also sacrificed the ever-shining Purusha.

tri-p-dr-dva-udai purush() | pds-y h-bha-vt punah() sapt-sy-san pari-thaya-h | trs-sapta-sami-tha krut-h()

tat-vishvan-vyak kr-mat(u) | s-shan na-shan abhi 1-4 dv-yad-yag-nam-than v-nh() | abath-nan-purusham pasum 1-
Above this world is three quarters of Purusha,
But the quarter, which is in this world, Seven meters were its boundaries,
Appears again and again, Twenty one principles were holy wooden sticks,
And from that is born the beings that take food, And Devas carried out the sacrifice,
And those inanimate ones that dont take food. And Brahma was made as the sacrificial cow.
And all these appeared for every one of us to see.
tham-yagnam bar-hishi-prkshan(u) |
tasmt vir-da-j-yat | virj adhi-p-ru-shah() purusham-j-tha-mag gratah()
sa-jth atya-rich-yat | pas-chd-bhmim-ath-purah() 1-5 thna-dv aya-janth |
sdhy rusha-yas-chay 1-8
From that Purusha was born,
The scintillating, ever shining universe,
And from that was born the Purusha called Brahma, Sprinkled they the Purusha,
And he spread himself everywhere, Who was born first,
And created the earth and then, On that sacrificial fire.
The bodies of all beings. And the sacrifice was conducted further,
By the Devas called Sadyas,
And the sages who were there.

Page 8 of 13

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
purusha sktam

m - harih: - m

tasmd yagnt sarva-hutah() | sam-brutam prusha-djyam yat-purusham-vya da-dhu-h(u) | kati-dh-vya kal-payan(u)

pash-gasth-gas-chakr v-yav-yn(u) | ran-yn grm ys-cha-y 1-9 mukham ki-masya kau b-h | k-v-r p-d-vuch y-t 1-12

From this sacrifice called All embracing. When the Purusha was made
Curd and Ghee came out, By their thought process by the Devas,
Animals meant for fire sacrifice were born, How did they make his limbs?
Birds that travel in air were born, How was his face made?
Beasts of the forest were born, Who were made as His hands?
And also born were those that live in villages Who were made as his thighs and feet?

tasmd yagnt sarva-hutah() | richas-smn jag-nir br-man-sya mukha-m-st(u) | bh-rjan-ya krutah()

chandgmsi jag-nir tasmt(u) | yajus-tasmta j-yat 1-10 r-tadasya-yad-vaishya-h() | pad-by-gam sdr aj-yat 1-13

From this sacrifice called All embracing His face became Brahmins*,
The chants of Rig Veda were born, His hands were made as Kshatriyas*,
The chants of Sama Veda were born, His thighs became Vaisyas*,
And from that the well-known meters were born, And from his feet were born the Shudras*.
And from that Yajur Veda was born.
* The four fold caste system of Hinduism was supposed to have been born thus
tasmd-asv aj-yant | y-k-ch-bay data-h()
gv-ha-jag-nir tasmt(u) | tasmj jt aj-vaya-h() 1-11 chandra-m-manas-j-tah() | chaksh sry aj-yat
mukh-din-drash-cha agnish-ch | pr-nd v-yura-j-yat 1-14
From that the horses came out,
From that came out animals with one row of teeth, From his mind was born the moon,
From that came out cows with two rows of teeth, From his eyes was born the sun,
And from that that came out sheep and goats. From his face was born Indra and Agni,
And from his soul was born the air.

Page 9 of 13

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
purusha sktam

m - harih: - m

n-by s-danta-riksham | srsh-n dyaus sama-var-ta-t yag-nna yagna-maya-janta dv-h() |

pad-bym-bhmir di-shash-sr-trt(u) | tath lk-gam akal-payan(u) 1-15 tni-dharmni pratham-ny-san(u)
tha-nkam-mahi-m-nassa-chant |
From his belly button was born the sky, yatra-prv-sdhy-santi dv-h() 1-18
From his head was born the heavens,
From his feet was born the earth, Thus the devas worshipped the Purusha,
From his ears was born the directions, Through this spiritual yagna,
And thus was made all the worlds, And that yagna became first among dharmas.
Just by his holy wish. Those who observe this Yagna,
Would for sure attain,
vd-ham-tham purusham mahn-tham | ditya-varnam tama-sastu pr The heavens occupied by Saadya devas.
sarvni-rpni-vichitya dh-rah(a) | nmni-krutv-biva-dan ya-ds-th 1-16

I know that heroic Purusha, who is famous, || 2nd anuvka ||

Who shines like a sun,
And who is beyond darkness, ad-bya-sambhta prithivyai-ras ch |
Who created all forms, visva-karmana sama-var ta-t-dhi
Who named all of them, tasya-tvasht vida-tha (d)rpa-mthi |
And who rules over them. tat-purushas-ya vishva-m-jnam-agr 2-1

dht puras-tdya-mud-ja hr | From water and essence of earth was born,

shakra-pravid-vn pradi-shash-cha tas-rah() The all pervading universe.
tamvam vidvn-amrita-iha-bhavati | From the great God who is the creator,
Then appeared that Purusha
nnya-panth aya-nya-vidya-th 1-17 And the great God, who made this world,
Is spread as that Purusha, in all fourteen worlds.
The learned one who knows that Purusha And also the great form of Purusha,
Whom the creator, considered as one before Him, Came into being before the start of creation.
And whom the Indra understood in all directions,
Would attain salvation even in this birth,
And there is no need for him to search for any other path.

Page 10 of 13

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
purusha sktam

m - harih: - m

vd-ha-mtham purusham-mahn-tham | y-dv-bya ta-pati | y-dv-nm pur-hitah()

ditya-varnam-tamasa paras-stt(u) prv-y dv-by jtah() | nam ruchya brhmay 2-4
tamvam-vidvn-amrita iha-bhavati |
nnya-panth-vidyat ya-n-y 2-2 Salutations to ever shining brahmam,
Who gave divine power to devas,
I know that great Purusha, Who is a religious teacher of devas,
Who shines like the sun, And who was born before devas.
And is beyond darkness,
And the one who knows him thus, rucham-brhmam jana-yan-tah() | dv-agr tada-bruvan(u)
Attains salvation even in this birth, yas-tvai-vam br-man vidyt(u) | tasya-dv asan-vas 2-5
And there is no other method of salvation.
The devas who teach the taste in Brahmam,
praj-patis-cha-rati-garbh an-tah() | Told in ancient times,
aj-ya-mn-bahu-dh vij-yat That. He who has interest in Brahmam,
tasya-dhr pari-jn-anti ynim | Would have the devas under his control.
mar-ch-nm pada-mich-chanti v-dasa-h() 2-3
hrs-cha-t lakshm-scha pat-nyau | ah-rthr prshv
The Lord of the universe, nakshatrni rpam | ashvinau vyt-tam 2-6
Lives inside the universe,
And without being born, Hree and Lakshmi are your wives,
Appears in many forms, Day and night are your right and left,
And only the wise realize his real form, The constellation of stars your body,
And those who know the Vedas, And Aswini devas your open mouth.
Like to do the job of,
Savants like Mareechi. ishtam mani-shn | amum mani-shn | sarvam mani-shn 2-7

Give us the knowledge that we want,

Give us the pleasures of this world,
And give us everything of this and other worlds.

Page 11 of 13

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
purusha sktam

m - harih: - m

thach-cham-yr vru-nmah | gthum yag-nya m - yadak-shara pada-bhrashtam - mtr-heenam tu yadbhavt |

gthum yagna-pathay | dai-v-ee svasti-rastu-nah(a) tat-sarvam kshamya tm-dva - subrahmanya namstut ||
svastir-mnu-sh-bhya-h(a) | r-dvam-ji-gtu-b-sha-jam
sham-n-astu-dvi-pad | sham-chatush-pad visarga-bindu-mtrni - pada-pdksha rni-cha |
m nthi - nthi - nthi(hi) nyoo-nni ch-tirik-tni - ksham-asva shikhi vhana ||

Request we from you with all enthusiasm, anyath sharanam-nsti - tvamva sharanam mama |
For the good deeds that are medicine, tasmt-krunya bhvna - raksha-raksha shad-nana ||
For the sadness of the past and future,
Request we for the growth of fire sacrifices,
Request that only good should occur, I may have erred whilst construction of, writing of, pronouncing of - sentences, words,
To the one who presides over such sacrifices, consonants, improper grammar, verb, vowels of the prayers.
Request we for the mercy of gods to man,
Request we for good to the community of men, I may have also forgotten to put the punctuation marks due to my ignorane in
Request we that the herbs and plants, understanding the heavenly idiom.
Should grow taller towards the skies.
Request we for good for all two legged beings, Oh Lord Subrahmanya, may my flaws be overlooked for they are out of my ignorance.
Request we for good to all four legged beings,
Request we for peace, peace and peace. I seek your pardon for all the commissions and omissions for they are involuntary.

Kindly bless me for the sincere endeavour.

Page 12 of 13

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
purusha sktam

m - harih: - m

purusha sktam references:


Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam.
Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.
Sri Caitnynnd. Sri Vidya - Sri Cakra Pj Vidhih.
New York: Sri Vidya Temple Society, 1996.

Page 13 of 13

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
nryana sktam

m - harih: - m

nryana sktam Dedicated with love to

The Fragrant Divine Lotus Feet of my beloved SatGuru - Bhagavan Sri Skanda
(Vedic hymn of adoration to Lord Nryana) &
All His Beloved Children of Light

Sanskrit English meanings by

Sri P.R. Ramachander

Tamil unicoding, English Transliteration, Proof-reading, & Preparation by

Sri Skandas Warrior of Light

Page 1 of 9

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
nryana sktam

m - harih: - m


Guide to pronunciation 3

Nryana Sktam - Tamil 4

Nryana Sktam - English 6

References 9

Page 2 of 9

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
nryana sktam

m - harih: - m

Guide to pronunciation jh like dgeh in hedgehog

From Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. j like ng y in sing your
(Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. k like k in kite
Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.) kh like ck h in black hat
l like l in love
This guide is based on American pronunciation of words, and is therefore not a perfect m like m in mother
representation of Sanskrit sounds. like n in pinch
p like p in soap
Sanskrit Vowels ph like ph in up hill
a like a in nap r rolled like a Spanish or Italian r
like a in father s like s in sun
like ay in may sometimes like s in sun, sometimes like sya sound
i like i in pin t like rt in heart
like ee in sweet th like t h in fat hat
like o in rose v like v in love, sometimes like w in world
u like u in put y like y in yes
like oo in food
ha pronounce as a faint echoing of the previous vowel; e.g. ah: would *t, th, d, dh, and n should be pronounced with the tongue placed against the protruding
be pronounced aha; ih: would be pronounced ihi; uh: would be slightly beyond the upper teeth.
pronounced uhu; etc.
ai like ai in aisle should be extended; e.g. would be extended in sound and pronounced ae-
au like ow in cow

Sanskrit Consonants
b like b in bird
bh like b h in job hunt
ch like pinch
d like d in dove
dh like d h in good heart
g like good
gh like g h in log hut
h like h in hot
j like j in job

Page 3 of 9

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
nryana sktam

m - harih: - m

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- |
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-- |
- | |
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Page 4 of 9

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
nryana sktam

m - harih: - m

- |

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Page 5 of 9

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
nryana sktam

m - harih: - m

nryana sktam
(Vedic hymn of adoration to Lord Nryana)

English meaning courtesy of Sri P.R. Ramachander

r gurubhyo namah(a) - harih(i) m vish-vata paramm nityam vishvam nryana-gm harim 3

vish-vam-vdam puru-shas-ta vishva mupa-j-vati 4
sa-han va-va-tu, I meditate on God Narayana,
saha-nau bhu-naktu, Who is much greater than this world,
sa-ha-vryam kara-vva-ha(eye), Who is forever,
Who is the world,
tjas-vi-nva-dhtam-astu | m-vi-vishva-ha(eye) Who destroys sins and suffering,
m nthi - nthi - nthi(hi) And say, that this world is Purusha,
And is alive because he is inside it.
Let Brahmam protect the teacher-student duo,
And also protect us, patim-vishva-syt mshvara-gm shsh-vata-gm sivam-achyutam 5
We would work with vigour,
Let our learning be lustrous, Let not we quarrel among ourselves, nryanam mahg-nyam vishvt-mnam par-yanam 6
Let there be peace, peace and peace.
I meditate on Narayana,
sahasra-shr-sham dvam-vish-vkam vishva-ambhuvam 1 Who owns this world,
Who is the god of all souls,
vivam nryanam dvam-aksharam para-mam-padam 2 Who is forever,
Who is personification of good,
I meditate on God Narayana, Who never slips,
Who has thousands of heads, Who needs to be known with great effort,
Who sees everywhere, Who is the soul of everything,
Who does good to all the world, And who is the great destination.
Who is the world,
Who is indestructible,
And who is the greatest destination.

Page 6 of 9

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
nryana sktam

m - harih: - m

nryana-par jytir-tm nryana parah(a) 7 adh-nish-tyvitas-tynt n-bhy mupari tish-thati 14

nryana-param brahma-tattvam nryana parah(a) 8 jvla-ml-kulam-bhti vishvas-sy-yatanam mahat(u) 15
nryana-par dy-t dhynam nryana parah(a) 9
Inside the heart,
Narayana is the great light, Which is Just below the collarbone,
Narayana is the great soul, And one hand above the belly button,
Narayana is the ultimate Brahmam, Shines .as if it is surrounded by a flame,
Narayana is the great principle, The greatest habitat of the universe
Narayana is the greatest among those who meditate on him,
And Narayana is the great meditation. san-tata-gmshil-bhistu lambat-y-ksha san-nibham 16
tas-ynt-sushi-ra-gm-skshmam tasmin sarvam pratish-thitam
yaccha-kinchi-jagat-sarvam drush-yat sr-yat pi v 10 17
antar-bahish-cha tat-sarvam vy-pya-nryana sthitah(a) 11
The lotus like heart hangs,
Narayana is spread, Attached to the bones on all four sides,
All over the world. And inside the heart is a very tiny hole,
In everything that we see and hear, And inside that hole everything exists.
And in its inside and outside.
tasya-madhymahn-agnir vishvr-chir vishvat-mukha-h(a) 18
anantam-av-ya-yam-kavi-gm samu-drn-tam vishva-shambuvam 12 so-gra-boog-vi-bhajan tishtan-n-h rama-jara(sh) kavi-h(i) 19
padma-kshap-prat ksha-gm hrudayam chpya-dh-mukham 13
Inside the center of the heart,
I meditate on God Narayana, There is an ever-shining fire,
Who is endless, Which is spread in all directions,
Who is indestructible, And that fire which burns stable,
Who is all knowing, Sees everywhere,
Who is inside the sea, Never gets old,
And who does good to all world. And divides and supplies the food.
I also state that the heart hangs like an inverted lotus bud.

Page 7 of 9

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
nryana sktam

m - harih: - m

tirya-gr-dva madash-shy ras-mayas-tasya san-tat 20 ruta-gm satyam param-brahma-purusham krishna pingalam 27

sant-payati-svam dha-m-p-data-lam as-taka-h(a) 21 rdva-rtam-vir-pksham vishva-rp-ya-vai namo namaha 28
tasya-madhyvahni-shik an-yr-dv vya-vas-thi-tah(a) 22
Salutations and salutations,
The rays of that fire is always spread, To Him who is the beauty of everything,
All over from one end to other, To Him who is ever lasting truth,
And throughout the length, To Him who exists as Para Brahmam in all bodies,
And from head to foot, To Him who is the black Vishnu and reddish Shiva rolled into one,
And the body of that fire, To Him who looks after the progeny,
Heats our body allover, To Him who is three eyed,
And its one thin flame, And to Him who assumes the form of all beings of the universe.
Shines erect in the center of the heart.
nryanya vidmah
n-latyada-mad-yasthd vid-yull kva-bhs-var 23 vsudvaya dhmah
n-v-rashkavat-tanv p-t-bh-svat yan-pam 24 thannh vishnu prachdhayt(u)

Like the sparkle of lightning, Let us try to know that Lord Narayana,
From within a black dark cloud, Let us try to meditate on that Vasudeva,
Like the sprout of a red paddy, And let that Vishnu employ us to do good deeds.
Thin and golden,
And as tiny as an atom, m nthi - nthi - nthi(hi)
That flame continues burning.
Request we for peace, peace and peace.
tasy shik-ymadhy para-ma-tm vya-vas thi-tah(a) 25
sa-brahm, sa-siv, sa-har, sn-dra, s-ak-shara parama, sva-
rt(u) 26

In the center of the flame lives the all-pervasive God.

Who is Brahma, Who is Shiva, Who is Vishnu, Who is Indra,
Who is perennial and ever living,
And He is the greatest emperor.

Page 8 of 9

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
nryana sktam

m - harih: - m

m - yadak-shara pada-bhrashtam - mtr-heenam tu yadbhavt | nryana sktam references:

tat-sarvam kshamya tm-dva - subrahmanya namstut || Online:
visarga-bindu-mtrni - pada-pdksha rni-cha |
nyoo-nni ch-tirik-tni - ksham-asva shikhi vhana ||

anyath sharanam-nsti - tvamva sharanam mama | Texts:

tasmt-krunya bhvna - raksha-raksha shad-nana || Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam.
Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.
Sri Caitnynnd. Sri Vidya - Sri Cakra Pj Vidhih.
I may have erred whilst construction of, writing of, pronouncing of - sentences, words, New York: Sri Vidya Temple Society, 1996.
consonants, improper grammar, verb, vowels of the prayers.

I may have also forgotten to put the punctuation marks due to my ignorane in understanding the
heavenly idiom.

Oh Lord Subrahmanya, may my flaws be overlooked for they are out of my ignorance.

I seek your pardon for all the commissions and omissions for they are involuntary.

Kindly bless me for the sincere endeavour.

Page 9 of 9

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
medh sktam

m - harih: - m

medh sktam Dedicated with love to

The Fragrant Divine Lotus Feet of my beloved SatGuru - Bhagavan Sri Skanda
(Vedic hymn of adoration to Goddess Durg) &
All His Beloved Children of Light

Sanskrit English meanings by

Sri P.R. Ramachander

Tamil unicoding, English Transliteration, Proof-reading, & Preparation by

Sri Skandas Warrior of Light

Page 1 of 7

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
medh sktam

m - harih: - m


Guide to pronunciation 3

Medh Sktam - Tamil 4

Medh Sktam - English 5

References 7

Page 2 of 7

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
medh sktam

m - harih: - m

Guide to pronunciation jh like dgeh in hedgehog

From Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. j like ng y in sing your
(Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. k like k in kite
Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.) kh like ck h in black hat
l like l in love
This guide is based on American pronunciation of words, and is therefore not a perfect m like m in mother
representation of Sanskrit sounds. like n in pinch
p like p in soap
Sanskrit Vowels ph like ph in up hill
a like a in nap r rolled like a Spanish or Italian r
like a in father s like s in sun
like ay in may sometimes like s in sun, sometimes like sya sound
i like i in pin t like rt in heart
like ee in sweet th like t h in fat hat
like o in rose v like v in love, sometimes like w in world
u like u in put y like y in yes
like oo in food
ha pronounce as a faint echoing of the previous vowel; e.g. ah: would *t, th, d, dh, and n should be pronounced with the tongue placed against the
be pronounced aha; ih: would be pronounced ihi; uh: would be protruding slightly beyond the upper teeth.
pronounced uhu; etc.
ai like ai in aisle should be extended; e.g. would be extended in sound and pronounced ae-
au like ow in cow

Sanskrit Consonants
b like b in bird
bh like b h in job hunt
ch like pinch
d like d in dove
dh like d h in good heart
g like good
gh like g h in log hut
h like h in hot
j like j in job

Page 3 of 7

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
medh sktam

m - harih: - m

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Page 4 of 7

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
medh sktam

m - harih: - m

medh sktam
(Vedic hymn of adoration to Goddess Saraswathi)

English meaning courtesy of Sri P.R. Ramachander

r gurubhyo namah(a) - harih(i) m

m - ya-chanda-sm rusha-bho viva-rpah(a) | tvay jushta rusher-bhavati-dv

chando-byodyam-rutt samba-bva | tvay brahm gata-r, | ruta tvay- |
samndromthy spru-notu | tvay jush-ta-chitram vindat vasu
amrutasyadva-dh-rano bh-ysam | sn jushas-va-dravi-n na mdh |
ha-r-ram m vi-char-shanam | .
jihvmmadhu-mat-tam | By your grace one becomes a saint,
karn bym bri-vihru-vam | One becomes learned, one becomes rich,
bramana kohoasi mdhay pi-hi-tah(a) | Showered by your grace one gets different kinds of wealth,
hrutam-m g-p-y || And so goddess of wealth, give us wealth and intellect.

m nthi - nthi - nthi(hi)

mdh dv jusha-mn-na--g | mdhm ma indr dadtu

viv-ch, | badr su-manasya mn | mdhm dv sarasvat |
tvay-jushtnuda-mn duruk-tn mdhm m avin-vu, | ub-vda-tm
bruhad-vadmavidath, | suv-r--h() | push-karas-raj |

Let the goddess of intellect come here with happiness, Let Indra give me intelligence,
She is everywhere and has a happy frame of mind, Let Saraswathi give me intelligence,
May we who were grief stricken, before she came, Let the Aswini Kumaras support my intelligence,
Become greatly intelligent and know the ultimate. For they wear the garlands of lotuses.

Page 5 of 7

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
medh sktam

m - harih: - m

ap-sar-su-cha-y mdh vkdvyai cha vidmah

gandhar-vshu-chayan-manah(a) | brahma patniyai cha dhmahi
daivm mdhsarasvat thannh vni prachdhayt(u)
s mm mdh-sura-bir-jusha-tgm svh |
Let me meditate on the Goddess of Speech,
Apsaras posses intelligence, Oh, wife of Lord Brahma, give me higher intellect,
Gandarwas possess intelligence, May Goddess Vani illuminate my mind.
Goddess of intelligence is Saraswathi,
Let the intelligence spread like fragrance hamsa hamsya vidmah
I offer you without any reservations.* parama hamsya dhmahi
* Svaha is the wife of fire God. We give offerings to her and she gives it to fire, who gives it to devas.
thannh hamsa prachdhayt(u)
mm mdh sura-bir-viva-rp May we realize Hamsa that is our own Self as swan.
hiranya-varn jagat jagam-y | Let us meditate on that Paramahamsa, the Supreme Self.
r-jas-vatpaya-s pin-va-mn May Hamsa illumine us.
s mm mdh supra-tk jushan-tm |

Intelligence is glorious in form and is like nectar, m nthi - nthi - nthi(hi)

Intelligence is golden and pervades the entire universe,
Intelligence is powerful and is sought after continuously, Request we for peace, peace and peace.
Let it come to me with love and favour me.

mayi mdhm, | mayi prajm, | may-yagni-st-jdadtu

mayi mdhm, | mayi prajm, | mayndrain-driyamdadtu
mayi mdhm, | mayi prajm, | mayi sry, | br-jdadtu |

May the Fire God grant us the intelligence and the glow of the vedic chanting,
May Lord Indra grant us intelligence and the strength arising from the control of ones senses, May
the Sun God grant us intelligence and the strength to create fear in the enemys heart.

Page 6 of 7

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
medh sktam

m - harih: - m

m - yadak-shara pada-bhrashtam - mtr-heenam tu yadbhavt | medh sktam references:

tat-sarvam kshamya tm-dva - subrahmanya namstut || Online:
visarga-bindu-mtrni - pada-pdksha rni-cha |
nyoo-nni ch-tirik-tni - ksham-asva shikhi vhana || puja.pdf
anyath sharanam-nsti - tvamva sharanam mama |
tasmt-krunya bhvna - raksha-raksha shad-nana ||

I may have erred whilst construction of, writing of, pronouncing of - sentences, words, consonants, Texts:
Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam.
improper grammar, verb, vowels of the prayers. Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.
Sri Caitnynnd. Sri Vidya - Sri Cakra Pj Vidhih.
I may have also forgotten to put the punctuation marks due to my ignorane in understanding the New York: Sri Vidya Temple Society, 1996.
heavenly idiom.

Oh Lord Subrahmanya, may my flaws be overlooked for they are out of my ignorance.

I seek your pardon for all the commissions and omissions for they are involuntary.

Kindly bless me for the sincere endeavour.

Page 7 of 7

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
durg sktam

m - harih: - m

durg sktam Dedicated with love to

The Fragrant Divine Lotus Feet of my beloved SatGuru - Bhagavan Sri Skanda
(Vedic hymn of adoration to Goddess Durg) &
All His Beloved Children of Light

Sanskrit English meanings by

Sri P.R. Ramachander

Tamil unicoding, English Transliteration, Proof-reading, & Preparation by

Sri Skandas Warrior of Light

Page 1 of 7

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
durg sktam

m - harih: - m


Guide to pronunciation 3

Durg Sktam - Tamil 4

Durg Sktam - English 5

References 7

Page 2 of 7

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
durg sktam

m - harih: - m

Guide to pronunciation jh like dgeh in hedgehog

From Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. j like ng y in sing your
(Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. k like k in kite
Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.) kh like ck h in black hat
l like l in love
This guide is based on American pronunciation of words, and is therefore not a perfect m like m in mother
representation of Sanskrit sounds. like n in pinch
p like p in soap
Sanskrit Vowels ph like ph in up hill
a like a in nap r rolled like a Spanish or Italian r
like a in father s like s in sun
like ay in may sometimes like s in sun, sometimes like sya sound
i like i in pin t like rt in heart
like ee in sweet th like t h in fat hat
like o in rose v like v in love, sometimes like w in world
u like u in put y like y in yes
like oo in food
ha pronounce as a faint echoing of the previous vowel; e.g. ah: would *t, th, d, dh, and n should be pronounced with the tongue placed against the
be pronounced aha; ih: would be pronounced ihi; uh: would be protruding slightly beyond the upper teeth.
pronounced uhu; etc.
ai like ai in aisle should be extended; e.g. would be extended in sound and pronounced ae-
au like ow in cow

Sanskrit Consonants
b like b in bird
bh like b h in job hunt
ch like pinch
d like d in dove
dh like d h in good heart
g like good
gh like g h in log hut
h like h in hot
j like j in job

Page 3 of 7

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
durg sktam

m - harih: - m

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Page 4 of 7

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
durg sktam

m - harih: - m

durg sktam
(Vedic hymn of adoration to Goddess Durg)

English meaning courtesy of Sri P.R. Ramachander

[This is a prayer to the fire God Agni occurring in the Mah Nryna Upanishad Maha Narayana
Upanishad. Durg is used here as a word for difficult problems in almost all the stanzas. The
salutation to Durg is given only in the second stanza. However, most consider this as prayer to
Goddess Durga for removing all obstacles and evils (both inner and outer).]

r gurubhyo namah(a) harih(i) m

jtav-das-suna-vma s-mama-rt-yat-nida-hti vdah(a) 1 tm-agni-varnm tapas-jvalantm vair-chanm

sa-na parsha-dati-durgni viv-n-vva sindhum, | durit tya-gni-h(i) karma-palshu-jushtm 3
2 durgm-dv-gm aranam-aham-prapady
suta-rasi-taras namah(a) 4
Our oblations of Soma to the fire god,
May he, the all knowing one destroy all those who do not like us, I take refuge in the divine mother Durga*,
May that divine fire lead us out of all perils, Who shines like a fire due to her penances,
Like a captain takes his boat across the sea, Who resides in actions and their fruits and makes them effective,
And also save us from all wrongs. And I salute her who helps us cross our difficulties.
* It could be translated as Mother of difficulties also

Page 5 of 7

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
durg sktam

m - harih: - m

agn tvam-p-ra-y-navy asmn-svasti-bi-riti durgni-vishv 5 prat-n-shika-mdy ad-var-su-sa-n-cha-h

pcha-pruthv-bahu-l na urv bav-tk ya-ta-na-y-ya amyh(o) 6 t nav-ya, | cha-sat-si 11
svn-ch-agn tanuvam pipra-yas sv, | smab-yam-cha
Oh God of fire, you are worthy of praise, sau-bhaga-mya-jasva 12
For by novel methods you help us cross,
The difficulties and make us happy, Oh Fire God, you are praised during sacrifices,
May our land in this earth become extensive, And always increase our happiness, and exist as sacrifices,
May the land for growing crops become large, Which are olden and those which are new,
And be pleased to join our children and, Please make us, who are only yourself, happy,
Their children with joy and happiness. And grant us good fortune from all our sides.

vivni-n-durga-h jtavda-sin-dhuna nv, | duri-tti par-shi 7 gbhir-jushta-mayu-j-ni-shik-tam tavn-dra vishn, |

agn-atrivan-manas grun n smkam bdh-yavi-t tan-nm 8 ranu-san-cha-rma 13
n-kasya-prush-tamabhi-sam-va-s-n vaish-navm
Oh Jatha Vedas who is the destroyer of all sins,
Make us cross all our troubles like a boat, lka-iha-m-da-yan-tm 14
Which takes us to the other shore without problems,
Oh Fire, protect us like the sage Athri, who would take care of us, Oh Lord, you are not connected with sin and sorrow,
Mindful of our safety and our happiness. Permit us to always serve you who pervades all wealth,
May the Gods who live in the highest region make me,
Who adores Vishnu, delighted and happy and grant my wishes.
pruta-nji-ta-gm saha-mna-mugra-magni-gm huvma paramt, |
sadhas-tht(u) 9 kt-yya-nya vidmah | kanya-kumri dhmahi |
sa-na-parsha-dati durgni-viv kh-mad-dv ati-durit tyagni-h(i) tann durgih prachdayt(u) 15
Let me meditate on the goddess who is daughter of Kathyayana,
We invoke the fierce Fire God who is the leader of us all. Oh, maiden Goddess, give me higher intellect,
And who is the killer of all our enemies from the highest place, And let Goddess Durga illuminate my mind.
To take us across all difficulties and all that is perishable and protect us.
m nthi - nthi - nthi(hi)

Request we for peace, peace and peace.

Page 6 of 7

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
durg sktam

m - harih: - m

m - yadak-shara pada-bhrashtam - mtr-heenam tu yadbhavt | durg sktam references:

tat-sarvam kshamya tm-dva - subrahmanya namstut || Online:
visarga-bindu-mtrni - pada-pdksha rni-cha |
nyoo-nni ch-tirik-tni - ksham-asva shikhi vhana ||

anyath sharanam-nsti - tvamva sharanam mama |

tasmt-krunya bhvna - raksha-raksha shad-nana || Texts:
Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam.
I may have erred whilst construction of, writing of, pronouncing of - sentences, words, consonants, Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.
Sri Caitnynnd. Sri Vidya - Sri Cakra Pj Vidhih.
improper grammar, verb, vowels of the prayers. New York: Sri Vidya Temple Society, 1996.

I may have also forgotten to put the punctuation marks due to my ignorane in understanding the
heavenly idiom.

Oh Lord Subrahmanya, may my flaws be overlooked for they are out of my ignorance.

I seek your pardon for all the commissions and omissions for they are involuntary.

Kindly bless me for the sincere endeavour.

Page 7 of 7

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r sktam

m - harih: - m

r sktam Dedicated with love to

The Fragrant Divine Lotus Feet of my beloved SatGuru - Bhagavan Sri Skanda
(Vedic hymn of adoration to r Mah Lakshmi Dv) &
All His Beloved Children of Light

Sanskrit English meanings by

Sri P.R. Ramachander

English Transliteration, Proof-reading, & Preparation by

Sri Skandas Warrior of Light

Page 1 of 14

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r sktam

m - harih: - m


Guide to pronunciation 3

r Sktam - Tamil 4

r Sktam - English 6

r Sktam - Phala Sruthi 9

(Benefits/Fruits of reciting r Sktam)

References 14

Page 2 of 14

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r sktam

m - harih: - m

Guide to pronunciation j like j in job

From Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. jh like dgeh in hedgehog
(Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. jn like ng y in sing your
Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.) k like k in kite
kh like ck h in black hat
This guide is based on American pronunciation of words, and is therefore not a perfect l like l in love
representation of Sanskrit sounds. m like m in mother
n like n in pinch
Sanskrit Vowels p like p in soap
a like a in nap ph like ph in up hill
like a in father r rolled like a Spanish or Italian r
like ay in may s like s in sun
i like i in pin sometimes like s in sun, sometimes like sya sound
like ee in sweet t like rt in heart
like o in rose th like t h in fat hat
u like u in put v like v in love, sometimes like w in world
like oo in food y like y in yes
ha pronounce as a faint echoing of the previous vowel; e.g. ah: would
be pronounced aha; ih: would be pronounced ihi; uh: would be *t, th, d, dh, and n should be pronounced with the tongue placed against the
pronounced uhu; etc. protruding slightly beyond the upper teeth.
ai like ai in aisle
au like ow in cow

Sanskrit Consonants
b like b in bird
bh like b h in job hunt
ch like pinch
d like d in dove
dh like d h in good heart
g like good
gh like g h in log hut
h like h in hot

Page 3 of 14

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r sktam

m - harih: - m


1 7

2 8

3 9

4 10


6 12

Page 4 of 14

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r sktam

m - harih: - m




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Page 5 of 14

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r sktam

m - harih: - m

r sktam
(Vedic hymn of adoration to r Mah Lakshmi Dv)

English meaning courtesy of Sri P.R. Ramachander

m aim hrm rm

hiranya-varnm harinm suvarna-raja-tas-rajm tm-ma-vaha jta-vd lakshmm anapa-g-minm

chandrm-hiran-maym lakshmm jta-vd-mam-vaha 1 yasym-hiranyam vindyam gmavam-puru-shna-ham 2
O God of fire (Agni), O Agni,
Request that Sridevi, Request that Sridevi,
Who shines like gold, By whose grace,
Who destroys all sins, I got gold,
Who wears silver and gold ornaments, I got cows,
Who is like the moon, I got horses,
And who is golden, And I got relatives and friends,
To come here, To come here,
And shower her grace on me. Shower her grace,
And never ever leave me.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r sktam

m - harih: - m

ava-prvm radha-madhym hasti-ndha-prabh-dhinm chandrm prabhsm yaas jvalantm riyam lk dvajushtm

riyam-dvm-upahvay rr-m-dv jushatm 3 udrm
tm-padminm m aranam-aham-prapady alakshmr m
I beseech and request that Sridevi, nayatm tvm vrn 5
Who is heralded by the voice of elephants,
Who is piloted by horses, I seek the protection of that Sridevi,
And who is surrounded by chariots, Who makes the world happy like the moon,
To come near me and shower her grace, Who is richly lustrous,
And request her to be within me. Who shines because of her fame,
Who is full of mercy,
Who is the meaning of the letter eem,
And who possesses treasures like Padmanidhi,
And request Lakshmi to remove poverty from me.

km-ssmitm-hiranya-prkrm rdrm jvalantm truptm ditya-varn tapas-(a)dhijt vanas-patista-va vruk-shdha

tar-payantm bilvah(a)
padm-sthitm padma-varnm tmih-pahvay riyam 4 tasya phalni tapas nudantu myn-tary-cha bhy
alakshmh(i) 6
I request and pray that Sridevi,
Who is happiness personified, O Goddess who shines like sun,
Who is ever smiling, By your great penance,
Who is in the golden fort, Was born the bilwa tree,
Who is full of mercy, Which is the king of forests,
Who is ever shining, And let its fruits full of knowledge,
Who makes others happy, Remove ignorance inside,
Who sits on the lotus, And bad things outside.
And who is of the colour of lotus,
To be present here with me.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r sktam

m - harih: - m

upaitu-mm dva-sakah krti-chamani-nsaha manasah kmam ktim vcha satyam a-mahi

prdur-bt-smi rshtr-smin krtim mruddhim dadtu-m 7 pa-ngm rpa-man-nasya-mayi r rayatm yaah(a) 10
The god of wealth Kubhera, I request you goddess Sridevi,
Who is the friend of Mahadeva, To forever bless me,
Should come in search of me, With fulfillment of good desires of the mind,
For I am born in this country, With ebbing happiness in life,
Showered with your grace, With truth in my words,
Be pleased to give me fame and fulfillment. And with beauty that plenty of food creates.

kshut-pips malm jysh-thm alakshmr na-ym yaham kardha-mna-praj bt-mayi sambhava kardhama
abh-tim asam-ruddhin-cha sarvn nir-nuda m gruht(u) 8 riyam vsaya m kul mtaram padma-mlinm 11

I would remove Jyeshta (Elder sister of Sridevi, the harbinger of bad luck and poverty), O sage Kardhama (When Goddess Sridevi was born from the ocean of milk, she was
Who creates hunger and thirst, brought up by sage Kardhama) ,
Wherever she lives, In your house was born,
By your grace, Goddess Sridevi as daughter,
And please remove poverty and want from my house. And so be pleased to be with me,
So that mother Lakshmi with lotus garland,
Is forever in my family,
And bless us all with her grace.
gandha-dvrm dur-darshm nitya-pushtm kar-shi-nm
va-rgm sarva-bhtnm tmih-pahvay riyam 9
I request and pray that Sridevi,
Who pleases others by sweet scent,
Who cannot be defeated,
Who gives prosperity daily,
Who is full of everything,
And who is the goddess of all beings,
To come and be present here.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r sktam

m - harih: - m

pah srujantu snig-dhni chik-lta vasa m gruh rdrm yah-karinm yashtim survarnm hma mlinm
nicha dvm mtaram riyam vsaya m kul 12 srym hiranmaym lakshmm jtavd mam-vaha 14
O Sage Chikleetha (Some books mention him as the security guard of Sridevi and some others O Agni,
equate him with God of love-Manmatha.who is son of Sridevi), Be pleased to bless me,
Who is the son of Sridevi, So that Goddess Sridevi,
Let the goddess of water, Who is deeply merciful,
Produce fatty products like milk and ghee, Who holds the staff of the emperor,
And please come and live with us, Who has a body like tender climbing plant,
And request Goddess Sridevi, Who has a pretty colour,
To live in our family forever. Who wears golden garland,
Who shines like sun god,
And who is purity personified,
To come and be with me.

rdrm pushkarinm pushtim pingalm padma mlinm tm ma vaha jtavd lakshmm ana-pag-minm
chandrm hiran-maym lakshmm jtavd mam-vaha 13 yas-ym hiranyam prabhtam gv dsy-avn vindyam
purush-naham 15
O Agni,
Be pleased to bless me, O Agni,
So that Goddess Sridevi, Be pleased to bless me,
Who is deeply merciful, So that Goddess Sridevi,
Who lives on a lotus, By whose grace,
Who supplies food to the world, I will get plenty of gold,
Who is of golden colour, I will get lot of cows,
Who wears the garland of lotus, I will get lot of maidservants,
Who makes us happy like the moon god, I will get lot of horses.
And who is purity personified, And I will get lot of servants,
To come and be with me. Never ever leave me.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r sktam

m - harih: - m

[Lakshm Gyathr Mantr]

mah dvyai cha vidmah
phalaruti of r sktam
[Benefits/Fruits of chanting r sktam]
vishnu patnyai cha dhmahi
tann lakshmh prachdayt(u) yah uchih prayat bhtv juhuyd jya manvaham
sriyah pancha daarchan-cha ri kmah sathadam japt(u)
We commune ourselves with the Great Goddess, and meditate on the consort of Vishnu; may that
Lakshmi direct us (to the Great Goal). He who prays for the grace of Sridevi,
Should be pure in mind and body,
[sirvtha mantr] Control his mind,
m - rr varcha-svam-yushyha mrgya-mvdh ch-bhmnam And everyday chant the above,
mahyath dhniyam dhanam pasum bahu-puthra-lbham Fifteen rik mantras,
And do homa (fire sacrifice) with ghee.
satha-sam - vasthsaram dheerga-m-yuhu
O God, may you bless us to have plenty of health, wealth, food, cattle, and children and live a nandah kardama chaiva chiklta iti viruth(a)
long, fruitful, happy, dharmic life. riayast trayah prkt svayam r rva dvat

m ntih ntih ntih harih(i) m For this Homa,

Ananda, Kardhama and Chikleedha,
Are the famous sages.
And Sridevi is the goddess.

padmsan padma r padmkshi padma sambhav

tvam mm bhajasya padmkshi yna saukhyam labhm yaham
O Goddess who sits on Lotus,
O Goddess who has thighs like lotus,
O Goddess who has eyes like lotus,
And O goddess who was born out of lotus,
Please grant me all,
That you think will give a good life.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r sktam

m - harih: - m

avadyi cha gdyi dhanadyi mahdhan dhanam agnir dhanam vyuh dhanam sry dhanam vasuh(u)
dhanam m jushatm dv sarva kmrtha siddhay dhanam indr brihaspatir varun dhanam anut
O Goddess who grants wealth of horses. It is by your grace Sridevi,
O Goddess who grants wealth of cows, That Fire is wealthy,
O Goddess who grants wealth, Air is wealthy,
And O Goddess who is the queen of wealth, Sun is wealthy,
Grant me more wealth. Ashta Vasus are wealthy,
So that I can fulfill all my wants. Indra is wealthy,
Brahaspathi is wealthy,
putra pautra dhanam dhniyam hastyav jvigratham And Varuna is wealthy.
prajnm bhavai mt yumantam kartu mm
vynaityam smam piba smam pibatu vrtrah(a)
O Goddess you are mother of all people, smam dhanasya smin mahyam dadtu smini
Please grant me sons, grandsons, wealth and grains,
Please grant me elephants, horses, sheep, goat, cow and chariots, O Garuda, drink Soma,
And also please grant me long life. O Indra drink Soma,
O devas who have drunk Soma,
chandrbhm lakshmm nm srybhm riyamvarim Please grant me wealth,
chandra srygni sarvbhm r mah lakshmi mupsmah For I am performing Soma Yaga (Fire sacrifice in which juice of Soma plant is used).

I pray and meditate on that Maha Lakshmi, nakrdh nachamt saryam nlbh n asubh matih(i)
Who shines like the cool moon, bhavanti kruta punynm bhaktnm r sktam japt sat
Who is the inner strength of Iswara,
Who shines like the hot sun, The devotees who do holy deeds,
Who is Sridevi and Iswari, Never get angry,
And who is of the form of crescents, Are never jealous,
Of moon, sun and fire. And never do bad deeds,
And for the devotion to grow,
They should chant often,
The Sri Suktam.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r sktam

m - harih: - m

varan tutvi bhvaridiv aprasya vidytah(a) lakshmr divyair gajendrair manigana khachitaih(i) snpit hma
rhantu sarvabjnyava brahmad vishjahi kumbhaih
nityams padmahast mamavasatu gruh sarva mngalya yukt
O Goddess Sridevi,
By your grace let it rain, Who wears a white cloth and an upper cloth,
From the black clouds with streaks of lightning, Who takes bath in the pure waters of heaven,
By your grace let all seeds germinate and grow, Poured over her by majestic elephants,
And kill all those who are against the path of gods, Who holds a lotus flower in her hand,
And who is the storehouse of all that is good,
padmapriy padmini padmahast padmlay padma dalyatksh Live in my house forever.
vivapriy vishnu mannukl tvatpda padmam mayi sannidhatsvh(a)
lakshmm kshra samudra rja tanaym rranga dhmvarm
O Goddess Padmini, dsbhta samasta dva vanitm lkaika dpnkurm
Who likes lotus flowers,
Who holds lotus flower in her hand, Salutations to Goddess Lakshmi,
Who lives in lotus flower, Who is the daughter of king of ocean of milk,
Who has broad eyes like the petal of lotus flower, Who is the consort of Lord of Sri Ranga (Holy temple of Vishnu and also means
Who is the darling of the entire world, divine stage),
Who is dearest to Lord Vishnu, Whose maids are the deva maidens,
Please keep your holy feet on me. Who is the lighthouse for the entire world,

ys padmsanasth vipula katitati padma patryatksh rman manda katksha labdha vibhava brahmndra
gambhirvar tanbhih stanabhara namit ubhra vastrttary gangdharm
tvm trailkya kutumbinm sarasijm vand mukunda priym
Let that Goddess Lakshmi.
Who is seated on a lotus, Whose side long glances add fame,
Who has large seat below the hips, To Brahma, Shiva and Indra,
Who has wide eyes like the petal of lotus flower, Whose family is all those in three worlds,
Who has a royal looking spherical belly button, Who appears in lotus ponds,
Who is slightly bent because of her heavy busts, And who is the darling of Lord Mukunda.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r sktam

m - harih: - m

siddha lakshmr mksha lakshmr jaya lakshm sarasvati sarva mangala mngaly iv sarvrdha sdhik
rr lakshmr vara lakshmcha prasann mama sarvad arany tryambak gauri (dv) nryani namstudh
You who are Siddha Lakshmi (who grants divine powers), Salutations to that Goddess,
You who are Moksha Lakshmi (who grants salvation), Who is the greatest good among all the good,
You who are Jayalakshmi (who grants victory), Who is forever peaceful,
You who are Saraswathi (who grants wisdom), Who grants all boons,
You who are Srilakshmi (who grants wealth), Who is the ultimate protection,
And you, who are Varalakshmi (who grants boons), Who has three eyes,
Should always be pleased with me. Who is white in colour
And who is Narayani.
varnkuau pama bhiti mudrm karair vahantm kamalsanasthm
blarka kti pratibhm trintrm bhajham ambm jagadvarim tm kshirna snpit dv chandanna vilpit
bilwa patrrchit mtah durgham aranam gatah(a)
I salute the Goddess of this universe,
Who is having three eyes,
Who shines like billions of rising suns, rm hrm am m
Who is seated on a lotus flower,
And who holds in her hand, itih:
Boons, rope, weapon to tame and seal to protect. r kalyn nanda bhrati - charanravinda milindhna -
rlar - svapraknanda ntha - hamsa avadhta trtha
mnasa prathama-dksh-putrna - annaprnvari amb
samtha mahmandalvara - rlar - amrutnanda ntha
saraswati mahpatraka - rakta - ukla - pduk arpidhna -
r - chaitanynanda ntha virchitam - daa - nity - amputi
karana - r - skta vidhnam - sampranam

m ntih ntih ntih harih(i) m

May there be peace in the hearts of all beings in all the realms.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r sktam

m - harih: - m

m - yadak-shara pada-bhrashtam - mtr-heenam tu yadbhavt | r sktam references:

tat-sarvam kshamya tm-dva - subrahmanya namstut || Online:
visarga-bindu-mtrni - pada-pdksha rni-cha |
nyoo-nni ch-tirik-tni - ksham-asva shikhi vhana ||
Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam.
anyath sharanam-nsti - tvamva sharanam mama | Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.
tasmt-krunya bhvna - raksha-raksha shad-nana || Sri Caitnynnd. Sri Vidya - Sri Cakra Pj Vidhih.
New York: Sri Vidya Temple Society, 1996.

I may have erred whilst construction of, writing of, pronouncing of - sentences, words,
consonants, improper grammar, verb, vowels of the prayers.

I may have also forgotten to put the punctuation marks due to my ignorane in understanding the
heavenly idiom.

Oh Lord Subrahmanya, may my flaws be overlooked for they are out of my ignorance.

I seek your pardon for all the commissions and omissions for they are involuntary.

Kindly bless me for the sincere endeavour.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r di sankarar swmigals
mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam sttharam

r di sankara swmigals
mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam Dedicated with love to
The Fragrant Divine Lotus Feet of my beloved SatGuru - Bhagavan Sri Skanda
sttharam All His Beloved Children of Light

(The poetical 5-jeweled adornment of God Gansha)

English meanings by
Sri P.R. Ramachander

Tamil unicoding, English Transliteration & Preparation by

Sri Skandas Warrior of Light

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r di sankarar swmigals
mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam sttharam


Introducton 3

Guide to pronunciation 4

mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam sttharam 5

mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam sttharam 6
(English with meaning)

References 8

Page 2 of 8

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r di sankarar swmigals
mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam sttharam

r di sankara swmigals
mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam sttharam
(The poetical 5-jeweled adornment of God Ganesh)

By Sri Skandas Warrior of Light

mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam sttharam is a beautiful and moving composition by r di sankara

swmigal. Pancha means five and Ratna denotes jewels and sttharam means praise.
Hence, this composition is a hymn of praise of the Lord using 5 jewels composed in sanskrit to
adorn the ever benevolent God Ganesha.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r di sankarar swmigals
mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam sttharam

Guide to pronunciation j like j in job

From Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. jh like dgeh in hedgehog
(Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. j like ng y in sing your
Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.) k like k in kite
kh like ck h in black hat
This guide is based on American pronunciation of words, and is therefore not a perfect l like l in love
representation of Sanskrit sounds. m like m in mother
like n in pinch
Sanskrit Vowels p like p in soap
a like a in nap ph like ph in up hill
like a in father r rolled like a Spanish or Italian r
like ay in may s like s in sun
i like i in pin sometimes like s in sun, sometimes like sya sound
like ee in sweet t like rt in heart
like o in rose th like t h in fat hat
u like u in put v like v in love, sometimes like w in world
like oo in food y like y in yes
ha pronounce as a faint echoing of the previous vowel; e.g. ah: would
be pronounced aha; ih: would be pronounced ihi; uh: would be *t, th, d, dh, and n should be pronounced with the tongue placed against the
pronounced uhu; etc. protruding slightly beyond the upper teeth.
ai like ai in aisle
au like ow in cow

Sanskrit Consonants
b like b in bird
bh like b h in job hunt
ch like pinch
d like d in dove
dh like d h in good heart
g like good
gh like g h in log hut
h like h in hot

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r di sankarar swmigals
mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam sttharam

1 4

2 5

|| ||


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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r di sankarar swmigals
mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam sttharam

r di sankara swmigals
mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam sttharam

mud-kartha-mdakam sad-vimukti-sdhakam na-tta-rti-bhee-karam navdi-trka-bhsvaram

kal-dhar-vatam-sakam vilsi-lka-rakshakam namat-surri-nir-janam nat-dhi-k-padud-dharam
anya-kaika-nyakam vinsit-bha-daityakam sur-svaram-nidhee-svaram gaj-svaram-gansh-varam
natsu-bhsu-nshakam nammi-tham-vinyakam 1 mah-svaram-tamsray part-param-niran-taram 2

I salute that Remover of Obstacles, I bow before that great Lord permanently,
Who has modakas in his hand, Who creates fear in the enemies of his devotees,
Who always bestows salvation, Who sparkles like the just risen sun,
Who wears a part of moon on his head, Who is saluted by Gods and Asuras,
Who protects this world which is varied, Who destroys obstacles of his devotees,
Who is the Leader of those who cannot be lead, Who is the God of all devas,
Who is the cause of destruction of asuras, Who is the God of all wealth,
And who destroys all things which are not good. Who is the God of all elephants,
And Who is the Leader of the army of Lord Shiva.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r di sankarar swmigals
mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam sttharam

samasta-lka-shankaram nirasta-daitya-kunjaram akin-cha-nrti-mr-janam chiranta-nkti-bhjanam

dar-tar-daram-varam var-bavaktram-aksharam purri-poorva-nan-danam surri-garva-charvanam
krup-karam-ksham-karam mud-karam-ya-saskaram pra-pancha-nsha-bhee-shanam dhanan-jay-di-bhushanam
manas-karam-namas-krutm namas-karmi-bhsvaram 3 kapla-dna-vranam bhaj-purna-vranam 4

I bow to that Ganapathi who shines like the Sun, I salute the very ancient Elephant-God,
Who bestows peace to all the worlds, Who destroys the wants of the have nots,
Who removed the Gajamukhasura from this world, Who has been worshipped since ancient times,
Who has a very big paunch, Who is the eldest Son of the Lord (Siva) who destroyed cities,
Who has an elephant-face which blesses, Who eats away the pride of the enemies of the gods,
And who is the One who shows kindness, Who is awesome at the time of final deluge,
Who is patient, Who wears serpents like Dananjaya as ornaments,
Who is full of blessing, And who is fierce like the elephant in rut.
And who showers great fame,
To those who salute Him.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r di sankarar swmigals
mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam sttharam

ni-tnta-knta-danta-knti manta-knta-kt-majam mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam sttharam references:

achintya-rupa-manta-hna manta-rya-krun-tanam Online:
hrudan-tar-niran-taram vasanta-mva-yginm
tamka-danta-mva-tam vichinta-ymi santa-tham 5

I always meditate only on that God with the single tusk,

Whose ever lustrous tusk is very pretty,
Who is the son of the Lord (Siva) who killed the god of death (yama),
Who has a form beyond ones imagination,
Who is endless,
Who tears asunder all obstacles,
And who dwells forever in the heart of Yogis ,
Like the season of spring.

|| phala sruthi ||
[Benefits of chanting mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam sttharam]
mah-gansha-pancha-rathnam dha-rna-yn-vaham
prajal-pathi-prab-thak hrudi-smaran-gansvaram
arga-thm-adsha-thm sushi-tm-suputhra-thm
sam-hit-yu-rashta-buthim abhyu-paithi-s-chirth

He, who remembers with respect every morning,

These five gems of the great Lord Ganapati,
and who meditates in his heart the leader of ganas,
Will soon be blessed with a healthy life,
Free of all problems, endowed with great peace,
Great sons, longevity, spiritual and physical wealth.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram

r rmakrishna kavi swmigals (aka tnli rman)

r mahish-sura mardini stthram Dedicated with love to
The Fragrant Divine Lotus Feet of my beloved SatGuru - Bhagavan Sri Skanda
(Praise of Divine Mother as mahish-sura mardini - &
slayer of the demon - mahish-suran) All His Beloved Children of Light

English meanings by
Sri P.R. Ramachander

Tamil unicoding, English Transliteration & Preparation by

Sri Skandas Warrior of Light

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram


Introduction 3

Guide to pronunciation 4

r mahish-sura mardini stthram 5


r mahish-sura mardini stthram 8

(English with meaning)

References 18

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram

r rmakrishna kavi swmigals (aka tnli rman)

r mahish-sura mardini stthram
(Praise of Divine Mother as mahish-sura mardini -
slayer of the demon - mahish-suran)

By Sri P.R. Ramachander

This very popular stotram of Goddess Durga is thought to have been written by Rmakrishna
Kavi. Nothing is known about the author. The great Tnli Rman was known as Ramakrishna
Kavi and he was a great Bakthar of Durga. Due to its very poetic nature and repetition of words in
the same stanza with different nuances, this is extremely difficult to translate. I have used the one
incomplete translation available in the web ( as well
as the recent great translation by Sri S. N. Sastry of Madras which has been posted in

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram

Guide to pronunciation h like h in hot

From Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. j like j in job
(Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. jh like dgeh in hedgehog
Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.) j like ng y in sing your
k like k in kite
This guide is based on American pronunciation of words, and is therefore not a perfect kh like ck h in black hat
representation of Sanskrit sounds. l like l in love
m like m in mother
Sanskrit Vowels like n in pinch
a like a in nap p like p in soap
like a in father ph like ph in up hill
like ay in may r rolled like a Spanish or Italian r
i like i in pin s like s in sun
like ee in sweet sometimes like s in sun, sometimes like sya sound
like o in rose t like rt in heart
u like u in put th like t h in fat hat
like oo in food v like v in love, sometimes like w in world
ha pronounce as a faint echoing of the previous vowel; e.g. ah: would y like y in yes
be pronounced aha; ih: would be pronounced ihi; uh: would be
pronounced uhu; etc. *t, th, d, dh, and n should be pronounced with the tongue placed against the
ai like ai in aisle protruding slightly beyond the upper teeth.
au like ow in cow

Sanskrit Consonants
b like b in bird
bh like b h in job hunt
ch like pinch
d like d in dove
dh like d h in good heart
g like good
gh like g h in log hut

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram


1 4

2 5

3 6

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram

7 11


8 12

9 13

: : : :

10 14

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram

15 19


16 20




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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram

r rmakrishna kavi swmigals (aka tnli rman)

r mahish-sura mardini stthram
ayi-giri nandininanditamdini viva-vindini nanda-nut sura-vara-varshini dur-dharadharshini dur-mukha-marshini
giri-vara vindhyairo-dhini-vsini vishnu-vilsini jish-nu-nut harsh-arat
bhagavati-h iti-kantakutum-bini bhri-kutum-bini bhri-krut tri-bhuvana poshiniankaratoshini kil-bisha-moshini gho-sharat
jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 1 danu-jani roshini-diti-suta-roshini durmadaoshini sindhu-sut
jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 2
Victory and victory to you,
Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Victory and victory to you,
Who makes the whole earth happy, Oh darling daughter of the mountain,
Who rejoices with this universe, Oh goddess who showers boons on devas,
Who is the daughter of Nanda, Who punishes those who are undisciplined.
Who resides on the peak of Vindhyas, Who tolerates ugly faced ogres,
Who plays with Lord Vishnu, Who enjoys in being happy,
Who has a glittering mien, Who looks after the three worlds,
Who is praised by other goddesses, Who pleases lord Shiva,
Who is the consort of the lord with the blue neck, Who removes effect of sins,
Who has several families, Who rejoices with the holy sound,
Who does good to her family. Who is angry on the progenies of Dhanu,
Who has captivating braided hair, Who is angry with the children of Dithi,
Who is the daughter of a mountain. Who discourages those with pride,
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Who is the daughter of the Ocean,
Who has captivating braided hair,
Who is the daughter of a mountain.
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura.

Page 8 of 18

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram

ayi-jaga-damba madam-ba-kadamba vanap-priya-vsini h-sarat ayi-atakhandavi khan-ditarun-davi tunditaunda gajdhi-

ikha-rii-ro-mani tunga-himlaya runga-nij-laya madhya-gat pat
madhu-madhur madhu-kaita-bha-bhajini kaita-bha-bhajini r-sarat ripu-gaja-ganda vid-rana-chanda par-kramaunda mrugdhi-
jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 3 pat
nija-bhuja-danda nip-tita-khanda vip-tita-munda bhat-dhi-pat
Victory and victory to you, jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 4
Oh, darling daughter of the mountain,
Oh, mother of the entire world, Victory and victory to you,
Who loves to live in the forest of Kadambha trees, Oh darling daughter of the mountain,
Who enjoys to smile, Oh Goddess who breaks the heads of ogres,
Who lives in the top peak of the great Himalayas In to hundreds of pieces,
Who is sweeter than honey, Who cuts the trunks of elephants in battle,
Who keeps the treasures of Madhu and Kaidabha, Who rides on the valorous lion,
Who is the slayer of Kaidabha, Which tears the heads of elephants to pieces,
Who enjoys her dancing, Who severs the heads of the generals of the enemy,
Who has captivating braided hair, With her own arms,
Who is the daughter of a mountain. Who has captivating braided hair,
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Who is the daughter of a mountain.
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram

ayi-rana-durmada atru-vadho-dita dur-dhara-nir-jara akti-bhrut ayi-aran-gata vai-riva-dh-vara vrava-rbhaya dya-kar

chatu-ravi-chra dhur-na-mah-iva dta-kruta prama-thdhi-pat tri-bhuvana-mastaka la-viro-dhii rodhi-krut-mala la-kar
durita-dur-ha dur-aya-durmada-dnava-dta krutn-tamat dumi-dumi-tmara dundu-bhi-nda-maho-mukhar-kruta tigma-kar
jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 5 jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 6

Victory and victory to you, Victory and victory to you,

Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh darling daughter of the mountain,
Oh Goddess who has the strength which never diminishes, Oh Goddess who forgives and gives refuge,
To gain victory over enemies in the battle field, To the heroic soldiers of the enemy rank,
Who made Pramatha, the attendant of Lord Shiva, Whose wives come seeking refuge for them,
Known for his tricky strategy, as her assistant, Oh Goddess who is armed with trident,
Who took the decision to destroy the asuras, Ready to throw on the heads of those,
Who are bad people, with evil thoughts and mind, Who cause great pain to the three worlds,
Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Oh Goddess who shines likes the hot sun,
Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is aroused by sound of Dhumi, Dhumi,
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Produced by the beating of drums by the devas,
Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair,
Who is the daughter of a mountain.
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram

ayi-nija-hunkruti mtra-nir-kruta-dhmra-vilo-chana dhm-raat dhanu-ranu-sanga ranak-shana-sanga paris-phura-danga

samara-vio-shita onita-bja-samud-bhava-onita b-jalat natat-kata-k
siva-siva-umbhani-umbha mah-hava-tarpita-bhta pi-charat kanaka-pianga-pruat-kani-shanga rasad-bhata-runga hat-vatuk
jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 7 kruta-chatu-ranga-balak-shiti-ranga ghatad-bahu-ranga
Victory and victory to you, jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 8
Oh darling daughter of the mountain,
Oh, Goddess who blew away hundreds of ogres, Victory and victory to you,
Who had smoking eyes, Oh darling daughter of the mountain,
With her mere sound of Hum Oh Goddess who decks herself with ornaments,
Oh Goddess who is the blood red creeper, On her throbbing limbs in the field of battle,
Emanating from the seeds of blood, When she gets her bow ready to fight,
Which fell in the battle field, Oh Goddess, who killed her enemies,
Oh Goddess who delights in the company of Lord Shiva, In the field of battle with a shining sword,
And the ogres Shumbha and Nishumbha, And the shaking of her golden brown spots,
Who were sacrificed in the battle field, Oh Goddess, who made the battle ground of the four fold army,
Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, In to a stage of drama with screaming little soldiers,
Who is the daughter of a mountain. Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair,
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Who is the daughter of a mountain.
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram

jaya-jaya-japya jay-jaya-abda para-stuti-tatpara viva-nut ayi-sumanah sumanah-sumanah-sumanah sumano-hara-knti-yut

bhana-bhana-bhi-jimi bhin-kruta-n-pura i-jita-mohita bh-tapat rita-rajan rajan-rajan-rajan-rajankara vaktra-vrut
natita-natr-dhanat nata-nyaka-ntita-ntya sug-narat suna-yanavi bhramara-bhramara-bhramara-bhramara
jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 9 bhrama-rdhipat
jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 10
Victory and victory to you,
Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Victory and victory to you,
Oh Goddess, whose victory is sung, Oh darling daughter of the mountain,
By the whole universe, Oh Goddess of the people with good mind,
Which is interested in singing her victory, Who is greatly gracious to such people,
Oh Goddess who attracts the attention of Lord Shiva, Oh Goddess who appears very pretty to the good minded,
By the twinkling sound made by her anklets, Oh Goddess with moon like face,
While she is engaged in dancing, Who is as cool as the moon, to those in the dark,
Oh Goddess who gets delighted, Oh Goddess whose face shines in the moon light,
By the dance and drama by versatile actors, Oh Goddess whose very pretty flower like eyes attracts the bees,
Even while she is half of Lord Shivas body, Oh Goddess who attracts devotees, like a flower which attracts bees,
Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Oh Goddess who attracts her lord like a bee,
Who is the daughter of a mountain. Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair,
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Who is the daughter of a mountain.
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura.

Page 12 of 18

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram

sahita-mah-hava malla-matallika mallita-rallaka mallara-t avi-rala-ganda galan-mada-mdura-matta matan-gaja rjapat

vira-chita-vallika pallika-mallika bhillika-bhillika varga-vrut tri-bhuvana-bhshana bhta-kal-nidhi rpa-payo-nidhi rjasut
sita-kruta-phulla samulla-sit-runa tal-laja-pallava sal-lali-t ayi-sudat-jana l-lasa-mnasa mohana-man-matha rjasut
jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 11 jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 12

Victory and victory to you, Victory and victory to you,

Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh darling daughter of the mountain,
Oh Goddess who becomes happy, Oh Goddess, who walks like a royal elephant in rut,
In the sport of battle, assisted by warriors, In Whose face there is a copious flow of ichors,
Oh Goddess who is surrounded by hunters, Oh Goddess, who is the daughter of the ocean of milk,
Whose hut is surrounded by creepers, From where the pretty moon also took his birth,
And the tribes of Mallikas, Jillakas and Bhillakas, Oh Goddess who is the ornament of the three worlds,
Oh Goddess who is as pretty as Oh Goddess who is worshipped by the God of love,
The famous fully opened flower, Who fills the minds of pretty ladies with desire,
Oh Goddess, who is as pretty as the creeper, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair,
Full of red tender leaves, Who is the daughter of a mountain.
Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, And who is the slayer of Mahishasura.
Who is the daughter of a mountain.
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram

kamala-dal-mala komala-knti-kal-kalit malap-lala-t kara-mural-rava-vjita kjita-laj-jita-ko-kila maju-mat

sakala-vil-sakal nilaya-krama-kli-chalat-kala hamsa-kul milita-pulinda-mano-hara gu-jita-rajita-hai-lani kuja-gat
ali-kula-sankula kuva-laya-mandala mauli-milad-baku-lli-kul nija-guna-bhta-mah-abar gana-sadguna-sambhruta kli-tal
jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 13 jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 14

Victory and victory to you, Victory and victory to you,

Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh darling daughter of the mountain,
Oh Goddess, whose spotless forehead, Oh Goddess with sweet tender thoughts,
Which is of delicate prettiness, Whose sweet enchanting music,
Is like pure and tender lotus leaf, Made through the flute in her hands,
Oh Goddess who moves like the spotlessly pretty swans, Put the sweet voiced nightingale to shame,
Which Move with delicate steps, Oh Goddess who stays in pleasant mountain groves,
And which is the epitome of arts, Which resound with the voice of tribal folks,
Oh Goddess, Whose tress is surrounded Oh Goddess, whose playful stadium,
By bees from bakula trees, Is filled with flocks of tribal women,
Which normally crowd the tops of lotus flowers, Who have many qualities similar to her,
Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair,
Who is the daughter of a mountain. Who is the daughter of a mountain.
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura.

Page 14 of 18

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram

ka-tita-tap thadu-kla-vichitra-may-khati ras-kruta chandra-ruch vijita-sahasra karaika-sahasra-karaika-sahasra karai-kanu-t

pranata-sur-sura mauli-manis-phura damula-san-nakha chandra-ruch kruta-sura-traka sangara-traka-sangara-traka snu-sut
jita-kana-k-chala mauli-pador-jita nir-bhara-kujara kumbha-kuch suratha-samdhi samna-samdhi-samdhi-samdhi suj-tarat
jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 15 jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 16

Victory and victory to you, Victory and victory to you,

Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh darling daughter of the mountain,
Oh goddess, who wears yellow silks on her waist, Oh Goddess, whose splendour,
Which has peculiar brilliance, Defeats the Sun with his thousand rays
That puts the moon to shame, Oh Goddess, who is saluted by the Sun,
Oh goddess, whose toe nails shine like the moon, Who has thousands of rays,
Because of the reflection of the light, Oh Goddess who was praised,
From the crowns of Gods and asuras who bow at her feet, By Tharakasura after his defeat,
Oh Goddess whose breasts which challenge, In the war between him and your son,
The forehead of elephants and the peaks of golden mountains, Oh Goddess who was pleased with King Suratha,
Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, And the rich merchant called Samadhi,
Who is the daughter of a mountain. Who entered in to Samadhi,
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. And who prayed for endless Samadhi,
Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair,
Who is the daughter of a mountain.
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura.

Page 15 of 18

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram

pada-kamalam karun-nilay-varivas-yati yo-nudi-nam sai-v kanaka-lasat-kala sindhu-jalai-ranu-si-chinut guna-ranga-bhuvam

ayi-kamal kamal-nilay kamal-nilayah-sa-katham na-bhavt bhajati-sakim-naa-ch kucha-kum-bhatat pari-rambha-sukh
tava-pada-mva-param padamit-yanu-layato mama-kim na-iv nubhavam
jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 17 tava-charanam-aranam kara-vni-nat-mara-vni nivsi-ivam
jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 18
Victory and victory to you,
Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Victory and victory to you,
Oh Goddess, in whom mercy lives, Oh darling daughter of the mountain,
And who is auspiciousness itself, He who sprinkles the water of the ocean,
He who worships thine lotus feet, Taken in a golden pot, on your play ground,
Daily without fail, Oh Goddess will get the same pleasure,
Would for sure be endowed with wealth, Like the Indra in heaven, when he fondles,
By that Goddess who lives on lotus, The pot like breasts of his wife Suchi,
And if I consider thine feet as only refuge, So I take refuge in thine feet Oh Goddess,
Is there anything that I will not get, Which is also place where Shiva resides,
Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair,
Who is the daughter of a mountain. Who is the daughter of a mountain.
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura.

Page 16 of 18

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram

tava-vima-lndu-kulam vada-nndu-malam-sakalam-nanu k-laya-t ayi-mayi-dna daylu-tay-krupayai-vatva-y bhavi-tavya-mum

kimu-puru-h-tapurn-du mukh sumukh-bhirasau-vimukh kriyat ayi-jagato-janan krupa-ysi-yathsi-tath numit-sirat
mama-tu-matam ivan-madhan-bhavat-krupay-kimuta kriyat yadu-chita-matra bhavat-yurar kurut-durut pama-p-kurut
jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 19 jaya-jaya-h mahish-sura-mardini ramya-kapardini aila-sut 20

Victory and victory to you, Victory and victory to you,

Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh darling daughter of the mountain,
He who keeps thine face adorned by moon, Please shower some mercy on me,
In his thought would never face rejection, As you are most merciful on the oppressed.
By the bevy of pretty beauties with moon like face, Oh mother of the universe, be pleased,
In the celestial Indras court, To give me the independence,
And so oh Goddess who is held in esteem by Shiva, To consider you as my mother
I am sure you would not reject my wishes, And do not reject my prayer even if it is improper,
Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, But be pleased to drive away all my sorrows,
Who is the daughter of a mountain. Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair,
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Who is the daughter of a mountain.
And who is the slayer of Mahishasura.

Page 17 of 18

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rmakrishna kavi swmigals
r mahishsura mardini stthram

m - yadak-shara pada-bhrashtam - mtr-heenam tu yadbhavt | r mahish-sura mardini stthram references:

tat-sarvam kshamya tm-dva - subrahmanya namstut || Online:
visarga-bindu-mtrni - pada-pdksha rni-cha |

nyoo-nni ch-tirik-tni - ksham-asva shikhi vhana ||

anyath sharanam-nsti - tvamva sharanam mama | Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayeswari Devi. Sri Mahisasura Mardini Stotram.
tasmt-krunya bhvna - raksha-raksha shad-nana || Bangalore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.

I may have erred whilst construction of, writing of, pronouncing of - sentences, words,
consonants, improper grammar, verb, vowels of the prayers.

I may have also forgotten to put the punctuation marks due to my ignorane in understanding the
heavenly idiom.

Oh Lord Subrahmanya, may my flaws be overlooked for they are out of my ignorance.

I seek your pardon for all the commissions and omissions for they are involuntary.

Kindly bless me for the sincere endeavour.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rja-rjh-var ashtakam

m - harih: - m

r rja-rjh-var ashtakam Dedicated with love to

The Fragrant Divine Lotus Feet of my beloved SatGuru - Bhagavan Sri Skanda
(Eight hymns of praise of Goddess r-rja-rjh-var) &
All His Beloved Children of Light

Sanskrit English meanings by

Hindu Dharma Forum

English Transliteration, Proof-reading, & Preparation by

Sri Skandas Warrior of Light

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rja-rjh-var ashtakam

m - harih: - m


Guide to pronunciation 3

r rja-rjh-var ashtakam - english 4

(Eight hymns of praise of Goddess r-rja-rjh-var)

References 6

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rja-rjh-var ashtakam

m - harih: - m

Guide to pronunciation jh like dgeh in hedgehog

From Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. j like ng y in sing your
(Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. k like k in kite
Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.) kh like ck h in black hat
l like l in love
This guide is based on American pronunciation of words, and is therefore not a perfect m like m in mother
representation of Sanskrit sounds. like n in pinch
p like p in soap
Sanskrit Vowels ph like ph in up hill
a like a in nap r rolled like a Spanish or Italian r
like a in father s like s in sun
like ay in may sometimes like s in sun, sometimes like sya sound
i like i in pin t like rt in heart
like ee in sweet th like t h in fat hat
like o in rose v like v in love, sometimes like w in world
u like u in put y like y in yes
like oo in food
ha pronounce as a faint echoing of the previous vowel; e.g. ah: would *t, th, d, dh, and n should be pronounced with the tongue placed against the
be pronounced aha; ih: would be pronounced ihi; uh: would be protruding slightly beyond the upper teeth.
pronounced uhu; etc.
ai like ai in aisle should be extended; e.g. would be extended in sound and pronounced ae-
au like ow in cow

Sanskrit Consonants
b like b in bird
bh like b h in job hunt
ch like pinch
d like d in dove
dh like d h in good heart
g like good
gh like g h in log hut
h like h in hot
j like j in job

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rja-rjh-var ashtakam

m - harih: - m

r rja-rjh-var ashtakam
(Eight hymns of praise of Goddess r-rja-rjh-var)

amb-hmbav-chandra-mauli-rabal | aparn | um-prvath amb-n-pura-ratna-ka-kana-dhar | keyra-hr-val

kl-hai-mavath-iv-tri-nayan | kt-y-yan-bhairav jj-champaka-vai-jaya-tila-har | grai-vya-vai-rjit
svithr-nava-yau-van-subha-kar | sm-rjya-lakshm-prad vn-vnu-vinda-madita-kar | veer-san-sasthit
chidrp-para-dvat-bhagavat | r-rja-rjh-var 1 chidrp-para-dvat-bhagavat | r-rja-rjh-var 3

O Shambhavi! Mother Amba, You are adorned with a crescent moon on forehead, You do not eat Mother Amba, You possess gems, stones and bracelet, You have a garland made of
even leaves as food in fasting, You are known as Parvati, Kali, Haimavati and Siva, You have three Keyura, Your neck is adorned with a wavy garland made of jasmine, perfumes and
eyes, You are known as Katyayani, Bhairavi and Savitri, You are forever young, You bestow pearls, Your hands are adorned by veena (lute) and flute for merriment, You are
auspicion, You bestow kingdom and wealth, You are eternal bliss, You are above all, You are the seated in the Virasana Yoga posture, You are eternal bliss, You are above all, You are
Goddess, and You rule the Lords as Rajarajeshvari the Goddess, and You rule the Lords as Rajarajeshvari

amb-mhini-dvat-tri-buvan | nanda-sandyin amb-raudrini-bhadra-kli-bagal | jvl-mukh-vaish-nav

vn-pallava-pn-venu-mural | gna-priy-l-lin bramn-tri-pur-tak-sura-nut | dd-pya-mno-jval
kalyn-udu-rja-bimba-vadan | dhm-rksha-sa-hrin chmund-rita-raksha-psha-janan | dk-shyan-pal-lav
chidrp-para-dvat-bhagavat | r-rja-rjh-var 2 chidrp-para-dvat-bhagavat | r-rja-rjh-var 4

O Mohini! Mother Amba, You reside in the three worlds and grant eternal bliss. You are the speech O Bhadrakali! Mother Amba, You are frightening Raudrini, You are Bagala,
(Vani), You like the music and song played by the flute of Krishna (One with flower in hand), You Javalamukhi, Vaisnavi and Brahmani, You vanquish the three worlds, You are
are auspicious, Your face is like the reflection of the Moon, You killed Dhumraksha (a demon), You worshipped by the Devas, You are resplendent with light, You are Camunda, You are
are eternal bliss, You are above all, You are the Goddess, and You rule the Lords as Rajarajeshvari the mother who adorns, protects and nutures, You are Sati or Daksayani, You are
eternal bliss, You are above all, You are the Goddess, and You rule the Lords as

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rja-rjh-var ashtakam

m - harih: - m

amb-la-dhanu-kusn-kua-dhar | arthndu-bimb-dar amb-vata-ga-mdi-vinu-dh | ry-mah-dvat

vrh-madhu-kaita-bha-pra-haman | vn-ram-svit y-bramdi-pi-pee-li-knta-janan | y-vai-jagan-mhin
mall-dy-sura-mka-daitya-mathan | mhhvar-ambik y-panchap-prana-vdi-rpa-janan | y-chit-kal-mlin
chidrp-para-dvat-bhagavat | r-rja-rjh-var 5 chidrp-para-dvat-bhagavat | r-rja-rjh-var 7

Mother Amba, You are wielding a monodent, a goad and a bow, You have a crescent moon on the Mother Amba, You are revered (bowed) by treatises, You are Arya, and You are the
forehead, You are Varahi, You destroyed the demons Madhu and Kaitabh, You are honored by natural forces. That Who gives birth to everyone from Brahma and others to the
Sarasvati and Lakshmi, You vanquished Malla and Mooka demons, You are Mahesvari and Ambika smallest ants, that Who entices the world, that Who gives birth to the five types of
(divine mother), You are eternal bliss, You are above all, You are the Goddess, and You rule the Pranava syllables (like OM), that Who is the art of intellect, You are that One, Who is
Lords as Rajarajeshvari adorned with a garland. You are eternal bliss, You are above all, You are the
Goddess, and You rule the Lords as Rajarajeshvari

amb-srushti-vinsa | p-la-nakar | ry-vi-sa-bhit amb-plita-bhakta-rji-daniam | ambsh-takam-ya-patt

gyathr-pranav-kshar-mruta-rasa | prn-nu-san-th-krut amb-lla-katksha-v-ksha-laltam | chai-varyam-avy-hatam
m-kr-vinut-sutr-chita-pad | u-danda-daity-pah amb-pvana-matra-rja-patan | dant-cha-mksha-prad
chidrp-para-dvat-bhagavat | r-rja-rjh-var 6 chidrp-para-dvat-bhagavat | r-rja-rjh-var 8

Mother Amba, You create, destroy and nurture the world, You are Arya and Gayatri, You are devoid Those who read these eight-cantos on Amba (Mother), Which is staying continuously
of adornment, You are full of the nectar of the pranavakshara OM, You have separated the heaven with the devotees of Amba, Which is a result of the [bestowing] glance of the eyes of
and the earth, You are Omkari, Your feet has been adorned by the son if Vinata (Garuda), You the Mother and Which has all the wealth absorbed in it, receive Moksha from the
destroy the imbecile demons, You are eternal bliss, You are above all, You are the Goddess, and You Mother, Who is eternal bliss, Who is above all, Who is the Goddess and Who rules the
rule the Lords as Rajarajeshvari Lords as Rajarajeshvari, by the means of reading this best among chants.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r rja-rjh-var ashtakam

m - harih: - m

m - yadak-shara pada-bhrashtam - mtr-heenam tu yadbhavt | r rja-rjh-var ashtakam references:

tat-sarvam kshamya tm-dva - subrahmanya namstut || Online:
visarga-bindu-mtrni - pada-pdksha rni-cha |
nyoo-nni ch-tirik-tni - ksham-asva shikhi vhana ||
anyath sharanam-nsti - tvamva sharanam mama | Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam.
tasmt-krunya bhvna - raksha-raksha shad-nana || Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.

I may have erred whilst construction of, writing of, pronouncing of - sentences, words, consonants,
improper grammar, verb, vowels of the prayers.

I may have also forgotten to put the punctuation marks due to my ignorane in understanding the
heavenly idiom.

Oh Lord Subrahmanya, may my flaws be overlooked for they are out of my ignorance.

I seek your pardon for all the commissions and omissions for they are involuntary.

Kindly bless me for the sincere endeavour.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r hanumn chalis

m - harih: - m

tulas dsans
r hanumn chalis Dedicated with love to
The Fragrant Divine Lotus Feet of my beloved SatGuru - Bhagavan Sri Skanda
(40-verse prayer to Lord Hanuman) &
All His Beloved Children of Light

English meanings by
Sri P.R. Ramachander

Tamil unicoding, English Transliteration, Proof-reading, & Preparation by

Sri Skandas Warrior of Light

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r hanumn chalis

m - harih: - m


Guide to pronunciation 3

r hanumn chalis - Introduction 4

r hanumn chalis - Tamil 5

r hanumn chalis - English 8

References 13

Page 2 of 13

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r hanumn chalis

m - harih: - m

Guide to pronunciation jh like dgeh in hedgehog

From Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. j like ng y in sing your
(Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. k like k in kite
Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.) kh like ck h in black hat
l like l in love
This guide is based on American pronunciation of words, and is therefore not a perfect m like m in mother
representation of Sanskrit sounds. like n in pinch
p like p in soap
Sanskrit Vowels ph like ph in up hill
a like a in nap r rolled like a Spanish or Italian r
like a in father s like s in sun
like ay in may sometimes like s in sun, sometimes like sya sound
i like i in pin t like rt in heart
like ee in sweet th like t h in fat hat
like o in rose v like v in love, sometimes like w in world
u like u in put y like y in yes
like oo in food
ha pronounce as a faint echoing of the previous vowel; e.g. ah: would *t, th, d, dh, and n should be pronounced with the tongue placed against the
be pronounced aha; ih: would be pronounced ihi; uh: would be protruding slightly beyond the upper teeth.
pronounced uhu; etc.
ai like ai in aisle should be extended; e.g. would be extended in sound and pronounced ae-
au like ow in cow

Sanskrit Consonants
b like b in bird
bh like b h in job hunt
ch like pinch
d like d in dove
dh like d h in good heart
g like good
gh like g h in log hut
h like h in hot
j like j in job

Page 3 of 13

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r hanumn chalis

m - harih: - m

tulas dsans
r hanumn chalis
(40-verse prayer to Lord Hanuman)

By Sri P.R. Ramachander

Hanuman Chalisa, the boon of Tulsidas to all the Hindus in the world, will find a place in Hanuman was considered as a brother by Lord Rama and son by Goddess Sita .It
every home where it can act as a panacea for all problems, be they physical, mental or is believed that Hanuman is a Chiranjeevi, and lives with all of us even today. It
spiritual. It is a prayer addressed to Hanuman, possibly the greatest character of Ramayana, is also believed that wherever, the story of Ramayana is told, Hanuman would be
next only to Rama and Sita. present in his invisible form to listen to the story.

Lord Hanuman was born to Anjana, a monkey. His father is considered to be Lord Shiva Sage Valmiki wrote the story of Rama in Sanskrit. Though the story became very
and/or Lord Vayu. As a baby, when his mother advised to him to eat any fruit which is popular among scholars, there was a need to write it in the several regional
purple, he jumped towards the rising Sun God. Indra hit him with his Vajra to save the sun. languages. It was written in Hindi by Sage Thulasi Das, instead of adopting a
Hanuman fell down in a coma. Vayu his father took his child away and hid in a cave. Because scholar to do the translation. Sage Thulasi Das adopted the very popular
of this all beings on the Earth, who were depending on Vayu to breathe started dying. All the colloquial form of Hindi called Vraja Bhasha. Because of this, even the very
Gods entreated Lord Vayu, not to be angry and gave Baby Hanuman, several boons. Later in common man could understand it easily. Among the Hindi knowing Hindus, even
life Hanuman became a friend of Sugreeva, the younger brother of Vali. Vali started today, it is the number one book.
tormenting Sugreeva due to some misunderstanding. Because of this Sugreeva was forced to
hide in Rishya mooka mountains. Sri Rama and Lakshmana reached this mountain in search Saint Thulasi Das, who was a great admirer of Hanuman, also wrote these forty
of Sita who was stolen by Ravana. Hanuman met them and was instrumental in getting a verses praising Hanuman and called it Hanuman Chalisa. This is possibly the
treaty signed between Sri Rama and Sugreeva. Sri Rama killed Vali and made Sugreeva the most popular Hindu prayer written in Hindi even today. Its extreme simplicity
king of monkeys. Even at the first meeting Lord Hanuman became charmed by the makes it dear to every ones heart.
personality of Sri Rama and became his devotee. As per the treaty, he went in search of Sita,
to the south along with a big army of monkeys. He crossed the sea and brought back the news
of Sitas well being to Rama. Later before the war, he requested Rama to have a treaty with
Vibheeshana, the brother of Ravana. During the war between Rama and Ravana, Hanuman
played a very major role. When Indrajit, the son of Ravana, killed Lakshmana, Hanuman
brought the Sanjivini Mountain and saved Lakshmana.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r hanumn chalis

m - harih: - m

|| ||

|| ||

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r hanumn chalis

m - harih: - m



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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r hanumn chalis

m - harih: - m


|| ||

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r hanumn chalis

m - harih: - m

tulas dsans
r hanumn chalis
(40-verse prayer to Lord Hanuman)

English meaning courtesy of Sri P.R. Ramachander

r gurubhyo namah(a) harih(i) m

|| doh || || chaup ||
r-guru-charana sarja-raja jaya-hanumna nyna guna-sgara,
nija-mana mukuru sudhr, jaya-kapsha tih-lka uj-gara,
barana-raghu-bara bimala-jasu,
j-dyaku phala chr Victory to Hanuman, the sea of wisdom and character,
Victory to the lord of Monkeys,
Whose fame echoes in all the three worlds.
Having cleaned the mirror of my mind,
With the lotus like feet of my teacher,
I describe the unsullied fame of Lord Rama, rma-dta-atu-lita bala dhm,
Which would give me the four fold wealth. anjani-putra pavana-suta nm
You are the emissary of lord Rama,
buddhi-hna tanu-jnik, You are the storehouse of incomparable strength,
sumira pavana-kumr(a), You are the son of monkey called Anjani,
bala-buddhi-vidy dhu-moh, And you are also the son of God of wind.
harahu kalsh(a) bikr
mahvra vikrama-baja rang,
Though I am one without any brain,
kumati-nivra sumati-k sang,
I place in my mind, the son of wind,
And pray to him earnestly to give me,
You are the a great valorous hero who worships Rama,
Wisdom, knowledge and strength,
You cure bad characters and is the friend of those who do good,
And steal away from me all my miseries.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r hanumn chalis

m - harih: - m

kanchana-varana virja-suvsh, skshma-rpa-dhari siyahm-dikhv,

knanakundala kunchita ksh vikata-rpa-dhari lanka-jarv,

You are the of golden colour and dress yourself well, You took a micro form and saved Sita,
You wear golden ear rings and have curly hair. You took a fearful form and burnt Lanka.

htha vajra-au dhvajvirjai, bhma-rpa-dhari asura-samhr,

knth-mnjajan sjai, rma-chandra-k kja-samvr

You have a flag and thunderbolt in your hands, You took a big macro form for killing asuras,
You wear sacred thread made of Munja grass, And completed the task of Ramachandra,

sankara-suvana ksar nandana, lya-sanjvana lakhana-jyy,

tja-pratpa-mah jaga vandana r-raghuvra harashi-ura-ly,

You are the son of Lord Shiva as well as Kesari, You saved Lakshmanas life by Bringing Sanjeevini,
You with your glowing self are saluted by the entire world. And brought happiness to the hero of Raghu clan,

vidy-vnugun ati-chtura, raghupati-knh bahuta-bad,

rma-kja kariv-k tura, tuma-mama-priya baratah-sama-bh

You are the wise , good and very sharp witted, You were greatly praised by Lord Rama,
You are the anxious to do the work of Rama. And were told, you too are my brother like Bharatha.

prabhu-charitra suniv-k rasiy, sahasa-vadana-tumhar jasa-gv,

rma-lakhana st-mana basiy asa-kahi-rpati kantha-lagv,

You are ecstasic to hear the history of Rama, Embracing you, said Rama, the consort of Sita
In your mind resides Rama, Lakshmana and Sita. Even The thousand headed snake sang your praise.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r hanumn chalis

m - harih: - m

sanak-dika brahmdimuns, prabhu-mudrik ml-mukha-mh,

nrada-srada sahita-ahs jaladhi-lnghi-gay acha-raja-nh,
yama-kubra digaplajahm-t,
kabi-kvida-kahi sak-kahm-t, You crossed the ocean, holding the Lords ring,
In your mouth, and this is nothing surprising for you,
The sanaka sages, the Lord Brahma,
Sage Narada, Goddess Saraswathi, the Lord Shiva, durgama-kja jagata-k-jt,
The god of death, god of wealth, the guardians of directions, sugama-angraha tumhar-tt
And great poets tried to explain your glory adequately but failed.
You provide victory in difficult times
tuma-upakra sugr-vah-knh, To the people of the world and give your blessings
rma-milya rja-pada-dnh
rma-dur tuma-rakha-vr,
By making him meet Rama , hta-nagya binu-psar,
And getting him again the kingship,
You provided inestimable help to Sugreeva. You are the guard to the door to the mind of Rama,
And without your permission, none can enter there.
tumhar-mantra vibhshanamn,
lanksvara-bha saba-jaga-jn, saba-sukha-lahai tumhr-saran,
tuma-rach-chaka-kh-k dara-n
All the world knows ,
That Vibheeshana became king of Lanka, All pleasures start from you,
Because he obeyed your holy words. And when you give protection,
Why is there a need to fear any one,
yuga-sahasra-yo jana-para-bhn,
llyo-th-madhura phala-jn pana-tja-samhro p,
tno-lka hnka-t-kp,
Thinking that he is but a sweet fruit,
You swallowed Lord sun, You alone can control the burst of your energy,
Who is thousands of miles away. Seeing which all the three worlds shiver,

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For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r hanumn chalis

m - harih: - m

bhuta-pischa nikatu-nah-v, chr-yuga-pari tpa-tumhr,

mahvra-japa nma-sunv h-parasiddhi jagata-uji-yr,

Evil spirits and ghosts do not come near, In the four eons your name is famous,
When they hear the name of the great hero, Hanuman. And is famous all over the three worlds.

nshai-rgahare saba-pr, sdhu-santa-k tuma-rakha-vr,

japata-niran-tara hanumata-vr, asura-nikan-dana rma-dulr

Diseases and sufferings are destroyed, You protect the sages and devout,
When the Name of Hanuman is repeated always. You kill asuras as per wish of great Rama.

sankata-sm hanumna-chudv, ashta-siddhi-nau nidhi-k-dt,

mana-krama-vachana dhyna-j-lv asavara-dna jnaki-mt,
Hanuman will save you from sorrow, You were granted eight occult powers,
Who meditates on him with mind, action and words. And nine types of wealth,
By the boon of mother Sita,
saba-pararma-tapasv rj,
tina-k-kja-sakala-tuma sj, rma-rasyana tumhar-ps,
sad-rah raghupati-k-ds
You fulfilled all jobs of Rama,
Who fulfilled desires of all his devotees. You have with you the essence of Rama,
And would always remain his slave,
aura-manratha j-k lv,
sy-amita jvana-phala-pv
And any of those who bring their desires to you
Would get them fulfilled and get a better life.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r hanumn chalis

m - harih: - m

tumhar-bhajana rma-k-pv, j-sata-vra ptha-kara-k,

janama-janama-k dukha-bisarv, chtahi-bandi mah-sukha-h
jah-janma-hari bhakta-kahy He who reads this one hundred times,
Would be freed from shackles and get great pleasure.
By devotion to you, one gets Rama,
And get removed sorrows of several births, j-yaha-padai hanumna-chals,
And at death he goes to the place of Rama, hya-siddhi-skh gaursh,
And all his life would be pointed to as devotee of Vishnu.
Whoever reads this Hanuman forty,
aura-dvat chit-tana-dharay, Would get powers with Lord Shiva as witness.
hanumata-syi sarva-sukha-karay,
tulas-dsa-sad hari-cher,
He who does not think about gods other than him, kj-ntha hr(u)daya maha-dr
Would get all pleasures from Hanuman himself.
Thulasi dasan who is always a devotee of Hari,
sankata-kat mit-saba-pr, Requests Hari to reside in his mind always.
j-sumir hanumata-bala-vra
All sorrows vanish and all obstacles are finished,
For him who always remembers the very strong Hanuman.

jai-jai-jai hanumna-gs,
kr(u)p-karahu-guru dva-ki-n,
Victory, victory, victory to the saint Hanuman,
Oh great teacher please show mercy on us.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
r hanumn chalis

m - harih: - m

|| doh || r hanumn chalis references:

pavana-tanaya sankataharana,
"O Son of the Wind, Remover of crises;
Embodiment of all blessings and auspiciousness.
rma-lakhana stsahita,
Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam.
May you always reside in my heart together Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.
with Rama, Laksmana and Sita."

siya-vara-rmachandra ki jai,
"Glories to Sita Rama.

pavana-suta hanumna ki jai,

Glories to Lord Hanuman, son of the wind.

umpati mahdeva ki jai

Glory to Mahadeva (Siva), consort of Uma!"

Page 13 of 13

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
srmate nigamantamahadesikaya namah .
srman venkat.anatharyah . kavitarkikakesar
vedantacaryavaryo me sannidhattam . sada hr. di

mukkur srsrnivasa varadacarya kr

. tam
sr -as..talaks.mstotram

This document has been prepared by

Sunder Kidambi
with the blessings of

sr rangaramanujamahadesikan
His Holiness srmad an
.d. avan of srrangam

This was typeset using LATEX and the skt font.

srmate ramanujaya namah
sr -as..talaks.mstotram

sumanasavandita sundari madhavi

candra sahodari hemamaye
munigan . aman .d
. ita moks.apradayini . i vedanute 

pankajavasini devasupujita
sadgun .
. i santiyute
jayajaya he madhusudana kamini
adilaks.mi sada palaya mam 1    

ayi kalikalmas.anasini kamini

vaidikarupin . i vedamaye
ks.rasamudbhava mangalarupin .i

mantranivasini mantranute 

mangaladayini ambujavasini

devagan. asrita padayute
jayajaya he madhusudana kamini
dhanyalaks.mi sada palaya mam 2    

jayavaravarn . ini vais. n. avi bhargavi

mantrasvarupin . i mantramaye
suragan . apujita sghraphalaprada
jnanavikasini sastranute 

bhavabhayaharin . i papavimocani
sadhujanasrita padayute
jayajaya he madhusudana kamini
dhairyalaks.mi sada palaya mam 3    

jayajaya durgatinasini kamini

sarvaphalaprada sastramaye
rathagaja turagapadadi samavr . ta
parijanaman .d. ita lokanute 

harihara brahma supujita sevita

. i padayute
jayajaya he madhusudana kamini
gajalaks.mi rupen . a palaya mam 4    
sr -as..t alaks. mstotram

ayi khagavahini mohini cakrin .i

ragavivardhini jnanamaye
gun. agan. avaridhi
svarasapta bhus.ita gananute 

sakala surasura devamunsvara

manavavandita padayute
jayajaya he madhusudana kamini
santanalaks.mi tvam . palaya mam 5    

jaya kamalasani sadgatidayini

jnanavikasini ganamaye
anudinamarcita kunkumadhusara -
bhus.ita vasita vadyanute 

kanakadharastuti vaibhava vandita

sankara desika manya pade
jayajaya he madhusudana kamini
vijayalaks.mi sada palaya mam 6    

pran. ata suresvari bharati bhargavi

sokavinasini ratnamaye
man. imayabhus.ita karn .
santisamavr. ta hasyamukhe 

navanidhidayini kalimalaharin .i
kamita phalaprada hastayute
jayajaya he madhusudana kamini
vidyalaks.mi sada palaya mam 7    

dhimidhimi dhindhimi dhindhimi dhindhimi

dundubhi nada supurn . amaye
ghumaghuma ghunghuma ghunghuma ghunghuma
sankhaninada suvadyanute 

vedapuran. etihasa supujita

vaidikamarga pradarsayute
jayajaya he madhusudana kamini
dhanalaks.mi rupen . a palaya mam 8    

  iti sr -as. .t alaks.mstotram

. sam
. purn
. am 2 Sunder Kidambi

srmate nigamantamahadesikaya namah
srman venkat.anatharyah
. kavitarkikakesar
vedantacaryavaryo me sannidhattam . sada hr. di

srsankaracarya viracitam

This document has been prepared by

Sunder Kidambi
with the blessings of

sr rangaramanuja mahadesikan
His Holiness srmad an
.d. avan of srrangam

This was typeset using LATEX and the skt font.


angam . hareh . pulaka amasrayant

bhr. nganganeva mukulabharan . am
. tamalam 

. takhilavibhutirapangalla
mangalyada 0stu mama mangaladevatayah . 1    

mugdha muhurvidadhat vadane murareh .
prematrapapran . ihitani gatagatani 

mala dr
. sormadhukarva mahotpale ya
sa me sriyam. disatu sagarasam . bhavayah
. 2    

amlitaks.amadhigamya muda mukundam .


bhutyai bhavenmama bhujangasayanganayah
. 3    

bahvantare madhujitah . sritakaustubhe ya

haravalva harinlamay vibhati 

kamaprada bhagavato 0pi kataksamala

. .
kalyan. amavahatu me kamalalayayah
. 4    

kalambudali lalitorasi kait.abhareh


dharadhare sphurati ya tad. idanganeva 

matussamastajagatam . mahanyamurtih .
bhadran. i me disatu bhargavanandanayah
. 5    

praptam. padam . prathamatah. khalu yatprabhavat

mangalyabhaji madhumathini manmathena 

. ardham
mandalasam. ca makaralaya kanyakayah . 6    

visvamarendra .
anandaheturadhikam . muravidvis . o pi 

s.annis.datu mayi ks. an

. amks an
. . arddham
indvarodarasahodaramindirayah . 7    

is..ta visis..t amatayo 0pi yaya dayardra

dr. s..tya trivis..t apapadam . sulabham . labhante 

dr. s..tih
. prahr . s..takamalodara dptiris..t am.
pus..tim kr s
. . . .. s t a mama pus
. kara vis
. . arayah
t . 8    

dadyaddayanupavano dravin . ambudharam.

asminnakincanavihangasisau n
.. e 

dus. karmagharmamapanya ciraya duram .

. apran
. ayin nayanambuvahah . 9    

grdevateti garud . adhvajasundarti

sakambharti sasisekharavallabheti 

. s..t isthitipralaya kel is. u sam
. sthitayai

tasyai namastribhuvanaika gurostarun . yai 10    

srutyai namo 0stu subhakarmaphalaprasutyai

ratyai namo 0stu raman . ya gun
. arn
. avayai 

saktyai namo stu satapatraniketanayai
pus..tyai namo 0stu purus.ottama vallabhayai 11    

namo 0stu nalka nibhananayai

namo 0studugdhodadhi janmabhumyai 

namo 0stu somamr . ta sodarayai

namo stu narayan . a vallabhayai 12    

namo 0stu hemambujapt.hikayai

namo 0stu bhuman .d
. alanayikayai 

namo stu devadi dayaparayai
namo 0stu sarngayudha vallabhayai 13    

namo 0stu devyai bhr. gunandanayai

namo stu vis. n
. orurasi sthitayai 

namo stu laks. myai kamalalayayai
namo 0stu damodara vallabhayai 14    

namo 0stu kantyai ayai

namo stu bhutyai bhuvana prasutyai 

namo 0stu devadibhirarcitayai

namo 0stu nandatmaja vallabhayai 15 2 Sunder Kidambi


sampatkaran. i sakalendriyanandanani
samrajyadana vibhavani saroruhaks.i 

tvadvandanani duritaharan. odyatani

mameva mataranisam . kalayantu manye 16    

yatkat.aks.asamupasanavidhih .
sevakasya sakalarthasam . padah

. tanoti vacanangamanasaih .
tvam. murarihr
. dayesvarm
. bhaje 17    

sarasijanilaye sarojahaste
dhavalatamam . sukagandhamalya sobhe 

bhagavati harivallabhe manojne
tribhuvanabhutikari prasda mahyam 18    

digghastibhih . kanakakum . bhamukhavasr . s..t a

svarvahin vimalacarujalaplutangm 

pratarnamami jagatam . jananmases.a

. hin
. mamr . tabdhiputrm 19    

kamale kamalaks.avallabhe tvam .

karun. apuratarangitairapangaih. 

avalokaya mamakincananam .
prathamam . patramakr. trimam . dayayah
. 20    

stuvanti ye stutibhirambhiranvaham .
traymaym. tribhuvanamataram . ramam 

gun. adhika gurutara bhagya bhagino

bhavanti te bhuvi budhabhavitasayah
. 21    

  iti srkanakadharastotram samaptam 3 Sunder Kidambi

srmate nigamantamahadesikaya namah .
srman venkat.anatharyah . kavitarkikakesar
vedantacaryavaryo me sannidhattam . sada hr. di

sr indrakr
. tam

This document has been prepared by

Sunder Kidambi
with the blessings of
sr rangaramanuja mahadesikan
His Holiness srmad an
.d. avan of srrangam

This was typeset using LATEX and the skt font.


namaste 0stu mahamaye srpt.he surapujite 

sankhacakragadahaste mahalaks.mi namo 0stute 1    

namaste garud . arud

. he kolasurabhayankari 

sarvapapahare devi mahalaks.mi namo 0stute 2    

sarvajne sarvavarade sarvadus..tabhayankari 

sarvaduh . khahare devi mahalaks.mi namo stute 3    

siddhibuddhiprade devi bhuktimuktipradayini 

mantramurte sada devi mahalaks.mi namo 0stute 4    

adyantarahite devi adisaktimahesvari 

yogajne yogasambhute mahalaks.mi namo 0stute 5    

sthulasuks.mamaharaudre mahasaktimahodare 

mahapapahare devi mahalaks.mi namo 0stute 6    

padmasanasthite devi parabrahmasvarupin.i 

paramesi jaganmatarmahalaks.mi namo stute 7    

svetambaradhare devi nanalankarabhus.ite 

jagatsthite jaganmatarmahalaks.mi namo 0stute 8    

mahalaks.myas..t akastotram
. yah. pat.hed bhaktimannarah

sarvasiddhimavapnoti rajyam . prapnoti sarvada 9    

ekakale pat.hennityam . mahapapavinasanam 

. yah . pat.hennityam
. dhanadhanyasamanvitah
. 10    

. yah. pat.hennityam. mahasatruvinasanam 

mahalaks.mrbhavennityam . prasanna varada subha 11    

  iti srmahalaks. myas..t akam samaptam 1 Sunder Kidambi

pandit shardha ram phillauris
() m jai jagadsha hare (rathi)

pandit shardha ram phillauris

Dedicated with love to
m jai jagadsha hare (rathi) The Fragrant Divine Lotus Feet of my beloved SatGuru - Bhagavan Sri Skanda
All His Beloved Children of Light

Transliteration & Preparation by

Sri Skandas Warrior of Light

Page 1 of 12

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode (Home to the Warriors of Light Ushers of the new age of God)
Copyright, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
pandit shardha ram phillauris
() m jai jagadsha hare (rathi)


Guide to pronunciation . 3

Why do we do rathi? ... 4

m jai jagadsha hare (rathi) - Hindi lyrics .. 6

m jai jagadsha hare (rathi) - Tamil lyrics ..... 8

m jai jagadsha hare (rathi) - English lyrics .. 10

References .. 12

Page 2 of 12

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode (Home to the Warriors of Light Ushers of the new age of God)
Copyright, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
pandit shardha ram phillauris
() m jai jagadsha hare (rathi)

Guide to pronunciation h like h in hot

From Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. j like j in job
(Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. jh like dgeh in hedgehog
Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.) j like ng y in sing your
k like k in kite
This guide is based on American pronunciation of words, and is therefore not a perfect kh like ck h in black hat
representation of Sanskrit sounds. l like l in love
m like m in mother
Sanskrit Vowels like n in pinch
a like a in nap p like p in soap
like a in father ph like ph in up hill
like ay in may r rolled like a Spanish or Italian r
i like i in pin s like s in sun
like ee in sweet sometimes like s in sun, sometimes like sya sound
like o in rose t like rt in heart
u like u in put th like t h in fat hat
like oo in food v like v in love, sometimes like w in world
ha pronounce as a faint echoing of the previous vowel; e.g. ah: would y like y in yes
be pronounced aha; ih: would be pronounced ihi; uh: would be
pronounced uhu; etc. *t, th, d, dh, and n should be pronounced with the tongue placed against the
ai like ai in aisle protruding slightly beyond the upper teeth.
au like ow in cow

Sanskrit Consonants
b like b in bird
bh like b h in job hunt
ch like pinch
d like d in dove
dh like d h in good heart
g like good
gh like g h in log hut

Page 3 of 12

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode (Home to the Warriors of Light Ushers of the new age of God)
Copyright, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
pandit shardha ram phillauris
() m jai jagadsha hare (rathi)

Why do we do rathi? We have seen and participated in this ritual from our childhood. Let us find out why
we do the aarati?
By Swami Chinmayananda
Having worshipped the Lord of love - performing abhisheka, decorating the image
and offering fruits and delicacies, we see the beauty of the Lord in all His glory. Our
minds are focussed on each limb of the Lord as it is lit up by the lamp. It is akin to
silent open-eyed meditation on His beauty. The singing, clapping, ringing of the bell
etc. denote the joy and auspiciousness which accompanies the vision of the Lord.
Aarati is often performed with camphor. This holds a telling spiritual significance.
Camphor when lit, burns itself out completely without leaving a trace of it. It
represents our inherent tendencies (vaasanas). When lit by the fire of knowledge
which illumines the Lord (Truth), our vaasanas thereafter burn themselves out
completely, not leaving a trace of ego which creates in us a sense of individuality that
keeps us separate from the Lord. Also while camphor burns to reveal the glory of
Lord, it emits a pleasant perfume even while it sacrifices itself. In our spiritual
progress, even as we serve the guru and society, we should willingly sacrifice
ourselves and all we have, to spread the "perfume" of love to all. We often wait a long
while to see the illumined Lord but when the aarati is actually performed, our eyes
(Pictorial by M.B. Publishers, Chennai) close automatically as if to look within. This is to signify that each of us is a temple of
the Lord.
Towards the end of every ritualistic worship (pooja or bhajan) of the Lord or to welcome an Just as the priest reveals the form of the Lord clearly with the aarati flame, so too the
honoured guest or saint, we perform the aarathi. This is always accompanied by the ringing of the guru reveals to us the divinity within each of us with the help of the "flame" of
bell and sometimes by singing, playing of musical instruments and clapping. knowledge (or the light of spiritual knowledge). At the end of the aarati, we place our
hands over the flame and then touch our eyes and the top of the head. It means - may
It is one of the sixteen steps (shodasha upachaara) of the pooja ritual. Aarathi is referred to as the the light that illuminated the Lord light up my vision; may my vision be divine and
lighted lamp in the right hand, which we wave in a clockwise circling movement to light the entire my thoughts noble and beautiful.
form of the Lord. Each part is revealed individually and also the entire form of the Lord. As the
light is waved we either do mental or loud chanting of prayers or simply behold the beautiful form The philosophical meaning of aarati extends further. The sun, moon, stars, lightning
of the Lord, illumined by the lamp. At the end of the aarati we place our hands over the flame and and fire are the natural sources of light. The Lord is the source of these wonderous
then gently touch our eyes and the top of the head. phenomenon of the universe. It is due to Him alone that all else exist and shine. As we

Page 4 of 12

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode (Home to the Warriors of Light Ushers of the new age of God)
Copyright, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
pandit shardha ram phillauris
() m jai jagadsha hare (rathi)

light up the Lord with the flame of the aarati, we turn our attention to the very source of all light
which symbolises knowledge and life.

Also the sun is the presiding deity of the intellect, the moon, that of the mind, and fire, that of
speech. The Lord is the supreme consciousness that illuminates all of them. Without Him, the
intellect cannot think, nor can the mind feel nor the tongue speak. The Lord is beyond the mind,
intellect and speech. How can these finite equipment illuminate the Lord? Therefore, as we
perform the aarati we chant:

Na tatra suryo bhaati na chandra taarakam

Nemaa vidyuto bhaanti kutoyamagnib
Tameva bhaantam anubhaati sarvam
Tasya bhasa sarvam idam vibhaati

He is there where the sun does not shine,

Nor the moon, stars and lightning.
then what to talk of this small flame (in my hand),
Everything (in the universe) shines only after the Lord,
And by His light alone are we all illumined.

Page 5 of 12

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode (Home to the Warriors of Light Ushers of the new age of God)
Copyright, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
pandit shardha ram phillauris
() m jai jagadsha hare (rathi)

[m jai jagadsha har is a Hindu bhajan (devotional song) composed sometime around ,
1870s by Pandit Shardha Ram Phillauri in Punjab, India , it is now sung around the world
by Hindus of all backgrounds. Even though it is in Hindi, it is universally used by Hindus speaking

any of the numerous Indian languages, or belonging to any one of many sects. It may have been
inspired by Dashavatara ( ) section of Gita Govinda of Jayadeva, a lyrical ,
composition of 12th century, which has the same refrain: ,

The prayer is sung by the entire congregation at the time of aarathi, worship of the deity using a ,
festival lamp.]

English Transliteration & Meaning ( .

, ,


Page 6 of 12

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode (Home to the Warriors of Light Ushers of the new age of God)
Copyright, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
pandit shardha ram phillauris
() m jai jagadsha hare (rathi)

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Page 7 of 12

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode (Home to the Warriors of Light Ushers of the new age of God)
Copyright, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
pandit shardha ram phillauris
() m jai jagadsha hare (rathi)



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Page 8 of 12

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode (Home to the Warriors of Light Ushers of the new age of God)
Copyright, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
pandit shardha ram phillauris
() m jai jagadsha hare (rathi)

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Page 9 of 12

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode (Home to the Warriors of Light Ushers of the new age of God)
Copyright, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
pandit shardha ram phillauris
() m jai jagadsha hare (rathi)

pandit shardha ram phillauris

m jai jagadsha har (rathi)
m jai jagadsha har | swm jaya jagadsha har tuma-p-rana para-mtm | tuma antaraym (swm 2x)
bhakta jank sankata | dsa jank sankata pra brahma paramshwara | pra brahma paramshwara
kshana-mai(n) dra kar | m jai jagadsha har (2x) tuma saba-k swm | m jai jagadsha har

Oh Lord of the whole Universe | Mighty Lord of the whole Universe You are the ancient great soul, | You are the indweller (Lord, you are the indweller)
The agonies of devotees | The sorrows of devotees Perfect, Absolute, Supreme God | Perfect, Absolute, Supreme God
In an instant, you make these go away | Oh Lord of the whole Universe You are the Lord of everything and everyone,| Oh Lord of the whole Universe

j dhyv pala pv | dukha-bina-s mana-k (swm 2x) tuma karunk sgara | tuma p-lana-karat (swm 2x)
sukha sampathi ghara v | sukha sampathi ghara v mai(n)-m-rakha kala-km | mai(n)-s-vaka tuma swm
kashta mit tana-k | m jai jagadsha har krip kar bharat | m jai jagadsha har
He who's immersed in devotion | With a mind without sadness (Lord, with a mind without sadness)
You are an ocean of mercy | You are the protector (Lord, you are the protector)
Joy, prosperity enter the home | Joy, prosperity enter the home
I am a simpleton with wrong wishes, | I am a servant and you are the Lord
A body free of problems | Oh Lord of the whole Universe
Oh Lord, Grant me your divine grace | Oh Lord of the Universe

mta pit tuma mr | sharana kahm-[mai(n)] kisak (swm 2x) tuma h ka agchara | saba-k prnapati (swm 2x)
tuma bina aurana dj | tuma bina (prabhu) aurana dj (k) kisa-vidhi mln day-maya | kisa-vidhi miln day (krup)-maya
s karn-[mai(n)]-jisak | m jai jagadsha har tuma-k mai(n) kumat | m jai jagadsha har

You are my Mother and Father | I am anyone's refuge of wheat (Lord, the refuge of wheat for You are the one unseen | Of all living beings (The Lord of all living beings)
anyone) Grant me a glimpse | Grant me a glimpse
Without you, there is no other | Without you, there is no other Guide me along the path to thee, | Oh Lord of the Universe
For whom I would wish | Oh Lord of the whole Universe

Page 10 of 12

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode (Home to the Warriors of Light Ushers of the new age of God)
Copyright, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
pandit shardha ram phillauris
() m jai jagadsha hare (rathi)

dna bandhu dukha harat | tuma thkra (rak-shaka) mr (swm 2x) m jai jagadsha har | swm jaya jagadsha har
apan htha-uth | apan sharana badh (htha-uth) bhakta jank sankata | dsa jank sankata
dwra pad-[main]-tr | m jai jagadsha har kshana-m(n) dra kar | m jai jagadsha har (2x)

Friend of the helpless and feeble | Benevolent saviour of all (Lord, benevolent saviour of all) Oh Lord of the whole Universe | Mighty Lord of the whole Universe
Lift up your hand | Offer me thy refuge The agonies of devotees | The sorrows of devotees
At thy feet | Oh Lord of the Universe In an instant, you make these go away | Oh Lord of the whole Universe

visha-yavi-kra mitv | ppa har dv (swm 2x)

shradh bakthi badv | shradh bakthi (prma) badv
santhana-k sv | m jai jagadsha har

Removing earthly desires | Defeating sin, Supreme Soul, (Lord, defeating sin)
With all my faith and devotion | Oh Lord, with all my faith and devotion
In Eternal Service Unto Thee, | Oh Mighty Lord of the whole Universe

tana-mana-dhana saba-tr | sabha khucha hai tr (swm 2x)

tr tr (tjak) arpana | tr tr (tjak) arpana
ky-l-g mr | m jai jagadsha har

Glory to the Lord of the Universe.

Body, mind, and all wealth are yours.
Everything is yours.
What is mine when all that is Yours is surrendered to You?

Page 11 of 12

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode (Home to the Warriors of Light Ushers of the new age of God)
Copyright, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
pandit shardha ram phillauris
() m jai jagadsha hare (rathi)

m jai jagadsha har (rathi) references:


Balu, Meekakshi. Shashthee (Subrahmanya) Vrata Pooja.
Chennai: M.B. Publishers, 2005.
Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam.
Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.

Page 12 of 12

Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skandas Warrior of Light - with love - for: Bhagavan Sri Skandas Divine Online Abode (Home to the Warriors of Light Ushers of the new age of God)
Copyright, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.

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