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Astrological Report for:

Whoopi Goldberg
November 13, 1955
12:48 PM
New York, New York


Solar Return calculated for:

November 12, 2005
3:50:28 PM
New York, New York


Crystal Inphinity
8677 Villa La Jolla Drive, #1202
La Jolla, California 92037
***** INTRODUCTION *****

The Solar Return is a chart calculated for the time that the Sun arrives at the exact position of
the Sun in your natal chart. That happens once every year around your birthday, but at a different
time each year. This chart is calculated for the time of the Sun's return this year and marks the
principal events for the year from birthday to birthday. This report also gives the location of your
Solar Return. From this, it can be determined that some places are more favorable than others.
With the aid of more than one report you could analyze the changes that are produced in the Solar
Return Reports, choosing from different locations where you would want to spend the day.

This report essentially is divided into two parts. The first part analyzes the general external
conditions of the year: opportunities and problems that could occur in different areas. For the
benefit of students of astrology, the influence of the Ascendant and Midheaven of the return are
described as well as that of the Sun and Moon.

The second part analyzes the twelve astrological houses, marking specifically in what area of
your life the various astral influences will be manifested, emphasizing your probable responses
and inner changes. This section analyzes the position of the solar houses on the natal houses, the
planetary conjunctions, and the location of the planets in the houses. You will be given a
description of the most important matters derived from the placement of the planets in the houses,
which are outlined in the text for each of them.

In some cases you will find contradictions. A planet may be beneficial in a certain area, while
others may indicate the opposite situation. This means that you could have two types of possible
situations during the year. For example: a lover's quarrel and a following reconciliation. To get
the most out of this report, it will be necessary to use your own logic and intuition, fitting the
descriptions outlined here to your own particular case.

The objective of this report is to offer you a practical guide that helps you to analyze this
year's prospects and to learn from them using your free will.
*** Astrological Data of Birth ***

The birth chart is a map of the positions of the planets at the time and place of birth. For the
benefit of students of astrology, these positions and other technical information is listed below:

Sun 20 Sco 34 Neptune 28 Lib 48

Moon 12 Sco 06 Pluto 28 Leo 32
Mercury 8 Sco 35 Asc. 19 Aqu 15
Venus 9 Sag 33 MC 6 Sag 54
Mars 20 Lib 06 2nd cusp 7 Ari 20
Jupiter 29 Leo 40 3rd cusp 12 Tau 05
Saturn 23 Sco 25 5th cusp 27 Gem 57
Uranus 2 Leo 19 6th cusp 19 Can 53

Tropical Placidus Standard Time observed

November 13, 1955 12:48 PM
GMT: 17:48:00 Time Zone: 5 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth place: 40 N 42 51 74 W 00 23

Astrological Data of Solar Return:

Sun 20 Sco 34 Neptune 14 Aqu 54

Moon 10 Ari 12 Pluto 23 Sag 06
Mercury 10 Sag 48 Asc. 4 Tau 24
Venus 7 Cap 15 MC 19 Cap 07
Mars 13 Tau 07 2nd cusp 5 Gem 38
Jupiter 3 Sco 50 3rd cusp 28 Gem 09
Saturn 11 Leo 14 5th cusp 13 Leo 11
Uranus 6 Pis 51 6th cusp 16 Vir 34

November 12, 2005 GMT: 20:50:28

New York, New York 40 N 42 51 74 W 00 23

Aspects and orbs:

Conjunction : 7 Deg. 00 Min
Opposition : 6 Deg. 00 Min
Square : 6 Deg. 00 Min
Trine : 6 Deg. 00 Min
Sextile : 5 Deg. 00 Min
Semisextile : 2 Deg. 00 Min
Semisquare : 2 Deg. 00 Min
Sesquiquadrate: 2 Deg. 00 Min
Quincunx : 3 Deg. 00 Min
***** FIRST PART *****

Chapter 1:
General characteristics of the year. The external conditions.

Solar Return Ascendant Taurus :

Material matters will be very important to you this year. This is a favorable period for
increasing your financial position. You may start looking for new ways to increase your income
and, if other indications are favorable, you will find the means to do so.

You could find yourself being more realistic and stubborn than usual. You will be more
tenacious and persevering in pursuing your dreams. It is important, however, to not be so
obstinate and unwilling to compromise that you cause undue tension and resentment in others.
You may find yourself having the desire to acquire beautiful or expensive things to a greater
degree than you are used to.

This year will bring you in contact with practical people with whom you could possibly form a
productive business arrangement. But you should be cautious about moving too fast in these
ventures as you might find that the results do not meet your expectations.

If you have artistic inclinations, it will be a positive year for expanding your creative talents.
This influence may attract you to begin to study such fields as art, interior decorating and design,
or crafts such as pottery, which could ultimately result in material profit.

Physically, Taurus rules the throat, the neck, the vocal cords and the thyroid glands. You will
be more inclined than usual to have sore throats, colds, or laryngitis. You may be more tempted
than usual to over-indulge in rich foods which could cause you to gain unwanted weight. You will
find yourself having the desire for comfort and ease rather than wanting to get involved in sports
or physical exercise.

During this period you will find yourself wanting more stability in your life. Emotionally you
could experience contradictory feelings. You will find yourself encountering Scorpio types of
people who could have a strong influence on you. Be careful not to get involved in scenarios
which create tension, jealousy or possessiveness in you or those you are dealing with. You should
select your friends carefully and try to keep cool and calm when a difficult situation presents

Solar Return MC Capricorn:

This is a very good year for competing in the work place and achieving your objectives. You
will be very determined and will show much insistence in sharing your ideas with others. You
will feel very ambitious and sure of yourself in your work, and you won't be given to fears or
insecurity. However, take care not to move too quickly or hastily because that could bring some
opposition from the others you work with.

If you are involved in science, administration, mathematics, or some sort of business

enterprise, you will be very successful. You could be offered a position of more authority in your
work, one that would give you the opportunity to direct and organize others, thereby leading to a
promotion and/or raise. Although everything seems to indicate progress in the business world,
you could also be drawn to pursue spiritual studies, making your personal growth more complete.
In selecting your goals it will be important to distinguish between principal and secondary
ones, and choose them accordingly. Organization and constant work are the key words for
becoming successful this year. On the other hand, you may be challenged with problems that
need to be resolved, opponents who present a challenge to you, or disagreements with bosses or
people who are in authority, which could hinder your growth. You are being tested this year to
find your courage and trust in yourself. Don't give way to doubts or fears, but be firm and act on
your own ideas. Your success this year will be thanks to your perseverance and hard work and not
due to luck.

On the home front, you will find those around you acting in a caring way giving you the
emotional support you need. It is important that you don't sacrifice your personal life and loved
ones for your ambitions and material matters. Be generous with your love and you will receive
the answers and help you need from the people around you. It would be a good time to beautify
your home, making necessary repairs and proceeding with improvements you previously may
have planned.
Chapter 2: Astrological influence of your personality.

Sun in 7th house:

Under this solar influence you will seek balance in your emotional life. If you don't have a
partner, chances are that you will look for one. Possibly family members or a close friend might
introduce you to someone. If you are already committed, this influence could bring you closer
and you will spend the majority of your time this year with him or her. If you have plans for
marriage, it would be an ideal year to tie the knot. You will be more influenced by others and will
listen to and adopt their ideas with greater interest. It's important to select people who are
compatible with your interests, because this is a year of sharing for you. Surrounding yourself
with positive, interesting people will bring better results.

This year also favors team work and political or social activity. You could find yourself in the
public eye in some way. It would also be a good year for settling legal claims.

The most favorable period will be halfway through this year (from birthday to birthday), at
which time you will be most receptive to this energy and better able to profit by it. You will ask
for and receive help from people in the position to give you positive assistance.

Sun square Neptune:

Your idealism will be accentuated during this time and could cause you to be deceived by
people in certain situations. Try to be realistic and keep your feet on the ground. There is a
tendency to exaggerate reality and to develop insecurities or groundless fears. Under this
influence, you are also inclined to daydream and to be careless with money and other things of
value, which could expose you to robberies and other losses. You could find yourself in a state of
confusion and uncertainty. This could affect your social or romantic relationships, bringing
disillusionment, but also could very easily make you the victim. Don't avoid your responsibilities
and become aware of your own errors.

Your level of energy will be low, and you could tire easily. Select your efforts and demands
properly. Don't start projects or tasks that from the beginning seem impossible or very difficult to
complete. You may have unusual or very strong reactions to medications, so don't hesitate to
consult your physician as soon as it appears that the medication is not working properly for you,
or the negative side effects are too great. When possible, use treatments that are very safe and free
of side effects, such as homeopathic remedies, for problems with your health.

The most adverse effect this influence could produce is becoming rather noncommittal in
dealing with people or issues. You could shy away from problems and confrontations, which
sometimes could complicate matters. This same noncommittal tendency could generate bad habits
or an increase in your consumption of cigarettes, alcohol or drugs if you are accustomed to using
them. You must keep these habits under control and resist the desire to escape or run away. One
solution could be to strengthen your spirituality, providing you don't carry it to extremes and
become a religious fanatic.
Sun sextile MC:

You will have a year of great progress and professional success. Your trust, enthusiasm, and
the ability to channel your energies correctly will bring transformation and general improvement.
There could be an increase in your income, and you also could resume an prior interest in some
promising business opportunity. Your future goals will be very clear to you, and you will work
efficiently to attain them. You will feel the satisfaction and pride of having done things well.

You won't find it necessary to rely on anybody. You could become centered, sure of yourself,
and enthusiastic, thereby capturing the attention of others and making you their leader. You will
know how to earn the respect of others. During all this time you will be a very responsible worker
and at the same time will maintain a healthy social life without neglecting your own purposes.

Your creative capacity will increase as well as your ability to coordinate your efforts with that
of others. Regardless of how much opposition you may receive, the final success will be yours.
You will know how to choose people around you who are able to give you support. In your
personal arena, your relationship with your father, or with someone who represents a father figure
for you, will be a point of important support for the achievement of your goals.

Sun semisquare Venus:

You may encounter, and have to deal with, some unresolved romantic problems from the past.
Stay calm and develop a positive attitude toward your partner, as well as your social life in
general. The irritations and displeasures caused by others could be the reflection of your own
inner uneasiness. This aspect generates a desire for comfort and pleasure, which could lead to
disruptions in your routine, followed by a possible loss of income. Do your best to control these
yearnings and search for a creative solution for your inner dissatisfaction.
Chapter 3: The emotional world.

Solar Return Moon in Aries :

Your emotions will be intense and strong. You will show great enthusiasm and vitality and a
considerable increase of your own self-esteem. On the other hand, you could also become more
anxious and impatient than usual and express your feelings too strongly which could offend some
people. Try to be more considerate and harmonious or you could have problems with the public in

Under this influence, you will be acting with a certain lack of finesse, which could at times
cause problems with others, especially women. The relationship with your mother, or with other
women in the family, could become complicated with arguments and disagreements. You will be
too frank and direct in your speech, which could easily hurt other people's feelings. On the
positive side, this influence could cause you to be more protective in defending your loved ones.
If you could manage to be a little more sensitive during this year, you could accomplish a great
deal more. Either way, you will be acting from your emotions and feelings.

You also will have an inner desire for adventure, challenge or risk taking. You will have more
courage and won't be afraid to face adversities. However, it's important not to go to extremes. Use
caution and don't expose yourself to danger. Use this positive energy for your own progress and
personal growth.

Any physical activity will be good for the discharge of negative emotions. Think before you
act and don't let impatience and aggressive feelings dominate you.

Solar Return Moon in 12th house:

You will feel a great desire to isolate yourself from the external world and enjoy periods of
solitude. Your feelings will probably be very profound, but you will be less likely to let others see
them. This will not be a favorable year for social activities, as you could experience hostility or
opposition from others, especially women. Watch out for secret enemies during this time that may
be plotting against you. There may also be karmic debts that you need to settle now. It is
important that you not succumb to negative emotions or allow yourself to have feelings of
bitterness or vengeance.

This influence brings a tendency to become entangled in a complicated romantic situation, or

to get involved in questionable relationships. If you do, you will have to suffer the consequences.
Be more discerning in establishing more advantageous alliances that will be of benefit to you.
Your powers of perception will increase and you could have some supernatural experiences.

Moon square Venus:

You will have a strong desire for pleasure and harmony this year, but will not always be able to
achieve it. The search for enjoyment could cause a degree of emotional and financial imbalance
for you. Control your spending; otherwise, you will acquire unnecessary debts. There is a
tendency to act on a whim without thinking first during this time.
You could become more protective than usual toward your loved ones, which could lead to
your attempting to control their actions or to become too possessive. Watch out for a tendency
toward uncalled-for jealousy and control.
You could also become attached to certain emotions, memories, or relationships from your
past that could cause a problem in your present relationships. Your emotions will be intense but
not very stable this year which could lead to difficulties and undesired changes in these current
associations. If you don't have a steady partner, you will probably seek out more than one new
relationship this year, none of which will be serious or on solid ground.

You should select your friendships carefully. Otherwise, you will be subject to gossip or public
scandal because of the places or people you associate with.

Moon trine Mercury:

Your emotions and your rational mind will be in balance. Your thinking will be influenced by
your emotions, but at the same time, you will have the ability to make logical conclusions. Your
mind will be very keen and alert. Therefore, any type of study or language learning would be
very favorable. You will also be able to listen to the problems of others with sensitivity and
understanding and be willing to offer them very valuable help.

If you have any interest in writing professionally, you will find this to be a good year for it. Or,
if you are not a writer, you will at least be able to keep your personal and business
correspondence up to date. Communication in general will be favored and you will be able to
speak your mind easily.

This influence increases your romantic inclinations and would be a good time to tell your
partner and other loved ones in your home how much you care for them.

This astrological aspect is extremely favorable for business relationships. You could sign very
lucrative contracts or gain benefit from some type of investment or new business. It also could
indicate frequent travel.

On the other hand, you could become interested in exploring your roots, searching for
information about your family tree or stories about your family history. Communication with your
mother or with women in general will be very positive.

Moon trine Saturn:

This will be a year of great emotional stability. You will be able to see things from a more
realistic and objective view, which will allow you to make the right decisions. You will have more
patience, perseverance, and personal security.

You will probably become more emotionally reserved, not being so willing to share your
feelings with others. You will prefer moments of intimacy in personal as well as romantic
relationships. You could also be very attracted to the past, your origin, and your traditions.

In regard to your home life, there will be order and respect between all members. The climate
will be one of seriousness and accomplishment. You will be inclined to consult older people or
those who you think have wisdom and experience in the areas of your problems or doubts. You
will feel more secure being surrounded by things or situations that you are used to rather than
those that are new and strange. There is the possibility of investing in some real estate.
Moon sextile Neptune:

You will find your imagination becoming stronger during this time. If your profession involves
artistic or creative activity, you will have a year of success and profit. Your sensitivity and your
degree of perception will also increase. You will become more intuitive and may have
premonitions about the future which will turn out to be right. You should follow the dictates of
your inner voice.

You will show an agreeable and caring attitude toward others. It will be relatively easy for you
to put yourself in the place of another person and understand their problems, which will result in
your becoming more cooperative and sensitive to others. The sensitivity will also extend to your
home environment, where you will find that your spiritual ties will strengthen, especially with
your mother or other women who are close to you. You will feel the desire to help others,
especially those who are more unfortunate than you, and you will be more selfless during this

On the other hand, you could be more receptive and more easily influenced than at other times
in your life, and it will be important that you surround yourself with positive people. Your
emotions will be more intense, and you will be more spiritually oriented. You will search for a
closer contact with your divine inner self. You will find that you can benefit greatly through the
practice of prayer or meditation.

Your imagination and your pleasures will be more refined. You will feel more romantic and
loving, which will lead to relationships which will be based on your ideals and dreams. You will
seek out more evolved, spiritual people to relate to during this time and will find more inner
peace. You will also be drawn to spend some time near water.
***** SECOND PART *****


HOUSE 1: Personality. Principal interest of the year.

Asc on 2nd natal house:

You will concentrate most of your attention on your financial affairs. One of your priorities
will be to increase your income and to improve the quality of your life. Unless there are other
adverse indications, you will have a very favorable year for business, buying and selling, and
investments in general. The degree of your success will depend entirely on your own effort. Your
security system will change. Guard against becoming too materialistic.

Mars in 1st house of Solar Return:

You will have a year of much activity. You will search for solutions to your problems in an
impulsive, quick, and energetic way and want to do instantly the things that need to be done. This
will increase your aggressiveness and your anxiety. You will be less patient with others and will
respond strongly to any imposition or interference. You will be more self-centered and self-
seeking, thereby making your personal relationships more difficult. You will be less willing to
yield your position, to change your mind, or to have concern for the wishes of others.

You will need to feel free and to be independent in order to be happy. As your willpower
increases, you will become more authoritarian and dominant with others. You will be attracted to
competition and challenges that will test your own strength.

You will be able to rely on great physical energy that will enable you to recover quickly from
any adversity or illness. However, due to your increased impatience, you will be more likely to
encounter dangerous situations and accidents than at other times. Be careful!

HOUSE 2: Financial situation.

Solar Return 2nd cusp Conjunct natal 4th cusp:

There is a possibility for earnings through real estate investments or other important business
investments during this period. The conditions of your work will probably change in some way or
an enterprise that you have started before may come to an end. You will receive family support in
issues regarding money. However, take care not to let financial problems disturb your home life.
HOUSE 3: The conscious mind. Study, communication, and short trips.

Solar Return 3rd house on natal 5th house:

You will take many short pleasure trips during this year. If you travel alone during this time,
you could meet and fall in love with someone or have other romantic adventures. You will be
communicating in a very warm and affectionate manner, which will increase the possibility of
attracting someone to you. You may also be the recipient of love letters or phone calls from
someone you care about.

In addition, your intellectual creativity will increase and you will have some very novel and
interesting ideas which you will want to share with others.

HOUSE 4: The home.

Solar Return 4th cusp Conjunct natal 6th cusp:

Your major concern during this year probably will be the illness of a close relative. Domestic
problems will force you to give more of your time to your home but you will also feel you need
to work a little more. There is the possibility of working out of your home. It would be advisable
to watch your health, especially during the last months of this solar year.

Saturn in 4th house of Solar Return:

You will confront problems or obstacles within your home, especially with older people.
Commitments and responsibilities at home could weigh you down and limit your freedom,
causing you to become frustrated and unsatisfied. You may have to return to your parents' home
to lend assistance, or you may receive a family member into your home who needs your help and
support. This period could bring about ties and responsibilities that will be difficult to cut off later

During this year you will be concentrating on your security needs and building a financial base
for the future. However, any efforts you make to invest in real estate will be delayed or frustrated
at this time.

The most difficult period will be during the last months of this solar year.

HOUSE 5: Romance & amusement. Relationship with children.

Solar Return 5th house on 6th natal house:

Your health could be affected by too much pleasure seeking. On the romantic side, you could
meet and fall in love with someone who has some serious personality problems. You could also
get involved with someone in your work place. And you might decide to acquire a pet to keep you
HOUSE 6: Health and illness. Employment. Service.

Solar Return 6th house on 7th natal house:

Under this influence, you could have concerns over health problems of your spouse, partner,
or business associate which could put restrictions on your daily routine, perhaps altering it in
some way.

In your work place, there is a possibility of doing some special work with an associate or
partner. You should be careful with any legal proceedings or litigation you may be involved in, as
there is a propensity for you to make errors or omissions in them.

Jupiter in 6th house of Solar Return:

Your work situation will improve and will be more satisfying to you. Your relationships with
co-workers and bosses will be more harmonious and happy. You will enjoy your work and could
receive improved working conditions, a promotion, or a raise in pay.

Your health will be good and you will recover from any ailment that you have been suffering
from. However, there is a strong tendency toward excesses which could alter your balance. Watch
your diet, especially the quantity of food that you eat. Avoid fatty or fried food, and other food
that could have a bad effect on the liver. You should also avoid candy and sugar because you
could gain weight easily this year.

Solar Return Jupiter Conjunct natal Mercury:

You will look for contacts with certain people who will mentally stimulate you through the
knowledge or wisdom they share with you. In addition, their kindness and sympathy will make it
easier for you to communicate more effectively.

Solar Return Jupiter Conjunct natal Neptune:

You will be surrounded by people with whom you can share and develop your ideals and
spiritual beliefs. You will feel protected and safe to just let your imagination flow, to day dream,
and to increase your creativity.

HOUSE 7: Associations. Marriage and partnerships.

Solar Return 7th house on 8th natal house:

Any legal proceedings or litigation that you may have pending will come to an end. Unless
there are other planetary aspects against it, you will profit from the outcome. The buying or
selling of stocks and bonds also would be favorable as well as the acquiring of rental property.
There could be some danger or threats from declared enemies. The health of your spouse or
partner could suffer a setback.

Solar Return 7th cusp Conjunct natal Mercury:

You will be able to communicate more freely with your spouse or committed partner during
this year. You will express your ideas thoroughly and the mutual exchange will be mentally
stimulating. Your curiosity will increase and you will be interested in knowing more about a
certain person. On the other hand, you could begin to develop plans for short trips with this
person or you may become very restless, preferring to do things jointly with others rather than

Solar Return 7th cusp Conjunct natal Neptune:

You could begin looking at your spouse or committed partner in a more idealistic way. There
will be an element of illusion and fantasy in your relationship and you will not be as objective as
before. In the long run, it is possible that you will be disappointed when they don't meet your
expectations of them and you will become disillusioned. Be cautious and realistic in dealing with
your loved ones in order to avoid being hurt.

HOUSE 8: Life and death issues, inheritances, and mysteries.

Solar Return 8th cusp Conjunct natal 10th cusp:

You could find yourself ending some part of your professional responsibilities and taking on
new ones. At first, you will not quite understand what is happening and could become confused
and concerned. You should be aware of your new needs and allow things to proceed freely and
naturally without being afraid. You could receive financial aid from a partner or a lending

Solar Return 8th cusp Conjunct natal Venus:

Your power of attraction will increase, bringing a tendency to have passionate love affairs. In
your personal life, you could experience some sort of transformation. On the other hand, your
desire to excessively pursue the pleasures of life could affect your health. Be sure to control your
consumption of candy and sugar and get plenty of exercise.

Mercury in 8th house of Solar Return:

Your thinking will become more profound and you will gain more understanding about
yourself. You will be inclined to get involved in important conversations with people who can
help you explore the most significant aspects of your existence: questions about life and death,
and other mysteries.

On the other hand, you could have difficulties in negotiations regarding financial investments
or property that you own jointly with another person. There could be papers to sign concerning
legacies, inheritances, judgments, or separation agreements which you may be involved in. This
is an important year to address any legal issues in order to prevent future problems.
Solar Return Mercury Conjunct natal Venus:

You will enjoy the exchange of ideas and opinions with other people. You will be looking for
contact with intellectual people or those who stimulate your mind, which will help you to enlarge
your social circle and also to develop your artistic abilities.

In addition, you could be very much attracted to an interesting, intelligent person and might
even fall in love.

Pluto in 8th house of Solar Return:

Some of your old life patterns will come to an end this year and you will experience a
transformation and significant changes in your current situation. Deep repressed emotions and
impulses will be coming to the surface of your consciousness to be looked at and worked with.
You will be dealing with profound, important subjects, such as life and death, or other mysteries
of life. Your sexual urges will be stronger than usual.

On the material side, there could be changes due to situations beyond your control. Your
financial situation could change suddenly, for better or for worse, especially if you have joint
resources with other people. It would not be a good time to apply for credit or to take on any new

Under this astrological influence, you could be the recipient of some type of inheritance or
legacy which will change your financial situation.

HOUSE 9: Religion and spirituality. Long-distance travel.

Solar Return 9th house on 11th natal house:

You will seriously think about your projects and goals for the future. Your spiritual and
religious beliefs will inspire you and influence your social life. You will probably come in contact
with religious or spiritual people with whom you will exchange your ideas and beliefs. These
people could very well become close friends of yours.

Venus in 9th house of Solar Return:

This is a good year to take a trip to a foreign country. You will have a good time and will
establish new relationships with people from other cultures. You will be attracted to unusual or
different people with whom you have not previously had any contact and who represent a culture
or a different way of thinking than you are used to.

You could make this trip with a loved one, or you may meet someone during your travels. In
either case, your consciousness will expand through this experience. You will learn new things
from this other person that will open you up and expand your thinking. You could benefit
especially from some involvement in the arts and things of beauty.
You will be at peace spiritually and will feel harmony within that will bring you great

HOUSE 10: Your profession, success, and status.

Solar Return MC Conjunct natal 12th cusp:

You will have a year of testing in your profession. You may have to confront such things as
libel suits, scandal, or the envy of those you work with. You will find it difficult to maintain your
current position. You won't be satisfied with the way things are going, and it will be important
that you maintain a positive attitude in spite of any obstacles. Errors and mistakes made in the
past will be the principal cause of the difficulties encountered during this year. You should
confront them and correct them if possible.

There is also the possibility for getting into some kind of occupation related to hospitals, jails,
or other reclusive institutions.

HOUSE 11: Friendships and social life.

Solar Return llth house on 12th natal house:

You probably will experience some problems in your on-going friendships. This influence
could bring opposition from or arguments with friends that will turn friendship into enmity.

In addition, the achievement of your hopes and dreams for this year could be frustrated or
defeated. There could be feelings of anxiety or upsetting accidents or surprises that will hinder
your progress.

Uranus in 11th house of Solar Return:

You will feel attracted to forming new friendships this year. You will want to learn about
different life styles and new and revolutionary ideas. Your desire to participate in group activities
will increase, especially if they are discussing or studying new, unconventional topics. You will
also be thinking of participating in social or philanthropic activities which aid others who are in
need. However, you won't necessarily be willing to accept the rules or conduct that these groups
will want you to follow.

You may become dissatisfied with your usual friendships, especially with friends who are very
conservative, but will be easily attracted to those new relationships that stimulate your intellect.
Your desire for novelty and newness could lead you into new, spontaneous activities and
relationships. However, it is important to be flexible and understanding of old friends who don't
understand your new position.

Your goals, dreams and expectations will undergo change this year so be prepared for it!
Neptune in 11th house of Solar Return:

You will tend to idealize your friends more than usual and could expose yourself to deception
or disloyalty. Be aware and conscious of the type of people you associate with during this year in
order to avoid being hurt.

You will search for the company of more spiritual and mystical people and may be inspired to
participate in some group that studies subjects such as this. You might also enjoy the company of
people who are involved in the arts, particularly music. Due to your increased sensitivity, you will
become very susceptible to the comments or reactions of others, and could therefore be easily
hurt or deceived. This could cause you to prefer to remain alone at times instead of being with

Your hopes and wishes for the future may not be as realistic or grounded in possibility as they
should be. Think hard before pursuing these goals and take care to be as precise and concrete as

HOUSE 12: Limitations, enmities and hidden things.

Solar Return 12th house on 1st natal house:

You will find that you want to isolate yourself to some extent from others, and you could fall
into states of melancholy or depression. You should become aware of your negative thoughts and
reactions so that you can keep them from complicating your life. You may feel unhappy and
dissatisfied with your situation. However, you should confront these feelings and search for
creative solutions to your problems. The difficulties you will be having will stem from errors or
mistakes made in the past.

This astrological influence is very favorable for the study of metaphysics and the laws of

Astrological Report for:

Whoopi Goldberg
November 13, 1955
12:48 PM
New York, New York


Solar Return calculated for:

November 12, 2006
9:43:57 PM
New York, New York


Crystal Inphinity
8677 Villa La Jolla Drive, #1202
La Jolla, California 92037
***** INTRODUCTION *****

The Solar Return is a chart calculated for the time that the Sun arrives at the exact position of
the Sun in your natal chart. That happens once every year around your birthday, but at a different
time each year. This chart is calculated for the time of the Sun's return this year and marks the
principal events for the year from birthday to birthday. This report also gives the location of your
Solar Return. From this, it can be determined that some places are more favorable than others.
With the aid of more than one report you could analyze the changes that are produced in the Solar
Return Reports, choosing from different locations where you would want to spend the day.

This report essentially is divided into two parts. The first part analyzes the general external
conditions of the year: opportunities and problems that could occur in different areas. For the
benefit of students of astrology, the influence of the Ascendant and Midheaven of the return are
described as well as that of the Sun and Moon.

The second part analyzes the twelve astrological houses, marking specifically in what area of
your life the various astral influences will be manifested, emphasizing your probable responses
and inner changes. This section analyzes the position of the solar houses on the natal houses, the
planetary conjunctions, and the location of the planets in the houses. You will be given a
description of the most important matters derived from the placement of the planets in the houses,
which are outlined in the text for each of them.

In some cases you will find contradictions. A planet may be beneficial in a certain area, while
others may indicate the opposite situation. This means that you could have two types of possible
situations during the year. For example: a lover's quarrel and a following reconciliation. To get
the most out of this report, it will be necessary to use your own logic and intuition, fitting the
descriptions outlined here to your own particular case.

The objective of this report is to offer you a practical guide that helps you to analyze this
year's prospects and to learn from them using your free will.
*** Astrological Data of Birth ***

The birth chart is a map of the positions of the planets at the time and place of birth. For the
benefit of students of astrology, these positions and other technical information is listed below:

Sun 20 Sco 34 Neptune 28 Lib 48

Moon 12 Sco 06 Pluto 28 Leo 32
Mercury 8 Sco 35 Asc. 19 Aqu 15
Venus 9 Sag 33 MC 6 Sag 54
Mars 20 Lib 06 2nd cusp 7 Ari 20
Jupiter 29 Leo 40 3rd cusp 12 Tau 05
Saturn 23 Sco 25 5th cusp 27 Gem 57
Uranus 2 Leo 19 6th cusp 19 Can 53

Tropical Placidus Standard Time observed

November 13, 1955 12:48 PM
GMT: 17:48:00 Time Zone: 5 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth place: 40 N 42 51 74 W 00 23

Astrological Data of Solar Return:

Sun 20 Sco 34 Neptune 17 Aqu 06

Moon 24 Leo 43 Pluto 25 Sag 17
Mercury 11 Sco 22 Asc. 4 Leo 11
Venus 24 Sco 42 MC 20 Ari 38
Mars 13 Sco 55 2nd cusp 24 Leo 36
Jupiter 27 Sco 32 3rd cusp 19 Vir 25
Saturn 24 Leo 35 5th cusp 27 Sco 17
Uranus 10 Pis 50 6th cusp 3 Cap 20

November 12, 2006 GMT: 02:43:57

New York, New York 40 N 42 51 74 W 00 23

Aspects and orbs:

Conjunction : 7 Deg. 00 Min
Opposition : 6 Deg. 00 Min
Square : 6 Deg. 00 Min
Trine : 6 Deg. 00 Min
Sextile : 5 Deg. 00 Min
Semisextile : 2 Deg. 00 Min
Semisquare : 2 Deg. 00 Min
Sesquiquadrate: 2 Deg. 00 Min
Quincunx : 3 Deg. 00 Min
***** FIRST PART *****

Chapter 1:
General characteristics of the year. The external conditions.

Solar Return Ascendant Leo :

This year you will be inclined to express yourself in a more intense and dramatic way. Your
authority will increase and you will try to impose your opinions on others and dominate each
situation. There is a tendency to call attention to yourself and to exaggerate everything. In no way
will you be unnoticed during this period and you will continually search for the approval of the
public. Increased energy will impel you to undertake new activities or to work intensely on your
projects, which could lead you to the brink of exhaustion. In general, this will be a happy time
and you will be in good humor, providing that no one opposes you; otherwise, you may respond
in an impatient and sometimes aggressive manner. If by nature you are a timid person, this year
will show a great change in your personality and you will fight, more than usual, to attain the
place in life that you think you should have. But if you already are a person of strong character,
you should remind yourself of this extra forcefulness you feel and avoid falling into situations
where your pride and selfishness can get you into trouble.

Your creativity will be notable and it could manifest at all levels. If you have artistic abilities,
this is the year to dedicate your time to them, since you will feel a great personal satisfaction in
developing your talents. Your personal magnetism is also accentuated during this period, bringing
love affairs, conquests and adventures. No doubt you will participate in numerous parties and
amusements in general. You also could be attracted to games of chance and can expect a certain
amount of luck. There is a possibility of receiving income from some speculative business too,
where a certain degree of risk is involved. You will have high physical energy and will enjoy the
practice of any sport.

Some people in your environment may feel the effect of your somewhat domineering approach
but will not try to inhibit you. This year you will want to start many new projects. You will
probably make them public before your next birthday. To avoid tension, you should try not to
insist on having your own way with projects and endeavors that you are not directly involved in.

It will be a year of great activity. It is important that you maintain a good balance and that you
alternate your activities with periods of rest. You run the risk of over-extending your efforts and
arriving at a point of exhaustion. If you have any problems with your heart, you should be
especially careful this year. However, in general, a serious illness is not likely due to your strong
vitality, fortified by the Sun.

You will be guided more by your feelings than by reason during this time and therefore your
romantic encounters are inclined to be less conventional or less durable. If you are in a
committed relationship, it would be advisable not to try to dominate your partner as you will
probably come on a little too strong. And this could cause a problem in the relationship. If you
are single, you will encounter new situations, but they may not be long-lasting.

This is not a good year to resolve unsettled issues from the past or to try to get approval from
the public as you may have in previous times as you will tend to be more demanding and
revolutionary than normal and may alienate others by your forcefulness.
Solar Return MC Aries:

This year you will be concerned with new ambitions and new enterprises. You will want to be
very busy and want to get involved in something new. This year is a year when you will want to
be the in first place. Professionally, there is a possibility of attaining a position of authority, and
you will find it easy to express your ideas in your work place. However, you also can expect
some disagreements or tension on the job. You will need to show more than average patience and
understanding with your co-workers and associates.

If you are thinking of changing your occupation and beginning something new, this could be
the year! You may acquire a position as supervisor where you would be in charge and responsible
for the employees under you.

You will search for security and stability for yourself and any others for which you are
responsible financially. However, you will also will be very eager to take action. It won't be easy
to find the balance between satisfying your own desires and fulfilling the obligations you have.

You may become interested in making some changes in your home environment. As you get
more active in your work, you will look for peace and balance at home. You could get the urge to
do some decorating around your home. You will find your home more enjoyable now. It could be
a place of harmony in comparison to everything else. Any conflicts or difficulty in your home can
be resolved more successfully. You will want to entertain more than usual, and will enjoy relaxing
with friends and acquaintances.
Chapter 2: Astrological influence of your personality.

Sun in 4th house:

This solar influence increases your sensitivity so that your emotions will play a very important
part in your decisions. If you don't act more logically and less emotionally, you could have
problems in practical decision making.

Your family and the ties that you still maintain with them will be emphasized. You will receive
much cooperation and support from one of your parents or from both of them. However, you also
could feel tied to, and obligated to keep up, certain traditions, customs or family responsibilities
that hinder your freedom of action. If the relationship with your family is good, then you won't
feel any burden or undue opposition. But if there are some existing problems, it will be the focus
of your attention during this year. Search for creative solutions and don't let them manipulate you
emotionally. Your loved ones could take advantage of you materially as well as emotionally.

The idea of putting down roots and settling in one place could also develop during this period.
Making investments, buying real estate, or making improvements in your home would all be
favorable now.

It should be mentioned that success comes during the last three months of this solar year, and
that time should prove to be extremely favorable and positive for you.

Sun conjunction Venus:

You will be very sensitive and sociable during this period. Your circle of friends will increase,
and you will be much more concerned with enjoying pleasant activities in your daily life. You
also will be more concerned with making personal improvements, especially in your looks. You
may find yourself getting more interested than normal in acquiring luxuries and bringing comfort
into your life, so be careful about overspending. It also increases your personal magnetism,
causing others to take special interest in you. You will have opportunities for romantic
relationships. One person (or several!) may court you intensely. You will receive innumerable
invitations, and the choice of accepting will be yours. This will not be a year of solitude. If you
already have someone in your life, your relationship will be harmonious and you will share many
pleasant moments. This will be a pleasant year and you will have a good time in spite of any
problems that you may have. You will be more agreeable, happy, and creative. If you have artistic
inclinations, you will produce a lot during this year. Your need to express yourself will be very
strong. This influence will manifest with intensity in the area influenced by the Sun during this
year (outlined in the previous paragraph).

Sun conjunction Mars:

This is an excellent year to begin new projects, especially those that involve dynamic activity
or some risk. You will feel full of vitality and vigor to confront life. You won't enjoy sitting down
too much or spending time in one room for a prolonged period and will resist maintaining a daily
routine. You will need to find an outlet for your increased dynamic energy. One possibility would
be participating in some sport or some work that requires physical effort.
But this influence could also cause you to be more aggressive,, impulsive, and impatient. You
will be prone to overreact to the smallest things. It would be wise to be more aware than usual to
how you act in situations which trigger off your negative side. This behavior could effect your
social relationships and bring about conflicts with people who don't agree with your way of
thinking. Your confidence will be strong and you will defend your ideas with great vigor. Try to
maintain a certain amount of flexibility. You will be inclined to express yourself most
aggressively in the house that is occupied by the Sun this year (described in the previous

There also is danger of accidents, falls, blows, burns and cuts. This is due to your inclination
to take chances and to act hastily or impulsively.

Sun conjunction Jupiter:

This influence is extremely beneficial and the promise of a happy year and increased growth.
Your attitude toward life will be very positive and at the same time a touch of luck will be with
you to help you resolve your problems. You will have a smile on your face and will be
surrounded by happy and positive people. Your good humor will be contagious and will create
enthusiasm in the people around you.

But you also will feel a great desire for expansion and growth in your life in general. You will
be concerned with improving your status in life and your income, increasing your knowledge and
enlarging your social world. This expansion and growth will manifest the strongest in the house
influenced by the Sun during this year (outlined in the previous paragraph). If you have some
legal case pending, it should be resolved very favorably at this time. Justice will be on your side.

It is possible that you may develop a more philosophical sense of life and may become
interested in studying certain new subjects. You could also have an urge to take some trips during
this year.

A warning: this influence of expansion could also affect your physical body, bringing a
tendency to gain weight. Be sure to maintain a proper diet.

Sun square Moon:

This influence could bring tension in your home which will disturb your tranquility during this
period. Don't get too emotional about the problems you have, and try to analyze them more
rationally. You could experience disagreements or tension in the relationship with your mother or
other female relatives, and you may not always get your family's approval for what you do or say.
You also could have some problems with your health because of your need for emotional balance.
Watch out for nervous tension and eat a healthy diet.

You could feel weaker and less effective than usual, and you may find yourself at odds with
relatives who are difficult to get along with at this time. You could lose patience with people and
if your work exposes you to the public, you should be careful to avoid unnecessary disagreements
and misunderstandings, especially with women who won't tend to approve of your ideas. You
will probably be dissatisfied with your daily routine and may even have the desire to change
your residence.
Sun square Saturn:

During this year you could experience obstacles that will be difficult to overcome. The duties
and responsibilities of your daily life will seem to choke you. On the other hand, you won't be so
willing to gratify your every wish. You will be inclined to take things too seriously and to limit
yourself unduly. Try to keep your good humor in spite of the problems you may have and
maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

You will find that other people will interfere in your life and those in authority over you will
be difficult. The relationship with your father, or with some paternal figure in your life, could be
very disturbing during this time. You could feel isolated and alone, generating inner feelings of
bitterness and frustration. The opposition of others won't be easy to deal with and will require
much patience and perseverance on your part.

During this period your physical energy will diminish and you will discover your own
weaknesses and faults. It is important to become aware of them and work on overcoming them.
Don't expect immediate results from your efforts because under this influence success in any
enterprise is delayed, sometimes for a long period of time. Feelings of frustration could
discourage you and lead you to abandon your objectives. Your consistency and perseverance is
being tested.

Sun square Neptune:

Your idealism will be accentuated during this time and could cause you to be deceived by
people in certain situations. Try to be realistic and keep your feet on the ground. There is a
tendency to exaggerate reality and to develop insecurities or groundless fears. Under this
influence, you are also inclined to daydream and to be careless with money and other things of
value, which could expose you to robberies and other losses. You could find yourself in a state of
confusion and uncertainty. This could affect your social or romantic relationships, bringing
disillusionment, but also could very easily make you the victim. Don't avoid your responsibilities
and become aware of your own errors.

Your level of energy will be low, and you could tire easily. Select your efforts and demands
properly. Don't start projects or tasks that from the beginning seem impossible or very difficult to
complete. You may have unusual or very strong reactions to medications, so don't hesitate to
consult your physician as soon as it appears that the medication is not working properly for you,
or the negative side effects are too great. When possible, use treatments that are very safe and free
of side effects, such as homeopathic remedies, for problems with your health.

The most adverse effect this influence could produce is becoming rather noncommittal in
dealing with people or issues. You could shy away from problems and confrontations, which
sometimes could complicate matters. This same noncommittal tendency could generate bad habits
or an increase in your consumption of cigarettes, alcohol or drugs if you are accustomed to using
them. You must keep these habits under control and resist the desire to escape or run away. One
solution could be to strengthen your spirituality, providing you don't carry it to extremes and
become a religious fanatic.
Sun quincunx MC:

You will feel some dissatisfaction with your job and start looking for something else. You
could experience opposition from others or problems that keep you from realizing your principal
goals during this year. Direct your energies appropriately so that you don't drive yourself to
physical exhaustion. Don't expect much approval from others now and don't just assume that
everything will go the way you want it to.

It is important be realistic, practical, and persevering in order to achieve your goals. You
should not try to go it alone or to be too inflexible. If you succeed in coordinating your efforts
with others, you will have success this year.
Chapter 3: The emotional world.

Solar Return Moon in Leo :

Your emotions will be intense and spontaneous and you won't restrain yourself from
expressing them. This will be a year of pleasure, and you will enjoy each place and each moment.
Your disposition will be happy and enthusiastic. However, you could also be more self-willed.
You will impress others with your confident attitude and trust in yourself that you will transmit to
others. You could develop a greater sense of fairness and will become very protective of your
loved ones during this time. You will also show a great aptitude for organizing and directing

You probably will receive more support from women in general, although there also could be
strong disagreements and arguments because each party will have firm opinions and a tendency to
be inflexible.

Your creativity will be excellent and if you have artistic inclinations, you will create and
produce a lot during this year. Because of your emotional intensity, your work as well as your
personal expression, will have a dramatic character. You will be thinking big and will have a
tendency to exaggerate. If you let this get out of hand, you could become involved in a scandal. If
by nature you are a more retiring person, you will be more uninhibited during this time and will
surprise the people around you.

Your personal magnetism will also increase which could lead to romantic and sexual
encounters. You will search for the admiration and the approval of others, which could result in
jealousy in a committed partner. You will be very selective in the friends you spend time with
and will not be easily satisfied with people who come into your life.

Your increased self-respect could bring you many benefits during this time, providing you don't
neglect your goals.

Solar Return Moon in 2nd house:

Your financial situation will fluctuate a lot during this year. Your income could increase
considerably, but at the same time, you may spend more than you earn. It is important to exercise
control and learn to manage your finances better in order to avoid the possibility of loss of
income or overspending.

There is a possibility that you will earn money through work that is related to the public. You
could also benefit financially through your work with women.

You should be careful not to become too emotionally invested in the state of your finances.

Moon conjunction Saturn:

You will tend to hide your emotions and will probably have an increasing desire to be alone
and spend more time in isolation. You could have frequent moments of depression and
pessimism. You will look at the world around you in a more serious way. It will be important to
maintain as positive an attitude as you can and not give way to the negative feelings.
Domestic problems will seem too heavy for you to deal with. You will tend to be very
discouraged and not know what to do about it. Don't expect too much help or approval from
anyone in your home. You will feel that you are not receiving support from anyone, whether or
not this is actually true.

The truth is that you may be more emotionally detached than usual and may react to imagined
slights or insults. You could also have undefined, unexplained feelings of guilt or dissatisfaction.
Your past can haunt you now and any previous, unresolved romantic involvement can seem even
more serious than it is. This will stand in the way of your moving ahead in your life. You should
confront the parts of your yourself that need healing at this time and concentrate handling your
emotions in a positive way.

Moon square Venus:

You will have a strong desire for pleasure and harmony this year, but will not always be able to
achieve it. The search for enjoyment could cause a degree of emotional and financial imbalance
for you. Control your spending; otherwise, you will acquire unnecessary debts. There is a
tendency to act on a whim without thinking first during this time.

You could become more protective than usual toward your loved ones, which could lead to
your attempting to control their actions or to become too possessive. Watch out for a tendency
toward uncalled-for jealousy and control.

You could also become attached to certain emotions, memories, or relationships from your
past that could cause a problem in your present relationships. Your emotions will be intense but
not very stable this year which could lead to difficulties and undesired changes in these current
associations. If you don't have a steady partner, you will probably seek out more than one new
relationship this year, none of which will be serious or on solid ground.

You should select your friendships carefully. Otherwise, you will be subject to gossip or public
scandal because of the places or people you associate with.

Moon square Jupiter:

You will want to indulge in excesses and extravagant behavior this year. You could be more
than usually generous and kind with others, but you will need to be noticed and appreciated for it.
This could cause problems. Your judgment won't always be good, and you will have many
moments of indecision and doubt concerning your actions.

You will be less conscientious in handling liabilities and debts and may be careless and
forgetful in paying your bills or fulfilling contractual obligations. You may look to others close to
you to protect you and help you out of any difficulty. You might also be attracted to games of
chance or speculative business opportunities. It is important for you to be fiscally responsible at
this time because, if you don't control your tendency to be too casual with money matters, you
could experience financial failure or even scandal. Don't neglect any legal obligations at this time.
This astrological aspect could bring loss through judgments or litigation, including an unfortunate
divorce decree.

Your negligence could also apply to your physical body. Be careful about what you eat and
get plenty of exercise. If you don't, you could gain unwanted weight. In general, you will tend to
feel happy and carefree and will probably select those kinds of people as friends and companions.
Moon trine Pluto:

Your emotions will be very intense but, at the same time, very stimulating and rich. You will
see everything and everyone around you to be more profound and powerful than usual, which will
lead you to search for relationships that are not superficial, but allow you to express your more
intimate emotions. During this time childhood memories or traumas will emerge from your
consciousness that will let you see, with much more clarity, the motive for your current reactions.
You will discover your true self which will give you more trust, clarity, and the capability to
confront your life in general.

It is important that you don't repress your emotions this year, but express them freely. It also
will be important that you control obsessive and stubborn behavior. Romance and your sex-life
could become very enriched. If you are in a committed relationship, you should be feeling
confident and on solid ground with your partner, but be careful not to become too bossy or

You could experience some changes in your home or family life that will be very beneficial.
The relationship with your mother, or other women in your life, will be very profound, intense,
and more spiritual.

This will be a year of renewal and emotional freeing up. Encounters with your past and your
own history will allow you to get to know yourself better, and if you don't resist these new
feelings, you will have a very positive year.

Moon trine MC:

You will have a very favorable year for your personal enterprises and your work in general.
You will be able to rely on the support of the public, especially that of women. Changes in your
professional activity will bring you in more favorable contact with others, achieving an increase
of your popularity and of your success. In return, this will be reflected in your financial income
and also in your creativity.

Your emotions will be in tune with your intentions and you will concentrate your energy in one
direction. Your dreams and imagination will give you new ideas to improve your work. You will
be able to rely on the support of your loved ones, particularly your mother and other women, for
the achievement of your objectives.

Solar Return Moon Conjunct natal Jupiter:

You will vastly enjoy your relationship with people, particularly with women. Your optimism,
generosity, and happy mood will increase, which will permit you to expand your social life.
Family relationships also will be very favorable, especially the relationship with your mother.

In a man's chart, this influence will bring great enjoyment in the company of your spouse or
your friends. You will become very protective and generous with them.

In the chart of a woman, it marks great satisfaction and brings the desire to expand your
personal possibilities. It will be a very beneficial year of good fortune and growth.
Solar Return Moon Conjunct natal Pluto:

Your relationship with the public, particularly with women, will arouse powerful feelings in
you which will cause you to change and transform in some way. You could react to the emotional
demonstrations of other people in a somewhat violent and uncontrolled way. In addition, your
relationship with your family, especially with your mother, could provoke increased tension in

In a man's chart, this influence could cause you to have strong and uncontrolled reactions
toward women, stemming from your subconscious. There is a tendency to want to manipulate and
dominate them.

In the chart of a woman, it marks a great inner transformation, in which you develop stronger
and more aggressive personality traits during this year.
***** SECOND PART *****


HOUSE 1: Personality. Principal interest of the year.

Asc on 6th natal house:

There will be a tendency toward exhaustion and fatigue, and you will need to keep up your
vitality. You should not neglect your diet during this time so as not to bring on any kind of illness.
Maintain your positive attitude and avoid any tendency toward becoming a hypochondriac.

Your concern about work and your activities related to service will increase.

Solar Return Asc Conjunct natal Uranus:

Your more revolutionary ideas will surface and you will want to change the world around you.
You won't want to have anything to do with tradition or with anything that limits your personal
freedom. You will show your most rebellious side and you will want to make big changes in your
current situation in order to improve your standard of living. Your creativity will increase. During
this period you will want to really be your true self, and you won't tolerate any type of repression
of your ideas or actions. Your desire for freedom could cause you to break off relationships that
you believe are tying you down or suffocating you. It is important to search for creative ways to
express yourself that will meet your changing needs and desires.

Saturn in 1st house of Solar Return:

This will be a year of personal maturation. You will find yourself forced to confront problems
and obstacles that will require you to be more realistic and practical in resolving them. You might
not experience these challenges as being pleasant or easy, but they will be necessary for your
growth. No matter what type of temperament you have, you will be more introspective and
introverted now. Any type of therapy that you have during this time will be very beneficial
because it will help you to understand your inner self better.

You will have some new responsibilities and liabilities that will limit your personal freedom.
You may find yourself being tested to the limit as these experiences could be difficult and
distressing for you. You must work on overcoming any feelings of fear, pessimism, or depression.
If you don't deal with these fears, you will encounter similar issues in the future which might be
even more difficult to resolve.

Physically, your energy level will probably be low, so it will be necessary to maintain a diet
that provides the nutrition your body needs, especially calcium.

Solar Return Saturn Conjunct natal Jupiter:

You will have less opportunity to enjoy and share life with others this year due to your heavy
daily duties and responsibilities. You won't have a very positive response from others to your
attempts at humor and desire to have a good time. You could have difficulties with people who
are very serious, orderly, or authoritative.
Solar Return Saturn Conjunct natal Pluto:

Because of the burden of responsibilities of your daily life, you will have a strong inner desire
to make changes and transform your life. You will respond in an aggressive or violent way to the
limitations that are imposed on you by more structured, rigid people. Your desire for change
could be frustrated by their indifference or lack of cooperation.

HOUSE 2: Financial situation.

Solar Return 2nd house on 7th natal house:

Your financial gain will be in some way connected or dependent on some business associate or
business contract or on your spouse or committed partner. You will feel more confident and safe
working on a project with someone close to you whom you can trust. You will receive the
financial support you need. However, you should be careful when signing any contract or written
agreement. There is a possibility of getting involved in some type of litigation or legal

Solar Return 2nd cusp Conjunct natal Jupiter:

You will enjoy spending money this year and will have a great desire to increase your financial
situation. You could easily spend more than you can afford. You will be much more generous than
you usually are and will be confident that money will come to you with little effort on your part.
Clearly, there is a real danger of your becoming irresponsible in the handling of your funds during
this time.

Solar Return 2nd cusp Conjunct natal Pluto:

Financial worries will bring repressed or hidden emotions and fears to the surface of your
consciousness. You will believe that things are more serious and catastrophic than they really are.
You should avoid making sudden or final decisions. You will be looking for ways to make
profound changes in your material situation.

HOUSE 3: The conscious mind. Study, communication, and short trips.

Solar Return 3rd house on natal 7th house:

You will travel with your spouse or with a committed partner during this time. If you aren't
involved with anyone, you could possibly meet someone during one of these short trips. And this
could turn out to be the beginning of an important future relationship. This astrological influence
indicates the possibility of signing some important papers or the commencement of an important
business or personal relationship.
HOUSE 4: The home.

Solar Return 4th house on 8th natal house:

There is a possibility of receiving goods or property through inheritance. Your security will be
increased due to the collaboration of your family or your committed partner. But there also is
danger of wasting goods or money that is received without much effort on your part.

Solar Return 4th cusp Conjunct natal Mars:

Problems at home could interfere with your business and cause you to become very irritable. It
will be advisable to be as patient as you can and to keep your negative feelings under control.
You will tend to act in a more abrupt and aggressive manner when dealing with your loved ones,
with little consideration for the feelings of others. You will tend to overreact to even the slightest
tension around you. It is important to find an outlet for your tension outside of the home during
this year in order to avoid major confrontations.

Mercury in 4th house of Solar Return:

This astrological position will generate changes in the home environment. You could very well
be wanting to move to another city or to a different location within your city.

You will concentrate your attention on your home and loved ones. The result of this could be
increased communication but it could also bring on arguments and disagreements. You should
control the desire to impose your own ideas on others, especially if you do it in an aggressive
manner. On the other hand, your home could become the center of social activity. You will invite
people who have similar interests to join you in exchanging ideas and belief systems. You also
may get interested in learning more about your roots and your family history. Delving into your
past could help you to resolve your present problems.

There also is the possibility that you may begin some type of work in your own home.

Solar Return Mercury Conjunct natal Moon:

The ideas and comments of others will affect your emotions and your sensitivity. Your mood
will change depending on the exchanges of ideas that you are involved in. You will have the
ability to read between the lines and will capture the true messages of each conversation. In
addition, the exchange of ideas with others will stimulate your imagination, inspiring you to
conceive new ideas and concepts.

Solar Return Mercury Conjunct natal Mercury:

Your intellectual capacity will increase during this year. You probably will associate with
people who have the same interests and will stimulate you to continue studying or to participate
in intellectual groups. It will be easy for you to learn and also to relate your knowledge during
this period. It will be important not to spend all the time talking about your projects without
giving anyone else the opportunity to share.

Venus in 4th house of Solar Return:

You will be thinking about beautifying your home, redecorating, buying new furniture or other
things that increase your comfort and provide a harmonious environment. However, it would be
wise to be practical and not spend too much on luxuries or unnecessary objects.

This astrological influence promises happiness in your home and improved relationships with
family and loved ones. You will enjoy each other's company. You will probably be in the mood to
have some social affairs in your own home.

The last three months of this solar year will be very favorable and harmonious, especially
regarding your personal and home life.

Solar Return Venus Conjunct natal Sun:

You will have a strong magnetism and charm during this year and there is the possibility of a
romantic meeting with someone. The positive response and demonstrations of affection that you
will receive will make you feel very good about yourself. You will be an active participant in any
meetings you attend and if you have a position of leadership, you will be accepted and respected
by everyone.

Solar Return Venus Conjunct natal Saturn:

You could become quite indifferent toward demonstrations of love from other people and may
not be able to return love to a person who has fallen in love with you. The responsibilities and
duties of your professional life will cause you to neglect and ignore your social life. You will be
inclined to act in a serious and distant manner, which others may resent and complain about.

Mars in 4th house of Solar Return:

The climate in your home could be rather troubled with frequent disputes and disagreements
between those who you live with. You will be overly sensitive and very quick to anger over the
least little thing. You could act very inappropriately and compulsively during this time. It is
important to maintain an awareness of your acts and try to moderate your reactions.

There could be a lot of activity in your home with you working on repairs or things that need
to be completed. But you also may find opposition to your plans from others who share your
home, and at that time, you may wish that you lived alone. Living with parents would be
particularly difficult at this time.

There will be danger of fire in your home with this astrological influence. Be sure to increase
your protection to avoid problems of this type. The greatest possibility for this to occur will be the
last three months of this solar year.

Solar Return Mars Conjunct natal Sun:

You will react very strongly to any acts of aggression on the part of others. You will find
yourself getting involved in tense situations, especially when you are confronted with very
aggressive, domineering, or competitive people. However, your personal pride will be very strong
and you will be able to take care of yourself when you are attacked or criticized by others.

Solar Return Mars Conjunct natal Moon:

Your sensitivity may be hurt by aggressive or dominating people. When you are confronted by
this kind of person, you will react in an emotional manner. This kind of response on your part
could irritate another person who resents your not standing up to him or her.

Solar Return Mars Conjunct natal Mercury:

Disputes and arguments with other people will make it very difficult for you to concentrate
and think straight. You will respond in a very nervous manner when confronted by this kind of
behavior. On the other hand, you could be mentally stimulated by these encounters, causing you
to work faster and to think sharper and more quickly.

HOUSE 5: Romance & amusement. Relationship with children.

Solar Return 5th house on 9th natal house:

This year could bring the possibility of long distance travel, which will be very enjoyable for
you. You might meet someone during your travels and could have a very special romance with a
person from another culture. However, this love relationship could very well become more
platonic and idealistic rather than passionate.

In addition, your consciousness will be raised. You will be interested in understanding and
developing new ideas and concepts. This influence could result in your participating in some sort
of educational program in another country.

Solar Return 5th cusp Conjunct natal Sun:

The love you will receive now from others will increase your self-esteem and personal
security. You will share happy and fun times with your friends, and you will be the one who
decides where to go and what to do. Your creative ability will increase and you will feel very
enthusiastic about working on new projects for the future.

Solar Return 5th cusp Conjunct natal Saturn:

There will be a conflict between your happy fun-loving self and your responsible side. You
might feel a little guilty about allowing yourself to have a good time and neglecting your material
responsibilities. You could also be more reserved and less expressive with your affections, which
could have a negative effect on your socializing as you could appear cold and distant. You could
become very impatient with children and try to impose too much discipline on them.

Jupiter in 5th house of Solar Return:

During this year you will want to have a good time and enjoy life. If you are already involved
in a committed relationship, you will share happy moments together. If you are not, you could
meet a number of people who are very different from you or are from a different culture. There
will be a tendency toward excessive behavior, on your part, which could result in relationship
problems. Your search for pleasure also could lead you to games of chance or speculative
business deals. Try to curb your impulses so you don't run into debt or suffer unnecessary loss.
Your creativity also will increase considerably and your artistic gifts will surface. Any work
that you do during this year will be an unquestionable mark of your self-expression. If you are
involved in arts or crafts, you could earn a lot of money from them.

Your relationship with children will be especially pleasant, and if you have children of your
own, you will have a very happy year with them. In a woman, this astrological position marks an
increase of fertility and the possibility of conceiving a child.

Solar Return Jupiter Conjunct natal Sun:

You will be very pleased by the kind, pleasant, and helpful responses certain people will offer
you during this year. It will increase your personal pride and trust in yourself. On the other hand,
the way you project yourself will make a very good impression on others.

Solar Return Jupiter Conjunct natal Saturn:

It will be difficult for you to relax and enjoy yourself with others this year. Your serious
attitude toward responsibility and duty could throw a wet blanket on the activity of others.
Therefore, you will probably prefer to remain in isolation for periods of time. You will have the
support of positive-thinking friends who will encourage you in your moments of depression or
sadness, although you will undoubtedly have difficulty responding to their attempt to cheer you
up. It would be a good idea to try to be more flexible and enjoy the friendship and happy
moments that are presented to you.

Pluto in 5th house of Solar Return:

You will have strong passions during this year. If you already are in a relationship, it will
become more intense and you will find yourselves sharing profound emotions that will be
difficult to keep under control. If you aren't in a relationship at this time, you could begin a
relationship during this year that will produce a radical change in your life style. In either case,
your feelings will seem, at times, to be uncontrollable and overwhelming. Due to the strong
passion, there also could be scenes of jealousy and angry arguments. There could be frequent
disagreements because of the need of each of you to dominate and possess the other. Your sex life
will increase considerably under this influence.

On the other hand, investments in speculative businesses or risk ventures would not be

If you have children, your relationship with them will also be different and will produce
changes in you. Don't be too rigid or strict with them because that would only create more
HOUSE 6: Health and illness. Employment. Service.

Solar Return 6th house on 11th natal house:

Your health could be affected by your determination to pursue your goals and aspirations at the
expense of your physical body. It would be advisable to take this into consideration as you plan
your work schedule. This influence could also indicate concern over the health of a friend.

In the work arena, there is the possibility of beginning some activity with friends whom you
trust, or you may receive the support of friends which will improve your present conditions.

HOUSE 7: Associations. Marriage and partnerships.

Solar Return 7th house on 12th natal house:

This influence could bring complications in your personal life as well your professional life.
You could be the victim of intrigue or deception. Some friendships could come to an end.

On the romantic side, you could become involved in a forbidden or secret relationship.

Neptune in 7th house of Solar Return:

This year could bring deception and misunderstanding with a spouse or committed partner.
You will have difficulty facing situations realistically. Even if you have a secure relationship,
there is a risk of experiencing confusion or uncertainty or even dishonesty or infidelity on either
side. If you are not in a relationship at this time, you could begin one which would tend to be
more of platonic nature with little promise of being long lasting.

The same risk exists with business associations. These also could bring you problems, such as
betrayal, fraud, lies, or deception. Be careful not to idealize people too much. This influence also
could cause problems and misunderstandings in legal judgments or proceedings that you might be
involved in.

HOUSE 8: Life and death issues, inheritances, and mysteries.

Solar Return 8th house on 1st natal house:

You should be very careful with your health this year. Don't expose yourself unduly to
dangerous or risky situations as there is the possibility of having an accident during this year.

You could have some complications with your finances, especially in business deals or joint
investments with other people.
Uranus in 8th house of Solar Return:

You will be bringing up many things from your subconscious to be looked at and dealt which
could lead you to adopt a new attitude toward life. Your powers of perception will increase and
you will be interested in topics such as the paranormal or supernatural.

During this year, you could receive sudden or unexpected inheritances or legacies. There could
also be problems arising in any legal proceedings you are involved in. If you are going through a
divorce, watch out for unexpected financial loss or unpleasant surprises.

There is also the danger of accidents resulting from speed or electricity. Be cautious and avoid
driving too fast when you are feeling nervous or hurried.

HOUSE 9: Religion and spirituality. Long-distance travel.

Solar Return 9th house on 1st natal house:

You will be a more philosophical and profound thinker during this year. You will become
interested in learning and enlarging your knowledge of subjects such as religion, law, or
philosophy. You may have a desire to do some long-distance travel and learn about different

HOUSE 10: Your profession, success, and status.

Solar Return MC on 2nd natal house:

You will have the possibility of earning much more money through your profession or work.
In order to realize your goals and finish your projects, it will be important for you to handle your
finances correctly. This could be a very lucrative year and will reflect your own responsible
attitude toward your finances.

HOUSE 11: Friendships and social life.

Solar Return llth house on 3rd natal house:

You will have a better relationship with siblings, other relatives, and neighbors. You will be
more open and out-going and will strengthen your ties with them. Due to this changed attitude on
your part, you will be able to enjoy mutual service and assistance. You will be attracted to more
intellectual people and will be interested in taking short trips with your friends.

If you are involved in any kind of sports activities, there is the possibility of winning in
competitive games.
HOUSE 12: Limitations, enmities and hidden things.

Solar Return 12th house on 5th natal house:

You will have possibilities for secret or forbidden romances during this year. You may get
involved with someone who is married or in a committed relationship and will suffer the
aftermath of your actions. This influence could also bring about a meeting with someone with
whom you have a karmic debt or responsibility.

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