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Could you help me, please?

1. Intro warm-up situation


Antonio Cortez studies Business management at Caribbean University. Today, he

is looking for some information about his project in Merchandising.


At the library:

Good morning, Maam. May I

borrow a book in merchandising
Of course. I will need to check
your students card .Is it your first
time at this library?

Yes, Maam.

Could you please fill out this form?


At the bank:

Later at the bank, Antonio is making a deposit for paying a fee on two new subjects
he needs to study this semester:


Hello, Id like to make a deposit.

Can you give me the account
number, please?

Yes, Its 860804582

How much would you like to



Excuse me; you forgot to sign in

There you go. Thank you.

2. Answer the questions

Write the correct answer to the questions:

Questions Answers

a. What does Antonio Cortez study?

b. What is he looking for at the library?

c. Identify two polite expressions from
Antonio to the Librarian.
d. What is Antonio paying at the bank?

e. How much does he have to pay?

f. Identify two polite expressions from
the bank teller to Antonio?

3. Language structure

How to be polite in different environments

Academic enviroment

Could I borrow your pen?

Id like to congratulate you for your essays, they

are outstanding.
Would you mind to read something about my recent research?
It would be an honor to get your opinion.

Work environment

Please, sign in here.

Excuse me, maam.
Excuse me, sir.

Business environment

Introductions: formal situations

Mr. Cortez, May I present Mr. Alonso?

Ms. Brown, May i present Mr. Alonso?

Introductions: informal situations

Mr. Cortez, May I present Mr. Alonso, from accounting?

Mr.Cortez, Mr. Alonso.
How do you do?

Write the letter to the correct image:

Can I borrow the car tonight?

Im afraid I need it.
Will you drive me to the airport,
Of course, I will.

Would you mail these letters for me,

Im sorry, I cant. Im late.

May I use the phone?


Could you please get me a glass of

Listen and repeat

Could Example: Could you help me?

May May I use your dictionary?

Would / would like Would you like coffee?

Note: Could is more polite than Can, Would more than Will, and May more than


Simple formal invitations

Do you fancygoing to the cinema with me?
Are you up for a cholocate bar?

Ways to accept informal invitations

Id love one/Id love to.
That sounds lovely.

Checking someone is not busy

Are you free on friday?
Are you busy on friday?

Other expressions
Would you like to come to my office?
I wondered /I was wondering
If you like to come to my house.
Id like to book
Is it possible to book


When asking for permission

Please, Can I borrow your pen?
Can I please borrow your pen?
Can I borrow your pen, please.
When asking for permission

When you ask a permission, we used generally the word please, because it
sounds more polite.

It is not necessary to use grammatically please, but it can sound rude if we dont
use it. Please can be placed in different parts of the sentence, at the beginning,
at the end, or before the verb:

Please, Can I borrow your pen?

Can I please borrow your pen?
Can I borrow your pen, please?

One important way to show politeness is the voice tone and intonation, even if you
use the word Please, it may sound rude if your pronunciation is not the correct


Won't you sit down? To have respect for.

Could you sit down? To have no respect for.

Sit down, why don't you! Please, be kind.
Would you like to sit down? Well-mannered.
Please sit down. Gentle.
I'd like you to sit down. Rude.
Never mind. Perhap.
No way. I would prefer it if.
4. Exercising

Exercise 1

Write the correct letter to answer the question.

Example: 1. How are you? G

1. How are you?

A. Please, do! Youre welcome.

2. Could you tell me the way to the

train station?
B. If you want, I could lend you some

3. Would you mind opening the

C. Would you like a glass of fruit juice?

4. Do you mind if I sit here?

D. Pleased to meet you, Im John.

5. I have lost my purse with all my

E. Not at all! There is it!

6. Hello, Im Mary.
F. Go straight on, then turn left and
youll be there!
7. Im so thirsty!
G. Im fine, thanks!

Excercise 2

Write the correct answer to complete the sentence.

1. ______________________to come to my house to play games?

a) Do you like
b) Would you like
c) Will you like

2. _______________________a room.

a) I wish to make
b) I would like to reserve
c) I want to sleep

3. I have a terrible toothache; Id like to see the dentist _____________.

a) now
b) today, if possible
c) right away

4. Id like to book a _______________ please.

a) haircut
b) haircutter
c) haircuts

5. I'd like to book _____________ the plumber, please.

a) to appoint
b) with
c) an appointment with
6. Can he ____________ too?
a) comes
b) come
c) came

7. Could my brother __________ your car at the weekend?

a) borrowed
b) borrows
c) borrow

8. Which of these sentences has the word please in a correct place?

a) Could please I use your phone?

b) Could I please use your phone?
d) Could I use please your phone?

9. Do you fancy going to a concert this weekend?


a) Yes, Id love one!

b) Yes, Id love to!
c) Yes, I fancy!

10. Could you tell me the way to the bus stop?


a) Sure, take the second on the right.

b) Ok, its here.
c) No problem, here you have.

11. Would you ___________ a romantic dinner tonight?

a) that sounds lovely

b) ok, cool
c) like to have
5. Producing

In this space, you will answer the questions

by writing and recording your voice.

This activity is available at the button:

Activities / Learning Activity 1 / Evidence:
What do you say?

6. Test

In this space, you will present a test.

This test is available at the button: Activities /

Learning Activity 1 / Evidence: Test Could
you help me, please?
Document control

Name Charge Dependence Date

Centro de Comercio y
Andrs Rafael November
Author Experto temtico Servicios.
Flrez Salas 2013
Regional Atlntico

Andrs Felipe Guionista - Lnea Centro Agroindustrial. November

Velandia Espitia de produccin Regional Quindo 2013
Rachman Guionista - Lnea Centro Agroindustrial. November
Bustillo Martnez de produccin Regional Quindo 2013

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