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oj tLe = WEP uv] Protect Constanja ByPasa| _ivraane TRE Nes nl DBF At vid Bann tame 20, | er. ; a. it + ASTALDI Herb CONSTRUCCION sa00s72 720130 Punet de uc: Ovi, ud, Constanta - Roma 1400372871 965, offce@constanabypassro 4402124044 32 Sea contra Str. Paul Greceanu ne. 24, op 4, Bucweyt~-020107-Roménla eee To: HILL INTERNATIONAL- WsP Consortium 17-19 Dr. Felix Street, 3" floor, sector 1, Bucharest Faxno: — 021,319.52.68 ATIN, Mr. Michael Beere - Resident Project Manager Ces RINCMANR/ CNLAD.NR, 38Dinicu Golescu Street, sector 1, Bucharest 021.312.09.84 Mrs. Dorina TIRON - General Director Mr. Alin CAMPEANU - Deputy General Director Mr, Liviu GHEORGHE - Project Deputy Director Mrs. Adelina TOCULET - Project Manager Constanta, 15 July 2010 Project: DESIGN & BUILD OF CONSTANTA BYPASS - EBRD loan n, 33391, Subject: Permeability Comparison Test Reference: _JP/£/2666 Attachments: 4 folder Dear Sir, Following the previous request we hereby submit the permeability comparison test report between the Crushed stone and Ballas. Please notice the water flow in the sample prepared with crushed stone with a debit with 0.0134 I/s and in the ballast sample with a debit of 0.000547 i/s ‘The samples were compared for the same thickness and there were both with a 100% compaction degree. As the debit of the water crossing the crushed stone layer is around 25 times bigger than the debit of water Crossing the ballast layer, we can easy conclude that the Crushed stone layer Is much more permeable than the ballast, BURL ¢ RIL wn (1 | BEBE BS ee EBS ere e F 7 HBr CONSTRUCCION ASTALDIE Tel: +400341 480 745 Punct de cru: Sota 77, parcela 426/6, oc. Ovidiu, Jud. Constanta - Romania ax_=—=«3 00341 480-745 Email feceanu ne. 24, 9p. 4, Bucurestt tomas a npherpeanephe Sedu central: St. Pavl Ge 24, ap. 4, Bucuresti~-020107 - Romi bli Soot uinies Ovidiu, Constanta, 13.07.2010 Project: DESIGN & BUILD OF CONSTANTA BYPASS-EBRD loan n. 33391 ‘Subject: Compararea permeabilitatit a doua materiale granulare compactate: 1. Platra sparta amestec optimal 0:63 mm, furnizor SC Comprest Util, Cariera Sibloara, 2. Balast pentru fundatil 0:63 mm, amestec 50 % Stoenesti + 50 % SC AEP Giurgiu, Pentru a face aceasta comparatie aceste doua materiale s-au compactat fiecare intr-un cilindru cu diametrul interior de 268 mm, inaltimea stratului compactat de 181 mm; volumul materialului compactat fiind de 10220 cm’, compactarea materialulul facandu-se cu maiul Proctor de 15 kg, in doua straturl cu un numar total de 306 lovituri de la 0 inaltime de 600 mm, rezultand energie de compactare de 2.7 J/cm’, Compactarea 2 facut la umiditatea optima de compactare a fiecarui material, deci se poate presupune ca acestea au fost compactate ia un grad de compactare de 100%. Cllindul cu materialul compactat a fost impermeabilizat in partea de jos cu ajutorul nei placi ‘melaminate si a unui strat de bitum de 20 mm grosime. In aceasta impermeabilizare s-au creat 5 orifici protejate cu tuburi © 10 mm, pentru a permite scurgerea si captarea apei. S-au pregatit in doi recipient cate 3 litri de apa care la momentul T=0, au fost introdusi la partea ‘superioara a cilindrului pe materialul compactat, inaltimea de apa la acest moment pe fiecare material fiind de, constatandu-se urmatoarele: Timp Piatra Sparta amestec optimal 0:63 mm, | Balast pentru fundatii 0#63 mm, furnizor SC Comprest Uti, cariera Sibioara | Amestec 50% Stoenesti concasat + 50% SCAEP Giurgiu laT=5sec |< Apa a strabatut stratul compactat sia inceput sa se colecteze in recipientul collector. Apa a strabatut stratul compactat sia inceput sa se colecteze in _fecipientul collector. min 17 sec Apa intra total in strat. 197 sec In recipientul collector s-au gasit 2.630 litri de apa, Cantitatea de apa _tranzitata Q=0.0134 litri/sec 17) La T=1 ora 25 min ‘Apa intra total in strat. La T=5100 sec ~ In recipientel collector s-au gasit 2.790 ltr’ de apa, > Cantitatea de apa tranitata ee 0.000547 litei/sec $< poate observa ca materialul 1. Piatra sparta amestec optimal 0+63 mm, Furnizor SC Comprest Util, Carlera Sibjoara permite apel sa treaca prin masa lu sin aceleasi conditi, intrun timp mai scurt decat materialul 2 Balast pentru fundatil 0+63 mm, Amestec 50% Stoenesti concasat + 50% SC AEP Giurglu Sef Laborator Cee oe Ing. Sorin Damian a 7 Sef Profil O ac Th. Stefana Carbunary alu 2 >>) ee ferey CONSTRUCCION 4@2 . ASTALDI 4400341 480 746 400341 480 746 offee@constantabypass 10 9021 210.48 82 4402121044 83, Punet de luce Sola 77, parcla 416/5, oc. Ovidiu, Jud, Constanta - Romana Sediu contra: Ste. Paul Greceant nt. 24, op. 4, Bucuresti~ 020307 - Romania Ovidiu, Constanta, 13.07.2010 Project: DESIGN & BUILD OF CONSTANTA BYPASS-EBRD loan n, 33391 Subject: Comparing permeability for two compacted granulated materials: 4. Crushed stone optimal mixture 063 mm, provider SC Comprest Util, quarry Si 2. Ballast for foundation 063 mm, mixture 50 % Stoenesti + 50% SC AEP Giurgiu. In order to make this comparison these two materials were compacted each in a cylinder with the Interior diameter of 268 mm, the height of the compacted layer of 181 mm; the volume of the compacted material being 10210 cm’, the materials compaction being done with the 15 kg Proctor pounder, in two layers with a total number of 306 strikes from a height of 600 mm, resulting in a compaction energy of 2.7 J/em?, The compaction was done at the optimal compaction humidity for each material, so we can presume that they were compacted at a compaction degree of 100%, The cylinder with the compacted material was waterproofed In the lower part using a melamine plate ‘and a bitumen layer of 20 mm thickness. In this waterproofing 5 orifices were created protected with tubes of @ 10 mm, In order to allow water drainage and collection. In two containers 3 liters of water were prepared for each container, and at T=0 moment the water was introduced in the superior part of the cylinder on the compacted material, the water's height at this moment on each material being 5.32 cm, and observing the following Time Crushed stone optimal mixture 0763 mm, | Ballast for foundation 0263 mm, mixture provider SC Comprest Uti, quarry Sibioara | S0%Stoonesti rused+50% SC AEP Glurgia ALT=5 sec ~The water crossed the compacted layer and started to collect in the collector container. Poe AtT=60 sec = The water crossed the compacted layer and started to collect in the collector container ~The water completely entered the layer. - In the collector container 2.630 litres of water were found, ‘The transited water quantity 00.0134 Iites/sec Wa AtT=1h 25 min = The water completely entered At T5100 sec the layer. = In the collector container 2.790 litres of water were found, + The transited water quantity 000547 litres/see {tis apparent that material 1. Crushed stone optimal mixture 063 mm, provider SC Comprest Util, quarry ‘Sibioara allows the water to pass through its mass and in the same conditions in a shorter time then material 2, Ballast for foundation 0263 mm, mixture 50% Stocnesti crushed + 50% SC AEP Giurgiu Laboratory chief Eng. Sorin Damian Profile chief ‘Th, Stefana Carbunaru 2 cilache PA6B a A = 200 mu nih 2 cnc Ge coe ey © Rt Gfeu® BEY bifew \ Plot ncleweenaybe Dewelae Seve Be,

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