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WESTERN SYDNEY UNIVERSITY Professional Practice | Secondary Program Report Pre-Service Teacher's name | Timothy Henderson Dates: 2414-21617 Curfiovunfeading sea | Music of days Taye Shoal Giroy Cathie College Wofpiaconent | Tote ‘SUMMARY COMMENTS by the SUPERVISING TEACHER. It has been a pleasure supervising Timothy during his practicum plecement. Timothy's teaching has improved immensely since commencing his practicum. Through observing the classes of several staff members at the College, Timothy has begun to develop his own teaching style, implementing a variety of management strategies and approaches to building rapport with students. He has been exceptionally receptive and gracious when receiving feedback and was quick to apply strategies which were suggested to him. Timothy has been methodical in his reftection of lessons, seeking further feedback and suggestions wherever possible. During the course of his practicum, Timothy immersed himself in the extra-curricular dimension of the College, assisting with coaching, rehearsals and performances. Timothy undertook these activities with professionalism and enthusiasm, developing an appreciation that often a teacher's best work takes place outside of the classroom. Timothy attended all staff anc faculty meetings during his time at the College, making a concerted effort to engage with College Iie. 1am confident that Timothy will be an extraordinary teacher and wish him the best of luck for future placements. OVERALL ASSESSMENT Grade: © satisfactory O Unsatisfactory SATISFACTORY: The Preservice Teacher has passed and met he expeced standard in most ofthe relevant elements as described by the NSW lnsitue of Teachers fr this stage of her professional leaning, Whece a Pe-sevce Teacher's work i considered oustanding or wall above average, tis judgment should be reece in th summary comments UNSATISFACTORY: The Preservice Teacher as ald ths Professional Experience unitand has nt demonstrated all the evant ‘elements as descrved bythe NSW Insitute of Teaches. The Supervising Teacter, Professional Experience Coordinator and Principal ‘3 of the opinion hat the Preservice Teacher requires an addon Professional Experenc to atte o demonstrate saistectory competence as a graduate teacher No Pre-senice Teacher should receive an Unsattacay grade without being placed At Risk andthe Committee of Advice being convened. This arade may be recommended on ONE or more af the following grounds: . Performance Dafiioncie — ie. auto exhibit ciria indicated fr the parol Professional Experience ui; . ating fom Protest Exar - uss a Wthcrval inet Peat i awed, ~ . Non-Academic Misconduct. Supervising Teacher's Name _

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