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Read and write the correct parts of the body.

a) You use this to taste food.

b) You use this to touch.
c) You use this to hear.
d) You use this to smell.
e) You use this to see.

Read and circle the correct word: anything or something.

Alison: Would you like to do anything / something on the weekend?
Natalie: Sure! Is there anything / something interesting to do around here?
Alison: Ive heard theres a new exhibition at the mall.
Natalie: Yeah. Its something / anything about human bodies, isnt it?
Alison: Yeah! Its called Bodies The Exhibition.
Natalie: Awesome... but I dont like anything / something connected with blood.
Its disgusting.
Alison: Dont worry. They are wax sculptures! So, what do you think?
Natalie: Lets go!

Read and check () the word that best completes each sentence.

a) I have _____________ for you. b) Would you like _____________ to

anything eat?
something anything
c) Did you buy _____________ for d) We need to do _____________!
Julie? Its her birthday. anything
anything something

smell hearing sight taste touch

a) b) c)
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___ ___ ___
d) e)
___________________ ___________________
___ ___

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