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Materia: Lengua Extranjera 1

Alumno: DNI:

Trabajo Prctico N 1
(Mdulos 1, 2 y 3)

1. Complete using the verb To be.

They ( ) from Bariloche.

Roberto ( ) Brazilian.
Kitty ( ) our cat.
We ( ) friends.

2. Complete using the verb To be in the negative.

We ( ) from Chile.
John ( ) Bolivian.
Captain ( ) our pet.
They ( ) enemies.

3. Match. (Para hacerlo, tens que ir a insertar, clickear sobre Formas, y

elegir la flecha. Luego colocs el cursor en el origen, y lo arrastrs hasta el
esquema correspondiente. Tens que repetir el procedimiento para cada

2 Eight
20 Three
22 Two
3 Twenty
30 Eighty
33 Twenty-two
8 Thirty
80 Eighty-eight
88 Thirty-three

4. Write three days of the week, three colours, three fruits, three occupations,
three animals.
5. Complete with (Possessive Adjectives)

( ) name is Mat. (su en masculino)

What is ( ) name? ( ) name is Mary.
( ) name is Mary and ( ) is Mat.

6. Complete with your personal information. (Recordar que but quiere decir

My name is ( )
I am not 20 but I am ( )
I am not from Brazil but I am from ( )
I do not live in Quilmes but I live in ( )
I am not American but I am ( )
I am not a soldier but I am ( )
I can not play the guitar but I can ( )

7. Complete using the Simple Present

Peter ( ) Mary.(like)
She ( ) hockey. (play)
We ( ) the piano. (play)
I ( ) chicken. (eat)
She ( ) water. (drink)

8. Complete by using the articles: a an- the

( ) ice cream ( ) pencil ( ) egg ( ) house

( ) key ( ) apple ( ) car ( ) book
( ) apples ( ) books ( ) eggs

9. Complete by using prepositions. (from, next to, at, in, on, under)

a. She gets up ( ) 8 oclock.

b. The bank is ( ) the restaurant.
c. The pen is ( ) the table.
d. The cat is ( ) the box.
e. I am ( ) Spain.
f. The dog is ( ) the table.

10. What time is it?


11. Countries and nationalities.

a. She is from France

She is ( ) .
b. He is from China
He is ( ).
c. They are from Spain.
They are ( ).
d. I am from Argentina.
I am ( ).

12. Answer these questions about occupations.

What is your occupation?

What is his occupation?

What is her occupation?

What is our occupation?

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