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PROBLEMS SECTION 3-1 3-1. Pure copper, with a free (outer orbit) electron concentration of about 107° clectrons/m?, has the conductivity ¢ = 5.8 x 107 mho/m at room temperature (able 3-3). (a) Find the mobility of the free electrons in copper. (b) Express the free electron charge density in coulombs per cubic millimeter for this material. (c) Find the drift velocity of the electrons for the unit applied electric field E = a, V/m. What is the corresponding volume current density in this specimen? Sketch the vectors depicting vg, J, and E in the sample. (Explain from physical reasoning why vg and E arc in opposite directions, although J and E are in the same sense.) [Answer: (c) —3.6a, mm/sec} 3-2. Find the current density (expressed in A/cm?) in the following conductors, possessing only negative electronic charge carriers under the given conditions. (a) The average drift velocity is —a,4.5 mmjsec and the charge carriers have the density 2 x 10?8 electrons/m?. (b) The volume density of electronic charge carriers is —3.5 x 10 C/m? and the carrier average drift velocity is 4.2 mm/sec, with E = 10a, V/m within the conductor. What is the conductivity of the region in the latter case? [Answer: (a) a,1440 A/cm? (b) a,147 A/em®, 0.147 MU/m] SECTION 3-2 33. At some particular temperature, helium gas has 10% atoms/m® and is measured to have the dielectric susceptibility of 1.5 x 10°. What is its electric polarization field P for the applied field E = 10° V/m? What is the charge density p., and the average displacement d of the nucleus relative to the electron cloud for the given E? What ise,? [Answer: p, = 3.2 x 10° G/m?] 34. At low frequencies, the measured relative permittivity of water is 81 (Table 3-3). What isthen its electric susceptibility? What electric field E:must be applied to produce, atthe sinusoidal frequency @, the polarization field P = a,10 sin or uC/m* in a water sample? (Express Ein kV/m.) Find the corresponding electric displacement density D, expressed in tC/m?. Without using field values, form appropriate ratios to determine by what factor the magnitude of D is larger than that of P; similarly, compare P with €¢E. 35. (a) To make the electric polarization density P and the applied field €gE exactly the same in a material, what must its relative permittivity be? (b) What is the relative permittivity of a material if P has 10 times the value of €E therein? (c) ID has 10 times the strength of 0B in a material, what is its relative permittivity? (d) If D is 10P in some region, what is its €? [Answer: (b) 11 (d) 1.111] 36. The same electric field, E = 10a, V/m, is applied to the following regions having the dielectric susceptibilities: (a) zero (what sort of region is this?); (b) 10>; (c) 1; (d) 10°. Deter- mine the relative permittivity, the applied field gE, the electric polarization field P, and the electric displacement field D for each region. SECTION 3-24 3-7. The following E fieldsare given to exist in some block of polyethylene, for which € ~ 2.26 (from Table 3-3): (a) a,10°x? sin et V/m; (b) ay103p sin ot V/m; (c) ,(10°/r2) sin éot V/m. Find the fields €gE, P, D, the polarization (bound) charge density p,, and the volume polarization (bound) current density J, for each applied E field. [Answer: (c) pp =0, J, =a,(11.14/?)@ cos @t nA/m?] 38. Corresponding to the electric polarization field P = a,10 sin ext C/m? of Problem 3-4, find the polarization (bound) current density J, at the frequencies: (a) | kHz; (b) | MHz SECTION 3-2B 3-9. Apply the Gauss-Maxwell integral law (3-36) to a vanishing volume element Av in a dielectric region, to rederive its differential form (3-24). [Hint: Divide (3-36) by Av and consider the meaning of each ratio as Av + 0.] 3:10. Making use of the divergence theorem, show how the differential expression (3-21) ean be manipulated to yield the integral form (3-38). Explain the physical meaning of this result. SECTION 3-2C 31. The coaxial, circular cylindrical conductor pair (coaxial line) of great length and with the dimensions shown contains a homogeneous dielectric sleeve with the permittivity ¢. Assume the static surface charges totaling + on every axial length ¢ of the inner and outer conductors respectively. (a) Making use of the symmetry and Gauss’s law (3-37), determine for each region between the conductors the D and the E fields. (b) Determine P in the dielectric region. By use of the criterion (3-21), determine whether there is any volume density of excess polarization (bound) charge, of density pp, within the dielectric. (c) Making use of the appropriate boundary conditions, find the free charge densities on the conductor surfaces at p = a and d, as well as the surface polarization (bound) densities at p = 6 and ¢. (d) Letting ¢~ 2mm, 6 = 4mm, c= 8mm, d= 1 cm, Q/é = 10"? 4C/m, and ¢, = 2.26 (polyethylene), find the values of E and p, at the conductor surfaces at p = a and d. Find also D, P, and Eat the surface p = b+ (just withi the dielectric), comparing their values with those at p = 6— (just outside the dielectric). [Answer: (d) E(a) = 90 kV/m, p,(a) = 0.796 wC/m?, E(6+) = 19.9 kV/m] PROBLEMS dD PROBLEM 3-11 Fu12. _daoume that the region «

0 being air. With H = 150a, A/m in the air region, what is the surface current density on the perfect conductor? How much total current T flows in a 20-cm-wide xdirected strip of this conductor surface? Sketch this system showing H,, J,, and a few current flux lines. (b) Find the current density on the conductor surface of (a), this time assuming Hi = 30a, + 40a, A/m. Sketch this system. (c) Suppose in the geometry of Figure 1-19(a) that the long, straight wire shown is a perfect conductor, and that surface currents totaling J flow on the conductor surface p =a. The B field for p >a is still given correctly by (1-64). Use this field to deduce the surface current density J, on the wire. Formulate a vector integral relationship between J and J,, showing a related sketch. 3.25, What ovo simultancous boundary conditions are being satisfied by the magnetic field refraction expression (3-76)? Establish that, ifregion 1 is air and region 2 is iron with ya = 10* (a. case of high contrast in permeabilities), the tilt angle 8, of By from the normal in region Lis very small for most values of 0. For example, find 0, if 8) = 0, 45°, 89°, and then 89.9°. How far from the normal must 6, be if 0, is to become as large as 10°? Sketch this example. 426. ‘The toroidal iron core of rectangular cross section partly fils the closely wound toroidal coil of w turns and carrying the direct current / as shown. (a) Use the right-hand rule (thumb, in the sense of 7) to establish the direction of H inside the winding. (b) Use the static form of Ampére’s law (3-66) to deduce H at any radius p within the winding, and determine B for the two regions. Which boundary condition for magnetic fields (Table 3-2) is being satisfied at the air-iron interface? (c) From Hi deduce expressions for the magnetization density field M. in the two regions. Sketch flux plots showing (in side views) the relative densities of H, B/jg, and M in the two regions, assuming 4, > 1 for the iron, (d) Find J,, within the iron as well as Jaq on the four sides of the iron core. Sketch representative vectors or fluxes depicting these quantities. (¢) a= lem, b= 15cm, c= 2em, d= lem, = 1000, n= 100 tums, f= 100 mA, find the values of Hand B at p = a+ and 6— (just within the iron), at p= 5+ and pre. 327. As a simple exercise in applying boundary conditions, an air space (region 1) defined for all : > Oand a magnetic substrate with j4, = 4 (region 2) occurring for all z <0 are separated by the infinite plane interface at < = 0, The constant, static magnetic field in region 1 is given to be B, = 0.3a, + 04a, + 0.5a, Wh/m?. Sketch B, (shown for convenience at the origin) and the normal unit vector m at the interface (its direction taken as going from region 2 to region 1). (a) Make use of the boundary conditions (Table 3-2), concerning the continuity of appropriate tangential or normal field components at the interface, to deduce the vector fields Hy, By, and Hy in the wo regions, as well as the field magnitudes. (Leave H expressions in terms of I PROBLEM 3-26 ® PROBLEM 3-28 the symbolic fig.) (b) By use of the definition of n+ B, find the angles , and 0 between n. and B (or H) in the two regions. (Label @, on the sketch.) Check your answers by use of (3-76). [Answer: (a) By = 1.2a, + L.Ga, + 0.5a, Wh/m? (b) 0; = 76°} 3-28. A very long, nonmagnetic conductor (1, = 1) of radius a carries the static current [ as shown. The conductor is surrounded by a cylindrical sleeve of nonconducting magnetic material with a thickness extending from p = a to p = 6 and the permeability 1. The surrounding region is air. (a) Make use of symmetry and Ampére’s law (3-66) to find H and B in the three regions. (Label the closed lines employed in the proof, depicting Hin the proper sense on each line.) (b) Find the M field in the magnetic region. If J = 628 A, a= 1 cm, 6 = 1.5 em, 4, = 6 for the magnetic sleeve, sketch Hy, Bg, and My versus p for this system, Comment on the continuity (or otherwise) of these tangential fields at the interfaces. (c) By use of (3-56) and (3-73b), find the volume magnetization current density Jy, and the bound surface current densities Jam Within and on the magnetic sleeve. SECTION 3-5 3-29. Two semi-infinite regions, air (region 1) for z > 0, and a dielectric (region 2, in which € = 49) for z <0, are separated by the interface at z = 0. In the air region, the constant electric field E, = —15a, + 20a, + 30a, V/mis given. Sketch Ey for convenience at the origin. (a) D and E for both regions, making use of boundary conditions (Table 3-2). (Leave € explicitly in the D expressions.) (b) Find the refraction angles , and 0, from the normal in both regions, making use of the definition of mE ifm is directed from region 2 to region 1. Use the refraction law (3-80) as a check. [Answer: E) = —I5a, + 20a, + 7.5a, V/m, 0; = 73.30°]

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