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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Abigail Hurd Date: 10/16/17

Group Size: 20 Students Allotted Time 35 Min Grade Level 3rd

Subject or Topic: Skeletal and Muscular System

Common Core/PA Standard(s): Standard - 10.1.3.B

Identify and know the location and function of the major body organs and systems.

Learning Targets/Objectives:
1. The student will be able to identify the different movable joints by completing a foldable
and watching a brain pop video.
2. The students will be able to apply their knowledge of the functions of joints in a charades

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. The students will complete a notes foldable. 1. The teacher will monitor the students notes
2. The students will complete an activity sheet in their foldable.
during the charades activity. 2. The teacher will grade the activity sheet.
Assessment Scale:
1 point will be given per section filled (bones used and joints used) in (20 points max)

15-20 : Advanced
10-14: Proficient
5-9: Basic
0-4: Below Basic
Subject Matter/Content:
Knowledge of joints
Understanding that joints are made of bones.

Key Vocabulary:
- Joint: A joint is any place where two or more bones meet
- Movable joints: allow bones to move
- Immoveable Joints: do not allow bones to move, stay still
- Ligaments: tissues that connects two bones together as a joint
- Ball-and-Socket Joint: One bone ends in ball shape that sits in the other bone which is the
shape of a socket
- Gliding Joint: allows bone to slip and and slide past each other
- Hinge Joint: Allows bone to move in one direction
- Pivot Joint: allows bones to move side to side

For the Foldable:
1. Movable Joints
- Title

2. About Joints
-Joint: A joint is any place where two or more bones meet
-Movable joints: allow bones to move
-Examples: knees, elbows, hips, shoulders
- Immoveable Joints: do not allow bones to move, stay still
- Examples: skull
- Ligaments: tissues that connects two bones together as a joint

3. Ball-and-Socket Joint: One bone ends in ball shape that sits in the other bone which is the
shape of a socket
- Allows the bone to move in any direction
- Examples: shoulders and hips

4. Gliding Joint: allows bone to slip and and slide past each other
-Example: between your vertebrae

5. Hinge Joint: Allows bone to move in one direction

- Less flexible but more stable
- Examples: knees and elbows

6. Pivot Joint: allows bones to move side to side

- Example: turning head side to side (shake head no)
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies: (5 min)
The teacher will ask all of the students to stand up and complete the following: hop on one
foot, walk one lap around the classroom, shake their head yes and no, draw their name in the
air with their arm, and to sit back dow win their chairs.
The teacher will then ask, Why do you think I had you do those things?
The teacher will allow students to answer and will eventually then ask, How is our body
allowing us to move around the ways that we did
If the students do not guess joints, the teacher will hint at the idea/introduce the idea of joints
Raise your hand if you know of any joints in your body. Do you think they were being
used when we were moving around?
Today we will be learning about the function of movable joints and we will learn the types
of joints in our bodies. I would like this half of the room to come pick up three pieces of
Development/Teaching Approaches

Part One- Video/Foldable (10-15 min)

The teacher will have stacks of colored paper already set up on the side table
Each student will come pick up three pieces of paper- make sure they do not all come up at
once (this half of the room first or anyone wearing green come up first)
The teacher will demonstrate how to make the foldable (lay the three pieces on top of each
other will the top an inch below the one before, fold the bottom half up towards the top so
that all flaps are facing upwards. Crease and staple) See example instructions attached.
The teacher will instruct the students to write these six things on their foldable (top to
bottom) : Movable Joints, About Joints, Hinge Joint, Ball-and-Socket Joint, Pivot Joint, and
Pivot Joint.
We will now watch a brain pop video on joints. While watching this video I want you to fill
in your foldable with information that you think is important and we will discuss it as a class
after the video. You do not need to fill out anything under the Movable Joints flap because
this is the title of the foldable
Brain Pop video on joints
After the video, discuss ideas as class and call on students to write a fact on the board
Write the main topics on the board: About Joints, Hinge Joint, Ball-and-Socket Joint, Pivot
Joint, and Pivot Joint. (Movable Joints is the title, not a topic to have information written
Add to the facts written on the board if it is not sufficient- see content/facts for more
Prompt the students to add missing information to their foldables.

Part Two- Charades (10-15 min)

The teacher will have the activity index cards already set up around the room- See attached
list of activities to write on index cards
The teacher will pass out the Activity Charades Worksheet (one to each student) See attached
for handout
The teacher will have the students work with their pre-assigned group members
The teacher will assign each group to a starting point and tell them to move through the cards
around the room
The teacher will explain that at each station the card will have an activity written on it. The
students will have to decide what bones are being used (learned bones the day before) and
what joints are being used.
The students will hand in papers after completing all 10 activities.
Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
Collect all of the charades activity sheets
Ask the students to raise their hands and tell me one fact that they learned today about joints
Introduce tomorrows lesson on muscles. So far we have learned about bones and joints,
tomorrow we will look at what holds all of our bones and joints together muscles!

For a student with a mobility impairment, I would alter the activities in the anticipatory set so
that they can participate. I could also provide a technological simulation or videos of someone
completing the activities that are listed in the charades game. This support will help them
visually see the joint and bones being utilized.

Colored paper for foldable
Brain pop video
Index cards with activities written on them
White board/ chalk board and utensils for tha harade Activity Sheet

Pruitt, B. E., et al. Prentice Hall Health. Boston, Mass. : Pearson/Prentice Hall, c2007., 2007.

Wealth, D. J., & Glisan, E. M. (2005). Know your body : skeletal and muscular systems. San
Antonio, TX : PCI Educational Publishing, 2005.

[BrainPopJr.]. (n.d.). Joints [Video File]. Retrieved from


Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

1. Is there anything I could fix with my timing?

2. Could I demonstrate making the foldable in a different way?
3. Were my instructions clear enough?
4. Was the charade activity too simple or too challenging?
5. Are my accommodations strong?

Personal Reflection Questions

Additional reflection/thoughts

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