Final Nike Marketing Audit

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Chapter 1
Demographic Trends in the
Industry Definition: Athletic & Industry
The demographics in the industry are very important
Sporting Goods to understand who to target as an audience, and how
Nike Inc., is one of the top leaders in the Athletic & to target them. There is five major demographic trends
Sporting Goods Manufacturing industry as well as the that affect the athletic and sporting goods industry
Athletic Shoe Store Industry.1 These industries do they are: (1) The hispanic population is constantly
everything from manufacturing athletic shoes, apparel changing with economic trends, impacting the market.
and equipment. These finished products and goods are (2) Millennials are becoming more influential to the
then marketed to retailers and wholesalers industry through their on the go lifestyle. (3) Aging
throughout the world.2 baby boomers are following the new and current
trends. (4) Different races are becoming more
The desire for the industrys goods is on a rise with the prominent in the United States and influencing current
increase in worldwide sport participation, fitness, and trends. (5) The number of single household parents is
related physical activities. In a 2016 Physical activity rising.
report is states that physical activity has 56% of the
population ages Six and over participating in at least
one high calorie burning activity in the us.3 With the
increase in athletes, more are buying the shoes,
apparel, and equipment. Aside from the increase in
athletes, the current clothing style trend of
Athleisure, is allowing companies to build within
these industries to develop clothing that is
comfortable and stylish for everyday life.

The Athletic & Sporting Goods Manufacturing industry

has revenues of $9.3 billion, decreasing at an annual
rate of 0.5% (2011-2016). The Athletic Shoe Store
industry has revenues of $14 billion, growing at annual
rate of 4.7%. The industry is very competitive, with
over 2000 companies fighting for market share. Nike Hispanic
owns a market share of 16.6% of the Shoe Store, and The Hispanic population has slowed and the amount of
8.7% of the Athletic & Sporting Goods Industries.4 immigrants entering the United States and Utah has
decreased and held steady the last few years.5 This is
due to the great recession of 2008 that had a huge
negative effect on the amount of hispanics in the
Bender, J. "Topic: Nike." N.p., Web.
United States. This trend happened because the
13 Oct. 2016.
Petrillo, Nink IBIS World Report Athletic & Sporting
housing and job market drastically fell, making work
Goods Manufacturing in the US. IBISWorld. 895, 13 Oct. scarce and hard to come by. In the hispanic culture
2016. Web. inside the United States, immigrant women have aged out of childbearing years and younger hispanics are
ndmarkets.aspx?entid=895. experiencing lower fertility rates. This is aiding to the
"Financial Report." Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts
80.3/4, Annual Report 2006 (2006): 48-60. Web. Stepler, Renee, and Mark Hugo Lopez. "U.S. Latino Population Growth and Dispersion Has Slowed Since
Petrillo, Nick IBIS World Report Athletic & Sporting Onset of the Great Recession." Pew Research Center's
Goods Manufacturing in the US. IBISWorld. 895, 13 Oct. Hispanic Trends Project. N.p., 2016. Web.
2016. Web. growth-and-dispersion-has-slowed-since-the-onset-of-the-
aspx?entid=895 great-recession/
continual decrease of the amount of hispanics in the Millennials are also developing trends of pushing
country. As the hispanic population continues to level towards the green way of living. Many recognize the
out and even decrease in some areas of the United need to be environmentally friendly and push for
States it will bring threats to the industry because of companies to go green as well. As companies follow
the big part that they play as consumer. these newer trends and figure out how millennials
work and act in their everyday life they can capitalize
As consumers we see that Hispanics have a different on those trends.
passion in sports than most white people. Hispanics
love the sport of what we call soccer more than any of
the other sports. Big culture events are held to watch
their favorite soccer teams plays. Nike has been trying Aging Baby Boomers
to gain a stronger hold on this market and advertise to Baby boomers are starting to reach their 60s and are
this group, but heavy competition from Adidas has starting to get older which means that they will start
held back Nike from this market.6 This gives Nike an to retire from the work force and have more leisure
opportunity to capitalize in their soccer products. time.9 Baby boomers are expected to live longer than
previous generations, which means that they will be in
the market longer.
Millennials They are living longer because there has been a
Millennials are largely impacting society by their on decrease in the mortality rate of cancer, heart
the go lifestyle. Because they are always on the go, diseases, and strokes.10 There has also been a large
the way they dress is much more relaxed than that of number of people among the baby boomers who
the past. Because we are seeing relaxed dress more exercise and smoke less.
and more, it is being accepted in the workplace.
Athleisure is comfortable to wear and this is why With baby boomers living healthier lifestyles they find
people are turning to it as part of their everyday that they can remain in the workforce for longer
clothing. Millennials dont want athleisure clothing to periods of time. Which could be a threat to this
just be comfortable, they want it to look nice and industry because of less leisure time they would be
fashionable as well. spending outside of work because of later retirement,
Lululemon noticed this trend and were quick to or it could be an opportunity to make new work
capitalize on the opportunity by coming out with a line appropriate clothing. As people get older they look for
of clothing that fits the unmet demands of these clothing that is comfortable rather than clothing that is
customer. Millennials arent just looking for something just for looks. Since they will be working longer into
to wear, but they are looking for a new lifestyle to their life the need for more comfortable work clothes
have.7 If a company could figure out how to market will increase and clothing that both looks great and
effectively to the diverse and media driven millennial feel comfortable will be top sellers to this market.
generation, it would create significant opportunities
for them. In a forbes article it mentions that about
only about 1% of millennials they surveyed said that a
compelling advertisement would make them trust a Ethnicity Changes
brand more.8 The United States has become more racially diverse in
the last several years than it ever has been and it is
6 9
Bershidsky, L. "Why Adidas Beat Nike at the World Tom V. "Growing Old, Baby-Boomer Style." WebMD.
Cup." Bloomberg View. N.p., 2014. Web. WebMD, n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2016.
why-adidas-beat-nike-at-the-world-cup ng-old-baby-boomer-style
7 10
"[LIFESTYLE] What Is the Millennial Lifestyle?" Lizzie Parry. "Fewer Americans Are Dying of Heart
Millennial CEO. N.p., 2015. Web. 13 Oct. 2016. Disease, Cancer and Stroke than Ever before amid Plunging Mortality Rates for Killer Conditions." Daily Mail
Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. Online. Associated Newspapers, 29 Oct. 2015. Web.
new- -rates-leading-causes-early-death-
findings-about-the-millennial-consumer/#5a9786f828a8 SLOW-fewer-succumb-heart-disease-cancer-stroke.html
predicted to continue to grow. As Donald Trump United States. A good example of this is the striped
becomes our next president laws may be passed that wool sweaters bought from mexico, are becoming
are stricter on immigration, and immigration may level popular among the younger generations.
out in the future years. Over the last few years Asian
immigrants inside of the United States have grow very
rapidly and are now passing the amount of Latin
American immigrants.11 This Asian culture growing
inside America could lead to big growth opportunities
inside the athletic and sporting goods industry. Asians
are into a wide variety of sports and fashion and more
Asian athletes are being found in all kinds of sports
within the U.S.12

Because of the growing differentiation in the U.S.

culture people are seeing things in a new light than
they did ten years ago. Businesses would be smart to
Because of the growing diverse races in the United use this to their advantage and can capitalize on these
States right now, trends are being influenced by all of important changing trends by coming up with new
the different cultures and many of their styles are hard ideas that will target the diverse cultures.
to find inside of the United States. This could be an
opportunity for Nike to met some of the new styles
that are being brought inside the U.S. from immigrants
all over the world. Because of the mixture of different Single Parent Households
races right now in the U.S., millennials and the
younger generations are growing up in a total new Single parent households have been steadily
environment than the older generations did. This new increasing all over the world.13 Single parents are
environment is influencing and changing the lifestyle having a harder time supporting their families because
of millennials in many different ways. We see that the the time they have to spend taking care of children
trend of rasta colors became really big from other and providing an income to take care of them. With
cultural influences over the last few years. Hairstyles single parents trying to juggle both of these tasks it
are changing to be more like the new european hair leaves them with very little leisure time. This is a
styles rather than the common ones found inside the threat to the industry in two major ways the first is
united states. because as a single parent, more time will be spent
trying to provide for their families and less time will be
A trend that is starting to rise right now is buying spent participate in sports and outdoor activities with
unique and different clothing from outside of the children. Second is that many will be on a tighter
budget, so nike shoes and other clothing could
potentially be replaced with the cheaper option.
"Pew Study: Asian Immigrants May Overtake
Hispanics." CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 13 Oct.
-asians-hispanics/ O'Hare, Bill. "The Rise-and Fall?-of Single-Parent
"Why Aren't Asian-Americans Getting Their 'One Shining Families." The Rise-and Fall?-of Single-Parent Families.
Moment'?" NPR. NPR, n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2016. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2016.
7958/why-arent-asian-americans-getting-their-one-shining Fallof
-moment SingleParentFamilies.aspx
exchange rates can influence the shares in the market.
If the dollar depreciates, many of the sporting goods
Economic trends in the become more expensive for domestic buyers. If this
happens there will be an increase in demands for
Industry products that are made in the United States. The
trade-weighted index is expected to have an increase
There are three important economic trends that are
in the United States going into 201715 , this means a
impacting the athletic apparel market. They are (1)
potential threat could arise in the industry. It also
Growth in the U.S. Economy, (2) Consumers wanting
means that opportunities could arise for Nike as well.
to buy locally, (3) Demands from sporting goods
stores, and (4) Online Buying.
Since Nike is a company that is founded in the United
States consumers trust the brand more than other
Growing in the U.S. Economy brands from different countries. Many Americans like
the idea of buying goods that were manufactured in
Over the past five years the per capita disposable the U.S. because they feel like they are supporting U.S.
income has been growing at a steady rate which is companies. Nike can use this to their advantage as
good, but it is not growing as fast as the U.S. changes in exchange rates happen they can show that
government would hope. Per capita disposable income they are an American company.
is determined by an individual's ability to purchase
goods or services. This means that more consumers
are spending more money on goods and services. Demands from Sporting Goods Stores
Since 2010 we have seen that income growth has been
Much of this industry relies on the sporting goods
improving slowly and labor markets becoming
stores like, Big 5, Cabelas, Dicks, Sportsmans, and REI
stronger. By the end of 2016, the per capita disposable
to distribute goods to consumers. Because of this
income is expected to grow 2.3% in the U.S.14 Because
many of the bigger stores require a wide range of
of this income growth it is expected that a greater
goods to meet the changing demands of consumers.
number of Americans will be returning to work and
Overtime consumers preferences change or they look
there will be improved stock values to drive customers
for things that will fit their needs better than what is
to makes purchases that were delayed during the
currently in the market. To try to stay ahead of their
competitors sporting retailers are requiring the
This could be an opportunity for Nike as consumers
industry to provide them with more options for the
are willing to spend more of their money they have
growing diverse consumers. Since more people are
been saving over the last couple of years. When the
entering the markets for sporting goods there will be a
economy is doing good customers spend money on
increase in the demand for sporting goods stores in
the new hot items and on trends that are currently
2016 and 2017 16.
happening. Since the health trend is big right now,
customers will be spending more on healthy habits
and that includes exercise and working out. New items
that come into the market that meet the healthy
lifestyle will be top sellers.

Consumers Wanting to Buy Locally

Imports in this industry are extremely important and
they account for a large portion of the domestic 15
Petrillo, N IBIS World Report Athletic & Sporting Goods
market demand. Because many business in this Manufacturing in the US. IBISWorld. 895, 13 Oct. 2016.
industry rely on these imports the fluctuations in Web.
14 16
IBIS World Report Per capita disposable income. Rory, Masterson IBIS World Report Sporting Goods
IBISWorld. 895, 13 Oct. 2016. Web. Stores in the US. IBISWorld. 895, 13 Oct. 2016. Web.
edid=33 px?entid=1079
consumers. The easy of jumping online to compare
prices has changed the way customers are spending
money in the economy. Millennials are the key age
group for online purchases, spending more money
online in a given year than any other age group. They
spend around $2,000 annually online, despite having
lower incomes than older adults. 17
This economic trend of online shopping could be a
great opportunity for Nike. Nike would no longer have
to meet the demands of department stores and could
sell online directly to their customers. This would raise
Due to demand increase in stores it brings a potential the profits of each individual sell and they could even
opportunity for those in the industry. This opportunity offer a better price to consumers, than departments
comes from new potential markets opening up to stores selling other brands.
meet the demands of consumers demanding for a new
variety of clothing. New trends are popping up all over
the United States, to try meet the changing trends
companies are looking for ways to to add benefits to
consumers. These benefits are being meet by new Environmental/Natural
innovations happening in spandex type clothing, and in
running and basketball shoes. Resource Issues Facing the
Because department stores are demanding more it
could also bring potential threats to Nike. As The environmental and natural resource issues that is
department stores demand more from Nike, it creates facing the sporting goods industry are: (1) Changing
distribution problems and higher competition on shelf prices of crude oil (2) Millennials demand that
space within the stores. If Nike doesnt meet the companies become more environmentally friendly. (3)
demands of department stores, they could be pushed Shifting trends of renewable energy and industry
to areas of the store that dont get as much attention responsibilities.
from consumers, lowering their overall sells.

Changing Prices of Crude Oil

The change in oil prices affect this industry in two
important ways. When oil prices are low in the U.S.
transportation cost are much cheaper and can get
goods to stores at a decent price. High oil prices also
mean higher energy cost, so it costs more to
manufacture sporting goods. If this happens
consumers will find that it is too expensive to buy
sporting equipment, and will spend time doing other
things like watching TV. Oil prices are predicted to
increase in 2017 due to the higher demand for oil at
the cheaper price.18 This brings a potential threat to
Online Buying
Today millions of people are turning to online 17
Smith, Cooper. "The Surprising Facts about Who Shops
purchases over department purchases. Customer are Online and on Mobile." Business Insider. Business
finding it easier to jump online order a product at Insider, 23 Feb. 2015. Web. 13 Oct. 2016.
usually a cheaper price and receive it via mail in a
couple of days. Customer use to have to go out demographics-of-who-shops-online-and-on-mobile-2014-6
shopping and drive from store to store to find the best IBISWorld Business Environment Profiles August 2016
deals and it could become very exhausting to many World production of oiI. IBISWorld. 895, 13 Oct. 2016.
Nike as they would have to raise the price of their Recycling millions of plastic bottles to make shoes,
goods to cover the increase of oil prices. As of right clothes, and hats. They also strive to reduce the impact
now low oil prices are benefiting this industry, but if on the environment by purchasing one kilowatt hour
they rise like is predicted to in 2017 it could lead Nike of wind power for every kWh of electricity they use.21
having to rethink some of their current distribution. Brooks is going green by rolling out a completely
biodegradable running shoe, that is just as durable as
other shoes used during that time of year. The shoe is
expected to biodegrade in 20 years in a landfill instead
Millennials Demand Environmentally of the traditional 1,000 years. 22 REI is working on
Friendly Companies becoming a climate-neutral, zero waste-to-landfill by
2020. Many of REI buildings are ran partly off of solar
Right now there is a big trend of people wanting to live power and are certified by the Leadership in Energy
healthier and longer lives, this means that many and Environmental Design.
millennials and younger generations are investing in
health. Not only are they exercising more and eating Because of large amount of companies moving to
healthier they are looking for ways to improve the becoming more green it is important for a company to
environment around them. This topic is becoming show they are involved as well. Nike has done a great
more important to the growing population as time job of doing this by implementing a list of ten ways
goes on. People want to be breathing healthier air and they are committed to help the environment.23 This
being in places where the environment is taken care opportunity not only helps the environment it helps
of. companies save money by recycling, and using
Because of this, many millennials are demanding that alternative power like solar power and wind power.
companies act in a way that is environmentally
conscious. This could either be an opportunity or a
threat for most companies in the industry. If they meet
the demands of the public they are seen as heroes, Shifting Trends of Renewable Energy
and customers will remain loyal. If companies inside
the industry dont change the way they are doing
and Industry Responsibilities
things and continue to neglect the environment,
millennials aren't afraid to step up challenge the Right now there is a shifting environmental trend
business. Many businesses like Brooks, Adidas, REI, where many companies are looking for ways they can
and Under Armor are among some of the companies become more energy efficient and responsible.
changing the way they operate to meet the demands Companies like General Electric, DuPont, and
to become more green.19 McDonald's for example have even noticed the need
to become green. One would think that DuPont
This year Adidas is released a shoe that is made almost wouldnt be one, but they have been taking steps to
entirely out of recycled material. Helping aid an more sustainable operations. They have successfully
environmental organization aiming to stop the lowered the emissions of airborne carcinogens and
pollution of the worlds oceans.20 Under Armor is using
their UA Green clothing line which is very eco-friendly.
English, Nick. "The 14 Athletic Wear Companies That Are Actually Good for the World." Greatist. N.p., 2014.
edid=990025 Web. 13 Oct. 2016.
English, Nick. "The 14 Athletic Wear Companies That
Are Actually Good for the World." Greatist. N.p., 27 Aug. good
2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2016. 22
"25 Big Companies That Are Going Green." Business Pundit. N.p., 2015. Web. 13 Oct. 2016.
Andrew, Elise. "Adidas Create a Shoe Made Almost -going-green/
Entirely From Ocean Garbage." IFLScience. N.p., 2016. Wang, Walter. "Top Ten Sustainability Initiatives of
Web. 13 Oct. 2016. Nike - CleanTechies." CleanTechies. N.p., 2015. Web. 13 Oct. 2016.
and-it-s-load-garbage/ ability-initiatives-of-nike/
greenhouse gases they produce as a company.24 These programing, (3) Reactive Materials/Fabrics, and (4)
companies are looking and investing into renewable Wearable devices technology.
energy and taking on actions to be more responsible
to the environment.
Science Driven Sports Clothing
This can be challenging for the sporting goods industry Every year, we see records being broken in sports.
because it takes a lot of resources to provide products Some of that comes from athletes improving
to consumers. Using anything from cotton, metal, physically, but a lot of it comes from science in the
rubber or wood products, to manufacture the final ways the athletes train and gear up. Companies within
product. It also takes a lot of energy to extract the the industry as well as Universities each invest into
material are bring it to a final product stage. A great research on ways to help the athletes perform. There
example of a company striving to build up renewable are high tech training facilities that measure the force
energy is Patagonia. Over the years, Patagonia has generated by different movements athletes will
work with other corporations, to develop strategies perform.
aimed to reducing the environmental footprint
businesses leave behind. They have aligned with 1% The companies will then develop products that will
for the Planet and donate 1 percent of its sales to specifically fit the needs of the athletes and assist
environmental organizations around the world.25 them in their performance. Along with the research in
developing products that can withstand pressure from
If companies are not looking at ways to improve their the athletes movements, they also research into ways
overall mark in the world, it can be a real down fall to to make those movements more effortless.26 There are
them. They will not only miss out on good relations consistently new clothing items that are made with
with the public, they will missing out on the savings materials that are more aerodynamic, water resistant
renewable energy can provide. It would be a great or flexible to assist athletes in each type of sport.27
opportunity for a company to work with these shifting Companies are incentivized to invest into scientific
trends and improve their business and reduce their research because to increase market share, finding
overall impact on the world. It could also really ways that your products will help athletes be better,
threaten a business in the long run if they dont start faster, stronger will set you apart. The scientific
looking for ways to implement renewable energy. research inspires different type of technology to be
developed. There is always opportunities moving
forward with science driven clothing, as athletes
Science/Technology Trends in change and needs arise for each individual.
the Industry
Apps and Online Programing
In the athletic world, there is always continuous
improvement by the athletes. Most of the short term Although the industry makes most of its money
changes come from changes in style. However, there through selling shoes, apparel and sport gear,
are consistently new innovation trends that deal with technology is used to find new customers for their
Science and Technology that companies are taking market. Not only can companies find new consumers,
advantage of to gain a competitive edge, or at least, but also increase the loyalty of the customers through
increase the size of the industry pie. By look at science device apps and online programs. In recent years,
and technology we notice some important trends companies have spent time and money developing
within the industry coming from technology. They are:
(1) Science driven clothing, (2) Apps and online Lauer, Caleb. "Three Innovations in Sports Clothing
Technology: Fashion vs. Function." Pro Player Insiders
Executive Editor Melissa Mahler. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct.
"25 Big Companies That Are Going Green." Business player-team-news-features/three-innovations-sports-clothi
Pundit. N.p., 2015. Web. 13 Oct. 2016. ng-technology-fashion-vs-function/
27 "New Sports Clothing Technology: The Future
-going-green/ Performance Of Athletes | Royal Fashionist." Royal
Daniels, Fund. Ethics Fashionist. N.p., 25 Mar. 2016. Web. 13 Oct. 2016.
df technology/
apps and online programs that teach athletes will in keeping the body warm while working in colder
enjoy and use. Athletes no longer have to go from conditions and climates.29
store to store to find the right product for them.

They can get on a electronical device and use apps and

programs found online to find the right fit for them. Wearable Devices Technology
This trend is continually growing and more people are As stated above, athletes want to be better, faster and
found using devices to shop rather that go and shop in stronger. They want to win. They want to use
department stores.28 This could be a great opportunity equipment and technology to help bring them to the
moving forward in creating value to consumers and next level. This is used in association with different
businesses. Friendly website allow for customers to fitness trackers and smart technologies that monitors
find the right clothing, and reduces the amount of how the athletes perform and gives guidance and
returns they have to make. Companies wouldnt have motivation. When these devices first start out they
to worry about shoplifting of their hot items that were very trendy and everyone wanted one. In this
everyone wants. past year there have been a slight decline of these
device, but still could have a lot of potential for
These new apps and online shopping could also bring athletes in training. Wearable devices could become
threats, as consumers can shop anywhere without big if the right innovation came along, or they could
having to move from store to store and can compare die off and other smart clothing will take over.30
products with ease. They can read review from other
consumers and become very informed about products Science has proven that humans physically perform at
and can compare the prices to find the best option for a slightly better level than the past. However, athletes
them. Nike was know as being one of the best when it are continually improving because of the science and
came to shoes and sporting equipment. As customers technology involved in the equipment and apparel
went out to shop they knew Nike was a reliable brand, they use. Technological changes are booming in
with durable shoes and clothing, which would help industry right now and a lot of technology is being
them lead to buy Nike over other brands. But with the added to everyday clothing.31
ability for consumer to become more informed about
new products and other brands, they can easily switch
to other brands with similar qualities.

Reactive Materials/Fabrics
Technology is also improving materials and the designs
of clothing. The industry is able to create clothing that
will protect athletes muscles and prevent soreness or
injury. New equipment is constantly being developed
that is more resistant to wear and will hold up to the
intensity of the sports. Moisture-wicking fabrics and
thermal technology are big right now in this industry. 29
Lauer, Caleb. "Three Innovations in Sports Clothing
Moisture wicking fabrics reacts to how one sweats. Technology: Fashion vs. Function." Pro Player Insiders
The clothing does not absorb the sweat like most Executive Editor Melissa Mahler. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct.
fabrics, it brings it to the surface of the fabric where it 2016.
then can evaporate. Thermal technology reacts to the player-team-news-features/three-innovations-sports-clothi
temperature of a person's body. This thermal tech aids ng-technology-fashion-vs-function/
Dishman, Lydia. "Heres Why Youll Be Wearing smart
Workout Clothes Soon." Fortune. N.p., 16 Oct. 2015.
Web. 13 Oct. 2016.
Dishman, Lydia. "Heres Why Youll Be Wearing smart
Wilson, Jamar. "Topic: E-commerce Worldwide." N.p., Workout Clothes Soon." Fortune. N.p., 16 Oct. 2015.
2015. Web. 13 Oct. 2016. Web. 13 Oct. 2016.
legislators, doctors, and the media are working to pass
new regulations to stop this sport or limit its contact.
This could threaten the industry because of the loss in
sales that come along with football.

Sweatshops seem to be an ongoing problem with
many clothing industries. Since many of the companies
manufacture outside of the U.S. they are not held to
the same standards that are found inside on the U.S.
Companies are found with young children working in
Political/Regulatory Issues dangerous areas in the factories and factories that are
built are not constructed well.34 This could leading to
Facing the Industry new regulations that could be passed to try and aid for
Besides the normal ups and downs that affect every better conditions. In the past Nike had to deal with the
industry from political negotiation, the Sporting good problem of having a bad image for poor work
industry has been light and steady. There are conditions in Indonesian. This really effected Nike and
practically no regulatory or political restraints on the it eventually caused layoffs and reduction in sales.35
industry on what can or cannot be done. The most
common regulations enforced are trade policies,
limiting how much can be produced or imported to Cultural/Social Trends in the
foreign countries. However this has had little effect on
the growth of the industry. Two other issues to be
aware of are: (1) Regulations facing football, and (2) Cultural and societal trends highly influence a persons
Sweatshops. purchase intent. The major trends in the industry are:
(1) Health Trends (2) Social media (3) The use of the
internet. (4) Athleisure (5) Activities with free time (6)
Regulations Facing Football Participation in Sports
One of the largest sectors in the sports industry is
American Football. Medical studies have been
continually finding the dangers and risks of 34
concussions from playing this sport.32 In 2013 Frontline "10 Major Clothing Brands Caught in Shocking
Sweatshop Scandals." TheRichest. N.p., n.d. Web. 13
on pbs released a documentary on how the NFL is
Oct. 2016.
trying to hide how concussions were affecting
athletes.33 This left thousand of people angry and -clothing-brands-caught-in-
32 35
"FRONTLINE." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2016. Lutz, Ashley. "How Nike Shed Its Sweatshop Image to Dominate the Shoe Industry." Business Insider. Business
school-football-players-face-bigger-concussion-risk/ Insider, 2015. Web. 13 Oct. 2016.
"FRONTLINE." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2016. sweatshop-image-2015-6
Companies are capitalizing on these and
complementing customers on using their products.
Health Trends They are also holding competitions to see who can get
Today people are moving much more towards a the most steps in a day, run the most miles, loose the
healthy lifestyle.36 With all of the health tracking most calories, ect. People are competing with their
devices on phones and watches people are constantly friends to see who can workout the most.
working to improve their health. Societal trends are
still pushing towards being strong and healthy today. Customers are becoming evangelists and sharing these
with their friends and encouraging them to also
Health, and the way somebody looks, is a very high compete and join the fun. Social media opens many
value in todays society. There are more people trying opportunities to increase sales in the industry. Under
to be in shape than ever before. People are constantly armor released a new marketing campaign game on
counting their steps and how many calories they have snapchat for youth that allows them to run through
lost during the day. This increases the amount of obstacles as Cam Newton. This is something that Nike
workout clothing that is worn and also increases the could easily do with all of their sponsors.
desire to have breathable clothing.

This is a huge opportunity to capitalize on. With

people being so concerned with how they look and
how much they work out Nike could come out with With the internet being such a big part of everyday life
new products or programs to help people stay in less people are going into stores to buy products.
shape. They could come out with new healthy eating Many people will often look online at products before
habits, new stylish clothes, and new products to track buying them. Depending on where the products lies on
your health. the o-continuum, people will also be reading reviews
on the product before buying them. This can be a
threat to the company because of the many trolls out
there who look for opportunities to bash the company.
Social Media With people always being on their phones, many
With so much access to social media in the palm of companies in the industry are reaching out to them.
peoples hands, people are always posting pictures, Because people are always on their phones many
updates, and videos of their sporting activities. A lot of companies have developed apps that people can easily
companies are putting contests online to get people to download onto their devices and constantly look at
use their product. This opportunity is one that every updates in the business, or interesting news.
company should capitalize on.
Because apps are so trendy, there are even apps for
Some already are. They have activities to encourage many different sports. The internet can be both a
people to do and whoever does it the best wins a threat and an opportunity. People might turn to
prize. Many companies are also encouraging people to amazon before turning to your company's website
share the best pictures of their products with which could impose a threat. On the other hand Nike
incentives in doing so. Saying that whoever gets the could come out with more new apps for sports to help
most likes or shares wins a prize. By doing this their company grow.
products get free advertising and their customers
become evangelists.
With so many people using the internet everyday to
post their activities companies constantly see people
wearing their apparel and using their products.

Watson, Elwood D. "Younger Consumers Are Trending
Toward More Health-Conscious Eating." The Huffington
Post., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2016.
people working longer hours there is less time for
leisure activities and exercising. This could be a threat
Athleisure to the industry if the amount of leisure time continues
With people working out more they are realizing that to decrease. This is a big opportunity to go into
they prefer to wear workout clothes than normal jeans developing breathable work clothes for
and t-shirts. More and more women are regularly businessmen/women.
wearing leggings, jeggings, and other workout clothes,
even in the workplace.37 They are starting to become
socially acceptable to wear whenever and wherever
Participation in Sports
you want. With Nikes technology they could easily Overall the percentage of Americans participating in
develop a new product line to reach this demand for sports activities has been increasing slightly over the
comfortable, breathable, and stylish clothing in the past couple of years and is expected to increase into
workplace. 201739 . Part of this was due to rising unemployment
rates during the recession and people seeking for
More and more people are wearing athletic shoes, activities to keep them active and busy. During this
rather than dress up shoes when doing things other time the trends of sport activities and becoming
than sports. Companies like Lululemon are developing healthier came along and has impacted the demand
more breathable nice looking work clothing so that for sporting equipment in a good way.
people can be more comfortable at work while still
looking professional. These companies are beating These trends bring new opportunities into the sporting
Nike to this area could impose a threat upon them. goods industry and it has seen an overall increase in
People are looking for shoes and clothing for fashion the sporting goods market. Most of the growth seen
not just athletics.This opens a huge door of now is not in team sports but in individualized
opportunity. Adidas is capitalizing on this opportunity activities like fitness, bicycling and going to the gym.
and just came out with 84 pieces of unisex clothes and This is great, but since more customers are
footwear.38 Nike needs to jump on this trend and come participating in sports, it means that there is a broader
out with a new line that nobody has seen yet. consumer preference in sporting equipment.
Companies are responding by innovating in the fields
that they are good at. Over the past couple of years
many innovations have been made to sporting
Activities with Free Time equipment, shoes are made to fit different terrains
Americans tend to spend a good amount of their day and weather conditions, workout clothing now has
on leisure activities, which include watching TV, sweat absorbing material that fits comfortably.
playing sports, reading, etc. With so many new
activities becoming popular more time is spent
exercising. People are seeing the need to be healthier Conclusion
and many people are finding time to exercise by riding
There is a lot of competition within the Athletic &
bikes to work which could increases the need for
Sporting Goods Manufacturing industry as well as the
breathable and comfortable clothing.
Athletic Shoe Store Industry. However, the industry as
a whole continues to grow as the number of
Most big companies are also encouraging their
participants in sports increases, as well as the use of
employees to be healthy and to exercise. With more
athletic clothing spreads to other uses such as
Watson, Elwood D. "Younger Consumers Are Trending
athleisure. Companies have countless opportunities to
Toward More Health-Conscious Eating." The Huffington improve their own performance and take new and
Post., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2016. existing niches in the company. Companies can focus on existing demands from consumers in term of
out-clothes-not-working-out_n_6323520.html desired functionality. In addition they can also focus
Prutting/, David X. "Alexander Wang Announces Petrillo, N IBIS World Report Athletic & Sporting Goods
Adidas Collab Because Athleisure Will Never Die." The Manufacturing in the US. IBISWorld. 895, 13 Oct. 2016.
Cut. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Oct. 2016. Web.
wang-announces-adidas-athleisure-collaboration.html edid=51
on new demands such as the form and style of the economy is only expected to grow at an annualized
products. Companies must also take advantage of the rate of .2% during the next 10 years, which is slower
trends with social media as that is how most than the 2.2% annualized growth in us GDP over 10
individuals are being influenced on a daily basis. years.43

Chapter 2
Market Life cycle
The athletics and sporting goods manufacturing
industry is in the mature stage of its life cycle. 40 Over
the past decade the industry has faced many
challenges. There has been strong competition from
domestic and international players. 41 The different
strategies used by these competitors is making it
difficult for Nike to be number 1.
Industry Players and
Marketing Strategies
In this industry many marketing strategies are being
Product Life Cycle Stage implemented, but many seem to not be working as
well as hoped. One huge problem that Nike is facing is
Over the last two years the growth in total revenue that they are using star athletes to endorse their
has been growing in sporting goods industrys life products. They are also continually working to
cycle. In 2015 it experienced a 4.7% growth, and in enhance many of the products design and functionality
2016 the growth is expected to be around 1.2% by the to improve the overall benefits to the consumers.
end of the year.42 This in not bad considering that the These products and equipment are being advanced in
Athletic and sporting Goods Industries are in a mature many ways and becoming lighter and better equipped
phase in their life cycles. Over the past couple of years, to deal with changing terrains and conditions.
the industry has faced challenges and difficulties in the
overall operating environment. The competition from Well guess what? Everything mentioned in the above
domestic and international players has become paragraph is exactly what every other competitor in
extremely tough and there has been an influx of goods the industry is doing to increase revenue. Because
being imported into the market. Industry operators every brand is doing the same thing, the only thing
are facing many challenges and are seeing trends of that differentiates them is their brand name. Nike
lower sales and profit because of the high competition needs to do something to differentiate themselves
from global manufacturers. Not only that, but the from their competitors.
industrys value that it is adding to the overall
Despite these advances the overall impact of the
IBIS World Report Athletic & Sporting Goods industry has not been affected as hoped. The fact is
Manufacturing. IBISWorld. 895, Web. that many homes already have multiple sporting equipment and some of the designs and
tlook.aspx?entid=895 improvements are so small that consumers are not
IBIS World Report Athletic & Sporting Goods recognizing them. These innovations are being
Manufacturing. IBISWorld. 895, Web.
noticed, and new customers are buying into these
ook.aspx?entid=895#IL innovations but not enough to significantly increase
IBIS World Report Athletic & Sporting Goods
Manufacturing. IBISWorld. 895, Web. 43
IBIS World Report Athletic & Sporting Goods Manufacturing. IBISWorld. 895, Web.
revenue. The top two major players in this industry are customers are spending money on (3) Key buying
Nike and Performance Sports Group, with others like industries within the athletic and sporting goods
Callaway Golf Company and Escalade Inc. gaining in industry.

Customers and Buyers

Successful Marketing Because there is such a diverse range of products in
this industry customers/buyers have a high bargaining
Strategies power. Right now there is thousands of different
To be successful in this industry some of the marketing stores selling sporting equipment and hundreds of
programs that are used by organizations need to be companies in this industry that are fighting for the
spot on. Having a good brand name and image in this customers and their growing trend of participation in
industry is extremely important. Many customers are sports. If companies are not meeting the demands of
becoming ever more health conscious and hold brands customers it is extremely easy for them to switch to a
to the same standards that they hold themselves at. brand that meets their needs. They are also growing in
Retailers also are more likely to buy larger amounts of bargaining power to put companies into check to meet
goods that are trusted by consumers and are environmental needs. Since social media has become
respectable in the industry. It is also important to increasingly popular all over the world large
produce products that meet quality standards set by companies need to watch and listen to their customers
governments, retailers and consumers. Since many if they wish to survive.
sports involve equipment that must be deemed safe
for the consumers. A brand will fall quickly if its quality
is not up to par for extreme sporting events. Not only Retailers and purchasing power
do the products have to be safe they have to
accommodate a large range of clients. Products in this Since customers are demanding high quality in
industry and not be built for one size fits all, if a products and buying equipment that will best suite
company tries to market this way they will fail quickly. them when participating in sporting activities.
To maintain market shares within this industry Retailers are looking to purchase items from the
companies, need to learn how to adopt new industry that are selling among consumers. They all
technology quickly. These improvement dont seem to want to beat out their competitors, so they buy items
move the revenue needle much but are important to that will get customers inside their stores. This gives
ensure that consumers dont switch to a different big retailers like Dicks Sporting goods and Academy
brand. Sports & Outdoors medium bargaining power, since
stores like these comprise a large portion of the
market shares, they are able to push the
manufacturers more than they use to.45
Bargaining Power of
Customers/Buyers- High Key target markets
Threat In the sporting goods industry there are four key areas
The threat of bargaining power of customers/buyers is that are users of sporting goods. They are sporting
high. When looking at the bargaining power of goods stores (retailers), department stores (retailers),
customers and retail buyers on this industry we see a coaching in sports (end users) and ski and snowboard
couple key factors that play into it. They are: (1) resorts (retailers). Each of these markets have differing
Customers can switch to a different brand very easily levels of bargaining power when purchasing products
(2) Retails following market trends and what from the manufactures.
44 45
IBIS World Report Athletic & Sporting Goods IBIS World Report Athletic & Sporting Goods
Manufacturing. IBISWorld. 895, Web. Manufacturing. IBISWorld. 895, Web.
panies.aspx?entid=895 try/majorcompanies.aspx?entid=1079#MP9752
Sporting goods stores have the the most bargaining
power because they make up the largest portion of
profit for the manufacturers. Department stores also
have a good amount of bargaining power because they
meet the customer's ever changing preferences for
sports and activities.

Sports coaches are buyers and have a medium to low

bargaining power. The coach gets to pick which type of
equipment to use, but they need good products that
will last. This causes them to partner with a trusted
brand. They often end up getting sponsored by these

Ski and Snowboard resorts have a medium bargaining

power. Since most of the equipment is used by a large
range of people they have to accommodate them
while giving them quality equipment to rent. This helps
consumers to return to the resorts because they were
pleased with the equipment.

companies. Because they are the best in that area
customers trust them and buy from them in other
Nike Competitors High areas of sporting goods.

Threat Adidas, like Nike, is facing a lot of the same problems.

All companies in the industry are using the same
The competitive intensive of the athletic apparel
marketing strategies to promote their brand. They all
industry is very high and imposes a significant threat.
use professional athletes to promote their product,
Even though Nike has the biggest number of market
emphasize aspirational performance, and constantly
shares in the sporting goods industry, they face many
come out with similar products. Adidas recently came
threats from competitive rivalry in the industry. Some
out with a new product line of unisex clothing to reach
of these threats are (1) Foreign manufacturing. (2)
new customers. 46
Smaller companies growing quickly. (3) Competitors
and their marketing strategies into specific markets.
Competitors like Adidas and Under Armor are seen as
(4) Competitors widening their vision and coming into
the most threatening to the brand right now. They are
new markets that Nike already has the most of.
companies that have been growing at fast rates and
are taking small areas of business away from Nike. As
Right now foreign manufacturing is increasing and
they continue to grow and become more popular
they are producing products at a lower price than
among consumers it allows them to easily move into
companies producing in the US. This imposes a threat
new sporting equipment areas. Nike faces an ever
to Nike because products made at a lower cost are
growing competition in the sporting goods industry
cheaper for customers. This will give customers an
because the competitors are expanding into other
easy way to buy different product.
areas of sporting goods. These competitors are
dangerous towards Nike because Nike is not the only
Also smaller competitors like Under armor and
brand that is seen as the best. Nike is doing its best to
Escalade Inc. are growing at a quicker rate than Nike
fight off these brands and is improving their sporting
and reducing Nikes market shares. Since Nike is
equipment in many areas to try and turn customers
manufacturing such a wide range of products they
back to Nike. They need to differentiate themselves
have a lot of competitors in different areas. Brands like
from their competitors by coming out with something
Adidas, Under Armour, New balance, and Reebok have
to be fought off continually. New balances main area
of focus is shoes. They sell walking and running shoes
that are very comparable to Nike, but is also getting
into sporting apparel. None of these manufacturing
brands are a large threat to Nike, but together it is
causing Nike to lose business in different areas of
Bargaining Power of Nikes
manufacturing, making it a high threat. Suppliers - Low Threats
A lot of the strengths of these competitors come from The bargaining power of suppliers impose a low threat
focusing on an area in the market where customers to the industry. Nikes suppliers affect their business
demands are being met in specific areas. Under Armor through the availability of raw materials. For Nike, the
started by making spandex underwear that was more large quantity of supplies and suppliers creates a weak
comfortable and had moisture-wicking technology to bargaining power for the suppliers. The high supply
help absorb sweat and keep athletes dry. They were minimizes the effects of individual suppliers and their
then able to expand into other areas of sporting goods ability to impact Nikes business. If Nike had large
because they had gained the trust of consumers in
that category first.
New balance focused was to make shoes more Prutting/, David X. "Alexander Wang
comfortable and add arch support and other designs Announces Adidas Collab Because Athleisure Will
to improve overall comfort. By focusing on an area Never Die."
that needs improvement and gaining the trust of
customers has been very beneficial to some of these ces-adidas-athleisure-collaboration.html

quantities of particular supplies, the suppliers would costs. This is important to note because as Nike
be able to have more power.47 controls the largest portion of the industry, their costs
of production are significantly lower than a new
In addition, the large quantity of suppliers creates entrants cost. Leaving the new entrants at a
competition amongst the suppliers to strive to earn disadvantage and a low threat level.
Nikes business. This large population also reduces the
ability for individual suppliers to make demands that In order for new entrants to compete against Nike,
would have an impact on larger companies. they would need to invest into either lower quality
materials to keep costs down or will have low margins
If a supplier tries to raise the cost of the raw materials to be able to compete with Nikes pricing and quality.
or shipping costs, Nike has the opportunity to shop However, as there are many companies competing
amongst suppliers to get the number of supplies they with the pricing at a premium pricing strategy, such as
need from a company willing to provide at Nikes Nike, Adidas and Under Armour, associating a brand
desired price. Overall, because of the high overall not just with sports but with a cause could allow new
supply and number of suppliers, which both create a entrants to develop brands and take part of the larger
weak force on Nike, Bargaining Power of Suppliers is companies market share.
not a significant concern for Nike when creating

Competitive Substitutes
Potential Entrants - Low High
Threat Substitutes are constantly becoming more and more
prominent in this market. They are a high threat to
The threat of potential entrants is low. There are a Nikes industry. Different substitute threats that Nike
large amount of competitors in the Athletic Shoe and is facing right now are (1) technology and video games.
Apparel, new entrants or new firms can always disrupt (2) Secondhand clothing (3) Other pastime activities.
Nikes industry. However, due to the high cost of Technology is constantly coming out with new
brand development and high economies of scale, the inventions that are driving people away from playing
threat of potential entrants is low. It is low because (1) traditional sports. The Wii has even successfully
Products need to have a brand and there are already changed sports into a video game that doesnt require
many top brands in the industry. (2) Nike controls the participants to wear athletic clothing. This is a high
largest portion of the industry making their costs of threat because customers now have the choice to go
production much lower than competitors. (3) The price play sports on their TV instead of going out and
and quality of Nike is too difficult to match. participating in the sport. Exercise is something that
people do on their free time. Video games and other
Companies can easily produce athletic products. technology are driving customers away from buying
However, to have an impact on the industry the athletic apparel.
products need to be represented by a brand. Nike and Secondhand clothing is also a threat to the industry.
the other top providers in the industry each invest More and more people are making their own clothes
millions every year into developing and marketing or cutting up their new clothes to make work out
their brand name. It is extremely expensive for new clothing. When people do this they dont have to go
entrants to develop a brand that can compete against out and buy new clothing to exercise in.
top companies. Pastime activities, other than exercise, are also
imposing a threat to the industry. We mentioned
Economies of scale is how as a company grows and technology already, but there are also different clubs
their production increases. With high increases a and activities that people can participate in instead of
company will have a better chance to decrease its exercising. Doing these other activities do not require
athletic apparel.
IBIS World Report Athletic & Sporting Goods
Manufacturing. IBISWorld. 895, Web.
One potential threat is that of people becoming
environmentalists and persuading people to go
Stakeholders/Influencers/Sha green. This is something that is very popular in the
world right now. There are many protests that are
pers Very low against the way that products are being made and
what they are being made out of. This is an
The threat of stakeholders is very low for Nike. They
opportunity for Nike to collaborate with solar
are low because they are more opportunities than
companies to be more environmentally friendly in
threats. There are three main stakeholders in the
using energy. They could also partner with different
industry right now. They are (1) Good health
green companies to know how to make their
promotions. (2) The influence of the media. (3)
products out of environmentally friendly materials.48
Environmentalists persuading people to go green.
With that being said there is also a growing trend to tie
Stakeholders are very influential at the moment in the
going green with athletics and eating healthy food.
Nike industry. Good health and exercise is one thing
Examples of these trends are organic and healthy
that is booming at the moment. A few examples of
foods. Kodiak Cakes has come out with many products
companies and people promoting good health are
that are healthy and environmentally friendly.
fitbit, city and competitive sport associations, work
livewell programs, and many more. So many people
Other companies in the industry are taking advantage
are getting into always tracking their health with their
of these stakeholders. We see that adidas is coming
different devices. A lot of people are starting to
out with recyclable products to promote being green.
exercise more and get out of the house. Because the
We also see that under armor came out with a filter in
positive influence of being healthy is strong Nikes
snapchat to promote their brand that was fun for the
industry is not threatened by these stakeholders, if
users of snapchat.
fact they are very advantageous to the industry. Nike
could partner with different health tracking devices to
While all of these are trending high right now, they do
help promote good health and promote their brand.
not impose a threat on the industry, rather they
impose a wide range of opportunity for growth for the
The media is also highly influencing people to be in
industry. Making new products to tie into these trends
good health. When we see people in the media looking
will become popular very quickly.
good, posting videos or pictures of workouts, or
different things like this people are influenced more to
exercise. This is a huge opportunity for Nike to take
advantage of. They could partner with many different
social media companies to help promote their product.
They could have a snapchat filter that could be fun for
Chapter 3
users and help advertise their brand. This could help a
lot more people be exposed to their brand. They are
already doing a great job partnering with sports teams
Strategic Market Position
and different schools to help market their products. Nikes mission statement is to bring inspiration and
innovation to every athlete. The co-founder also
stated If you have a body, you are an athlete. Nike is
somewhat stuck in the middle of the road as a
company. They are trying to be the cost leader in the
market. They dont have a niche market. Rather they
try to differentiate themselves from their competitors
by doing their best to reach out to every athlete. They
come out with products for all kinds of different
reasons.They dont focus on just one sport to
"The Environmental Awakening in Sport - The Solutions
Journal." The Solutions Journal. N.p., n.d. Web.
specialize in, but they go after athletes of every sport. need to reach out to those dressing every day in
They dont just stop at products to improve athletic professional clothing. Other companies like Lululemon
ability for consumers, but they also came out with a lot are coming out with professional looking leisure
of leisure products to reach out to even more people. clothing which is one thing that Nike is lacking at this
They dont have one major focus and this has allowed moment.
them to reach a wide range of consumers. One of the
first companies that people think of when they think of
sports is Nike and their hold in the market shows this.
Product Portfolio Analysis
Nikes mission statement is to bring inspiration and
innovation to every athlete. Because they are trying to
reach such a wide variety of athletes sometimes they
do not make the best products for each sport. They
make good products for every sport and some great
products, but are lacking the best of the best for each

Nike is also starting to come out with a lot of leisure

clothing. They have come out with a lot of leisure
shoes and clothing. These leisure clothes are starting
to become really popular among the millennial
generation. This generation is always on the go and
wants to look good and be comfortable, and
sometimes, just feel comfortable.

Nike owns Jordan, Hurley, converse, and all of their Stars

own products. Because they own so many of these
different brands they are able to reach a huge variety Nike has many products that are booming right now
of customers through each different brand. This allows and have been for a really long time and with
Nikes business to grow a lot more than their development can continued to grow. They also have
competitors. Jordan reaches a lot of basketball players. some products that need a lot of work and some that
Converse reaches the hip hop demographic. Hurley they need to get rid of right away. We are going to
reaches out to the surfers and skateboarders. And the cover first the products that are doing well and can
Nike brand reaches out to all other sports, even the continue to grow and then we will talk about the
ones listed above as well as those searching for leisure products that need some work and what they should
products. Nike came out with the Nike SB shoes which get rid of.
has taken off among skateboarders all around the
world and has become super popular for leisure shoes One of Nikes products that is growing at an incredible
for those who are always on the go. rate is their Nike SB shoe. These shoes came out for
skateboarders. Because of their popularity they have
Because Nike is trying to reach a wide variety of started to put other skateboarding shoe companies
people we see that they are lacking the ability to reach out of business. They have also started to become
out to the business world and the professional look. extremely popular as everyday shoes. The Janoski
Nike has a lot of Nike golf products which are very shoes are being worn by all kinds of different kinds of
professional looking clothing. The clothing is very people. The shoes have not only reached the
breathable and looks super professional. If Nike wants skateboarders, but also a large variety of people. The
to reach out to every person who has a body, they skateboarding shoes tend to be more roomy for
peoples feet and are often worn as leisure shoes.
Jaskelainen, Liisa. "Topic: Sporting Goods Industry." N.p., 2016. Web.

company they dont have as much information as
actual snowboarding businesses to make their snow
Cash Cows clothing better than their competitors. This product
Nike has a lot of cash cow products. The list goes on needs to be throw to the side so that they can focus
and on but to keep it simple we will just list that they on products that they specialize more in.
brands that Nike owns are all doing well and bringing
in a lot of cash. Hurley, Jordan, converse, and all Nike has a lot of good products that they can continue
athletic shoes. Their running shoes are used by so to build upon to make cash cows like the line of Nike
many runners, and their basketball, soccer, football, SB products. They need to get rid of products like their
and baseball shoes are all doing well. There leisure snowboarding apparel because they are not taking off
clothing is also starting to become a cash cow for and cost a lot of money. They need to put their money
them, meaning leggings and comfortable on the go into building their problem children like coming out
clothing. with a line of business professional clothing using the
materials and technology that they already have from
their golf and other athletic clothing to reach popular
Problem Children
One problem child that Nike has right now is their fuel
band. Their fuel is supposed to be like a fitbit and help
you keep track of your health and workouts. But they Competitive Advantage
have made is so similar to fitbit that nobody wants to
switch to a product that is the exact same to what they
already have. Nike has an opportunity and the ability Nikes key strategic policies, programs, resources, and
to make their fuelband new and different from that of assets that are building up their competitive position
competitors. This is a huge opportunity for them to are (1) Minimize Environmental Footprint (2)
capitalize and with new developments and benefits to Transform manufacturing (3) Its well known brand
the fuelband it could become a star and possibly a name. (4) Unleash Human Potential.
cash cow. 50

Another one of their problem children is their golf

apparel. With the technology of their golf apparel they Minimize Environmental Footprint
could come out with a new line of business Over the last couple of years Nike has worked to track
professional clothing that would differentiate and reduce the environmental footprint across their
themselves from their competitors. With the value chain, while maximizing athletic performance.
popularity of the on the go lifestyle business They have done this eliminating waste, reducing
professionals would love business professional energy cost; reduce water usage, and implementing
clothing that is more comfortable, breathable, and standards for chemicals. By working towards becoming
stylish than existing products. environmentally friendly Nike has been able to get
smarter with the materials they are using. It not only
helps them reduce environmental impact, but helps in
Dog setting a new bar to improve industry performance
and drive company growth.
One of Nikes products that is really having a hard
time picking up is their snowboarding boots and
clothing. Their boots have gotten the attention of a lot
of people, but they arent any different than any other Transform Manufacturing
boots and because they are not a snowboarding Nike is doing this by changing the role of the worker
and increasing the role of technology. By focusing on
Smith, Chris. "Nike FuelBand: The Rise and Fall of the the roles of the worker and finding valued and skilled
Wearable That Started It All." Wareable. N.p., 2016. Web.
workers, it helps to improve growth and sustainability.
When workers are properly motivated and fairly
compensated they will hopefully deliver a higher
productivity rate and products that are flawless. By
focusing on technology and designs that are important
to consumers, they can produce products that will Unleash Human Potential
meet the specifications of athletes, while reducing Human potential is powerful and when focused in the
waste that comes with the manufacturing process. right areas great things can happen. Nike feels that by
inspiring people and innovating they can bring out
greater human potential to athletes all over the world.
By striving to be engaged in peoples lives it helps
Well-known Brand Name them position themselves as wanting to help people
Nike has a brand name that is well established stay active and participate in the world around them.
throughout the world. They are the number one By being active in peoples lives all over the world it
shoemaker and make a variety of shoes for a vast helps Nike see all the different diversitys and what
number of sports. Nike also has a large number of innovations are needed to benefit these diverse
stores throughout the United States to get their name athletes. Great ideas have come from unexpected
out there. Like Niketown, Nike factory outlets, and places and individuals all over the world looking at
Nike women shops. Because they reach a large things in different perspectives. These different views
number of the world their swoosh is the number one allow for the workplace at Nike to become diverse and
sports brand in the world. 51 inclusive to everyone.

Another way Nike has unleashed human potential is by

investing in talent in their diverse employees. Since
Nike is such a large company in requires world-class
talent to fight off competitors. By seeking out and
inspiring employees to become the best they can it
helps Nike to find the world-class leaders, managers
and coaches. This will hopefully inspire employees to
work hard and fulfill their potential.

The last way Nike is trying to Unleash human potential

is focusing on Kids and creating a positive experience
with sports. If children have a positive experience with
sports and physical activity when they are young, it
makes them want to continue to have those
experiences. Today people are increasingly getting
active in sports and physical activities, and are bringing
their kids along with them. If Nike can help in aiding
these positive experiences among kids, the kids will be
more likely to remember the brand of Nike as a brand
trying to help them reach their full potential.

Nikes Sustainability and

Competitive Advantage
As Nike focuses on their three key strategies of
sustainability it can create a competitive advantage,
but will it be enough for the tough industry they are
in? To gain complete and sustainable advantage
"SWOT Analysis of Nike - Nike SWOT Analysis." company strategies must be valued by the customer, N.p., n.d. Web. be imperfectly imitated, complex, products must be

rare, and products have no strategically equivalent could be considered rare, but is it bringing the
substitutes. competitive advantage needed over other product.

Valued by the Customer Strategically equivalent Substitutes

Nikes strategies are valued by customers; many want Right now many of Nike's products have some kind of
to see improvements to minimize the environmental substitute with all of their products. Sporting apparel
footprint of large companies and help to transform and shoes can easily be substituted with other types of
manufacturing. Customer also find value in companies clothing or shoes. Also other activities are coming into
that focus on what is best for the consumers or at least play and customers are not buying as much sporting
seen that way. equipment, because they are finding other things to
do with their time.

Imperfectly Imitated
These means that Nike's strategies cant be possible to
Marketing Objectives and Strategic
exactly copy them. This area they are lacking, many of Initiatives
the sustainable innovation strategies they are using
To improve Nikes overall Market Position they need
can be copied. The one that will be harder to copy is
to change the way theyre currently positioned in the
transforming manufacturing, since this involves
market. They use to be seen as the best brand and
employees and how they work in the company and
reliable when it comes to purchasing sports apparel
what roles they play it will be hard for another
and shoes. But as time goes on they are losing that
company to imitate the overall manufacturing of
position and consumers see them as just as good as
sports apparel. Using new techniques to reduce the
other brands like Adidas and Under Armor. To get out
environmental impact could be hard to copy, like
in front again they need to think differently and find
recycling waste material to make other products.
areas that are currently not being meet by consumers.
Like those in the business world, or those working in
rough working conditions.
This deals with the interrelationship between various
skills and assets that Nike has. Are they creating a
system that is hard to follow and is complex when
satisfying the wants and needs of specific consumers? Nike's position in the marketplace is not as strong as it
The innovations they have in place are lacking in used to be and as time goes on they need to look at
Complexity, the skills and assets they have are very their strengths and weaknesses to find how they can
similar to those of Adidas or other companies have remain a key player in the market. Nike is a
and it is hurting them. well-known and developed brand all over the world.
They sponsor many events and have a large marketing
budget to promote new and developing products.
They are known to have reliable products that are
Competitive Advantage must be Rare durable and fitting for many athletes. They constantly
To be rare means that Nikes products must have look for ways they can improve products and expand
attributes that gives them the ability to differentiate into new categories like skateboarding. Because the
from other in the market. Many of Nike's products are the millennial generations is setting such a huge trend
similar to others in the market, and can perform the for the on the go lifestyle we recommend that Nike
same way. They are working with material technology capitalizes on this opportunity to come out with their
to improve shoes that are used in different terrains, first line of business professional clothing.
like fabric that is water resistant for places that are
rainy or super light for long runs. These innovations Some of the weaknesses they are facing is they arent
seen as the only option any more. Many athletes

theyre sponsoring are not worth the money they are
spending on them. Products they are developing like
the Nike fuel band are not taking off as hoped and Popularity of going green
products in the snow gear category are not as strong
as they used to be. One can quickly observe while looking into a variety of
different industry a common trend: Going green.
To help Nike stay on top they need to leverage the Companies are trying to use less energy, be more
strengths of continual product improvement and efficient, use less materials, or recycle material.
looking into new areas that will benefit the changing Consumers are becoming more conscientious about
generation. They still have a great brand and it will be protecting the environment, and therefore, companies
easy for them to enter into new areas they are not are providing the products to achieve that. Many car
currently reaching like business millennials. The companies are striving to make greener cars that will
weakness they need to do away with are their snow run on electricity. However, as cities grow, there are
gear products. Items they are trying to copy currently more and more regulations on parking. Add in the
have a large portion of the market and Nike is not amount of traffic with the increasing number of cars
gaining enough of that market to pay off what they and Ford Motors has jumped on a new opportunity;
spent to develop it. They can also look at areas that Investing into the bicycle sharing market.52
are not doing as well, like the fuelband and see if they
can make it better and differentiate it from their As we looked into opportunities like this for Ford, we
competitors. see that this could be a great opportunity for business
professionals to use during their commute to work.
However, we noticed one major flaw in this pursuit. It
is not comfortable to commute in professional attire.

Chapter 4 Current business attire does not provide performance

for any active activities, and hardly provides any
comfort for the wearer, especially in hotter or more
humid conditions.
Recommendation Launch a
Business Professional Line of
Clothing- Nike Polish
As mentioned in previous chapters there are a lot of
opportunities that are open and ready to be used to
build These opportunities are based on trends that are
becoming more and more popular. Like that of (1)
being green, (2) wearing leisure clothing, (3) the on
the go lifestyle, and (4) the use of social media in so
many different ways. Nike has some products that are
cash cows and are reaching a wide number of

As marketers, in order to strive to predict the future

and understand where to steer you brand, it is
important to often look outside of your industry.
Athletic apparel companies needed to look outside of
sports to see that consumers wanted to use their
products for leisure. What will be the future for
athletic apparel companies? How else might
consumers want to use a performance and
comfortable clothing? How should Nike pivot? 52
Almost all of Nikes top competitors offer some time of
golf polo and pant. All of these products are marketed
Recommendation- Nike Polish to golfers, but are adored by business professionals for
the business casual look. By being the first to come out
In order to support the initiative to go greener, and with this product before their competitors they will be
promote a more active lifestyle and commuting for one step ahead of their competitors in continuing to
business professionals we see a significant opportunity improve the product. Nike and its competitors are all
for Nike to produce a Business Professional paying less attention to these business professionals
Performance line. The same materials used in their and the golf line while focusing on other products. If
athletic clothing and current golf lines can be used to Nike can bring back that focus and have a division
create business professional attire for men and focus on developing and transforming the golf line into
women that would support the active commuting a professional line, Nike can be the first to market and
lifestyle. dominate the market to skyrocket ahead of its
competitors. Nike can use its classic marketing and
This active professional attire called Nike Polish will advertising touch but with a business flare to then
not only support the consumers in the logistics of differentiate themselves as a better performance
physically commuting to work, but will also create a product for every necessity of life.
much more comfortable lifestyle. Working eight or
more hours in a day in a button up with slacks or a suit
can become very uncomfortable, especially in a humid
environment or hot office. Consumers have turned to
athletic companies for more comfortable leisure
Staying cost efficient
clothing. Nike can also take advantage of this and Nike has always been a cheaper option for high quality
capture business professionals as customers with a products because their costs are lower than
business professional performance line. competitors and will do the same in this market.
Designing, advertising and catering to the elite
professionals, but in a price range for middle class.
They can also continue using their economies of scale
Mission Statement to find top performing business professionals to
sponsor with their clothing. There are countless
To expand the market and gain customer in the opportunities for them to tell new stories of business
business community by offering comfortable, professionals, living an active, comfortable
breathable and professional clothing to active professional life. They can advertise with new sponsors
professional millennials who want a stylish or use athletes in their clothing. This can even provide
professional look when working. new partnership opportunities such as strengthening
their Apple relationship with the professional side of
their current Nike watch.

Changing Golf apparel

Although Nike begun as an athletic company,
branching into the business attire market will allow
Nike to extend their portfolio, as they continue to
succeed in the athletic industry. They will be able to
differentiate themselves while staying true to the Nike
name meaning Victory. Nike has stood for victory in all
areas. No matter what sport or activity. Nike is there
to help you become victorious. They have already
developed many articles of professional attire that are
currently in their golf line. Therefore, all they will need
to do is expand that line and market the clothing to

Using top designers
With Nikes current success, they have the funds and
the relationships to hire top designers to create the
best looking clothing. They also have the research and
material background to create products directly
tailored to the needs of consumers. By creating sweat
wicking, breathable, flexible business suits, and button
ups, Nike will be able to quickly launch into the
professional attire environment with a huge
competitive edge over all the current competition of
comfort and performance.

This will create the perfect opportunity for Nike so that

when a consumer in any type of environment and
thinks Elite or Victorious they will think of Nike
helping them to get there.

high quality products for golfers that many business
Executive Summary of professionals have adapted. These are professional
looking products, made from athletic material that
Marketing Audit provides high levels of comfort.

Because of the on the go lifestyle Nike needs to

come out with a line of stylish, breathable and
comfortable business professional clothing. With many
Marketing Overview businesses and leaders encouraging people to be
green and reduce co2 emissions more people will start
The biggest challenge that Nike is facing is being able biking to work. Right now we are seeing an increasing
to differentiate themselves from other companies that trend in the amount of people who are switching to
are operating almost exactly the same way as they are. biking to get to and from work. Nike would have a
Under Armor and Nike even have the same words in great advantage in the market if they would be the
their mission statements. Under Armor's mission is to first company to come out with a business
make all athletes better through passion, design and professional. This clothing line will meet those unmet
the relentless pursuit of innovation. Nike's mission needs of active millennials and athletic business
statement is "To bring inspiration and innovation to professionals that are seeking clothing that is
every athlete in the world." Both companies state that comfortable, low maintenance, and looks professional
their focus is on innovation. Aside from innovation, for work at their business.
almost all of the athletic apparel industries is creating
similar quality products with similar pricing. Nike already has some of the needed technology of
business like clothing through their current golf wear
This difficulty in differentiation has decreased sales line, with some effort, they can develop a new life that
and opened doors for customers to find and chose looks more business professional. This active
competitors products over Nike products. Products professional attire will not only support the consumers
that these companies have are identical and in the logistics of physically commuting to work, but
customers can easily shop for similar goods for a will also create a much more comfortable lifestyle.
cheaper price among other companies. Nike needs to Working eight or more hours in a day in a button up
differentiate itself from Adidas and Under Armor to with slacks or a suit can become very uncomfortable,
become stronger in the market. especially in a humid environment or a warm office.
Consumers have turned to athletic companies for
The millennial generation is always living on the go and more comfortable leisure clothing. Nike can also take
looking for fashionable, comfortable and breathable advantage of this and capture business professionals
clothing both for play and work. This opens an as customers with a business professional
opportunity for Nike to meet this need. Nike has the performance line.
means to come out with a business professional line of
clothing that is significantly more comfortable and Our mission statement with this new product line is to
breathable than other professional clothing. Nike has expand the market and gain customer in the business
much of the technology already needed to develop a community by offering comfortable, breathable and
comfortable professional clothing line that will meet professional clothing to active professional millennials
the needs of these customers. who want a stylish professional look when working.
We will encourage those who buy this clothing to Just
do it at work. This will help business professionals to
be confident in succeeding in the workplace as well.
Vision Overview
Since the company began, Nike has always been true
to their name of the Goddess of Victory. Their focus
has been of eliteness. Nike is well known in each
sporting industry for creating elite products and
sponsoring the most elite athletes. With Nikes
experience within the golf industry, they have created

at an incredible rate, we recommend that Nike comes
out with their own line of business professional
Articulation of Key clothing. People want to look professional at work and
feel comfortable at the same time. With the
Recommendations and Plan of technology that Nike has already developed through
their golf wear and other clothing lines they can
Action change that into a new line of comfortable,
breathable, and stylish business professional attire.
Our recommendation is for Nike to bring on Just do it and change the professional world in a
stylists to help them use their current line of positive way making everyone more comfortable.
materials to develop a professional line of
business professional attire for men and
women. The target audience for these products will be
business professionals who are also athletes who can
then wear Nike on the court, and in the office. Nike
can specifically target millennials who are moving with
the trends of commuting and travel. Business
professionals who would fit this market perfectly are
sales professionals. Sales professionals are constantly
traveling for appointments whether in a car or plane. A
common trait that sales professionals often share is a
competitive spirit, just like athletes.

The high performance material that Nike uses in

their golf and other athletic lines provides high
comfort and breathability. This will allow workers to
commute whether in the car or on a bike comfortably
without the need to change into other attire. This will
also allow professionals who are traveling long trips via
car or plane to travel comfortably, with little wrinkling
in the material.

We recommend that Nike sponsor business

professionals who are athletes, or professional
athletes who turned to business. These sponsors can
talk about the comfort of the product, and what it
allows them to do. Nike can directly market to sales
professionals who are traveling and show the benefits
of high performance business professional attire.

With this business professional line, Nike can expand

their market by continuing their brand of victory and
eliteness by helping business professionals to be
comfortable and perform everywhere from ball court
to board room.

Based on the analysis Nike needs to differentiate
themselves from their competitors and close the doors
for substitutes. WIth the on the go lifestyle growing

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