The Art of Manifestation

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The Art of Manifestation: Energy Follows Thought

Authored or posted by Pao Chang | Updated on October 15th, 2016 | Published on October 15,

By Douglas Fisichella, author of

Energy Follows Thought

We have all heard this phrase but I would like to go into a bit of depth as to what it
means to raise it up a bit above a catch phrase or platitude. It is a fundamental tenet of
esoteric thought. Genesis tells us that In the beginning the Earth was null and void
and darkness was upon the deep. The first question that should bring to mind is what
is the deep? Well get to that in a moment.

This nothingness then stirred and God said Let there be Light, and divided light from
the darkness. It was an act of pure spiritual will through the use of the divine mind. We
havent actually divided the light from the darkness (its obvious source) only the idea
has actually been created. A thought either created or accessed by the divine mind.

The mind created the idea before the will was able to manifest it, empowered by the
desire to see it manifest. This is the deep. The astral or desire plane is always
associated with liquid and usually water.

It is interesting also that instead of just doing it we see that God crystallized this idea or
thought form in a mantra or word of power; Let there be light, and then created a
physical plane change through his desire. Thus the first manifested result of the
omniscient being at the center of our system is organized sound, or vibration, and after
that all that will ever be in the world is a product of vibration. The word Logos is used
to describe this entity in manifestation and literally means word.
Now why is any of this important? This first act of creation out of the mind of God is
repeated in every other creative act on every level in every plane and it is used by you
and I to create our world. We have talked about resonance and how we attract into our
reality the things we think about most, but when we conceive of an idea and build a
better mouse trap we are the creator in the microcosm.

Nothing is created without first being imagined. There has to be that moment when the
creator says wouldnt it be cool if in this case the rest would be there was light.
The image making faculty of consciousness is the mind.

When we visualize and idea we are creating an image. The energy and potential of the
thought form is based on the ability of the consciousness that created, accessed, or
simply organized it. We do this constantly but with little result because we are not very
good a focusing our minds. The idea may just pass.

If the desire is strong enough then it is brought into physical reality. It is and always
has been energy and has simply been organized at different levels until it has fully
crystallized. The will of God creates through the love of God as do you and I.

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