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This section is designed to help you see the flow of your units/topics across the entire school year.
Unit Unit Length

Unit 1: The Choices We Make 10 weeks

Unit 2: What Influences My Choices 10 weeks

Unit 3: Choices and Consequences 10 weeks

Unit 4: How We choose to Act 10 weeks


This section is designed to help you compare the number of available instructional days/weeks to the
number of days/weeks you have accounted for in your Long-Term Plan.
Course Length

Total number of instructional weeks/days in school year: 39 weeks

Total number of instructional weeks/days for all units included in Long-Term Plan: 39 weeks

UNIT 1: The Choices We Make UNIT 1 LENGTH: 10 Weeks


Describe an incident, choice, and thoroughly reflect on the lesson learned

Show clear evidence of thorough and skillful revision to improve meaning, clarity,
and adherence to narrative style
Include a thoughtful reflection with explanations for changes
Has an engaging beginning that hooks the reader and reveals all aspects of the
Has a middle that vividly describes the series of events in the incident as well as
the narrators feelings, thoughts, and actions
Has a reflective ending that examines the consequences of the choice
Use sensory details and figurative language to vividly show the incident
Contain few or no errors in spelling, punctuation, or capitalization
Describe a natural phenomenon and includes the idea of choice while cleverly
teaching a lesson
Skillfully use story elements to engage the reader and lead to a satisfying
Include vivid visuals that use effective symbolism for the ideas in the myth
Is well organized and clearly follow the plot structure of a story
Use transitions to skillfully guide the reader

Remedial (R) Create a narrative poem using narrative elements that highlight specific areas of
Enrichment (E) your life
(to be completed after Revise and edit rough drafts of their narrative poems as they go through the writing
receiving diagnostic process
assessment results) Create a myth that is based in Hawaiian culture or locality
UNIT 2: What Influences My Choices UNIT 2 LENGTH: 10 Weeks


Present a topic with a clearly stated and insightful controlling idea

Support the topic with specific and relevant facts, evidence, details, and examples
to guide understanding of main ideas
Skillfully combine ideas from several sources
Lead with an effective engaging introduction
Effectively sequence ideas and use meaningful transitions to create cohesion and
clarify relationships among ideas
Provide an insightful conclusion that follows from and supports the explanation
Use precise diction deliberately chosen to inform or explain the topic
Use a variety of sentence structures to enhance the explanation
Demonstrate technical command of the conventions of standard English
Present a claim and provide appropriate background and a clear explanation of the
Support the claim with logical, convincing reasoning and evidence, as well as
skillful use of rhetorical devices
Summarize and refute counterclaim with relevant reasoning and clear evidence
Follow a clear structure with a logical procession of ideas that establishes
relationships between the essential elements of an argument
Link main points with effective transitions that establish coherence

UNIT 3: Choices and Consequences UNIT 3 LENGTH: 10 Weeks


Has a focused, insightful thesis that address the prompt fully and precisely
Use well-selected textual evidence
Provide precise and insightful commentary showing the relationship between the
evidence and the thesis
Present a strong introduction with a hook and clear thesis
Is coherent with well-developed body paragraphs that use effective transitions
Present an insightful and compelling conclusion that follows directly from the ideas
of the thesis
Show a sophisticated variety of sentence types used appropriately
Use formal style and precise academic language
Contain so few errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation that
they do not detract from excellence
Clearly describe in detail in the subjects character and personal history and
includes specific examples of the choices, actions, and words that made him or her
a great leader
Show extensive evidence of research conducted
Maintain focus on the main points of the summary and effectively communicates to
the intended audience
Use well-chosen and relevant visuals with explanatory captions, and includes
photos, tables, and/or charts created and interpreted by students
Show collaborative group work to present the project, using all members effectively
Contain a precise annotated bibliography, a well-written summary of relevant
source information, and a description of how each source was evaluated and
assisted the research
Use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation
Display sophisticated variety of sentence types used appropriately
UNIT 4: How We Choose to Act UNIT 4 LENGTH: 10 Weeks


Uses narrative techniques skillfully and smoothly weaves details into the story to
crate interest and develop a believable persona
Uses clever props, facial expressions, and movement to create meaning for the
Shows excellent oral delivery with volume, rate, pitch, and inflection that add to the
Engages and orients the audience with creative hook that sets the tone and
establishes context and point of view
Follows a careful sequence and provides a clever ending
Uses transitions smoothly to convey sequences and signal shifts
Uses specific language to communicate tone
Creates imagery with figurative language and sensory details
Uses multiple sentence types
Cleverly uses literary devices and punctuation for meaning, reader interest, and
Deliver an insightful interpretation, and meaning is cleverly communicated through
tone, pauses, volume, facial expressions, movements, and gestures
Include several theatrical elements that expand meaning for the audience
Include detailed scene annotations with performance notes and a creative plan for
the performance
Notes show excellent evidence of listening to and evaluating peer performances
Reflection demonstrates insightful commentary on strengths, challenges, growth,
and evaluation of performances
Use language that delivers a faithful and dramatic representation through visual
and vocal delivery
Effectively communicate meaning for the audience through gestures, inflection,
volume, and pitch

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