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Storyboard Composition

MUED 271: Summer Davis and Thomas Crowson

How to Interpret a Story Through Song

What aM I Learning?
"Refine and Complete Artistic Work"

You got hands-on experience plugging variables into a

Scratch code to relay a self-designed musical message.

You learned how to make musical decisions to create a

musical narrative that you could perform.

An online program that easily A programmable digital
allows you to write your own controller that works off of
code imagination and self-design

We programmed a narrative We attached ours to a pre-

song for a short visual story by programmed Scratch code so
plugging in sound samples into that it would send a message in
their respective code. the form of touch to the
Storyboard Composition
MUED 271: Summer Davis and Thomas Crowson

What Steps Were There to create?

1. Be ready to create
2. What story do you see on the board?
3. Figure out how the pictures on Scratch line up with the board
4. Experiment with the Scratch code given to you
5. Choose sounds to go with your story
6. Place your foot on Earth and press the touch sensors
7. (You'renow a storyboard master!) Try something new and

What can I do at home?

Scratch has limitless potential. Go home and see what games you
can make, or use some of the pre-programmed ones.

Continue writing your own music for your favorite books, TV shows,
movies, and pictures.

Where can I go for more?

Groove Pizza

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