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Launch ArcCatalog
2. Browse the folder
where you save
your working data.
3. Open the Folder by
double click/right
click the folder.
1. Inside your folder,
right click, then
browse new, then
file Geodatabase.
1. Rename the
2. Open the file of
the geodatabase
you made by
double clicking.
1. Inside your
Geodatabase, right
click, then browse
New, then
Feature dataset
1. In Name, input your
Topology Name.
2. Then click Next
Project your Database.
Then Next
1. Open File
Feature Set by
double click..
1. Inside your
Dataset, browse
2. Feature Class
1. Input Feature
folder, browse the
shapefiles you
want to use in
2. Output location
Remained at ease.
3. Output Feature
Class Name your
Shapefiles such as
4. Then click OK
1. Your Dataset
shapefiles appear
inside Feature
1. Along with your
shapefiles, right
click in open space,
browse New
then Topology
1. Click Next
1. Check the box side
of your shapefiles
2. Click Next
Click Next
1. Add Rule, in add
rule you can
choose rule as you
2. Then Click OK
1. Click Finish
1. The Newly created
Topology Dialogue
2. Click Yes to You
want to validate it
The New Topology has
been created
1. Launch ArcMap Software
2. Project the data frame
1. Drag and Drop the
Newly created
Topology in
Click Yes
1. Your new Topology
will look like this
2. The Dark Red
Shows the error of
overlapping and
the light one shows
the Gaps
1. Fix the Error
a. Start Editing, In
Editor browse for
Start Editing.
b. For those
Topology are still
disable, At upper right
most of your MENU
BAR right click then
browse for Topology
1. Click the Fix
Topology error
1. Using your fix topology error
2. Click the polygon that has an
error, from red boundary it
will appear black,
3. Inside the polygon right click
and the parameter will
appear of what would you
do in your error(such as
Merge, substract.)
1. Merge, merging of
2 Polygon into 1.
2. Substract,
substracting it will
delete/subtract the
3. Create Feature,
from your error if
you choose this the
Gap or polygon will
another polygon
1. After merging of
the two
overlapping error,
1. Stop Editing, then
Click YES
Assuming that you
already fix the entire
error of your polygon
1. Export your
1. Click Yes
1. From your new Exported
Shpfiles, right click, browse
Open Attribute Table
2. In Attribute Table, right click
the Area browse the
Calculate Geometry

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