Ingles 1 Cuentos y Preguntas UNLAM

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Beyond the shadow of a doubt

Resumen 1
The story is about Sarah, she has a date with Jason. She was very anxious so really in love
him. He was handsome. They had a date in the Jasons flat but Sarah went earlier. She saw
two silhouettes against the gauze curtains. She misunderstood the situation but Jason has
worked with his models.

Resumen 2
The story is about Sarah, she has a date with Jason. He was handsome. She was very
anxious so really in love him. They had met a month earlier. He had driven her home
several times. She had a dinner date in the Jasons flat in Bayswater. She saw two
silhouettes against the gauze curtains. She misunderstood the situation but Jason has
worked with his models. She never saw him again


Fbulas de Aesop (Esopo)

The cage bird and the bat

Why did The Bird sing only at the night?

Because The Bird was caught by the hunter

When did The Cage Bird sing?

The Cage Bird sang at the night

Why did the hunter catch the bird?

Because The Bird was singing
Because The Bird sang happily
Because The Hunter heard The Bird
Because The Hunter heard The Birds song

Where was The Bird?

The Bird was in your cage

The father and his sons


How did the father for stop the quarrel?

He gives a practical example of disunion

The Fox and the Goat

Why did the Goat come down into the well?

Because the Goat trusted to the Fox

The Choice

How did Pete protect your home?

Pete are barricaded

Who did the Law know about the baby?

The teacher of Patsy told the Law

Did the police go to the house of the night?

Yes, they did

The Last leaf

Did Johnsy recover of your illness?

Yes, she did

Why Johnsy believe which she can die?

Because she was nave
Because when the last leaf felt she could die

What happened with the last leaf of the story?

The last leaf felt in the rainy night

Did Sue and Johnsy model to Mr. Behrman?

Yes, they did

When did Sue and Johnsy meet?

The met in May 1899 in Greenwich Village

What did Mr. Behrman finish?

He finished died

What did Johnsy count?


She counted the number of leaves of ivy vine

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