Life Pre-Intermediate Wordlist

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Pre-intermediate Word List

Word class abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used in the word list: (n) = noun, (v) =
verb, (adv) = adverb, (adj) = adjective and (phr v) = phrasal verb.
Unit 1 HEALTH teenager (n)
Page 9 Pages 1213
ballroom dancing (n) active (adj)
countryside (n) authority (n)
crossword (n) centenarian (n)
health (n) cookery (n)
marathon (n) culture (n)
married (adj) currently (adv)
mental health (n) die (v)
movement (n) diet (n)
physical (adj) exactly (adv)
Pages 1011 explanation (n)
amount (n) explorer (n)
bedtime (n) generation (n)
birth (n) hiking (n)
board game (n) idea (n)
busy (adj) interesting (adj)
elderly (adj) journalist (n)
extra (adj) lead (v)
fall asleep (v) lifestyle (n)
fewer (adj) rare (adj)
find out (v) region (n)
gardening (n) research (n)
hardly ever (adv) responsibility (n)
middle (n) scientific (adj)
misunderstand (v) spend (v)
mood (n) stress (n)
novel (n) study (n)
public transport (n) traditional (adj)
quiz (n) yoga (n)
rarely (adv) Pages 1415
recommended (adj) area (n)
regular (adj) available (adj)
relax (v) comment (n)
routine (n) decide (v)
scientist (n) earn (v)
society (n) economy (n)
stay up (v) equal (v)
stressed (adj) gross (adj)
sunset (n) inspiration (n)
take a nap (v) level (n)
measure (n) contest (n)
medicine (n race (n)
nowadays (adv) spectator (n)
physical (v) total (adj)
researcher (n) triathlon (n)
result (n) ultimate (adj)
survey (n) Pages 2223
tourist (n) back (n)
useful (adj) boring (adj)
Pages 1617 club (n)
ache (v) coach (n)
advice (n) competition (n)
caffeine (n) court (n)
cough (v) especially (adv)
earache (n) exercise (n)
herbal (adj) goggles (n)
honey (n) improve (v)
normal (adj) lose (v)
painful (adj) net (n)
pill (n) opportunity (n)
runny (adj) pitch (n)
sore (adj) player (n)
temperature (n) pool (n)
terrible (adj) prefer (v)
throat (n) professional (n)
tissue (n) quiet (adj)
trip (n) racquet (n)
Page 19 ring (n)
atmosphere (n) track (n)
beautiful (adj) Pages 2425
calm (adj) beat (v)
die out (v) blog (n)
famous (adj) combine harvester (n)
international (adj) crazy (adj)
landscape (n) decorate (v)
league (n) enter (v)
mayor (n) experience (n)
mushroom (n) farm (n)
population (n) farmers (n)
relaxed (adj) festival (n)
vineyard (n) final (n)
worldwide (adv) giant (adj)
machine (n)
Unit 2 COMPETITIONS member (n)
Page 21 mud (n)
annual (adj) prize (n)
championship (n) referee (n)
compete (v) route (n)
competing (adj) rule (n)
competitor (n) shopping cart (n)
string (n) membership (n)
touch (n) musical (n)
winner (n) performer (n)
worm (n) photography (n)
Pages 2627 speaker (n)
announcer (n) talent (n)
applaud (v) theatre (n)
audience (n) Page 31
baddie (n) accident (n)
become (v) balance (n)
cheer (v) bottom (n)
complain (v) crash barrier (n)
costume (n) fail (v)
crowd (n) fame (n)
dangerous (adj) ground (n)
distraction (n) injured (adj)
drama (n) pub (n)
entertainment (n) push (v)
escape (v) protect (v)
excitement (n) slope (n)
explain (v) steep (adj)
fan (n) top (n)
goodie (n) wheel (n)
impatient (adj) wild (adv)
incredibly (adv)
mask (n) Unit 3 TRANSPORT
microphone (n) Page 33
mixture (n) carriage (n)
popular (adj) ride (v)
rope (n) space (n)
salary (n) ticket (n)
scream (v) travel (v)
spin (v) Pages 3435
throw (v) avoid (v)
tradition (n) battery (n)
wave (v) charge (v)
wrestler (n) commute (n)
Pages 2829 device (n)
actor (n) efficient (adj)
actress (n) electric (adj)
advert (n) expensive (adj)
comedy (n) future (n)
creative (adj) pedestrians (n)
download (v) petrol (n)
enthusiasm (n) pollution (n)
fit (adj) rush hour (n)
group (n) speed limit (n)
important (adj) station (n)
join (v) traffic jam (n)
joke (v) voltage (n)
worse (adj) monsoon (n)
Pages 3637 official (n)
arrive (v) period (n)
comfortable (adj) pick up (phr v)
common (adj) politician (n)
criticise (v) purchase (n)
cruel (adj) qualification (n)
damage (v) rainfall (n)
domestic (adj) rickshaw (n)
environment (n) scooter (n)
faraway (adj) season (n)
forest (n) symbol (n)
freeze (v) underground (n)
guest (n) unload (v)
husky (n) Pages 4041
importance (n) aisle (n)
impossible (adj) book (v)
leisure (n) carry on (adj)
logger (n) cash (n)
modern (adj) change (n)
native (adj) cheque (n)
occasion (n) credit card (n)
sledge (n) entrance (n)
snowmobile (n) first class (n)
soldier (n) online (adj)
special (adj) passport (n)
strong (adj) platform (n)
trail (n) receipt (n)
transport (v) return (n)
war (n) road works (n)
wedding (n) seat (n)
wilderness (n) second class (n)
Pages 3839 single (n)
activity (n) story (n)
advantage (n) terminal (n)
alternative (n) wait (v)
ban (v) Page 43
blow (v) adventure (n)
break (n) amazing (adj)
catch (v) approximately (adv)
drop off (v) background (n)
flood (n) class (n)
fumes (n) condition (n)
get off (phr v) cultural (adj)
get on (phr v) employer (n)
go by (v) enormous (adj)
horn (n) huge (adj)
humanitarian (adj) impressive (adj)
income (n) inch (n)
miss (v) miniature (n)
minister (n) careful (adj)
pass (v) decisive (adj)
performance artist (n) determined (adj)
porter (n) engine (n)
railway (n) experienced (adj)
rural (adj) expert (n)
staff (n) fire (n)
steam (n) intelligent (adj)
stressful (adj) knowledge (n)
terminus (n) patient (adj)
villager (n) pregnant (adj)
workforce (n) presenter (n)
psychology (n)
Unit 4 ADVENTURE quality (n)
Page 45 radio (v)
achievement (n) realise (v)
bank (n) recent (adj)
cave (n) reliable (adj)
caving (n) save (v)
challenge (v) seat belt (n)
climb (v) shark (n)
colleague (n) similar (adj)
gigantic (adj) sink (v)
hole (n) situation (n)
incredible (adj) skill (n)
physically (adv) survival (n)
risk (n) take off (phr v)
state (n) wing (n)
waterfall (n) Pages 5051
Pages 4647 abseil (v)
abroad (adv) base camp (n)
adventurer (n) choice (n)
ambition (n) cliff (n)
architecture (n) crawl ( v)
engineering (n) crevasse (n)
magazine (n) defend (v)
minefield (n) disaster (n)
mountaineer (n) edge (n)
mountainous (adj) glacier (n)
nine-to-five (adj) heavy (adj)
photographer (n) knee (n)
reader (n) lake (n)
road trip (n) lower (v)
subject (n) mid-air (n)
university (n) ridge (n)
vote (v) search (v)
Pages 4849 shout (v)
ambitious (adj) summit (n)
attack (n) tent (n)
captain (n) Pages 5253
break down (n) scissors (n)
camping (n) sculpture (n)
campsite (n) tin (n)
dark (adj) washing machine (n)
dehydrated (adj) wood (n)
disappear (v) Pages 5859
garage (n) aluminium foil (n)
location (n) angry (adj)
lost (adj) bottle (n)
mechanic (n) caller (n)
rescue (v) carton (n)
sudden (adj) cereal (n)
sunburned (adj) chemical (n)
unexpected (adj) coffee (n)
Page 55 copper (n)
certain (adj) eco-friendly (adj)
climber (n) eggshell (n)
cloud (n) electronic (adj)
crampons (n) envelope (n)
doubtful (adj) equipment (n)
factor in (phr v) export (v)
fine (adj) fuel (n)
fog (n) gold (n)
glacial (adj) jar (n)
guide (n) manufacturer (v)
heart (n) market (n)
heel (n) melt (v)
hike (n) newspaper (n)
ornery (adj) peel (n)
pilot (n) printer (n)
ski (v) resell (v)
stable (adj) rubbish (n)
tool (n) seller (n)
unsafe (adj) separate (v)
weather (n) toxic (adj)
wonderful (adj) yoghurt (n)
Pages 6061
Unit 5 THE ENVIRONMENT category (n)
Page 57 consumer (n)
appliance (n) gas (n)
cardboard (n) housing (n)
cooker (n) insurance (n)
hair (n) Pages 6263
household (n) average (n)
leather (n) crew (n)
metal (n) energy (n)
object (n) environmentalist (n)
plastic (n) fight (n)
recycle (v) garbage (n)
reuse (v) knot (n)
patch (n) campervan (n)
power (n) career (n)
reclaim (v) container (n)
renewable (adj) decision (n)
solar (adj) dream (n)
storm (n) freedom (n)
toothbrush (n) infant (n)
weight (n) intend (v)
width (n) middle aged (adj)
yacht (n) pensioner (n)
Pages 6465 place (n)
account (n) stage (n)
cancel (v) successful (adj)
checkout (n) work experience (n)
circuit board (n) Pages 7273
confirmation (n) band (n)
customer (n) canal (n)
hold (v) candle (n)
product (n) celebrate (v)
quantity (n) community (n)
refund (v) concert (n)
stock (n) event (n)
vintage (adj) firework (n)
Page 67 float (n)
cigarette (n) jazz (n)
clean-up (n) neighbourhood (n)
coast (n) parade (n)
collect (v) party (n)
disgusting (adj) steel drum (n)
downstream (adv) stew (n)
effort (n) visitor (n)
litter (v) Pages 7475
progress (n) appearance (n)
rip (v) border (n)
shocked (adj) cattle (n)
trash (n) ceremony (n)
volunteer (n) elder (n)
marry (v)
national (adj)
Unit 6 STAGES IN LIFE nomadic (adj)
Page 69 religious (adj)
childhood (n) rite (n)
monster (n) ritual (n)
old-age (n) sacred (adj)
represent (v) senior (adj)
sphinx (n) sunrise (n)
walking stick (n) tribe (n)
Pages 7071 warrior (n)
adolescent (n) Pages 7677
afford (v) barbecue (n)
bridge (n) gallery (n)
celebration (n) image (n)
colourful (adj) notice board (n)
dinner (n) ordinary (adj)
dull (adj) photocopier (n)
formal (adj) radiation (n)
geographic (adj) safety (n)
groom (n) size (n)
massive (adj) strange (adj)
miserable (adj) studio (n)
politely (adv) surprising (adj)
reception (n) swivel chair (n)
relative (n) thick (adj)
sightseeing (n) type (n)
speech (n) water cooler (n)
Page 79 well-equipped (adj)
belong (v) Pages 8485
century (n) change (v)
communicate (v) college (n)
creativity (n) compare (v)
influence (n) contract (n)
instrument (n) discover (v)
invent (v) friendly (adj)
island (n) natural (adj)
lively (adj) opinion (n)
oil drum (n) qualify (v)
rhythm (n) sell (v)
share (n) supply (v)
sound (n) understand (v)
steelband (n) worry (v)
tune (v) Pages 8687
accountant (n)
Unit 7 WORK acre (n)
Page 81 classic (adj)
crime (n) define (v)
emotion (n) freezing (adj)
feeling (n) independence (n)
police officer (n) industry (n)
serious (adj) moustache (n)
service (n) plain (n)
traffic (n) promotion (n)
triplet (n) ranch (n)
twin (n) real (adj)
Pages 8283 romance (n)
advertisement (n) romantic (adj)
bookshelf (n) teamwork (n)
company (n) technology (n)
concrete (n) training (n)
exhibition (n) Pages 8889
filing cabinet (n) application (n)
apply (v) optician (n)
assistant (n) organisation (n)
bookshop (n) pump (n)
branch (n) silicone (n)
current (adj) Pages 9697
CV (n) canoe (n)
description (n) communication (n)
develop (v) expedition (n)
flexible (adj) hair dryer (n)
independent (adj) helicopter (n)
position (n) laptop (n)
solve (v) matches (n)
strength (n) network (n)
Page 91 packet (n)
administrator (n) publish (v)
burnt (adj) satellite (n)
butler (n) site (n)
certificate (n) social (adj)
champagne (n) subscribe (v)
deal with (v) sun cream (n)
fetch (v) sunglasses (n)
graduation (n) torch (n)
improvement (n) towel (n)
ink (n) umbrella (n)
iron (v) upload (v)
make it (v) volcano (n)
offer (v) waterproof (adj)
palace (n) zone (n)
pipe (n) Pages 9899
secret (n) affordable (adj)
servant (n) bur (n)
tobacco (n) ceiling (n)
unusual (adj) conclusion (n)
unwelcome (adj) copy (v)
design (n)
Unit 8 TECHNOLOGY designer (n)
Page 93 effectively (adv)
experiment (n) engineer (n)
instruction (n) flipper (n)
manufacturing (n) nature (n)
mathematical (adj) quickly (adv)
mistake (n) science (n)
repetitive (adj) shape (n)
solution (n) stick (v)
Pages 9495 surface (n)
eyesight (n) turbine (n)
glasses (n) upside down (adv)
invention (n) zip (n)
inventor (n) Pages 100101
lens (n) boot (n)
bulb (n) course (n)
button (n) degree (n)
disadvantage (n) demonstration (n)
distance (n) discipline (n)
effective (adj) enrol (v)
emergency (n) interest (n)
fantastic (adj) kickboxer (n)
flash (n) military (n)
plug in (phr v) punch (v)
press (v) repeat (v)
recharge (v) retire (v)
switch on (phr v) row (n)
Page 103 socialise (v)
blade (n) temple (n)
carbon dioxide (n) timetable (n)
clear (adj) tutor (n)
coal (n) uniform (n)
construct (v) well-known (adj)
crop (n) Pages 108109
district (n) bone (n)
encourage (v) clay (n)
ensure (v) create (v)
flat (adj) form (n)
force (n) identity (n)
fossil fuel (n) keyboard (n)
foundation (n) press (n)
grid (n) pyramid (n)
occur (v) typewriter (n)
pay off (v) valley (n)
physics (n) Pages 110111
pocket (n) ancient (adj)
produce (v) boarding school (n)
rod (n) endure (v)
silo (n) linguist (n)
steel (n) record (v)
sulphur dioxide (n) reservation (n)
tornado (n) Pages 112113
withstand (v) accessibility (n)
calligraphy (n)
Unit 9 LANGUAGE AND LEARNING conversation (n)
Page 105 deposit (n)
borrow (v) enrolment (n)
homophone (n) material (n)
meaning (n) payment (n)
practise (v) presentation (n)
sense (n) reserve (v)
variety (n) slide (n)
Pages 106107 technique (n)
acquire (v) term (n)
brand (n) trainer (n)
Page 115 Pages 120121
abandon (v) athlete (n)
annoy (v) birthplace (n)
awareness (n) civilisation (n)
basic (adj) combine (v)
enduring (adj) couple (n)
expect (v) fascinating (adj)
extinct (adj) interaction (n)
global (adj) itinerary (n)
hassle (v) legendary (adj)
institute (n) lifetime (n)
kit (n) listener (n)
loss (n) package (n)
neglect (v) range (n)
remote (adj) requirement (n)
school (v) spectacular (adj)
shift (n) stunning (adj)
survive (v) talk (n)
tour (n)
Unit 10 TRAVEL AND HOLIDAYS traveller (n)
Page 117 unforgettable (adj)
advance (n) unique (adj)
beauty (n) Pages 122123
diving (n) avenue (n)
exploration (n) catacombs (n)
hobby (n) cellar (n)
item (n) cemetery (n)
luxury (adj) clean (adj)
resort (n) collapse (v)
sleeping bag (n) dig (v)
snake (n) free (adj)
underwater (adj) fresh (adj)
unknown (n) historian (n)
Pages 118119 illegal (adj)
bar (n) myth (n)
brochure (n) nightclub (n)
coin (n) novelist (n)
cruise (n) pond (n)
fix (v) sewer (n)
fortunately (adv) silent (adj)
furious (adj) skeleton (n)
immediate (adj) subway (n)
luxurious (adj) tunnel (n)
museum (n) unofficial (adj)
receptionist (n) Pages 124125
shower (n) afraid (adj)
song (n) enclosed (adj)
steal (v) nervous (adj)
tip (n) participant (n)
view (n) queue (n)
step (n) binoculars (n)
Page 127 capture (v)
early (adj) deforestation (n)
gift (n) escort (n)
increase (v) fled (v)
joy (n) foreigner (n)
light (n) government (n)
living (n) journal (n)
outdoor (adj) laboratory (n)
property (n) medical (adj)
square (n) notice (v)
trader (n) orphan (n)
protest (v)
Unit 11 HISTORY rebel (n)
Page 129 reveal (v)
base (n) sanctuary (n)
capsule (n) shore (n)
connection (n) trade (n)
drawing (n) violent (adj)
hut (n) Pages 136137
possession (n) legend (n)
team (n) magical (adj)
Pages 130131 oxygen (n)
archaeologist (n) sum up (phr v)
business (n) Page 139
collar (n) attraction (n)
corn (n) conservationist (n)
discovery (n) exist (v)
excavate (v) expose (v)
hunting (n) magnetic (adj)
precious (adj) ruins (n)
sacrifice (n) run out (v)
statue (n) stall (n)
Pages 132133
astronaut (n) Unit 12 NATURE
businessman (n) Page 141
co-operate (v) hide (v)
decade (n) toad (n)
floating (adj) Pages 142143
launch (v) biodiversity (n)
leader (n) coral reef (n)
mission (n) cube (n)
moon (n) cubic (adj)
nuclear (adj) ecosystem (n)
orbit (n) frame (n)
turn (v) multi-coloured (adj)
Pages 134135 organism (n)
academic (adj) series (n)
article (n) Pages 144145
awful (adj) climate (n)
current (n) potential (n)
data (n) sheet (n)
destroy (v) shrink (v)
hurricane (n) utilise (v)
lightning (n) Pages 148149
probe (n) advertise (v)
snow storm (n) agreement (n)
thunderstorm (n) announce (v)
Pages 146147 attract (v)
benefit (n) conservation (n)
capital (n) council (n)
coastline (n) delight (n)
cover (v) inform (v)
dilemma (n) point (n)
dramatically (adv) proud (adj)
drill (v) species (n)
iceberg (n) sponsorship (n)
import (n)


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