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1. A bolt from the blue

2. A bookworm

3. A chip off the old block

4. A cut-throat

5. A fish story

6. A golden opportunity

7. A red letter day

8. A short cut

9. At the eleventh hour

10. Beat about the bush

11. Bed of roses

12. By hook or by crook

13. Cant make head or tail of it

14. Childs play

15. Cold feet

16. Dirt cheap

17. Down to earth

Fill in the blanks with suitable idioms.

1. He seemed to be very happy with his job, so his resignation came as


2. My college graduation was __________________________for my whole family.

3. That's just____________________________________. Don't try to fool me.

4. We were late for the game, but found ________________________through the fields.

5. After John complained about his long, tiring day at work, his father turned to him and said, "You didn't

think your new job in construction was going to be_____________________________, did you?"

6. Dont buy these _________________________electronic equipment, they are useless.

7. Bill Joness son is_________________________________________. He's a banker just like his father.

8. When I asked George whether he knew who had taken the files from my desk, he started to

______________________________and refused to give me a direct answer.

9. He is ________________________________. Hes willing to do anything to achieve the highest

position in the company.

10. She has always been _____________-__________ since she was a kid.

11. When I failed to finish college, I missed my _____________----____________to prepare myself for a

good job.

12. Rewrite this report again. I can't make________________________________________.

13. The bridegroom got _______________________on the day of the wedding.

14. She is very _______________________________ person, not at all attracted by the glamour world.

15. My girlfriend broke up with me, but _______________________________________, I will get back

together with her again.

16. She always turned her homework in _____________________________________________.

17. The test was ________________________________________to those who took good notes.

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