Parcial UTN Inglés I Bridge

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A-Reading Comprehension. Read the following text and complete the exercises.

RECORD-BREAKING BRIDGE: China opens worlds longest sea bridge

China has opened the worlds longest sea bridge, a 26.4 mile-long structure that could easily span the
English Channel. The bridge is at the top of the list of Chinas spectacular engineering achievements.
Stretching across the wide blue waters of Jiaozhou Bay, the vast Y-shaped bridge connects the booming
Northern port city of Qingdao with an airport built on a nearby island and the industrial suburb of
It is 26.4 miles long (almost three miles longer than the previous record holder) meaning that to run its
entire length (if anyone ever tried) would be the equivalent of completing a marathon.
It is a magnificent and very advanced bridge, said Li Qun, the local Communist party secretary, at the
opening ceremony. It is another stepping stone in the citys smooth and rapid development.
Built in just four years at a cost of 1.42 billion pounds the bridge stands on 5,200 pillars and includes
around 450,000 tons of metal-the equivalent of more than 60 Eiffel Towers was entirely designed by
Chinese engineers at the Shandong Gausu Group. It should be strong enough to withstand not only the
impact of a 300,000 ton ship, but also a magnitude 8 earthquake and typhoons.
Most of the bridge consists of two three-lane roads that carry traffic in opposite directions. It will be free
to use for one month, but after that drivers will have to pay a toll.
It was immediately included in Guinness World Records, a decision criticized by some people in
Louisiana, in the southern United States, which is where the bridge previously considered the worlds
longest over water can be found. They point out that the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway Bridge, built in the
1950s, measures around 39 kilometres in a straight line, which is greater than the total distance in
straight lines between the ends of the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge. Because the Chinese bridge is curved,
however, its roads are longer.
After 2016 there will probably be no more argument about who has the longest bridge over water,
because that is when China plans to open an even longer bridge: one stretching 48 kilometres over the
Pearl River Estuary between Hong Kong, Macau, and Guangdong province.
In fact, in the last ten years China has built seven of the worlds ten longest bridges-including the
longest of any kind, a 165-kilometre section (over land, not water) of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed
railway-as well as the worlds biggest power station (Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River), thousands
of kilometers of roads and countless skyscrapers. Chinese engineers are even building a 600-metre bridge
for San Francisco Bay in California; when it is ready it will be shipped across the Pacific Ocean in separate
parts and then put together on arrival.

1 Find in the text and copy examples of the following structures and connectors. Indicate the

a-Find one example of a comparative adjective:.

b-Find one example of a superlative adjective:
c-Find one example of a sentence in the past:..
d-Find one example of a gerund:.
e-Find one example of a sentence in the future:..
f-Find one example of a modal verb:
g-Find one example of passive voice:
h-There are two connectors in bold in paragraph 7: Write the category and the ideas or phrases they
2 What do these words refer to?

a-It: (paragraph 7 )
b-They: (paragraph 7)
c- it: (paragraph 9)

3 Answer these questions about the text IN SPANISH.

a. Why is the bridge in the list of Chinas engineering achievements?
b. What parts does the bridge connect?
c. How do you know that the bridge is really strong?
d. How long did it take the Chinese engineers to build the bridge?
4 Write the meanings of these noun phrases in Spanish
the worlds longest sea bridge .
thousands of kilometers of roads and countless skyscrapers
Now transcribe two more noun phrases and write their meanings in Spanish.

Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication

A) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Simple.

1. My sister (work) ............................... night shift in a warehouse.

2. ....................... he (use) .......................... a computer at work?
3. The engineers (spend) ......................... a lot of time driving.

B) Choose the correct option to complete the dialogues.

1. Can I have/ Would you like some help with the boxes? Yes, please.
2. Can I/ Could you use your phone? Go ahead.
3. Can I borrow your laptop? Of course./ Im afraid its broken

C) Write the following measurements in full.

1. 1.2 km ........................................
2. 26C ..........................................
3. 22.3 cm ......................................
4. 7 ft ............................................

D) Complete the sentences with the future simple form.

1. We (repair) ........................... those cables tomorrow.

2. (send) .................. me your new price lists?
3. They (not buy) .......................... the new software because its too expensive.

E) Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1. How much vehicle do Fastline have?

2. There is a lot of defects with the printer you sent us.
3. Some of the new machinery are very expensive.

F) Complete the sentences with the words from the list. There is an extra option.

1. The new printer is ........................... faster than the old one.

2. Our new packaging is ............................... expensive but its very popular.
3. Travelling by bus isnt ................................. travelling by train.
4. I think the new software they installed is much ................................. to use.

as comfortable as much easier as more

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