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Principles of Management

C. Strategy implementation
D. Strategic management

101) Which of the following is NOT one of the situational factors thought to influence the
relationship between leader behavior and subordinate motivation to perform in the path-
goal theory?
A. Preferences of the leader
B. Subordinate locus of control
C. Characteristics of the work group
D. Task structure

102) Social obligation is the obligation of a business to meet its:

A. Social and technological responsibilities
B. Economic and social responsibilities
C. Technological and economic responsibilities
D. Economic and legal responsibilities

103) All of the following are the examples of the actions that can be taken in strategy
implementation stage EXCEPT:
A. Changing organizations pricing strategy
B. Developing new employee benefits
C. Transferring managers among divisions
D. Taking corrective action when needed

104) The method by which strategies are operational zed or executed within the
organization is called:
A. Strategy implementation
B. Strategy evaluation
C. Strategy formulation
D. Strategy imitation

105) The idea that employees should also share the profit of organization was given by:
A. Frederick Taylor
B. Robert Owen
C. Charles Babbage
D. W Edwards Deming

106) In some countries, such as Venezuela, titles, rank, and status carry a lot of weight
These countries have a large:
A. Power distance

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B. Uncertainty avoidance
C. Short- versus long-term orientation
D. Individualism versus collectivism

107) Which of the following is associated with the classical view of social responsibility?
A. Economist Robert Reich
B. Concern for social welfare
C. Stockholder financial return
D. Voluntary activities

108) Which of the following management thinker created a role classification system
based on how managers spend their time at work to describe a managers role?
A. Peter Brabeck-Letmathe
B. Abraham Maslow
C. Andrea Jung
D. Henry Mintzberg

109) Which of the management tasks is the most important for a supervisory manager?
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Controlling
D. Staffing

110) Forecasting techniques fall into which of the following two categories?
A. Fixed asset and human capital
B. Predictive and confirmatory
C. Quantitative and qualitative
D. Empirical and conceptual

111) If all criteria in the decision making are equal, weighting the criteria ______________.
A. improves decision making when large numbers of criteria are involved
B. is not needed
C. produces excellent decisions
D. improves the criteria

112) Decision making is (simplistically) typically described as which of the following?

A. deciding what is correct
B. putting preferences on paper
C. choosing among alternatives
D. processing information to completion

113) In Step 6 of the decision-making process, each alternative is evaluated by appraising

it against the _____________.
A. subjective goals of the decision maker
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B. criteria
C. assessed values
D. implementation strategy

114) According to the textbook, because managers cant possibly analyze all information
on all alternatives, managers ______________, rather than ______________.
A. maximize; satisfice
B. maximize; minimize
C. satisfice; minimize
D. satisfice; maximize
Answer Keys

Q Ans Q Q Q
A A A Q No A
No wer No No No

1 C 26 D 51 C 76 C 101 D

2 A 27 D 52 C 77 B 102 D

3 A 28 D 53 A 78 B 103 A

4 A 29 C 54 C 79 B 104 A

5 D 30 B 55 B 80 A 105 C

6 C 31 A 56 C 81 A 106 A

7 A 32 B 57 B 82 A 107 A

8 B 33 B 58 B 83 A 108 D

9 A 34 C 59 D 84 C 109 C

10 D 35 C 60 C 85 A 110 C

11 C 36 B 61 D 86 A 111 B

12 C 37 D 62 B 87 C 112 C

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13 B 38 C 63 C 88 C 113 B

14 C 39 D 64 D 89 D 114 D

15 B 40 A 65 D 90 A

16 A 41 C 66 B 91 B

17 A 42 D 67 A 92 D

18 C 43 B 68 B 93 A

19 D 44 A 69 C 94 B

20 B 45 B 70 A 95 D

21 A 46 C 71 D 96 A

22 A 47 D 72 C 97 D

23 B 48 B 73 C 98 D

24 B 49 C 74 B 99 B

25 A 50 A 75 C 100 D

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