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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: American Foreign Policy before Pearl Harbor Name: Paula Shirley
Content Area: United States History and Geography Grade Level: 11
CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):
Content Standard 11.7 1. Examine the origins of American involvement in the war, with an
emphasis on the events that precipitated the attack on Pearl Harbor
Content Standard 11.7.4. Analyze Roosevelts foreign policy during World War II
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources,
connecting insights gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an
accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.

Big Ideas/Unit Goals:

Students will be able to define Isolationism.
Students will be able to provide two ways the U.S. stayed neutral towards the war prior to the
attack on Pearl Harbor.
Students will be able summarize the main points behind the Four Freedoms speech made by
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Students will be able to state at least two events, described by the author of a speech, which
led to their overall concern for the European conflict pre-WWII.
Unit Summary:

This lesson is a part of a World War II unit that is designed to teach students to use close reading skills
and use textual evidence from a primary source to identify Americas stance on WWII prior to the
attack on Pearl Harbor. Students will also be able to interpret Americas view on international
relations and what shaped foreign policy during this time period. The lessons also teach students to be
accountable for being active listeners, in addition to contributing to discussions, and working both
independently and group settings to complete an activity.

Assessment Plan:
Entry-Level: Formative: Summative:

Group Pop Quiz on Exit Slips: Short summary

Discussion/ Isolationism on a randomly chosen
Answer: Political Essay project How did
Students discuss Propaganda: American foreign policy
and present the Creating a influence the years
answers to two slogan/poster in between 1930-1941?
questions support of For what reasons did
following U.S. Isolationism. these policies Chang?
Attitudes Post- Four Freedoms
WWI. Flashcards
KWL Chart: Using
knowledge to
fill out What did I
section of the KWL

Lesson 1 (Teacher Lecture)

Student Learning Acceptable Evidence (Assessments): Lesson Activities:
Students will participate in a The teacher will facilitate a lecture
Students will be discussion and present the answers on American attitudes post WWI
able to define the to questions regarding what they and introduce ways that the United
ideology behind know about the U.S. Attitudes Post- States took a stance of Isolationism
Isolationism. WWI. and Neutrality. Students will have a
lecture study guide to help them
Students will be Students will be given a pop quiz at retain the information being given.
able to provide two the beginning of the next meeting to
ways the U.S. be used as a refresher and create
stayed neutral the connections that the material
towards the war will make with the next lesson.
prior to the attack
on Pearl Harbor.

Lesson 2 (Webercise/ iPad Lesson)

Student Learning Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities:
Each student will finish the lesson Students will work in pairs to listen
Students will be by independently completing an to the Four Freedoms speech by
able summarize the exit slip answering a prompt Franklin D. Roosevelt and use
main points behind provided by the teacher. 3-4
technology to complete the
the Four prompts will be provided to the
class and 1 will be given out at webercise worksheet provided.
Freedoms speech
made by Franklin D. random for each student to
Roosevelt. complete independently. The
prompts will allow students to
summarize the main points made
from the text which will address the
objectives of the overall lesson.

Lesson 3 (Graphic Organizer)

Student Learning Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities:
There are two ways in which I A reading activity will be conducted
Students will be would assess the students. The as a class, independently and in
able to state at least most obvious way that I would be groups of 4-5 students. Students will
two concerns, able to tell if the students are read The Defense of the United
described by the collecting the intended information States: Speed is our Greatest Need
author, which led to from their reading is by seeing the Today and they will use the text to
their overall details that they are including on answer the questions for the What I
concern for the their What I Learned section of learned section of their KWL chart.
European conflict their KWL chart. During the reading process,
pre-WWII. students will be asked to create
Secondly, students will display brackets and highlight any
their new knowledge in essay information they see as
format and reference material that evidence/important. Students will
was used in earlier stated activities read independently and in their
to support their thesis and ideas. groups as we move through the
parts of the document.
Unit Resources:

1. Video of American Isolationism: The Road to World War II - Youtube

2. The Defense of the United States: Speed is our Greatest Need Today Cordell Hull

3. Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park website

4. State of the Union address Four Freedoms Speech

Useful Websites:

1. Dictionary Website for assistance in unknown terms

2. OWL at Purdue - Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL) offers information on how to find
sources, tips on how to organize a research paper and how to property cite sources.

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