Quantitative Analysis of PGM Using XRF

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SME Annual Meeting

Feb. 23-25, Denver, Colorado

Preprint 04-43

H. Yoon, C. Park, C. Yoon and J. Hong

Korea Basic Science Inst. - Seoul Branch
Seoul, Korea

N. Kim and K. Han

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Rapid City, SD

ABSTRACT spectrometry ICP-MS (Coedo, et al., 1996; Borisov, et al., 1997B;

Jarvis, et al., 1997; Vlasankova, et al., 1999).
The contents of three platinum group metals (PGM-platinum, It has been established (Yoon et al., 2003; Borisov et al.,
palladium and rhodium), from the spent automotive catalyst, and two 1997A) that the major problems encountered during the PGM analy-
NIST SRM (National Institute of Standard and Technology Standard sis were due to the spectral interference in AAS and ICP-AES
Reference Material, Used Auto Catalysts) were determined by the analysis and the formation of interfering monoatomic or polyatom-
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry. The XRF technique has ic species and the occurrence of matrix-induced interferences in
been proven to be a fast, effective and accurate method in deter- ICPMS analysis. Spectral interference resulted in false reading of
mining not only PGM but also other solid materials of less soluble for Au and PGM in ICP-AES and AAS analysis in the presence of high
wet digestion analysis. The detection limit of the XRF analysis is iron (Yoon et al., 2003).
better than that of the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrom- Therefore, it is important to select the appropriate analytical
etry which usually requires significant dilution to avoid high dis- method, the choice being usually a wet-chemical method such as
solved solid concentration. However, the XRF technique suffers AAS, ICPAES, and ICP-MS or a dry method, namely the XRF tech-
from a strong matrix dependent problem. nique. Figure 1 presents a schematic selection procedure for such
The objective of this study was to examine the applicability of analytical methods.
the XRF analysis where the sample matrix was not exactly the same
as the standard materials with particular reference to PGM analy-
sis. This study enabled to compare the effect of various matrices
including alumina, iron, copper and nickel on determination of the
contents of PGM.


Accurate, reproducible and cost effective methods in determin-

ing the chemical composition of various metal elements are urgent-
ly needed in the fast growing metal industry especially with regard
to treatment of recycled metals industry. To meet such demands in
accurate and meaningful measurement of metal contents in various
sources, the advancement in hard-ware equipment as well as sta-
tistical analysis to help improve reliable analysis of measured val-
ues (Pereire and Brandao et al., 2001) has been made in recent
Because PGM have gained a considerable importance in their
industrial and commercial value, the correct and fast evaluation of
PGM contents from industrial materials as well as recycling products Figure. 1. A schematic showing the selection process between
has become critical to help this fast growing industry. The determi- a wet-chemical method and a dry analytical technique.
nation of PGM contents from industrial scrap including spent auto-
motive catalysts is complex because not only they occur together
with other interfering metals, but also they exhibit similar physico- The wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer,
chemical behaviors as already presented previously (Yoon et al., another name for XRF has advanced its usefulness in application
2003; Ruiz et al., 2002). due to the relatively simple sample preparation as well as its ability
Numerous new instruments have been introduced for the use of rapid analytical determination. Fast, efficient and direct analytical
of quantitative analysis since the early 1970s. These include atom- techniques such as the XRF spectrometry are being developed in
ic absorption spectrometry, AAS (Haines and Robert, 1982), induc- a rapid rate.
tively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry, ICP-AES However, it should be noted that XRF is not free from short-falls
(Vlasankova, et al., 1999) and inductively coupled plasma mass in its applications. The accuracy of the technique is questionable

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SME Annual Meeting
Feb. 23-25, Denver, Colorado

when the exact composition of the matrix is unknown. The XRF XRF analysis on the determination of PGM. For this reason, the XRF
spectral line intensity of an element, analyte, should be proportion- analysis has been carried out for samples whose matrix was modi-
al to the concentration of the analyte. Due to the matrix effect of most fied by the matrix materials.
abundantly present in the sample specimen, the intensity is usually Matrix materials were prepared and used for the dilution of
not proportional (Whiston, 1991). In addition, it requires homogene- both pre-concentrated automotive catalysts and the two NIST SRM
ity in the sample matrix along with the same size and surface area samples to have several PGM concentrations. Each matrix modifier
in reference to the standard sample matrix (Whiston, 1991) to be was selected based on previous studies and in most cases y- Al2O3
calibrated against. was used as the primary matrix modifier because it exhibited bet-
In this study, the applicability of the XRF analysis will be dis- ter absorption of X-ray fluorescence compared to the other metals
cussed. The effect of different matrix modifying materials such as used in this study (Yoon et al ., 2003).
y- Al2O3, copper, iron, zinc, and nickel on PGM analysis will be
examined and discussed. Since the PGM analysis is frequently Preparation of solid pellet samples for XRF analysis
concerned with spent automotive catalysts where PGM are deposit- A series of standard SRM and sample pellets were prepared
ed on y- Al2O3 surface, instead of using aluminum metal powder for from the original pre-concentrated spent automotive catalysts and
the source of Al y- Al2O3 was used and matrix corrections are the two NIST Standard Reference Materials by dilution with matrix
modifies y- Al2O3, copper, iron, zinc, and nickel.
made only for the presence of y- Al2O3. This study enables the com-
To make pellet samples for the XRF analysis, the automotive
parison of different matrix modification allowing high X-ray intensity
catalysts were ground in an agate mortar for 5 minutes prior to mix-
by dilution of materials of heavy absorber. Advantages of using the
ing and saved. Then, 0.001 or 0.002 grams of those well grounded
XRF technique for solid samples are also presented and discussed.
automotive catalysts were added to 3 grams of each mixed matrix
modifiers prepared. Again they were well mixed in an agate mor-
EXPERIMENTAL tar. The finely ground samples were mixed with cellulose binder
(Spectroblend powder, cat # 660, Chemliex Inc. USA) at 1 to 1
XRF (X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry) ratio. Then, the exactly weighed and well-mixed powder samples
The X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry as a non-destruc- were pelleted at 15,000 Kpa with a hydraulic press. All the remain-
tive analytical method is a reliable technique used to identify and ing reagents used were of analytical grade. Two concentration lev-
determine the concentrations of the elements present in solids, pow- els, namely PGM 1 and PGM 2 were introduced in relation to the
ders and liquids. Compared to the other analytical methods that concentration of Pr, Pd and Rh. PGM 2 has two times higher PGM
require sample digestion prior to analysis, XRF is known as one of content than PGM 1.
the simplest methods for the determination of the chemical com- Each NIST SRM sample was used to make the standard pel-
position of geological materials including ores, ceramics and even lets for the evaluation of the matrix effect on the XRF analysis.
metallurgical materials. Five different matrix modifications (Al, Al;Fe, Al:Cu, Al:Ni, and Al:Zn)
In the XRF analysis three electron shells are involved in emis- were used in this case. All matrix modifying metals were mixed by
sion of x-rays: K, L, and M shells. An emission spectrum for a given weight to satisfy one to one ratio.
metal has several intensity peaks arisen from the emission of K, L,
or M shell electrons. The most commonly used x-ray emission lines
are K and L shells and metals whose atomic number greater than 57
have been measured by M shell emissions (EPA Method 6200). K
line is produced by a vacancy in the K shell filled by an L shell elec-
tron, while K line is produced by a vacancy in the K shell filled by
an M shell electron. Often the K transition is 6 to 7 times more
probable than the K transition and therefore the intensity of the K
line for an element of interest is usually 7 times greater than that of
the K line (Whiston, 1991).
Parameters and operating conditions of XRF used during this
study are given in Table 1. The detection limit of XRF analysis
depends on several factors including analyte, detector type, excita-
tion and type of source, count time for irradiate sample, physical and
chemical matrix effect. The detection limits of PGM (Pt, Pd, and Rh)
are also presented compared with other analytical methods in Table

The quantitative analysis of PGM was studied in two sample
groups: The pre-concentrated spent automotive catalyst, which was
supplied from Remetech Ltd. Korea and two NIST (National
Institute of Standard and Technology) Standard Reference
Materials referred to as Used Auto Catalyst SRM #2556 and SRM
The standard and sample pellets were prepared from a sam-
ple material as well as two NIST SRM samples. The process for
making the XRF pellets is shown in Figure 2. The chemical compo-
sitions of finely powdered spent automotive catalysts and NIST
SRM samples are presented in Table 3.
One of the main aims of this study is to compare the matrix
effect of different matrix modifiers such as y- Al2O3 (instead of Al), Figure 2. The process for the preparation of sample pellets for
XRF from the original spent automotive catalysts.
copper, iron, zinc, and nickel and to check the detection limits of the

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SME Annual Meeting
Feb. 23-25, Denver, Colorado

Table. 1. Operating conditions for the Phillips PW2404 XRF Spectrometer. A rhodium (Rh) tube is run at 60kV/60mA with full vacu-
um with using Scintillation detector for all elements.

Table 2. The detection limits of PGM for major analytical methods.

AAS, ICP-AES data from Thermo Jarrell Ash An elementary overview of elemental analysis. All data based on PGM concentra-
tion in solution is ppb (mg/dm3).
*: Data from Thermo Jarrell Ash An elementary overview of elemental analysis based on PGM concentration in solution.
**: From Pillips Analytical Information. XRF data is based on PGM concentration in solid samples ppm (g/g).

Table 3. Original concentrations of Pt, Pd, and Rh from pre-concentrated automotive catalysts and NIST SRM #2556 and #2557
(ppm of solid).

*: Analyzed by wet chemical method using ICP-MS (Yoon et al., 2003).

**: Data provided by NIST which was analyzed by ICP-MS (IDICP-MS). The analytical values for Cu and Ni in NIST SRM are not pro-

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION abundantly present phase in the spent automotive catalyst, y- Al2O3
was selected as a major matrix modifying material while the mixing
Quantitative analysis of Pt, Pd, and Rh for different sample concentration of other metals was varied. Depending upon the
matrices have been studied by the XRF technique in a single matrix matrix modifiers used the measured absolute intensity value of x-
and their analytical results are presented in Figure 3. Figure 3 ray fluorescence changed considerably (Fig. 4). The Al:Fe and Al:Ni
shows the XRF calibration curves for Pt, Pd, and Rh in [03b3]-Al2O3, combination modifiers show higher intensities especially for Pt
Cu, Fe and Ni matrices. It is noted that due to the matrix effect the analysis than the Al:Cu and Al:Zn matrix modifiers. However no
x-ray fluorescence intensity changes considerably. A strong matrix tremendous changes were observed from other metals like Pd and
effect resulted in approximately 20 times different values of x-ray Rh.
intensities for each PGM depending on the different sample matri- In figure 5, the absolute intensities of x-ray vary considerably as
ces (Fig. 3). the Fe content increased where Al and Fe were used as major
The x-ray fluorescence (XRF) intensities of Pt, Pd, and Rh matrix modifying materials. As the Al content in sample matrix is
were also measured in different matrix mixtures (Fig. 4). To test the increased the absorbed x-ray intensity is stabilized. In Al and Zn
best matrix modifier for analyzing PGM, several modifications have combination matrix, the reverse situation is observed. As the Al
been tested. Mixing ratio of each matrix modifying materials was var- concentration in matrix increased the absolute x-ray fluorescence
ied as it appeared in Figures 4 and 5. Since y- Al2O3 is the most intensity was increased and stabilized (Fig. 5).

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SME Annual Meeting
Feb. 23-25, Denver, Colorado

Figure 3. Calibration curves of XRF analysis for Platinum (Pt),

Palladium (Pd), and Rhodium (Rh) in y- Al2O3, Cu, Fe and Ni Figure 5. Measurement results of absolute intensities of x-ray
fluorescence for Pt, Pd and Rh while the PGM concentrations
matrices. Pt was analyzed using L line and Pd and Rh were
in sample pellets were same (fixed to have PGM1 composi-
analyzed using K line.
tion). The matrix y- Al2O3 concentration changed from 0.5, 1,
2, 3 while the concentration of Fe and Zn was fixed as 1. `

For the verification of using particular matrix modifier in PGM

analysis, the results of PGM analysis from the pellet samples which
were prepared from the two NIST SRM using y- Al2O3, copper,
iron, zinc, and nickel as matrix modifiers were plotted against certi-
fied values provided by NIST (Fig. 6). Each Pt, Pd, and Rh concen-
tration has been compared to XRF analysis data of this study
It is apparent that data are widely scattered in measured PGM
by XRF especially for Pt. The Pt analysis by XRF may not have
been corrected well for enhancement or depression by matrix
modifying materials. It is noted that the most accurate Pt, Pd, and
Rh values were achieved from the samples modified with using y-
Al2O3. The presence of alumina (y- Al2O3) in the matrix does not
affect the analytical results of PGM (Fig. 6). Deviation of measured
XRF data from NIST data is fairly big and in most cases PGM con-
centration was under estimated. The discrepancy increased high-
Figure 4. Measured absolute intensity of x-ray fluorescence
ly especially for Pt analysis in the Al-Fe and Al-Zn matrices although
for Pt, Pd and Rh in different matrix mixtures. The PGM con-
they exhibited very strong x-ray fluorescence intensities during the
centration in PGM1 sample: Pt 36.28ppm, Pd 13.72ppm, and
PGM analysis (Fig. 4). The main problem with using Al-Fe and Al-
Rh 7.27ppm. PGM concentration in PGM2 sample: Pt
Zn matrices for modifying matrix for the analyte could be not
72.57ppm, Pd 27.43ppm, and Rh 14.53ppm. The zero repre-
because of the poor precision of XRF measurement but because
sents samples with no PGM in it.
of the strong matrix effect of combined metals, or in-homogeneity of
sample pellets such as irregular grain size effect.
The deviation of measured XRF data from the NIST certified
values was also checked by a linear fitting procedure. The calculat-
ed R2 value of alumina for NIST SRM #2556 is 0.9998 while the R2

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SME Annual Meeting
Feb. 23-25, Denver, Colorado

value of alumina for SRM #2557 is 0.9999. In relation to this, the

other analytical result of PGM by XRF in different matrix modifies
such as Fe, Cu, Ni and Zn showed strong deviation from the
observed values (Fig. 6).
The calculated percent deviation of the XRF analysis results
of NIST SRM #2556 and #2557 in different matrixes are presented
in Figure 7. According to Figure 7, the percent deviation from
expected values zero was considerably small in the alumina (y-
Al2O3) matrix (10%) compared to the other matrices such as Al-Fe,
Al-Cu, Al-Ni, and Al-Zn. The deviations from the expected value
of PGM, 0 for both SRM #2556 and #2557, getting higher in the
following order, Al- Cui<Al-Ni<Al-Fe<Al-Zn.

Figure 7. Calculated deviation of XRF analysis results of

NIST SRM in different matrixes.

The matrix effect during modification of matrix materials in

PGM analysis is compared and presented to check the best combi-
nation of matrix mixtures to get less matrix dependent calibrations
for the XRF analysis. To satisfy this requirement, the applicability of
the XRF analysis where the sample matrix was not exactly the same
as the standard materials were studied. The most accurate Pt, Pd,
and Rh values were achieved from the NIST SRM samples modified
by y- Al2O3 matrix modifier (Fig. 6). Analytical accuracy was also
proved by checking the linear fitting procedure and the calculated
Figure 6. KBSI-XRF (this study) analysis data for Pt, Pd and R2 values 0.9998 for SRM #2556 and 0.9999 for SRM #2557.
Rh in various matrix modifiers compared to NIST ICP-MS However, the XRF analysis results in different matrices showed
data. Matrix effect has been corrected during XRF analysis. Al strong deviation from the observed values. The calculated percent
denotes y- Al2O3. deviation of NIST SRM #2556 and #2557 analysis results in differ-
ent matrixes showed clear differences. The deviation from the
expected value zero was considerably small in the y- Al2O3 matrix
The XRF analysis results for each platinum group metal were (10%) than in the other matrices such as Al-Fe, Al- Cu, Al-Ni, and
statistically accurate within the concentration range of the sample Al-Zn. The deviation from expected value was increased in the fol-
materials. According to the previous study the detection limit of XRF lowing order Al-Cui<Al- Ni<Al-Fe<Al-Zn.
is much higher than the other common analytical instruments such
as AAS, ICP-AES, and ICP-MS (Yoon et al., 2003). Because of low CONCLUSIONS
dilution from the original sample material the XRF analysis gives
better results especially when solid samples are dealt with. The It was demonstrated that the XRF technique could be used as
XRF analysis results demonstrated that the quantitative analysis of a useful tool for analyzing PGM in various materials. Almost straight
Pt, Pd, and Rh using the calibration curves for the same matrix lines of the calibration slop as well as zero point interception for all
materials is valid for a wide concentration range. However, due to PGM metals studied in this work enabled XRF qualified as a power-
the strong matrix dependent problem, the maximum difference of ful tool for analyzing PGM from many matrix materials. Low dilution
PGM between different sample matrices resulted in considerably dif- with matrix modifiers during sample pre-treatment for the XRF analy-
ferent XRF intensities for same element when the matrix correction sis, the detection limit of the XRF analysis is frequently better than
has not been made properly (Fig. 4 and 5). ICP-MS that is usually accompanying large dilution to avoid high
dissolved solid concentration. From the points of easiness of sample
preparation, the XRF technique was certainly proven to be one of

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SME Annual Meeting
Feb. 23-25, Denver, Colorado

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