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1. What is frequency response? [DEC09] [MAY/JUNE10] [NOV/DEC10]
The magnitude and phase function of sinusoidal transfer function of a system
are real function of frequency of and so they called frequency response.
2.What are the advantages of frequency response analysis? [NOV/DEC10]

i.The absoluter and relative stability of the closed loop system can be estimated from
the knowledge of open loop frequency response.

ii.The transfer function of complicated functions can be determined experimentally by

frequency response tests.

iii.The design and parameter adjustment can be carried more easily.

iv.The corrective measure for noise disturbance and parameter variation can be
easily carried.

3. List out the different frequency domain specifications? [APR/MAY04]

[MAY/JUNE07] [NOV/DEC08] [DEC09] [NOV/DEC10] [NOV/DEC11]

i) Resonant peak. ii) Resonant frequency.

iii)Bandwidth iv)cut-off rate
iv) Phase margin vi) Gain margin
4. Define resonant Peak (Mr). [NOV/DEC10]
The maximum value of the magnitude of closed loop transfer function is called
Resonant peak.
5. Define resonant frequency (r). [DEC07] [MAY/JUNE09] [DEC09]
The frequency at which resonant peak occurs is called resonant frequency.
6. What is bandwidth?[MAY/JUNE09] [NOV/DEC10] [NOV/DEC11]
The bandwidth is the range of frequencies for which the system gain is more
than 3 dB.
7. Define Cut-off rate. [NOV/DEC11]
The slope of the log-magnitude curve near the cut-off is called cut-off
rate. The cut-off rate indicates the ability to distinguish the signal from noise.

8. What is phase margin? [APR/MAY04] [NOV/DEC07] [MAY/JUNE09]
The phase margin, is the amount of phase lag at the gain cross over
frequency required to bring system to the verge of instability.
Phase margin =180+gc
9. Define Gain Margin. [APR/MAY04] [DEC07] [MAY/JUNE09] [DEC09]
The gain margin, kg is defined as the value by which gain of the system has
to be increased to drive system to be verge of instability. It is given by the reciprocal
of the magnitude of the open loop transfer function at phase cross over frequency.
G ( j PC )

10. Define Phase cross-over frequency. [MAY/JUNE07] [MAY/JUNE10]

The frequency at which the phase of open loop transfer function is180 is
called phase cross over frequency, pc
11. Define Gain cross-over frequency. [MAY/JUNE07] [NOV/DEC07] [DEC09]
The gain cross over frequency is the frequency at which the magnitude of the
open loop transfer function is unity.
12. The damping ratio and natural frequency of oscillation of a second order
system is 0.5 and 8 rad/sec respectively. Calculate the resonant peak and
resonant frequency. [MAY/JUNE07]

1 1
Resonant peak Mr= 2 1 2 2 0.5 1 0.52 1.154

Resonant frequency r n 1 2
8 1 0.52 6.928

13. What is Bode plot?

The Bode plot is the frequency response plot of the transfer function of a
system. A Bode plot consists of two graphs. One is the plot of magnitude of
sinusoidal transfer function versus log . The other is a plot of the phase angle of a
sinusoidal function versus log .
14. What are the main advantages of Bode plot? [NOV/DEC10]
(i).The magnitudes are expressed in db, so a simple procedure is available to
add magnitude of each term one by one.

(ii).The approximate bode plot can be quickly sketched and the corrections
can made at corner frequencies to get the exact plot.
(iii)The frequency domain specifications can be easily determined.
(iv).The bode plot can be used to analyze both open and closed loop system.
15. Define Corner frequency. [MAY/JUNE10] [NOV/DEC10] [APR/MAY11]
The frequency at which the meeting points of two asymptotic lines in a
magnitude plot is called corner frequency.
16. What is minimum phase system? [MAY/JUNE10]
The minimum phase systems are systems with minimum phase transfer
functions. In minimum phase transfer functions all poles and zeros will lie on the left
half of s-plane.
17. What is all pass systems?
The all pass systems are systems with all pass transfer functions, In all pass
transfer functions, the magnitude is unity at all frequencies and the transfer function
will have anti-symmetric pole zero pattern.
18. What is non-minimum phase transfer function? [MAY/JUNE10]
A transfer function which has one or more zeros in the right half s-plane is
known as non-minimum phase transfer function.
19. What is polar plot.[DEC07] [DEC09]
The polar plot of a sinusoidal transfer function G(j) is a plot of the magnitude
of G(j) Vs the phase/angle argument of G(j)on polar or rectangular co-ordinates
as is varied from zero to infinity.
20. Give example for frequency plot. [DEC07] [DEC09] [NOV/DEC10]
(i) Bode plot (ii)Polar plot (iii)Nichols plot
(iv)M and N circles (v)Nichols chart
21. What are the effects of addition of open loop poles? [NOV/DEC07]
[APR/MAY 10]

It will reduce the steady state error .Also addition of pole will increase the
order of the system, which in turn makes less stable than the original system

22.Draw the rough polar plot of typical second order type zero system.

23. What is Nichols plot?

The Nichols plot is a frequency response plot of the open loop transfer
function of a system. It is a graph between magnitude of G(j) in db and the phase
of G(j) in degree plotted in ordinary graph sheet.
24. What are M and N circles? [NOV/DEC07] [APR/MAY11]
The magnitude of closed loop transfer function with unity feedback will be in
the form of circle in complex plane for each constant value of M.The family of these
circles are called M-Circles.
Let N=tan , where is the phase of closed loop transfer function with unity
feedback. For each constant value of N. a circle can be drawn in the complex plane.
The family of these circles are called N-circles.
25. What are two contours of Nichols chart?
Nichols chart of M and N contours, superimposed on ordinary graph. The M
contours are the magnitude of closed loop system in decibels and the N
contours are the phase angle locus of closed loop system.
26. Write the necessary frequency domain specifications for design a control
(i)Phase margin (ii) Gain margin
(iii)Resonant peak (iv) Bandwidth
27. What are the two methods of designing a control system?
(i)Root locus designed to satisfy the specified time domain specifications
(ii)Bode plot - designed to satisfy the specified frequency domain specifications
28. What is Nichols chart? [MAY/JUNE06] [NOV/DEC12]
Nichols chart consists of curves that are maps of the constant M and
Constant N circles on a new co-ordinate system.

29.List the advantages of Nichols Chart? [DEC09] [MAY/JUNE10]

i.It is used to find closed loop response from open loop response

ii.The frequency domain specifications can be determined from Nichols chart

iii.The gain of the system can be adjusted to satisfy the given specification

30. Nichols chart can be used to determine ----------------------- response.

[NOV/DEC 2007] Open loop and closed loop response

Y s 4s b
31. Write the MATLAB command for plotting bode diagram. 3
U s s 3s 2 8s 6
. [NOV/DEC 2011]

num= [4 b];

den= [1 3 8 6];



32. What is compensation? [MAY/JUNE07] [MAY/JUNE09].

The compensation is the design procedure in which the system behavior is
altered to meet the desired specifications
33. What is a compensator? [MAY/JUNE07] [MAY/JUNE09].
A device inserted into the system for the purpose of satisfying the
desired specification is called as a compensator.
34.List the necessity of compensating work. [NOV/DEC07][ [NOV/DEC08]
(i)When the system is absolutely unstable, then compensation is required to
stabilize the system and also meet the desired performance.
(ii)When the system is stable, compensation is provided to obtain the desired
35. What are the two types of compensation?
i. Cascade or series compensation
ii. Feedback compensation or parallel compensation
36. What are the three types of compensators? [MAY/JUNE09] [NOV/DEC10]
i. Lag compensator ii. Lead compensator iii. Lag-Lead compensator

37. What is series compensation?
The series compensation is a design procedure in which a compensator is
introduced in series with plant to alter the system behavior and to provide
satisfactory performance.
38. What is feedback compensation?
The feedback compensation is a design procedure in which a compensator is
introduced in the feedback path so as to meet the desired specifications.
39. When is lag/lead/lag - lead compensator is employed?
Lag compensator Stable system for improvement in steady state performance.
Lead compensator Stable/unstable system for improvement in transient state
Lag -Lead compensator- Stable/unstable system for improvement in both steady
state and transient state performance.
40. What is lag compensation?
The lag compensation is a design procedure in which a lag compensator is
introduced in the system to as to meet the desired specifications.
41. What is lag compensator? Write its transfer function and pole zero plot?

A compensator having the characteristics of lag network is called lag compensator.

Transfer function = gc s

42. Write the characteristics of Lag compensation? [NOV/DEC07]

(i)Improves steady state performance.
(ii)Reduce the Bandwidth.
(iii)Increases the rise time

43. Draw the bode plot of lag compensator [APR/MAY08]

44. Draw the polar plot of lag compensator

45. Draw the circuit diagram of lead compensation network, Draw the polar
plot of lead compensator and write its transfer function. [NOV/DEC06]

The lag compensation is a design
procedure in which a lag compensator
is introduced in the system to as to
meet the desired specifications.

46. Draw the bode plot of lead compensator

47. Draw the polar plot of lead compensator

48. Write the characteristics of Lead compensation? [MAY/JUNE07]

i) Improves speed of response..
(ii)Reduces peak overshoot.
(iii)Increases the Bandwidth.

49. What is Lag-Lead compensator? Draw the circuit diagram of lag-lead
compensation network, draw the polar plot and write its transfer function.
[NOV/DEC07]. [APR/MAY11]

A compensator having the characteristics of lag-lead network is called lag-

lead compensator.
50. Draw the bode plot of lag-lead compensator

51. Draw the polar plot of lag lead compensator. [NOV/DEC07] [MAY/JUNE10]

52. What are the effects of Lag-Lead compensator? [MAY/JUNE07]
It improves steady state and transient state performance of the system

53. What are the merits of lead-lag network? [NOV/DEC08] [APR/MAY08]

i.Fast response and steady state accuracy

ii.Bandwidth of the system is increased
iii.ts reduces gain and phase margin can be adjusted
54. Mention the need for lead compensation and lag compensation
When the system is stable and does not satisfy the steady state performance
specifications then lag compensation is employed.
When the system is stable/unstable and requires improvement in transient
state response then lead compensation is employed.


1.The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by

G s .Sketch the polar plot and determine the gain and phase
s 1 s 1 2 s

margin.[MAY/JUNE07] [DEC09] [NOV/DEC10] [NOV/DEC11]

Refer Page No 3.42 Example 3.7 in given text book

2.Plot the bode plot diagram for the following transfer function and obtain the

Gain cross over phase cross over frequencies G s s 1 0.4 s 1 0.1s .


Refer Page No 3.30 Example 3.4 in given text book

3. Sketch the bode plot for the following transfer function and determine the
system gain K for the gain cross over frequency to be 5 rad/sec

Ks 2
G s
1 0.2 s 1 0.02s . [MAY/JUNE10] [NOV/DEC10].

Refer Page No 3.21 Example 3.1 in given text book

Ke 0.2 s
4.Given G s .find the K for the following cases.(i).Gain margin
s s 2 s 8

equal to 6 db,(ii).Phase margin is equal to 45[APR/MAY11] [NOV/DEC12]

Refer Page No 3.27 Example 3.3 in given text book

5. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by

G s .Sketch the polar plot and determine the gain margin and
s 1 s 1 2 s

phase margin. [NOV/DEC10].

Refer Page No 3.45 Example 3.8 in given text book


Refer Page No 5.33 Example 5.5 in given text book

6. Design a phase lead compensator for the system G s s s 1 to satisfy the

following specifications

(i).The phase margin of the system 45

(ii).Steady State error for a unit ramp input 1/15
(iii).The gain cross over frequency of the system must be less than 7.5 rad/sec.

7. Design a lead compensator for a unity feedback system with G s s s 2

.so that the static Velocity error constant Kv is 20sec -1, the Phase margin is
atleast 50 and the gain margin is atleast 10db. [NOV/DEC07]

8. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system control system

is Gf s s s 3 s 6 . Design a suitable lag-lead compensator for the

following specifications. The static Velocity error constant Kv is 80sec -1, the
Phase margin is atleast 35 and the gain margin is atleast 10db. [APR/MAY11]

Refer Page No 5.55 Example 5.9 in given text book

9. Draw the circuit of a lag lead compensator and derive its transfer function.
what are the effects? [MAY/JUNE07] [NOV/DEC07]
Refer Page No 5.49 in given text book

10. Draw the electrical equivalent of lag compensator and obtain its transfer
function. [MAY/JUNE07] [NOV/DEC07] (or) Describe the design procedure for
a lag compensator. [NOV/DEC08] [MAY/JUNE10]

Refer Page No 5.4 in given text book

11.Draw the bode plot of a lead network and derive an expression for the
factor in terms of m. [NOV/DEC07] (or) Discuss the conditions in which
phase lead network cannot be used successfully. [NOV/DEC08] (or) Discuss
the limitations and effects of phase lead compensation. [NOV/DEC08]

Refer Page No 5.26 topic 5.3 in given text book

12. A unity feedback control system has G s s s 4 s 10 .Draw the bode
plot and find the value of K when gain margin is 10 dB and phase margin is 30

13. Draw the pole zero diagram of a lead compensator. Propose lead
compensation using electrical network. Derive transfer function. Draw the
bode plots. [MAY/JUNE10] [NOV/DEC12]
Refer Page No 5.26 topic 5.3 in given text book

14. A unity feedback system has an open loop transfer function

G s .Design a lead compensator to meet the following
s 0.2 s 1

(i) Acceleration constant Ka=10 (ii) Phase margin=35 degrees [NOV/DEC06]

Same procedure as Ex 5.6 pg.No 5.37 in given text book

15. Consider a unity feedback system with the following open loop transfer
function G s .Design the lag compensator to satisfy the following
s s 1 s 4
(i)Damping ratio =0.5 (ii)Settling time ts=10 sec
(iii) Velocity error constant Kv 5sec-1 [NOV/DEC06]
16. A unity feedback system has an open loop transfer function. G s
s 1 2 s
.Design a suitable lag compensator so that the phase margin is 40 and steady
state error for ramp input is less than or equal to 0.2.

Refer Page No 5.10 Ex 5.1 in given text book

10 1 5s
17. For the given transfer function G s
2s 3 s 10 .Identify the corner
frequencies and initial and final slope of log magnitude graph. [NOV/DEC10]

18. Sketch the Bode-plot for the following transfer function and determine gain
0.751 0.2 s
margin and phase margin G s [NOV/DEC06]
s 1 0.5s 1 0.1s

Same procedure as Ex 3.6 pg.No 3.35 solved in given text book

19. Determine the value of K for a unity feedback control system having open
loop transfer function G s H s s s 2 s 4 . Such that (i).Gain margin is 10
dB (ii).Phase margin is 60 [DEC09]

20. A unity feedback system has an open loop transfer function

G s H s .Design a phase lag compensator to achieve the
s 1 s 1 0.2 s
following specifications. Velocity error constant Kv =5 Phase margin=45
21. Explain the use of M circles and N circles for the study of frequency
response analysis of feedback system? [MAY/JUNE09]

22. Draw the polar plot of an unity feedback control system whose transfer
function is given by G s s 1 s 1 4s and check the stability of the system.
23. A unity feedback control system has G s .Draw the bode
s s 2 s 20
plot. Determine the gain margin, phase margin, gc and pc. [MAY/JUN09]

24.Design a suitable lead compensator for a system with unity feedback and
having open loop transfer function, G s to meet the
s s 1 s 4
specifications as damping ratio=0.5 and undamped natural frequency= 2
rad/sec. [MAY/JUN09]
25. A unity feedback control system has G s .Draw the Bode plot
s s 4 s 10
and find the value of K when gain margin is 10dB. [NOV/DEC07]
26. Design a lead compensator for a unity feedback system with G s
s s 2
,so that the static velocity error constant Kv is 20 sec -1,the phase margin is at
least 50 and the gain margin is at least 10 dB. [NOV/DEC07]

27. Determine the frequency domain specifications with the unity feedback
system having G s [MAY/JUN09]
s s 8

28. Sketch the polar plot for the system whose open loop transfer function is
given as G s .Determine the gain and phase margin. [NOV/DEC07]
s 1 s

29. Draw the Bode plot of the system whose open loop transfer function is
given by G s H s .Determine the value of K for the
s1 s 1 0.1s 1 0.02 s
gain margin of 10dB. [NOV/DEC07]
30. Sketch the polar plot for the given transfer function G s 1 s 1 2s

10 s 2
31. Draw the polar plot for the following transfer function. G s
s s 1 s 3

32. Draw the bode plot for the unity feedback control system with

K s 0.3
G s

s 4 s 2 30s 20 .Where K=2000. Determine Gain margin, phase margin,
Gain cross over frequency and phase cross over frequency. Comment on the
stability. Determine the value of K to obtain phase margin of 30. [APR/MAY08]

33. Design a compensating network for G s s 1 0.2 s 1 2 s . so that the

Phase margin is atleast will be 40 and the steady state error will be in the final
position will not exceed 2%of the final velocity of 50m/sec.[APR/MAY08]

34. A unity feedback control system has G s s s 2 s 20 .Draw the bode

plot. Determine Gain margin, phase margin, Gain cross over frequency and
phase cross over frequency. Comment on the stability. [MAY/JUNE09]

35. Sketch the Bode magnitude plot for the transfer function

1001 0.1s
G s
1 0.01s 1 s [NOV/DEC11].



1. Define BIBO stability. [NOV/DEC07] [NOV/DEC10] [NOV/DEC11]

A linear relaxed system is said to have BIBO stability if every bounded (finite)
input results in a bounded (finite) output.

2. What is the necessary condition for stability? [NOV/DEC10] [MAY/JUNE10]


The necessary condition for stability is that all the coefficients of the
characteristics polynomial is positive.

3. What is the relationship between stability and coefficient of characteristics

If the coefficients of characteristics polynomial are negative or zero, then
some of the roots lies on right half of s-plane. Hence the system is unstable. If the
coefficients of characteristics polynomial are positive and if no coefficient is zero then
there is a possibility of then system to be stably provided all the roots are lying on left
half of s-plane.

4. What will be the nature of impulse response when the roots of

characteristics polynomial equation are lying on imaginary axis?
If the roots of characteristic equation lie on imaginary axis, the nature of
impulse response is oscillatory.

5. What will be the nature of impulse response when the roots of

characteristics polynomial equation are lying on right half of s-plane?
When the roots are lying on the real axis on the right half of s-plane. The
response is exponentially increasing. When the roots are complex and conjugate are
lying on right half of s-plane, the response is oscillatory with exponentially increasing

6. What is the necessary and sufficient condition for stability?

The necessary and sufficient condition for stability is that all of the elements
in the first column of the routh array should be positive.

7. What is Routh stability criterion? [NOV/DEC07] [MAY/JUNE07] [APR/MAY

08] [NOV/DEC08][DEC09] [NOV/DEC10] [APR/MAY 11] [NOV/DEC11].
Routh criterion states that the necessary and sufficient condition for stability is
that all of the elements in the first column of the routh array should be positive. If this
condition is not met, the system is unstable and the number of sign changes in the

elements of the first column of routh array corresponds to the number of roots
characteristics equation in the right half of s-plane

8. In routh array what conclusion you can make when there is a row of all
All zero row in routh array indicates the existence of an even polynomial as a
factor of the given characteristics equation. The even polynomial may have roots on
imaginary axis

9. What is limitedly stable system? [MAY/JUNE10]

For a bounded input signal, if the output has constant amplitude oscillations
then the system may be stable or unstable under some limited constraints. Such a
system is called limited stable system.

10. State Nyquist stability criterion. [NOV/DEC06] [APR/MAY08] [NOV/DEC08]

[MAY/JUNE09][DEC09] [APR/MAY10] [NOV/DEC10] [APR/MAY 11]
If the Nyquist plot of the open loop transfer function G(s) H(s) corresponding
to the nyquist contour in the S-plane encircles the critical point 1+j0 in the counter
clockwise direction as many times as the number of right half S-plane poles of G(s)
H(s) ,the closed loop system is stable.

11. What are root loci? [DEC09] [MAY/JUNE10]

The path taken by the roots of the open loop transfer function when the loop
gain K is varied from 0 to are called root loci.

12. How will you find the gain K at appoint on root locus? [NOV/DEC07]

Pr oduct of length of vector open loop poles to the po int s a

Pr oduct of length of vector open loop zeros to the po int s a

13. What are asymptotes? How will you find the angle of asymptotes?
Asymptotes are straight lines which are parallel to root locus going to infinity
and meet the root locus at infinity.

180(2q 1)
Angle of asymptote = ; q 0,1,2,.......(n m)

14. What is centroid? How the centroid is calculated? [DEC09]

The meeting point of asymptotes with real axis is called centroid. The centroid
is given by,
Sum of poles Sum of zeros
Centroid =

15. What is breakaway and break in point? How to determine them?
[NOV/DEC07] [APR/MAY 08] [MAY/JUNE10] [APR/MAY 11] [NOV/DEC11]
At breakaway point the root locus breaks from the real axis to enter into the
complex plane. At break-in point the root locus enters the real axis from the complex
plane. To find the breakaway or break in points, form an equation for K from the
characteristic equation and differentiate the equation of k with respect to s. Then find
the roots of equation dK/ds = 0. The roots of dK/ds =0 are breakaway or break-in
points provided for this value of root the gain K should be positive and real.

16. What is a dominant pole? [NOV/DEC10] [APR/MAY 11]

The dominant pole is a pair of complex conjugate pair which decides the
transient response of the system. In higher order systems the dominant poles are
very close to origin and all other poles of the system are widely separated and so
they have less effect on transient response of the system.

17. What are the main significances of root locus?

i. The root locus technique is used for stability analysis.
ii. Using root locus technique the range of values of K, for a stable system can
be determined.
18. How will you find the root locus on real axis?
To find the root locus on real axis, choose a test point on real axis. If the total
number of poles and zeros on the real axis to the right of this test point is odd
number then the test point lies on the root locus. If it is even then the test point does
not lie on the root locus.

19. What is marginally stable system? [NOV/DEC10]

When the system is some roots with real parts equal to zero, but none with
positive real parts, the system is said to be marginally stable.

20. What is absolutely stable system? [MAY/JUNE07][NOV/DEC08]

[NOV/DEC10] [NOV/DEC11].

If a system for all variant of its parameters, then the system is called
absolutely stable system.

21. State any two limitations of Routh-stability criterion.[MAY/JUNE09]

[APR/MAY 11] [NOV/DEC11] [NOV/DEC12]

It is valid only for real co-efficients of the characteristics equation

It does not provide exact locations of the closed loop poles

It does not suggest methods of stabilizing an unstable system

It is applicable only to linear systems.

.22. What are the advantages of Nyquist Stability criterion? [NOV/DEC12]

(i)We predict the closed loop stability of a given open loop data.

(ii)It can be modified for non-linear control system.

(iii)For unstable system, it indicates how to stabilize the system with the help
of suitable compensating networks to obtain desired closed loop system specification

23. What is relative stability of the given system? [MAY/JUNE07][NOV/DEC08]

[APR/MAY 11] [NOV/DEC11]
It is a quantitative measure of how fast the transients die out in a system.
24. What is quadrantal symmetry? [NOV/DEC11]
The symmetry of roots with respect to both real and imaginary axis is called
quadrantal symmetry.

25.Sketch the response of a system with reference to stability in case if the

(a)roots lie in left half of S plane (ii)On the imaginary axis (c)Right half of S
plane .[MAY/JUNE09]

Left half of S plane Right half of S plane Imaginary axis

26. List the advantages of Rouths array method of examining stability of

control system. [NOV/DEC11]


1. Using Routh criterion, determine the stability of the system whose
characteristics equation is s 4 8s 3 18s 2 16s 5 0 .Comment on the location of
roots. [MAY/JUNE07][NOV/DEC10]

Refer Pg.No 4.13 Ex 4.1 in given text book

2. Examine the stability of Routh criterion s 5 s 4 2s 3 2s 2 3s 5 0 .


Refer Pg.No 4.14 Ex 4.2 in given text book

3. State the rules for construction of root locus for a feedback system.
Refer Pg.No 4.9 in given text book
4. For a certain control system, G s H s s s 2 s 10 .Sketch the Nyquist

plot and determine the range of values of K for stability. [MAY/JUNE09]

Refer Pg.No 4.35 Ex 4.13 in given text book

5. Construct the Nyquist plot for a system whose open loop transfer function

K (1 s ) 2
is given by G(s)H(s)= . Find the range of K for stability. [NOV/DEC10]

Refer Pg.No 4.35 Ex 4.14 in given text book

6. Apply Nyquist stability criterion to the system with open loop transfer

4s 1
function G s H s and ascertain its stability. [APR/MAY08]
s 1 s 1 2 s

Refer Pg.No 4.42 Ex 4.15 in given text book

7 .A unity feedback control system has G s s s 1 s 2 .Draw the Nyquist
plot and Comment on the closed loop stability. [APR/MAY10]

8. Explain the procedure to determine the stability of the closed loop system
when open loop transfer G(s) H(s) is given using Nyquist stability criterion.
Refer Pg.No 4.29 in given text book

9. Sketch the root locus of the system whose open loop transfer function is

G(s)= . Find the value Refer Pg.No 4.72 Ex 4.23 in given text book
s ( s 2)( s 4)

of K, so that the damping ratio of the closed loop system is 0.5. [NOV/DEC10]

10. Draw the root locus for the open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback
control system give below and determine.

(i) the value of K for G= 0.5 (ii) the value of K for marginal stability

(iii) the value of K at S=-4 G(s)= K s( s 1)( s 3) [APR/MAY10]


Same model as problem No 9 solved

11. Certain unity feedback control system has the following open loop transfer

function G s H s .Find the breakaway points and draw the
s ( s 2)( s 2 2s 5)

root locus for 010 [NOV/DEC11]

Same model as Pg.No 4.79 Ex 4.25 in given text book


12. A unity feedback system is characterized by the open-loop transfer

function(s) = . Using Routh-stability criterion,
( s 2)( s 10s 2 49 s 100)

calculate the range of values of K for system to be stable. Determine the value

of K, which will cause sustained oscillation in the closed loop system. Also
determine the frequency of sustained oscillations. [APR/MAY11]

Refer Pg.No 4.23 Ex 4.10 in given text book

13. Sketch the root locus for the system and comment on stability,
K s 4 s 5
G s H s
s 1 s 3 .[NOV/DEC07]
14. (i)Using Routh criterion, investigate the stability of a unity feedback control
system whose open-loop transfer function is given by

e st
G(s)= s ( s 2)

(ii) A closed loop control system has the characteristic equation given by

S3 + 4.5s2 + 3.5s + 1.5 = 0. [APR/MAY10]

15. Find the range of values of K so that system with characteristics equation

F s s s 2 s 1 s 4 K 0 will be stable using Rouths criterion. [MAY/JUNE


16. Explain mapping theorem and principle of argument and hence draw the
Nyquist plot for the system whose open loop transfer function is
G s H s .[NOV/DEC07]
s s 2

Determine the range of K for stability of unity feedback system whose open

loop transfer function is G s using Routh stability criterion.
s ( s 1)( s 2)


Refer Pg.No 4.22 Ex 4.9 in given text book

17.Draw the approximate root locus diagram for a closed loop system whose

open loop transfer function is given by G s H ( s ) .Comment on
s ( s 5)( s 10)

stability. [NOV/DEC12]

18.Sketch the Nyquist plot for a system with open loop transfer function

K (1 0.4 s ) ( s 1)
G s H ( s) and determine the range og K for which the
(1 8s )( s 1)

system is stable. [NOV/DEC12]

Same model as Pg.No 4.46 Ex 4.16 in given text book


19.By routh stability criterion, determine the stability of the system

represented by the characteristic equation 9 s 5 20s 4 10 s 3 s 2 9s 10 0
.Comment on the location of roots of characteristic equation. [NOV/DEC11]

Refer Pg.No 4.15 Ex 4.4 in given text book

20.A unity feedback control system has an open loop transfer function

G s H (s) .Sketch the root locus. [NOV/DEC11]
s ( s 4 s 13)

Refer Pg.No 4.69 Ex 4.22 in given text book

21.List the rules and procedure for constructing the root locus. [NOV/DEC11]

Refer Pg.No 4.60 topic 4.8 in given text book

22.Consider a unity feedback control system with the following open loop

Ke 0.2 s
transfer function G s .Draw the Nyquist plot of G(s) and determine
s 1

the critical value of K for stability. [NOV/DEC11]

23.Consider the following characteristics equation

i.s 4 Ks 3 s 2 s 1 0 ii.s 4 3s 3 3s 2 2s K 0

Determine the range of K for stability. [NOV/DEC11]

24.Construct the root locus for the transfer function

G s H (s) [NOV/DEC11]
( s 1)( s 2)( s 3)

25.Sketch the root locus for the system having G s H ( s ) .
s ( s 2 s 2)


26.A unity feedback control system has G s s ( s 1) ( s 2) .Use Nyquist

stability criterion and determine whether the system is stable or not.


Find the range of K for which system shown in stable. [APR/MAY11]

27.The characteristics polynomial of a system is

s 7 5s 6 9 s 5 9 s 4 4 s 3 20 s 2 36 s 36 0 .Determine the location of roots on s-
plane and hence the stability of the system. [NOV/DEC10]

Refer Pg.No 4.18 Ex 4.6 in given text book

28.Sketch the root locus of the system whose open loop transfer function is
G s [NOV/DEC10]
s ( s 4) ( s 2 4 s 20)

29.The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by
G s
s 2 ( s 4) (s 2 6s 25) by applying the Routh criterion, discuss the
stability of the closed loop system as a function of K. Determine the value of
K which will cause sustained oscillations in the closed loop system. What
are the corresponding Oscillation frequencies. [NOV/DEC07] [NOV/DEC10]

Refer Pg.No 4.23 Ex 4.10 in given text book

30.The characteristics polynomial of a system is

s 7 9s 6 24s 5 24s 4 24s 3 24s 2 23s 15 0 .Determine the location of roots on s-
plane and hence the stability of the system. [MAY/JUNE10]
31.The characteristics equation of a servo system is given by
a 0 s 4 a1 s 3 a 2 s 2 a3 s a 4 0 .Determine the conditions which must be satisfied

by the co efficient of the characteristics equation for the system to be stable?


33. Apply Nyquist stability criterion to the system with loop transfer function

4s 1
G s H ( s) and ascertain its stability. [APRIL/MAY08]
s (1 s ) (1 2 s )

34. Test the stability using Rouths criterion for the polynomial
s 4 2s 3 3s 2 4s 5 0 [MAY/JUNE07]

35. Determine the range of K for the system to be stable if the characteristic
equation is s 4 3s 3 3s 2 2s K 0 [MAY/JUNE 07]

36. For the characteristic equation s 5 2s 4 24s 3 48s 2 25s 50 0 Perform

complete Routh stability analysis. [MAY/JUNE07]

37.The open loop transfer function of a feedback control system is given by

K ( s 3)
G s H ( s) Sketch the root locus. Determine range of K for which
s ( s 2)

system is over damped and under damped. Also find K for critical damping.

38. Determine the range of K for which system represented by

C s K

R s s s s 1 s 4 4
2 is stable. [NOV/DEC08]

39. Test whether system represented by characteristics equation

s 4 8s 3 18s 2 16s 5 0 is stable. [NOV/DEC08]

40. Determine the range of values of K using Rouths criterion for the system
to be stable.

(i) s 3 3Ks 2 K 2 s 4 0

(ii) s 4 20 Ks 3 5s 2 10s 15 0 [MAY/JUNE09]


1.What are the advantages of State-space approach? [DEC09] [NOV/DEC10]

[NOV/DEC 2011]

The state space analysis is applicable to any type of systems

The state space analysis can be performed with initial conditions

The variable used to represent the system can be any variables in the system

Using this analysis the internal state of the system at any time instant can be

2.State the drawbacks of transfer function model. [MAY/JUNE10]

Transfer function is defined under zero initial conditions.

Transfer function is applicable to linear time invariant systems.
Transfer function is restricted to single input and output systems.
Does not provides information regarding the internal state of the system.
3.Define state and state variables. [MAY/JUNE10] [NOV/DEC10] [APR/MAY11]


State: It is the condition of a system at any time instant t

State variable: A set of variable which describes the state of the system at any time
4.What is state vector? [NOV/DEC10]

The state vector is a (n1) column matrix (or vector) whose elements are state
variables of the system. It is denoted by X (t).
5.Write down the state model and output model of state space analysis?
[DEC09] [or] Draw the basic state model for a continuous system and write
its state equation. [NOV/DEC10]

The state model of a system consists of state equation and output equation.
X t =AX (t) +BU (t) ------ state equation

Y (t) =CX (t) +DU (t) ------ output equation

6.What is state space?
The set of all possible values which the state vector X(t) can have at time t forms
the state space of the system.
7. What is input space and output space. [NOV/DEC10]

Input space: The set of all possible variables which the input vector U (t) can have
at time t forms the input space of the system.
Output space: The set of all possible variables which the input vector Y (t) can have
at time t forms the output space of the system

8. What is state diagram. [DEC09]

The pictorial representation of the state model of the system is called state
diagram. The state diagram of the system can be either in block diagram or signal
flow graph form.
9. What are the three basic elements used to form state diagram?

The basic elements used to construct the state diagram are scalar, Adder and
10. Mention the need for state variables? [NOV/DEC 2010]

The state variables can be utilized for the purpose of feedback

Implementation of design becomes straight forward

The solution of state equation gives time variation of variables which have
direct relevance to the physical system

11.What are the advantages of state space modelling using physiscal

The stste varaibles can be utilized for the purpose of feedback.
The implemenation of design with state variables feedback becomes staright
The solution if stste equation gives time variation of variables which have
direct relevance to the physical system.
12.What are phase varibles?

The particular state varibles which are obtained from one of the system
varible and its derivatives is called phase varibles.Usually the variable used in the
system output and the remaining state varibles are then derivatives of the output.

What is meant by sampled-data control systems? [NOV/DEC12]

What do you meant by decomposition of transfer function. [DEC09]

Write the demerits of phase varaible state model. [NOV/DEC10] [MAY/JUNE10]

Define controllability and observability. [MAY/JUNE10] [NOV/DEC10]


Give the need for controllablity test. [MAY/JUNE10]

Stae the duality between controllability and observability. [MAY/JUNE10]

What is the advantage and disadvantage in canoniacl form of state model?


When and how you get a Jordan canonical form of a state model.

What is modal matrix. [NOV/DEC10]

What is the advantage and disadvantage of Kalmans test for controllability?


Y s s3
Consider the system given by 2 .Obtain the state spsce
U s s 3s 2
representation in controllable canonical form. [APR/MAY11]

A discrete time system is described by the differential equation

y(k+2)+3y(k+1)=5y(k)=u(k).Determine the transfer function of system.

1. Write the properties of state transition matrix. [APR/MAY 2010] [NOV/DEC10]

i. 0 1
ii. 1 k k
iii. k , k0 k ko A k ko

2. Determine the controllability of the system described by the state equation.

[APR/MAY 2010]
For a nth order system described by state equation X AX BU ,we can form
a composite matrix Qc,Where

Qc= [B AB A2B .An-1B]

In this case, the system is completely state controllable if the rank of the
composite matrix Qc is n

3. What is meant by sampling theorem? [MAY/JUNE10] [NOV/DEC 2010]

Sampling theorem states that a band limited continuous-time signal with

highest frequency Fm, hertz can be uniquely recovered from its samples provided
that the sampling rate Fs is greater than or equal to 2fm samples per second


5. Name the methods of state space representation for phase variables.

[APR/MAY 2011]

Bush form or companion form

Signal flow graph method

General state model

6. What is meant by quantization? [APR/MAY 2011]

The process of converting a discrete-time continuous valued signal into a

discrete-time discrete valued signal is called quantization.


8. What is alias in sampling process? [NOV/DEC 2011]

If signal is sampled below Shannons limit, then a lower frequency signal

constructed below is called as alias in sampling process.


Y s s3
1. Using cascade method decompose the transfer function .Obtain
U s s 1 s 2

the state model. [APR/MAY 2010]

2. Obtain the state space representation of the electrical network shown in figure
below. [APR/MAY 2010]

3. Determine the transfer matrix from the data given below

3 1 1
A 1 DCB 0 [APR/MAY 2010]

0 1 1
Y s s2
4. The transfer function of control system is given by
U s s 9s 26 s 24


for controllability. [APR/MAY 2010]

5. Explain in detail the state space representation for continuous time systems.
[NOV/DEC 2010]

6. Explain in detail the state space representation for discrete time systems.
[NOV/DEC 2010]

7. Determine the state controllability and observability of the system described

3 1 0 1
. 0 1
x1 0 1x0 yu x
1 0
[NOV/DEC 2010]

0 1 2 1
8. The state space representation of a system is given by


012 x1 0 x1
x 0 3 1x0 u y0 10x
2 2 2 .

. 543 x 1 x
x 3 3

Obtain the transfer function. [APR/MAY11] [NOV/DEC12]

9. Write the state equations for the system shown below in which X 1,X2 and X3
constitute the state vector.

Determine whether the system is completely controllable and observable.


10. Find the state variable for the mechanical system. [NOV/DEC 2011]

11. A LTI system is characterized by data equation


x11 0x1 0
. u 1
1 x2 1
Compute the solution of block equation assuming initial condition


[NOV/DEC 2011]
12. A sampled data control system is shown in the figure given below,

Find the open loop pulses transfer function, if controller gain is unity, with
sampling time is 0.5 seconds. [NOV/DEC 2011]

Determine the controllability and observability of the following system.

010 x1 0 x1
x 0 0 1x0 u y1 0 x
2 2 2 .

. 320 x 10 x
x 3 3


Obtain the Z domain transfer function of the system shown below.

Write the state equations in phase variable fomr,for a system with the
Refer Page No 7.49 Example 7.14 in given text book
d3y d2y dy du
differential equation 3 7 2 19 13 y 13 26u .[NOV/DEC11]
dt dt dt dt

Find state transistion matrix of the system described by the following state

dX 1
dX 2
2 X 1 3 X 2

Check if all the roots of the following characteristics equation lie within the
unit circle.

i ).Z 3 0.2 Z 2 0.25Z 0.05 0

ii ).Z 4 1.7 Z 3 1.04 Z 2 0.268Z 0.024 0

Determine the transfer function of two cascaded systems each described by

the difference equation c(k)=0.5 c(k-1)+r(k). [NOV/DEC11]

Determine the transfer function of armature controlled DC motor and represent

it in state model method.[DEC09]

Determine the transfer function of field controlled DC motor and represent it in

state model method. [DEC09]

The state model of the system is given by

Check for controllablity. [MAY/JUNE10]

Obtain the state model of electrical network shown in the fig by choosing v 1(t)
and v2(t) as state variables. [NOV/DEC10]

The system represented by state equation X t AX t .The response is

e3t 1 e t 1
tX 2t when X 0 and tX t when X 0 .Determine the system

2e 2 e 1
matrix A and the state transistion matrix. [NOV/DEC10]

Explain about stste space representation of discrete time systems?



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