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1803 Vocabulary Terms

These terms are in no particular order; however all must be defined as a part of the set-exercises assessment task.

Term Definition
1 2D Shape The shapes have two dimensions
2 3D Shape Is any form or subject that takes up air space.
3 5E Model Engage,Explore,Explain,Extent, Evaluate
accommodation The act of accommodation, process of being
4 accommodation, adaption.
Assimilation Simply the process of incorporating new
5 information
6 Cardinality The number of the rows
Centration When the child focuses on the most obvious
without considering the finer complexities. Over
7 time children learn to consider the entiresituation.
8 Classification (Science process skill) Making group, sorting real object
Cognitive constructivism A constructivist that focuses on internal of
9 constructions of knowledge
10 communicating (Science process skill) Giving out information or creating mind map
Concept Something that
12 conceptual subitizing Is it to know small group of object.
13 conclusion (Scientific method) Is the result of process
Concrete operational stage The childrens logic develops, they learn to classify
based on the similarity. They can differentiate
between sizes and amounts no matter how they
14 look like.
concrete pictorial abstract learning progression It is three step instructional approach that has been
15 found to provides students.
16 conservation The action of conversation something, in particular
Constructivist method Is it a learning of theory found in psychology which
explain how the people might learn new
17 knowledge.
controlling variables (More complex science process skill) It is an experiment element which changed through
18 this course
19 Data It is something to collect like number or words
20 disequilibrium New information conflicts with what you thought.
Equilibrium Mind is balanced between assimilation and
21 accommodation.
Estimation Is to find a rate which is close appropriate to
22 answer.
Formal Operations Stage in this stage can think logically, come up with
abstract thoughts as well as think in an order. They
23 can come up with their own hypotheses.
24 hypothesis (Scientific method) Is it to put forward a theory
25 hypothesizing (More complex science process skill) The relationship between two thing
inferring (science process skill) It is an example of observation
Name & ID:Aishasultan, H00327989
1803 Vocabulary Terms

27 informal experience It is any of experience that not inform

inquiry-based learning (IBL) Is something that all of us experience through out
28 our lives.
29 learning cycle It is a people how learn new experiment
logical grouping Identifying how people interaction have a group
30 them to group work.
31 Measuring Between comparing thing like length, weight
measuring (science process skill) quantifying observations by using number, count,
32 size, things
more knowledgeable other It is related to second important principle of
33 Vygotsky and zone of proximal development
naturalistic experience It one of the research from the nine multiple
34 intelligence
35 observing (science process skill) Using their five senses to make information
one to one correspondence That one group has the same of things as another
36 group.
perceptual subitizing It is to recognize number of briefly present
37 something without counting them
predicting (science process skill) Guess, decided what what will happen if make
38 something.
pre-operational stage Children learn symbols like shapes and sizes
and how to use them. The use of language
39 develops to express.
40 Principles of School Mathematics
process skill Observation, comparing, Measuring,
ordering, classifying, communicating,
Inferring, predicting, Hypothesizing
rational counting mating each number name in order to an object a
42 group.
43 reversibility Remember what come before in counting.
rote counting Recount the name of numerals in order from
44 memory.
scaffolding Breaking up the information and showing the way
45 to solve the problems.
46 science process skill That allow student to learn new information.
scientific method It is a proudact of event in which people
understand both thing is physical and rational of
47 science through experiment
Sensory motor stage that they dont have a good memory. They learn to
use their senses like touching, smelling and
tasting.it is the first stage of piaget theory (from
48 birth to 2years
49 seriation Act of arrange thing in series.
50 social constructivism It is our realities through experience
51 Sorting Arrange thing in group
52 spatial awareness It is ability to be aware of one self in space
Name & ID:Aishasultan, H00327989
1803 Vocabulary Terms

53 Standards for School Mathematics The learn how to count and write number.
structured experience It is a structured to include; process which the
54 instruction the deems valuable
55 student- directed inquiry It is the major goal of based science education.
56 teachable moment It is time to teaching something new.
teacher- directed inquiry It is more scientific literate student able to explain
57 and evaluate.
testable question This a key of good search is to choose a topic of
58 interest thing then ask.
59 volume The level of sound by switch.
zone of proximal development The difference between what the students can do
60 by themselves and what they cant.

Name & ID:Aishasultan, H00327989

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