New Application - Terms and Conditions

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New application - terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions


We appreciate that no one likes reading lengthy terms and conditions, however in
order for us to be able to process your record application it is important for you to
take the time to understand what is required from you before you attempt, and
hopefully achieve, a Guinness World Records title. These terms outline the
responsibilities that you are taking on when you agree to attempt your record and
also what is expected of you once your attempt has been made.

We have done our best to make the terms as simple and clear as possible. Please
read through them carefully and if there is any part of these terms which you still feel
you dont understand, please get in touch with us.

General Information

This document will form an agreement between Guinness World Records Limited,
184-192 Drummond Street, London, NW1 3HP (otherwise known GWR or we or
us) and you, the applicant.

If you agree to these terms, then you will be able to submit your application for a
Guinness World Records title.

Once you have submitted your application, it is important that you wait until you
receive confirmation from us that your record attempt has been authorised before
taking any further action. If you do not receive any communication, please do not
assume that your record attempt has been authorised. Whilst we will do our utmost
to authorise your chosen record attempt title, there may be occasions where we will
have to amend the title before allowing you to proceed with the attempt.

If for any reason you are unable to accept these terms, unfortunately we will not be
able to proceed with your application and in this case you must not do or say
anything that might suggest we have authorised your record attempt as an official
Guinness World Records attempt or title.

Record Attempt Guidelines

Once your record attempt is authorised by us, we will send you guidelines relating to
your record attempt. You must ensure you follow all the guidelines for your record
attempt to be considered by GWR. The information provided to you is up-to-date to
the best of our knowledge at the time it is given but on some occasions guidelines or
record information may change after the information has been provided to you. For
example a record may be broken or guidelines may need to be amended. On the
rare occasion that any of this occurs, we may not always be able to inform you due
to the large volume of applications we process.

If your record attempt is unsuccessful, whilst we do understand that this can be

disappointing, GWRs interpretation of any aspect of the guidelines has to be final
and there is no requirement for us to enter into further correspondence.

If you are unclear on any aspect of the guidelines, please contact us before the
record attempt.

Supporting Materials and Evidence

If we authorise your record attempt, you will receive the following information:

The Guidelines specific to your record attempt

The Guide to your evidence document including various templates and the
following Schedules
Guidance on Supporting Materials & Evidence (Schedule 1)
A Release of Evidence Form (where you are the owner of the evidence)
(Schedule 2)
A Release of Evidence Form (where the owner of the Evidence is someone
other than you) (Schedule 3)


To stand the best chance of achieving a GWR Record, you should submit as much
evidence as possible in accordance with the evidence guidance.

If you are unable to provide enough evidence to support your claim, we may have no
choice but to reject your claim.

Due to the large volume of applications received, we are unable to return the
evidence supplied.

GWRs right to use your evidence

We may want to use the evidence you submit in our Guinness World Records
publications, on our website, in GWR television shows or in another medium through
which we exploit our brand.

By accepting these terms, you allow us to use any and all of the materials submitted
with your claim for these purposes at any time and free of charge. There will be no
obligation on us to identify you or the actual owner as the author of the materials.

The above statement is a general release of all evidence supplied by you. However,
wherever possible you should also arrange for the owner of evidence (you or a third
party) to sign the Schedule 2 (you) or Schedule 3 (third parties). Further information
on this is in the Evidence Required document.
The permission you grant to GWR above does not affect the owners right (whether
you or a third party) to use the evidence.

Other terms

In addition to the above points, by agreeing to these terms you agree that:

Your Information

We may make any details of your record attempt/title available to the public
(but there is no obligation on us to do so).
That you will not take legal action against us if any details we do release are
incorrect. But we will try hard to avoid errors and correct them (where we can)
when we become aware of them.
We can use your personal information for the following purposes:

- To process your application

- In our publications

- In our marketing materials

- In promoting our brand through any media (including contacting you)

We may pass on your contact information to third parties where we consider

you may be interested in being contacted by them (for example TV production
companies and PR companies).

We can transfer your personal information outside the European Union, even
to countries where your information may not be protected to the same extent
(this is because of the global nature of our business).
You will not take legal action against us if you suffer any loss as a result of
any loss of personal data except where it is our fault.


You will only use the word mark Guinness World Records to identify and
describe your record attempt and you agree that you will not use these words
for any commercial purposes.
You will contact us to obtain our permission where you wish to use our word
mark for commercial purposes and our logos for any purposes.


You waive your right to cancel our agreement and receive a refund if you
have chosen to use our fast track service (see cancellation policy).

General confirmations

All information provided to us is true and accurate

You can grant us the permissions we need so that we can use your evidence
without breaching anyone elses rights

Attempts where someone else other than you will be making the attempt

Every participant in the record has or will have agreed to these terms before
the record attempt takes place (this is particularly the case where you are
acting on behalf of a third party, for example where you are a PR or
advertising agency).

GWRs right of recovery against you

If a third party notifies us that it is considering taking legal action against us as

a result of (a) loss, personal injury or death resulting from your record attempt
(regardless of whether successful or not) or (b) due to any of the assurances
provided by you in these terms being incorrect, we can recover any loss
arising from the third partys action from you including demands, claims,
damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees).

Limitation on your ability to recover from GWR

Except for personal injury or death resulting from GWRs negligence, neither
GWR nor other any companies in its group will be liable to you or your estate
for any loss, damage or injury arising as a result of your record attempt.

Safety Requirements

In addition to the above terms it is particularly important that you agree to the
following terms in relation to the safety of your record attempt.

Your record attempt may be dangerous to you and others, even if you comply with
the guidelines we provide. The Guidelines are not intended to offer or replace any
safety advice and do not mean that your record attempt is free from risk.

As well as complying with all of the guidelines, you must take safety advice from a
suitably qualified professional in relation to your record attempt. As part of any
advice we would expect that the following are covered:

1. A full risk assessment identifying all risks to everyone at your record attempt

2. A full assessment of appropriate medical and other resources which need to

be made available at your record attempt

3. That you have the necessary insurance policy in place to cover any potential

In addition to taking safety advice, you must comply with all applicable
recommendations and/or requirements as provided for under applicable health &
safety guidelines and laws.
Please remember, that you have full responsibility for the safety of your record
attempt and specifically with regards to deciding whether or not to make the record
attempt. You are also responsible for all safety aspects related to that record

Except where GWR has been negligent and this results in personal injury and or
death, neither GWR nor any companies in its group will be liable to you or your
estate for any loss, damage or injury to yourself or anyone at the record attempt, or
anyones property, or arising from a breach of these terms.

Miscellaneous terms

These terms are all the terms which apply to every aspect of your record attempt and
no third parties will have any rights under these terms.

Even if one part of these terms is found to be invalid, the other terms will remain in

Whilst unlikely, we may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to a
third party without your consent.

The English version of these terms will apply over any others and these terms will be
governed and interpreted in accordance with English law, with the English Courts
having exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any dispute arising under the these terms.

Cancellation Policy

If you change your mind and no longer want to proceed with your application, you
have the right under EU law to cancel our proposed agreement within 14 days of
accepting these terms unless you have chosen to use our fast track service as we
will start work before the end of this 14 day period.

Agreement & Signature to these terms

A copy of these Terms and Conditions is available for download here

I agree to the terms and conditions and confirm I have read and understood them

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