Oral Cavity

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Oral cavity

Every part of the body has it own important role in the vital life, and the oral cavity is not an exception. The oral
cavity is the beginning of the upper digestive tract. It connect with the oropharynx at the back. The oral cavity
has many structures that help to digest food such as teeth, tongue and salivary glands. There are 32 teeth in
the oral cavity, include 4 incisors that help to cut food, 4 canines for tearing food, 8 premolars and 12 molars
for grinding the food. And tongue helps us to taste food because of taste buds, squeezes food in the mouth
and swallows it. In additional, salivary glands are three pairs of sac-like organ that secrete saliva an watery
liquid that have many functions like kill bacteria in the food, digest starch and liquefies(lubricate) the food,
makes them easier for swallowing. In conclusion, the oral cavity has an essential role in the food digestion.

Without it, the body could suffer dyspepsia.

The stomach

The stomach is one of the organs of the digestive tract, and it plays and very important role in the food
digestion. The stomach is a J-shaped organ that lies in left upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity, under the
liver, next to the spleen, connect with the esophagus at the esophageal sphincter and the duodenum at the
pyloric. The stomach is a muscular sac that has 3 layers of muscle. On the wall of the stomach, there are cells
that can secrete acid to digest some protein in the food. And to protect the wall, stomach also has some cells
that can create mucous, prevent the destruction of acid to the wall. Thanks to 3 layers of muscle, food in the
stomach is squeezed in all direction, break them into smaller pieces for easier digestion and absorption. In
conclusion, the stomach has an essential role in the food digestion, help the body digest food more effectively.
Without the stomach, it could take more time for the food digestion and absorption, which affect our daily life.

The small intestine

Every organ in the body has its own important role in our life, especially the small intestine. Small intestine is
the organ of the digestive tract and this is where majority of food is digested and absorbed. The small intestine
lies in the abdominal cavity, connect the stomach at the pyloric sphincter and the large intestine at the
ileocecal valve. The small intestine is about 6 meters in length, and divides into three parts: duodenum,
jejunum and ileum. The duodenum is the first part which borders around the head of the pancreas and receive
the pancreatic juice from the pancreas. Jejunum is the place where the majority of digestion and absorption
happen. And the third part, ileum, absorb the remain nutrients and bile acid. In conclusion, the small intestine
has an essential role in the food digestion and nutrients absorption. If there were any malfunctions with the
small intestine, our body couldnt take enough nutrients.

The large intestine

Every organ has its own important role, and the large intestine is not an exception. Large intestine is one of the
organs in the digestive tract. This is where the last water and electrodes are absorbed. The large intestine
locates in the inferior part of the abdominal cavity and it is about 2 meters long. Large intestine divides into 3
parts: the caecum and appendix, the colon and rectum. The caecum is the beginning of the large intestine,
connect with the ileum. The appendix has an unknown function until now. The colon where water, potassium,
sodium are absorbed, is the longest part of the large intestine. After water and electrodes are taken, the
remaining materials now are feces, which is full of bacteria. The feces will go to the sigmoid colon and the
rectum, ready for going out of the body. At the end of the rectum, there are muscular sphincters, which help
our body defecate consciously. In a word, large intestine helps to take water and electrodes. So if there were
any dysfunction in the large intestine, the body would lose water and our life would be threatened.
The liver

Every organ has its own important role, especially the liver. Liver is one of the accessory glands of the
digestive tract. Its pyramid in shape and lies in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, under the diaphragm,
superior to the stomach. And liver is the second biggest organ in the body and it has 2 lobes: left lobe and right
one. The liver is composed of hepatic cells, which can secrete bile. Bile is a greenish fluid that helps the body
to break fat molecules into smaller one for easier digestion. Beside the function of secrete bile, liver can also
work as a filter, get to blood rid of poison, waste. And the liver can synthesize and store protein, fat for later
uses of the body too. In a word, liver has an essential role, not only in the digestion, but also in our life. If there
were any malfunction with the liver, our body might be threatened.

The heart

Every organ has its own important role, especially the heart. Heart is an organ of the circulative system which
has to work every day, every moment during your life time. The heart is shaped like a pyramid which locates in
the thoracic cavity, between 2 lungs, above the diaphragm. The heart comprises of 3 layers: the pericardium
surrounds the outside of the heart and protects the heart when it beats against the chest wall; the myocardium,
which is the thickest layer and makes the heart beat; and the endocardium made of epithelium. The heart is
divided into four chambers: left and right atrium, left and right ventricle. Atria are where the blood reaches the
heart and ventricles are the place from which blood travels to the lungs and whole body. Heart works as a
pump, pushes a constant blood flow throughout the body to provide oxygen and nutrients for every cell and
bring back waste via blood. In a nutshell, heart is a very important organ, it maintains the blood flow
throughout the body, to provide enough oxygen and nutrient. Without the heart, the body would be dead.

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