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ALD of Drsiavrrs: Ed Greenwood, Eric L. Boyd DrvELorex: Mike Mearls ‘ Eprror: Gary Sarli Eprring Manacrr: Kim Mohan " Desig Manacen: Christopher Perkins DevetorMent Manacen: Jesse Decker Sexton Art Director RPG R&D: Stacy Longstreet Dinrcror or RPG R&D: Bill Slavicsek Propuction Manasers: Josh Fischer, Randall Crews Forcorres RrALMs Ar Dikrcrors: Ryan Sansaver, Mari Kolkowsky Cover Artist: Lucio Parrillo INTERIOR ARrists: Daarken, Eric Deschamps, Rick Drennan, Ron Lemen, Warren Mahy, William O'Connor, Lucio Parrillo, Francis Tsai, Franz, Vohwinkel Gnariic Drsiowers: Dee Barnett, Keven Smith Carrocrarnrr: Kyle Hunter Gaaviic Propucrion Srrciatist: Angelika Lokotz Iwace Trountctan: Bob Jordan $$$ as on the evga! Downers Dascess® lest by Gary Gye ant Dave Arnsio and the new Doorons& Deacons ge designe by Jonathan “Twct, Monte Col, Sup Wiliams, Richaed Take. std Pte Adkison “spre ses pac tera fren the v2 svison. Is designed for ane withthe Fanevrran Rais Campign Seng by Ea Gromer, Sean K Reynold, Skip Willian and Reb Heino. This Wizards ofthe Css game profuct contains no Oper Game Cotes No portion of this work maybe rprodice in ay form vithut written permasnn To ean tore sbot the Open Gaming Liens and th: d2OSystem Liens, pene tnt wirwsariscom 20 US, CANADA, ASIA, EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS PACIFIC, & LATIN AMERICA tio UK Lat Wisarsof tie Gos sll Way 0.x 707 Noort, Gusut N19 O¥H Renton, WA 98057070: GREAT BRITAIN (Quetions) 1800-24.6096 ep le rj seis PB7E545 Isp: 07869-59109 Frise Pratig: Mar 2008 Isp: 976-07849:5910- Deiceoss & Drucoss, DED, Dus Mast, Foncor0s REAL 20,420 Sytem, Winans ov Ti Coast, Paver of Fee, Player's Hamabuc, ‘Dungeon Muster Guide, Mouser Massa, al eher Wizards of the Coast prac names and thee espetv logs ae tress of ‘Winans of the Cos, Ine, in the US.A and other eeu. “This material ispretected under the coprright laws of the Usited Seats of America Any reprokton or unautoriel we of the material or artwork conrained Tersin is prohbeed without te express rete prmision of Wierd ofthe Coat, In. “Ths proc isa work of ftien. Any similarity o actual people, onzanizatons pls or evet is purely oincietal {©2006 Wins of the Coast ne. Fite in the USA Visicour website a wow ieds comfongtten ‘TaBLx oF Conrents ‘ i vf Ierodection. + Giving Bates. FO Disses. % Spreading the Fath cco Rewari cece dt ‘ (Chapter One: Order in the Court $i and Deis SL rte Seng The Temporal Leads ss 7 Contes 52 Wolfvatch Maror ‘Wh Bo Rulers and Stevars Dot... 7 Church vs State s./ss esses 32 Storm Stewards and Teles. 7 Rival Faiths and Gales. 52 Examples Barony of Starshaéon. aging the Pita Game. © Tetesath Conte 53 TExthaer Jailachhsson x ‘Tae Fone Behind The Tron: Fractions Sets within the Gharch [Making and Changing Lavs 2 Miley Tee, ater Sia: King ofthe Road... 102 Making Deals : 9 Tnsillous Threats TLotg Arms of the Latest .c00 0101 Truc and Armatice Rewanls ‘Whe Marshals Do. 101 Reeping the ewe essssssossssee 10 ligions Stongholie Heralds Quieter and More Mysterious 202 Winaing Favors eecets2el) Seta the Moping Whae the Heras Do. 101 Eating Ties cnesssss 10 The Heuse of Frehae ‘Nobility and the Berd vs.0.0..00.0 108 Achiving Nobility. 12 sample: Aces of Ammunacr Disputing with the Heras wo sing Demsin 21 Ghnlrd Deeagth Omir = Png the Hels 108 Conte 8 Lagitnacy and the Hert 104 Sentencing the Gui 38 Chapter Por: Hay the Masket 1.68 ~Tae High Hera 105 Bolted Rides Bt The tedee Leer ft G1 The Heals Pernirtt. 205 ‘Alvisors and Ambassuderss......--.-.+19 What Do Business Leaders Do?......)..62 The Tabards 305 Revlon ssvseseecsss strug. 2? How to Use the Leadership Feat s0o(068 Loe Hers... 1196 Religoes Leake co scoososs Playing the Economie Game 6 Typ of Henk 104 Ranpaging advenors ‘Controling Viel Trate Aneics ..1)6f The Daly Lif of Lota Healt. 307 Picante ica kee TNge Vigan. lovards Re geaaiensastes dl Bevel. RRS > Court Hea Court Stronghold 21 Geode. Woes Mayng the Wondering Game “A Sampling of Heralds ‘Example: The Court ofthe High Tover...22 Forming a Trade Consortia ~ Upholding the Law Personnel: Filling Positions. (Chapter Two: Win the Battlefield 25 Merchant Prince : 73> Rig the Roads ‘The Berdens of Command. .. 25 Contrelling a Market 74 Conflicts ‘a Whac Do Military Leaders Dof s.....225-— Ranwing'a Guild é 34 Rewards «2.0 ECO e later ty Tene A artera aes : Maing the Miltsey Game 26 Rening a Monopoly a ae ne Grads 2 Onliattns and Bates Fi Chapter Seven: High Level Challenge. asetog Hon 2 conte, ' Fhe Dake entrees iets Faming Rash 28 “Rial Tae Consors ee ee Reto: vading Armies. 29 Costers and Priskos of the Heartlands...7 teat Dragens. Giving Commands to Subordinates......29 Brigands and Pirates.. fo Dae ‘Alone Seis a \. Mattsing Toop. Dison of Satire Resour ee ea ae g able Teton Orercoming Natural Dias. ee ae ie : eee ThvaiersAdvenpe Se ins ameagae Chapter Bight: The Border Kingioms, 131 Ulta “The Borde Kins Ty. Allergist, The Land of Mages The Barony of Blacksaddle ~ Fire: Teme the Fron Frontier Lealer What Do Frontier Leader ‘The Duskwood. ia on Oe The rd Dy of he “Tempe inthe Sty “235” Playing the Frontier Game Junlarwood a High Hora 3H Carving oes Domain ore hase ‘Fxample: The Sothillisian Empire 40 Taming the Frontier ‘Lathbaern Sel Michal f Murase .o.- 41 Mite Pern Manywaters itriting Suber Petal wick ae Gee Soa The Septal Loner 4 Baring Td ee What Do Religious Leaders Lard, Mayors aad Wardens beat fl Herta the Chwch 46 Vasa Seat Pan ee isthe Lenktip Font 2.00047 | Ralngs Peden. eee ee «Playing the Religious Gare. 48 Reming « Frontier Domai ‘The Realm of the Ready Sword ong wit the Gols 48 Holding Tertory Danfecaon nd Visons. LI8 Expanding the Doman. rake Wor ove igttons and DU Relic Holes SEL49 conttes 31 “Leaderap Gace. Taming Lanka cicccecctcocccsa ss 43 Local Law Regal Law “Atractng Cohorts and Followers. an Arehbshops. 48—Bandesan! Brigands 92 Laing Cohorts and Followers, Syeater and Hireplans.ssscssscee 30 Monstrous Tare. co See era Gung the Flock 50° Insous Taras... B es ‘The'armoréd fist of thé Tori of Storm Tower ‘srashed down on the coursil table. No, int ‘the council table. aN The Steward of Storm Vale neither flinched nor changed expres sion, though the Throne Lon!’s gleaming guuntlet eft a deep depression in the polished dusk ‘wood. Such marring was nothing , ‘compared to what had already beer. done to the once-prosperous vale all aroand them. Iv anther two stonmers well be just one more unknown backwater of Tethyr, be thought. I wonder where Lord Asiatharr’s bones will be then. “Steward!” Aviatharr roared, as if Braegrel was at the far end of the Tower rather than seated right across the table, “where's thacsneering high-nose of a herald? Bring him here at once—and ‘those fool priests, too!” : The steward assamed his best expression of politely puzzled interest. “Which particular ‘fool priests? my lord?” “di of —the high priests, you idiot!” Aviatharr spat, slam- ‘ming his other fist down. It held his usual heavy goblet, but was bate—and as Braegrel rose and bowed with precise correctness, Ihe took some satisfaction in watching that goblet ring off the floor, and the Throne Lord wince and wring his nambed hand. ‘Three familiar faces were waiting in the gloomy passage ‘outside. The steward never slowed, but muttered as he brushed past, “Strike soon, or Storm Vale will be part of the Golien ‘Marches before summer's done” ‘The Master of the Hunt arched a knowing eyebrow, bat the: ‘Master of the Dungeons and the Sword of the Gates kept their “Faces 48 still as stone, The Sword casually turned ase his clock + Weary of tis tends There'anotber yonder thas basntfe te beary seaurg of yur triumphal might ye. lifetime ‘nly holds sa many conquest. ‘Master Merchant of Sheirtalar My Utterances to Important Folk to reveal a long dagger gleaming ready in his hand. ‘Al. Tr scemned thar summer might end this very day in Storm- ‘sword Castle, and thus i was time fora certain Steward—seen #8 the Throne Lords friend, confidant, and eager instrument, despite ‘afar different truth —to disappecr from the Vale forever. Before someone decided stewards might have ambitions best served with the blade of « handy dagger Brsegrel whirled, but the Sword of the Gates hada't maved a boot, The wry smile on the guardcaptsin’ face told Bracgrel he knew exactly what had been going ‘thréugh the stevard’s mind. The “Master of the Hurt was striding into the council chamber, saying, something Braegrel nas too far vay to hear ‘The steward hurried 10 the swiftest stair down, hurrying ‘now—and froze “There were voices below, where ‘Vervacn Namlackant Year of the Turret ‘there should have been only sikence. The door at the foot of this stair was kept locked, and . “The duke thas been apprised of Her Majesty's will in this matter and tans in full agreement, My Loris Most Holy. The ducal forces await your signal?” ‘The steward drew back. He knew those unhurried, cultured tones: Rhaurablyn, the envoy of Tethyr. Which meant "The Lord Herald here has perused our agreement. You confirm the royal seal, gallant Sammershor1?” “Lord Speaker, I do. The bond between you is clear. I aecom- pany you now to bear stern witness to Throne Lord Aviathar#'s response” “Gol, good,” two voices murmured—the very high priess Beaegrel had been sent to fetch. Ascending toward him swiftly: the herald, the envoy, and the two holy lords. Braegrel ducked back out into the passage, hastening towand 2 certain tapestry - is ‘A bright, soundless lash of magic burst fram the counal chamber, anda body—or rather, various pices of what had boos dvr abody—bouriel and thudde out the council chamber doorway: Traggrel winced and ducked behind the tapestry. Te took bur a moment to open the secret door and step through. Whatever magic Aviatharr had used to slay the three Courter his doom was scaled. The priests hal made pact with ‘Tethyr—and neither the Duke of the Golden Marches nor those press needed the snarling tries of a throneess exlond. Or bis servile steward The coins, the othe, the ring of spell—all had been prepare Jong ago. Fle must more quick; and syendan unpleasant night fing this i be a least Braegel sell had a neck o call his own He dresed Iasi, thrusting his robes into the stone weighted sack that would soon greet the moat, The heavy purse jingle, tut. to, that sound was coming from someone edie! Hi clawed for his dagger “Whos there?” “Seevard, d'you thik youte th: only one who prepaced for this day?” Aviather?’s cough whisper vas right by his ear. “If T tunood my lantern, will you put away thet silly knife and help ane with eis wig?” = using This Book , Tk ie player pel tcc aad dips Bs (ole wad opreeon fc guing oe cacienatie ibaa a eaplga sa Face soe sp tas tan really Be wed in Dusenans 8 Dnscoss gas that se iremne. Dg Moc lide rere oh etn ee in then age wel a pli for ding ral curc and xk gnatons ard pes groups wel handing poll Basher dy ences inl SS Gasyes 1 Orci the Gone Raters night ion ihbone anne dares, bt courers do the Work of turning op cea rulership. This chapter isn’t about playing Bring qo tt ace ae 7H ehh he a ruling court, dialing with intrigues and other political matters. ‘Commen court ranks ad “the way things work" in the ermal ee et ‘sample court rarchyis provide ften erupt into open armed conflict. This chapter deals with the any fects of military ladershp, fom Fated command to nics ane daily iplormey of making varios ranks work togethce, ‘Chapter 3: Keep the Faith. Deities are very real in Faeriin and thee prthoods wild tremendous poner This chaptr deers hwy tuchoriy “works and is ued aswel ay how tose influnce within a presthood, Confics both isi = pter 4: Play the Market. Fuori of today is shaped by is ‘rae, whic erally makes it posite for populations in particular locations to exist (by providing food and goods from afi) Saceesful merchants dnd business magnates have ing ever more importance over the last thousand years in Facriin ‘until, in many cases, they are more wealthy and powerful than rulers who have crowns and thrones. This chapter describes trade A Meg) Minar MEN, errant Groponti Moeser! 7 he tai (Mon) 1 aes (HI, Payers Ge Fara IUCTION he x routes, costers, trade contortams and methods for contelling thm oF ring to deminance sharper than swords Chapter f: Teme the Frontier “The everchanging pol lanksaye of Fuerin has i Socallal wilerands, and wherever the two meet a civilization is expanding or shinking, such transitional loa are tich in adverture—and offer great opportanitis for enrichment __ and rukrship to daious ventures. Ths chapter describes the ‘hllnges facing 2 fontier leader as wellas how officals in aru domain da peril sachs a an ming oe Chapter 6: King of the Road. erween rugge frente and Bitering cites are the sural areas, where farms cht feed those tities lie and urlaws (even local “robler barons”) might lurk ‘This chapter explores the lives and campaign wse of marshals aad woke very different arms of authority, who en be in or over them. Coins ean be Ps, opponcits to FCs of officals who serve PC rier. (Chapter 7: High Level Chellenges Poverfl PCs need yoverfl adversaries, The D&D game has seen a long line of publstied ‘MrenturesFatarng formidable villain and cis chapter explores hw 10 use dete, grest dragons, rival ventures, and invading armies as PC challenges in a Forcorrex REALS campaign. Chapter ®: The Horder Kingdoms. A leg:niary region of tiny, crerchangingitgdciné red by adventurers, cutest and misfits tis lush ceasal are i “the” battleground for carefiee “rearing mason Ths chap dies ore condos there and explores opportunities for PC heroes Chapter 9: How To Rae. This sctioa of the bok explores © the game mechanics that govern the situations explored in the preceding chapters of the book, notably Leadership and Influ: nce, The modificrs and tables herein cin seaily be sed in any 03s & Dkadoss game. what vou Need to play “To ws ths spglemene, you need the Doxanos 8 Dassen? Players Handoat, Dungeon Masters Guide ai Monier ‘Manuesplas the Fotcort Res Campaign Seng aly sever other DAD and Foncorres Reatas spk Taefreced Ie Ya ay cn, tis fees dhs Tong ot a peri tbeeition of the os He which is tacked onto the end of the name of a spell, prestige cliss, or ‘some other game element. The books and their abbreviations are Wtlows, Ba of Bnated Dees (BE) Dick of Ye Darks (BV), hemponsef Rate CR), Ci of Splendor 7 rey C3), Champion of Valor GX), Complete Adsentuer (CA), Compe “Arcane (Cz), Complete Dirine (CD), Complete Warrior (CW), Dang Materh Gute IF(DM2), Drcreonizey (Des Epic \ Teed Hund (EL), Fits and Pec Deeg \ tile (HB), Lords of Darkness (LD), Low Empires of Facrtin rit Marts LM), Mei of Feet Pal {he Wild (BW), Shining Sts SS) Unapprechabe et C2), and Underdark (Und), N : the grand, glittering center ef pomp, circumstance, and daily power in any realm of Faeriin is ies ‘central court Get of government), This power is echoed in every local lords audience or law-hearing, from bustling Cities to impromptu gatherings in tiny wilderland taverns or at 2 roadside gallows, ‘The person at the top—the queen, empress, or Grand High Sceptanar—won the right to rale bj force (thovgh invasion and comuest, usurping the throne, murder and manipulation, or public single combat) or inherited it, usually from someone or the descendant of someone who tock power by force. A PC adventurer can rise to such lofty heights, to9, but in any court there are alot of powerful people to be bested on the way up the ladders of power. Ie's a sages eruism that no king rules for long without the support of the strongest nobles, high priests, or other personages of influence in the realm, In the Jong.ago land of Racrithra, in whst’s now the eastern Border Kingdoms, the dominant “personage” was an ancient dragon who slept most of the time, but considered the realm his personal domain When an outlander seizes a crown by force, all powerful individuals in the realm will measure the usurper’s strength and ‘usually support her only if she's clearly superior to home-grown, familiar claimants and aspirants to the throne (“ih devils we Know”). Many au usurper has rule for mere days before being slain by a catal of nobles who had been waiting for someone to do away with the old king so they could put their Spreferced

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