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CELEBRATION By: Kyla Mae M. Balahay
By: Hygiene Fostor B. Penonia
Red Cross Youth conducted a chapter
Last October 15, 2016, was a wide youth camp held at Caraga State
celebration honoring all the teachers over University and invites the three Division
the world for their writing struggle to Delegates to participate of the said camp last
promote literacy. This special day gave October 6- 9, 2016. Only registered pupil
opportunity for the young pupils in Doa can participate and those who wants to enjoy
Telesfora Elementary School to show their the different activities done during the said
teachers love and respect for them. camp. Doa Telesfora Elementary School
The program was sponsored by PGO sent fifteen delegates and guided with three
with the leadership of their President. advisers in order to monitor the different
Hygiene Fostor B. Penomia. It was in a activities. The opening parade started on
simple yet elegant preparation to let the October 6, 2016 at around 1:00 pm along the
teachers feel they were that special. City of Cabadbaran, Agusan del Norte and
There were presentations such as followed by a program at Caraga State
dancing, giving flowers and gifts. Our University Grandstand to formally welcome
assigned Principal Jenny R. Presilda gave the different schools of three divisions such
her response which filled the air with as Division of Butuan City, Division of
happiness. Agusan del Norte and Division of
Cabadbaran City.
Indeed it was a very fulfilling day for the

Good job guys!!!

THE YOUNG JOURNALISTS OF Sports Writing Filipino
5th place Jaycel Ann S. Galacio
The journalist battled with confidence, armed with
pens, papers and with hope that they be recognized
By: Creslfe B. Magto as School Achievers with their wins. Both of them
were qualifiers as Division Contestants for Division
Another story of success for DOTES as its
journalists won most of the highest ranks last School Paper Congress at Kitcharao, Agusan del
District School Paper Congress held in Sta. Ana Norte on October 28 30, 2016 with their respective
Elementary School last October 19 21, 2016.
They competed with different categories both coaches.
English and Filipino. Lectures was given first
before the contest. Here are the list of winning
Science Feature Writing-English
1st Place Luis Angelo S. Nartates
Copy Reading and Headline Writing -Filipino
1st Place Hygiene Fostor B. Penonia
News Writing - Filipino K - 12: BURDEN OR SOLUTION?
2nd place Creselfe B. Magto
Rolando B. Actub: Even if we added 10 years of
Sports Writing English
2nd place Nhorwin A. Altobar
elementary and high school schooling, if nothing
is done to improve our textbooks and teachers,
Editorial Writing-Filipino the quality of our graduates will not improve.
2nd place Kyla mae M . Balahay Desiderio D. Juadian: The implementation of K
Editorial CartooningEnglish 12 program is a welcome move, considering
2nd place Mark Jerland C. Zapico how our educational system is deteriorating
Editorial Cartooning Filipino Irene F. Pilapil: It just adds costs, time and
2nd place Dexter B. Supetran money, unless the quality of the teachers is
Science Feature Filipino
Rence F. Rox; Its a waste of time and money.
2nd place Philip John U. Palaran
We dont need two more years of basic
Editorial Writing English education, as children these days are mostly
3rd place - Aben T. Andilao mature.
Malou C. Pabilar : The K 12 program wont
Copy Reading and Headline Writing make any difference or help improve the quality
3rd place Princes R. Ibay of education of young kids, but instead will just
be an added burden to parents, what with the
Feature Writing Filipino
3rd place Dharlyn Angel A. Mariscal rising cost of education, apart from creating
classroom problems for our cash-strapped
Photojourn Filipino government.
3rd place Rona Mae P. Morales Irenia E. Tubay: Its going to be an additional
burden to poor parents. Better invest on
News Writing English upgrading the skills of mentors, good facilities
4th place Sandy Mae D. Orquillas
and equipment, coupled with decent pay and
Feature Writing English allowances to make a difference.
4th place Resamie D. Roa

Health Tips for Heart, Mind and Body

BY: Philip John U. Palaran healthy foods: lots of fruits, vegetables, fish,
nuts, olive oil what we call the Mediterranean
1. Daily Exercise.
diet. Eat like an Italian, a Spaniard and a
You brush your teeth Greek! Enjoy!
everyday, exercise is
equality important for 3. Weight Loss

your daily routine. Turn Too much body weight

off the TV or computer, puts your health at

and get at least 30 minutes of exercise great risk. When you

everyday. To work your heart, its got to be take in more calories

aerobic exercise. Youve got lots of options: than you burn, you get

walking, jogging, biking, rowing machine and fat its that simple. Youve got to eat less.

swimming. But dont feel like you have to be an Youve got to exercise more. Youve got to

athlete. Walking is great exercise. Get 10 push yourself to make these lifestyle changes -

minutes here and there during the day. It all but youve got to do it to help avoid serious

counts. Start with something simple, like parking health problems like heart disease, diabetes, or

in the far corner of the parking lot so you get stroke.

those extra steps to the door. Take the stairs 4. Regular physical exams.
one or two flights instead of the elevator. If you Tell your doctor your family medical history.
take public transportation, get off one stop early Learn your [ersonal risk factors, and the
and walk the rest. Get out at lunch to walk. Or screening tests you need. Women may have
walk with your significant other or your spouse mammograms to screen for breast cancer and
after work. Youve get a bonus relaxation and pap tests to cervical cancer. Men may have
stress reduction. prostate cancer PSA tests. Routine screening
forcolorectal cancer should start at age 50,
2. Healthy Diet
perhaps earlier if colon cancer runs in your
Quit eating junk food and high-fat food. Your family. You also need regular blood pressure
heart, brain and overall health are harmed by and cholesterol tests. Make sure your
foods high in saturated fats, salt and cholesterol. immunizations are up to date. You may need
Theres no getting around it. Youve got to flu and pneumonia shots, depending on your
replace them with age.
1. Less Stress. He reads sporadically
to his father, articles from the paper,
When a person says headlines and bylines for his dad
theyre too busy to has cataracts, now, and velum
exercise, it tells me
other things are hands shake newsprint, make a rattling
crowding out whats sound, too like the quiver of cloistered
important in life: They skeletons, all those remains, all
dont spend time with those remains.
family and friends; dont exercise enough;
There is wisdom in comics, he's found,
dont eat right, dont sleep properly. All these
bucolic rings so like old church bells,
things reduce stress in your life and that is
tutoring fields through fog.
critical to your health and longevity.
He still tries to read his wife,
shared history in eyes,
To be healthy, we need to set boundaries
the geography of long sighs, that topography
and set limits on work hours. We should not
of belly, yes, yes, a theology
be working so hard that were neglecting the
that spills from parted lips;
things that keep us healthy. This is important
bless each rumpled sheet, that chemistry
advice, too, for people who take care of
which repeats poetry, spoken in a dialect, so
elderly parents or young children. Make sure
youre getting proper exercise and sleep
and that youre not trying to do too much.
He remembers reading an encyclopedia
in the face of a beggar, once,
prophetical sparks from high brows
crossed currents; a lifetime recorded,
an unbound edition, A through Z
but when he carefully turned to C,
he'd found a full entry
on compassion and charity.
By: Luis Angelo S. Nartates
Soon, he'll no longer read music notes
through a soft blur, playing guitar
He reads voraciously
for one a thousand times more educated
to his young children,
then he, this twelve year old girl,
beguiled, somewhat bewildered
this preteen, dying, her heart
by sweet progeny's relentless
an open lecture hall, her smile,
leaching of his words, his hungry baby
pure academia. May she ever be
birds, how their peeps teach.
opus angelorum, that reaches,
will ever reach, far past mere hospice walls.

K-12(Spoken as k twelve, K through twelve or K to twelve) is a term for the sum of

primary and secondary education. It is in the United States, Canada, South Korea,
Turkey, the Philippines, And Australia. P-12 is also occasionally used in Australia.[1]
The expression is a shortening of kindergarten (K) for 4- to 6- years olds through twelfth
grade (12) for 17- 19-year-olds, the first and last grades of free education in these
countries, respectively. Also called ELHI, as a short for Elementary to high school.


The K to 12 program covers 12 years of basic education:

1 year of kindergarten
6 years of primary Education
4 years of Junior High School
2 years of Senior High school
Why do we need to add two years?

Human Development of the child

A Filipino is legally a child until 18 years old.
Psychologists say children under 18 are not emotionally mature enough for
entrepreneurship or employment.
Educators say children under 18 are not intellectually mature enough to handle
higher education disciplines.

Economic development of the country

The employable base will expand if high school graduates are prepared for work.
There will be more entrepreneurs if high school graduates are trained to start their
own businesses.
The country should have fewer nonworking citizens.
Curricular changes due to international conditions
The knowledge economy, climate change, migration, etc., need to be addressed by
the curriculum.
International accreditation (e.g., Bologna, Washington Accord) assumes longer cycle.

How do we add the two years?

Building on what we already have rather than reinventing the wheel.

Looking at the entire education highway or system

Minimizing disruption in the system

Amending existing laws

Gradually or incrementally

With proper curricular planning

With teacher training one grade level at a time

Using instructional materials that are already available

With support from all stakeholders

The Team DOTES.

Editor in Chief: Charrize Jane J. Segura

Assistant Editor in Chief: Jhimie Tabalt

Photo Journalist: Charrize Jane J. Segura


Angelo S. Nartates

Candelario S. Ciganar

Frederick S. Signar

Aryan Joy B. Reponal


Rolando B. Madrona


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