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Industrial Revolution

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Industrial Revolution


The cycle of development followed sequential phases regarding the level of

sophistication and the kind of infrastructure used for development. During the Renaissance

period, primitive means of production were used to further agricultural and economic

development. The period witnessed manual modes of production as well as limited knowledge of

the participants. However, the end of this period ushered in a new era in the platform of

agricultural production and economic development. This period was known as Industrial


Industrial Revolution marked the period which ranged from 1760 to 1840. This period

succeeds the Renaissance period and brought several changes in the development world.

Industrial Revolution brought massive shifts in the means of production, equipment used in

production, machines used for production, efficiency in production as well as improved quality

of the final products. Industrial Revolution was conceived and started in British and later spread

to other parts of Europe. In the 19th century, many European countries such as France

successfully embraced the changes that came as a result of Industrial Revolution (Deane, 1983).

The First Industrial Revolution gave birth to the second Industrial Revolution. This

period ranged between 1840 and 1870. The major significance brought about by this second

phase relates to progression in technological development and economic enhancement. This

paper seeks to determine some of the pillar issues during the Industrial Revolution Period and to

discuss the contribution of Industrial Revolution to the modern production.

Significant Contributions By Industrial Revolution

i) Revolution regarding the means of production and production tools

Factory System stands out as one of the important contributions during the Industrial

Revolution period. Before the innovation of this scheme, major production activities came out as

a result of manual coordination between labor and primitive tools. However, factory system led

to establishment o of industries and companies for production purposes (Deane, 1983). The most

dominating categories of plants during this period were the textile industries. Studies show that

the desire and need for better and efficient clothing materials led to much attention to the textile

industries. Therefore, Industrial Revolution contributed significantly towards the achievement of

this ambition by establishing the textile factories.

ii) Development of better technology

Technology stands out as one of the pillars attributable to Industrial Revolution. The

innovation came as a result of increased knowledge and inventive ideas. Many scholars sprung

up and contributed significantly to the field of development. Studies reveal that the ability to

discover new and better technology brought a positive influence towards the typical Industrial

Revolution period. In fact, the factories that came up during that time depended on the

technological expertise of the level of innovations among the scientists.

One of the technological advancement attributable to this period regards the change of

Steam Transport. The steam powered transport system led to much progress in improving the

living standards and raising the level of economic growth in Europe. Some of the steam-powered

transport mechanisms included the steam-powered trains, steamships as well as steamboats.

Transportation became affordable, accessible and relatively fast as compared to the renaissance

period (Goloboy, 2008).

Besides the steam-powered transport systems, technology brought about the steam-

powered industries, especially in Europe. The advancement of the steam industries brought the

positive contribution in the production and creation of wealth. Studies show that the textile

industries continued to witness progress (Goloboy, 2008). Besides, other factories such as food

and spice manufacturing companies came up. The level of technology in the equipment and

infrastructure used in these plants improved significantly. Therefore, Industrial Revolution period

led to the sophistication regarding production witnessed in the modern world.

iii) Economic Improvement due to Industrial Revolution

The economic pattern exhibited by European countries received an upward inclination

during the Industrial Revolution period. Some of the economic activities attributed to this

increase in the model include agriculture, glass making, metallurgy, paper making, cement

manufacturing among others. The level of innovation led to the establishment of these economic

activities advanced the standards of living among the European countries. Diversity in

production and economic contribution resulted in a new establishment of industries that were

concerned with specific items. For example, coal mining became an everyday activity in Britain,

especially in Wales. This, therefore, led to the active contribution of the economy of Britain as

well as other trading partners (Mokyr, 1999).

iv) Social Effects of Industrial Revolution

The First and the Second Industrial Developments contributed significantly to the

development of social aspects in Europe and other countries. The social fabric that binds people
together received a significant influence from this period of development. One o the social

aspects regards Employment of people into the industries. The springing up of several industries

required workforce to complement the technology applied within the industries. Therefore, many

people received employment opportunities to run the productive activities in the industries.

The second social aspect regards the standards of living. Scholars continue to express

divergent views regarding the particular period that contributed o positive development in the

living standards. However, they all agree to the fact that Industrial Revolution increased income

per capita among the population and also improved their earnings. For example, many workers in

the industries received income in the form of wages. Similarly, owners of factors of production

such as land received compensation and returns from their means. Therefore, the general

standards of living received a significant boost compared to the previous period.

The type of housing and shelter during the industrial resolution received a significant

influence. Studies show that the initial condition demonstrated a social stratification between the

owners of the factory and the workers. Many workers stayed in poor houses and shanties while

the plant owners occupied the best houses. However, the condition changed due the 19th century

due to the adoption of New Public Health Acts among many countries (Mokyr, 1999).

The clothing standards improved as a result of the establishment of the textile industries.

In fact, the prices charged for the clothes also reduced. Besides, population received a major

boost due to better living standards. For example, the population of Britain increased from ten

million to about forty million by the year 1900. The general labor conditions improved and the

standards of health received a same boost from the Industrial Revolution period. Therefore,

Industrial Revolution remains as one of the distinct periods in the world history due to its great
contributions. The contributions ranged from the infrastructural, technological, social and

economic condition.


Deane, P. (1983). The first industrial revolution. Cambridge [u.a.: Cambridge Univ]. Press.
Goloboy, J. L. (2008). Industrial Revolution: People and perspectives. Santa Barbara, Calif:

Mokyr, J. (1999). The British industrial revolution: An economic perspective. Boulder, CO:

Westview Press.

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