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BNT B-number type

BNT=0 reserved
BNT=1 international number
BNT=2 unknown
BNT=3 subscriber number
BNT=4 national significant number
BNT=5 network specific number

NAPI Numbering Plan Indicator

NAPI=0 unknown
NAPI=1 ISDN and telephony (E.164/E.163)
NAPI=2 data network (X.121)
NAPI=3 Private Numbering Plan
NAPI=4 Telex numbering plan
NAPI=5-15 are spare
BO Origin of B-number
BO=0 PRBTPREF1TO4 = 9226 is PRBT Prefix Forward to HW TSC-S
BO=1 BO for standardization of NAPI from 0 to 1 for BO=3
BO=3 NAPI=1 From B_No Pre-Analysis: BO=1,NAPI=1
BO=7 Forwad From other B origin Forward from BO=30,47,69,71,80,88,203,212
BO=8 Analysis of MSRN series.
BO=9 Termination of own MSRN series (MTE) Forward from BO=8,30,212
BO=11 B-number forwarded from EOS Analysis
BO=19 Forward from BO=35,46 Re-direct RC, routing to Huawei Gateway
BO=30 VMS Own subscriber MO registrition B-origin
BO=33 Veitnam other PLMN than VMS Own subscriber registrition B-origin
BO=36 International Roaming subscriber registrition B-origion
BO=32 B-NO Pre-analysis BNT=1 forward to BO=32
BO=35 Incoming National B-number from BO=30
BO=37 18001090 (VMS Information Inquiries) for Da Nang
BO=40 BO for test calls
BO=46,197,199 Originating IN calls, Operator Group=1, BNT=2,3,4
BO=48 PNBSI:Originating IN calls, Int'l format, BNT=1
BO=60 ANBSI:B=7-171700,N=60
BO=62 ANBSI:B=35-7101800,F=62,M=3
BO=63 BO for Mobile Personal Number
BO=79 ANBSI:B=35-3118,F=79,M=2
BO=80 B-number forwarded from BO=3 and BO=50
BO=88 ANBSI:B=32-84909232,M=4,N=88
BO=90 BO for MTB
BO=91 BO for GSMS
BO=92 BO for IWSMS
BO=93 BO for MSMO
BO=94 BO for MSMT
BO=99 BO for ANNC (routing to TCIA)
BO=185 BO for calling 145
BO=198 MIN MT call BO 12MIN
BO=200 B-number for PRBT
BO=203 B-number from BO=32
BO=204 Routing of 1202X from BO=401
BO=212 Incoming B-numbers from ISUP Trunks
BO=401 BO for own VMS number, routing to GRI
BO=403 BO for own VMS number (forward from BO=30 )
BO=404 BO for 09391
BO=412 BO for 09382
BO=425 BO for routing to SCP (RC=45)
BO=3, NAPI=0 OBA=1
Number modification
This parameter specifies how the modification of a stored B-Number has to take
place. Expressed as a[-b] where:
a Number of digits to remove
b Digits to add
The number of digits to be removed and the digits that are to be added in the digit
magazine, in both cases counted from the first position of the number, are specified there.
Removal takes place before adding, if both removal and adding have been requested.
Modification shifts other digits in the number. Removal can be carried out on received digits
Ex: B-Number=8-849002, M=2-0 New B-Number=09002

Destination type
Expressed as d1-d2 where :
d1 Main group
value Description
0 Initial value
1 Own B-subscriber
2 Own local area type 1
3 Own local area type 2
4 Interurban traffic type 1
5 Interurban traffic type 2
6 International traffic type 1
7 International traffic type 2
8 Traffic to operator in other exchanges
9 Traffic to special services in other exchanges type 1
10 Traffic to subscriber services in own exchange
11 Traffic to special services in own exchange
12 Traffic to test equipment
13 Traffic to special services in other exchanges type 2
14 Traffic to operator in own exchange
15 Spare
d2 Sub group Numeral 0-255
Selection type
See the Application Information for the respective route-owning block IT or BT .

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