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Dotty paper


Alondra Marn

SPA 341

Dr. Domnguez

C. Stewart Dottys article, How many Frenchmen does it take to, narrates the horrible

experience Franco-Americans have experienced in the U.S especially in Northeastern states.

Doty, an academic historian served as an expert witness in a 1992 discrimination case filed by a

Franco-American plaintiff. As a result he was required to do academic research into the history

of discrimination against Franco-Americans, so the article encompasses his findings as he takes

the audience into a ride through a historical timeline of the prejudice and discrimination

Franco-Americans faced. The academic research Doty accumulated demonstrates that

discrimination and racial hostility was fueled by academics scholars, the elite and politics. The

discriminatory acts and circumstances that Franco-Americans faced due to intolerance and

racism can be compared to the rising discrimination which Latinos in the U.S face today.

Furthermore, the experiences, racial tension, hostility, discrimination and humiliation which

Franco-Americans were exposed to early on in our country's history is repeated again in the

treatment of Latinos in the U.S who are now one group that is targeted and faces backlash as it is

blamed for all the countrys problems. The experience Franco-Americans faced can be compared

to that of Latinos in three major ways: the belittling of their native language, used as scapegoat

for countrys problems and the assisted help of academics in providing unfounded biased

information to fit agenda of discrimination.

For starters, Franco-American children and adults alike were punished for speaking

French in school or in the workplace, this reminds me of the same punishment Spanish speakers

have faced historically in the U.S. for speaking their native language. Dotty recalls the shame

and belittling which Franco-American speakers faced in the hands of educators. Sadly, educators

did not want French speakers to speak North American French. Instead, Parisian educators
enforced Parisian French upon their North American students and constantly scolded their

pronunciation. Likewise, some Spanish educators follow in those footsteps by scolding,

degrading and belittling native Spanish speakers. Indeed, many Spanish educators hold a regime

like attitude where they only want Castilian Spanish to be spoken as they see it as the purest

form. As a result, students are scolded for their use of non-academic Spanish and are humiliated

for mixing Spanish and English. Furthermore, during the 1920s the popularity of the Nativism

movement gave popularity to the Ku Klux Klan, an organization full of hatred, and

discrimination. The organization became influential in politics as it petitioned for English-only

legislation which would end state funded schools which Franco-Americans attended. As a result,

many Franco-Americans tired of the discrimination and shame they faced decided to assimilate

by: Anglicizing names, abandoning French language and customs and denying their heritage by

going as far as telling dumb Frenchmen jokes. In the same way, Latinos in the U.S have also

faced legislation that wants to lessen the amount of Spanish spoken. Indeed, this can be seen in

the successful Proposition 227 passed in California which called for more English-only

instruction and less time on Spanish. In addition, Latinos have also Anglicized names from Jose

to Joe, abandoned heritage to self-hate their heritage and customs to fit in with the oppressors.

Secondly, Franco-Americans were a scapegoat used by politicians, and treated as the root

of Americas problems just like in present times Latinos are the target of the same treatment. For

example, in 1923 a Ku Klux Klan affiliated clergyman told a magazine, protestant people want

to take back what is their own (93). The Klan was influential in politics as it appealed to native,

protestant, white Americans (93). Indeed, this example shows the fear tactic used to obtain

support by accusing Franco-Americans of becoming too powerful and taking over. Even in states
where the Franco-American population was the majority the influence of the Klan prevented any

Franco-American from getting into a power position in politics. Similarly, Trump today regularly

refers to Latino immigrants as a problem to the American way of life. Undeniably, he blames the

murder, drug, and employment problems of the country on Latinos and his speeches spread the

same discriminatory message as those used in the 1900s to control political positions and obtain

support. Alike, the Ku Klux Klan Trump also appeals to the Christian, white, English speaking

American in his speeches as he talks about their problems all stemming from one people and

spreading hate to stay in power.

Finally, both Franco-American and Latinos were defamed by academics who provide

biased information which further helps discriminatory practices. Dottys main argument is that,

in the beginning academics and social sciences helped to create discrimination, which aided

the ongoing discrimination encountered (86). For example, as early as 1882 the Twelfth Annual

report of the Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of labor characterized Franco-Americans as, the

Chinese of eastern States, and Chinese coolies (87). Thus, this characterization by a

government entity became second nature as the Yankee establishment soon adopted the term and

applied it to Franco-Americans. The report endorsed discrimination against Franco-Americans

who were a target of hate from everyone even older immigrants like Irish-Americans. Soon

professors of Sociology like Niles Carpenter was warning in 1927 that if the number of

Franco-Americans kept increasing in 10 years the U.s would turn into another Canada and have

no power. Likewise, many other sociology professors provided biased, unfounded information

that had no evidence to slander Franco-Americans and added to their negative public image.

Alike, today Latinos are called, wetbacks, welfare moochers amongst other names by
politicians like Trump who have an agenda full of discrimination and blaming. Indeed, Trumps

rhetoric is abundant in bigotry and only adds fuel to already tense relations. The Latino phobia

felt in the U.S is spread by politicians who use bogus reports to spread a hateful message that

belittles the nation's largest minority group. Like Franco-Americans the Latino population is

increasing and according to the US Census Bureau (2013), 17% of the U.S population is Latino.

This data is used to instill fear that immigrants are taking all the jobs and are a problem to the

American life. Thus, fear caused by academics amongst American people caused

Franco-Americans to be enemy number one just like Latinos today.

Given these points, it has become painfully clear to me that the mistakes of the past have

not gone away. The group that is targeted is the only factor to change as the same events are

repeating themselves but now onto Latinos who are the largest minority group in the U.S. The

discrimination faced by Franco-Americans has now been transferred onto Latinos who are the

target of political defamation, used as scapegoats, and belittled for their heritage, culture and

native language. The article was eye-opening as it extended my understanding of the continuing

use of a minority by the majority to keep political power by using fear and biased information

that fits their agenda. Thanks to, How many Frenchmen does it take to? I have learned that

Americas problem with discrimination and hate against minority groups is not a new

occurrence. The times might change and move forward but the attitudes towards minority groups

do not. Alike 1881 and 19th century today's politicians and academics use unfounded information

to target minority groups and use them as a scapegoat for problems instead of tackling the

problems head on. It seems it is necessary to target a minority group in every decade to unleash

hate and blame as every minority group that has lived in America has faced increasing
discrimination once their population increases. The rise in population seems to intimidate those

in power as that is one cause for their defamation and attacks upon minority groups. Thus, I

learned that no matter how diverse America is a minority group will always be singled out to be

trashed and abused to appease and distract from the real problem.

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