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--C- 7 -- 2014 -- j--- 2

- Imran Khan
Q: i) Get out of the class.
ii) Get out from the class - Kindly explain
which one of them is grammatically correct
A: Get out of the class (correct). 'Out' is always
814 followed by 'of' and not 'from'.

'Your good name' ---a?

- D. Sunil Mail your queries to
Q: Sir, how can we give positive answer for
negative 'yes' or 'no' answer question?
Eg: Don't you speak English?
No, I don't. (This is negative answer for
You begin your self-introduction with
negative question)
the words, My name is so and so/ I am so and
so, from..... (your place) and then go on to What is the positive answer?
A: i) If the question is affirmative and the
say, what you are, a few important details of
answer is affirmative too, the answer is, Formal letters --p
your family, your present position [student/
employed, etc), and then what you want to 'yes' and if the answer is negative, the p-E--J h--- l.
answer is negative too.
be/ achieve.
Q: Are you coming? (Affirmative Question) F ormal letters (Eo u- --
- B.Srinivas Lq letters) p Business letters
- S. Rajesh Ans: Yes, I am (Affirmative answer)
Q: Sir, please explain 'so as' usage in Telugu (, u n- u, u
Q: Sir, I would like to know the difference with example. ii) If the question is negative, and the answer n, u n u, u
between 'May I know your name' is negative too, we begin with, 'No'.
A: So as = so that n, NE----- u J h
and 'Your good name'.
What I should say when some-
eg: 1) We started early so as to be there
on time. ( l- = so as)
Q: Are you not an Indian
Ans: No, I am not an Indian. Negative } vu-h-), Official letters (, vy
u--- u J h vu-h--)
body asks for 'self introduction'?. 2) So as not to trouble anyone, I did it iii) If the question is negative, and the answer .
A: 'Your good name' is wrong English. myself = ----JF sC d- is affirmative, the answer still is 'yes'.
There is no such thing as good/ -, E . Q: Don't you speak English?
bad name in English. 3) So as not to confuse him, I explained Ans: Yes, I do. (Affirmative)
'May I know your name?' is correct English. everything clearly. No, I don't. (Negative)

I am excited --..? uh- (personal) h-- ,

formal (business and official) letters
A: Exams will be conducted on the 9th *a- --Lq E--R C.
March - Correct.
- x v--).
b) He has gone out to buy some books. p l:
'Exams would be conducted' is correct Formal letters Eo-, left top corner
when it is a part of indirect speech, as you
\ 'to buy' is infinitive . n
- D. Kartheek, Armoor. h to buy (\) = --E/ - (@ --j) j , Jh *-
said, in place of will.
Q: Sir, we use present simple in various con-
But 'would' has a number of other uses
-- l/ purpose L---hC. C *a- L. E , h
texts. infinitive -. CL, --Sx -left margin -* -v-Gh, date
too. See the answer to the same in one of the
i) He is dead: What is the meaning here? c) -/ n, infinitive : ---L. ---Sx -- - h- n- --C-L,
recent spoken English lessons, that is, from -J/ -F/ o C--
He has been dead or he was dead a lesson No.803 onwards. J h-o, F/ F C--J-j
Q: 'He is to work or say' -F J , Jh address L.
ii) I am excited - I was excited, l-A h-o-p address lines
'He has to work'.
I am shocked - I was shocked, \ commas fullstops .
'He is to have....' - Please explain.
He is surprised - He was surprised -N y, company h ,
A: He is to work = He has work to do and has
simple --Th? N-J---. -, 'Dear Sirs'/ Sirs, E y
the duty to do it.
A: Present simple sometimes refers to imme- comma, L.
He has to work - duty/ order/ necessity.
diate past.
eg: a) He has to work from 10 to 5 (order/ i) I wish to buy a house = x -E - N a-.
He is dead - E- o.
duty) -o.
He has been dead - E----j o -
b) He has to pay the money to get back the ii) She wants to sing = -E -- - V. Raju
book - necessity.
--iC. C.
Very little difference between the two. Q: How to use would be in spoken English ?
c) He is to have work - Duty. O infinitive o n, --.
However, when we refer to the state/ fact of A: 'Would be', 'will be' past form
Q: i) Having deceived by him, people lost Jagan seems to have had a lot of money -
the person's death, we say, 'He is dead', when 'would be', 'will be' past tense form. 'Will
their money. \ infinitive 'to have had' - perfect infini-
you want to stress the fact that it is sometime be', p (present) * future L-,
ii) Having been deceived by him, people tive - p C ( s).
since he died, you say, he has been dead. 'would be' (past) * future --
lost their money. What is the difference? They seemed to have told them of it. x
eg: He is dead (not alive - state of being dead.)
He has been dead for a year now = He died
A: Having deceived by him - WRONG. x p - d (past) (past infinitive) E- - hC. C.
eg: He says she will be here tomorrow. (
Having been deceived by him - E I have a lot of work to do - -Lq E
a year ago.
p----o-Eo d correct. -T--- / E -T--/ -T- C (Active infinitive). \ -E --o. DEo
C sentence a:
-- x - Passive form. There is a lot of work to be done (Passive
I am excited - p (Present) a) He said she would be here tomorrow =
Q: Please say about all 'infinitives' infinitive) - ---Lq E C. (--
I was excited - p (Past) \ -E p).
He seems to be... -Lq --i ). b) I was sure he would not do it (
Same is the case with, 'I am shocked' Q: i) How do you feel?
(now), and 'I was shocked' (Past). He is said to have been... -p () t- o).
Jagan seemed to have had a lot of money. How you feel? - What is the difference?
The same applies to He is surprised c) 'Would be' in the question form expresses
They were said to be ......... etc. A: i) How do you feel? - C/ E-- polite and formal request (u---/
(p), and He was surprised - ().
Q: Please say 'would' uses. Most of the TV Explain when and how to use them in
hC? --v- u-Jn-- 'would be'
active and passive voice? How you feel - Wrong. Not the correct ques-
channels use 'would'. x Eo future ).
tion form. a) Would you be here tomorrow, please?
polite indirect speech -- A: The infinitive is in the form of to be/ to + (-
1st Doing verb (V1) - to go/ to to come/ to \ -?)
'-p- --Tx- - -*- ---..
Ex: Exams would be conducted on 9th March. walk/ to talk, etc. b) Would you be on the committee? (N-
\ exams will be conducted on 9th a) To be here is not good (\ ...) - Request).
March a ? To go out in the dark is dangerous (<x - - - lessons - - - .
--C- 14 -- 2014 -- j--- 2
Formal Letters-
Business / official letters v-N--
Ja. From address --- -
N-N- ----, -J-Eo N- p
Yours faithfully --.

u-i N,
) address, date, Receiver's
(h - )x address Fo @ j
vG- h F, Name and address
Eo -----...
- M. Swati
, line * Commas / full stops - F. --o. Would
Q: Explain meanings of bellow sentences:
( Jx -: - y - - / n o.
815 1) Pasta is being made by Raji. Spoken English .
Comma -E p. C J-; --
2) He can / could / will / would / may / might e) He may finish it =
y , Dear sir / Dear sirs / must be finished it.
- C Jh - a/
y Commas --.) h (may = a / - a)
a) Explain gerund past form? f) 1) He might finish it - He may finish it
British / Indian, u Indian format
(-), from address, h j - - b) Give examples of v-o and v-o-o word \ .
(left corner) -E. US for- orders? ii) He might finish it C Indirect speech
mat \- from address Right top cor- c) 'Thank you for inviting me here' what a.
ner F / @ u (Center) F C. Formal letters Fo xh, Direct , kind of sentence it is? Somebody said that he might finish it (
-- \- British format- N--E (content of the letter ) -C- A: Pasta is being made by Raji = Raji is mak- / o - C Jh
- - a E)
from address j C. *-j-C v L. xh ing pasta. a) The past gerund form - Having + past par-
Pasta is being made by Raji (PASSIVE ticiple (V3) - eg: Having seen / having gone
C -- \- C... y p C.
T (Subscription) J* u-i VOICE) = Raji is making Pasta (ACTIVE etc., - is the past form.
K. Vamana Rao N Eo business/ official Eo VOICE) Not having met him made me sad. (Eo -
2-12-18 Prakasam Road formal letters , Yours faithfully E He can / could / will / would / may / might - -- - ( ) o N-J- C.)
Vijayawada 520002 L. E * comma . / must be finished it - WRONG SEN- Having seen the movie changed his life =
14-12-2014 u -- ho - TENCE. English can / could / will / E- () E @N-Eo
v, T- Yours faithfully , would / may / might / must y 'finish' Ja--C.
Dear Sir / Madam Yours C-, xh faithfully E E past tense (V2) form . p 'fin- I liked having gone there = \- x
h-o. F vh--E Yours a ish' (V1) present tense form v hC. () -d- iC.
Re / Sub: \ N J* Eo N *C. Shall / should / have to / has to / had to b) V-O = Verb + Object = I like movies. ('Like'
h-oD xh L. C, paragraph v- - y 'finish' v hC. here is a verb, and movies, its object).
left margin * h n CL v- a) He can finish it = C Jh-- -- V-O-O = Verb + Object + Object
Matter / N Gh. F p l-A DEo --, can = (p present) I (Sub) + gave (verb) + him (object) + a
paragraph n -- v-Gh. b) He could finish it = C Jh - L- - - book (object)
(Past- ) E- n u -C , Thank you for inviting me here = I thank you
US format from address p,
Yours faithfully
h -j j --F, page u-- . Jh C M. for inviting me here - Assertive sentence.
K. Vamana Rao c) He will finish it =
Mail your queries to
C Jh h,
-E: x, address Fo Lp / -J
F v-G-h.
future .
J* J-Eo N- a-...
C-O . d) He would finish it = Eo Jh-
- - - -

Q: Sir, please explain briefly about tenses dividing into twelve parts by taking a word example. - Srinivas Bijja
A: There are three tenses - Present, past and future. Each tense again has four divisions - simple / indifinite, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous.

Active & Passive Tense Forms (Tense For The Verb 'Take')
There are twelve active and only eight passive tense forms. No passive forms for all perfect continuous and future continuous tenses
PRESENT I / we / you / they I am taken I am taking I am being taken I / we / you / they I/we /you/ they I/ we/ you/ they No
take he/ she/ it is taken He/ she /it is taking He/ she/ it is being have taken have been taken have been taking passive form
He / she / it takes We/ you/ they We/ you/ they are taken He/ she/ it has He / she / it has He/ she/ it has been
are taken taking We/you/they are taken been taken taking
being taken

I/ he/ she/ it was I/ he/ she/ it was I/ he/ she/ it was I/ he/ she/ it had Had been taken for Had been taking No
PAST Took for all taking being taken all subjects for all subjects
taken taken passive form
subjects We/ you / they We/ you /they were We/ you/ they were We/ you/ they were
were taken taking being taken taken

I/we shall take I/we shall be taken I/we shall be taking No passive form I/we shall have I / we shall have I / we shall have
You/ he/ she /it will taken been taken been taking
You / he / she / You /he/ she/it/
be taking You / he / she / it You / he/ she/it will You/ he/ she/ it will passive form
it / they will take they will be taken
will have taken have been taken have been taking
In the present day English even for the subjects I and We, will is more common than shall in the future tense. Shall is almost not used even with I and we.
--C- 21 -- 2014 -- j--- 2
- M. Nagarjun, Pedavadlapudi.
Q: i) I have finished my work. ( E Jh .)
ii) I am reading a book. (
h ---o.)
u tense o Jh- ?
816 A: I / we / you have / He / she / it has + PP(V3) is present perfect.
Am / is / are + ing - Present continuous.

Ravi, he and I..
- Vishal, Ongole.
Q: Myself, Ravi and he went there - Is this
A: Ravi, he and I went there.
F ormal (official / business) letters format
() -- .
Formal let-
? --p --Lq
Sample Business Letter
M. Chandrasekhar
Eo l-- N formal letters -. 20/370 East Mada Street
- --o N- xh... Tirupati (PIN CODE)
1) 'from' address, 'to' address *a- L Dec 3, 2014
h--. The Chief Executive Director
2) j addresses h T- Prayan Tours & Travels
--j Jb * v-Gh. Dear Ms (x- --x-) / Dear Miss 14/7 Temple Street
3) from address date L. (Rx-Ex-) E line BENGALURU
Q: If they are going there, they will feel
happy / If they were going there, they 4) l-x address h J h. Ms C
y , comma --. Sir
would feel happy - Are these two sen- --j (x- / --
5) Fo letters T Yours Re / Sub: Incomplete coverage of tour -
tences correct? ) -a.
request for refund of part of charges.
A: a) If they go there they will feel happy, and faithfully. (u ---EC:
Our family of four members, one of
Formal letters u
Respected Sir / Madam - -
b) If they went there, they would feel them a boy under 12 years, started on a
happy - Correct. -E--Lq N: Sir / Madam -
package tour which included a two day
h-oC company / M. SURESAN respected --.
respect -h-od. Sx
Q: What are they doing to him - Is this cor- stay in Ooty.
rect? I have heard the above sentence in a office o uh--, J However, we regret that we were
(Designation) -Ch
movie - Please clarify. -- C u. com- allowed to be in Ooty only for one day.
Yours faithfully, subscription -C. uh-
A: Correct. pany / office E x-i Eo-x , y h, subscription, Yours Even the hotel room was not comfortable.
Q: The hero fights with the vilans/ fights the J -- h d, letter sincerely -C. I therefore request you to refund a part
vilan - Please say the correct one. salutation, --xE Lh, Dear Sir, E, -- of the money equivalent to a day's fami-
\- --*a- Model formal letter --: ly expenses in Ooty.
A: ...... villains (not vilans) - both are correct. x- Dear Madam E, C *a- L- Letter para v- margin *
--, Dear Sir / Madam E L. I look forward to your prompt response.

L u ..- -Tx--?
n C. --
J h h-o-p lA.
(Eo-x, uh , J (Letter -E x, address Lp. -J Yours faithfully
h). Dear Sri / Dear Mr (--x-), Mcsekhar (Signature)
C-O ).
- Usha Kiran, Machilipatnam.
Q: Once there was living a good king rul-
ing Simhapuri. All the people of the
town were satisfied with the ruling of
the king. The king didn't have any
get --o -n-... - Bharath Kumar, Hyderabad.
Q: Sir, how to say the following in English? "-
- -- --- --- yesterday".
A: 1) I phoned / called / rang him up yesterday.
proudness. - Priyanka, Warangal. - M. Suresh Babu, Nirmal.
Whenever the people came to his court Q: He is getting busy - Please translate into Q: In a lesson you have written the following.
with problems, he used to listen to them Telugu, and say why the underlined word is Bhavan asked Mohan which of the two
patiently and solved their problems wisely. used here? was that weekend (IDS).
He didn't do injustice to anyone. Can't we write the above as follows..
A: -E BJ . Get n
One day some people went to the king . ( get n- Bhavan asked Mohan which of the two
and brought the problem to his notice - Is .) that weekend was? And also in the above
this story correct? If there are any mistakes sentence you haven't put the question
please correct them. mark at the end of the sentence - Please
A: Almost correct - Except the following clarify. Q: Please give me suggestion in various con-
sentences- A: ....... Which of the two was that weekend = versation topics book or any websites.
Once there was living a good king - .... Which of the two that weekend was. As Book of Conversations on various topics -
This should be: Once there was a king / either of the above is not a question, we Refer to the FUNCTIONAL ENGLISH part
a good king .... don't add a question mark in the end. In of the Eenadu Spoken English lessons.
All the people of the kingdom were indirect speech there are no questions. - Rajesh, Narsampet.
happy with (satisfied with - not wrong,
- Mahesh, Sabbavaram. Q: Once you wrote that, "Is who dead'', is cor-
but happy with - better).
rect, can we write/ say Is where he is/ he
Whenever people came ... he used to eg: Get sick / ill / a fever, etc., get somebody Q: Please clarify the following doubts.
going? Is what he doing, Is when it com-
listen to them patiently and attended to on the phone / get angry / get to know i) Practically - vdM, pleted? Are where they going? Are when
them. (NOT solve them). (L- --), etc. Fo idiomatic ii) Physically- >x Are these correct? they coming? - Please clarify.
One day some people went to the king uses of 'get'. A: i) Practically - vdx - Correct A: 'Is who dead?' - This is conversationally
and brought their problem to his notice. Q: Manikyam is not better than some other ii) Physically - >x correct. In the course of a conversation,
teachers. Q: We are to request you / We request you - when someone says, "so and so is dead,"
T- T. Siva, Nandikotkur.
Manikyam is not the best of all teachers. Please say the difference. and when we want to be sure, who is dead,
Q: L J-Np u hC uEo Some other teachers are at least as good as A: We are to request you = We have to/ must we say.
Tx- . Manikyam. request you. 'Is who dead?' This is not strictly gram-
A: The peacock is dancing with its feathers Manikyam is not better than any teacher / We request you = We are making a matical, but purely conversational. The correct
/ plumes spread out. than any other teacher. request to you. form however is: "Who is dead?" All the other
Manikyam is not better than most / many forms you have written are wrong.
'-p- --Tx- - -*- ---.. other teachers - Please say which one is cor-
Mail your queries to Q: You are a grown up child - Is this right?
rect? A: You are a grown up person (not child) - A: h correct. Correct.
--C- 28 -- 2014 -- j--- 2
- Usha Kiran Naidu, Machilipatnam.
Q: Is he and you wanted the property? / Does he and you wanted the
property? / Was he and you were there? / Were you and she were
Full Block Form there? / Were they and you were there? / Were we and he were

Letter --..?
there - Please clarify.
A: Did he and you want the property? Were you and she there?
Were you and they there? Were he and we there?
--J -- letter format vA
para indentation left side margin
* Cl n CL paragraph v-
G. -- paragraph v--E
'Moreover' n..?
v n -- Jb
* h C full block form . did himself Reflexive Emphatic Reflexive
817 Pronoun E, 'He himself did' 1. The officer him- The officer helped
Emphatic Pronoun E a. 'Reflexive
S uppose, we have to write to a business - Kusbu Kohili, Tekulpally. Pronoun' 'Emphatic Pronoun'
self helped me = himself and no
- y one else = -
company about the damaged condition in
Sir, please clarify the following
u N-J---.
which the goods have been received and . --
doubts: A: Please observe carefully.
asking the company to replace them. -o (--
a. He did it himself =
order h- x Eo j-- Q: 'Moreover' not only that /
J ).
nA (damaged condition) -J- not only E n?
(y) = He himself 2. The father himself The father killed
did it - j sentences ,
A: Moreover = not only that / in killed his son = himself = v
himself, emphatic pronoun.
Eo -J-* h -- l.
h-Eo full block form l! addition to = . --
Emphatic j \
v -
OJ-p- -E-* \ He told me how to prepare for the M. SURESAN p \ He himself = . o.
model from address j From F, to exam. Moreover he clarified some
-u (p --a) subject
(- ).
address j 'To' F . doubts I had = K-~- l-- b. i) He did it to himself = \ 'self' pronoun h C emphatic sen-
-F j o--J
C -E
p- - Eo Ba.
( -- letter -) Q: You are not supposed to tease her / You
(-E --) -o. E - tence, * h C reflexive pronoun.
Q: - *a Material Noun/
h E L J C
company h h p --- should not tease her. - N - nEo 'Reflexive' pronoun -C.
Dear Sirs / Gentlemen C. - 'Uncountable Noun' - --E C- --
h? ii) She looked at herself in the mirror - \
Company C -C %. p A: You are not supposed to tease her = you -.
'herself' reflexive C
letter l, full block form should not tease her. a) Rice b) Water
Supposed to do = must do (according to c) Coal d) Iron
M. Padmanabh e) Cotton f) Copra
rule / order, etc.)
2-8-12, Konetimitta, A: Fo material nouns. -u material
Q: Can we say, "that is the difference between
Mulapet, boys and girls". nouns are all uncountable.
Nellore - 524003. A: Yes, we can.
Q: O- - Lesson 'He did himself' - -- '-p- --Tx- - -*- ---..
Dec 12 2014 sentence 'He himself did' E
o. F Wren and Martin book He
Ranjan Home Appliances
27 Karol Bagh - B. Mallikarjuna, Kurnool.
New Delhi - 110001

Sirs / Gentlemen (
Ever - never.. difference? Q: So and so - Meaning -.
A: So and so =
Why don't you say so and so came to din-
- Vijay Singhal, Kothagudem. Order to be followed in English: ner? = x N-- a-E
Re: Damaged condition of goods received -
Sir, please clarify the following doubts: You and I / we p?
replacement - request for
I regret that of the four articles I ordered, I Q: Neither / Either he nor / or I am / I are pre- You, he / she/ they and I / we
have received two of them - 1) an idly cook- sent - Please explain. You and he / she / they
er and 2) a chopper - in a damaged and unus- A: Neither he nor I am present = F He / she / they and I
able condition. F \ .
I am returning them to you with a request Q: He makes / will make him do / does the
that you would so good as to replace them work. - Please explain.
immediately. A: He makes him do the work - Correct = He
Thank you. I look forward to your immedi- (often / regularly) makes him do the work.
ate response. The teacher (he / she) makes the student do
the work. Q: Ever - never -u difference N?-
Yours faithfully He will make him do (does - wrong. 'Do' A: Ever = p--j, never = p
Padmanabh (Signature) here is a part of the infinitive, to do. Q: C u N?
Encl: The two damaged articles. 'Make' in this kind of use is not followed night - tonight words - towards
Either he or I am present = F, - by 'to'. wait - await - awaiting
x, address Lp, -J . F (lx ) \ o. Q: Can we say "There isn't any water in the live - alive
In the case of 'neither... nor' / 'either... or' glass"?
A: night = vA, tonight = vA
p O letter try : the verb always agrees with the second sub- A: Yes, we can.
wait for = await
ject. Q: Express your doubts clearly / Make
live = -, alive = A o
express your doubts clearly - Please
O -- h- O x
shops Neither he nor I (second subject) am there. O Spoken English lessons E six
--. ON -. -E explain.
h- v- h (Publishers) , Either he or I (second subject) am there. verb forms .
A: Express your doubts clearly - Correct.
h- O Courier y, VPP y- Suppose you place 'I' first and he next Q: Please let me know how the following
Make express ... Wrong.
(second subject). The verb then will be 'is'. words are pronunced / pronounced.
Q: They shouldn't be here / They aren't sup-
(h- x O , J--p O
Postman Lx lA) -E, courier Neither I nor he (second subject) is present. posed to be here - Please say the differ- i) Iron ii) Relative iii) Material
y s L, DD y/ But, when we join I / we with any other ence. iv) Model v) Early
MO y, C v-Ao- v---h. subject, I / we should always come last, so A: They shouldn't be here = They are not sup- vi) Concentration
(Publishers): Vidyalok Publishers, No.5, it is wrong to say, posed to be here. vii) Parlour viii) Lose ix) Engineer
Arobindo Marg, New Delhi. Neither I nor he is present. It should
Mail your queries to x) Economics xi) Engine
always be,
A: They were explained in the earlier lessons.
a @ a --- J
. Full block form . Neither he nor I am present. see them.

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