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Published by Kele, Inc.

January 2008 #18


the country. For air cooled chill- These are the steps necessary to
ers, the Max-Cap range occurs make this conversion:
any time the outdoor dry bulb 1. Replace all air handling unit
temperature is below the design 3-way valves and/or 2-way
by dry bulb temperature, for example modulating valves that do not
Gil Avery below 95F. Chillers, with halo- close tightly. The replacement
carbon compressors, depending valves must close tight at one
and one half times the total
on the make and model, can often
There is a perception in our system head. The dynamic
produce from 10% to 40% more
industry that the control of vari- rating (maximum differential
cooling capacity than their nomi- that the valve wetted parts will
able flow chilled water systems is
nal rating with colder condens- withstand) must also meet
so complicated that it is difficult
for the operators to understand. ing temperatures. Operation in this differential rating. All
this range is a win-win event; the modulating valves must have
Thus, many engineers and design-
cooling capacity goes up and the a rangeability of at least 200
ers have hesitated in converting to 1 and meet ANSI Class VI
primary/secondary systems to all kw/per ton (total energy used)
leakage rating. Converting
variable flow, even though the re- goes down. In order to utilize this
to all variable flow places
turn on investment is measured in additional capacity, the flow and/ the chiller pumps in series
weeks rather than years. The con- or the delta T between the supply with the variable speed air
version, when controlled correctly, and return chilled water must in- handler (secondary) pump
may reduce the chilled water plant crease. The flow through chillers in and therefore the differential
energy consumption at least 15%, primary/secondary systems is gen- pressure across the air handler
erally constant and therefore they valves will be greater than in
and often 20% or more (ref.#1).
cannot utilize much of the ben- a primary/secondary system
This reduction occurs primarily
where only the secondary pump
because the chillers can operate efit of operating in the Max-Cap
determines the differential
in what has become known as the range. The control and staging of pressure.
Max-Cap range. This range is the chillers is actually much sim-
pler than for a primary/secondary 2. Remove all balancing valves
typically available 98% of the time.
that do not serve as isolation or
For chillers with water-cooled system. It is not necessary to mea-
service valves. Those left in for
condensers and cooling towers, it sure or determine the direction of service should be opened fully.
occurs whenever the outdoor wet flow in the crossover, and the flow Close or remove all bypasses
bulb temperature is below design. through the on-line chiller(s) is between the chilled water
Seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit always equal to or greater than supply and return lines. Open
wet bulb is the design in much of design flow. 100% all triple-duty valves.

Engineering Report
3. Control valves must be closed 5. Control the VFD on the water circulated to the AHUs
when the AHU they serve is air handler pump from a in cold weather when the
off unless water is circulated differential pressure sensor chillers are off. A modulating
in the coils in cold weather (DP-1) across the branch two-way control valve may
to prevent freezing, when the serving the most remote be used instead of a check
chillers are off. AHU. If the air handler valve valve. Control this valve from
positions are known, reset DP- a differential pressure sensor
4. Interlock the chiller (primary) across the chiller evaporators.
1 from the most demanding air
pumps to run with the chiller The valve must be sized for the
handling unit valve. This will
they serve. These pumps may minimum flow of the largest
keep the pump head as low as
be manifolded together, as chiller, a close-off rating at least
shown in Fig.1 or each pump as high as the air handler pump
may be piped to a chiller. 6. Install a check valve, CV- cut-off head and for a pressure
When operating in the Max- 1, in the existing decoupler drop at or less than the setting
Cap range the chiller pumps are connecting the chilled water of differential pressure sensor
in series with the air handler supply and return mains DP-1. The differential pressure
pump and flow through the (points A-B), to prevent across points A-B will never be
chiller pumps may increase return water from mixing less than the setting of DP-1.
above the design flow of a with supply water. The check
primary/secondary system. valve may be line size and may 7. Install a two position chilled
have a manual or automatic water isolation valve in the
opening mechanism so that branch to each chiller. These
the valve can be opened and valves may be line size, metal
seated butterfly valves unless
they will also be used as a
Isolation service valve. If they are used
DP-1 for servicing, then tight shut-
off valves must be used.
CHILLER #1 COIL 8. Stage the chillers on from
temperature sensor TS-1 with
the set point at the design
COIL supply water temperature
T to the air handlers. Staging
the chillers on from supply
temperature enables the chillers
to operate in the Max-Cap
COIL variable flow range to produce
Pumps T
their maximum capacity
depending on the entering
Check COIL
Valve condenser water temperature.
T The on-line chiller(s) will load
B COIL fully (above rated capacity
CV-1 whenever the outdoor Wet
Coil bulb temperature is below
VFD design) before the next chiller
FS-1 is brought on-line. The chart
AIR HANDLER PUMP in Figure 2 depicts the typical
performance of a 1,000-ton
Figure 1 TS-2 chiller as the evaporator flow

2 Engineering Report
chiller isolation valve and stop
the chiller pump when the
Typical Performance of a 1,000-ton Chiller Operating building load drops far enough
in the Max-Cap Range with a Constant Evaporator below the capacity of an on-
T of 12F and an Increasing Evaporator Flow line chiller to avoid cycling
CDS CW Evaporator Increase Total Net the chiller back on too quickly.
Deg. F Tons GPM PD (FT) in EPTE kW kW/TON Load is proportional to flow
85 1,000 2,000 20.6 -- 580.0 .58 times delta T. Flow can be
80 1,090 2,178 24.0 2.1 601.6 .55 measured by flow sensor FS-1
75 1,130 2,258 25.7 3.2 602.1 .53 and delta T from temperature
70 1,156 2,310 26.8 3.9 605.0 .52
65 1,182 2,362 27.9 4.6 595.6 .50
sensors TS-1 and TS-2.
60 1,207 2,412 29.0 5.3 596.7 .49 Flow can also be measured with
55 1,233 2,464 30.0 6.0 597.8 .48 a differential pressure sensor
Notes: across the chiller evaporator if
CDS = Condenser Water Supply
CW = Chilled Water
dependable flow characteristics
EPTE = Evaporator Pump Transport Energy (kW) of the chillers are known.
12. Vary the speed and cycle the
Figure 2 cooling tower fans (and tower
bypass valve if used) from
increased from 2,000 to 2,464 0.58 to 0.49 and the capacity a temperature sensor in the
GPM and the condenser water increased 11.6% from 1,000 to condenser water supply to the
supply temperature decreased 1,166 tons. (See Figure 3.) chillers.
from 85F to 55F. The increase
10. Since both the chilled water 13. Reset the condenser water
in evaporator pump water supply temperature with the
flow and the delta T vary, the
transport energy (EPTE) is outdoor wet bulb temperature.
actual kw/ton may be less than
added to the chiller KW to Do not reset below that
that shown in Figures 2 and 3.
arrive at the total and net KW recommended by the chiller
per ton. The net kw/ton for this 11. To stage a chiller off, close the manufacturer.
machine has decreased from
0.58 to 0.48 and the cooling
capacity has increased from
1,000 to 1,233 tons (23.3%). Typical Performance of a 1,000-ton Chiller Operating
(See Figure 2.) in the Max-Cap Range with a Variable Evaporator
DT and a Constant Evaporator Flow of 2,000 GPM
9. For each chiller, set the control
point for the temperature CDS Total CWR CWS Delta KW per
sensor in the supply water off Deg. F kW Tons Deg. F Deg. F T Ton
the chiller 3 below design. 85.0 580.0 1,000 56.0 44.0 12.0 .58
If the design is 44F, set the 80.0 592.9 1,078 56.4 43.5 12.9 .55
75.0 587.8 1,109 56.3 43.0 13.3 .53
chiller sensors at 41F. This .52
70.0 585.0 1,125 56.0 42.5 13.5
will enable the chillers to 65.0 569.5 1,139 55.7 42.0 13.7 .50
operate in the more efficient 60.0 565.0 1,153 55.3 41.5 13.8 .49
Max-Cap variable temperature 55.0 571.3 1,166 55.0 41.0 14.0 .49
range. The chart in figure 3 Notes:
CDS = Condenser Water Supply
depicts the performance of CWR = Chilled Water Return
a typical 1,000 ton chiller as CWS = Chilled Water Supply
the delta T increased from 12
to 14 degrees. The kw/ton for Figure 3
this machine decreased from

Engineering Report 3
14. All equipment interlocks, flow
and temperature stabilization
time delays, chiller isolation
valve timing, condenser water
controls, etc., must be specified
as recommended by the chiller
manufacturers, to complete
the sequence of control for an
all variable flow chilled water

Ref.#1 - Controlling Chillers in

Variable Flow Systems Gil Avery
February 1998 ASHRAE Journal

Gil Avery, PE
Kele, Inc.

4 Engineering Report

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