Modelling & System Engineering: Course Outline: Dr. Abdul Halim M.Eng

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Modelling & System

Engineering : Course Outline

Dr. Abdul Halim M.Eng

1) Modeling and System Engineering : Overview
2) System Classification & Model
3) Physical Model
4) Analysis Of Physical Model
5) Simulation Of Physical Model
6) Advanced Topics in physical model
7) Experiment Base Model
8) Static Experiment Base Model
9) Dynamic Experiment Base Model
10)Stochastic Processes
11) Queueing Systems
Lennart Ljung, Modeling Of Dynamic System, Prentice Hall 1994.
Clive L. Dym, Principles of mathematical modeling, Elsevier 2004.
William J. Palm III, System Dynamics, Second Edition, McGraw-
Hill 2010.
Rolf Isermann, Marco Munchhof, Identification of Dynamic
Systems : An Introduction with Applications, Springer 2011.
John L. Crassidis, Optimal Estimation of Dynamic Systems, Second
Edition, CRC Press 2012.
John A. Sokolowski, Catherine M. Banks, MODELING AND
SIMULATION FUNDAMENTALS : Theoretical Underpinnings and
Practical Domains, John Wiley 2010.
Alexander Kossiakoff, William N. Sweet, Samuel J. Seymour, Steven
M. Biemer, Systems Engineering Principles And Practice Second
Edition, John Wiley 2011.
Kuis : 20 %
Tugas : 30 %
UTS : 25 %
UAS : 25 %
Modelling & System
Engineering : Overview

Kuliah ke-1
1. Introduction
2. Model Definition
3. Definisi Sistem
4. Interaksi Dengan Sistem
5. Definsi Model & Pemodelan
6. Simulasi
7. Tahapan Modeling & Simulation
8. Tantangan Ke depan
1. Introduction

Modelling System Development

2. Model Definition


Model : A small object, usually built to scale, that represents in detail another, often larger object.

Model : A thing used as an example to follow or imitate, (

Model Definition
Model : a miniature representation of something; a pattern of something to be made;
an example for imitation or emulation; a description or analogy used to help visualize
something (e.g., an atom) that cannot be directly observed; a system of postulates,
data and inferences presented as a mathematical description of an entity or state of
(Clive L Dym, Principles of Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier 2004)
Any object having the following three main distinctive features is viewed as a model:
1) Mapping: mappings from, representations of natural or artificial originals, that
can be models themselves.
2) Reduction: Models in general capture not all attributes of the original
represented by them, but rather only those seeming relevant to their model
creators and/ or model users.
3) Pragmatism: Models are not uniquely assigned to their originals per se. They
fulfill their replacement function a) for particular cognitive and/ or acting,
model using subjects, b) within particular time intervals and c) restricted to
particular mental or actual operations.
(Herbert StachowiakGeneral Model Theory(in german (DE), Springer 1973)
Lennart Ljung (Modeling Of Dynamic System,1994)
Model is a tool we use to answer questions about the system without having to do
an experiment.
to be a representation of something
to be a simplification
to be pragmatic

Three Blind Men

and an Elephant
2. Types of Model
Physical Model (Scale Model)
Physical model is a smaller or larger physical copy of an object.

Mental Model
The image of the world around us, which we carry in our head, is just a model.
Nobody in his head imagines all the world, government or country. He has only
selected concepts, and relationships between them, and uses those to represent
the real system. (

Verbal Model
A verbal model is a model that allows for linguistic rather than numerical
variables, and for causal relationships between the variables to be
formulated verbally rather than mathematically.

Mathematical Model
2. Types of Model
Physical Model (Scale Model)
Physical model is a smaller or larger physical copy of an object.

Mental Model
The image of the world around us, which we carry in our head, is just a model.
Nobody in his head imagines all the world, government or country. He has only
selected concepts, and relationships between them, and uses those to represent
the real system. (

Verbal Model
A verbal model is a model that allows for linguistic rather than numerical
variables, and for causal relationships between the variables to be
formulated verbally rather than mathematically.

Visual Model : Words, drawings or sketches, computer

Mental Model
Analysts Diplomats Explorers

Enthusiastic, ESFP
Smart and Spontaneous,
curious thinkers creative and
sociable free energetic and
who cannot enthusiastic
resist an spirits, who
can always entertainers -
intellectual life is never
challenge. find a reason
to smile. boring around
Mathematical Model
A mathematical model is an abstract, simplified, mathematical construct
related to a part of reality and created for a particular purpose

A mathematical model is a triplet (S, Q, M) where S is a

system, Q is a question relating to S, and M is a set of
mathematical statements M = {1, 2, . . . , n} which can
be used to answer Q.

Example : mean age of some group of people

S : group of people
Q : their mean age

x i 1 i
3. Mathematical Model: Why?
Modeling is an activity, a cognitive activity in which we think about and
make models to describe how devices or objects of interest behave.

3.1 Mathematical Modelling & Scientific Method

Omar Borkan AlGala

Scientific modeling : generation of a physical,
conceptual, or mathematical representation of a
real phenomenon that is difficult to observe
Scientific models are used to explain and
predict the behaviour of real objects or systems
and are used in a variety of scientific disciplines,
ranging from physics and chemistry to ecology and
Omar Borkan AlGala
the Earth sciences.

Although modeling is a central component of

modern science, scientific models at best are
approximations of the objects and systems that
they representthey are not exact replicas. Thus,
scientists constantly are working to improve and
refine models.
Scientific Modelling

Isaac Newton

Enrico Fermi

3.2 Mathematical Modeling and the Practice of Engineering

o Engineers are interested in designing devices and processes and

systems. Engineers are interested in creating artifacts that have not yet
come to life.
o Engineers must be able to describe and analyze objects and devices
into order to predict their behavior to see if that behavior is what the
engineers want. In short, engineers need to model devices and
processes if they are going to design those devices and processes.
o While the scientific method and engineering design have much in
common, there are differences in motivation and approach that are
worth mentioning.
o In the practices of science and of engineering design, models are often
applied to predict what will happen in a future situation. In
engineering design, however, the predictions are used in ways that
have far different consequences than simply anticipating the outcome
of an experiment.
Why is modeling important in
Description of system behavior by experimentation
might no be feasible due to :
Inaccessible inputs and outputs
Experiment may be too dangerous
Cost of experimentation might be too high
Time constant of the system may not be compatible
with human dimensions
Experimental behavior might be obscured by
Principles of Modeling:

Principle of resemblance -- error tolerance

Principle of parsimony -- as simple as possible
Principle of objective -- use of information

Model (Mathematical Modeling & Simulation Kai

Velten, Wiley-VCH)
(The best model)
The best model is the simplest model that still serves its purpose, that
is, which is still complex enough to help us understand a system and to
solve problems.
(Start with simple models!)
To find the best model : start with the simplest possible model and then
generate a sequence of increasingly complex model formulations until
the last model in the sequence passes the validation step.
Model berfungsi sebagai (Bambang Sridadi,
Pembantu untuk berpikir : model menyajikan
deskripsi yang sistimatis tentang suatu sistem
Pembantu untuk berkomunikasi : model dibuat
untuk mempermudah menjelaskan suatu sistem
kepada orang lain
Alat dan latihan : model membantu meningkatkan
Alat prediksi : dengan model, dapat ditentukan
perilaku sistem pada waktu yang akan datang
Pembantu dalam percobaan
Uncertainty In Model
When using a mathematical model, careful
attention must be given to the uncertainties in
the model. Richard P. Feynman (On the
reliability of the Challenger space shuttle)
4. Role Of Engineering
Definition of Engineering
Engineering is the profession in which a knowledge of the
mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience,
and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize
economically the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of
(ABET definition - Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Electrical engineering
The design and study of various electrical and electronic systems, such
as electrical circuits, generators, motors, electromagnetic/
electromechanical devices, electronic devices, electronic circuits, optical
fibers, optoelectronic devices, computer systems, telecommunications,
instrumentation, controls, and electronics.
Engineering design is the process of devising a
system, component, or process to meet desired
needs. It is a decision-making process (often
iterative), in which the basic sciences, mathematics,
and engineering sciences are applied to convert
resources optimally to meet a stated objective.
(ABET Definition)
5. System Definition
International Council of Systems Engineering
a system is a construct or collection of different
elements that together produces results not
obtainable by the elements alone
A set of interacting or interdependent entities forming
an integrated whole (Wikipedia)
A system is an assembly of inter-related components
(subsystems, modules or elements) built together in a
unified whole to serve a certain purpose ( Nikolay
Avgoustinov, Modelling in Mechanical Engineering and
Mechatronics, Springer-Verlag 2007)
A system is whatever is distinguished as a system
A system is a potential source of data
A system is an object or a collection of objects whose
properties we want to study
6. System Engineering
INCOSE (International Council on Systems
Engineering) defines
Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary
approach and means to enable the realization of
successful systems. It focuses on defining customer
needs and required functionality early in the
development cycle, documenting requirements, then
proceeding with design synthesis and system
validation while considering the complete problem.
V Model of System ENgineering
7. M & S
Real Systems

Simulation Analysis

Simulation Programming Conceptual

Model Model

Aplication of Simulation
Training goal is to provide real - world
experience/opportunities in a controlled environment
Decision Support to provide a descriptive, explanatory,
predictive tool or to provide an evaluative, prescriptive tool
Understanding this type of modeling and simulation
facilitates testing a hypothesis relative to the structure and
function of a complex system
Education and Learning used for teaching and learning
systems with dynamic behavior and with serious gaming (this is
also called game based learning)
Entertainment simulation provides a realistic representation
for elements possessing dynamic behavior
8.Remaining Critical Of Model
The Pygmalion effect :
Dont fall in love with your model!. Even if a considerable amount of work has
been done to develop the model, we have to remember that it is the system that is
most important not the model.

The Procrustes effect :

Forcing reality to fit the model is not possibleto. We must always be ready to
develop and modify a model to include new facts and observations.

Be aware of the models (lack of) accuracy!

It is necessary to keep in mind the degree of accuracy in the model and the level of
approximation when the simulation results are interpreted.

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