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Roll No: __________________

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

B.Tech Degree End Semester Examination Nov/Dec 2015
Fifth Semester
(Common to ECE, EIE and EEE)

ECE310 Introduction to Microcontrollers and applications

Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Answer all Questions
Assume missing data suitably.

1. a) What is the total capacity of program memory in P16F877A microcontroller? How is

it partitioned? 3
b) With the help a neat block diagram explain the operation of EDTU of P16F877A
microcontroller. 7
2. a) Name the various addressing modes used in P16F877A microcontroller and give an
example for each mode. 6
b) What is the role of INTCON register in P16F877A microcontroller? Briefly explain any
three bits of it. 4

3. a) Describe the following instructions of P16F877A microcontroller with an example.

i) SWAPF ii) XORWF iii) BTFSC iv) RETLW. 8
b) Why do we need assembler directives? Name any two of them. 2

4. 8 switches numbered 0 to 7 are connected RB0 to RB7 and a common cathode

configured seven segment display unit i.e. a to h are connected to RD0 to RD7 of
P16F877A microcontroller. When the switch is closed it gives a low signal. Write a
program to display the number of the switch closed. 10

5. a) Name the timers used in P16F877A microcontroller. 3

b) How to configure P16F877A microcontroller in slave mode? Explain it with the
necessary block diagram and the SFRs involved. 7

6. a) Which is the module in the P16F877A microcontroller that monitors and detects the
malfunctioning of the microcontroller? Explain its operation with the help of necessary
diagram. 5

b) Write a subroutine program to generate a delay of 4 ms when Fosc is 10MHz in

P16F877A microcontroller. 5

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7. a) With the help a neat block diagram explain the working of timer-0. 8
b) Explain the significance of TSR register used in P16F877A microcontroller. 2

8. a) Clearly mention the steps involved in ADC operation. 5

b) Which is the module in the P16F877A microcontroller series microcontroller that
helps to store constant data specific for an application? Explain its operation. 5

9. With the help of a neat block diagram and relevant waveforms explain the working of
USART as asynchronous transmitter. 10

10. With the help of a neat block diagram explain the architecture of 8051 microcontroller.

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