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China has become the world’s second biggest economy. Should India worry about being swallowed whole?


Saibal Dasgupta | TNN

Beijing: China is growing so fast it creates

some sort of world record every week. With
1.4 billion people, China has more mobile
lenges appear to indicate their focus. Overtak-
ing Japan in terms of gross domestic product
is not going to change the basic truth:
● China is 10 times the size of Japan
● it is a rapidly ageing country and its one-child
‘Chance to be bigger than Coke in China’
Sujit John & Mini Joseph Tejaswi | TNN But some Indian entrepreneurs are yet to ven-
ture into China. Sheth thinks they’re making a

phones than any other country. It has more policy shows signs of becoming a liability his week, as China moved to number mistake. “It is time that India shed its negative
high-speed rail lines and wind power. It has ● the ongoing property boom has the govern- two position on the list of the world’s image of China. Indian industry should aggres-
more Internet users. It is also the world’s ment caught between a rock and a hard place, top economies, one of India’s biggest sively invest in Chinese markets for its own ben-
biggest importer of minerals. It has already ie should it keep the elite happy or extend its business delegations was concluding efit. While India considers China as a major com-
dislodged Germany from pole position as the largesse to a wide swathe of poor and lower mid- a visit to Shanghai. The purpose was petition, China looks at India as a partner. China
world’s number one exporter. Just a few weeks dle class people partly to persuade the Chinese government to lift will be extremely receptive to Indian investments
ago, China became the world's biggest guzzler In addition, President Hu Jintao’s drive to non-tariff barriers to trade and create an envi- and business participation,” he says.
of energy, though it accepted this particular develop the relatively backward western and ronment more conducive to the expansion of In- Sheth believes that China will soon play the
position with great reluctance. central provinces instead of focusing on the more dian enterprise in China. role the US did. China’s rise, he says, will create
So, when China overtook Japan as the world’s advanced eastern and southern provinces pos- It could hardly be better timing. After more an economic boom in Africa, the Caribbean, Latin
second biggest economy earlier this week and es a serious political problem in itself. The Com- than three decades of focus on building a power- America, Central Asia and Russia. “So it is im-
placed itself right behind the US, the news was munist Party has managed to curb any stirring ful export-based economy, the Chinese govern- possible for India to bypass China and become a
hardly a surprise — both at home and abroad. of rebellion in the developed provinces but re- ment is beginning to look inwards. This is in or- global player as eventually the growth of many
China’s official media showed no signs of jubi- mains unable to find suitable leaders in the trou- der to meet its people’s needs. This focus on the other emerging geographies are going to be close-
lation. Even in Japan, the leading English dai- bled western regions of Xinjiang and Tibet. domestic economy is expected to compensate for ly linked to China,” he said. There are many op-
ly, The Japan Times, paid little attention and There are other problems too. With grow- the slowing of export markets. Jagdish N Sheth, portunities — across sectors — for India. China’s
did not rush to write an editorial. It merely pub- ing prosperity, more Chinese are learning Eng- the Charles H Kellstadt professor of marketing automotive and aviation sectors are on the up-
lished a London-based writer’s commentary on lish and with it a new philosophy — that it is in the Goizueta Business School at Emory Uni- swing. Its service, hospitality, fast food industries
China’s phenomenal rise. man’s right to be free and to have a democrat- versity in Atlanta, US, is an expert on India and and infrastructure sectors are booming.
But it was a significant milestone. For 43 ic system of governance. The Communist Par- China. He says China has more than one-million Some see particular scope for India’s service
years, Japan had been second only to the US in ty is not ready to deal with this challenge. The millionaires today. “All this wealth is now going industry. China is beginning to recognize the lim-
economic might. Now, some experts say the Chi- Internet’s growing reach and expanded trav- to create huge domestic demand,” he told TOI. its of its zealous focus on manufacturing. It has
nese economy will outstrip the US in a decade el facilities have given the young a taste for China appears increasingly open to overseas polluted rivers, denuded forests and caused se-
if both countries continue at their existing rate free speech and a rising desire for self-ex- investors willing to feed this demand. Chinese vere air pollution. By 2020, China is expected to
of GDP growth — 10% for China and 3% for US. pression. This could pose a challenge to the vice-commerce minister Chen Jian told the In- have 400 million tonnes of rubbish, which is equal
Perhaps. Whatever happens, the possibility that one-party system. dian delegation: “I hope you can tell Indian en- to the entire waste generated on the planet in 1997.
China will be the world’s number one economy Unsurprising then that China’s greater suc- trepreneurs that the Chinese government wants “So they are encouraging services,” points out
is already creating a buzz — and jitters — every- cess has been in influencing people and poli- more and more products imported from India. I Som Mittal, president of IT industry body Nass-
where. cies abroad. There is no doubt that China’s per- hope large enterprises from India will have a larg- com. Every province is setting up an IT park. The
But, first to the immediate question. What suasive capability in both the political and er influence than Coca-Cola in China.” government has just announced that it will not
diplomatic fields has grown in direct propor- Some Indian enterprises have recognized the
RISING DRAGON tion to its export surplus. Countries like Su-
dan, Pakistan and Myanmar, where the
potential of the Chinese market and moved in ag-
gressively. Mahindra & Mahindra has made ac- CROUCHING TIGER
Chinese economy at a glance regimes are linked to repression and large- quisitions in China and has become one of the Indian economy at a glance
scale human rights violations, are major country’s largest tractor companies. Automo-
Rank 2nd beneficiaries of Chinese aid. In interna- tive components company Sundram Fasten-
Rank 11th
Fixed exchange rates US$1 = 6.7918 Renminbi tional forums, Beijing backs these regimes ers’ Chinese unit supplies both export and Fixed exchange rates US$1 = Rs 46.6
GDP $4.99 trillion politically. This was evident at a recent domestic markets. GDP $1.25 trillion
meeting of Asian political parties in Chennai-based Orchid Chemicals and
GDP growth 9.1% Kunming. The Japanese representative Pharmaceuticals has a 50:50 joint venture GDP growth 7.4%
GDP per capita $3,677 candidly said there was “aid fatigue” with North China Pharmaceutical Cor- GDP per capita $1,031
in his country, which can no longer fund poration and is focussing on bulk manu-
Population below 2.8% developmental programmes in poorer facturing and marketing of drugs for the Population below 40%
poverty line All figures 2009
countries. But China’s Communist Chinese market. “In four years, we have poverty line All figures 2009

leaders reassured everyone that Bei- clocked $50 million in revenues and more
does Beijing’s move to second slot mean for the jing was happy to take over as chief importantly, the operations were profitable levy the 5% operating tax on offshore service out-
world? There are signs it is already having some paymaster of the aid and development from day one,” says K Raghavendra Rao, sourcing business in 21 key cities till 2013. Mittal
impact. On August 16, Japan acknowledged it budget. CEO of Orchid Chemicals. says China wants Indian IT companies to set up
had slipped below China even as it released But what price the influence. Rao says China can be great for operations there and believes a Chinese base can
growth figures for the last quarter. That was just The west is yet to regard the Indian business. “The (borrow- be used effectively to target Japanese and Kore-
one day after Japanese Prime Minister Naoto world’s second biggest econo- ing) cost of funds is low. We an markets. “We have a service culture, we are
Kan publicly apologized for World War II crimes my as a responsible power. have accessed funds at 6% customer-centric and our service maturity level
by Japanese soldiers against the Chinese and Some might say that per annum, which is im- is much higher than that of the Chinese,” he says.
others. And Kan made history by ensuring that western approbation is possible in India. The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) be-
his entire cabinet stayed away from the contro- no longer required. Labour cost is less than lieves there is great scope for services sector co-
versial Yasukuni shrine on the 65th anniver- But China cannot ex- half of that in India. operation in areas such as R&D, biotechnology,
sary of Japan’s surrender in World War II. pect endlessly to grow We pay a third for health, education and skill development, tourism
Did Naoto Kan have China’s rise and rise in at 10% or more. What power and fuel in Chi- and the financial sector.
mind when he issued the apology at consider- happens then will be na, when compared with But there are challenges to overcome. Lan-
able cost to his popularity at home? Perhaps. It key in determining that in India. And physi- guage is perhaps the biggest. What’s more, in some
is clear that Tokyo can no longer ignore the stark who has the biggest cal infrastructure is an in- sectors, China is not as open as India would like.
truth — that its weak economy has trimmed its bite of them all. tangible benefit for all in- Indian IT has won some deals in state-owned en-
influence on regional issues such as the denu- vestors.” terprises, but the sector is still not seen to be prop-
clearization of North Korea and territorial dis- erly open to foreign participation.
putes relating to the seas around China, Viet- China has been proactive in developing sup-
nam and Indonesia. ply chains to feed into its excellent manufactur-
For the Communist Party of China (CPC), ing capabilities from the neighbouring countries.
there is a clear link between the country’s rise “But for India to plug into these supply chains, it
and the Japanese prime minister’s public apol- will be necessary for both countries to lower non-
ogy. The People’s Daily, which is the CPC’s tariff barriers. We need a comprehensive study
mouthpiece, editorialized after Kan’s apology on such barriers and work to eliminate them,”
that his cabinet's “decision not to pay respect says Chandrajit Banerjee, director general of CII.
to the Yasukuni Shrine indicates the DJP’s (rul- China’s boom has also made parts of its econ-
ing Democratic Party of Japan’s) upright stance omy overly expensive. This has led some global
of facing up to history, and this is advanta- players to look to India as an alternative location
geous for Japan to forge cooperative ties with for manufacturing. Nokia, which has been ex-
Asian neighbours in the years ahead”. porting from its plant near Chennai, now says it
Any exuberance about its slotting into sec- intends to make India an export hub. Dell is said
ond place after the US was limited to those re- to have begun exports from India.
marks in the People’s Daily. Instead, a com- As China rises and focuses on services, expect
merce ministry spokesman cautioned against more manufacturing to shift to India. That will
any sense of glee, pointing out that China still be good for mass employment, which services like
had 40 million people below the poverty line. IT has not yet been able to deliver. But can India
“China remains a developing country. The qual- handle manufacturing growth without bringing
ity of China's economic development still upon itself the environmental problems China
needs to be raised. It needs more effort to im- suffered because it became the workshop of the
prove economic quality and people's lives,” world? For India, China’s rise offers no easy so-
Yao Jin said. lutions.
It is a valid point and the Chinese authori- Illustration:
(Additional reporting by Rajesh Chandramouli
ties’ public reiteration of their domestic chal- Neelabh in Chennai)

16th Century 18th Century 20th Century
rom the 15th to 18th century,
China and India controlled almost INDIA INDIA INDIA
half of global trade. This pattern As Arab traders ship Indian goods to Europe Aurangzeb’s India has a 24.4% share of world In 1913, India’s economy has a mere 7.6% share of
continued till India became a part of through the Red Sea and Mediterranean ports, income, the largest in the world. But as Mughal world income. In 1952, seven years after
the British Empire, in the 19th century India’s economy has a 24.5% share of world power declines, the East India Company disrupts Independence, it has just 3.8%. By 1973, its economy
income. It is the world’s second largest after trade relations between India’s mercantile has grown to $494.8 billion, which is a piffling 3.1%
and Chinese trade became China. India enjoys a favourable balance of trade community and the wider world. share of world income. In 1991, economic
increasingly controlled by those who — it earns gold and silver from the textiles, liberalization is initiated by P V Narasimha Rao. By
sugar, spices, indigo, carpets, etc it sells. CHINA 1998, Indian economy accounts for a 5% share of
controlled the sea routes — England,
In 1760, as China’s share of global trade begins to world income. By 2005, India’s economy is $3,815.6
France and the US. India became CHINA fall, the government sets out regulations for billion (purchasing power parity) or a 6.3% share of
independent and China turned to Direct maritime trade between Europe and foreigners and foreign ships. Canton is the only port world income.
communism in the mid-20th century China begins with the Portuguese, who lease an open to alien traders. After their War of
outpost at Macau in 1557. Other Europeans Independence (1776), the Americans begin to trade
and both began to rebuild their follow. India and China trade with each other India dominated global with China. It is a setback for the British.
economies. In the 21st century, China using overland routes. trade in the 16th century

and India became the world’s fastest

growing economies and the centre of
gravity of global trade appeared to be 17th Century 19th Century
shifting east. A look at the growth INDIA INDIA
trajectory of the Asian giants over 500 At the turn of the century, Mughal India’s annual In 1820, India’s economy —now
years: income (£17.5 million) is greater than the British completely controlled by the East
budget. As the Mughal Empire reaches its zenith Indian Company — is 16% of world The ‘Open Door’ policy has made China a world power
under Shah Jahan, Indian exports exceed its imports income. The Company promotes
— it is selling many more things and lots more of the opium trade with China. The CHINA
each. Chinese ships dock at Quilon and Calicut, while Indian agricultural pattern is Before Communist China came into being in 1949,
in Khambat the volume of trade is so high, more than changed by the Company. By 1870, the country mainly produces yarn, coal, crude oil,
3,000 ships visit the port every year. India has a 12.2% share of world cotton and foodgrain. Mao Zedong puts the country
income. on a Socialist path. In 1980, under Deng Xiaoping,
CHINA China changes track and the first Special Economic
China continues to control a quarter of world trade. CHINA Zones are established in Shenzhen. In 1986, Deng’s
The English establish a trading post at Canton in The Opium Wars led to China’s fall The Qing king refuses to open all “Open-door” policy encourages foreign direct
1637. Trade grows further after the Qing emperor ports to foreign traders and seeks investment. In 1992, Deng accelerates market
relaxes maritime trade restrictions in the 1680’s. By to restrict the opium trade with India. War breaks out twice between reforms to establish a “socialist market economy”.
now, Taiwan has come under Qing control. But, the Britain and China. A defeated China accepts the opium trade and gives For the first time, China figures in the world’s top 10
sea trade makes the Chinese apprehensive about Western merchants access to its most developed area. Tea exports economies. In 2001, it joins the WTO.
conquest. increase 500% in eight years from 1843, totalling 42,000,000 kg in 1855. Compiled by Shobhan Saxena

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