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Destiny Moments

By: Evangelist Jodi Lynn Hill

The Borg and the Body
Romans 12:1-2. “I beseech you therefore, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that you may prove the good, acceptable and perfect will of God.”
Right now, here on earth, we are in a state of being a kind of Spiritual Cyborg...half human in nature and half spiritual. We are
in a process of being renewed, but we are not there yet. As we read the Scripture and put it into practice in our lives, the
change will come. When we get to heaven and receive our heavenly bodies the change will be complete. Until then, we work
at growing and changing as we journey through our lives.
“Resistance is futile…you will be assimilated.” This is the mantra of the alien group called "The Borg" from the TV show, “Star
Trek”. In one episode a Borg said, “Why do you resist?” He didn’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want to be in that kind of
collective. But then, Federation Officers gave him a personal identity and name...Hugh. They told him to follow his own
thoughts and ideas…not to follow the collective. This created a Rogue Cyborg – he refused to follow the collective. He then,
convinced others to “find their own identities” creating a sort of rebellion. This is what began the downfall of the Borg Nation.
The disharmony brought confusion and chaos. One line in the episode was, “There is no longer peace of mind…there are too
many voices. We used to think as one, in harmony and unity, but now…there are too many individual ideas and thoughts and
they are all spoken at once.” They could no longer hear the Core of the Collective.
The Borg must remain in unity (as one) to be effective. They were virtually unstoppable in the early episodes because they
worked in such harmony. Each had their specific purpose and they fulfilled it, but when they were redirected in order to stop
the enemy…they immediately obeyed and “took care of the situation”. They followed the instructions and directions of the
Core of the Collective. They didn’t question the command…they just acted on it…because they already knew and
understood…they had assimilated the mind of the Collective…just as we should begin to assimilate the mind of Christ. First
Corinthians 2:16 says, “Who can know the LORD’s thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him? But we understand these
things, for we have the mind of Christ.”
The thing about the Borg is that they are not conformed, they are transformed…completely changed …melded into the
collective. They become ONE with the COLLECTIVE. In the same way, we are being assimilated into the Body of Christ. 2
Corinthians 4:16, “our bodies are dying…but our spirits are renewed day by day.” Change takes time. It doesn’t happen in one
day. As we assimilated the Word of God into our hearts and minds, change begins to take place.
Luke 6:46-49 tells us that obedience to God (the Core of the Collective) is like building our house on a solid foundation.
However, following our own thoughts, (rebellion) is like building our house on sinking sand (unstable foundation). In 2 Timothy
3:5, “It describes this kind of religion as “a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.” It is form without substance…
hollow…empty! Too many Christians live this way. It makes Christianity abstract instead of concrete. “Faith is the substance
(physical thing…solid stuff) of things hoped for; the evidence (absolute, undeniable proof) of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)
2 Corinthians 5:17-18, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is
from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the
world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.
We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's
behalf: Be reconciled to God.”
We have the task of convincing others to join and be assimilated into the collective. Whatever way God gifted us to
accomplish that, ultimately we need to be bringing others into the Body of Christ, mentoring them (assimilation) by the Word of
God so they can be effective members doing the same thing…
Blair and/or Jodi Hill speak on many topics and are available for any of your events or revivals. Jodi does special music as well. If you
would like to get in contact with Jodi or Blair, you can reach them at their store by stopping in anytime Monday through Saturday 10am to
6pm or giving them a call at The Garage Thrift Store: 405-390-0777. You can also write them at PO Box 1312 Choctaw, OK 73020.

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