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STARDELTAc onnectionDiagrama ndWorkingprinciple

De scriptions: A Dual starte r connects the motor terminals directly to the power supply. Hence, the
motor is subjected to the full voltage of the power supply. Consequently, high starting current flows
Re duce dvoltage starte rs are employed with motors above 5 hp. Although Dual motor starte rs are
availableformotorslessthan150kWon400Va ndformotorslessthan1MWon6.6kV.
Supply reliability and reserve power generation dictates the use of reduced voltage or not to reduce the
starting current of an induction motor the voltage across the motor need to be reduced.Thiscanbe done
by 1.Autotransforme rstarte r,2.Starde ltastarte ror3.Re sistorstarte r.NowadaysVVVFdrive
usede xtensivelyforspeedc ontrolservesthispurposea lso.

In dual starter the motor is directly fed from the line and in star delta starterthenmotorisstartedinitially
from star and later during running from delta. This is astartingmethodthat reduces the
startingc urrentand startingtorque.TheM otormust bede ltaconnected during a normal run, in order to
bea bletousethisstartingmethod.
Thereceivedstartingc urrentisa bout30% ofthestartingc urrentduringdirectonlinestarta ndthe
startingtorqueisreducedtoa bout25% ofthetorquea vailablea ta D.O.Lstart.

More : Star/Delta starters are probably the most c ommon re duce d voltage starte rs in the 50Hz
world. (Known as Wye/Delta startersinthe 60Hzworld).Theyare usedinanattempttoreduce the start
current applied to the motor during start as a means of reducing the disturbancesandinterference onthe
Compone nt: The Star/Delta starter is manufactured from three contactors, a timer and a thermal
overload. The contactors are smaller than the single contactorusedina DirectonLine starterastheyare
controlling winding currents only. The currents through the winding are 13 =0.58(58%)ofthe current
in the line. this connection amounts to approximately30%of the delta values. The startingc urrentis
reducedtoonethirdofthedirectstartingc urrent.
There are two contactors that are close during run, often referred to as the main contactor andthe delta
contactor. These are AC3 rated at 58% of the current rating of the motor.The thirdcontactoristhe star
contactor and that only carries star current while the motorisconnectedinstar.The currentinstarisone
thirdofthec urrentindelta,sothisc ontactorc anbeAC3rateda tonethirdofthemotorrating.
Inoperation,theM ainContactor(KM3)a ndtheStarContactor(KM1)a rec losedinitially,a ndthen
aftera periodoftime,thestarc ontactorisopened,a ndthenthede ltac ontactor(KM2)isc losed.The
controlofthec ontactorsisbythetime r(K1T)builtintothestarter.TheStara ndDeltaa ree lectrically
interlockeda ndpreferablymechanicallyinterlockeda swell.Ine ffect,therea refourstates:
1. OFFState .A llContactorsa reopen
2. StarState .TheMaina ndtheStarc ontactorsa rec loseda ndthedeltac ontactorisopen.Themotoris
connectedinstara ndwillproduceonethirdofDOLtorquea tonethirdofDOLc urrent.
3. Ope nState .TheM ainc ontactorisc lose da ndtheD e ltaa ndStarc ontactorsare o pe n.Thereis
voltageononee ndofthemotorwindings,buttheothere ndisopensonoc urrentc anflow.Themotor
hasa spinningrotora ndbehaveslikea generator.
4. De ltaState .TheM aina ndtheD e ltac ontactorsa rec losed.TheStarc ontactorisopen.Themotor
isc onnectedtofulllinevoltagea ndfullpowera ndtorquea rea vailable.
Thistypeofoperationisc alledopentransitionswitchingbecausethereisa nopenstatebetweenthestar
statea ndthedeltastate.

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