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Phytomedicine, Vol. 5(3), pp.

Gustav Fischer Verlag 1998 _
I~~~~!~mml ..

Antibacterial and antifungal activities of

neocryptolepine, biscryptolepine and cryptoquindoline,
alkaloids isolated from Crypto/epis sanguino/enta
K. Cimanga', T. De Bruyne", L. Pieters', J. Totte ', L. Tona-, K. Kambu'', D. Vanden Berghe'
and A. J. Vlietinck 1
lDepartment of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Antwerp (UIA), Antwerp, Belgium
2Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo


From the 80% EtOH extract of Cryptolepis sanguinolenta (Lindl.) Schlechter (Periplocaeae) root bark,
a cryptolepine isomer named neocryptolepine, and two dimeric alkaloids named biscryptolepine and
cryptoquindoline were isolated. These compounds were tested for their putative antibacterial and anti-
fungal activities. Results have indicated that neocryptolepine showed an antibacterial activity against
Gram-positive bacteria (MIC <100 ug/ml), but was less acive against Gram-negative bacteria. It also in-
hibited the growth of the yeast C. albicans. Biscryptolepine exhibited only an activity against some
Gram-positive bacteria (MIC = 62.5 or 31 ug/ml) while cryptoquindoline did not shown an activity
against all selected microorganisms. The antibacterial activity of neocryptolepine and biscryptolepine is
bacteriostatic rather than bactericidal. No antifungal activity could be observed for all alkaloids in our
test system at the highest test concentration of 100 ug/ml,

Key words: Cryptolepis sanguinolenta, alkaloids, neocryptolepine, biscryptolepine, cryptoquindoline,

antibacterial and antifungal activities.

Cryptolepis sanguinolenta (Lindl.) Schlechter (Peri- kan et al., 1988; Oyekan and Okafor, 1989). More re-
plocaceae) is a climbing liana growing in some African cently, its antimicrobial activity on a large group of mi-
countries. An aqueous macerate or decoction of the croorganisms including Gram-positive, Gram-negative
root bark or root is used in traditional medicine for the bacteria, yeasts and fungi (Cimanga et al., 1991; Paulo
treatment of fever including malaria, rheumatism, et al., 1994a, b; Sawer et al., 1995), and its antimalar-
amoebiasis and intestinal disorders (Kerharo and Ad- ial activity in vitro and in vivo (Noamesi et al., 1991;
am, 1974; Sofowora, 1982; Boye and Oku-Ampofo, Kirby et al., 1995; Wright et al., 1996; Grellier et al.,
1990). 1996; Cimanga et al., 1997) were reported.
Cryptolepine (5-methyl-5H-indolo-[3,2-b]-quindo- In this decade, the root or root bark of C. sanguino-
line) is the major alkaloid isolated from C. sanguino- lenta collected in different African regions was subject-
lenta collected from different African countries (Gellert ed to phytochemical studies by several groups. This has
et al., 1951; Dwuma-Badu et al., 1978; Dwuma-Badu, resulted in the isolation and structure elucidation of
1987; Ablordeppey et al., 1990; Cimanga et al., 1991; different minor alkaloids (Tackie et al., 1993; Paulo et
Tackie et al., 1991; Paulo et al., 1994b). In 1980s, the al., 1994a; Crouch et al., 1995; Pousset et al., 1995; Ci-
variety of pharmacological effects of cryptolepine was manga et al., 1996a, b,; Sharaf et et al., 1995a, b, Sha-
studied in detail (Bamgbose and Noamesi, 1981; Noa- raf et al., 1996a, b). The antibacterial (Paulo et al.,
mesi and Bambose, 1980, 1983a, b, 1982, 1984; Oye- 1994b; Cimanga et al., 1996b), anticomplementary
210 K. Cimanga et al.

(Cimanga et al., 1996b) and antiplasmodial (Cimanga Subfraction B was evaporated to dryness and the res-
et al., 1997) activities of minor alkaloids quindoline, idue (0.484 g) was dissolved in CHCl 3 (100 ml) and ex-
cryptoheptine and Ll-hydroxycryprolepine have been tracted with 1% HCl until Mayer's test was negative.
investigated. It was also reported that isocryptolepine The acid fraction was basified with NH 3 25% (pH
exhibited an antiplasmodial activity (Grellier et al., 9-10) and extracted exhaustively with CHCI 3 The
1996). CHCl 31ayer was washed with distilled water and dried
Continuing the study of biological activities of other on anhydrous Na 2S04 overnight in vacuo to give 0.213
minor compounds from this plant, the present paper g of a yellow residue after filtration and evaporation.
reports the antibacterial and antifungal properties of The residue was further submitted to CC on silica gel
three C. sanguinolenta alkaloids: neocryptolepine, bi- Merck (230-400 mesh) (1.5 x 60 ern). The elution with
scryptolepine and cryptoquindoline. CHCl3 (400 ml) gave several fractions that were ana-
lysed by TLC as described above in solvent system 1.
Fractions with positive Dragendorff's test were com-
Materials and Methods bined in one fraction according to their chromato-
graphic pattern. A yellowish compound with positive
Plant material Dragendorff's test was separated and isolated by prep-
Yellow roots of Cryptolepis sanguinolenta (Lindl.) arative TLC on silica gel (layer thickness 1 mm) in sol-
Schlechter were collected in Kinshasa/Congo in Octo- vent system 1: compound 1: yellowish, Rf = 0.92 (TLC
ber 1989. The plant was identified by Mr Breyne of the on silica gel, CHCI 3:MeOH 3:1), 17.3 mg (0.0035%
Institut National d'Etudes et de Recherches en Agrono- w/w from dried plant material or 0.13% from dried
mie (INERA) of the University of Kinshasa where a chloroformic fraction F11).
voucher specimen has been deposited (INERA Compounds 2 and 3 were isolated from the total al-
892174). kaloid fraction obtained by the acid/base extraction
procedure for alkaloids as follows: 5 g of the total alka-
Isolation and purification of neocryptolepine 1, bi- loid fraction were submitted to column chromatogra-
scryptolepine 2 and cryptoquindoline 3 phy on active neutral aluminium oxide (AI20 3 ) Merck
Powdered dried root of C. sanguinolenta (1.10 kg) was (70-230 mesh) (2 x 120 em) in CHCI3:P.E. 2:1. The col-
exhaustively macerated and percolated with 80% umn was successively eluted with CHCI 3:P.E. 2:1 (1000
EtOH. The macerate and percolate were combined and rnl), CHCI 3:MeOH 9:1 (1000 ml) and MeOH (500
evaporated under reduced pressure to yield a dark red- ml). Several fractions of 10 ml were collected and ana-
dish semi solid residue (88.93 g) and denoted F1. An lyzed by TLC (Merck, layer thickness 0.2 mm) using
amount of 40 g was dissolved in 2x200 ml of distilled 'CHCI 3:MeOH:NH3 25% 8:2:0.5 as the mobile phase.
water and filtered. The filtrate was exhaustively ex- Spots were detected under UV (254 and 366 nm) and
tracted with CHCI 3 The CHCl 3 and the aqueous layers after spraying with Dragendorff's reagent. Those giving
were separated and treated as described above to yield a positive test were combined according to their chro-
the corresponding dried residues Fll = 13.74 g and matographic pattern as described below:
F12 = 24.13 g. - Elution with CHCI 3:P.E. 2:1 gave 3 major fractions
13.5 g of Fll was dissolved in a mixture of Me- denoted Al (1.05 g), A2 (1.675 g) and A3 (0.472 g):
OH:H20 9:1 (2x200 m!) and filtered. The filtrate was Fraction Al (1 g) was subjected to CC on silica gel
extracted with petroleum ether 40-65 (P.E.) and evap- Merck (230-400 mesh) (2 x 60 ern) eluted with CHCl3
orated to yield a residue denoted Fll-1 (4.01 g). The (250 mll, CHCI 3:MeOH 9:1 (500 ml) and CHCI 3:Me-
remaining aqueous MeOH phase was also evaporated OH 7:3 (500 rnl). Several subfractions of 10 ml were
to dryness to give a dry residue Fll-2 (8.92 g). The res- collected and analyzed as described above. Those elut-
idue Fll-2 was dissolved in 10 ml MeOH and submit- ed with CHCI 3:MeOH 7:3 gave one subfraction re-
ted to column chromatography (CC) on silica gel sponding positively to Dragendorff's reagent. This sub-
Merck (230-400 Mesh) (2x60 cm) eluted with a mix- fraction (0.138 g) was further submitted to CC on sili-
ture of CHCI 3:MeOH of increasing polarity. Several ca gel Merck (230-400 mesh) (1 x60 ern) eluted with
fractions of 10 ml were collected and analysed by TLC CHCI 3:MeOH 4:1 (200 ml) giving 9 fractions of 10 ml
on silica gel 60F 254 Merck (layer thickness 0.2 mm) in among which fractions 3 to 5 contained one chromato-
CHCI 3: MeOH 9:1 (solvent system 1) or in EtOAc:Iso- graphically pure compound with Dragendorff's test
PrOH:NH3 16:3:1 (solvent system 2). The spots were positive, and denoted compound 2: 14.2 mg (0.28%
detected under UV (254 and 366 nm) and after spray- from total alkaloid extract or 0.0023% from dried
ing with Dragendorff's reagent. Similar fractions were plant material), Rf = 0.095 (TLC on silica gel,
combined into three subfractions A, Band C according CHCI 3:MeOH:NH3 25% 8:2:0.5).
to their chromatographic pattern. - Elution with CHCI 3:MeOH 9:1 resulted in 2 major
Antibacterial and antifungal activities of neocryptolepine 211

fractions denoted A4 (0.367 g) and A5 (0.291 g) :The

residue from the evaporation of A5 (290.1 mg) was dis-
solved in 50 ml CHCI 3 The mixture was extracted ex-
haustively with 1% HC!. The acid layer was made al-
kaline with NH 3 25% (pH 9-10) and extracted with

8 ~
6a N Sa N 4a
lOb II

7 6 I 4
CHCl 3 (5 x 25 ml) until Mayer's test was negative. The CH3

CHCl 3layer was washed with water and dried with an- 1 Neocryptolepine
hydrous sodium sulfate overnight, followed by filtra-
tion and evaporation in vacuo to give 0.156 g of dried 2 Biscryptolepine
residue. This latter was further chromatographed on a
column packed with silica gel Merck (230-400 mesh)
(1 x 60 em). The elution with CHCI 3:MeOH:NH3 25%
8:2:0.5 gave 50 fractions of 10 ml analyzed by TLC on CH 3
silica gel (Merck, layer thickness 0.2 mm) in the same 6 I 4

Sb SaN4~ 3
eluant as the mobile phase. Spots were detected as de- 7 _ S I
scribed above. Only fractions 20 to 34 contained one 2
8~ e-, ~ ~
9 9a lOa 11 I
chromatographically pure compound denoted com-
pound 3, 9.3 mg (0.18% from total alkaloid fraction or 3 Cryptoquindoline 4 Cryptolepine
0.0015 % from dried plant material), Rf = 0.95 (TLC
on silica gel, CHCl]:MeOH:NH] 25% 8:2:0.5).
tion of 2 mg/m!. These stock solutions were repeatedly
diluted in twofold with TSB to obtain a series of con-
Selected test microorganisms
centrations of the test sample. An inoculum consisting
The selected microorganisms included Gram-positive
of about 10 6 microorganisms/ml TSB was incubated
bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Strepto-
overnight at 37C for 24 h. A 1/1000 dilution of this
coccus pyogenes ATCC 12344, Bacillus cereus ATCC
suspension was prepared with the same medium, ex-
14579, Mycobacterium fortuitum ATCC 6841, Gram-
cept the suspension of M. fortuitum of which the dilu-
negative bacteria: Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, Enter-
tion was 1/100. 100 I-tl of this dilution was brought into
obacter cloacae ATCC 13047, Klebsiella pneumoniae
the holes of a microtiter plate (11 bacteria on one plate,
ATCC 13883, Proteus vulgaris ATCC 13315, Pseudo-
one row containing one test microorganism). Thereaf-
monas aeruginosa ATCC 15442 and Salmonella typhi-
ter, 100 ul of the test compounds in decreasing concen-
murium ATCC 13311, the yeast Candida albicans
trations were added. Each vertical column contained
ATCC 102301, and fungi including Aspergillus fumig-
one dilution. The last column contained 100 I-tl TSB
atus, Microsporum canis, Epidermophyton floccosum
and bacteria without test compounds, and was a con-
and Trichophyton rubrum.
trol for the normal growth of bacteria. The plates were
incubated at 37C in humidified atmosphere for 24 h.
Culture medium The inhibition of bacterial growth was evaluated by
Bacteria and fungi were maintained on trypticase soy comparing with normal bacterial growth in the control
broth (TSB) plates and Sabouraud dextrose agar plates holes prepared without test compounds. The minimum
at 4 C respectively. Yeast were cultured in liquid Sa- inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined as the
bouraud dextrose medium for 48 h at 24C. Test in- lowest concentration of the compound that completely
ocula of fungi were prepared by harvesting mature inhibited macroscopic growth of bacteria. To deter-
sporulating cultures in Sabouraud agar broth. For inoc- mine the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC),
ulation with fungi, homogenized mycelial cultures of the two lowest concentrations which inhibited bacteri-
two weeks old were used. al growth were plated out on a nutrient agar and incu-
bated at 37C for 24 h. Results were evaluated by
comparing them with control holes containing bacteria
Antibacterial and antifungal testing without test compounds (Vanden Berghe and Vlietinck,
The antimicrobial test of extracts and pure compounds 1991).
against bacteria and yeasts was performed by the mi-
crotiter plate dilution method whereas the microtiter
plate agar method was employed to test against fungi. Results and discussion
For this technique, an amount of extract or pure com-
pound was dissolved in DMSO, water and TSB (con- From the hydroalcoholic extract obtained from C. san-
centration of DMSO <1 %) to have a final concentra- guinolenta root bark, which exhibited an antibacterial
212 K. Cimanga et al.

Table 1. Minimum inhibitory (MIC) and minimum bactericidal (MBC) concentrations (ug/rnl) of fractions, alkaloids from C.
sanguinolenta root bark and reference antibiotic.
Fractions and Fl F2 1 2 3 4 5
B. cereus 250 250 3.12 6.25 62 62 500 500 >100 >100 <7.8 15.75 <02 <0.2
C. albicans 500 >500 62.5 125 62.5 250 P >500 >100 >100 31.25 250 nt nt
E. coli 250 500 62.5 125 125 500 P >500 nt nt 62.5 500 3.12 3.12
Ent. cloacae 500 >500 250 500 250 500 >500 >500 nt nt 125 250 nt nt
K. pneumoniae >500 >500 >500 >500 250 >500 >500 >500 nt nt 500 500 nt nt
M. fortuitum 62.5 250 31 62.5 25 31 31 62 nt nt 6.25 12.5 nt nt
S. pyogenes <8 <8 <8 <8 <8 <8 <8 <8 nt nt <7.8 <7.8 <0.2 <02
P. vulgaris 62.5 250 31 62.5 31 62 >500 >500 nt nt 250 250 3.12 >25
P. aeruginosa >500 >500 >500 >500 250 500 >500 >500 >100 >100 250 250 >25 >25
S. typhimurium 250 250 125 250 125 250 >500 >500 nt nt 62.5 125 1.6 1.6
S. aureus 62.5 250 31 62.5 31 125 62 500 >100 >100 <7.8 125 6.25 >25
Legend: Fl - chloroform fraction from the partion of the 80% EtOH extract; F2 - total alkaloid fraction obtained by the ac-
id/base extraction procedure; 1 - neocryptolepine; 2 - biscryptolepine; 3 - cryptoquindoline; 4- cryptolepine; 5 - ampicilline
used as reference antibiotic; P - precipitation of compound in the culture medium; nt - not tested.

activity, some fractions were obtained through succes- ug/rnl. In general, the antibacterial effect of 1 is bacte-
sive partition. Although some fractions showed an riostastic rather than bactericidal. Compound 2
antibacterial activity mainly against Gram-positive showed only an activity against M. [ortuitum, S. aure-
bacteria, the CHCl 3 and the total alkaloid fractions us (MIC <100 ug/ml) and weakly inhibited the growth
were selected for an extensive investigation because of of B. cereus (MIC = 500 ug/rnl). The compound was
their pronounced antibacterial activity. In a previous devoid of activity against all Gram-negative bacteria
report, the bioassay-guided fractionation of these two selected and the yeast C. albicans (MIC >500 ug/ml).
active fractions resulting in the isolation of quindoline, Due to the aviable amount of compound 3, it was only
cryptolepine and Il-hydroxycryptolepine was de- tested against B. cereus, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus and C.
scribed. These compounds exhibited to different degree albicans. Unfortunately, in our assay, the compound
antibacterial properties against Gram-positive and was found inactive against these microorganisms at the
Gram-negative bacteria (Cimanga et aI., 1996a). In the highest test concentration of 100 ug/rnl. However, in an
search of other antibacterial compounds from these antimicrobial screening using Muller-Hinton's medi-
fractions, three alkaloids were isolated and identified um, cryptoquindoline 3 exerted an antibacterial activ-
by spectroscopic methods (IR, UV, EI-MS, IH and ity against S. dysenteriae, S. typhimuriurn, S. aureus, S.
13C-NMR) as 5-methyl-5H-indolo-[2,3-b]-quindoline faecalis (MIC ::;50 ug/rnl) and against V. cholerae (MIC
named neocryptolepine 1, a cryptolepine isomer; and = 6.25 ug/rnl) (Paulo et aI., 1994a).
two dimeric alkaloids, cryptolepin-ll-yl-cryptolepine In spite of the strong antifungal activity observed for
named biscryptolepine 2 and 11-(quindolin-l0N-yl)- the total alkaloid fraction against M. canis (MIC = 0.2
cryptolepine or cryptoquindoline 3, (Cimanga et aI., ug/rnl) , none of these compounds showed an activity
1996b). against E. [loccosum, T. rubrum and A. fumigatus at
The three alkaloids were submitted to the antibacte- the highest test concentration of 100 ug/rnl. In this as-
rial screening using a dilution method against a micro- say, cryptolepine and its hydrochloride were also test-
bial battery proposed by Vanden Berghe and Vlietinck ed. Cryptolepine HCI showed an interesting antifungal
(1991). The antibacterial activity of cryptolepine is in- activity against E. [loccosum, T. rubrum (MIC = 30
cluded for a structure-activiy relationship. Results ug/rnl) and M. canis (MIC = 4 ug/rni]. The activity of
shown in Table 1 indicated that compound 1 possesses cryptolepine HCI against Microspsorum canis was
a wider antibacterial activity than compounds 2 and 3. comparable to that of miconazole (MIC = 3.13 ug/ml)
It exhibited an activity against B. cereus, M. [ortuitum, used as a reference. Although the fungicidal activity of
P. vulgaris, S. aureus and the yeast C. albicans (MIC cryptolepine base was reported against T. mentagroph-
<100 ug/rnl). It also inhibited the growth of some ytes (MFC = 80 ug/ml) and S. cerevisiae (MFC = 40
Gram-negative bacteria such as K. pneumoniae, P. ae- ug/rnl) (Sawer et aI., 1995), the compound was found
ruginosa and E. coli with MIC values from 250 to 125 inactive against all selected fungi in our assay system at
Antibacterial and antifungal activities of neocryptolepine 213

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