MOAC - "Multi-Org Preferences"

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MOAC :Multi-Org Preferences

Posted By Sanjit Anand On May 12, 2008 @ 4:04 am In R12, Release12, Technical | 1 Comment

MOAC allows users of a single responsibility to perform task in multiple operating units without
having to switch responsibilities.Out of Box functionality of MOAC, there is something called
Multi-Org Preferences.

What is Multi-Org Preferences?

Multi-Org Preferences allows you to control the list of operating units to which you have access.

Lets say you have around 20 OUs divided into three major Region (North America, Europe and
APAC). Lets say within APAC region you are responsible for all 7 OUs within Region.

In this situation, a system administrator may create a security profile that has 7 operating units
assigned to it and assign it to your responsibility. But, you may only deal with five of the operating
units on a daily basis and do not want work space cluttered with extraneous operating units. You
could set up Multi-Org preferences to restrict the list of operating units; you have complete control
over this and can change it at anytime. In addition, you can specify a default operating unit.

You can get mainly three major benefits:

Multi-Org Preferences allows you to be more efficient by allowing you to set up your own
preferences and optimize your setup based on how you work.
This means faster data entry and cost reduction.
You can eliminate to role of System Administrators as you can control your own access.

MOAC Preferences Setup

Most of the R12 Oracle products have added the Preferences user interface to their respective
responsibility menus from where you can select preferred operating units which represent a subset
of operating units assigned to your responsibility security profile. You can also set a default
operating unit.

If your responsibility does not have submenu for

display Preferences, you need to contact your system
administrator to adding the function(FNDMOPREFS)
to your menu definition.Once this function is
attached with your responsibility you can manage
and do the setup for preferences.

Here is one demo for setting up of Preference based

out of Payable sub ledger. Lets say you have 2 OUs
Vision USA and UK. The first step would be log into
Payable responsibility and then navigate

Responsibility: Payables, Vision Operations

Next you need to Navigation

Setup > Options > User Operating Unit Preferences(as mention in above figure)

The new SSPage will appears

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OracleApps Epicenter Print MOAC :Multi-Org Preferences

What you can see based out of above screen ,Multi-Org Preferences page consist of:

Header Region
The header displays: the user name that you are logged in as is displayed, the responsibility
name, and the Security Profile that you are currently assigned to as defined by the MO:
Security Profile profile option.
Default OU Region The Default Operating Unit region is where you select a default OU. The
List of values displays all operating units assigned to your security profile.
Preferred Operating Units This is bottom part of the page called Preferred Operating Units
where you can select the subset of operating units you want to work with.

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[1] MOAC : From Multi-Org.To Multi-Access

[2] MOAC : Technical Insight
MOAC :Multi-Org Preferences

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[1] MOAC : From Multi-Org.To Multi-Access:
[2] MOAC : Technical Insight:

Disclaimer The opinions expressed here represent solely my own represent personal conjecture based upon
experience, practice and observation and does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my
current & previous employers and their clients. Copyright 2008 OracleApps Epicenter. All rights reserved.

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