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O.V. Makhnenko, A.S. Milenin, A.A. Polishko, S.S. Kozlitina, L.I. Dzubak
Paton Electric Welding Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

With the use of combined mathematical and computer models of

thermomechanical and physical-chemical processes at electroslag remelting (ESR)
of steel ingots of round cross-section, the influence of main parameters of this
technological cycle on metal state kinetics has been studied. In particular,
concerning to various schemes of ESR the analysis of molten pool formation,
residual states of phase, stresses and strains of the ingots of large diameter (up to
1200 mm) has been carried out. It has been proposed the way of optimization of
technological parameters of production of homogeneous and dissimilar ingots
made of high-strength stainless steels, including the consideration of metal
susceptibility to cold cracking. Comparison of numerical investigation results with
experimental data about the liquid pool profile, chemical and structure composition
of the ingots has shown the developed model adequacy.

Keywords: electroslag remelting, mathematical modeling, optimization, cylindrical

steel ingots.

Introduction. Technology of electroslag remelting (ESR) of ingots of

various diameters finds wide industrial application because of the ample
opportunities for optimization of corresponded production cycles. In particular, as
the experience of specialists of Paton Electric Welding Institute of NAS of Ukraine
shows, on the basis of various ESR schemes it is possible to implement the
remelting of high qualitative ingots of large diameters, including ones with
controlled chemical and structure composition [1, 2]. It allows to receive the

semifinished items of unique properties for the production of critical parts of
constructions, machines and mechanisms of energy industry, transport sector,
aircraft building. Because of the fact, that ESR involves the complex of
interdependent physical processes, those, in turn, determine the current and
residual state of ingot metal, for the optimization of technological parameters it is
of appropriate to use the up-to-date means of mathematical modeling and computer
simulation. Along with the correspondent laboratory testing of model specimens it
allows to obtain the problem-oriented program means of prediction of temperature
field kinetics, phase and chemical composition, space distribution of stresses and
strains in metal with the subsequent criterion estimation of the production quality.
One of the conventional approaches of the ESR schemes classification is
way of material supply to the melting zone. Thus, in Paton Electric Welding
Institute of NAS of Ukraine the ESR method with current-carrying crystallizer and
liquid filler metal (ESR LM) has been developed (Fig. 1 a). It allows dividing the
processes of filer metal melting and formation of liquid pool on the surface of
ingot, and, as a result, getting better control of the filler metal state. Main
disadvantage of this technology is the need of additional equipment (in addition to
ESR plant itself) and corresponding increase of power-intensity and costs of
manufacture. But for some purposes, such as production of dissimilar bimetal
ingots, ESR LM could be the most appropriate approach of electroslag remelting.
More typical method of ESR process implementation is the use of
consumable electrode (ESR CE, see Fig. 1 b) for filler material supply to the mold
[3, 4]. It also could be built by the hybrid scheme with both consumable electrode
and current-carrying crystallizer (ESR CEC, see Fig. 1 c), that allows to
redistribute the input energy more uniformly and to obtain auspicious conditions of
metal structure formation, especially, in case of large diameters of ingots under
Because of the high cost of experimental investigations, the use of
mathematical modeling and computer simulation of main physical and
technological processes is reasonable. This paper presents the main algorithms of

simplified mathematical description of the thermal processes at ESR of large scale
steel ingots, the ways of numerical assessment of quality of metal from the point of
view of its structural state and chemical composition, susceptibility to flaws
nucleation. On the basis of their computer implementation the complex of
investigations of typical physical processes at ESR LM, ESR CE and ESR CEC of
large diameter ingots has been carried out, corresponding engineering
recommendations about optimization of their technological parameters have been

() 1 (b) (c)
Fig. 1. Typical technological schemes of electroslag remelting: a with current-
carrying crystallizer and liquid filler metal, b with consumable electrode,
c with consumable electrode and current-carrying crystallizer
1 layer of liquid slag; 2 ingot; 3 liquid pool; 4 consumable
electrode; 5 current carrying crystallizer; 6 insulator.

Main principles of mathematical modeling. Within the limits of this

work the next physical processes have been considered as key ones at ESR of steel
formation of electric potential field in liquid slag pool and corresponding
heat generation of ESR plant;
kinetics of the temperature field in the liquid slag and ingot (in its solid,
semi-liquid and liquid parts);
phase transformation in the metal of ingot according to chemical
composition and cooling rates;
elastic-plastic thermodeformation of the material at nonuniform heating
and cooling.
As ESR process optimization criteria it is possible to consider the level of
homogeneity of ingot (both structure and chemical composition), the uniformity of
metal liquid pool, the value of discontinuity flaws nucleation risk. These criteria
allow finding out the optimal combination of ESR technological parameters
depending on the specific scheme and materials under use.
First step of the investigation algorithm is the numerical estimation of heat
generation in the ESR plant. As a result of applying of potential difference U0 to
the current-carrying parts (crystallizer or/and consumable electrode) the field of
electric potential U(r, , z) is formed in the layer of liquid slag. The numerical
space distribution of electric potential is determined with the value of electrical
conduction of the material under consideration and could be mathematically
expressed with the next equation (taking into account that the problem is axially

U ( r , b , z ) U ( r, b , z ) U ( r, b , z )

r +
r = . (1)

r r z z t

Boundary conditions for (1) could be formulated as follows:

boundary z=0 = 0;

boundary r=0 = 0;
boundary of current-carrying crystallizer U = U 0 ;

boundary of insulator = 0;
boundary slag-metal U = 0 ;
Liquid slag could be treated as the region of volume Joule heat source, and
the value of energy W(r,z,t), that is deposited in every specific region at moment of
time t, depends on the electric potential in a following way:


W (r , z, t ) = (T )
+ . (2)

Thus, on the basis of calculated field of volume heat source in the liquid slag
according to solution of the problem (1) (2), the correct problem of thermal
conductivity in the system slag metal technological equipment could be
solved according to the next law [5]:

r + l
r + r cg
W (r , z , t ) = r (3)
r r z z t
where (), c() are the thermal conductivity coefficient and heat capacity of the
material in the point (r, z).

Initial conditions at t = 0 for the correct problem definition of (3) correspond

to uniform temperature field of ambient temperature (r,z)=. In turn, boundary
conditions of (3) have the next mathematical expression:

= 0,
r r =0

z ( r ,z )P
=a T - T ) + e (
SF T 4 - Tcp4 ) ,

where is heat-transfer coefficient, e is emissivity of the surface , SF is Stefan

Boltzmann constant.

The mass concentration of certain element X(t) in liquid pool of current

volume G(t) at moment of time t+t, when filler metal of chemical composition

III is added with the volume rate p v ( t ) could be calculated with the next
recursive equation:

p D2
X ( t)

2G ( t ) - G ( t + Dt )
+ X III 4 v( t )
X ( t + Dt ) = (4)
p D2
G ( t ) - G ( t + Dt ) +
2 v( t )

Prediction of the metal phase composition at ESR up to residual state has

been carried out on the basis of numerical analysis of the temperature cycles of
specific melting regimes, chemical composition of the ingot material and CCT-
diagram [6, 7]. With the use of CCT-diagram it is possible to estimate the mass
fraction Vj of particular phase (j = , F, P, B, austenite, ferrite, pearlite,
bainite, martensite, correspondently) in the regions of both pure and mixed phases.
Thus, points of intersection of temperature cycles curves, those are characterized
by the average cooling rate W8/5 in the range of 800 500, determine the
st e
temperatures of start T j and end T j of phase transformation of certain type. The
simplest way of the use of CCT-diagram for every specific cooling cycle with the
known value of [W8/5] is the interpolation of data from diagram of correspondent
steel to the considered region, i.e. the characteristic value could be determined
with the use of the next expression:

AK+ - AK-
AK = + -
W8 5 - W8 5
W8+5 -
W8 5
+ AK- (5)
+ -
where AK+ corresponds to the value W8 5 , AK- corresponds to the value W8 5 , AK is

+ -
unknown quantity at [W8/5], W8 5 > > W8 5 .
W8 5

For the cooling curve < 0 for the some part of ingot under consideration
st e
on the basis of digitized CCT-diagram the data about the temperatures T j and T j ,
st e
mass fraction of the phase at start and end of phase transformation V j , V j could

be determined and current mass fraction at the temperature T(t) ( T j > T ( t ) > T j )
st e

could be calculate as follows:

T jst - T ( t ) t stj - t st
V je
V j ( t ,T ) = + st e + V j (6)
2 T jst - T je tj -tj

For > 0 the next condition should be fulfilled:

= 0 at < 800

t (7)
V j A 0, VA = 1.0 at 800

If CCT-diagram of particular steel does not contain enough data about

microstructure composition under certain cooling conditions, they could be
assessed with corresponding theoretical hypotheses. In particular, Avrami
hypothesis is widely used in theory of welding processes and allows estimating the

volume growth rate of new phases at given temperature [8]:
t j A

V V ( t)
=- A = k(T)
VA ( t ) (8)
t j A t
where k(T) is the temperature function.

From (8) it could be conclude, that within the temperature interval

DT = T2 - T1 next law is valid:

DV ( t ) = C -k ( T )
( t - t0 )

where integration constant is determined for temperature 1 and moment of time

t=t0 on the basis of equation C = VA ( t0 ) .

Analysis of state of stresses and strains of the ingot during ESR within the
framework of this investigation has been carried out on the basis of nonstationary
thermoplastisity problem solution with numerical tracing of elastic-plastic
deformations from the start of remelting up to complete cooling of the ingot.
Relation between the components of stress tensor ij and strain tensor ij is
determined with Hooke law and plastic flow associated law on the assumption of
the next expressions [9, 10]:

( ij - d ij m ) + d ij ( K m + De ) - ( m) + ( K
m ) (10)
De ij = Y ij - d ij
n G=
1- 2 E
where K = ,
E ( 1 + n ) , E is Young modulus, is Poisson ratio, m is a

membrane stress, ij is Kronecker symbol, is the material state function that is

determined with the plasticity condition according to Mises criterion:

Y= , if i < T
2 G
Y> , if i = T
2 G
where i is a stress intensity; is a yield stress.

When it is necessary take into account the microstructure temperature

development in metal during ESR from the point of view of the form of the
material yield surface, the value of yield stress of material could be assessed as

T ( T , V j ) = T( j ) ( T )
Vj ( T ) , (12)

where T( j ) is the yield stress of jth structure component as a temperature function.

Results and discussion. The methodology of numerical analysis, which

was described above, has been implemented as problem-oriented software for carry
out the complex of investigations of typical physical processes at ESR of different
schemes and to reveal the main ways of technological parameters optimization. In
this work the next technological process has been considered (see Fig. 1):
ESR LM of dissimilar steel ingots;
ESR CE of ingots of large diameter;
ESR CEC of rail steel ingots.
First step of this investigation was the verification of the developed
approach of ESR numerical simulation. It has been done on the basis of laboratory
test of ESR LM bimetallic ingot of D=180 mm diameter. For this test high-alloy
steel 12Kh13 and intermediate-alloy steel 38KhN3MFA (see Table 1) have been
chosen. The ingot under consideration has been melted at W0=120 kW, the height
of insulator above the surface of ingot is Hins = 50 mm. Postprocessing of this
bimetal ingot section gave an opportunity to visualize the form of liquid pool in the
transition dissimilar region (see Fig. 2) and to compare the profile of liquidus
temperature isotherm with the numerically determined one. As it could be seen, the
liquid pool is comparatively plain and inaccuracy of calculation is about 4 %
(Fig. 3). In addition, the calculation results about distribution of alloying elements
shown, that transition layer height was about 50 mm (Fig. 4), that corresponded to
the results of instrumental analysis of chemical composition of test ingot.

Table 1. Chemical composition of the steels, those have been considered at

numerical and laboratory investigations of ESR technology features
Steel grade C Mn Si S P Ni Cr Mo Cu V Al Ti
SAE2330 0.30 0.51 0.32 0.007 0.011 3.03 0.07 0.032 0.001
14NiCr1,4 0.13 0.46 0.26 0.012 0.013 3.69 0.78 0.04 0.16 0.012
X45NiCrMo4 0.40 0.35 0.20 0.015 0.01 4.03 1.27 0.24 0.16 0.04

12Kh13 0.15 0.22 0.22 0.05 12.2 0.01 0.03
38KhN3MFA 0.35 0.47 0.06 2.7 1.9 0.53 0.08
30CAD6-12 0.28 0.49 0.32 0.050 0.012 0.13 1.65 0.22 1.050
28NiCrMo74 0.30 0.46 0.24 0.025 0.030 2.06 1.44 0.37 0.20 0.001
30NCD12 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.016 0.015 3.20 0.86 0.40 0.17


() (b)
Fig. 2. Appearance () and template (b) of test bimetallic ingot (1 steel 12Kh13,
2 steel 38KhN3MFA) of the diameter D=180 mm, that has been produced
with ESR LM technology

Fig. 3. Temperature distribution at ESR LM of bimetallic (12Kh13 and
38KhN3MFA) ingot of the diameter D=180 mm in the transition dissimilar
region (0z is the axis of symmetry)

It should be emphasized, that the form of the liquid pool is characterized

by the maximum depth at the peripheral region of ingot, where the thermal
influence of current-carrying slug is the most sufficient, whereas the central part is
underheated. This fact is one of the main obstacles, which prevents the use of ESR
LM scheme for large diameter ingots (more than 700 mm). For the remelting of the
ingots of the diameters more than 700 mm (up to 1200 mm) with the use of ESR
LM, it is important to understand the mechanisms, those determine the form of
liquid pool, and to introduce the corresponding way of technological parameters
optimization. As the results of numerical investigations have shown, Joule heat is
emanated in liquid slag layer non-uniformly, that couldnt be compensated with
hydrodynamic mixing: sufficient heat concentration is forming near the edge of
insulator of current-carrying crystallizer and the increase of the input energy will
lead to sufficient increase of the depth of the liquid pool at the edge of ingot and
insufficient heating of central part up to absence of fusion there.



Fig. 4. Numerically assessed axial distribution of the alloying elements concentrations
C along the bimetallic (12Kh13 and 38KhN3MFA) ingot of the diameter
D=180 mm: a Ni, Cr; b C, Mo, Mn; c V, Si

Thus, it could be concluded, that ESR LM of the ingots of large diameters

requires change of the configuration of crystallizer, in particular, with the heighten

of insulator position ins, that allows raising the heat source concentrator above the
surface of the ingot and to redistribute Joule energy more uniformly. This
hypothesis has been checked with the developed software on the example of the
ESR LM of the ingot of the diameter D=700 mm. As it could be seen in Fig. 5, the
increase of ins makes the process under consideration more power-intensive, but
the liquid pool becomes more plane and its depth is sufficiently lower. This
approach gives an opportunity to optimize these parameters for ESR LM of the
ingot of the diameter D=1200 mm: as the numerical data have shown (see Fig. 6),
with ins = 300 mm, W0=6240 kW and the height of liquid slag layer about 400 mm
it is possible to achieve the melting of all end surface of the ingot and to avoid
sufficient overheating of its periphery.

(a) (b)
Fig. 5. Temperature distribution at ESR LM of bimetallic (12Kh13 and 38KhN3MFA)
ingot of the diameter D=700 mm in the transition dissimilar region (0z is the
axis of symmetry): a ins=50 mm; W0=1000 kW; b ins=110 mm;
W0=1200 kW

Fig. 6. Temperature distribution at ESR LM of bimetallic (12Kh13 and
38KhN3MFA) ingot of the diameter D=1200 mm in the transition dissimilar
region (0z is the axis of symmetry): ins=300 mm; W0=6240 kW

Another possible approach for implementation the uniform heating of ingot

at remelting is to use consumable electrode instead of liquid metal as filler material
(ESR CE and ESR CEC technologies, see Fig. 1 b, c). The use of current-carrying
consumable electrode allows moving the heat source concentrator to the center of
surface under slag. Moreover, the application of electrode of large diameter De (i.e.
big fill factor kf=De/D) leads to higher uniformity of thermal field in radial
direction (see Fig. 7), whereas diminishing of De causes the typical uncoupling of
thermal influence of electrode and crystallizer and corresponding changes of liquid
pool profile.
Variation of De (kf) for ESR CE and ESR CEC schemes results in the
change of production efficiency in the sense of the rate of ingot build-up Q, that is
a function of the number of technological parameters. Depending on the steel grade
of ingot under remelting there is optimal value of Q, that determines the final metal
structure, homogeneity of chemical composition and effectiveness of metal
refining through its contact with the liquid slag of certain composition. Fig. 8
demonstrates the results of numerical assessment of the dependence of Q on the
current height of ingot at ESR CEC at different De.



Fig. 7. Temperature distribution at ESR CEC of ingot of the diameter D=1200 mm
for different electrode diameters: a 1100 mm; b 550 mm; c 275 mm.

As it could be seen in Fig. 8 a, nonstationary regime of ESR at the start of
technological cycle is characterized with somewhat higher efficiency of ingot
formation, and with the height of the ingot more than 50 mm Q becomes near to
constant, that linearly depends on De (see Fig. 8 b).

(a) (b)
Fig. 8. Dependence of the ESR CEC production efficiency at remelting of the
ingot of diameter D=1200 mm on the current height of ingot h (a) and on
the fill factor kf (b)

The change of consumable electrode diameter at ESR CE of at ESR CEC

of ingots leads to the consequent transformations of temperature field and the form
of liquid pool. As an example, in Fig. 9 the typical temperature distributions at
ESR CE of the steel ingot of the diameter D=800 mm at different values of De. It
could be seen, that in case of big value of De (or kf) temperature field is more
homogeneous in radial direction. It also should be noted, that the change of De
from 72 to 56 cm for ingot of 800 mm diameter results in the decrease of process
thermal power from 780 to 690 kW with corresponding diminishing of the
efficiency of the ESR CE under consideration.
In some important cases it is necessary to take into account the process of
preheating of initially cold ingot for consequent building-up. It is typical for
dissimilar ingots remelting (ESR LM or ESR CEC) or for large scale ingots with
several batch loads. There are several ways of the technological process
resumption implementing such as building-up on the cold ingot with constant
power, building-up on the cold ingot with sufficient power of surface preheating,

those are an alternative to noninterruptible schemes with constant or adjustable
input power. With the use of developed numerical approach, these schemes have
been studied form the point of view of power intensity and the quality of transition
zone. As it could be seen in Table 2, the most cost-effective scheme is the one with
adjustable power, which is caused with control of heat balance through the natural
heat loss to the environment and technological accessories. But noninterruptible
schemes are characterized with sufficient depth of liquid pool (up to 320 mm, see
Fig. 10), whereas the building-up on the cold ingot allows diminishing the fusion
in this region to ~40 mm, that provides favourable conditions for metal
crystallization and phase transformations.
Less typical problem, which could be considered within the limits of
numerical analysis, is the assessment of the metal susceptibility to cold cracking.
This optimization task could be set, for example, in case of sufficient difference of
the chemical compositions of steels of dissimilar steel ingot. As a result, in
dissimilar transition zone undesirable stable and metastable phases could form and
prevent obtaining the bimetal structural elements of high exploitation capabilities.
One of the ways to ensure high quality of metal is the use of intermediate filler
metal within the limits of ESR LM technology. Adequate choice of filler material
allows achieving the gradual transition from one metal to another and guaranteeing
the absence of crack-like flaws nucleation.
It is known, that prerequisite for cold cracks nucleation in certain region of
structure is simultaneous presence of tensile stresses, martensite structures and
diffusion hydrogen [11, 12]. For typical problems of technological cycle
optimization it is sufficient to avoide one of these factors for to ensure the metal
continuity. For studying of these phenomena within the framework of this
investigation, the process of ESR of bimetal ingots (SAE2330 and 28NiCrMo74,
see Table 1) has been simulated. As the most appropriate technological
implementation, the noninterruptible scheme of ESR LM with adjustable input
power has been chosen (see corresponding line in Table 2).

(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 9. Temperature distribution at ESR CE of the ingot of the diameter D=800 mm at different values of consumable electrode
diameter De: a De=72 cm; b De=64 cm; c De=56 cm

Table 2. Technological schemes of multistep ESR of ingots of large diameter
Operation Consumed Dissimilar
Scheme Power
time energy zone length
building-up on Preheating ~40 mm
the cold ingot power 120 kW 600 sec 0.5 kilowatt-hour
with constant Remelting
power power 120 kW 2125 sec 71 kilowatt-hour
total 162.5
building-up on Preheating ~40 mm
the cold ingot power 400 kW 175 sec 19.4 kilowatt-hour
with sufficient Remelting
power of surface power 120 kW 2125 sec 71 kilowatt-hour
preheating total 161.4
Preheating ~40 mm
power 600 kW 137se 22.8 kilowatt-hour
power 120 kW 2125 se 71 kilowatt-hour
total 164.8
noninterruptible Remelting ~320 mm
schemes with power 120 kW 4275 sec 142.5 kilowatt-
constant power hour
noninterruptible Remelting ~250 mm
schemes with power 50 kW 4275 sec 59.4 kilowatt-hour
adjustable input Power at
power (cooling cooling 40 kW 438 sec 4.9 kilowatt-hour
after first step of total 135.3
remelting) kilowatt-hour

(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 10. Temperature field profile in the steel ingot of the diameter D=1200 mm for different schemes of ESR:
a continuous remelting with constant power 120 kW;
b continuous remelting with controlled power 4050 kW (cooling after melting of first part of ingot);
c building-up on the cold ingot with constant power 120 kW

Steel grades 30NCD12 and 30CAD6-12 have been considered (see Table
2) as the possible filler materials for the fusion zone. With the application of
developed finite-element algorithm for assessment of state of stresses and strains
with concomitant prediction of phase transformation kinetics, the possibility of
excess martensite in the region of tensile stresses in ingot metal has been studied.
As is shown in Fig. 11, the use of steel 30NCD12 as filler material leads to
formation of region of martensite phase that is axially tensile. So, it could be
conclude, that possibility of cold crack formation is inadmissibly high. As for
another considered filler material (see Fig. 12), the volume fraction of martensite is
too low (down to zero for the most critical parts of ingot), that means the rational
combination of technological parameters and typical physical processes in metal
from the point of view of final quality of the ingot under production.

1. For the numerical analysis of ESR of homogeneous and bimetallic
ingots of large diameter complex of mathematical models and computer means of
their implementation were developed. In particular, models of electric potential
field in layer of liquid slag for different schemes of ESR (ESR LM, ESR CE, ESR
CEC) and corresponding models of temperature field kinetics were implemented.
On the basis of numerical assessed temperature field corresponding approaches of
prediction of chemical and phase composition of ingot metal as well as its current
and residual properties were fulfilled. Analysis of state of stresses and strains of the
ingot during ESR within the framework of this investigation was carried out on the
basis of finite-element solution of nonstationary thermoplastisity problem by
means of numerical tracing of elastic-plastic deformations from the start of
remelting up to complete cooling of the ingot.
2. On the basis of laboratory test ESR LM of bimetallic ingot of
D=180 mm diameter the verification of the developed approach of ESR numerical
simulation was done. Postprocessing of this bimetal ingot section and visualization

of the form of liquid pool in the transition dissimilar region demonstrated the
inaccuracy of calculation of about 4 %.
3. The influence of the value of fill factor kf on the liquid pool form and the
rate of ingot built-up Q at ESR CE (ESR CEC) of cylindrical ingot has been
studied. It was shown that nonstationary regime of ESR at the start of
technological cycle is characterized with somewhat higher efficiency of ingot
formation, and with the height of the ingot more than 50 mm Q becomes near to
constant, that linearly depends on kf. The change of kf at ESR CE of at ESR CEC of
ingots leads to the consequent transformations of temperature field and the form of
liquid pool, namely, in case of big value of kf the temperature field is more
homogeneous in radial direction.
4. With the use of developed numerical approach, different ESR schemes
have been studied form the point of view of power intensity and the quality of
transition zone of ingots of large scale. It was shown that the most cost-effective
scheme is the one with adjustable power, which is caused by control of heat
balance through the natural heat loss to the environment and technological
accessories. Noninterruptible schemes are characterized with sufficient depth of
liquid pool (up to 320 mm), whereas the building-up on the cold ingot allows
diminishing the fusion in this region to ~40 mm, that provides favourable
conditions for metal crystallization and phase transformations
5. The influence of intermediate filler steel grade on cold cracking
susceptibility of the ingot metal was studied by the example of ESR LM of
bimetallic ingot. It was shown that nonoptimal choice of filler material could lead
to formation of excessive volume fraction of martensite in transition dissimilar
zone, which is characterized with tensile axial stresses and, therefore, highly
susceptible to cold cracking.

() (b) (c)
Fig. 11. Distribution of circumferential () and axial (b) stresses and martensite volume fraction (c) in cross section of bimetal
cylindrical ingot made of steels SAE2330 and 28NiCrMo74 with filler metal 30NCD12 after ESR LM

() (b) (c)
Fig. 12. Distribution of circumferential () and axial (b) stresses and martensite volume fraction (c) in cross section of bimetal
cylindrical ingot made of steels SAE2330 and 28NiCrMo74 with filler metal 30CAD6-12 after ESR LM

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