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44, Sunset Chambers, 14th Road, Parle(W), Mumbai - 400049

Website: Phone: 022 26544563/64/65

November 3, 2017

K. Satish
Chief Executive Officer
Agamotto Pvt. Ltd.
33, Carlton Towers
Mumbai 400041

Subject: Proposal for Work from Home Policy

Dear Mr. Satish

As you requested in our last meeting, I have surveyed and gathered information from employee about
their concerns regarding lack of Work from Home (WFH) policy at the firm. I collected responses for a
standard set of questions from the employees and analyzed the responses. The responses broadly paint
a common picture about the concerns which I have tried to consolidate in the report.

The employees have constantly been raising concerns for a lack of WFH policy during yearly review and
feedback process. The management has not been decisive in taking a firm stand on the policy yet. The
firm has to look back on the feedback and evaluate the business impact over the employees job

All the stakeholders in the company had to go through a survey voicing their opinions and justifications
for introducing the policy at the firm. The survey was conducted in a manner that identity of employee is
not revealed. The broad questions used by me in the survey for the analysis are:
Do you need Work from Home?
Why do you need Work from Home?
How many hours or days in a week do you want WFH?
Do you foresee any difficulties working with a colleague who Works from Home?
There was a mixed bag of the responses from the employees. The employees were honest and elaborate
in their responses. The summary of the responses is as such:
63% of the Employees were in favor of WFH policy, majority of whom were married individuals.
Major reasons put forward in support for WFH Policy:
o Long Commuting Hours
o Work-Life Balance
o Lack of Flexibility
o Productivity
Response for number of days was an average of 2 days of WFH a week.
Employees responses were subjective based on the pace of projects they were working on and
contribution of other colleagues in the project.

The employees who have been driving the concern for the WFH policy are among the top contributors
at the firm. They are finding it difficult to manage their ever-growing responsibilities at the office along
with outside office life. Primary reason emerged is the long commuting hours along with the demanding
long work hours job. Combining them both is taking a toll on the employees.

Employees have also reported about possible work-related stress breakdown about long working hours.
They believe a proper interleaving of work and life balance will enable them to be more productive.
Married woman as a group have responded in their willingness to still be able to contribute to work
rather than taking complete off during the child bearing and taking care months.

There has also been concerns about working with colleagues who work remotely. But given the
connectivity advancements and the assurance of pro policy employees to be available for critical issues,
employees are open to adapt this policy which will benefit everyone as and when required.


Employee job satisfaction and stress management are two important factors which directly affect the
firms growth and performance. Given the business impact of this policy, the policy can have provisions
for the number of days an employee can Work from Home, when can he not avail it(during crucial
project timelines) etc.

A possible solution will be to bring in the WFH policy in line with Leave policy, where every employee
will be entailed 8 days of WFH every month. More days can be availed citing suitable reasons and
appropriate permissions from the reporting managers.

Yours sincerely
Akram Mohiddin
Senior Consultant

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