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RGL Consultancy nov. 2010 Rebate Processing v0 www.rglconsultancy.


Rebate Processing


1) Introduction 2
2) Data to be used during this process 2
3) Overview of master data and customizing settings 2
4) Create Rebate Agreement 10
5) Create sales orders, deliveries, transfer orders and billing documents 15
6) Settle Rebate Agreement 25
7) Create rebate Credit Memo 31
8) Run the profitability report 34

Appendix A: SAP note 105681 38

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1) Introduction
In this document the setup requirements of a rebate process and all the steps involved in a rebate process will
be demonstrated.

2) Data to be used during this process

Field Data Description

Sales organization 1020 Berlin, Germany
Distribution Channel 20 Retail chains
Division 00 Cross-divisional
Plant 1100 Berlin plant
Warehouse number 011 Warehouse, Berlin
Shipping point 1100 Shipping point, Berlin
Agreement type 0004 Hierarchy rebate
Rebate recipient 6000 Customer
Settlement material 170 Settlement material for rebate credit memo for gloss paints
Settlement material 180 Settlement material for rebate credit memo for primer
Sold-to party 6002 Customer
Sold-to party 6006 Customer
Material Y-352 Paint 5 L can
Material Y-353 Paint 10 L can
Material CH_5103 Primer coat black 2 L Can
Operating concern IDEA Global IDES
Type of Profit. Analysis Costing based

3) Overview of master data and customizing settings

The SAP standard rebate agreement type 0004(Hierarchy rebate) will be used with customer 6000 as rebate
recipient. Customer 6000 has sister companies , which are setup into a customer hierarchy.

Call up following transaction:

Menu Path Logistics Sales and Distribution Master Data Business Partner Customer
Hierarchy Display
Transaction Code VDH2N

Enter customer no.(6000) and sales area(1020/20/00) as selection criteria and then click on .
This gives the following information:

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Customers 6002 and 6006 are on hierarchy level 3 and all customers are relevant for rebate,
which is a process requirement.
This rebate relevant property of the customer is set in the billing view of the customer master as shown below:

Also the sales organisation and the billing document type must be relevant for rebate processing and this is set
in customizing:

Menu Path IMG Sales and Distribution Billing Rebate Processing Active Rebate
Processing Activate rebate processing for sales organizations
Transaction Code OVB1

Also the billing document types which will be used for billing the deliveries must be relevant for
rebate. These are also set in customizing:
Menu Path IMG Sales and Distribution Billing Rebate Processing Active Rebate
Processing Select billing documents for rebate processing
Transaction Code OVB0
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Next we do some checking on the pricing procedure to be used and the customizing settings of the rebate
agreement. The cust. pricing procedure = 1, see screenshot below .

Sales order type OR will be used for the sales orders. We check its document pricing procedure in

Menu Path IMG Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Pricing Pricing Control
Define and Assign Pricing Procedures Assign document pricing procedures to order
Transaction Code n/a

Document pricing procedure = A

Now we check which pricing procedure will be determined.

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Pricing procedure = RVAA01

To check customizing related settings of the Rebate process, we go to:

Menu Path IMG Sales and Distribution Billing Rebate Processing Rebate Agreements
Define Agreement Types Define Agreement Types
Transaction Code VB(2

Select and display agreement type 0004:

Notice following settings:

1) cond.type group = 0004
2) document type = B1, for the credit memo request to be created during settlement.
3) the minimum required status of the rebate agreement prior to settlement = B(released for settlement)

We go a bit further down into the customizing tree to see which rebate conditions has been assigned to
cond.type group 0004.

Menu Path IMG Sales and Distribution Billing Rebate Processing Rebate Agreements
Condition Type Groups Assign Condition Types/Tables To Condition Type Groups
Transaction Code n/a

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Of importance here is condition type BO05, which will be used in the rebate agreement which will be created in
next paragraph. . Notice table no. 5 which has been assigned to this condition.

Again we go a bit further down into the customizing tree to look for the access sequence of condition type

Menu Path IMG Sales and Distribution Billing Rebate Processing Rebate Agreements
Condition Technique For Rebate Processing Define Condition Types
Transaction Code n/a

Access seq. = BO05.

Next we check the settings of access sequence BO05:

Menu Path IMG Sales and Distribution Billing Rebate Processing Rebate Agreements
Condition Technique For Rebate Processing Maintain Access Sequences
Transaction Code n/a

Select BO05 and list its accesses:

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It may look like all accesses are the same, but that is not the case. On field level there is a difference on field
customer hierarchy which is shown below.
For each customer hierarchy we have an access no. The first 2(10 and 20) are as follows:

We now take a look at pricing procedure RVAA01 in customizing to check for the settings made for condition
type BO05.

Menu Path IMG Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Pricing Pricing Control
Define and Assign Pricing Procedures Maintain Pricing Procedures
Transaction Code n/a

Select pricing procedure RVAA01 and then click on Control data.

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Note the following settings made for the Rebate conditions:

1) Requirement 24 : this requirement only allows the condition to be considered during billing.
2) AccKey : ERB
3) Accruals acc.key : ERU

Via following IMG path we check or set to which accounts these acc.keys will post to.

Menu Path IMG Sales and Distribution Billing Rebate Processing Account
Determination For Rebates Assign G/L accounts OR
IMG Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Account Assignment/Costing
Revenue Account Determination Assign G/L accounts
Transaction Code VKOA

Via both ways you will be prompted with the following pop-up:

You will need to go thru each table to look for an account assignment.. For this case the assignments are in table
5 Acct Key and are as follows:

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At last we check if the customizing setting is in place to transfer the rebate conditions values to CO-PA.

Menu Path IMG Controlling Profitability Analysis Flows of Actual Values Transfer of
Billing Documents Assign Value Fields Maintain Assignment of SD Conditions to
CO-PA Value Fields
Transaction Code KE4I

In the pop-up window enter your operating concern and keep the default type of Profit. Analysis
Then click on button .

We see that value field VV090 has been assigned to the rebate conditions in std. SAP.

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4) Create Rebate Agreement

Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path Logistics Sales and Distribution Master Data Agreements Rebate
Agreement Create
Transaction Code VBO1

Select agreement type 0004 and then click on button .

Enter the sales area and then click on button to proceed to the next screen.

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The system will already have filled-in some default data from the configuration of the agreement type.
Maintain at least the Rebate recipient and optional the fields Description and External description.
Then click on the button and select from the list of conditions, condition type BO05.

Click on button . In the screen which follows I have maintained accruals for 3 materials:

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Next select all lines and click on button to enter the scales.
I have setup the following:

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How to interpret these settings.

Lets take as an example last screenshot with material Y-353.
For each billed product value a reservation(accrual) will be made of 8%.
This accrual percentage is a best guess of what the end percentage will be.
At settlement of the agreement, the actual rebate is calculated based on the actual total billed value and the
percentage derived from the scale.

Click on button to go one screen back.

Select once more all lines then click on button .

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Enter the settlement materials, here material no. 170 and 178.

Now the setup of the rebate agreement is complete and we can click on button .

At the screen bottom we see and make a note of the rebate agreement number:

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5) Create sales orders, deliveries, transfer orders and billing documents

Two sales orders will be made, one for customer 6002 and one for 6006, each with 2 materials.
Stock situation in table MARD shows sufficient unrestricted stock for this test.

Created following 2 sales orders:

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Next step is to create the deliveries.

Call up the transaction as follows:
Menu Path Logistics Sales and Distribution Shipping and Transportation Outbound Delivery
Create Collective Processing of Documents due for Delivery Sales Orders
Transaction Code VL10A

Enter the necessary selection criteria in order to narrow down the selection to the 2 sales orders.

Click on button .

Select both lines by clicking on button and then click on button .

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Select one of the new lines and then click on button to view the Delivery Creation Log.

Above screen shows the 2 created deliveries.

Next we create the transfer orders.

Call up the transaction as follows:
Menu Path Logistics Sales and Distribution Shipping and Transportation Picking Create
Transfer Order Single Document
Transaction Code LT03

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Enter the warehouse no., plant and delivery no.

Note that field Foreground/Backgrnd has been set to D background and field Adopt Pick Quantity to 2.
Therefore when the TO is created, it is confirmed, the pick qty assigned to the delivery and then the goods
issue posted, all in one step. This is procedure is followed just for testing,
Click on button .

Performed same tx and settings for the other delivery no..

This resulted in:

If we check the document flow of for example delivery 80017323 then we see that indeed all expected steps are

Last step is the billing.

When you create the billing document, the system will update the rebate basis in the rebate agreement.
In Financial Accounting, a provision will be posted for the future rebate payment. Furthermore the provision
amount is accrued in the Rebate value field in Profitability Analysis.

Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path Logistics Sales and Distribution Billing Billing Document Process Billing
Due List
Transaction Code VF04

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Enter the sales organisation and a date range then click on button

Click on button

Position the cursor on the group number, and then click on button

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You will see now a list of the created invoices.

Note the document numbers of both billing documents.

Placed the cursor on the first invoice and clicked on button

The billing document contains lines with zero values because the materials used for this test are batch
management which resulted in zero lines in the delivery on line level, see below:

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For this reason, the billing document contains an item without a batch entry and which has a billing quantity of
zero, and a further item for each batch with the corresponding billing quantity.

Select line item 2 in the billing document, then click on button in the lower half of the screen.

We see condition type BO05 with accrual percentage of -5 %.

Select the line with condition type BO05 and click on button .

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Things which can be noticed further here are the account keys ERB and ERU with their respective accounts, and
the rebate agreement no. 194.

You can see that the pricing condition has been calculated according to the rebate agreement. The amount
corresponds to the provision percentage rate determined in the rebate agreement (Condition values section). The
condition is only for statistical purposes and does not influence the value of the billing item. A provision is
posted for the value of the condition (Control data section).
In the condition record for the rebate agreement, the sales volume valid for a rebate is increased by the value in
the Rebate basis line.

Choose .

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Double click on the Accounting document.

In Financial Accounting, both revenue and receivables have been posted, along with the provision for the value
of condition type BO05. Account 89000 is the balance sheet account and account 884010 is the sales deduction

Click on button .
Two documents exist for the profitability analysis because it is updated for each item in the billing document.
Double click on the first document of the profitability analysis.

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You can see here all the relevant data from the billing document.
Characteristics exist for all dimensions that can be used for analysis purposes in Profitability Analysis. These
characteristics values are derived from the customer and material master data and from SD partner roles (such as
sales representatives), or from CO-PA-specific characteristics.
Choose tab Value fields.

The value fields contain detailed information about billing quantities, revenue, rebates and detailed product cost
components that were derived from the Sales and Distribution and Product Cost Planning areas. Note that the
list of value fields continues over several screens.

Click on button

Click on button .
Click on button to go back to the SAP Easy Access menu.

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6) Settle Rebate Agreement

For obvious reasons, we cannot wait until the validity period of the agreement has expired so settlement will be
done before that.

Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path Logistics Sales and Distribution Master Data Agreements Rebate
arrangement Change
Transaction Code VB02

Enter agreement no. then click on button .

If you get a pop-up like below, then you are using a SAP system which is using the New rebate procedure:

What this message is saying is that this agreement 194, does not contain any sales volume yet,
although we know we have created 2 billing documents which includes sales volume.

Click on button to continue.

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Click on button

We can see that indeed we have only zero values in the Sales Volume view.
This new rebate procedure is described in SAP note 105681 , of which the content has been included in an
appendix at the end of this document.
To populate/update the agreement with this sales volume from the billing documents call up following tx :

Menu Path Logistics Sales and Distribution Billing Rebate Update Billing Documents
Transaction Code VBOF

Note that normally associated program SDBONT06 should be scheduled to run on regular intervals to
automatically perform this update.

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For this single agreement I have selected above criteria and first ran in test mode , see flag set at the bottom. If
the program finds relevant billing documents it will show each number at the bottom of the screen while it is
being processed. If the test is successful then ran again without the test flag set.

Then start again with tx VBO2.

Enter agreement no. followed by . The information pop-up will now not be shown.
Then click on button which now will show the sales volume, see next screen:

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The rebate agreement displays the values currently accrued for each condition and the total values.
At the bottom of the screen we see that the customer(6000) is entitled to receive 6770,86 euro rebate, while
5375,90 euro has been reserved(accrued) for him.

Click on button .

Set the Agreement Status to B(Agreement released for settlement).

Then click on button .

We will now final settle this agreement, although this is normally done at the end of the validity period or
partially during the validity period. Go to menu Rebate payments Final settlementUsing payment screen.

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The amount to be paid for each individual agreement condition is displayed.

At the screen bottom there are 4 buttons which enable you to check some data.
Flag each line for selection as done above then click on button

You will get a pop-up window with the number of the created credit memo request.

To close the dialog box, click on button

If you normally do not have the intention to change anything in the rebate agreement prior to settling and you
want to perform settling of more than one agreement at the same time, then perform following tx:

Menu Path Logistics Sales and Distribution Billing Rebate Rebate Settlement
Transaction Code VB(7

By using associated program RV15C001 you can schedule the settlement of rebate agreements in the
background on a convenient time.

Display the agreement with tx VBO3.

The control data section is now:

Then go to menu Rebate payments Rebate documents

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We see that only final settlement was performed and therefore only documents related to final settlement can be

Click on button .

Make a note of the credit memo request no. : 60000243

To close the dialog box, click on button

Click now on button to close the following pop-up window.

Click on button to go back to the SAP Easy Access menu screen.

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7) Create rebate Credit Memo

Now I will create the rebate credit memo with reference to the credit memo request generated during rebate

Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales Order Change
Transaction Code VA02

Enter credit memo request no., then click on button .

You can see that the credit memo request has been created for the rebate recipient 6000 (entered in the rebate
agreement). The items in the credit memo request are created using the settlement material entered in the
condition records for the rebate agreement.

Select the second item and click on button in the lower half of the screen.

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We see that condition type BO05 appears twice. In the first line, it contains the payment amount calculated from
the sales volume(see page 27). The second line contains the provision amount posted up to now. When you
create the credit memo, the provision in Financial Accounting is written off by this amount. In Profitability
Analysis, once the credit memo has been created, the system updates the difference between the payment and
provision amounts in the rebate value field.

Remove the billing block in the header of the credit memo request then go to menu>Sales document>Billing

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Click on button or if you want you can first check the billing document contents prior to saving.

When saved the R/3 System issues the billing document number:

If we check the document section of the rebate agreement again we can see that the credit memo request was
replaced by the credit memo document, which shows what was accrued and what was settled.

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8) Run the profitability report

Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path Accounting Controlling Profitability Analysis Information System Execute
Transaction Code KE30

In the pop-up window enter your operating concern and keep the default type of Profit. Analysis (costing-
Click on button
Select a rebate report by double clicking on the line with the report name.
Here I selected: IDES-170 Rebate
Prior to billing of the 2 deliveries the report was ran.
Enter the period from and to then click on button =>

Click on button .

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In the top line, you can see that sales organization 1020 and distribution channel 20, which have been
determined for this report. You can page through the characteristics as you require. The value fields displayed
are for the Inv. quantity, Revenue and Acc. bonus.
Double-click on line 03 Paints. The system displays product hierarchy 1.

Double-click on line 0011000105 (Gloss paints).

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You now see product hierarchy 2 which contains gloss paints articles Y-352 and Y-353.
In the Acc. bonus value field, you can see the amounts that are accrued as rebates.
Note the value of 3474,80 euro for material Y-353.

We now check the report after the credit memo was posted.

Double-click on 03 Paints and then double-click on line 0011000105 (Gloss paints).

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We see that the difference between the accrued rebate and the rebate payment of material Y-353 was posted on
material 170, the settlement material. For material Y-352 nothing was posted on material 170 because the
accrued value and the rebate value are the same.
Double-click on settlement material 170.
You will than see customer number 6000, the central office. The difference between the rebate provision and
rebate payment has been offset for this customer.

Click on button
Double-click on the article Y-352 or Y-353 to see an overview of the customers in the RIWA company that
ordered this article.

Exit the report by clicking on button .

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Appendix A: SAP note 105681


When you use rebate processing, only part of the pricing functions are available. This affects for

o Condition exclusion (via groups or exclusion indicator)

o Exclusive indicator
o Formulas

Additional key words

Volume-based rebate, rebate agreement

Cause and prerequisites

The previous restrictions are caused by the following:

Rebate processing allows subsequent creations or changes of agreements. It is expected that these
changes also influence, for example, the amount of the rebate to be payed retroactively. These changes
of condition records do not automatically cause the change of existing documents. For this reason, in
rebate processing only a restricted interpretation of the relevant documents is available. For
performance reasons it does not allow the complete pricing functionality.

New procedure
1. Technical background

As of Release 4.5A, the new procedure for rebate processing is available. The difference between this
procedure and the previous is that in the new procedure all affected billing documents are updated with
changes which are relevant for rebate. In this procedure the options of the pricing functions (for
example, condition exclusion) are also available.
However, you should only use the new procedure after consulting a TeamSAP consultant and if you
thoroughly learned and checked the effects described in this note.

2. Activation of the new procedure

You can activate the new procedure by activating standard statistics structure S136 (Transaction
OMO1). You must set the update to 'Synchronous updating (1)'.

3. Update of the billing documents

You can use program SDBONT06 to update the affected billing documents.

How does program SDBONT06 work ?

First the program determines (depending on its pamameters) a number of billing documents. For these
billing documents it performs a new pricing (with a pricing type which only determines those rebate
conditions again, which have not yet been fully settled).

o If the program determines a different result concerning rebate conditions, the rebate
conditions are updated.
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o If these changes affect accruals, an additional accounting document is created for the specified
posting date which adjusts the provisions.
o If changes occurred, statistical data (S060) is also adjusted. This occurs for the date of services
rendered that is in the same period which was also posted before.
o If errors occur during pricing, the billing document cannot be updated (see error log).
o If the net value of a billing document changes (for example, when you enter a rebate condition
which excludes a non-rebate condition retroactively), the billing document is
also not updated.

What effect do the parameters of the program have ?


You can restrict processing to certain agreements or agreement intervals.

Posting date

You can specify the posting date for the document corrections. This date is, for example, used
for the transfer to Financial Accounting. However, for the update of the statistics (S060) the date of
services rendered is used.


If you set these parameters, the system neither changes billing documents nor creates
accounting documents.


You can use this parameter to control whether a log should be issued or not.

Changed agreements

You can use this option to control whether the program should only take billing documents for
changed agreements into account.

How does the program recognize whether changes were performed concerning an agreement?

If you maintain rebate agreements or change the corresponding conditions, when you change data
which may affect documents, the system indicates the respective condition records (field KONP-
KSPAE). This is performed when you create retroactively valid agreements or change the following

Validity period

Condition exclusion indicator

Deletion indicator

Accruals amount

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If the update of all billing documents for the condition records of an agreement was performed
successfully, the indication is then cancelled and as a result, when these condition records are passed
through later, they are no longer taken into account.
You can recognize whether an agreement was marked as changed when during the call of the
agreement or when data for the agreement is output the system displays message:
VK780 "The sales volumes for agreement & is not current".

How shall I use parameter 'Changed agreements'?

Normally, you should set this parameter, since an improved runtime is achieved with a restriction to
changed agreements.
You should only deactivate the parameter if changes which are relevant for rebate occurred outside
rebate agreement maintenance. These are, for example:

Relevance for rebate

o Sales organization
o Payer
o Document types

Pricing procedure

o Add/delete rebate condition types

o Formulas/requirements for rebate condition types
o Reference step of a volume rebate condition type

Access sequences

o Add/change/delete accesses
o Requirements
o Exclusive indicator

Condition type

o Condition exclusion indicator

Condition exclusion groups for rebate conditions

If parameter 'Changed agreements' is not set, in this case you should attempt to restrict the agreements
manually as much as possible.
Also consider that for the above changes you may have to set up the rebate index (VBOX) again, no
matter if you use the new rebate procedure or not. Thus, the previous process has not been changed
concerning this point.

When should I use the program for the update?

Basically you should always update billing documents when you change data which is relevant for
You should note, however, that depending on the data volume the program may require considerable
runtimes. You should find a compromise with which the update is performed often enough, however,
not too often.

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What must I consider for the final settlement of a rebate agreement?

Basically agreements can only be settled if their condition records are not marked as changed (field
KONP-KSPAE). Otherwise, no final settlement can be performed and the system displays message
VK780 "The sales volume for agreement & is not current".
In this case, you should update the billing documents at least for this agreement. In general, you should
perform the update of the billing documents as early as possible that is, for example, when you create a
retrospective agreement. Otherwise, you may find at the time of the settlement that you must perform
the update and as a consequence, the rebate payment is delayed.
In addition, note that you cannot update conditions for settled agreements with program SDBONT06.
Consequently, before you settle an agreement, make sure that the update of the billing documents is
also performed for all agreements which may affect the agreement to be settled (for example, by

Which problems can occur during the update of the billing documents?

You may not be able to update a document. For example, the following errors may occur:

o Pricing error
o The billing document is blocked
o The net value of the billing document would change
o Error during the transfer to accounting
o and others

In this case you must first correct the error situation (for example, correct the settings) and then
perform the update again.

1. Restrictions and risks

During the final settlement of rebate agreements, the system first checks whether the agreement
is indicated as changed. In this case, no final settlement is possible. You must update the billing
documents first.

The most critical factor when you use the new rebate procedure is the runtime of the document
update. You should always be aware of the fact that changes ot agreements require an update of
the billing documents (in particular before the final settlement).

Depending on the situation, table S136 may become quite large. In it, the system creates an
entry for each determined condition record and for each billing document.

The system cannot check whether changes were performed outside agreement maintenance. In
this case, before the final settlement you should check whether the billing documents must be
updated (see the remarks concerning parameter 'Changed Agreements').

Problems may occur if the update of the billing documents is not possible for one of the above

Since it may be difficult to solve error situations, you should avoid this. For example, when you
perform changes in the system (for example, to the calculation schema or to account determination)
you should always be aware that this may affect the update of billing documents in the system.

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If you are not able to solve the respective error situation, as a last option you can cancel the
billing document and bill the preceding document again.

In particular, you should avoid rebate conditions influencing (for example, excluding) other
non-rebate conditions (for example, Immediate discounts). In this constellation, documents could
never be updated if the net value would change. If such dependencies are used, the new rebate
procedure cannot be used.

Since the billing documents relevant for the sales volume are updated when you use the new
rebate procedure and if necessary, accruals are adjusted, you no longer have to create rebate
correction documents (B2).

In addition, you should note that the statistics update is client-specific. To avoid confusion the
procedure should be activated in all used clients.

2. Use of the procedure for existing data

Basically you can also use the new procedure for existing data. In this process, consider the following:

When you activated statistics structure S136, you must set it up again for existing billing
documents. You can do this via the standard function for the statistical setup of billing
documents (Transaction OLI9). 'Redetermination of the update group' and 'Update documents'
are not required.
Then copy the set up version to version '000' (Transaction OLIX).

For the already existing agreements there should be no rebate correction documents (B2) which
already performed an accruals correction. Otherwise, the accruals would be updated again
during the following update run of the billing documents and as a result would be corrected
more then once (the update run does not take existing rebate correction documents into
You may have to cancel existing rebate correction documents.

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