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by EPRl Center for Materials
Fabrication Vol. 2, No. 5 Revised 1994


Heat treaters use a number of
surface hardening processes to
enhance the wear and fatigue resis-
tance of metal components. The
most popular are carburizing and
nitriding. In carburizing, carbon is
difiused into the silrface layers of
the workpiece using a special at-
mosphere or a pack of carbona-
C W J S mzterial in a high-temperature
furnace. Sirilarly, in nitriding, the
workpiece surface is alloyed with
nitroge!?.Conventionally this has
been done in an ammonia atmo-
sphere or a special nitrogen-con-
tairling salt bath.
A welcome innovation has been
Gas supply
ion nitriding which offers many

advantages over conventional
processes. Ion nitriding produces
more uniform c a s e s , enables the
operator to exercise greater control
over the process, and is cost
This issue of Techcommentary
describes the basic concept and ad- Microprocessor gauge
vantages of ion nitriding as well as programmer Control
technical and economic factors to
consider when deciding if the Figure 7. Schematic arrangement of an ion-nitriding system.
process could benefit a particular
application or product. Positive ions strike the workpiece surface
and electrons are emitted to the anode
producing a glow discharge around the only sputtering occurs and the workpiece
The Process is cleaned. Since parts can be spuner
The ion nitriding process uses an In steel this process forms a solid cleaned in the ion nitriding vessel itself,
electrically charged gas of ions to solution of nitrogen in the surface which the need for separate cleaning equipment
alloy metal surfaces with nitrogen. then decomposes into ion nrtrides Fe,N, is often eliminated.It is recommended,
The process requires a vacuum Fe,N, and Fe,N. A compound layer con- however, that heavily oiledor dirty parts
vessel in which the workpiece sisting of these lower nitrides can also be be cleaned priorto nitriding.
becomes the cathode in a dc circuit. formed without forminga high energy
The vessel wall becomes the anode.
nitrogen rich (FeN) surface layer. The hard-
(Figure 1). The vessel is evacuated ness, thickness and composition of these lor1 nitriding offers numerous
to remove oxygen and other cases depends on the material being advantages over conventional
contaminants, and backfilled with a nitrided and the control of the following nitriding and carburizing processes
reactive gas such as an atmosphere variables: time, temperature, gas composi-including:
containing nitrocen. tion, pressure, voltage and current. Increased Control and Improved
When the electric power is turned Frequently the vessel is initially filled Properties - In a conventional
on, the gas becomes ionized with an inert gas. When power is applied, nitriding process the furnace is set
carburizing, another source of explosive salts or gases used in
distortion and cracking is eliminated. conventional processes are eiiher
Broader Treatment Range -The eliminated or greatly reduced with the
treatment range is 700 to 1200 F. vacuum environment and control
The workpiece is heated to the systems available.
desired temperature using the glow
discharge and, in some cases,
Typical Applications
auxiliary electric-resistance heating The range of products which can
elements. Lower temperatures help be ion nitrided is broad because the
maintain workpiece dimensions process can impart either hardness,
during heat treatment. Keeping the toughness or both while maintaining
temperatures 50 F or more below dimensional accuracy. Some typical
the tempering temperature of the products which are ion nitrided are
steel maintains the core hardness of listed in Table 1.
the parts and eliminates the need Improvements in the service life
for any final heat treatment. of the part are often dramatic.
Faster Cycle Times Heat - (Figure 3). In some reports the
service life of hot forging dies has
treatment cycle times can be 20 to
50 percent shorter (Figure 2) and been increased 30 to 50 percent,
0 20 40 60 and cutting tools by a factor of 2 or
can favorably affect productivity.
Process time (hrs.) 4. The spindles for many machine
Lower Energy Consumption- tools require a high degree of
Figure 2. Rates of case Lower temperatures and faster dimensional accuracy, making them
development for AIS1 4340 steel. cycle times reduce energy prime candidates for low treatment-
consumption. temperature ion nitriding.
Easier Masking Mechanical and
Technical Considerations
between 975 and 1100 F and the oper- water-based masking paints are used
ator controls the length of time and the to leave chosen areas untreated. This There are a number of technical
composition of the gas in the furnace. avoids masking by electroplating and factors to consider before deciding
The compound layer thickness cannot subsequent stripping procedures. to invest in ion-nitriding equipment.
be as easily controlled and contains a Increased Safety Safety problems
mixture of the gamma prime and attendant with the toxic, flammable, or
epsilon crystals. It is brittle and tends
to spall or chip off during service.
By contrast, in ion nitriding other Table 1. Typical applications of ion nitriding.
parameters such as temperature,
time, gas composition, pressure, Attributes Required Optlmum Surface
voltage and current can be From Surface Treelrnent
controlled. The process can be used Heal Treatment By Ion Nitriding
to create a diffusion zone of nitro-
gen dissolved in the surface layers Plastic molding Wear reslstance Diffusion zone
of the workpiece. The result is equipment + gamma prlme layer
surface toughness. Machine tools Wear resistance, Diffusion zone
By varying the parameters a dimensional accuracy
diffusion zone and a compound
Drive gears for Wear and fatigue Gamma prime layer
layer of either gamma prime or
epsilon crystal structures can be nonadheslon properties
achieved resulting in a surface that
has both toughness and resistance englne
Rotary Wear resistance, Epsilon layer
to wear. properties
Hot dies Wear
resislance, Diffusion zone
More Uniform Cases-The glow . toughness + gamma prime layer
discharge surrounds the part
forming a more uniform case and Cold forging dies,sheet Toughness, Diffuslon zone
making the process ideal for
metal stamping dies
nonadhesion properties
complex parts such as gears, Cutting
tools (e.g., drills, Toughness
splines and shafts. taps, end mills, etc.)
Negligible Thermal Shock and AutomotivecomponentsFatigue
Distortiow Parts are heated to the (e.g.. gears, resistance,
wear + epsilon or
desired temperature at a preset rate crankshafts, lifters, antigalling
resistance gamma prime layer
thus avoiding the thermal shock and valves, rocker-arms,
distortion prevalent in a salt bath camshafts,etc.)
process. Since ion nitrided parts do
not require quench hardening, as in
Ion nilrided aluminum, silicon, and molybdenum harden iron and steel surfaces
Gas nilrided will also form other types of nitrides without the '%e of additional alloying
140 which increase surface hardness elements or surface coatings. In all
and wear resistance. cases, the surface is rapidly heated
120 Some nonferrous materials can to temperatures of approximately
also be ion nitrided. These include 1500 to 1700 F and is water or self
100 titanium alloys which are treated at quenched. The final surface hardness
temperatures of approximately is determined by the carbon content
80 1600 F. of the workpiece material. Because
Geometric Restrictions-To equipment costs are high, such
105 105 i0 7 1os adequate developmentof the processes are of greatest use in
glow seam around the workpiece, high production operations such as
Number of cycles in the automotive industry.
parts should not be densely packed
figure 3. Fatiguestrength of into the nitriding vessel. Likewise, Conventional Processes-Gas and
AIS1 4340 surface hardened via parts with small crevices or holes salt bath carburizing, nitriding and
conventional gas nitriding or ion cannot be ion nitrided. carbo-nitriding are economical
nitriding. processes for many applications.
Economic Considerations Typically they produce case depths
Extensive cost analyses have yet of 0.003 to 0.030 in. Ion nitriding is
to be performed for this new generally selected over these
Use-How the part is used process. However, the following processes when shallow cases (0 to
determines the case depth, type of factors are important when com- 0.005 in.) are needed, or when
compound layer, layer thickness and paring ion nitriding to conventional distortion or non-uniform case depth
areas to be hardened. See again nitriding: must be avoided.
Table 1.
Previous Processing-The
Equipment Costs Ion nitriding
equipment is generally more
Hard Chromium Plating Ion -
nitrided surfaces yield better fatigue
processing steps that the part has expensive. However auxiliary properties because of the absence
already been subjected to determine equipment needed in conventional of surface cracks and porosity. They
whether or not additional steps such nitriding such as ammonia are also harder (Vickers hardness of
as stress-relief annealing or re- dissociators and cooling pits are not 1200 vs 830 for hard chromium
tempering are necessary prior to ion required. Floor space requirements plating).
nitriding. When deciding on the ion
nitriding process, all prior
can be reduced 50 percent. -
Ion Implantation It can produce
treatments must be considered. -
Energy Costs Energy require- very thin cases (0.0003 in. or less)
ments are lower because of reduced that are quite hard. A focussed high-
Surface Condition- A s with other process time and temperature. Also energy beam of ions penetrates the
processes, prior to nitriding, exces- the equipment is shut down surface and combines with the
sive scale or foreign matter must be completely when not in use and part's surface atoms. The maximum
removed by grit blasting, degreasing, need not be maintained at idling temperature rarely exceeds 400 F.
or other methods. Otherwise arcing, temperatures. The major disadvantage is that only
common during the sputtering opera- those portions of the workpiece in
tion, can cause equipment and Gas Costs-The inert and reactive line with the beam are hardened.
workpiece damage. gas consumption is negligible.
Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
Material Composition -Almost all -
Labor Costs Handling and and Physical Vapor Deposition
irons and steels can be ion nitrided. stacking prior to treatment is similar
(PVD)-These methods apply a thin
These include: in all nitriding processes. However hard surface coating (less than
masking and stripping is easier, and
Plaincarbon steels and cast irons 0.0003 in.) such as titanium carbide
ion nitriding requires no washing,
Low-alloyanc' 'croalloyed steels or titanium nitride. CVD uses a
grinding to remove a brittle layer, or
Tool steels (hl- speed and hot chemical reaction and subsequent
other handling of parts following
and cold work die steels) vapor deposition. PVD uses a
treatment. Eliminating washing
sputtering reaction. Process
Stainless steels (ferritic, austen- reduces water and waste disposal
temperatures are 1700-2000 F (CVD)
itic, martensitic, and precipitation costs. and 500-900 F (PVD). Drawbacks
hardening) include the need for high processing
Other Competitive
Maraging steels. temperature (CVD) and for
Depending on the particular ultraclean starting surfaces(PVD).
Before deciding on ion nitriding,
material and application, a diffusion
there are a number of other surface
zone alone X0.025 in. max.) or in
hardening processes that you should Ion Nitriding Process
:ombination with either an epsilon Variables
evaluate. The advantages and dis-
(0.001 in. max.) or a gamma prime Several parameters must be
advantages of some other
(0.0005 in. max.) compound layer is controlled duringprocessing:
processes are discussed below.
imparted to the workpiece. Steels
containing certain alloying elements Induction, Laser and Electron Gas Composition-This
such as chromium, vanadium, Beam Hardening -These methods determines the composition and
1 Gas Composition Type of Surface Layer Obtained
seam. Pressure does not influence

a 5 % Nitrogen,
15 to 30% Nitrogen,
inert gas Diffusion zone
Gamma prime layer, (short times)
case depth but only its uniformity.
Typical operating pressures are
between 1 and 10 torr (1 to 10 mm
of mercury). Higher pressures are
balance inert gas
Gamme prime layer + ditlusion zone used to penetrate blind holes and to
(longer times) develop uniform cases on parts
60 to 70% Nitrogen, Epsitan layer + dilfuslon zone such as gear teeth and complex
1 to 3% methane, injection molding dies.
balance inert gas
In Summary
Ion nitriding is an attractive
method for surface hardening steel
Table 2. Typical gas compositions used in ion nitriding. parts. Its advantages over con-
ventional nitriding and carburizing
treatments include better control of
surface structure and properties,
properties of the case hardened not exceed 700 volts. less distortion, and shorter cycle
layer on the part. Table 2 gives The amount of gas which is times. The process is used for
typical selections. ionized and which strikes the machine tools, heavy equipment,
Time and Temperature Higher - workpiece is primarily controlled by
the current. Current also affects the
automobiles, and injection molding
dies for forming plastics.
temperatures require shorter times
workpiece temperature. In general The information discussed in this
to achieve a given case depth.
one milliamp per square centimeter issue of Techcommentary is an
Temperatures below 930 F are
of workpiece surface area is used overview and intended only to
usually used to produce diffusion
zones w’ithout a compound layer.
for parts heated by the glow familiarize you with the basic
discharge. When auxiliary heating is aspects of ion nitriding. If you are
used, values as low as 0.2 milliamps interested in more detailed
Voltage and Current - A minimum
per square centimeter can be used. background, please contact CMF or
voltage is required for consistent
Newer systems use computers to one of the manufacturers of ion
results. The minimum voltage
control voltage and current. nitriding equipment. Please refer to
depends on the type and pressure of
the gas, electrode spacing, and -
Pressure Pressure determines the the sources listed below for
workpiece material but usually does thickness of the glow discharge additional information. 0

The EPRl Center for Materials Fabrication (CMF) is an R&D Applications Center sponsored by the Nectric Power Research
Institute (EPRI) and operated by Battelle. EPRl is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to discover; develop, and deliver
high value technological advances through networking and partnership with the electricity industry.

The Center’s mission is to assist Sources used in this issue of For ordering information, call EPRIAMP at 1-800-4320-AMP.
For technical Informallon, Contact
industry in implementing cost- and Techcommentary were:
energy-efficient electric-based tech- Kovacs, W.L. Technical Data and
nologies in metals fabrication and Reports, GCA Corporation, Vacuum
related fields. Techcommentary is one IndustriesDivision,Somerville,MA.
communication vehicle that the Center Metals Handbook, Vol. 4, Ninth Edition,
uses to transfer technology to industry. American Society of Metals, Metals
The Center also conducts research in Park,Ohio,1981. CENTER FOR MATERIALS FABRICATION
metal heating, metal removal and finish- Taylor, A.M. and Tookay, K.M. “Ion An EPRl R & D A p p l ! c a i ~ oCeqle!
ing, and fabrication. Nitriding-A Process With a Future.”

This issue of Techcommentary was

Metallurgia, Vol. 48,No. 2, 1981. Page
64. -
505 King Avenue ColumbuS. Ohlo 43201 -2693
Telephone (61 4) 424-7742 Fax (614) 424-4320

Tools and Dies for Industry, The Metals

made possible through the cooperation Society, London,1977.
of Battelle staff members Dr. S. Lee
Verma, R. Technical Data and Reports,
Semiatin, author, and Laura Cahill, GloTech, Inc. P.O. Box 527, CopyrlghlO 1994 All Rlghts Reserved
publications coordinator; and Prowrite. Southhampton, PA 18966. Electrlc Power Research Inslllute. Palo Alto. Callfornla
Technical reviewers were Raj Verma NATS # TC-102573-V2P5Rl Revlslon 1 12594

andBillKovacs. Applicable SIC Codes

33-1 5,16,51,53,54,56,57,61,62,69
34-1 1,21,23,25,29,41,44,46,49,51,52,
, . . . . . . . .

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