Relation Between Social Movement and Social Change

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Relation between Social Movement and Social Change

Introduction: Social movement is a form of social behavior. It is one of the ways of life like that
of social development. An individual expresses his behavior by two ways, i.e. by personal ways
and through collective ways. The behavior of individual which is done on collective basis may
be good or may be bad for society according to circumstances. Social movement and social
change are closely related to each other. Generally the main aim of social movement is to solve
the problems due to ill practices in society. When there is a feeling of insufficiency in a part of
life, then only to change the circumstances, social movement occurs. Therefore, social movement
develops reforms and changes the situations. The background of social change determines the
social movement. The relationship between social movement and social change can be studied
through following headings:

1. Change is motivating agent of movement: The aim of social movement is to change the
system or any part of it. Social movement reforms the system or through movement that
personal problems are solved which becomes unbearable for members of the group.
Social movement is applied to gain new aim, new system, new thoughts and new values.
2. The background of change determines the structure and direction of social
movement: The process of change is continuous and it continues in every society and at
any time. The background of this change encourages the members of the group. Hence,
even a general state of change leads to a big movement. For example- In 19th century due
to the transmission of western education, values and thoughts in India, there emerged a
wave of humanistic and idealistic approach. As a result of which people realized the
problems of Sati system, child marriage, etc. and tried to remove these malpractices. As a
result of the positive atmosphere from western education, leaders like Raja Ram Mohan
Roy, Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar etc. through Brahma Samaj, schools for girls, etc. reform
the status of women in Indian society.
3. Movement is the agent of desired change: Social movement leads to those changes in
the social system which is generally desired. The nature of change is determined in the
beginning of a movement. On the basis of some values and standards, it is understood
that some changes are unavoidable and to get them, the way of movement is selected.
4. Movement accelerates changes: Social change in general is a slow and steady process.
But sometimes when there is a need to accelerate it, movement is done. Generally, social
movement brings a rapid change in a small time interval. For example- For need of
revolution, there happens a revolutionary movement which leads to vast changes in small
5. Social movement restricts indefinite changes: Social movement not only brings a rapid
change in small time but also it restricts indefinite changes which are not accepted by the
society. For example- Swadeshi movement led by Mahatma Gandhi was a symbolic
movement to restrict the transmission of western culture.
6. Social movement determines the structure of change: Social change not only
motivates social movement but it is also a consequence of social movement. Through
movement, there is a determination of forthcoming structure of social change. Movement
determines that what will be the new structure of system, new institutions and new
standards of social change.
7. Socio-economic development, movement and social change: In developing countries,
the socio-economic processes effect the social movement. In general, in every developing
country rural reconstruction, economic development and different types of programmes
which provide employment and business opportunities in the society has resulted in the
upliftment of backward classes in society. But due to some political interference and
other reasons we are unable to achieve our aim. This leads to the development of
insufficiency, frustration and alienation in the sections of society, which resulted in social
movement. In India, the Naxalite movement, Movements related with reservation issue
which have occurred and are occurring now in the states of Punjab, Bihar, Andhra
Pradesh, etc. are examples of social movement which came into being due to imbalanced
economic growth and loopholes in policies and programmes.

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