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Unit 5
Bellwork 11.13: What do
you know about Russias
government and Vladimir
Russian Government
Russia used to be a part of the Soviet Union until 1991.

President Boris Yeltsin reworked the Constitution and government.

Federation- central government derives its power from local or territorial


A majority of the people live in the west (Moscow and St. Petersburg) and live in
mostly modern conditions, whereas people in the east live in a manner that is largely
unchanged since the time of Russias monarchs (Tsars/Czars).

The federate system was created to treat all members of Russian ethnic and
linguistic groups equally, although this system is far from perfect.
Russian Government
Real power is not held by the people, or the local governments. It is held by one
man--the President.

Current president (2000-) is Vladimir Putin. He altered the Constitution to ensure

he would stay in power past the term limits set for the office. The president in
Russia is not technically part of the executive branch. The head of that branch is the
Prime Minister.

The president does have executive powers, however. He can appoint or dismiss
federal judges and ambassadors, as well as has significant power over the legislature
(the law-making.) He also is able to do whatever he wishes when it comes to foreign
affairs. If he is unable to perform his duties, he is replaced by the Prime Minister.
Russian Government
The strength of the Presidential office has created stability in the Russian

The legislative branch has two houses, the State Duma and the Federation Council
of Russia. The Duma is elected by the people of Russia voting on groups of
candidates put forth by each party. People vote for a party, not for a particular
candidate. The population also doesnt vote for a representative from their region,
just for their chosen party to have a seat in the Duma. The Federation Council is
made up of 170 Councillors, two from each of the 85 subject areas of Russia. These
Councillors are selected by local officials, not directly elected by the people.
Russian Government
The judicial branch is far more complicated than the United States. The Supreme
Court is the highest court, which typically consists of a judge and a jury, but
occasionally consists of three judges. There are formally 115 members of the
Supreme Court, divided up into different chambers: civil, criminal, military,
administrative, and appeals.
Putin and Corruption

Answer the following questions:

1. What actions characterize the Russian government under Putin as corrupt?

2. Does the government have opposition? Who are they? Are they successful?
What are their main tactics?

Putin Article
Rasputin and the Romanovs

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