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Written Response #4: Who made better arguments in regards to declaring independence,

Thomas Paine or loyalists?

1. Introduction: Background information followed by a clearly stated thesis

2. Body Paragraph #1: AXES paragraph about one argument

3. Body Paragraph #2: AXEXES paragraph about another argument

a. A-Assertion

b. X-Example from the opposite point of view

c. E-Explain the opposite point of view

d. X-Example from the correct point of view that supports your assertion

e. E-Explain how the example supports your assertion

f. S-Explain how this paragraph supports your thesis

4. Body Paragraph #3: AXEXES paragraph about another argument

a. A-Assertion

b. X-Example from the opposite point of view

c. E-Explain the opposite point of view

d. X-Example from the correct point of view that supports your assertion

e. E-Explain how the example supports your assertion

f. S-Explain how this paragraph supports your thesis

5. Conclusion: Restate your thesis and best points

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